Linear fractional stable motion is a type of a stochastic integral driven by symmetric alpha-stable Lévy motion. The integral could be considered as a non-Gaussian analogue of the fractional Brownian motion. The present paper discusses R package rlfsm created for numerical procedures with the linear fractional stable motion. It is a set of tools for simulation of these processes as well as performing statistical inference and simulation studies on them. We introduce: tools that we developed to work with that type of motions as well as methods and ideas underlying them. Also we perform numerical experiments to show finite-sample behavior of certain estimators of the integral, and give an idea of how to envelope workflow related to the linear fractional stable motion in S4 classes and methods. Supplementary materials, including codes for numerical experiments, are available online. rlfsm could be found on CRAN and gitlab.
The linear fractional stable motion (shortly, lfsm) \((X_t)_{t \in \mathbb R}\) on a filtered space \((\Omega, \mathcal F, (\mathcal F_t)_{t \in \mathbb{R}}, \mathbb{P})\) is defined via \[\label{eq:lfsm_def} X_t = \int_\mathbb{R} \left\{ (t-s)^{H-1/\alpha}_+ - (-s)^{H-1/\alpha}_+ \right\} d L_s, \qquad x_+:= \max\{x,0\}, \tag{1}\] where \(L_s\) is a symmetric \(\alpha\)-stable Lévy motion, \(\alpha \in (0,2)\), with the scaling parameter \(\sigma>0\) and the self-similarity parameter \(H \in (0,1)\). The lfsm is heavy-tailed process with infinite variance and long-range dependence. A good overview on the role which this process plays in natural sciences is done by Watkins et al. (2008). One could also find a review of stochastic properties of lfsm in (Mazur et al. 2020).
We proceed with introduction to existing software, with interest towards study of numerical properties of statistical estimators for lfsm as the main motivation. So far, there is no standard approach for software development to operating the general class of stochastic processes driven by Lévy processes. Moreover, there was no systematic indexed and pier-reviewed software for simulating sample paths of lfsm and related estimators prior to rlfsm. There is a particularly simple and useful numerical algorithm for simulating lfsms developed by Stoev and Taqqu (2004). Other methods for simulation of the processes can be found in (Wu et al. 2004) and (Biermé and Scheffler 2008). The paper (Stoev and Taqqu 2004) contains a minimalistic implementation of lfsm generator as a MATLAB function. However, some useful packages, that could be used in numerical routines with Lévy-driven processes (e.g. to create lfsm generator and perform unit testing), exist and have been implemented in R. For instance, R package somebm (Huang 2013) contains functions for generation of fractional Brownian motion (fBM). Currently archived by CRAN dvfBm (Coeurjolly 2009) has routines for generation of fBm and estimator of the Hurst parameter of the latter. stabledist (Wuertz et al. 2016) and stable (Swihart et al. 2017) contain different functions for stable distributions and random variables. A generator of random variables of the kind has been also implemented in MATLAB (see the code in Chapter 1.7 in (Samorodnitsky and Taqqu 1994)).
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2
we present the simulation method for sample paths of lfsm and its
implementation in our path
function. Then, we present functions for
finite sample studies of statistical estimators, and some other
functions. Section 3 describes
implementations of the high- and the low-frequency parameter estimators
and discusses reasons behind their numerical behavior. Finally, in
Section 4 we suggest an object oriented system that
simplifies software programming of Lévy-driven integrals.
The latest version of the package (1.0.0) suggests that we work with two
types of sample paths. In the low-frequency setting we only use points
spaced 1 temporal index apart from each other, \(X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n\).
In the case of high-frequency, we use points with discretization equal
to the length of the path vector, \(X_{1/n}, X_{2/n}, \dots, X_{1}\). This
division is dictated by two issues: 1) the same division in the setting
of limit theorems obtained by Mazur et al. (2020), and 2) the fact that there is no
inference technique for an arbitrary mixture of the two frequencies.
Consequently, temporal coordinates of low-frequency lfsm coincide with
point index (compare coordinates
and point_num
in the example in
Section 2.2) which varies from 0 to \(N\).
Analogously, in case of high-frequency scheme, temporal coordinates
equal to point indexes divided by the total number of sampled points.
When after sampling the index set is different from either
\((1, 2, \dots, N)\) or \((1/n, 2/n, \dots, 1)\), rescaling in time should
be performed using the equality
\((a^H X_t)_{t\geq0} \ {\buildrel d \over = } \ (X_{at})_{t\geq0}\) with
\(a>0\) provided that \(H\) is known or obtained via preliminary estimation.
In this section, we start with a discussion on the simulation method of
the lfsm proposed by Stoev and Taqqu (2004) which is implemented in R by us. In
particular, simulation of sample paths is done via Riemann-sum
approximations of its symmetric \(\alpha\)-stable stochastic integral
representation while Riemann-sums are computed efficiently by using the
Fast Fourier Transform algorithm. In R, we introduce path
that creates sample paths of the lfsm. The idea underlying this sample
path generator is that it should be always possible not only to obtain
lfsm path, but also the underlying Lévy motion, generated during the
procedure, and since the core function of lfsm is deterministic it
should allow for lfsm path generation based on a given Lévy motion, and,
in theory, otherwise (not always). For this reason generators of both
processes were separated into independent parts (see Figure
The function path
can be used by
Parameters N, m, M
regard to the index of the process, or time, if
applicable. m
and M
are the only means to control precision of the
integral computation. N
is a number of points of the lfsm to generate.
is a discretization parameter that corresponds to the number of
points where Lévy motion is sampled between two nearby indexes (e.g. \(N\)
and \(N-1\)). M
is the truncation parameter, i.e. number of points after
which the integrated function is set to zero; freq
stands for the
frequency of the motion which can take two values: H
high-frequency and L
for the low-frequency setting. This is the switch
between the two data types. disable_X
is needed to disable computation
of X
, the default value is FALSE
, when it is TRUE
, only a Lévy
motion is returned, which in turn reduces the computation time. seed
is a parameter that performs seeding of the lfsm generator. Technically,
in the path
the seed is set just before Lévy increments are generated.
