This paper introduces the shadow package for R. The package provides functions for shadow-related calculations in the urban environment, namely shadow height, shadow footprint and Sky View Factor (SVF) calculations, as well as a wrapper function to estimate solar radiation while taking shadow effects into account. All functions operate on a layer of polygons with a height attribute, also known as “extruded polygons” or 2.5D vector data. Such data are associated with accuracy limitations in representing urban environments. However, unlike 3D models, polygonal layers of building outlines along with their height are abundantly available and their processing does not require specialized closed-source 3D software. The present package thus brings spatio-temporal shadow, SVF and solar radiation calculation capabilities to the open-source spatial analysis workflow in R. Package functionality is demonstrated using small reproducible examples for each function. Wider potential use cases include urban environment applications such as evaluation of micro-climatic influence for urban planning, studying urban climatic comfort and estimating photovoltaic energy production potential.
Spatial analysis of the urban environment ((Biljecki et al. 2015)) frequently requires estimating whether a given point is shaded or not, given a representation of spatial obstacles (e.g. buildings) and a time-stamp with its associated solar position. For example, we may be interested in -
Such calculations are usually carried out using GIS-based models ((Freitas et al. 2015)), in either vector-based 3D or raster-based 2.5D settings. Both approaches have their advantages and limitations, as discussed in the following paragraphs.
Shadow calculations on vector-based 3D models of the urban environment are mostly restricted to proprietary closed-source software such as ArcGIS (ESRI 2017) or SketchUp (Google 2017), though recently some open-source models such as SURFSUN3D have been developed (Liang et al. 2015). One of the drawbacks of using closed-source software in this context is the difficulty of adjusting the software for specific needs and uncommon scenarios. This problem is especially acute in research settings, where flexibility and extensibility are essential for exploring new computational approaches. The other difficulty with using 3D software in urban spatial analysis concerns interoperability of file formats. Since ordinary vector spatial data formats, such as the ESRI Shapefile, cannot represent three-dimensional surfaces, 3D software is associated with specialized file formats. The latter cannot be readily imported to a general-purpose geocomputational environment such as R or Python (Van Rossum and Drake 2011), thus fragmenting the analysis workflow. Moreover, most 3D software, such as those mentioned above, are design-oriented, thus providing advanced visualization capabilities but limited quantitative tools (calculating areas, angles, coordinates, etc.). Finally, true-3D databases of large urban areas are difficult to obtain, while vector-based 2.5D databases (building outline and height, see below) are almost universal. The advantages of true-3D software are “wasted” when the input data are 2.5D, while the disadvantages, such as lack of quantitative procedures and data interoperability difficulties, still remain.
Raster-based 2.5D solutions, operating on a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) raster, are much simpler and have thus been more widely implemented in various software for several decades (Kumar et al. 1997; Ratti and Richens 2004). For example, raster-based shadow calculations are available in open-source software such as the r.sun command (Hofierka and Suri 2002) in GRASS GIS (GRASS Development Team 2017), the UMEP plugin (Lindberg et al. 2018) for QGIS (QGIS Development Team 2017) and package insol (Corripio 2014) in R. In the proprietary ArcGIS software, raster-based shadow calculations are provided through the Solar Analyst extension (Fu and Rich 1999). Thanks to this variety of tools, raster-based shadow modelling can be easily incorporated within a general spatial analysis workflow. However, raster-based models are more suitable for large-scale analysis of natural terrain, rather than fine-scale urban environments, for the following reasons -
It should be noted that more specialized approaches have been recently developed to address some of the above-mentioned difficulties, but they are usually not available as software packages (e.g. (Hofierka and Zlocha 2012; Redweik et al. 2013)).
The shadow package (Dorman 2019) aims at addressing these limitations by introducing a simple 2.5D vector-based algorithm for calculating shadows, Sky View Factor (SVF) and solar radiation estimates in the urban environment. The algorithms operate on a polygonal layer extruded to 2.5D, also known as Levels-of-Detail (LoD) 1 in the terminology of the CityGML standard (Gröger and Plümer 2012). On the one hand, the advantages of individual urban element representation (over raster-based approach) and input data availability (over both raster-based and full 3D approaches) are maintained. On the other hand, the drawbacks of closed-source software and difficult interoperability (as opposed to full 3D environment) are avoided.
As demonstrated below, functions in the shadow package operate on a
vector layer of obstacle outlines (e.g. buildings) along with their
heights, passed as a "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
object defined in
package sp (Pebesma and Bivand 2005; Bivand et al. 2013). The
latter makes incorporating shadow calculations in
Spatial analysis workflow
in R straightforward. Functions to calculate shadow height, shadow
ground footprint, Sky View Factor (SVF) and solar radiation are
implemented in the package.
All functions currently included in package shadow are based on trigonometric relations in the triangle defined by the sun’s rays, the ground - or a plane parallel to the ground - and an obstacle.
