The increase in life expectancy followed by the burden of chronic diseases contributes to disability at older ages. The estimation of how much chronic conditions contribute to disability can be useful to develop public health strategies to reduce the burden. This paper introduces the R package addhaz, which is based on the attribution method (Nusselder and Looman 2004) to partition disability into the additive contributions of diseases using cross-sectional data. The R package includes tools to fit the additive hazard model, the core of the attribution method, to binary and multinomial outcomes. The models are fitted by maximizing the binomial and multinomial log-likelihood functions using constrained optimization. Wald and bootstrap confidence intervals can be obtained for the parameter estimates. Also, the contribution of diseases to the disability prevalence and their bootstrap confidence intervals can be estimated. An additional feature is the possibility to use parallel computing to obtain the bootstrap confidence intervals. In this manuscript, we illustrate the use of addhaz with several examples for the binomial and multinomial models, using the data from the Brazilian National Health Survey, 2013.
The increase in longevity observed worldwide is usually followed by the burden of chronic diseases, which are among the leading causes of disability late in life (Beard et al. 2016). Disability has become a public health priority due to its adverse effects on health outcomes and quality of life, resulting in increased costs of health care (Yang et al. 2014). Therefore, the identification of which chronic diseases are the main contributors to the disability burden plays an important role in the formulation of public health response to population aging (Klijs et al. 2011).
Although prospective studies are better suited to establish the causal
relationship between chronic diseases and disability, they are costly
and usually with limited sample size. Alternatively, cross-sectional
data has been widely used to investigate the association of chronic
diseases and disability. Among the methods based on cross-sectional
data, the attribution method proposed by (Nusselder and Looman 2004) has the
advantage of partitioning the disability prevalence into the additive
contributions of chronic diseases, taking into account multimorbidity
and that disability can be present even in the absence of chronic
diseases. The method was originally proposed for binary outcomes, but it
was recently extended to multicategory response variables (Yokota et al. 2017)
and it is based on the binomial and multinomial additive hazard models,
respectively. The use of non-canonical link functions in the models
imposes a constraint on the linear predictor, which limits the use of
standard statistical software to fit the models, such as glm
in R or
proc GLM
in SAS (SAS Institute Inc. 2008). Despite this practical difficulty, the
attribution method for binary outcomes has been widely used previously
with data from the Netherlands (Nusselder and Looman 2004; Klijs et al. 2011), Belgium
(Nusselder et al. 2005; Yokota et al. 2015a), Germany (Strobl et al. 2013), China
(Chen et al. 2013), and Brazil (Yokota et al. 2016), owing to the development of the
software in R to fit the binomial model and to estimate the contribution
of diseases to the disability prevalence by (Nusselder and Looman 2010) for non-R
users, which is available upon request to the authors
In this manuscript we present the R package addhaz, which is an extension of the R software developed by (Nusselder and Looman 2010), offering an open-source implementation of the binomial and multinomial additive hazard models. The R functions can also be used to calculate the contribution of chronic diseases to the disability burden for both models.
This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, a brief description of the attribution method is presented, followed by the definition of the binomial and multinomial additive hazard models. Section 3 introduces some features and options of addhaz. The existing alternative software to fit the binomial and multinomial models is discussed in Section 4. Examples of how to use the R functions to fit the models and to estimate contributions are shown in Section 5, using the data of the 2013 Brazilian National Health Survey (BNHS). The main advantages and disadvantages of the attribution method and addhaz are discussed in Section 6. Finally, conclusions and recommendations for future research are outlined in Section 7.
Analogous to the mortality analysis, in which a single disease is assigned as underlying cause of death in the death certificate, the attribution method aims to assess the probability that a single reported disease was the cause of disability in a survey, taking into account that individuals can report more than one disease (multimorbidity) and that disability can be present without any reported diseases (Nusselder and Looman 2004; Nusselder and Looman 2010).
In the attribution method, the disability that is not associated with any disease included in the analysis is attributed to “background". The background can represent the effect of age-related losses in functioning; underreporting and underdiagnosed diseases; and other causes of disability that were not included in the survey or analysis. More details about the attribution method can be found elsewhere (Nusselder and Looman 2004; Nusselder and Looman 2010).
The following assumptions are required to fit the binomial and multinomial additive hazard models to cross-sectional data: (i) disability is caused by the diseases that are still present in the time of the survey and the background; (ii) the estimated cross-sectional cumulative rates reflect the transition rates that would have been estimated with longitudinal data (stationarity assumption); (iii) the recovery rate is zero; (iv) the ratio of the cause-specific cumulative rates to the overall cumulative rate is constant over time (proportionality assumption); (v) the start of the time (age) at risk to become disabled is the same for all diseases; (vi) individuals from the same age group are exposed to the same cumulative rate of disability for background; (vii) diseases and background act as independent competing causes of disability (Nusselder and Looman 2004; Nusselder and Looman 2010).
For binary outcomes, the binomial additive hazard model is defined as:
\[\label{eq:1} \begin{array}{ll} y_{i} \sim Bernoulli(\pi_{i}) \\ \pi_{i} = 1-\text{exp}{(-\eta_i)}\\ \eta_{i}= \alpha_{a_i} + \displaystyle \sum_{d=1}^m \beta_d X_{di} \\ \end{array} \tag{1}\]
where \(y_i\) is the binary disability outcome; \(\pi_i\) is the disability probability for individual \(i\); \(\eta_i\) is the linear predictor representing the overall cumulative rate (or cumulative hazard) of disability for individual \(i\); \({a_i}\) denotes the age group of individual \(i\) (with \(f\) age groups, \(a_i\) can only get values between \(1, \ldots, f\)); \(\alpha_{a}\) is the cumulative rate of disability for background by age group \(a\) (\(a=1,\ldots,f\)); \(\beta_d\) is the cumulative rate of disability (or disabling impact) for disease \(d(1, \ldots, m)\); and \(X_{di}\) is the indicator variable for disease \(d\) and individual \(i\).
A linear inequality constraint is applied to the linear predictor (\(\eta_{i} \geq 0\)) to ensure that \(\pi_i\) lies between \((0,1)\). The standard errors (\(SE\)) for the regression coefficients are estimated based on the inverse of the observed information matrix. The 95% Wald confidence intervals (Wald CI) can be obtained using the standard errors described above (Wald CI) as showed in (2) or via bootstrapping (Efron and Tibshirani 1994).
\[\label{eq:2} \begin{array}{ll} \text{95\% Wald CI} = \widehat{\alpha}_a \pm 1.96(\widehat{SE})\\ \text{95\% Wald CI} = \widehat{\beta}_d \pm 1.96(\widehat{SE}) \end{array} \tag{2}\]
The multinomial additive hazard model is an extension of the binomial model:
\[\label{eq:3} \begin{array}{ll} y_{ij} \sim Multinomial(1,\Pi_{i}) \\ \pi_{ij}= \left[1-\text{exp}{(-\sum \limits_{q=1}^{c} \eta_{iq})}\right]\left(\frac{\eta_{ij}}{\sum \limits_{q=1}^{c}\eta_{iq}} \right) \\ \eta_{ij}= \alpha_{a_ij} + \displaystyle \sum_{d=1}^m \beta_{dj} X_{di} \\ \end{array} \tag{3}\]
where \(y_{ij}\) is the multinomial response variable (disability) with one independent observation and vector of disability probabilities \(\Pi_{i} = (\pi_{i0}, \ldots, \pi_{ij}, \ldots, \pi_{ic})\) per individual \(i\); \(\pi_{ij}\) is the probability of disability category \(j\) for individual \(i\); \(\eta_{ij}\) is the linear predictor (overall cumulative rate) for disability category \(j\) and individual \(i\); \({a_i}\) denotes the age group of individual \(i\) (with \(f\) age groups, \(a_i\) can only get values between \(1, \ldots, f\)); \(\alpha_{aj}\) is the cumulative rate of disability category \(j\) for background by age group \(a\) \((a = 1, \ldots, f)\); \(\beta_{dj}\) is the cumulative rate of disability category \(j\) or disabling impact for disease \(d(1, \ldots, m)\); and \(X_{di}\) is the indicator variable for disease \(d\) and individual \(i\).