The path
function returns a list containing the lfsm, the underlying
Lévy motion, the point number of the motions from 0 to \(N\) (point_num
and the corresponding coordinate which depends on the frequency, the
parameters (\(\sigma, \alpha, H\)) that were used to generate the lfsm,
and the predefined frequency.
Generation of symmetric \(\alpha\)-stable (s\(\alpha\)s) random variables is
powered by function rstable
from package stabledist with S0
parametrization based on the Zolotarev’s representation for an
\(\alpha\)-stable distribution with some modifications. S0
is used in
order to make sigma
a scale parameter of the motion and to get exempt
from computing the normalization constant \(C_{H,\alpha}\) presented in
(Stoev and Taqqu 2004) and is given by
C_{H,\alpha} :=
\left( \int_{\mathbb R} \left| (1-s)_+^{H-1/\alpha} - (-s)_+^{H-1/\alpha}\right|^\alpha ds \right)^{1/\alpha}. \tag{2}\]
As it was mentioned in the beginning of Section
2.2, one of the features of path
is the
ability to operate on a pair lfsm - Lévy motion and to switch between
them. We recall that direct computation of the sum approximating the
integral in the definition of lfsm ((1)) would involve
number of operations proportional to \(NMm\), which makes the method slow.
Instead, the original algorithm by Stoev and Taqqu (2004) suggests computing
increments of lfsm with the help of
W(n):=\sum_{j=1}^{mM} {a}_{H,m} (j) Z_\alpha (n-j), \tag{3}\]
where \(W(mk)\) is a discretized and truncated version of the increments
of the lfsm, and in the limit has the same distribution as them
\[\label{lfsm_increms} \{W(mk),\text{ } k=1,\dots,N\} \xrightarrow[m \to \infty; M \to \infty]{d} \{X(k)-X(k-1),\text{ } k=1,\dots,N\}; \tag{4}\]
\(Z_\alpha(k)\) are i.i.d. s\(\alpha\)s random variables that have indexes \(-mM,\dots,mN-1\) and scaling parameter equal to 1, and \[\label{constantA} {a}_{H,m} (j) := C_{H, \alpha}^{-1} (m, M) \left( (j/m)^{H-1/\alpha} - (j/m-1)_+^{H-1/\alpha}\right) m^{-1/\alpha}, \ j \in \mathbb N \tag{5}\] with \[\label{constantC2} C_{H, \alpha} (m, M) := m^{-1} \left( \sum_{j=1}^{mM} \left|(j/m)^{H-1/\alpha} - (j/m-1)_+^{H-1/\alpha} \right|^\alpha\right)^{1/\alpha}. \tag{6}\]
Let us consider an example which will recur and evolve throughout this section. Consider computing sum ((3)) where \(m=1\), \(M=3\), and \(N=6\) (see Figure 2). The two rightmost cells for \(W(n)\) are left empty because there is no sense in computing them without truncation of \(a\).
A method based on the discrete convolution theorem is used to obtain \(W(mk)\). The theorem relies on Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), which needs to perform a number of operations proportional to \((mN+mM)\log(mN+mM)\) instead of \(NMm\). In order to understand how this method works, we review several definitions and theorems.
Definition 1. For any sequence \(x_n\), \(n \in \mathbb {N}\), Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) is defined as \[X=\mathrm{DTFT}\{x_n\}(\omega) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} x_n \exp(- i n \omega).\]
The reverse transform, IDTFT, is defined as \[x_n=\mathrm{IDTFT}\{X\} = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_0^{2 \pi} X (\omega) e^{i \omega n} d \omega.\]
Definition 2. Discrete convolution of two infinite sequences \(\{A_n\}_{n \in \mathbb {N}}\) and \(\{B_n\}_{n \in \mathbb {N}}\) is \[(A * B)[n]:=\sum_{m=-\infty}^{\infty} A[m]B[n-m].\]
There is a convolution theorem for discrete sequences which says that the discrete convolution of two sequences is equal to the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) of the multiplication of the direct transforms of the sequences:
Theorem 3. For any discrete sequences \(x_n\) and \(y_n\), \(n \in \mathbb {N}\), it holds that \[(x * y)[n] = \mathrm{IDTFT}[\mathrm{DTFT}\{x_n\}( \cdot ) \times \mathrm{DTFT}\{y_n\}(\cdot)].\]
Definition 4. Let \(x_n\), \(n \in \mathbb {N}\) be a sequence. Then \(\{x_N\}[n]\), \(n \in \mathbb {N}\) is called \(N\)-periodic summation of the sequence:
\[\{x_N\}[n]:=\sum_{k \in \mathbb {N}} x[n+kN].\]
It is straightforward that the periodic summation in the definition above has period \(N\). In our case, the latter theorem is applicable even though we will be interested in a finite sequence of length \(\tilde N\). The sequence is padded with zeros to form an infinite one, and a periodic summation of a the length \(\tilde N\) is just a periodic extension of it.
DTFT is not directly useful for simulation purpose, that is why we need a special case of Theorem 3, Circular Convolution Theorem which reduces DTFT to DFT.
Definition 5. The DFT of a finite sequence \(x_n\) of length \(N\) is defined as \[X_k= \mathrm{DFT}_k (x_n):= \sum_{n=0}^{N-1}x_n \exp(-2 \pi ikn/ N).\]
The IDFT is \[x_n:= \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=0}^{N-1}X_k \exp(2 \pi ikn/ N).\]
Theorem 6. \[(x_N * y)[n] = \mathrm{IDFT}\{\mathrm{DFT}(x_N) \mathrm{DFT}(y_N)\}\]
Returning to the task of computing the sum in ((3)), we consider two vectors: \(a\) of length \(mM\) and \(Z\) of length \(m(M+N)\). Here, we again index vectors starting with zero, not one. If we extend \(Z\) periodically, pad \(a\) with zeros to make an infinite sequence, and compute \((a*Z_{m(N+M)})[n]\), values with indexes \([mM; \text{ } m(N+M)-1]\) would coincide with the result of a convolution of \(a\) and \(Z\). The first \(mM\) values would be meaningless. This gives an idea how to use Circular Convolution Theorem for computation of ((3)): instead of \(a*Z\) we compute one period of \((a*Z_{m(N+M)})[n]\) through the left part of 4 and leave only meaningful values. Figure 4 illustrates the use of Circular Convolution Theorem with periodic extensions of \(Z\) and padded \(a\) to compute ((3)). In this case results with indexes -1 and -2 are meaningless and should be discarded.