For example, shadow height at any given ground point can be calculated based on (1) sun elevation, (2) the height of the building(s) that stand in the way of sun rays and (3) the distance(s) between the queried point and the building(s) along the sun rays projection on the ground. Figure 1 depicts a scenario where shadow is being cast by building A onto the facade of building B, given the solar position defined by its elevation angle \(\alpha_{elev}\) and azimuth angle \(\alpha_{az}\). Once the intersection point is identified (marked with x in Figure 1), shadow height (\(h_{shadow}\)) at the queried point (\(viewer\)) can be calculated based on (1) sun elevation (\(\alpha_{elev}\)), (2) the height of building A (\(h_{build}\)) and (3) the distance (\(dist_{1}\)) between the \(viewer\) and intersection point x (Equation (1)).
\[\label{eq:eq_shadow_h} h_{shadow} = h_{build} - dist_{1} \cdot tan(\alpha_{elev}) \tag{1}\]
The latter approach can be extended to the general case of shadow height calculation at any ground location and given any configuration of obstacles. For example, if there is more than one obstacle potentially casting shadow on the queried location, we can calculate \(h_{shadow}\) for each obstacle and then take the maximum value.
Once the shadow height is determined, we may evaluate whether any given 3D point is in shadow or not. This is done simply by comparing the Z-coordinate (i.e. height) of the queried point with the calculated shadow height at the same X-Y (i.e. ground) location.
Instead of calculating shadow height at a pre-specified point (e.g. the \(viewer\) in Figure 1), we can set \(h_{shadow}\) to zero and calculate the distance (\(dist_{2}\)) where the shadow intersects ground level (Equation (2)).
\[\label{eq:eq_shadow_footprint} dist_{2} = \frac{h_{build}}{tan(\alpha_{elev})} \tag{2}\]
Shifting the obstacle outline by the resulting distance (\(dist_{2}\)) in a direction opposite to sun azimuth (\(\alpha_{az}\)) yields a shadow footprint outline (Weisthal 2014). Shadow footprints are useful to calculate the exact ground area that is shaded at specific time. For example, Figure 2 shows the shadow footprints produced by a single building at different times of a given day.
The Sky View Factor (Grimmond et al. 2001; Erell et al. 2011; Beckers 2013) is the extent of sky observed from a point as a proportion of the entire sky hemisphere. The SVF can be calculated based on the maximal angles (\(\beta\)) formed in triangles defined by the queried location and the obstacles (Figure 3), evaluated in multiple circular cross-sections surrounding the queried location. Once the maximal angle \(\beta_{i}\) is determined for a given angular section \(i\), \(SVF_{i}\) for that particular section is defined (Gál and Unger 2014) in Equation (3).
\[\label{eq:eq_svf} SVF_{i} = 1 - sin^2(\beta_{i}) \tag{3}\]
For example, in case (\(\beta_{i}=45^\circ\)), as depicted in Figure 3, \(SVF_{i}\) is equal to -
\[SVF_{i} = 1 - sin^2(45^\circ) = 0.5\]
Averaging \(SVF_{i}\) values for all \(i=1,2,...,n\) circular cross-sections gives the final \(SVF\) estimate for the queried location (Equation (4)).
\[\label{eq:eq_svf_final} SVF = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}SVF_{i}}{n} \tag{4}\]
The number of evaluated cross sections depends on the chosen angular resolution. For example, an angular resolution of \(5^\circ\) means the number of cross sections is \(n=360^\circ/5^\circ=72\) (Figure 4).
Frequently, evaluating whether a given location is shaded, and when, is just a first step towards evaluating the amount of solar radiation for a given period of time. The annual insolation at a given point is naturally affected by the degree of shading throughout the year, but shading is not the only factor.
The three components of the solar radiation are the direct, diffuse and reflected radiation -
The diffuse radiation component is the dominant one on overcast days, when most radiation is scattered, while the direct radiation component is dominant under clear sky conditions when direct radiation reaches the earth’s surface.
Equation (5) specifies the Coefficient of Direct Normal Irradiance for a vertical facade surface, as function of solar position given by the difference between facade azimuth and sun azimuth angles, and sun elevation angle, at time \(t\).
\[\label{eq:coef} {\theta_{facade,t}} = cos({\alpha_{az,t}} - {\alpha'_{az}}) \cdot cos({\alpha_{elev,t}}) \tag{5}\]
In Equation (5), \(\theta_{facade,t}\) is the Coefficient of Direct Normal Irradiance on a facade at time \(t\), \(\alpha_{az,t}\) is the sun azimuth angle at time \(t\) (see Figure 1), \(\alpha'_{az}\) is the facade azimuth angle, i.e. the direction where the facade is facing, and \(\alpha_{elev,t}\) is sun elevation angle at time \(t\) (see Figure 1). Note that all of latter variables, with the exception of facade azimuth angle \(\alpha'_{az}\), are specific for the time interval \(t\) due to the variation in solar position.
Horizontal roof surfaces, unlike facades, are not tilted towards any particular azimuth1. Equation (5) thus simplifies to Equation (6) when referring to a roof, rather than a facade, surface.
\[\label{eq:coef_roof} {\theta_{roof,t}} = cos(90^\circ - {\alpha_{elev,t}}) \tag{6}\]
Figure 5 demonstrates the relation given in Equations
(5) and (6) for the entire relevant range of
solar positions relative to facade or roof orientation. Again, note that
for roof surfaces, the \({\theta_{roof,t}}\) coefficient is only dependent
on sun elevation angle \({\alpha_{elev,t}}\) (Equation
(6)) as illustrated on the right panel of Figure
5. (The code for producing Figure 5
can be found in the help page of function coefDirect
from shadow).