Besides the inequality constraint in the linear predictor \(\eta_{ij} \geq 0\), an additional constraint is required: \(\sum_{j=1}^c \pi_{ij} < 1\), to ensure that all \(\pi_{ij}\) > 0. Similar to the binomial case, the standard errors are estimated by the inverse of the observed information matrix and the 95% Wald CI and bootstrap percentile confidence intervals (bootstrap CI) can be obtained using addhaz.
The attribution of disability to chronic diseases depends on the disease prevalence (\(X_d\)) and the disabling impacts of the diseases (\(\beta_d\) and \(\beta_{dj}\)) (Nusselder and Looman 2004; Nusselder and Looman 2010). The contribution of chronic diseases and background to the disability prevalence can be calculated in five steps for both binary and multicategory response variables.
For the binary case, the cause-specific disability probabilities for individual \(i\) and each chronic condition (\(\widehat{D}_{di}\)) and the background (\(\widehat{B}_i\)) are estimated based on the proportionality assumption, analogous to the competing risks setting in mortality analysis (Manton and Stallard 1984; Chiang 1991):
\[\label{eq:4} \begin{array}{ll} \widehat{D}_{di} = \widehat{\pi_{i}}\left(\frac{\widehat{\beta}_{d} X_{di}}{\widehat{\eta_i}}\right) \\~\\ \widehat{B}_i = \widehat{\pi_{i}}\left(\frac{\widehat{\alpha}_{ai}}{\widehat{\eta_i}}\right) \\ \end{array} \tag{4}\]
Next, the number of disabled individuals by each disease (\(\widehat{N}_d\)) and background (\(\widehat{N}_b\)) are estimated as:
\[\label{eq:5} \begin{array}{ll} \widehat{N}_d = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n \widehat{D}_{di}\\~\\ \widehat{N}_b = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n \widehat{B}_i\\ \end{array} \tag{5}\]
The absolute contribution of each disease (\(\widehat{AC}_d\)) and background (\(\widehat{AC}_b\)) to the total disability prevalence is obtained by:
\[\label{eq:6} \begin{array}{ll} \widehat{AC}_d = \frac{\widehat{N}_d}{n}\\~\\ \widehat{AC}_b = \frac{\widehat{N}_b}{n}\\ \end{array} \tag{6}\]
The absolute contribution of background and diseases defined above sum to the disability prevalence (\(\widehat{P}\)): \[\label{eq:7} \begin{array}{ll} \widehat{P} = \widehat{AC}_b + \displaystyle \sum_{d=1}^m \widehat{AC}_d\\ \end{array} \tag{7}\]
Finally, the relative contribution of diseases (\(\widehat{RC}_d\)) and background (\(\widehat{RC}_b\)) to the disability prevalence is estimated by:
\[\label{eq:8} \begin{array}{ll} \widehat{RC}_d = \frac{\widehat{AC}_d}{\widehat{P}}\\~\\ \widehat{RC}_b = \frac{\widehat{AC}_b}{\widehat{P}}\\ \end{array} \tag{8}\]
The relative contributions (\(\widehat{RC}_d\) and \(\widehat{RC}_b\)) sum to 1.
Analogous to the binomial case, the contribution of chronic diseases to the disability prevalence for multinomial outcomes can be obtained in five steps for each category \(j\) of the outcome:
1. Cause-specific disability probabilities for each disease (\(\widehat{D}_{dij}\)) and background (\(\widehat{B}_{ij}\)) for individual \(i\): \[\label{eq:9} \begin{array}{ll} \widehat{D}_{dij} = \widehat{\pi}_{ij}\left(\frac{\widehat{\beta}_{dj} X_{di}}{\widehat{\eta}_{ij}}\right)\\~\\ \widehat{B}_{ij} = \widehat{\pi}_{ij}\left(\frac{\widehat{\alpha}_{a_ij}}{\widehat{\eta}_{ij}}\right)\\ \end{array} \tag{9}\]
2. Number of disabled individuals by each disease (\(\widehat{N}_{dj}\)) and background (\(\widehat{N}_{bj}\)): \[\label{eq:10} \begin{array}{ll} \widehat{N}_{dj} = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n \widehat{D}_{dij}\\~\\ \widehat{N}_{bj} = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n \widehat{B}_{ij}\\ \end{array} \tag{10}\]
3. Absolute contribution of each disease (\(\widehat{AC}_{dj}\)) and background (\(\widehat{AC}_{bj}\)) to the total disability prevalence: \[\label{eq:11} \begin{array}{ll} \widehat{AC}_{dj} = \frac{\widehat{N}_{dj}}{n}\\~\\ \widehat{AC}_{bj} = \frac{\widehat{N}_{bj}}{n}\\ \end{array} \tag{11}\]
4. Total disability prevalence (\(\widehat{P}_j\)): \[\label{eq:12} \begin{array}{ll} \widehat{P}_j = \widehat{AC}_{bj} + \displaystyle \sum_{d=1}^m \widehat{AC}_{dj}\\ \end{array} \tag{12}\]
5. Relative contribution of diseases (\(\widehat{RC}_{dj}\)) and background (\(\widehat{RC}_{bj}\)) to the disability prevalence: \[\label{eq:13} \begin{array}{ll} \widehat{RC}_{dj} = \frac{\widehat{AC}_{dj}}{\widehat{P}_j}\\~\\ \widehat{RC}_{bj} = \frac{\widehat{AC}_{bj}}{\widehat{P}_j}\\ \end{array} \tag{13}\]
The absolute contributions defined in equations (11) sum to the prevalence of disability for each category \(j\) and the relative contributions defined in equations (13) sum to 1 for each disability category \(j\). The confidence intervals for the absolute and relative contributions for the binary and multinomial cases can be estimated via bootstrapping (Efron and Tibshirani 1994) in addhaz.
In this section, a brief explanation about the constrained optimization, the parallel option to obtain the bootstrap CI for the parameter estimates, and the option to perform the likelihood ratio test for model selection is provided.