Although the setup of the example as is on Figure 4 is
fastest, it is impossible to use it directly, because in some situations
truncation parameter \(M\) is larger than \(N\), the number of points of
lfsm sample path that is needed to be simulated. In this case path
function performs an index shift using the following property:
(a*x_c)[n] :=& \sum_{k=-\infty}^{+\infty} a[k] \cdotp x[n-k-c]
=&\sum_{k=-\infty}^{+\infty} a[k] \cdotp x[\tilde n-k] = (a*x)[\tilde n-c]
\end{split} \tag{7}\]
This property is illustrated by Figure 5,
wherein sequence \(x[n]\) is shifted by 2 to the right, so \(c=2\).
Accordingly, the resulting convolution also gets shifted 2 notches to
the right (compare Figures 5 and
2). In general, according to
((7)), when \(x[n]\) is shifted to assign index zero to the
first value, the resulting convolution sequence also starts from the
first meaningful value. Thus, path
always keeps the first \(Nm\) as the
result of convolution operation and discards the rest.
In the next example, we show how one can use the above function to generate a sample path and to provide its visualization. Compare the procedure with the similar one from Section 4.1.1.
# Path generation
List of $ point_num : int [1:425] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
$ coordinates : int [1:425] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
$ lfsm : num [1:425] 0 -1.3969 0.0159 1.6487 1.87 ...
$ levy_motion : num [1:425] 0 -21.8 28.3 42.1 38.1 ...
$ levy_increments: num [1:262144] -0.292 -0.708 -1.49 0.517 0.803 ...
$ pars : Named num [1:3] 1.8 0.8 1
- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "alpha" "H" "sigma"
..$ frequency : chr "L"
# Normalized paths
# Visualization of the paths
plot(Norm_lfsm, col=2, type="l", ylab="coordinate")
lines(Norm_oLm, col=3)
<- c("lfsm", "oLm")
leg.txt legend("topright", legend = leg.txt, col =c(2,3), pch=1)
The result of the chart rendering is shown on Figure
6. The following example shows how to switch path
function in order to alter between simulation of lfsm from scratch and
computing based on an existing sample path of the Lévy motion.
<-256; M<-600; N<-2^12-M
m<-1.8; H<-0.8; sigma<-1.8
# Creating Levy motion
<-path(N=N, m=m, M=M, alpha, H, sigma, freq='L',
levyIncremsdisable_X=T, levy_increments=NULL, seed=seed)
# Creating lfsm based on the levy motion
<-path(m=m, M=M, alpha=alpha,
lfsm_fullH=H, sigma=sigma, freq='L',
1] TRUE [
In the example the Lévy motion is generated without computing the lfsm,
which was done by setting disable_X=TRUE
, and saved to variable
. After that, path
was given the obtained Lévy increments
and, basing on them, generated an lfsm path. As one can observe, the
Lévy increments from the both objects produced by path
are identical.
The same holds when we obtain an lfsm path from the above procedure and
one-step simulation of lfsm with seeding. These two facts are used in
automated tests provided for rlfsm package.
In order to study numerical properties of the estimation procedures
developed in (Mazur et al. 2020), we created a technique, that could be used in
solving this problem for any pair stochastic process and an estimator.
The approach was implemented in MCestimLFSM
function (Figure
9). The main motivation here is that for some
estimators we have limit theorems, but we do not have theory which
describes estimator behavior when the length of a path is relatively
small, and thus, for instance, we cannot use closed-form expressions to
obtain confidential intervals. In the following examples we show how to
use functions MCestimLFSM
, PLot_vb
, and Plot_dens
for studying
empirical variance, bias and a density function of an estimator. In the
first example, we study GenLowEstim
estimator, and its bias and
variance dependencies on the length of the sample paths. In particular,
one would be able to determine starting from which path length the
estimator loses significant bias influence.
<-25; M<-55
m<-.4; p_prime<-.2
p<-1; t2<-2
NmonteC<-1.8; H<-0.8; sigma<-0.3
<-seq(from = 100, to = 2e3, by =50)
S<-MCestimLFSM(s=S, fr='L', Nmc=NmonteC, m=m, M=M,
# Structure of tilda_ests
1] "data" "data_nor" "means" "sds" "biases" "Inference" "params" "freq"
# Structure of BSdM is as follows
alpha H sigma s1 1.76 0.67 0.25 100
2 1.81 0.70 0.27 150
3 1.81 0.71 0.27 200
4 1.82 0.73 0.28 250
5 1.83 0.74 0.28 300
6 1.83 0.75 0.29 350
alpha H sigma s1 -0.04 -0.13 -0.05 100
2 0.01 -0.10 -0.03 150
3 0.01 -0.09 -0.03 200
4 0.02 -0.07 -0.02 250
5 0.03 -0.06 -0.02 300
6 0.03 -0.05 -0.01 350
alpha H sigma s1 0.19 0.23 0.09 100
2 0.14 0.20 0.08 150
3 0.13 0.19 0.08 200
4 0.13 0.19 0.07 250
5 0.10 0.17 0.06 300
6 0.11 0.17 0.06 350
Figure 7 shows that when
\((\sigma, \alpha, H) = (0.3, 1.8, 0.8)\), estimator GenLowEstim
be considered unbiased starting approximately from 1000 points.
