This article describes tsmp, an R package that implements the MP concept for TS. The tsmp package is a toolkit that allows all-pairs similarity joins, motif, discords and chains discovery, semantic segmentation, etc. Here we describe how the tsmp package may be used by showing some of the use-cases from the original articles and evaluate the algorithm speed in the R environment. This package can be downloaded at
A TS is a sequence of real-valued numbers indexed in time order. Usually, this sequence is taken in a regular period of time, which will be assumed to be true in this context. The interests in TS data mining have been growing along with the increase in available computational power. This kind of data is easily obtained from sensors (e.g., ECG), (ir)regular registered data (e.g., weekly sales, stock prices, brachial blood pressure). Even other kinds of data can be converted to TS format, such as shapes (Wei et al. 2006) and DNA sequences (Shieh and Keogh 2008). TS are generally large, high dimensional and continuously updated which requires algorithms fast enough in order to be meaningful. Besides, unlike other kinds of data, which usually have exact answers, TS are usually analysed in an approximated fashion.
These characteristics have been challenging researchers to find faster and more accurate methods to retrieve meaningful information from TS. This required one or more of these methods: dimensionality reduction, constraints, domain knowledge, parameter tweaks. Only afterwards could the data mining tasks be applied in feasable time. Typical tasks include motif and discord discovery, subsequence matching, semantic segmentation, rule discovery, similarity search, anomaly detection, clustering, classification, indexing, etc. (Fu 2011).
This paper describes the tsmp package (Bischoff 2018) which uses a novel approach to TS data mining: the MP (Yeh et al. 2017a), which is based on the APSS (also known as similarity join). The APSS’ task is to, given a collection of data objects, retrieve the nearest neighbour for each object. The remaining part of this paper is organised as follows: In Section 2 we describe the reasoning behind the MP, in Section 3 we present the tsmp package with examples, in Section 4 we compare the performance of the R implementation, and in Section 5 we conclude with a brief discussion.
The reader may be aware of what a DM is. It is widely used in TS for clustering, classification, motif search, etc. But, even for modestly sized datasets, the algorithms can take months to compute even with speed-up techniques such as indexing (Fu et al. 2008; Shieh and Keogh 2008), lower-bounding (Keogh and Ratanamahatana 2005), data discretization (Lin et al. 2003) and early abandoning (Faloutsos et al. 1994). At best, they can be one or two orders of magnitude faster.
The MP is an ordered vector that stores the Euclidean distance between each pair within a similarity join set. One (inefficient) way would be to use the full DM of every iteration of a sliding window join and retrieve just the smallest (non-diagonal) value of each row. The MP also has a companion vector called PI, that gives us the position of the nearest neighbour of each subsequence.
This method has a host of interesting and exploitable properties. For example, the highest point on the MP corresponds to the TS discord, the (tied) lowest points correspond to the locations of the best TS motif pair, and the variance can be seen as a measure of the TS complexity. Moreover, the histogram of the values in the MP is the exact answer to the TS density estimation. Particularly, it has implications for TS motif discovery, TS joins, shapelet discovery (classification), density estimation, semantic segmentation, visualisation, rule discovery, clustering, etc. (Yeh et al. 2017a).
Some of the advantages/features of this method:
The tsmp package provides several functions that allow for an easy workflow using the MP concept for TS mining. The package is available from the CRAN at In Section 3.1 we explain how to install this package. In Section 3.2 we describe the syntax for the main functions in tsmp, giving an example of a particular model. In Section 3.3 we will further explain the available algorithms for MP computation and its current use. In Section 3.4 we show some examples of MP application for data mining.
The tsmp package can be installed in two ways:
The release version from CRAN:
or the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
::install_github("franzbischoff/tsmp") devtools
The tsmp has a simple and intuitive workflow. First, you must compute the MP of the desired TS. Depending on the task, the user might want to follow one of three paths: univariate self-join, AB-join or multivariate self-join. One exception is the SiMPle algorithm that is a multivariate AB-join and will be explained in Section 3.3.
The main function is tsmp()
, which has the following usage:
tsmp(..., window_size, exclusion_zone = 1/2,
mode = c("stomp", "stamp", "simple", "mstomp", "scrimp"),
verbose = 2, s_size = Inf, must_dim = NULL, exc_dim = NULL,
n_workers = 1, .keep_data = TRUE)
The first argument ellipsis
(the three dots) receives one or two TS.
For self-joins, the user must input just one TS; two for AB-joins.
Multivariate TS may be input as a matrix where each column represents
one dimension. Alternatively, the user may input the Multivariate TS as
a list of vectors. The second argument window_size
is the size of the
sliding window. These are the most basic parameters you need to set.