The binomial and multinomial additive hazard models are generalized
linear models with non-canonical link functions
\(\eta_i = \text{log} \left(\frac{1}{1-\pi_i}\right)\) for the binomial
model and
\(\eta_{ij} = [-\text{log}(1-\sum_{q=1}^c \pi_{iq})]\left(\frac{\pi_{ij}}{\sum_{q=1}^c \pi_{iq}}\right)\)
for the multinomial model. For both models, the model parameters are
estimated using maximum likelihood. The use of non-canonical link
functions requires a constraint in the linear predictors
(\(\eta_i \geq 0\) and \(\eta_{ij} \geq 0\)) to ensure that the disability
probabilities (\(\pi_{i}\) and \(\pi_{ij}\)) are valid, i.e., the
probabilities lie between 0 and 1. In addhaz, this constraint is
implemented in the optimization procedure, with an adaptive barrier
algorithm (Lange 2010), by calling constrOptim
in R.
Besides the option to estimate the confidence intervals for the parameter estimates based on the standard errors obtained by the inverse of the information matrix for the binomial and multinomial models (Wald CI), addhaz also offers the user the option to obtain the bootstrap CI based on empirical percentiles of the replicates (Efron and Tibshirani 1994).
To reduce computation time, parallel computing can be used to obtain the
bootstrap CI. By default R does not use all the cores available on a
computer. The basic idea of parallel computing is to split the work to
more than one core of the computer, to execute it in parallel, and then
to collect the results. Several R packages can be used to implement
parallel computation. In addhaz it is implemented by calling the
functions boot
in the
boot package
(Davison and Hinkley 1997; Canty and Ripley 2016).
The package also includes a function to perform the likelihood ratio test to compare two binomial or multinomial nested models that can be used for model selection.
The likelihood ratio test is defined as -2*log(likelihood model 1/likelihood model 2).The resulting test statistic is assumed to follow a \(\chi^2\) distribution, with degrees of freedom (df) equal to the difference of the df between the models. If the test is statistically significant, the model with more variables fits the data significantly better than the model with less variables.
The original software for the attribution method (Nusselder and Looman 2004; Nusselder and Looman 2010) was developed in R, but it is not available as an R package, since it focuses on non-R users: an Excel file is used to input the model arguments and this file is called in the R code. This software is restricted to binary outcomes and it is freely available upon request to the authors. Different from addhaz, a penalty term is added to the binomial likelihood function when \(\pi_i \leq 0\), to ensure that valid probabilities are obtained. The original software also allows the user to obtain the bootstrap CI for the model parameters and contributions. Additionally, it offers the options: (i) reduced rank regression (RRR) (Yee 2014) to reduce the number of parameters when interactions between diseases and age groups are of interest; and (ii) model selection, using the likelihood ratio test.
Besides the original software, the parameter estimates of the binomial
additive hazard model can be obtained using the R packages
stats with glm
logbin with the function
(Donoghoe 2016). In both packages, the log-binomial model, i.e.,
\(\pi_i=\text{exp}(\eta_i)\), used to estimate relative risks
(Marschner and Gillett 2012), can be fitted to a transformed version of the response
variable \(y^{*} = 1 - y\), with the log link function. The estimated
model parameters should be multiplied by \(-1\), since
\(1-\pi_i = \text{exp}(-\eta_i)\). However, care should be taken with
: by specifying the option family = binomial(link = log)
to fit
the log-binomial model, convergence failure may occur with the iterative
weighted least squares (IWLS) algorithm when the maximum likelihood
estimates (MLE) lie on the boundary of the parameter space. In glm
the IWLS is modified so that if constraints are violated, step-halving
is used iteratively until they are respected. Although this should not
result in invalid estimates, it may cause difficulty in convergence. An
advantage of logbin is that it includes constrained optimization as an
option to optimize the binomial log-likelihood function
(method = "ab")
. This is done by calling constrOptim
in R to
constrain the parameter space.
Since addhaz was developed with focus on the attribution method, apart from estimating the model parameters for the binomial additive hazard model, it also gives the user the option to obtain the contribution of diseases to the disability prevalence and to obtain bootstrap CI for the parameter estimates and the contributions, using parallel computing to reduce computation time.
To our knowledge, there is no other package available to fit the
multinomial additive hazard model. Although it is possible to fit the
log-multinomial model (Blizzard and Hosmer 2007), i.e.,
\(\pi_{ij}=\text{exp}(\eta_{ij})\), with the function vglm
VGAM (Yee 2016), different
from the binomial case, no simple transformation of the outcome can be
applied to obtain the parameter estimates of the multinomial additive
hazard model using the log-multinomial model.
In this section, the use of the functions BinAddHaz
, MultAddHaz
, and
in addhaz are illustrated using a subset of the 2013 BNHS
available in the package. A selected output of the results is shown.
The Brazilian National Health Survey (BNHS) (“Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde") was a nationally representative survey of the Brazilian adult population (\(\geq 18\) years) with approximately 60,000 individuals, conducted in 2013. A multistage sampling design with simple random sampling (census tracts) and clustering (households and adults) was used. The response rate was 77%. Survey weights were included to take into account the complex design of the sample. Detailed information about the BNHS can be found in previous publications (Szwarcwald et al. 2014; Yokota et al. 2016).
In addhaz, a subset of the BNHS data is available, with women aged \(\geq\) 60 years (n = 6,294) and the following variables: disability as binary and multinomial outcomes, survey weight, age, diabetes, arthritis, and stroke (Table 1).
Variable name | Definition | Type | Categories |
wgt | survey weight | continuous | - |
age | age group | binary | 0: 60-79 years |
1: \(\geq\)80 years | |||
diab | diabetes | binary | 0: no |
1: yes | |||
arth | arthritis | binary | 0: no |
1: yes | |||
stro | stroke | binary | 0: no |
1: yes | |||
dis.bin | binary disability outcome | binary | 0: no disability |
1: disabled | |||
dis.mult | multinomial disability outcome | categorical | 0: no disability |
1: mild disability | |||
2: severe disability |
The binomial and multinomial disability outcomes were defined based on five instrumental activities of daily living (IADL): shopping, handling finances, taking own medications, going to the doctor, and using transportation. Participants were asked about the degree of difficulty in performing IADL tasks, with possible answers: “1. Unable",”2. A lot of difficulty", “3. Some difficulty", or”4. No difficulty". The definition of the binary and multinomial outcomes is shown in Table 2. The reference category “No disability" represents answer”4" to all IADL questions.
Outcome | Outcome category | Answer to at least one IADL question |
Binary | Disabled | 1, 2 or 3 |
Multinomial | Mild disability | 3 |
Severe disability | 1 or 2 |
A summary of the characteristics of the study population is shown in Table 3. A higher proportion of older women (\(\geq\)80 years), diabetes, arthritis, stroke, and the disease pairs was observed in women with mild and severe disability compared to women without disability.