The second example compares empirical standardized densities of
estimates, obtained by GenLowEstim
with the limiting standard normal
ones, Figure 8.
S<-MCestimLFSM(s=S, fr='L', Nmc=NmonteC ,m=m, M=M,
tilda_estsalpha=alpha, H=H, sigma=sigma,
<-Plot_dens(par_vec=c('sigma','alpha','H'), MC_data=tilda_ests,
<-grid.arrange(l_plot[[1]],l_plot[[2]],l_plot[[3]],nrow=1,ncol=3) ggg
In short, in these examples for different path lengths s
, NmonteC
lfsm paths are simulated. To each path we apply tilde-statistic (see
Section 3.2), therefore obtaining NmonteC
\((\tilde \sigma_{low}, \tilde \alpha_{low}, \tilde H_{low})\) for every
\(s\), which in turn, are used to calculate biases, standard deviations,
and density functions (also, for each \(s\) separately).
It is important to notice that generation of lfsm is numerically heavy
routine and also a large number of estimates is needed to compare their
empirical distributions with the limiting ones. The latter task gave
its name. Thus, in order to make computations feasible in
terms of time and memory use, the architecture of MCestimLFSM
must be
well-optimized. Apparently, a multi-core setup is crucial for dealing
with the task.
Having fixed a path length, the whole procedure behind MCestimLFSM
could be split in two parts. First, we need to obtain samples for each
estimator. Second, we obtain statistics of these samples (see Figure
9). Once finished, MCestimLFSM
proceeds to the next
length value until reaches the end of the vector of lengths.
In the first part, we generate \(N_\text{Monte Carlo}\) lfsm paths of the
length s[i]
via path_fast
function. To each of the paths we apply
all the estimators to obtain \(H\), \(\alpha\), and \(\sigma\) estimates.
During this stage, we use a foreach
-based parallel loop, where each
node simulates a path, computes and returns the statistics removing the
path from memory. path_fast
is an unavailable for users version of
with significantly reduced functionality for the sake of saving
execution time. The further desired enlargement of the node task by
adding generation of the whole set of paths instead of just one, making
the loop over s[i]
parallel, leads to extreme memory consumption as
well as unequal distribution of load among nodes. The number of numeric
values in the set of paths equals to \(N_\text{Monte Carlo} \times s[i]\).
Simulations, performed in (Mazur et al. 2020) showed that normal distribution is
attained by estimators at \(s=10^3\). Given the fact that we need at least
\(10^5\) Monte Carlo trials for a neat histogram of a distribution, one
can obtain the amount of memory required to store a matrix of size
\(N_\text{Monte Carlo} \times s[i]\), which makes 763Mb, while some
estimators require 80Gb per node. That is the reason why in the current
version of MCestimLFSM
the loop over s
is sequential, and the one
over NmonteC
is parallel.
During the second part, averages and standard deviations of the samples
are computed, and subsequently used to compute the standardized
empirical distributions. So that, the three characteristics naturally
come together within the same numerical procedure. So far there is no
empirical evidence that parallel execution in this section makes
more efficient.
Such architecture is of great use when the number of nodes available for computations exceeds the number of path length, and the length \(s[i]\) differs significantly from \(s[j]\) when \(i \neq j\).
In this part, we will describe aspects of some of the other R functions implemented in the package.
These increments are the main building block for all statistics we use
(see Section 3). They are defined as
\(k\)-th iterated increments of step \(r\) of a sample path. In particular,
\(\Delta_{i,1}^{n,1} X:=X_{\frac{i}{n}} - X_{\frac{i-1}{n}}\), and
\(\Delta_{i,2}^{n,1} X:=X_{\frac{i}{n}} - 2X_{\frac{i-1}{n}}+X_{\frac{i-2}{n}}\).
In rlfsm, we built two functions for computation of objects of this
class- increment()
and increments()
. The former accepts a vector of
points at which a user wants to evaluate higher-order increments, and
computes them using formula
\Delta_{i,k}^{n,r} X:= \sum_{j=0}^k (-1)^j \binom{k}{j} X_{(i-rj)/n}.
\end{aligned} \tag{8}\]
Before evaluation of ((8)), the function checks the
condition \(i < kr\). Evaluation of the increments on a sample path of
length \(N\) takes \((k+1)(N-kr)\) operations- \(k+1\) sums for \(N-kr\) points.
computes increments iteratively on the whole set of path
points. The first iteration gives \(N-r\) increments, the second- \(N-2r\)
and so on. Thus, the total number of performed operations is
\[\sum_{j=1} ^k (N-jr) = kN - r(k+1)k/2.\]
It is clear that increments()
is faster on sample paths with large
number of points, but slower when the increment order is high. As we
will show later, orders greater than \(\sim 10\) are not usable for
statistical inference. That is the reason why in all statistics we use
either increments()
or its hidden “relatives”.
We introduce a pair of functions which makes a panel plot of sample
paths produced by processes with different parameters. Path_array
takes a set of \(\alpha\)-\(H\) values, generates a path for each
combination, and stacks the paths together in a data frame. In the
produced data frame all the paths are tagged with \(\alpha\) and \(H\)
values. Plot_list_paths()
takes the data frame as an argument and
plots the sample paths on different panels based on their \((\alpha,H)\)
values. This functionality is powered by facet_wrap()
ggplot2 (Wickham 2016).
For discontinuous paths Plot_list_paths()
draws an overlapping
semitransparent line joining neighbouring points in order to highlight
=list(H=c(0.2,0.5,0.8), alpha=c(0.5,1,1.5), freq="H")
l<-Path_array(N=300, m=30, M=100, l=l, sigma=0.3)
n X alpha H freq1 1 0.0000000 0.5 0.2 H
2 2 0.2329891 0.5 0.2 H
3 3 1.1218238 0.5 0.2 H
4 4 -6.1284620 0.5 0.2 H
5 5 -2.2450357 0.5 0.2 H
6 6 3.4979978 0.5 0.2 H
'data.frame': 2709 obs. of 5 variables:
$ n : num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ X : num 0 0.233 1.122 -6.128 -2.245 ...