For example, the left panel in Figure 5 shows that maximal proportion of incoming solar radiation (i.e. \(\theta_{facade,t} = 1\)) on a facade surface is attained when facade azimuth is equal to sun azimuth and sun elevation is 0 (\({\alpha_{elev,t}}=0^\circ\), i.e. facade directly facing the sun). Similarly, the right panel shows that maximal proportion of solar radiation on a roof surface (i.e. \(\theta_{roof,t} = 1\)) is attained when the sun is at the zenith (\({\alpha_{elev,t}}=90^\circ\), i.e. sun directly above the roof).
Once the Coefficient of Direct Normal Irradiance \(\theta_{facade,t}\) or \(\theta_{roof,t}\) is determined, the Direct Normal Irradiance meteorological measurement \({rad_{direct,t}}\) referring to the same time interval \(t\), usually on an hourly time step, is multiplied by the coefficient at a point on the building surface to give the local irradiation at that point (Equation (7)). The result \({rad'_{direct,t}}\) is the corrected Direct Irradiance the surface receives given its orientation relative to the solar position.
\[\label{eq:rad_direct} {rad'_{direct,t}} = \theta_t \cdot {rad_{direct,t}} \tag{7}\]
Both \({rad_{direct,t}}\) and \({rad'_{direct,t}}\), as well as \({rad_{diffuse,t}}\), \({rad'_{diffuse,t}}\) (Equation (8)) and \(rad'_{total}\) (Equation (9)) (see below), are given for each time interval \(t\) in units of power per unit area, such as \(kWh / m^2\).
Moving on to discussing the second component in the radiation balance, the diffuse irradiance. Diffuse irradiance is given by the meteorological measurement of Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance \({rad_{diffuse,t}}\), which needs to be corrected for the specific proportion of viewed sky given surrounding obstacles expressed by \(SVF\). Assuming isotropic contribution (Freitas et al. 2015), \({rad'_{diffuse,t}}\) is the corrected diffuse irradiance the surface receives (Equation (8)). Note that \(SVF\) is unrelated to solar position; it is a function of the given configuration of the queried location and surrounding obstacles, and is thus invariable for all time intervals \(t\).
\[\label{eq:rad_diffuse} {rad'_{diffuse,t}} = SVF \cdot {rad_{diffuse,t}} \tag{8}\]
Finally, the direct and diffuse radiation estimates are summed for all time intervals \(t\) to obtain the total (e.g. annual) insolation for the given surface \(rad'_{total}\) (Equation (9)). The sum refers to \(n\) intervals \(t=1,2,...,n\), commonly \(n=24\times365=8,760\) when referring to an annual radiation estimate using an hourly time step.
\[\label{eq:eq_rad_sum} rad'_{total} = \sum_{t=1}^{n}{rad'_{direct,t}} + \sum_{t=1}^{n}{rad'_{diffuse,t}} \tag{9}\]
The shadow package contains four “low-level” functions, one “high-level” function, and several “helper functions”.
The “low-level” functions calculate distinct aspects of shading, and the SVF -
- Calculates shadow heightinShadow
- Determines a logical shadow flag (in shadow or not)shadowFootprint
- Calculates shadow footprintSVF
- Calculates the SVFTable 1 gives a summary of the (main) input and output object types for each of the “low-level” functions. The following list clarifies the exact object classes referenced in the table -
) can be either 2D, specifying
ground locations, or 3D2 - specifying any location on the ground
or above ground. Alternatively, a raster ("Raster*"
) can be
used to specify a regular grid of ground locations. Note that the
shadow height calculation only makes sense for ground locations, as
height above ground is what the function calculates, so it is not
applicable for 3D points"SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
object having a height attribute
("extrusion" height) given in the same units as the layer
Coordinate Reference System (CRS), usually meters. Geographic
coordinates (long/lat) are not allowed because these units are
meaningless for specifying height"matrix"
object, where the
first column specifies sun azimuth angle and the second column
specifies sun elevation angle. Both angles should be given in
decimal degrees, where -
and inShadow
is a numeric or
logical "matrix"
, respectively, where rows represent locations and
columns represent solar positions. The output of shadowFootprint
is a polygonal layer of footprints. The output of SVF
is a numeric
vector where values correspond to locations. All functions that can
accept a raster of ground locations return a corresponding raster of
computed valuesFunction | Location | Obstacles | Sun Pos. | Output |
shadowHeight |
Points (2D) / Raster | Polygons | Matrix | Numeric matrix / Raster |
inShadow |
Points (2D/3D) / Raster | Polygons | Matrix | Logical matrix / Raster |
shadowFootprint |
- | Polygons | Matrix | Polygons |
Points (2D/3D) / Raster | Polygons | - | Numeric vector / Raster |
The “high-level” function radiation
is a wrapper around inShadow
for calculating direct and diffuse solar radiation on the obstacle
surface area (i.e. building roofs and facades). In addition to the
geometric layers and solar positions, this function also requires
meteorological measurements of direct and diffuse radiation at an
unobstructed weather station. The shadow package provides a sample
Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) dataset tmy
to illustrate the usage
of the radiation
function (see below). Similar TMY datasets were
generated for many areas (e.g. (Pusat et al. 2015)) and are generally
available from meteorological agencies, or from databases for building
energy simulation such as EnergyPlus (EnergyPlus 2018).