Characteristic | Total | No disability | Mild disability | Severe disability | ||||
2-9 | N | % | N | % | N | % | N | % |
Age (years) | ||||||||
60-79 | 5379 | 85.5 | 3946 | 93.5 | 642 | 78.3 | 791 | 63.0 |
\(\geq\)80 | 915 | 14.5 | 273 | 6.5 | 178 | 21.7 | 464 | 37.0 |
Diseases | ||||||||
Diabetes | 1243 | 19.7 | 697 | 16.5 | 190 | 23.2 | 356 | 28.4 |
Arthritis | 1428 | 22.7 | 819 | 19.4 | 211 | 25.7 | 398 | 31.7 |
Stroke | 286 | 4.5 | 100 | 2.4 | 41 | 5.0 | 145 | 11.6 |
Diabetes and arthritis | 298 | 4.7 | 135 | 3.2 | 53 | 6.5 | 110 | 8.8 |
Diabetes and stroke | 91 | 1.4 | 31 | 0.7 | 13 | 1.6 | 47 | 3.7 |
Arthritis and stroke | 79 | 1.3 | 28 | 0.7 | 7 | 0.9 | 44 | 3.5 |
The function BinAddHaz
fits the binomial additive hazard model and
estimates the contribution of diseases to the disability burden for
binary outcomes in addhaz. To illustrate the use of BinAddHaz
, five
models were fitted with the binary disability outcome: model 1 - with
three diseases (no background and diseases by age); model 2 - with only
background by age, with bootstrap CI; model 3 - with only diseases by
age; model 4 - with background and diseases by age, with bootstrap CI;
model 5 - with two-way interaction between diseases. To illustrate how
the LRTest
function can be used for model selection, models 2 and 4
are compared.
Before fitting model 1, addhaz and the data can be loaded and the names of the variables can be checked using:
1] "dis.bin" "dis.mult" "wgt" "age" "diab" "arth" "stro" [
The first binomial model can be fitted with:
<- BinAddHaz(dis.bin ~ diab + arth + stro , data = disabData, weights = wgt,
model1 attrib = TRUE, type.attrib = "both", collapse.background = FALSE,
attrib.disease = FALSE)
Since no attribution variable such as age was included in the model, the
arguments collapse.background
and attrib.disease
were set to
. The results of the model were stored as an object called
, which can be checked with the summary
BinAddHaz(formula = dis.bin ~ diab + arth + stro, data = disabData,
weights = wgt, attrib = TRUE, collapse.background = FALSE,
attrib.disease = FALSE, type.attrib = "both")
Estimate StdErr t.value p.value0.2970833 0.009426403 31.516082 1.498823e-202
(Intercept) 0.1331831 0.023821666 5.590838 2.354697e-08
diab 0.1306445 0.022203662 5.883917 4.212860e-09
arth 0.5927519 0.075697633 7.830521 5.663378e-15
1] "summary.binaddhazmod" [
The first element of the output call
is the formula used to fit the
model. The bootstrap
, indicates if the bootstrap CI was requested.
Since it was not requested, its value is FALSE
Next, the coefficients are printed, with their estimates, standard errors (calculated based on the inverse of the observed information matrix), the \(t\) value (value of the \(t\) statistic), and the \(p\) value. The intercept represents the background. According to this output, all diseases were significant in the model. To identify the most disabling diseases, i.e., the diseases with highest cumulative rate of disability, the coefficients can be sorted in decreasing order using:
sort(model1$coefficients, decreasing = TRUE)
stro (Intercept) diab arth
0.5927519 0.2970833 0.1331831 0.1306445
Stroke was the most disabling disease, while arthritis was the least disabling disease. The 95% Wald CI can be obtained by:
.5 CI97.5
CI20.27860754 0.3155590
(Intercept) 0.08649261 0.1798735
diab 0.08712532 0.1741637
arth 0.44438455 0.7411193 stro
Both the relative and absolute contributions were requested
(attrib = TRUE, type.attrib = "both"
) and can be assessed with:
(Intercept) 0.06938567
diab 0.07451155
arth 0.05204903
disab 0.24807742
(Intercept) 0.02140780
diab 0.02298930
arth 0.01605886 stro
In the above output, the relative contribution (att.rel
: the
contributions sum to 1) is shown at the top and the absolute
contribution (att.abs
: the contributions sum to the disability
prevalence) is presented at the bottom. No confidence intervals are
provided for the contributions, as they can only be calculated via
bootstrapping and this option was not requested.
In the output for the absolute contribution, the disability prevalence
) was 30.9%. The absolute contribution can be sorted in
decreasing order using:
$contribution$att.abs[order(model1$contribution$att.abs[, 1], decreasing = TRUE), ]
disab (Intercept) arth diab stro
0.30853338 0.24807742 0.02298930 0.02140780 0.01605886
The background (Intercept)
was the main contributor to the disability
burden in this population. In this case, it can represent other causes
not included in the model such as dementia or back pain, which are
important causes of disability in the older population, but were not
included in the analysis. Among the three diseases, arthritis was the
main contributor to the disabilitiy burden in older Brazilian women.
It is interesting to note that, although stroke was the most disabling disease, it showed the lowest contribution to the total disability prevalence. This low contribution can be a consequence of the low occurrence of stroke in this population - 4.5% (Table 3) - as the contribution of chronic conditions to the disability prevalence depends on both, the disease occurrence and the disabling impact (Nusselder and Looman 2010).
In model 2, the background is modelled by age group, but the diseases are not. The model can be fitted by:
<- BinAddHaz(dis.bin ~ factor(age) -1 + diab + arth + stro , data = disabData,
model2 weights = wgt, attrib = TRUE, type.attrib = "both",
collapse.background = FALSE, attrib.disease = FALSE, seed = 111,
bootstrap = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, nbootstrap = 1000,
parallel = TRUE, type.parallel = "snow", ncpus = 4)
Since the background is modelled by age group, factor(age)
is included
in the model. The -1
is included in the model.formula
to obtain the
coefficients for both age groups, including the reference category.
Since the background is modelled by age, it should not be collapsed by
age (collapse.background = FALSE
). As no interaction between diseases
and age were included in the model, the argument attrib.disease
. The option seed = 111
allows the user to specify a random
number to make the results of the bootstrapping reproducible. In the
example above, the random number used was 111. The bootstrap CI for the
regression coefficients and the contributions was requested
(bootstrap = TRUE
), with confidence level = 0.95
(conf.level = 0.95
). The bootstrap CI was based on 1000 replicates
(nbootstrap = 1000
) and it was obatined with parallel computing
(parallel = TRUE
) on Windows (type.parallel = "snow"
) with 4 CPUS
(ncpus = 4
The summary of the model can be assessed with:
BinAddHaz(formula = dis.bin ~ factor(age) - 1 + diab + arth + stro, data = disabData,
weights = wgt, attrib = TRUE, type.attrib = "both",
collapse.background = FALSE, attrib.disease = FALSE, seed = 111,
bootstrap = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, nbootstrap = 1000,
parallel = TRUE, type.parallel = "snow", ncpus = 4)
Estimate CILow CIHighfactor(age)0 0.22345184 0.19892365 0.2529054
factor(age)1 1.10472873 0.95279272 1.2705886
0.12935797 0.06191508 0.2044457
diab 0.08531865 0.02375110 0.1513319
arth 0.52453664 0.28688675 0.8509963
1] 0.95
1] "summary.binaddhazmod" [
Since the bootstrap CI was requested, bootstrap
. The
coefficients show that age and all diseases were significant (the null
value, i.e. 0, is not included in the bootstrap CI). The factor(age)0
and factor(age)1
represents the background cumulative rates for age
groups 0 and 1, respectively. The contributions can be checked with:
Contribution CILow CIHighfactor(age)0 0.53992912 0.51937657 0.56054196
factor(age)1 0.29842186 0.27575265 0.32163433
0.06702577 0.06162503 0.07256112
diab 0.04869951 0.04513817 0.05269298
arth 0.04592374 0.03666781 0.05519789
Contribution CILow CIHigh0.30902546 0.30227641 0.31623119
disab factor(age)0 0.16685185 0.16405831 0.16947954
factor(age)1 0.09221995 0.08372162 0.10131428
0.02071267 0.01906935 0.02254047
diab 0.01504939 0.01396744 0.01628476
arth 0.01419161 0.01127267 0.01727091 stro
The contributions and the 95% bootstrap CI are shown. The background is the main contributor to the disability prevalence. Note that by allowing the background to vary by age does not change the disability prevalence (30.9%), as compared to model 1.