$ alpha: Factor w/ 3 levels "0.5","1","1.5": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ H : Factor w/ 3 levels "0.2","0.5","0.8": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ freq : Factor w/ 1 level "H": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
In this section, we describe estimators for the parameters \(H\), \(\alpha\), and \(\sigma\) that are obtained in the recent paper by Mazur et al. (2020), and their implementation in R.
First, we consider the case \(H- 1/ \alpha>0\) which leads us to the important property that the lfsm \((X_t)_{t \in R}\) is locally continuous of any order up to \(H-1/\alpha\). Moreover, this condition implies the following restrictions \[\alpha \in (1,2) \quad \text{and} \quad H \in (1/2,1)\] that allow us to use the law of large numbers in Theorem 1.1 of (Basse-O’Connor et al. 2017) when \(p<1\), and the central limit theorem in Theorem 1.2 of (Basse-O’Connor et al. 2017) when \(p<1/2\), \(k\geq 2\) and \(H<k-1/\alpha\).
Now, we consider consistent estimators for the self-similarity parameter \(H\) in high- and low-frequency setting, defined by \[\begin{aligned} \widehat H_{high} (p,k)_n :=& \frac{1}{p} \log_2 \left( \frac{\sum_{i=2k}^n \left| \Delta_{i,k}^{n,2} X\right|^p}{\sum_{i=2k}^n \left| \Delta_{i,k}^{n,1} X\right|^p} \right), \\ \widehat H_{low} (p,k)_n :=& \frac{1}{p} \log_2 \left( \frac{\sum_{i=2k}^n \left| \Delta_{i,k}^{2} X\right|^p}{\sum_{i=2k}^n \left| \Delta_{i,k}^{1} X\right|^p} \right). \end{aligned}\] Both estimators for \(H\) are based upon a ratio statistic that compares power variations at two different frequencies.
Let us define the following two statistics \[\begin{aligned} \label{V} V_{high} (f; k,r)_n := \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=rk}^n f \left( n^H \Delta_{i,k}^{n,r} X \right) \quad V_{low} (f; k,r)_n := \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=rk}^n f \left( n^H \Delta_{i,k}^{r} X \right), \end{aligned} \tag{9}\] where \(f: \mathbb R \to \mathbb R\) is a measurable function. Estimators for the stability index \(\alpha\) of the driving stable motion in high and low frequency setting are based on the empirical characteristic functions given by \[\varphi_{high} (t;H, k)_n := V_{high} (\psi_t; k)_n\ \ \ \text{and} \ \ \ \varphi_{low} (t;k)_n := V_{low} (\psi_t; k)_n\] with \(\psi_t (x):=\cos (tx)\), for two different values \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) such that \(t_2>t_1>0\). Let us note that the empirical characteristic function \(\varphi_{high} (t;H, k)_n\) depends on the parameter \(H\) while \(\varphi_{low} (t;k)_n\) does not. Thus, we should infer the self-similarity parameter \(H\) by \(\widehat H_{high} (p,k)_n\) and then we should use the plug-in estimator \(\varphi_{high} (t;\widehat H_{high} (p,k)_n, k)_n\) to infer the stability index \(\alpha\) in high-frequency setting. Estimators for the parameter \(\alpha\) are given by \[\begin{aligned} {2} \widehat \alpha_{high} &:= \frac{\log | \log \varphi_{high} (t_2; \widehat H_{high} (p,k)_n, k)_n| - \log | \log \varphi_{high} (t_1; \widehat H_{high} (p,k)_n, k)_n|}{\log t_2 - \log t_1}, \\ \widehat \alpha_{low} &:= \frac{\log | \log \varphi_{low} (t_2;k)_n| - \log | \log \varphi_{low} (t_1; k)_n|}{\log t_2 - \log t_1}. \end{aligned}\]
Estimators for the scale parameter \(\sigma\) in high- and low-frequency are also based on the empirical characteristic functions which are defined for one value of \(t>0\). Further, we define a function \(h_{k,r}: R \to R\) as follows: \[h_{k,r} (x) = \sum_{j=0}^k (-1)^j \binom{k}{j} (x-rj)_+^{H-1/\alpha}, \quad x\in R,\] where \(k,r \in N\), and let \(\|h_{k,r}\|_\alpha^\alpha := \int_R |h_{k,r} (s)|^\alpha ds\). Let us note that the function \(h_{k,r}\) depends on two parameters \(\alpha\) and \(H\) which need to be pre-estimated. Estimators for the parameter \(\sigma\) are expressed as \[\begin{aligned} {2} \widehat \sigma_{high} &:= \left( - \log \varphi_{high} (t_1; \widehat H_{high} (p,k)_n, k) \right)^{1/\widehat \alpha_{high}} / t_1 \| h_{k,1} \|_{\widehat \alpha_{high}}, \\ \widehat \sigma_{low} &:= \left( - \log \varphi_{low} (t_1; k) \right)^{1/\widehat \alpha_{low}} / t_1 \| h_{k,1} \|_{\widehat \alpha_{low}}. \end{aligned}\]