Further parameters are:
, is an important parameter for self-joins. This is
used to avoid trivial matches and is a modifier of the
, i.e., for an exclusion_zone
of \(1/2\), and
of 50, internally the result will be 25.mode
, here the user may choose the algorithm used for the MP
calculation. stomp
, stamp
and scrimp
return equal results,
although differing in some practical attributes, and they will be
further explained in Section 3.3. mstomp
designed for Multivariate TS self-join only. simple
is designed
for Multivariate TS for self-join and AB-join, which will also be
further explained in Section 3.3.verbose
, controls the verbosity of the function. 0 means no
feedback, 1 means text messages only, 2 (the default) means text
messages and progress bar, and 3 also plays a sound when finished.s_size
, controls the anytime algorithms. This is just a way to
end the algorithm in a controlled manner because the anytime
algorithms can be stopped anytime and the result will be returned.must_dim
, is an optional argument for the mstomp
algorithm. See
next item.exc_dim
, as must_dim
, is an optional argument for the mstomp
algorithm. These arguments control which dimensions must be included
and which must be excluded from the multidimensional MP.n_workers
, controls how many threads will be used for the stamp
, and mstomp
. Note that for small datasets, multiple
threads add an overhead that makes it slower than just one thread..keep_data
by default, keeps the input data inside the
output object. This is useful for chained commands.We think that the best and simple example to demonstrate the tsmp package is the motif search.
The tsmp package imports
the %>%
(pipe) operator from the magrittr package that makes the
tsmp workflow easier.
The following code snippet shows an example of the workflow for motif search:
> data <- mp_fluss_data$walkjogrun$data
R> motifs <- tsmp(data, window_size = 80, exclusion_zone = 1/2) %>%
R+ find_motif(n_motifs = 3, radius = 10, exclusion_zone = 20) %T>% plot()
The find_motif()
function is an S3 class that can receive as the first
argument the output of tsmp()
function as a univariate or multivariate
MP. This allows us to use the pipe operator easily. The plot()
function is also an S3 class extension for plotting objects from the
tsmp package and works
There are several methods to compute the MP. The reason for that is the unquenchable need for speed of the UCR’s researchers. Before starting, let’s clarify that the time complexity of a brute force algorithm has a time complexity of \(O(n^{2}m)\), for \(n\) being the length of the reference TS and \(m\) the length of the sliding window (query) that is domain dependent.
This was the first algorithm used to compute the MP. It uses the MASS (Mueen et al. 2015) as the core algorithm for calculating the similarity between the query and the reference TS, called the DP. The ultimate MP comes from merging the element-wise minimum from all possible DP. This algorithm has the time complexity of \(O(n^{2}\log n)\) and space complexity of \(O(n)\) (Yeh et al. 2017a). The anytime property is achieved using a random approach where the best-so-far MP is computed using the DP that have been already calculated.
This was the second algorithm used to compute the MP. It also uses the MASS to calculate the DP but only for the first iteration of each batch. The researchers noticed that they could reuse the values calculated of the first DP to make a faster calculation in the next iterations. This results on a time complexity of \(O(n^{2})\), keeping the same space complexity of \(O(n)\). This algorithm is also suitable for a GPU framework (although this was not yet implemented in tsmp package) (Zhu et al. 2016). The main drawback of STOMP compared with STAMP is the lack of the anytime property. In scenarios where a fast convergence is needed (e.g., finding the top-\(k\) motifs) it may be required only 5% of the MP computation to provide a very accurate approximation of the final result.
The SCRIMP algorithm is still experimental at the time of this article. It combines the best features of STOMP and STAMP, having a time complexity of \(O(n^{2})\) and the anytime property (UCR 2016).
The SiMPle algorithm is a variation designed for music analysis and exploration (Silva et al. 2018). Internally it uses STOMP for MP computation and allows multidimensional self-joins and AB-joins. The resulting MP is computed using all dimensions. One major difference is that it doesn’t apply any z-normalization on the data, since for music domain this would result in spurious similarities.
The mSTOMP algorithm was designed to motif search in multidimensional data (Yeh et al. 2017b). Performing motif search on all dimensions is almost guaranteed to produce meaningless results, so this algorithm, differently from SiMPle, doesn’t compute the MP using all dimensions naïvely, but the \(d\)-dimensional MP for every possible setting of \(d\), simultaneously, in \(O(dn^{2} \log d)\) time and \(O(dn)\) space. The resulting MP allow motif search in multiple dimensions and also to identify which dimensions are relevant for the motifs founded.
In Section 3.2.1 we have shown a basic example of the workflow for motif search. Let’s take a look at the result of that code:
> motifs R
Matrix Profile--------------
= 9922
Profile size = 80
Window size = 40
Exclusion zone 1 set of data with 10001 observations and 1 dimension
= 2
Motif pairs found = [584, 741] [4799, 5329]
Motif pairs indexes = [2948, 9900, 8265] [7023, 8861, 2085, 248] Motif pairs neighbors
As we can see, this is a summary that
tsmp package automatically
generates from the resulting object. One nice property is that the
object always holds the original MP and by default also holds the input
data so that you can keep mining information from it. If the dataset is
too big or you are concerned about privacy, you may set the argument
.keep_data = FALSE
In addition to this summary, you can see the results using plot()
Figure 1:
> plot(motifs, type = "matrix") R
This dataset is the WalkJogRun PAMAP’s dataset (Reiss and Stricker 2012). It
contains the recording of human movements in three states, walking,
jogging and running. As we can see, the plot shows the motifs of each
state. Experienced readers might say that this is not the purpose of
motif search, and we agree. The result shown here was achieved using a
large radius
and exclusion_zone
to force the algorithm to look for
distant motifs. Semantic segmentation is the proper algorithm for this
task, and we will show this in the next section.