In Model 3, we allow only the diseases to vary by age group by including interactions between age and diseases in the model. Before fitting model 3, a matrix with the diseases to be included in the model can be defined by:
<- as.matrix(disabData[, c("diab", "arth", "stro")]) disease
The first six elements of the matrix created can be checked using:
diab arth stro36 1 0 0
98 0 0 0
113 0 1 1
347 1 0 0
352 1 0 0
436 0 0 0
The binomial additive hazard model can be fitted with the function:
<- BinAddHaz(dis.bin ~ disease:factor(age), data = disabData, weights = wgt,
model3 attrib = TRUE, attrib.var = age, type.attrib = "abs",
collapse.background = FALSE, attrib.disease = TRUE)
BinAddHaz(formula = dis.bin ~ disease:factor(age), data = disabData, weights = wgt,
attrib = TRUE, attrib.var = age, collapse.background = FALSE,
attrib.disease = TRUE, type.attrib = "abs")
Estimate StdErr t.value p.value0.29425017 0.009339432 31.5062168 1.991333e-202
(Intercept) :factor(age)0 0.07487954 0.022708458 3.2974294 9.811601e-04
diseasediab:factor(age)0 0.01218173 0.020156904 0.6043454 5.456358e-01
diseasearth:factor(age)0 0.44896271 0.072553106 6.1880563 6.474653e-10
diseasestro:factor(age)1 0.83733434 0.128901534 6.4959223 8.884711e-11
diseasediab:factor(age)1 1.32865873 0.143790133 9.2402636 3.299325e-20
diseasearth:factor(age)1 1.60530144 0.373531351 4.2976351 1.752351e-05
1] "summary.binaddhazmod" [
The (Intercept)
represents the background, which was not modelled by
age. The diseases with factor(age)0
and factor(age)1
represent the
regression coefficients for age 0 (60-79 years) and age 1
(\(\geq\)80 years). The output above shows that arthritis
was not significant for the reference age category (60-79years)
). Only the absolute contribution was
requested (type.attrib = "abs"
) and it can be assessed with:
att.abs.0 0.277835632
disab.0 0.251005540
backgrnd:factor(age)0.0 0.012575547
diseasediab:factor(age)0.0 0.002220039
diseasearth:factor(age)0.0 0.012034506
diseasestro.1 0.493678649
disab.1 0.206353130
backgrnd:factor(age)1.1 0.089832332
diseasediab:factor(age)1.1 0.158378063
diseasearth:factor(age)1.1 0.039115125 diseasestro
The attribution is presented by level of the attribution variable
), which in this example is age. The first five rows show
the results for attribution variable level 0, which in this case
represents age group 60-79 years and the last five rows represent the
results for attribution variable level 1 (\(\geq\)80
years). The results indicate that the disability prevalence in the older
women (49.4%) was much larger than in the younger age group (27.8%).
While the three diseases included in the model showed a low contribution
to the disability prevalence in women aged 60-79 years (<1.5%),
arthritis was by far the most important disease contributing to the
disability prevalence in the oldest women (15.9%).
The same matrix of diseases defined for model 3 will be used in model 4. This model can be fitted with the function:
<- BinAddHaz(dis.bin ~ factor(age) - 1 + disease:factor(age), data = disabData,
model4 weights = wgt, attrib = TRUE, attrib.var = age, type.attrib = "abs",
collapse.background = FALSE, attrib.disease = TRUE, seed = 111,
bootstrap = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, nbootstrap = 1000,
parallel = TRUE, type.parallel = "snow", ncpus = 4)
The -1
in the model.formula
is used to obtain a different
parameterization than the default: here we obtain the parameter
estimates for all the age groups, including the reference category.
Since we want to estimate the contributions for background by age, the
argument collapse.background
is set to FALSE
. If this argument would
be set to TRUE
, only one background, common to all age groups, would
be estimated. Since the contributions of diseases should be estimated by
age group, the argument attrib.disease
was set to TRUE
. The parallel
option for the bootstrap CI was used (parallel = TRUE
) on a Windows
computer (type.parallel = "snow"
) with 4 cores (ncpus = 4
). The
option seed = 111
allows the user to specify a random number (in this
case 111) to make the results of the bootstrapping reproducible. The
summary of the model can be checked with:
BinAddHaz(formula = dis.bin ~ factor(age) - 1 + disease:factor(age), data = disabData,
weights = wgt, attrib = TRUE, attrib.var = age, collapse.background = FALSE,
attrib.disease = TRUE, type.attrib = "abs", seed = 111, bootstrap = TRUE,
conf.level = 0.95, nbootstrap = 1000, parallel = TRUE,
type.parallel = "snow", ncpus = 4)
Estimate CILow CIHighfactor(age)0 0.22661055 0.201218693 0.2568179
factor(age)1 0.94910725 0.784733478 1.1292937
factor(age)0:diseasediab 0.12749849 0.056516120 0.2036685
factor(age)1:diseasediab 0.24124648 -0.181208625 0.7471999
factor(age)0:diseasearth 0.06884402 0.009035558 0.1345238
factor(age)1:diseasearth 0.75879140 0.349882903 1.2234047
factor(age)0:diseasestro 0.48788899 0.255772550 0.8331633
factor(age)1:diseasestro 1.13333515 0.426477637 2.2240599
1] 0.95
1] "summary.binaddhazmod" [
The output with the results of the model is shown for factor(age)0
which represents the age group of 60-79 years, and factor(age)1
representing the age group of \(\geq\)80 years. Diabetes
was not significant for age group 1, as the bootstrap CI includes the
null value, i.e. 0. To identify the most disabling diseases, two objects
and coef.age1
) with the coefficients for each age group
can be created and sorted in decreasing order using:
<- model4$coefficients[seq(1, length(model4$coefficients), 2)]
coef.age0 <- model4$coefficients[seq(0, length(model4$coefficients), 2)]
sort(coef.age0, decreasing = TRUE)
factor(age)0:diseasestro factor(age)0 factor(age)0:diseasediab
0.48788899 0.22661055 0.12749849
sort(coef.age1, decreasing = TRUE)
factor(age)1:diseasestro factor(age)1 factor(age)1:diseasearth
1.1333352 0.9491072 0.7587914
Stroke was the most disabling disease in both age groups. Arthritis and diabetes showed the lowest disabling impact in women aged 60-79 years and \(\geq\)80 years, respectively.