Here, we consider general case when an explicit lower bound for \(\alpha\) is unknown. First, we consider estimators which are obtained in low frequency setting. Consistent estimator for parameter \(H\) for any \(p \in (1,1/2)\) is obtained by \[\widehat H_{low} (-p,k)_n := \frac{1}{p} \log_2 \left( \frac{\sum_{i=2k}^n \left| \Delta_{i,k}^{2} X\right|^{-p}}{\sum_{i=2k}^n \left| \Delta_{i,k}^{1} X\right|^{-p}} \right).\] Next, we consider two-step procedure to choose the order of increments \(k\), since we should be in the domain of attraction of Theorem 1.2 of (Basse-O’Connor et al. 2017) that requires \(k>H+1/\alpha\). That’s why we consider the preliminary estimator of \(\alpha\) with \(k=1\) that is consistent given by \[\widehat \alpha^0_{low} (t_1,t_2)_n = \frac{\log | \log \varphi_{low} (t_2;1)_n| - \log | \log \varphi_{low} (t_1; 1)_n|}{\log t_2 - \log t_1}.\] Since we do not know if \(\widehat \alpha^0_{low} (t_1,t_2)_n\) is in the domain of attraction, we define the estimator of the parameter \(k\) as \[\hat k_{low} (t_1,t_2)_n := 2+ \lfloor{\widehat \alpha^0_{low} (t_1,t_2)_n^{-1}}\rfloor.\] In the second step we use estimator \(\hat k_{low} := \hat k_{low} (t_1,t_2)_n\) for the estimation of parameters \(H\), \(\alpha\) and \(\sigma\). In particular, we get the following consistent estimators \[\begin{aligned} {2} \widehat H_{low} (-p,\hat k_{low})_n &= \frac{1}{p} \log_2 \left( \frac{\sum_{i=2\hat k_{low}}^n \left| \Delta_{i,\hat k_{low}}^{2} X\right|^{-p}}{\sum_{i=2\hat k_{low}}^n \left| \Delta_{i,\hat k_{low}}^{1} X\right|^{-p}} \right), \\ \tilde \alpha_{low} (\hat k_{low}; t_1,t_2)_n &= \frac{\log | \log \varphi_{low} (t_2; \hat k_{low})_n| - \log | \log \varphi_{low} (t_1; \hat k_{low})_n|}{\log t_2 - \log t_1}, \\ \tilde \sigma_{low} (\hat k_{low}; t_1,t_2)_n &= \left( - \log \varphi_{low} (t_1; \hat k_{low}) \right)^{1/\tilde \alpha_{low}} / t_1 \| h_{\hat k_{low},1} \|_{\tilde \alpha_{low}}. \end{aligned}\]
Next, we consider two-stage estimation procedure in the general case in high-frequency setting which is the same as in the low-frequency setting. For \(p \in (0,1/2)\) we compute \(\widehat H_{high} (-p)_n = \widehat H_{high} (-p,1)_n\) and, therefore, we can define the preliminary estimator of \(\alpha\) by \[\widehat \alpha^0_{high} (p, p^\prime)_n = \phi^{-1} \left( \frac{V_{high} (f_{-p^\prime}, \widehat H_{high} (-p)_n)_n^p }{V_{high} (f_{-p}, \widehat H_{high} (-p)_n)_n^{p^\prime}} \right)\] with \[\phi (\widehat \alpha^0_{high} (p, p^\prime)_n) := \frac {\left(2 / \widehat \alpha^0_{high} (p, p^\prime)_n\right)^{p- p^\prime} a_{-p}^{p^\prime} \Gamma(p^\prime / \widehat \alpha^0_{high} (p, p^\prime)_n)^p} {a_{-p^\prime}^p \Gamma(p / \widehat \alpha^0_{high} (p, p^\prime)_n)^{p^\prime}}\] where \(p, p^\prime \in (0,1/2)\) such that \(p \neq p^\prime\), and \(V_{high} (f_{-p}, \widehat H_{high} (-p)_n)_n\) is given in formula ((9)) with \(k=1\), \(f_{-p}(x)=|x|^{-p}\) and preliminary estimator \(\widehat H_{high} (-p)_n\) for the parameter \(H\). It is remarkable that \(\phi (\cdot)\) is always invertible for all \(p \neq p^\prime\) (see Dang and Istas (2017)). Consequentially, we can define the estimator of \(k\) in high-frequency setting by \[\hat k_{high} := \hat k_{high} (p, p^\prime)_n = 2+ \lfloor\widehat \alpha^0_{high} (p, p^{\prime})_n^{-1}\rfloor.\] Thus, consistent estimators of \(H\), \(\alpha\) and \(\sigma\), in high-frequency setting are given by \[\begin{aligned} {3} \widehat H_{high} (-p,\hat k_{high})_n &= \frac{1}{p} \log_2 \left( \frac{\sum_{i=2 \hat k_{high}}^n \left| \Delta_{i,\hat k_{high}}^{n,2} X\right|^{-p}}{\sum_{i=2\hat k_{high}}^n \left| \Delta_{i,\hat k_{high}}^{n,1} X\right|^{-p}} \right), \\ \tilde \alpha_{high} (\hat k_{high}; t_1,t_2)_n &= \phi^{-1} \left( \frac{V_{high} (f_{-p^\prime}, \widehat H_{high} (-p, \hat k_{high})_n; \hat k_{high} )_n^p }{V_{high} (f_{-p}, \widehat H_{high} (-p,\hat k_{high})_n; \hat k_{high})_n^{p^\prime}} \right), \\ \tilde \sigma_{high} (\hat k_{high}; p, p^\prime)_n &= \left( \frac{\tilde \alpha_{high} a_{-p} V_{high} (f_{-p}, \widehat H_{high} (-p)_n)_n}{2 \Gamma (p / \tilde \alpha_{high})} \right)^{- \frac{1}{p}} / \| h_{\hat k_{high},1} \|_{\tilde \alpha_{high}}. \end{aligned}\]
We introduce function ContinEstim
for performing statistical inference
according to Section 3.1 when \(H-1/ \alpha >0\).
ContinEstim(t1, t2, p, k, path, freq)
The function is basically comprised by simpler functions alpha_hat
and sigma_hat
responsible for retrieving the corresponding
parameters. sigma_hat
is called using tryCatch
as the former may
return an error due to numerical integration in Norm_alpha
General low-frequency estimation technique, described in Section
3.2 is implemented in GenLowEstim
GenLowEstim(t1, t2, p, path, freq = "L")
This estimator first sets a preliminary \(k\) to be equal to 1, and uses
it to compute preliminary parameters \(H_0\) and \(\alpha_0\). Using these
\(H_0\) and \(\alpha_0\), a new \(k\) is obtained through
, and then the new \(k\) is used for the same
estimation procedure as in ContinEstim
. This approach induces an
effect, which does not exist in the case when ContinEstim
is applied.
