The R Journal: article published in 2017, volume 9:1

OrthoPanels: An R Package for Estimating a Dynamic Panel Model with Fixed Effects Using the Orthogonal Reparameterization Approach PDF download
Mark Pickup, Paul Gustafson, Davor Cubranic and Geoffrey Evans , The R Journal (2017) 9:1, pages 60-76.

Abstract This article describes the R package OrthoPanels, which includes the function opm(). This function implements the orthogonal reparameterization approach recommended by Lancaster (2002) to estimate dynamic panel models with fixed effects (and optionally: wave specific intercepts). This article provides a statistical description of the orthogonal reparameterization approach, a demonstration of the package using real-world data, and simulations comparing the estimator to the known-to-be-biased OLS estimator and the commonly used GMM estimator.

Received: 2015-11-15; online 2017-05-10
CRAN packages: OrthoPanels, plm
CRAN Task Views implied by cited CRAN packages: Econometrics, SpatioTemporal

CC BY 4.0
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

  author = {Mark Pickup and Paul Gustafson and Davor Cubranic and
          Geoffrey Evans},
  title = {{OrthoPanels: An R Package for Estimating a Dynamic
          Panel Model with Fixed Effects Using the Orthogonal
          Reparameterization Approach}},
  year = {2017},
  journal = {{The R Journal}},
  doi = {10.32614/RJ-2017-003},
  url = {},
  pages = {60--76},
  volume = {9},
  number = {1}