Since only the absolute contribution was requested
(type.attrib = "abs"
), the results for the absolute contribution can
be assessed with:
att.abs CILow CIHigh.0 0.24442949 0.24102940 0.24813627
disab.0 0.19743946 0.19694283 0.19790210
backgrndfactor(age)0:diseasediab.0 0.02141352 0.01956557 0.02342391
factor(age)0:diseasearth.0 0.01253887 0.01153068 0.01363192
factor(age)0:diseasestro.0 0.01303764 0.01003208 0.01636211
.1 0.69484947 0.68537515 0.70574268
disab.1 0.54868976 0.53993448 0.55643174
backgrndfactor(age)1:diseasediab.1 0.02637877 0.02080951 0.03249654
factor(age)1:diseasearth.1 0.09137348 0.07746954 0.10759760
factor(age)1:diseasestro.1 0.02840746 0.01932950 0.03894183
The CILow and CIHigh refers to the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the
1,000 bootstrap replicates, since the bootstrap CI was requested
(bootstrap = TRUE
) with conf.level = 0.95
. To identify the main
contributors to the disability burden, two objects (one for each age
group) can be defined with the absolute contribution and bootstrap CI
<- model4$contribution[c(1:5), ]
cont.age0 <- model4$contribution[c(6:10), ]
cont.age1 order(cont.age0[, 1], decreasing = TRUE), ]
att.abs CILow CIHigh.0 0.24442949 0.24102940 0.24813627
disab.0 0.19743946 0.19694283 0.19790210
backgrndfactor(age)0:diseasediab.0 0.02141352 0.01956557 0.02342391
factor(age)0:diseasestro.0 0.01303764 0.01003208 0.01636211
factor(age)0:diseasearth.0 0.01253887 0.01153068 0.01363192
order(cont.age1[, 1], decreasing = TRUE), ]
att.abs CILow CIHigh.1 0.69484947 0.68537515 0.70574268
disab.1 0.54868976 0.53993448 0.55643174
backgrndfactor(age)1:diseasearth.1 0.09137348 0.07746954 0.10759760
factor(age)1:diseasestro.1 0.02840746 0.01932950 0.03894183
factor(age)1:diseasediab.1 0.02637877 0.02080951 0.03249654
According to the results, the disability prevalence in the oldest women (69.5%) was 2.8 times larger than in women aged 60-79 years (24.4%). The background was the main contributor to the disability prevalence in both age groups. Among the chronic conditions, diabetes was the main contributor to the disability prevalence in women aged 60-79 years (2.1%) while arthritis contributed most to the disability burden in older women (9.1%).
In model 5, the independence assumption (assumption vii) is violated and two-way interactions between diseases are included in the model. In total, 6 parameters and the intercept will be estimated in model 5. The model can be fitted by:
<- BinAddHaz(dis.bin ~ (diab + arth + stro)^2, data = disabData, weights = wgt,
model5 attrib = TRUE, collapse.background = FALSE, attrib.disease = FALSE,
type.attrib = "both")
BinAddHaz(formula = dis.bin ~ (diab + arth + stro)^2, data = disabData, weights = wgt,
attrib = TRUE, collapse.background = FALSE, attrib.disease = FALSE,
type.attrib = "both")
Estimate StdErr t.value p.value0.2988163 0.009586541 31.1703950 1.803828e-198
(Intercept) 0.1178815 0.026104065 4.5158287 6.422107e-06
diab 0.1101293 0.023712731 4.6443118 3.481543e-06
arth 0.8145107 0.116867992 6.9694938 3.505379e-12
stro :arth 0.1563155 0.067097034 2.3296932 1.985387e-02
diab:stro -0.5072111 0.154344770 -3.2862213 1.020980e-03
diab:stro -0.1494752 0.176853232 -0.8451937 3.980349e-01
1] "summary.binaddhazmod" [
The main effects of all the diseases were significant, but only the interaction between diabetes and arthritis and between diabetes and stroke were significant. The negative disabling impact of the interaction term between diabetes and stroke should be carefully interpreted, as it is based on a small sample size (\(n = 91\)) (Table 3).
To illustrate the use of the function LRTest
to perform the likelihood
ratio test (LRT) for model selection, models 2 (model2
) and 4
) are compared. The LRT can be performed with:
LRTest(model4, model2)
Likelihood ratio test1:
Model ~ factor(age) - 1 + disease:factor(age)
dis.bin 2:
Model ~ factor(age) - 1 + diab + arth + stro
dis.bin Pr(>Chi)
Res.df Res.Dev df Deviance 1 6286 6916.818
2 6289 6946.224 3 29.405 1.8407e-06
The output shows the models that are being compared: Model 1
is the
model with the interactions with diseases and age (previous model 4) and
Model 2
is the model without the interactions between diseases and age
(previous model 2). The degrees of freedom for each model (Res.df
the residual deviance, i.e. the 2*log-likelihood of each model
), the difference in the degrees of freedom between the models
), the difference between the 2*log-likelihood of the models, i.e.
the value of the likelihood ratio test statistic (Deviance
), and the
p-value of the test statistic, based on the \(\chi^2\) distribution
) are presented. Since the test was statistically significant
at 0.05 significance level, model 4, which includes interaction between
diseases and age, fits the data better than model 2.
