Volume 11/1

Articles published in the June 2019 issue

Complete issue

Table of contents

Norm Matloff 4

Contributed Research Articles

atable: Create Tables for Clinical Trial Reports
Armin Ströbel 137

Connecting R with D3 for dynamic graphics, to explore multivariate data with tours
Michael Kipp, Ursula Laa and Dianne Cook 245

Optimization Routines for Enforcing One-to-One Matches in Record Linkage Problems
Diego Moretti, Luca Valentino and Tiziana Tuoto 185

mixedsde: A Package to Fit Mixed Stochastic Differential Equations
Charlotte Dion, Simone Hermann and Adeline Samson 44

Indoor Positioning and Fingerprinting: The R Package ipft
Emilio Sansano, Raúl Montoliu, Óscar Belmonte and Joaquín Torres-Sospedra 67

RobustGaSP: Robust Gaussian Stochastic Process Emulation in R
Mengyang Gu, Jesus Palomo and James O. Berger 112

Whats for dynr: A Package for Linear and Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling in R
Lu Ou, Michael D. Hunter and Sy-Miin Chow 91

Identifying and Testing Recursive vs. Interdependent Links in Simultaneous Equation Models via the SIRE Package
Gianmarco Vacca and Maria Grazia Zoia 149

fclust: An R Package for Fuzzy Clustering
Maria Brigida Ferraro, Paolo Giordani and Alessio Serafini 198

Matching with Clustered Data: the CMatching Package in R
Massimo Cannas and Bruno Arpino 7

MDFS: MultiDimensional Feature Selection in R
Radosław Piliszek, Krzysztof Mnich, Szymon Migacz, Paweł Tabaszewski, Andrzej Sułecki, Aneta Polewko-Klim and Witold Rudnicki 198

Nowcasting: An R Package for Predicting Economic Variables Using Dynamic Factor Models
Serge de Valk, Daiane de Mattos and Pedro Ferreira 230

SimCorrMix: Simulation of Correlated Data with Multiple Variable Types Including Continuous and Count Mixture Distributions
Allison Fialkowski and Hemant Tiwari 250

Time-Series Clustering in R Using the dtwclust Package
Alexis Sardá-Espinosa 22

shadow: R Package for Geometric Shadow Calculations in an Urban Environment
Michael Dorman, Evyatar Erell, Adi Vulkan and Itai Kloog 287

Integration of networks and pathways with StarBioTrek package
Claudia Cava and Isabella Castiglioni 310

ciuupi: An R package for Computing Confidence Intervals that Utilize Uncertain Prior Information
Rheanna Mainzer and Paul Kabaila 323

ipwErrorY: An R Package for Estimation of Average Treatment Effect with Misclassified Binary Outcome
Di Shu and Grace Y. Yi 337

optimParallel: An R Package Providing a Parallel Version of the L-BFGS-B Optimization Method
Florian Gerber and Reinhard Furrer 352

swgee: An R Package for Analyzing Longitudinal Data with Response Missingness and Covariate Measurement Error
Juan Xiong and Grace Y. Yi 416

BINCOR: An R package for Estimating the Correlation between Two Unevenly Spaced Time Series
Josue M. Polanco-Martinez, Martin A. Medina-Elizalde, Maria Fernanda Sanchez Goni and Manfred Mudelsee 170

Fixed Point Acceleration in R
Stuart Baumann and Margaryta Klymak 359

SemiCompRisks: An R Package for the Analysis of Independent and Cluster-correlated Semi-competing Risks Data
Danilo Alvares, Sebastien Haneuse, Catherine Lee and Kyu Ha Lee 376

RSSampling: A Pioneering Package for Ranked Set Sampling
Busra Sevinc, Bekir Cetintav, Melek Esemen and Selma Gurler 401

unival: An FA-based R Package For Assessing Essential Unidimensionality Using External Validity Information
Pere J. Ferrando, Urbano Lorenzo-Seva and David Navarro-Gonzalez 427

News and Notes

Changes on CRAN
Kurt Hornik, Uwe Ligges and Achim Zeileis 438

R News
R Core Team 442