When \(\alpha\) is smaller than, or close to \(2/N\), where \(N\) is the
observed lfsm path length, the computational errors are more frequent.
These extra errors occur when the preliminary estimation of k appears to
exceed \(N/2\), making it impossible to compute
\(\Delta_{i,\hat k_{low}}^{2} X\) in statistic
\(\widehat H_{low} (-p,\hat k_{low})_N\). In case of other sample path
realizations \(k<H+1/\alpha\), and it is still possible to obtain the
estimates which happen to converge to the true value
\((\widehat H,\widehat\alpha,\widehat\sigma)\), because in this case one
would be in the domain of attraction of Theorem 2.2 of (Mazur et al. 2020). Though,
the limiting distribution is not stable anymore, and the rate of
convergence depends on \(\alpha\) and \(H\). Real distributions of estimates
in this case are left unexplored.
High-frequency estimator from the same section was implemented in
GenHighEstim(p, p_prime, path, freq, low_bound = 0.01, up_bound = 4)
Although the general high- and low-frequency estimators presented in
Section 3.2 have important advantages, namely closed form
expressions for distribution functions and non-suboptimal convergence
rates, they also reveal two drawbacks in performance. Due to condition
and error handling, the time performances of the general estimators are
much worse than those of the continuous ones. On top of that, the
plug-in estimators (because of their nature) have much less probability
of obtaining an estimate at all. The main idea is as follows: the more
statistics are used in a plug-in estimator, the higher the probability
to stumble upon a numerical error during the estimation procedure. We
illustrate this effect by the following experiment, wherein the general
high- and low-frequency estimators are compared to the corresponding
continuous ones. For each pair from a set of parameters \((H,\alpha)\),
sample paths of the both frequencies were generated, and to
each of them the relevant procedures ContinEstim
, GenLowEstim
were applied (see “Estimate deterioration experiment” in
the supplementary materials). Then, the rates of successful computation
results were computed. The result of estimation was considered
“successful” if during the procedure all three parameters were obtained,
no error occurred, and the estimates are meaningful, namely
\((\widehat H,\widehat\alpha) \in (0,1) \times (0,2)\).
Comparison of success rates for ContinEstim and GenLowEstim. Low frequency case. Path length N=200, number of sample paths NmonteC=300. | Comparison of success rates for ContinEstim and GenHighEstim. High frequency case. Path length N=200, number of sample paths NmonteC=300. |
This experiment shows (Figures 11a and
[fig:Estim_Succ_Compar_high]b) that in
both high- and low-frequency cases ContinEstim
gives much better
precision than the corresponding general estimator. The outcome is
rigorous in low-frequency technique since ContinEstim
have the same set of tuning parameters. On the other hand,
the high-frequency estimators have non-coinciding parameter sets, and
thus, without fine tuning, the result is merely intuitive. One could
observe that in general estimation near the boundaries of the interval
\((\widehat H,\widehat\alpha) \in (0,1) \times (0,2)\) produces more
errors, which is partly due to the fact that near the boundaries it is
easier to obtain an estimate outside the interval. Such an estimate is
removed by Errfilter
function in the experiment.
In order to show how the general low-frequency estimation works in
practice, we peform a numerical experiment whose code could be found in
section “Zones with different convergence” of the accompanying .R file.
We set a constant \(\sigma\) and choose two sets of parameters- one for
\(\alpha\) and one for \(H\). Then, for each combination of them a number
\(N_{mc}=500\) of sample paths is created. All path lengths are set to a
constant \(N=1000\). To each path we apply several statistics. One of them
is k_new<-2+floor(alpha_0(̂-1))
where alpha_0
is obtained via
with parameters k=1
, freq=``L
plugged-in. This provides
us simulated distribution of \(\widehat k_{low}\) (Figure
12). Also, we fix a set k_ind = seq(1,8,by=1)
given a path, for each of these k’s extract statistics
\(\varphi_{low}(t,k=k_{ind})_n\) and
\(\hat\alpha_{low}(t_1,t_2;k=k_{ind})_n\), see Figures 13
and 14.
Three regimes of performance of GenLowEstim
(read, the general
low-frequency estimator \(\widehat \alpha_{low} (k,t_1,t_2)_n\)) are
observed. To a large extend, only parameter \(\alpha\) determines which
regime is in presence.
Due to small variance of \(\widehat \alpha^0_{low} (t_1,t_2)_n\) (Figure
14), when \(\alpha \in (1,2)\) the estimation
\(\hat k_{low} (t_1=1,t_2=2)_n\) returns 2 except from the boundaries,
where edge effects are observed. This results in the fact that in cases
when statistics \(\widehat k_{low} (1,2)_n\) can be computed without
stumbling on numerical errors performances of GenLowEstim
and low
frequency ContinEstim
are the same. At the same time, statistic
\(\widehat \alpha_{low} (k,t_1,t_2)_n\) is not far from its limit value
for \(k<3\), that’s why the parameter estimation of the LFSM is
technically possible by ContinEstim
and GenLowEstim
at such length
of the sample path.