To fit the multinomial additive hazard model and to estimate the
contribution of chronic conditions to the disability burden for
multinomial outcomes, the function MultAddHaz
can be used. As an
illustration, two models were fitted: model 6 - with only background by
age; and model 7 - with background and diseases by age, with bootstrap
Model 6 can be fitted with the function:
<- MultAddHaz(dis.mult ~ factor(age) - 1 + diab + arth + stro, data = disabData,
model6 weights = wgt, attrib = TRUE, seed = 111, collapse.background = FALSE,
attrib.disease = FALSE, type.attrib = "both")
The results of the model can be visualized using:
MultAddHaz(formula = dis.mult ~ factor(age) - 1 + diab + arth +
data = disabData, weights = wgt, attrib = TRUE, seed = 111,
stro, collapse.background = FALSE, attrib.disease = FALSE, type.attrib = "both")
Estimate StdErr t.value p.valuefactor(age)0.y1 0.117959944 0.006083174 19.3911842 2.109290e-81
factor(age)1.y1 0.285541582 0.022330639 12.7869869 5.585601e-37
0.002717701 0.011329960 0.2398685 8.104400e-01
diab.y1 0.015602747 0.011534798 1.3526675 1.762105e-01
arth.y1 0.024923984 0.025498946 0.9774515 3.283833e-01
stro.y1 factor(age)0.y2 0.107643802 0.005969496 18.0323096 6.503330e-71
factor(age)1.y2 0.817043178 0.043161129 18.9300697 9.103853e-78
0.124326766 0.017245323 7.2093036 6.283854e-13
diab.y2 0.063767963 0.014095689 4.5239336 6.181719e-06
arth.y2 0.499262854 0.064799754 7.7047030 1.514581e-14
1] "summary.multaddhazmod" [
In the above output, the results identified with \(y1\) refer to the
outcome (dis.mult) = 1 (mild disability) and the results with \(y2\) refer
to the outcome (dis.mult) = 2 (severe disability). For mild disability
only the background (factor(age)0.y1
) and (factor(age)1.y1
) was
significant while all the diseases and the background were signifcant
for women with severe disability. Similar to the binomial model, the
most disabling diseases can be identified by:
<- model6$coefficients[1:5, ]
coef.mild <- model6$coefficients[6:10, ]
sort(coef.mild, decreasing = TRUE)
factor(age)1.y1 factor(age)0.y1 stro.y1 arth.y1 diab.y1
0.285541582 0.117959944 0.024923984 0.015602747 0.002717701
sort(coef.sev, decreasing = TRUE)
factor(age)1.y2 stro.y2 diab.y2 factor(age)0.y2 arth.y2
0.81704318 0.49926285 0.12432677 0.10764380 0.06376796
Background and stroke showed the highest disabling impact for mild and severe disability. The relative and absolute contributions can be checked with:
att.relfactor(age)0.y1 0.804099194
factor(age)1.y1 0.164283693
diab.y1 0.023317949
arth.y1 0.004633619
stro.y1 factor(age)0.y2 0.426874738
factor(age)1.y2 0.336655536
diab.y2 0.058984332
arth.y2 0.071919244
disab.y1 factor(age)0.y1 0.1017255781
factor(age)1.y1 0.0207833234
diab.y1 0.0029499244
arth.y1 0.0005861933
stro.y1 0.1901766667
disab.y2 factor(age)0.y2 0.0811816147
factor(age)1.y2 0.0640240276
diab.y2 0.0112174436
arth.y2 0.0136773621 stro.y2
It is interesting to note that the severe disability prevalence (19.0%) was 1.5 times higher than the mild disability prevalence (12.7%). The results for the relative contribution can be sorted in decreasing order by:
<- model6$contribution$att.rel[1:5, ]
rel.cont.mild <- model6$contribution$att.rel[6:10, ]
sort(rel.cont.mild, decreasing = TRUE)
factor(age)0.y1 factor(age)1.y1 arth.y1 stro.y1 diab.y1
0.804099194 0.164283693 0.023317949 0.004633619 0.003665546
sort(rel.cont.sev, decreasing = TRUE)
factor(age)0.y2 factor(age)1.y2 diab.y2 stro.y2 arth.y2
0.42687474 0.33665554 0.10556615 0.07191924 0.05898433
The background was the main contributor to the disability burden, representing 96.8% (0.80 + 0.16) and 76.4% (0.43 + 0.34) of the mild and severe disability prevalence, respectively. Arthritis (2.3%) was the main contributor to the mild disability prevalence while diabetes (10.6%) contributed most to the severe disability prevalence.
The matrix with the diseases (disease
) defined for model 3 is used to
fit model 7:
<- MultAddHaz(dis.mult ~ factor(age) -1 + disease:factor(age),
model7 data = disabData, weights = wgt, attrib = TRUE, attrib.var = age,
seed = 111, collapse.background = FALSE, attrib.disease = TRUE,
type.attrib = "both", bootstrap = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95,
nbootstrap = 1000, parallel = TRUE, type.parallel = "snow",
ncpus = 4)
The -1
was added to the model.formula
to obtain the parameter
estimates for the background for all age groups, including the reference
category. Since the background should be estimated by age,
is set to FALSE
. Additionally, attrib.disease
is set to TRUE
, as interactions between age and diseases were included
in the model and the contribution of diseases should be estimated by
age. The seed
argument in MultAddHaz
is used to obtain reproducible
results for the starting values used in the constrained optimization,
which are randomly generated, and for the bootstrap CI. Besides the
function, the disabling impacts and the bootstrap CI can also
be assessed with:
cbind(model7$coefficients, model7$ci)
Coefficients CILow CIHighfactor(age)0.y1 0.117255379 0.10064630 0.13689281
factor(age)1.y1 0.277818866 0.20558349 0.37304023
factor(age)0:diseasediab.y1 0.005926107 -0.03440926 0.04770883
factor(age)1:diseasediab.y1 -0.027900849 -0.16964726 0.15898841
factor(age)0:diseasearth.y1 0.012814735 -0.02467113 0.05156243
factor(age)1:diseasearth.y1 0.110733103 -0.08447433 0.30975351
factor(age)0:diseasestro.y1 0.032163873 -0.03657685 0.14572706
factor(age)1:diseasestro.y1 -0.028504716 -0.22807053 0.22952796
factor(age)0.y2 0.109165655 0.09146724 0.13167070
factor(age)1.y2 0.672941316 0.53792263 0.83185332
factor(age)0:diseasediab.y2 0.121508443 0.06618176 0.17864913
factor(age)1:diseasediab.y2 0.282986455 -0.09742139 0.80712949
factor(age)0:diseasearth.y2 0.054335292 0.01095538 0.09957643
factor(age)1:diseasearth.y2 0.635463641 0.31671319 1.05424237
factor(age)0:diseasestro.y2 0.456594023 0.24959719 0.72863913
factor(age)1:diseasestro.y2 1.233578243 0.49988818 2.27216717
In the output, factor(age)0
and factor(age)1
refers to the age
groups 60-79 years and \(\geq\) 80 years, respectively. y1
refers to
disability category 1, which here represents mild disability and y2
refers to disability category 2, representing severe disability.
Two coefficients (for diabetes and stroke in women aged \(\geq\) 80 years with mild disability) were negative. This suggests a “protective" effect of these conditions. However, these results should be carefully interpreted as they were not statistically significant.
To identify the most disabling diseases for mild and severe disability by age group, the following code can be used:
<- model7$coefficients[seq(1, length(model7$coefficients), 2), ][1:4]
mild.age0 <- model7$coefficients[seq(1, length(model7$coefficients), 2), ][5:8]
sev.age0 <- model7$coefficients[seq(0, length(model7$coefficients), 2), ][1:4]
mild.age1 <- model7$coefficients[seq(0, length(model7$coefficients), 2), ][5:8]
order(mild.age0, decreasing = TRUE)]
mild.age0[factor(age)0.y1 factor(age)0:diseasestro.y1
0.117255379 0.032163873
factor(age)0:diseasearth.y1 factor(age)0:diseasediab.y1
0.012814735 0.005926107
order(sev.age0, decreasing = TRUE)]
sev.age0[factor(age)0:diseasestro.y2 factor(age)0:diseasediab.y2
0.45659402 0.12150844
factor(age)0.y2 factor(age)0:diseasearth.y2
0.10916565 0.05433529
order(mild.age1, decreasing = TRUE)]
mild.age1[factor(age)1.y1 factor(age)1:diseasearth.y1
0.27781887 0.11073310
factor(age)1:diseasediab.y1 factor(age)1:diseasestro.y1
-0.02790085 -0.02850472
order(sev.age1, decreasing = TRUE)]
sev.age1[factor(age)1:diseasestro.y2 factor(age)1.y2
1.2335782 0.6729413
factor(age)1:diseasearth.y2 factor(age)1:diseasediab.y2
0.6354636 0.2829865
Stroke was the most disabling disease in women with severe disability in both age groups and in women aged 60-79 years with mild disability while arthritis was the most disabling disease in women aged \(\geq\) 80 years with mild disability.