Finally, the shadow package provides several “helper functions” which are used internally by “low-level” and “high-level” functions, but can also be used independently -
- Determines the azimuth where the perpendicular of a
line segment is facing; used internally to classify facade azimuthcoefDirect
- Calculates the Coefficient of Direct Normal
Irradiance reduction (Equations (5) and
- Makes an interactive plot of 3D spatial points. This is
a wrapper around scatterplot3js
from package
threejs (Lewis 2017)ray
- Creates a spatial line between two given pointsshiftAz
- Shifts spatial features by azimuth and distancesurfaceGrid
- Creates a 3D point layer with a grid which covers
the facades and roofs of obstaclestoSeg
- Splits polygons or lines to segmentsThe following section provides a manual for using these functions through a simple example with four buildings.
In this section we demonstrate the main functionality of shadow, namely calculating -
)Before going into the examples, we load the shadow package. Package sp is loaded automatically along with shadow. Packages raster (Hijmans 2017) and rgeos (Bivand and Rundel 2017) are used throughout the following code examples for preparing the inputs and presenting the results, so they are loaded as well.
> library(shadow)
> library(raster)
> library(rgeos)
In the examples, we will use a small real-life dataset representing four
buildings in Rishon-Le-Zion, Israel (Figure 6),
provided with package shadow and named build
The following code section also creates a hypothetical circular green
park located 20 meters to the north and 8 meters to the west from the
buildings layer centroid (hereby named park
> location = gCentroid(build)
> park_location = shift(location, y = 20, x = -8)
> park = gBuffer(park_location, width = 12)
The following expressions visualize the build
and park
layers as
shown in Figure 6. Note that the build
layer has an
attribute named BLDG_HT
specifying the height of each building (in
meters), as shown using text labels on top of each building outline.
> plot(build, col = "lightgrey")
> text(gCentroid(build, byid = TRUE), build$BLDG_HT)
> plot(park, col = "lightgreen", add = TRUE)
The shadowHeight
function calculates shadow height(s) at the specified
point location(s), given a layer of obstacles and solar position(s). The
function, as well as other functions that require a solar
position argument such as inShadow
, shadowFootprint
and radiation
(see below), alternatively accept a time argument instead of the solar
position. In case a time (time
) argument is passed instead of solar
position (solar_pos
), the function internally calculates solar
position using the lon/lat of the location
layer centroid and the
specified time, using function solarpos
from package
maptools (Bivand and Lewin-Koh 2017).
In the following example, we would like to calculate shadow height at
the centroid of the buildings layer (build
) on 2004-12-24 at 13:30:00.
First we create the queried points layer (location
), in this case
consisting of a single point: the build
layer centroid. This is our
layer of locations where we would like to calculate shadow height.
> location = gCentroid(build)
Next we need to specify the solar position, i.e. sun elevation and
azimuth, at the particular time and location (31.967°N 34.777°E), or let
the function calculate it automatically based on the time. Using the
former option, we can figure out solar position using function
from package
maptools. To do that,
we first define a "POSIXct"
object specifying the time we are
interested in -
> time = as.POSIXct(
+ x = "2004-12-24 13:30:00",
+ tz = "Asia/Jerusalem"
+ )
Second, we find the longitude and latitude of the point by reprojecting it to a geographic CRS3.
> location_geo = spTransform(
+ x = location,
+ CRSobj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"
+ )
Finally, we use the solarpos
function to find solar position, given
longitude, latitude and time -
> library(maptools)
> solar_pos = solarpos(
+ crds = location_geo,
+ dateTime = time
+ )
We now know the sun azimuth (208.7°) and elevation (28.8°) -
> solar_pos
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 208.7333 28.79944
Given the solar position along with the layer of obstacles build
shadow height in location
can be calculated using the shadowHeight
function, as follows -
> h = shadowHeight(
+ location = location,
+ obstacles = build,
+ obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT",
+ solar_pos = solar_pos
+ )
The resulting object contains the shadow height value of 19.86 meters -
> h
#> [,1]
#> [1,] 19.86451
The second (shorter) approach is letting the function calculate solar
position for us, in which case we can pass just the spatial layers and
the time
, without needing to calculate solar position ourselves -
> shadowHeight(
+ location = location,
+ obstacles = build,
+ obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT",
+ time = time
+ )
#> [,1]
#> [1,] 19.86451
The results of both approaches are identical. The first approach, where solar position is manually defined, takes more work and thus may appear unnecessary. However, it is useful for situations when we want to use specific solar positions from an external data source, or to evaluate arbitrary solar positions that cannot be observed in the queried location in real life.
Either way, the resulting object h
is a "matrix"
, though in this
case it only has a single row and a single column. The shadowHeight
function accepts location layers with more than one point, in which case
the resulting "matrix"
will have additional rows. It also accepts more
than one solar position or time value (see below), in which case the
resulting "matrix"
will have additional columns. It is thus possible
to obtain a matrix of shadow height values for a set of locations in a
set of times.
Figure 7 illustrates how the shadow height calculation was carried out. First, a line of sight is drawn between the point of interest and the sun direction based on sun azimuth (shown as a yellow line). Next, potential intersections are detected (marked with + symbols). Finally, shadow height induced by each intersection is calculated based on the distance towards intersection, sun elevation and intersected building height (see Figure 1). The final result is the maximum of the per-intersection heights.