As previously explained, the resulting object holds the original data and MP. So let’s save some time and use the resulting object from the last section to try to find where the human subject started to jog and to run:
> segments <- motifs %>% fluss(num_segments = 2)
R> segments R
Matrix Profile--------------
= 9922
Profile size = 80
Window size = 40
Exclusion zone 1 set of data with 10001 observations and 1 dimension
Arc Count---------
= 9922
Profile size = 0.063 at index 3448
Minimum normalized count
= 2
Segments = 3448 6687 Segmentation indexes
We can see that this object now holds information of the FLUSS algorithm
(Gharghabi et al. 2017), but the motif information is still there and can be
retrieved using as.motif()
. In Figure 2 we can see
the graphic result of the segmentation.
> plot(segments, type = "data") R
As a final example of practical application, let’s search for a new kind of primitive: time series chains (Zhu et al. 2018a). This algorithm looks for patterns that are not just similar but evolve through time. The dataset used in this example is a record of the Y-axis of a mobile phone accelerometer while placing it on a walking subject’s pocket (Hoang et al. 2015). The authors of this dataset wanted to analyse the stability of the mobile phone as it slowly settles in the pocket. This is a good example of a pattern that changes through time. Let’s start with the workflow for this example:
> chains <- mp_gait_data %>% tsmp(window_size = 50, exclusion_zone = 1/4,
R+ verbose = 0) %>% find_chains()
> chains R
Matrix Profile--------------
= 855
Profile size = 50
Window size = 13
Exclusion zone 1 set of data with 904 observations and 1 dimension
= 58
Chains found = 6
Best Chain size = 148 380 614 746 778 811 Best Chain indexes
Here we see that the algorithm found 58 chains. Id est, it found 58 evolving patterns with at least three elements, and the best one is presented in the last line, a chain with six elements. Figure 3 shows the patterns discovered.
> plot(chains, ylab = "") R
While this new method for TS data mining is extremelly fast, we have to take into consideration that the R environment is not as fast as a low-level implementation such as C/C++. In Table 1 we present the comparison to the MATLAB version that is available at the UCR. Yeh et al. (2017a) shows that the slowest algorithm (STAMP) can be hundreds of times faster than the MK algorithm (the fastest known exact algorithm for computing TS motifs) (Yoon et al. 2015), while the R implementation is just 1.65 to 8.04 times slower than MATLAB’s, which is not a problem for an R researcher.
> set.seed(2018)
R> data <- cumsum(sample(c(-1, 1), 40000, TRUE)) R
Algorithm | R Time\(^*\) | MATLAB Time\(^*\) | Threads |
scrimp | 45.30 | 27.49 | 1 |
stomp | 52.72 | 10.27 | 8 |
stomp | 136.01 | 16.91 | 1 |
stamp | 140.25 | 55.57 | 8 |
stamp | 262.03 | 113.18 | 1 |
The examples in Section 3.4 show how straightforward the usage of tsmp package is. Regardless, these examples are just a glimpse of the potential of the MP. Several new algorithms based on MP are being developed and will be gradually implemented in the tsmp package (Gharghabi et al. 2018; Imani et al. 2018; Linardi et al. 2018; Zhu et al. 2018b). (Yeh et al. 2017b) for example, have developed an algorithm to allow MDS visualisation of motifs. (Gharghabi et al. 2018) have developed a new distance measure that better suits repetitive patterns (Imani et al. 2018).
The MP has the potential to revolutionise the TS data mining due to its generality, versatility, simplicity and scalability (UCR 2016). All existing algorithms for MP have been proven to be flexible to be used in several domains using very few parameters and they are also robust, showing good performance with dimensionality reduced data and noisy data. In addition, a yet to be published article shows a fantastic score of \(>10^{18}\) pairwise comparisons a day using GPU for motif discovery (Zimmerman et al. 2018).
The tsmp package is the first known MP toolkit available on any statistical language, and we hope it can help researchers to better mining TS and also to develop new methods based on MP.
We would like to thank the researchers from UCR for their contribution and permission to use their base code to be implemented in this package. Particularly to Prof. Eamonn Keogh whose work and assistance led to this project. We also acknowledge the participation in project NanoSTIMA (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000016) which was financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020) under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement and through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Bischoff & Rodrigues, "tsmp: An R Package for Time Series with Matrix Profile", The R Journal, 2020
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2020-021, author = {Bischoff, Francisco and Rodrigues, Pedro Pereira}, title = {tsmp: An R Package for Time Series with Matrix Profile}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2020}, note = {}, volume = {12}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {76-86} }