The main contributors to the disability burden, based on the absolute contribution can be assessed with:
<- model7$contribution$att.abs[1:5, ]
cont.mild.age0 <- model7$contribution$att.abs[6:10, ]
cont.sev.age0 <- model7$contribution$att.abs[11:15, ]
cont.mild.age1 <- model7$contribution$att.abs[16:20, ]
order(cont.mild.age0[, 1], decreasing = TRUE), ]
att.abs CILow CIHigh0.y1 0.1146399721 0.1142911352 0.115027470
disab.0.y1 0.1103973843 0.1103736506 0.110418787
backgrnd.factor(age)0:diseasearth.0.y1 0.0024598331 0.0022352202 0.002706063
factor(age)0:diseasediab.0.y1 0.0010238914 0.0009230407 0.001137036
factor(age)0:diseasestro.0.y1 0.0007588633 0.0005256459 0.001035586
order(cont.sev.age0[, 1], decreasing = TRUE), ]
att.abs CILow CIHigh0.y2 0.137612800 0.133986991 0.14160126
disab.0.y2 0.095139459 0.094884399 0.09537052
backgrnd.factor(age)0:diseasediab.0.y2 0.020450103 0.018538859 0.02259582
factor(age)0:diseasestro.0.y2 0.012179369 0.009234356 0.01571648
factor(age)0:diseasearth.0.y2 0.009843869 0.008984070 0.01077563
order(cont.mild.age1[, 1], decreasing = TRUE), ]
att.abs CILow CIHigh1.y1 0.2532173709 0.248985442 0.257917633
disab.1.y1 0.2408954310 0.240163632 0.241550122
backgrnd.factor(age)1:diseasearth.1.y1 0.0170621273 0.012596001 0.022104725
factor(age)1:diseasestro.1.y1 -0.0006391061 -0.001067613 -0.000299713
factor(age)1:diseasediab.1.y1 -0.0041010813 -0.005510841 -0.002757878
order(cont.sev.age1[, 1], decreasing = TRUE), ]
att.abs CILow CIHigh1.y2 0.52797382 0.51474229 0.54101616
disab.1.y2 0.38747404 0.38073529 0.39414511
backgrnd.factor(age)1:diseasearth.1.y2 0.07581147 0.06237721 0.09017923
factor(age)1:diseasestro.1.y2 0.03293044 0.02088364 0.04734430
factor(age)1:diseasediab.1.y2 0.03175788 0.02394332 0.04002170
The severe disability prevalence (60-79 years = 13.8%; \(\geq\)80 years = 52.8%) was larger than the mild disability prevalence (60-79 years = 11.5%; \(\geq\)80 years = 25.3%) in both age groups. Arthritis was the main contributor to the mild disability prevalence in both age groups and to the severe disability prevalence in women aged \(\geq\)80 years, while diabetes was the main contributor to the severe disability prevalence in women aged 60-79 years.
In this paper we introduced the R package addhaz developed to fit the binomial and multinomial additive hazard models to estimate the contribution of diseases to the disability prevalence using cross-sectional data.
The R package addhaz was developed based on the R functions developed
by Nusselder and Looman (Nusselder and Looman 2010) for binomial disability
outcomes and for non-R users. The main advantages of addhaz compared
to the original R functions are: (i) option to use the attribution
method for multinomial responses using the function MultAddHaz
; and
(ii) option to do parallel computing for the calculation of the
bootstrap percentile confidence intervals. However, the possibility to
use reduced rank regression (Yee 2014) to estimate the cause-specific
disability rates by age group, for example, which is available in the
original R functions (Nusselder and Looman 2010), is not available in addhaz.
Nonetheless, in addhaz these interactions can be estimated by
including full interaction terms between chronic conditions and age
Although the parameter estimates of the binomial additive hazard model can also be obtained with the R package logbin, the contribution of diseases to the disability prevalence is not provided, since logbin was not developed with focus on the attribution method. Therefore, for analysis aimed at the attribution of disability to diseases, we recommend the use of addhaz. For multinomial outcomes, no other software is available to fit the multinomial additive hazard model and to calculate the contributions, to our knowledge.
One could argue that instead of using the multinomial model, two binomial models could be fitted: (i) no x mild disability; and (ii) no x severe disability. Although this is indeed possible, with a minor loss of precision (larger standard errors) for the parameter estimates when the reference category (“no disability", in our example) is the most frequent category in the population (which is the case for the subset of the BNHS used here, as 67% were not disabled, 13% reported mild disability, and 20% were severely disabled) (Agresti 2002), the prevalence of the various disability categories do not sum to 100%, as can be observed in a previous study that assessed the difference in the mild and severe disability burden using two binomial models (Yokota et al. 2015b).
Different models with different options were presented using addhaz, showing a wide possibility of application to the users. One example is the investigation of the role of multimorbidity on the disability prevalence, which was assessed by the inclusion of two-way interactions between diseases in the model, as presented in model 2. Even though the examples only included the combination of two diseases, higher order interactions can also be included in the models, with the sample size being the limiting factor. In addition, since the prevalence of chronic conditions tends to increase over age, the model parameterization to include interactions between diseases and age groups was also shown for the binary (models 3 and 4) and multinomial disability outcomes (model 7). Although age group was used as the stratification variable to estimate the disabling impacts of the diseases and background, other variables can be used, such as education attainment and sex.
Furthermore, we illustrated how the likelihood ratio test (LRT) can be
performed for model selection using the function LRTest
. The LRT can
be also performed for model selection with the multinomial additive
hazard model.
The attribution method has some limitations that should be considered. The main limitation of the method is the causality assumption. Although a causal relationship between diseases and disability is plausible and has been proposed in several disability models (Verbrugge and Jette 1994), it cannot be assessed with cross-sectional data. As a consequence, disability is incorrectly attributed to diseases when disability occurred before the diseases. Although the parallel option reduces significantly computation time for calculating bootstrap confidence intervals, fitting the multinomial model to high dimensional data can still be time-consuming. For example, the computational time to fit model 7, in a Windows computer Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-4600 CPU with 2.1GHz and 2.7GHz, 8GB (RAM), using the parallel option with 4 cores, was 23.04 hours.
In conclusion, addhaz is a publicly available tool to assess the contribution of chronic conditions to the disability prevalence, using cross-sectional data. The results produced by the tool can be used by policymakers to reduce the disability burden. Future areas of interest to improve the package include the extension of the multinomial model to ordinal responses and alternatives to reduce computation time for high dimensional data.
addhaz, boot, stats, logbin, VGAM
Distributions, Econometrics, Environmetrics, ExtremeValue, Optimization, Psychometrics, Survival, TimeSeries
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Yokota, et al., "addhaz: Contribution of Chronic Diseases to the Disability Burden Using R", The R Journal, 2018
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2018-055, author = {Yokota, Renata Tiene de Carvalho and Looman, Caspar W. N. and Nusselder, Wilma Johanna and Oyen, Herman Van and Molenberghs, Geert}, title = {addhaz: Contribution of Chronic Diseases to the Disability Burden Using R}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2018}, note = {}, volume = {10}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {75-94} }