The procedure can be readily expanded to calculate a continuous surface
of shadow heights, as the shadowHeight
function also accepts
objects (package raster). The raster serves as a template,
defining the grid where shadow height values will be calculated. For
example, in the following code section we create such a template raster
covering the examined area plus a 50-meter buffer on all sides, with a
spatial resolution of 2 meters -
> ext = as(extent(build) + 50, "SpatialPolygons")
> r = raster(ext, res = 2)
> proj4string(r) = proj4string(build)
Now we can calculate a shadow height raster by simply replacing the
argument with the raster r
> height_surface = shadowHeight(
+ location = r,
+ obstacles = build,
+ obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT",
+ solar_pos = solar_pos,
+ parallel = 5
+ )
The result (height_surface
), in this case, is not a matrix - it is a
shadow height surface (a "RasterLayer"
object) of the same spatial
dimensions as the input template r
. Note that unshaded pixels get an
shadow height value, thus plotted in white (Figure
8). Also note the partial shadow on the roof of the
north-eastern building (top-right) caused by the neighboring building to
the south-west.
The additional parallel=5
argument splits the calculation of raster
cells among 5 processor cores, thus making it faster. A different number
can be specified, depending the number of available cores. Behind the
scenes, parallel processing relies on the
parallel package
(R Core Team 2018).
Function shadowHeight
, introduced in the previous section, calculates
shadow height for a given ground location. In practice, the metric of
interest is very often whether a given 3D location is in shade or not.
Such a logical flag can be determined by comparing the Z-coordinate
(i.e. the height) of the queried point with the calculated shadow height
at the same X-Y location. The inShadow
function is a wrapper around
for doing that.
The inShadow
function gives the logical shadow/non-shadow
classification for a set of 3D points. The function basically calculates
shadow height for a given unique ground location (X-Y), then compares it
with the elevation (Z) of all points in that location. The points which
are positioned “above” the shadow are considered non-shaded (receiving
the value of FALSE
), while the points which are positioned “below” the
shadow are considered shaded (receiving the value of TRUE
The 3D points we are interested in when doing urban analysis are usually
located on the surface of elements such as buildings. The surfaceGrid
helper function can be used to automatically generate a grid of such
surface points. The inputs for this function include the obstacle layer
for which to generate a surface grid and the required grid resolution.
The returned object is a 3D point layer.
For example, the following expression calculates a 3D point layer named
covering the build
surface at a resolution of 2 meters -
> grid = surfaceGrid(
+ obstacles = build,
+ obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT",
+ res = 2
+ )
The resulting grid points are associated with all attributes of the original obstacles each surface point corresponds to, as well as six new attributes -
- Unique consecutive ID for each feature in obstacles
- Either "facade"
or "roof"
- Unique consecutive ID for each facade segment (only for
“facade” points)xy_id
- Unique consecutive ID for each ground location (only for
“facade” points)facade_az
- The azimuth of the corresponding facade, in decimal
degrees (only for “facade” points)In this case, the resulting 3D point grid has 2,693 features, starting
with "roof"
points -
> head(grid)
#> build_id BLDG_HT obs_id type seg_id xy_id facade_az
#> 1 722 22.49 3 roof NA NA NA
#> 2 722 22.49 3 roof NA NA NA
#> 3 722 22.49 3 roof NA NA NA
#> 4 722 22.49 3 roof NA NA NA
#> 5 722 22.49 3 roof NA NA NA
#> 6 722 22.49 3 roof NA NA NA
Then going through the "facade"
points -
> tail(grid)
#> build_id BLDG_HT obs_id type seg_id xy_id facade_az
#> 19610 831 19.07 4 facade 74 44 100.2650
#> 19710 831 19.07 4 facade 75 45 123.6695
#> 19810 831 19.07 4 facade 75 46 123.6695
#> 19910 831 19.07 4 facade 75 47 123.6695
#> 20010 831 19.07 4 facade 75 48 123.6695
#> 20110 831 19.07 4 facade 75 49 123.6695
Printing the coordinates confirms that, indeed, grid
is a 3D point
layer having three-dimensional coordinates where the third dimension h
represents height above ground -
> head(coordinates(grid))
#> x1 x2 h
#> 1 667882.9 3538086 22.5
#> 2 667884.9 3538086 22.5
#> 3 667886.9 3538086 22.5
#> 4 667888.9 3538086 22.5
#> 5 667890.9 3538086 22.5
#> 6 667892.9 3538086 22.5
Once the 3D grid is available, we can evaluate whether each point is in
shadow or not, at the specified solar position(s), using the inShadow
wrapper function -
> s = inShadow(
+ location = grid,
+ obstacles = build,
+ obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT",
+ solar_pos = solar_pos
+ )
The resulting object s
is a "logical"
matrix with rows corresponding
to the grid features and columns corresponding to the solar positions.
In this particular case a single solar position was evaluated, thus the
matrix has just one column -
> dim(s)
#> [1] 2693 1
The scatter3D
function from package
plot3D (Soetaert 2017) is
useful for visualizing the result. In the following code section, we use
two separate scatter3D
function calls to plot the grid with both
variably colored filled circles (yellow or grey) and constantly colored
(black) outlines.