When \(\alpha\) is near \(1\) there is a transition between the regime with values of \(\widehat k_{low} (1,2)_n\) concentrated at point \(k=2\), and the regime where \(\widehat k_{low} (1,2)_n\) is highly dispersed. This shift is characterized by only two values of \(\widehat k_{low} (1,2)_n\): 2 and 3. Such behavior of the estimated order of increments is due to the fact that when \(\alpha^{-1} \in N\) \[\mathbb P\left( \widehat{k}_{\text{low}} = 2+ \alpha^{-1} \right) \to \lambda \qquad \text{and} \qquad \mathbb P\left( \widehat{k}_{\text{low}} = 1+ \alpha^{-1} \right) \to 1- \lambda\] for some constant \(\lambda \in (0,1)\), see (Mazur et al. 2020), Section 4.1. Surprisingly, \(\lambda\) is close to \(0.5\) throughout the whole set of \(H\)’s (Figure 12). There are no \(\widehat k_{low} (1,2)_n\) higher than 3 observed because the preliminary estimation of \(\alpha\) is still quite precise as one can see from the middle row on Figure 14. After obtaining \(\widehat k_{low} (1,2)_n\) equal to either 2 or 3, \(\widehat \alpha_{low} (\widehat k_{low} (1,2)_n,t_1,t_2)_n\) is computed again quite precisely, but worse than in the continuous case.
At \(\alpha<1\) \(\widehat \alpha_{low} (k,t_1,t_2)_n\) has high variance regardless of what k is chosen, therefore different values are obtained when computing \(\widehat k_{low} (1,2)_n\). These values plugged-in to \(\widehat \alpha_{low} (k,t_1,t_2)_n\) produce again very dispersed estimates of parameter \(\alpha\). This mechanism explains why \(\widetilde \alpha_{low}\) has higher variance in discontinuous case \((H-1/\alpha <0)\) than in continuous (see the numerical study in Section 5 in (Mazur et al. 2020)).
The way \(\widetilde \alpha_{low}\) behaves could be explained using pic.(13), where \(\varphi_n\) and \(V_{low}(\psi_t,k)_n\) are plotted. Cases wherein \(\widehat \alpha_{low}\) performs poorly coinside with ones wherein \(\varphi_n\) and \(V_{low}(\psi_t,k)_n\) are significantly distant from each other, so convergence \(V_{low}(\psi_t,k)_n \xrightarrow{a.s.} \varphi_n(t;k)\) isn’t observed at the given length of sample paths, which ruins the whole idea of \((\sigma, \alpha)\) estimation. Of course, this effect doesn’t affect \(H\)-estimation because it is based on ratio statistic, which has a different form.
Here we describe a simple S4 system (a short introduction to S4 classes is given in (Wickham 2014), Chapter OO field guide) that could be used to simplify manipulations with the two types of observations of the linear fractional stable motion. Additionally, we present a possible way to extend the system so that it encompasses more general stochastic processes. The system aims to be helpful in
Here we describe the least general classes- “SimulatedLfsmLow” and “SimulatedLfsmHigh”, objects of which are obtained by simulating low- and high-frequency linear fractional stable motions.
Figure 15 shows their internal structure. Roughly speaking, these classes were designed to contain minimum information that could fully describe a simulated LFSM path. Indicators of frequency and a process type are included in the name of a class, which is supposed to make a method dispatch more straightforward, without additional condition blocks. Moreover, all generic functions distinct high- and low-frequency schemes of all types with the help of class names. The same holds for motion types. Parameters \(H, \alpha, \sigma\), as well as Lévy motion, coordinates and the lfsm itself are written in corresponding slots.
In the following example we see how an instance of class
“SimulatedLfsmLow” is created and then plotting and inference is
performed using generic functions plot
and ContinInfer
. First, we
register classes, methods and one generic from “S4 classes examples” in
the supplementary materials.
<-3000; m<-65; M<-300
N<-0.3; alpha<-1.8; H<-0.8
sigma<-.4; t1<-1; t2<-2; k<-2
# Make an object of S4 class SimulatedLfsmLow
<- path(N,m,M,alpha,H,sigma,freq='L',disable_X=FALSE,seed=3)
# Make an object of parameters
<- new("SimulatedLfsmLow", Process = List$lfsm,
X_sim coordinates = List$coordinates, pars = prmts,
levy_motion = List$levy_motion)
# structure of the instance
'SimulatedLfsmLow' [package ".GlobalEnv"] with 4 slots
Formal class @ pars :Formal class 'AlpaHSigma' [package ".GlobalEnv"] with 3 slots
..@ alpha: num 1.8
.. .. ..@ H : num 1.8
.. .. ..@ sigma: num 1.8
.. .. ..@ levy_motion: num [1:3497] 0 -15 -19.8 -21.2 -24.1 ...
..@ Process : num [1:3497] 0 -0.542 -0.912 -1.12 -1.276 ...
..@ coordinates: int [1:3497] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
# plot the motion
1] 1.870217
1] 0.8314528
1] 0.3227219 [
In this example, the plot function takes almost no effort, compared to
the similar one from Section 2.2, which is
due to the fact, that there has been a method defined for generic plot
and object “SimulatedLfsmLow”. The last function, ContinInfer
, is a
generic which has a registered method for class “StochasicProcLow”,
general stochastic processes in low-frequency setting. Since
“SimulatedLfsmLow” inherits from “StochasicProcLow”, the generic
dispatched this method and performed statistical inference.
was designed to perform inference according to Theorem 3.1
from (Mazur et al. 2020) and is based on R function ContinInfer
. One can see that
(and, less obviously, ContinInfer
) used “Low” from the name of
the class to perform computations.
The authors acknowledge financial support from the project “Ambit fields: probabilistic properties and statistical inference” funded by Villum Fonden. Stepan Mazur acknowledges financial support from the internal research grants at Örebro University, and from the project “Models for macro and financial economics after the financial crisis” (Dnr: P18-0201) funded by Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation. The authors would like to thank Prof. Mark Podolskij for significant discussions. Dmitry Otryakhin thanks Dr. Firuza Mamedova for valuable remarks on the draft of this paper.
rlfsm, somebm, stabledist, stable, ggplot2
Distributions, Phylogenetics, Spatial, TeachingStatistics
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Mazur & Otryakhin, "Linear Fractional Stable Motion with the rlfsm R Package", The R Journal, 2020
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2020-008, author = {Mazur, Stepan and Otryakhin, Dmitry}, title = {Linear Fractional Stable Motion with the rlfsm R Package}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2020}, note = {}, volume = {12}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {386-405} }