> library(plot3D)
> scatter3D(
+ x = coordinates(grid)[, 1],
+ y = coordinates(grid)[, 2],
+ z = coordinates(grid)[, 3],
+ theta = 55,
+ colvar = s[, 1],
+ col = c("yellow", "grey"),
+ pch = 16,
+ scale = FALSE,
+ colkey = FALSE,
+ cex = 1.1
+ )
> scatter3D(
+ x = coordinates(grid)[, 1],
+ y = coordinates(grid)[, 2],
+ z = coordinates(grid)[, 3],
+ theta = 55,
+ col = "black",
+ pch = 1,
+ lwd = 0.1,
+ scale = FALSE,
+ colkey = FALSE,
+ cex = 1.1,
+ add = TRUE
+ )
The output is shown in Figure 9. It shows the 3D
points, along with the inShadow
classification encoded as point
color: grey for shaded surfaces, yellow for sun-exposed surfaces.
The shadowFootprint
function calculates the geometry of shadow
projection on the ground. The resulting footprint layer can be used for
various applications. For example, a shadow footprint layer can be used
to calculate the proportion of shaded surface in a defined area, or to
examine which obstacles are responsible for shading a given urban
In the following example, the shadowFootprint
function is used to
determine the extent of shading on the hypothetical green park (Figure
6) at different times of day. First, let us consider a
single time instance of 2004-06-24 09:30:00. At this particular time and
geographical location, the solar position is at an azimuth of 88.8° and
at an elevation of 46.7° -
> time2 = as.POSIXct(
+ x = "2004-06-24 09:30:00",
+ tz = "Asia/Jerusalem"
+ )
> solar_pos2 = solarpos(
+ crds = location_geo,
+ dateTime = time2
+ )
> solar_pos2
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 88.83113 46.724
The following expression calculates the shadow footprint for this particular solar position.
> footprint = shadowFootprint(
+ obstacles = build,
+ obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT",
+ solar_pos = solar_pos2
+ )
The resulting object footprint
is a polygonal layer
object) which can be readily used in other
spatial calculations. For example, the footprint and park polygons can
be intersected to calculate the proportion of shaded park area within
total park area, as follows.
> park_shadow = gIntersection(park, footprint)
> shade_prop = gArea(park_shadow) / gArea(park)
> shade_prop
#> [1] 0.3447709
The numeric result shade_prop
gives the proportion of shaded park
area, 0.34 in this case (Figure 10).
The shadow footprint calculation can also be repeated for a sequence of
times, rather than a single one, to monitor the daily (monthly, annual,
etc.) course of shaded park area proportion. To do that, we first need
to prepare the set of solar positions in the evaluated dates/times.
Again, this can be done using function solarpos
. For example, the
following code creates a matrix named solar_pos_seq
containing solar
positions over the 2004-06-24 at hourly intervals -
> time_seq = seq(
+ from = as.POSIXct("2004-06-24 03:30:00", tz = "Asia/Jerusalem"),
+ to = as.POSIXct("2004-06-24 22:30:00", tz = "Asia/Jerusalem"),
+ by = "1 hour"
+ )
> solar_pos_seq = solarpos(
+ crds = location_geo,
+ dateTime = time_seq
+ )
Note that the choice of an hourly interval is arbitrary. Shorter intervals (e.g. 30 mins) can be used for increased accuracy.
To calculate the shaded park proportion at each time step we can loop
over the solar_pos_seq
matrix, each time -
The code of such a for
loop is given below.
> shadow_props = rep(NA, nrow(solar_pos_seq))
> for(i in 1:nrow(solar_pos_seq)) {
+ if(solar_pos_seq[i, 2] < 0) shadow_props[i] = 1 else {
+ footprint =
+ shadowFootprint(
+ obstacles = build,
+ obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT",
+ solar_pos = solar_pos_seq[i, , drop = FALSE]
+ )
+ park_shadow = gIntersection(park, footprint)
+ if(is.null(park_shadow))
+ shadow_props[i] = 0
+ else
+ shadow_props[i] = gArea(park_shadow) / gArea(park)
+ }
+ }
The loop creates a numeric vector named shadow_props
. This vector
contains shaded proportions for the park in agreement with the times we
specified in time_seq
. Note that two conditional statements are being
used to deal with special cases -
Plotting shadow_props
as function of time_seq
11) summarizes the daily course of shaded park
proportion on the 2004-06-24. The individual value of 0.34 which we have
calculated for 09:30 in the previous example (Figure
10) is highlighted in red.
function can be used to estimate the SVF at any 3D point
location. For example, the following expression calculates the SVF on
the ground4 at the centroid of the build
layer (Figure
> s = SVF(
+ location = location,
+ obstacles = build,
+ obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT"
+ )
The resulting SVF is 0.396, meaning that about 39.6% of the sky area are visible (Figure 12) from this particular location.
> s
#> [1] 0.3959721
Note that the SVF
function has a tuning parameter named res_angle
which can be used to modify angular resolution (default is \(5^\circ\), as
shown in Figure 4). A smaller res_angle
value will
give more accurate SVF but slower calculation.
Given a “template” grid, the latter calculation can be repeated to generate a continuous surface of SVF estimates for a grid of ground locations. In the following code section we calculate an SVF surface using the same raster template with a resolution of 2 meters from the shadow height example (see above).
> svf_surface = SVF(
+ location = r,
+ obstacles = build,
+ obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT",
+ parallel = 5
+ )
Note that the parallel=5
option is used once again to make the
calculation run simultaneously on 5 cores. The resulting SVF surface is
shown in Figure 12. As could be expected, SVF values
are lowest in the vicinity of buildings due to their obstruction of the
Shadow height, shadow footprint and SVF can be considered as low-level
geometric calculations. Frequently, the ultimate aim of an analysis is
the estimation of insolation, which is dependent on shadow and SVF but
also on surface orientation and meteorological solar radiation
conditions. Thus, the low-level geometric calculations are frequently
combined and wrapped with meteorological solar radiation estimates to
take the geometry into account when evaluating insolation over a given
time interval. The shadow package provides this kind of wrapper
function named radiation
The radiation
function needs several parameters to run -
function (see above)obstacles
, having an
attribute (see above)solar_pos
(see above)solar_normal
, corresponding to the same time intervals given by
Given this set of inputs, the radiation
surface point is in shadow or not,
for each solar position solar_pos
, using the inShadow
(Equation (1)),grid
surface point at each solar position solar_pos
using the coefDirect
function (Equations (5) and
to calculate the direct radiation (Equation
surface point, using the SVF
function (Equations (3) and (4)),solar_diffuse
calculate the diffuse radiation (Equation (8))grid
surface point for
the entire period (Equation (9)).To demonstrate the radiation
function, we need one more component not
used in the previous examples: the reference solar radiation data. The
package comes with a sample Typical Meteorological Year (TMY)
dataset named tmy
that can be used for this purpose. This dataset was
compiled for the same geographical area where the buildings are located,
and therefore can be realistically used in our example.
The tmy
object is a data.frame
with 8,760 rows, where each row
corresponds to an hourly interval over an entire year
(\(24\times365=8,760\)). The attributes given for each hourly interval
include solar position (sun_az
, sun_elev
) and solar radiation
measurements (solar_normal
, solar_diffuse
). Both solar radiation
measurements are given in \(W/m^2\) units.
> head(tmy, 10)
#> time sun_az sun_elev solar_normal solar_diffuse dbt ws
#> 1 1999-01-01 01:00:00 66.73 -70.94 0 0 6.6 1.0
#> 2 1999-01-01 02:00:00 82.02 -58.68 0 0 5.9 1.0
#> 3 1999-01-01 03:00:00 91.00 -45.99 0 0 5.4 1.0
#> 4 1999-01-01 04:00:00 98.13 -33.32 0 0 4.9 1.0
#> 5 1999-01-01 05:00:00 104.81 -20.86 0 0 4.4 1.0
#> 6 1999-01-01 06:00:00 111.73 -8.76 0 6 4.8 1.0
#> 7 1999-01-01 07:00:00 119.41 2.91 118 24 7.3 1.0
#> 8 1999-01-01 08:00:00 128.39 13.30 572 45 11.2 1.0
#> 9 1999-01-01 09:00:00 139.20 22.46 767 57 16.0 1.0
#> 10 1999-01-01 10:00:00 152.33 29.63 809 66 16.3 2.1
The Direct Normal Irradiance (solar_normal
) is the amount of solar
radiation received per unit area by a surface that is always held normal
to the incoming rays from the sun’s current position in the sky. This is
an estimate of maximal direct radiation, obtained on an optimally
tilted surface. The Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance (solar_diffuse
) is
the amount of radiation received per unit area at a surface that has not
arrived on a direct path from the sun, but has been scattered by
molecules and particles in the atmosphere. This is an estimate of
diffuse radiation.
To use the solar positions from the tmy
dataset, we create a separate
matrix with just the sun_az
and sun_elev
columns -
> solar_pos = as.matrix(tmy[, c("sun_az", "sun_elev")])
The first few rows of this matrix are -
> head(solar_pos)
#> sun_az sun_elev
#> 2 66.73 -70.94
#> 3 82.02 -58.68
#> 4 91.00 -45.99
#> 5 98.13 -33.32
#> 6 104.81 -20.86
#> 7 111.73 -8.76
Now we have everything needed to run the radiation
function. We are
hereby using the same grid
layer with 3D points covering the roofs and
facades of the four buildings created above using the surfaceGrid
function (Figure 9), the layer of obstacles
, and
the solar position and measured solar radiation at a reference weather
station from the tmy
> rad = radiation(
+ grid = grid,
+ obstacles = build,
+ obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT",
+ solar_pos = solar_pos,
+ solar_normal = tmy$solar_normal,
+ solar_diffuse = tmy$solar_diffuse,
+ parallel = 5
+ )
The returned object rad
is a data.frame
with the summed direct,
diffuse and total (i.e. direct+diffuse) solar radiation estimates, as
well as the SVF, for each specific surface location in grid
. Summation
takes place over the entire period given by solar_pos
, solar_normal
and solar_diffuse
. In the present case it is an annual insolation.
The units of measurement are therefore \(Wh/m^2\) summed over an entire
For example, the following printout -
> head(rad)
#> svf direct diffuse total
#> 1 0.9999875 1242100 473334.1 1715434
#> 2 0.9999830 1242100 473332.0 1715432
#> 3 0.9999778 1242100 473329.5 1715429
#> 4 0.9999685 1242100 473325.1 1715425
#> 5 0.9999538 1242099 473318.2 1715417
#> 6 0.9999396 1242099 473311.4 1715411
refers to the first six surface points which are part of the same roof,
thus sharing similar annual solar radiation estimates. Overall, however,
the differences in insolation are very substantial among different
locations on the buildings surfaces, as shown in Figure
13. For example, the roofs receive about twice
as much direct radiation as the south-facing facades. The code for
producing Figure 13, using function scatter3D
(see Figure 9), can be found on the help page of
the radiation
function and is thus omitted here to save space. Note
that the figure shows radiation estimates in \(kWh/m^2\) units, i.e. the
values from the rad
table (above) divided by 1000.
The shadow package introduces a simple geometric model for shadow-related calculations in an urban environment. Specifically, the package provides functions for calculating shadow height, shadow footprint and SVF. The latter can be combined with TMY data to estimate insolation on built surfaces. It is, to the best of our knowledge, the only R package aimed at shadow calculations in a vector-based representation of the urban environment. It should be noted that the insol package provides similar functionality for a raster-based environment, but the latter is more suitable for modelling large-scale natural environments rather than detailed urban landscapes.
The unique aspect of our approach is that calculations are based on a
vector layer of polygons extruded to a given height, known as 2.5D, such
as building footprints with a height attribute. The vector-based 2.5D
approach has several advantages over the two commonly used alternative
ones: vector-based 3D and raster-based models. Firstly, the availability
of 2.5D input data is much greater compared to both specialized 3D
models and high-resolution raster surfaces. Building layers for entire
cities are generally available from various sources, ranging from local
municipality GIS systems to global crowd-sourced datasets
(e.g. OpenStreetMap) (Haklay and Weber 2008). Secondly, processing
does not require closed-source software, or interoperability with
complex specialized software, as opposed to working with 3D models.
Thirdly, results are easily associated back to the respective urban
elements such as buildings, parks, roofs facades, etc., as well as their
attributes, via a spatial join operation (e.g. using function over
R package sp). For example, we can easily determine which building is
responsible for shading the green park in the above shadow footprint
example (Figure 10). This is unlike a raster-based
approach, where the input is a continuous surface with no attributes,
thus having no natural association to individual urban elements or
However, it should be noted that the 2.5D vector-based approach requires
several assumptions and has some limitations. When the assumptions do
not hold, results may be less accurate compared to the above-mentioned
alternative approaches. For example, it is impossible to represent
geometric shapes that are not a simple extrusion in 2.5D (though, as
mentioned above, urban surveys providing such detailed data are not
typically available). An ellipsoid tree, a bridge with empty space
underneath, a balcony extruding outwards from a building facade, etc.,
can only be represented with a polyhedral surface in a full vector-based
3D environment ((Gröger and Plümer 2012; Biljecki et al. 2016)). Recently,
classes for representing true-3D urban elements, such as the Simple
, have been implemented in R package
sf (Pebesma 2018). However, functions
for working with those classes, such as calculating 3D-intersection, are
still lacking. Implementing such functions in R could bring new urban
analysis capabilities to the R environment in the future, in which solar
analysis of 3D city models probably comprises a major use case
(Biljecki et al. 2015).
It should also be noted that a vector-based calculation may be generally slower than a raster based calculation. This becomes important when the study area is very large. Though the present algorithms can be optimized to some extent, they probably cannot compete with raster-based calculations where sun ray intersections can be computed using fast ray-tracing algorithms based on matrix input (Amanatides et al. 1987), as opposed to computationally intensive search for intersections between a line and a polygonal layer in a vector-based environment. For example, calculating the SVF surface shown in Figure 12 requires processing 72 angular sections × 3,780 raster cells = 272,160 SVF calculations, which takes about 7.3 minutes using five cores on an ordinary desktop computer (Intel® Core™ i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz × 8). The annual radiation estimate shown in Figure 13 however takes about 3.9 hours to calculate, as it requires SVF calculation for 2,693 grid points, as well as 727 ground locations × 8,760 hours = 6,368,520 shadow height calculations.
To summarize, the shadow package can be used to calculate shadow, SVF and solar radiation in an urban environment using widely available polygonal building data, inside the R environment (e.g. (Vulkan et al. 2018)). Potential use cases include urban environment applications such as evaluation of micro-climatic influence for urban planning, studying urban well-being (e.g. climatic comfort) and estimating photovoltaic energy production potential.
The shadow package was developed as part of a study funded by the Israel Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources under research grant # 021-11-215.
The authors would like thank the Editor and an anonymous reviewer for the review of this article and for the thoughtful comments.
insol, shadow, sp, threejs, raster, rgeos, maptools, parallel, plot3D, sf
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Dorman, et al., "shadow: R Package for Geometric Shadow Calculations in an Urban Environment", The R Journal, 2019
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2019-024, author = {Dorman, Michael and Erell, Evyatar and Vulkan, Adi and Kloog, Itai}, title = {shadow: R Package for Geometric Shadow Calculations in an Urban Environment}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2019}, note = {}, volume = {11}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {287-309} }