SMM: An R Package for Estimation and Simulation of Discrete-time semi-Markov Models

Semi-Markov models, independently introduced by Lévy (1954), Smith (1955) and Takacs (1954), are a generalization of the well-known Markov models. For semi-Markov models, sojourn times can be arbitrarily distributed, while sojourn times of Markov models are constrained to be exponentially distributed (in continuous time) or geometrically distributed (in discrete time). The aim of this paper is to present the R package SMM, devoted to the simulation and estimation of discrete-time multi-state semi-Markov and Markov models. For the semi-Markov case we have considered: parametric and non-parametric estimation; with and without censoring at the beginning and/or at the end of sample paths; one or several independent sample paths. Several discrete-time distributions are considered for the parametric estimation of sojourn time distributions of semi-Markov chains: Uniform, Geometric, Poisson, Discrete Weibull and Binomial Negative.

Vlad Stefan Barbu (Université de Rouen-Normandie) , Caroline Bérard (Université de Rouen-Normandie) , Dominique Cellier (Université de Rouen-Normandie) , Mathilde Sautreuil (Université de Rouen-Normandie) , Nicolas Vergne (Université de Rouen-Normandie)

1 Introduction

Semi-Markov models, independently introduced by Lévy (1954), Smith (1955) and Takacs (1954), are a generalization of the well-known Markov models. For semi-Markov models, sojourn times can be arbitrarily distributed, while sojourn times of Markov models are constrained to be exponentially distributed (in continuous time) or geometrically distributed (in discrete time). For this reason, semi-Markov processes are more general and more adapted for applications than the Markov processes.

Semi-Markov processes have become important tools in probability and statistical modeling with applications in various domains like survival analysis, biology, reliability, DNA analysis, insurance and finance, earthquake modeling, meteorology studies, etc.; see, e.g., Heutte and Huber-Carol (2002), Ouhbi and Limnios (2003), Chryssaphinou et al. (2008), Janssen and Manca (2006), Votsi et al. (2012), D’Amico et al. (2013), Votsi et al. (2014), D’Amico et al. (2016b), Barbu et al. (2016), D’Amico et al. (2016a) for semi-Markov processes in continuous or discrete time with various applications and Sansom and Thomson (2001), Bulla and Bulla (2006), Barbu and Limnios (2008), for hidden semi-Markov models and applications in climatology, finance and DNA analysis.

Note that the semi-Markov theory is developed mainly in a continuous-time setting, while utterly less works address the discrete-time case. We refer the reader to Limnios and Oprisan (2001) for continuous-time framework and to Barbu and Limnios (2008) and references therein for discrete-time framework. The R package SMM that we present in this paper is developed in discrete time. Note that undertaking works also in discrete time (modeling stochastic tools, associated estimation procedures, corresponding software, etc.) is an important issue for several reasons. In our opinion, the most relevant of these reasons is that the time scale is intrinsically discrete in several applications. For instance, in DNA studies, when modeling a nucleotide or protein sequence by means of a stochastic process, the “time” of that process is in fact the position along the sequence, so it is discrete. Other examples can be found in some reliability/survival analysis applications where the time represents the number of cycles of a system or the counting of days/hours/etc. We can argue further for the importance of developing works also in discrete time, in parallel to their analogous ones developed in continuous time. For instance, we can mention the simplicity of computations in discrete time, the fact that a discrete-time stochastic process does not explode, the potential use of discrete processes after the discretization of continuous ones, etc.

Few R packages have been developed to handle semi-Markov models or hidden semi-Markov models. For semi-Markov models we have the recent semiMarkov R package (Król and Saint-Pierre 2015) that performs maximum likelihood estimation for parametric continuous-time semi-Markov processes, where the distribution can be chosen between Exponential, Weibull or exponentiated Weibull. That package computes associated hazard rates; covariates can also be taken into account through the Cox proportional hazard model. Two R packages are also dedicated to hidden semi-Markov models, implementing estimation and prediction methods: the hsmm R package (Bulla et al. 2010) and the mhsmm R package (O’Connell and Højsgaard 2011).

Note that there is no R package developed for discrete-time multi-state semi-Markov models. Thus the purpose of this paper is to present an R package that we have developed, called SMM, which performs parametric and non-parametric estimation and simulation for multi-state discrete-time semi-Markov processes. For the parametric estimation, several discrete distributions are considered for the sojourn times: Uniform, Geometric, Poisson, Discrete Weibull and Negative Binomial. The non-parametric estimation concerns the sojourn time distributions, where no assumptions are made on the shape of distributions. Moreover, the estimation can be done on the basis of one or several trajectories, with or without censoring. The aim of this paper is to describe the different possibilities of this package. To summarize, the package SMM that we present deals with different problems:

Let us make some remarks about these points.

First, concerning the censoring, the simplest situation is the one when all the sojourn times are completely observed (non censored). A more complicated and realistic framework is when the last sojourn time is not completely observed, thus being right censored; in most practical situations this case occurs. An analogous situation is when the first sojourn time is not completely observed, thus being also right censored. In practice, this last case occurs when one does not know the beginning of a phenomenon modeled by a semi-Markov chain. Note that this censoring at the beginning of the sample path is a right censoring (not a left censoring); indeed, when the first sojourn time is censored as in our paper, the available information is that the real sojourn time (that is not observed) is greater than this censored observed time. Thus we are clearly in a right censoring framework, although this happens at the beginning (i.e., left) of the trajectory, which could seem confusing. The most complete framework is when both the first and the last sojourn times are right censored.

Second, when considering estimation starting from several independent sample paths of a semi-Markov chain, it is assumed that all the trajectories are censored in the same way; note that this is not a real constraint, but we imposed this condition only in order to avoid useless technical notations that would make the comprehension more difficult.

Third, note that it is important for the four types of models (of sojourn times) to be considered separately because: (i) in practical situations, one model could be more adapted than some other; (ii) different models will yield specific parameter estimators, so it is important to study them separately.

The paper is organized as follows. The next section Semi-Markov models describes the semi-Markov models used in this package. Section The SMM package illustrates the different functions of the SMM package. We end the paper by presenting some concluding remarks on this R package.

2 Semi-Markov models

Let us consider a random system with finite state space \(E=\{1,\ldots, s\}\), \(s < \infty.\) Let \((\Omega,\mathcal{A},\mathbb{P})\) be a probability space and assume that the time evolution of the system is governed by a stochastic process \(Y=(Y_k)_{k\in \mathbb N^*},\) defined on \((\Omega,\mathcal{A},\mathbb{P})\) with values in \(E;\) that is to say that \(Y_k\) gives the state of the system at time \(k.\) Let \(T=(T_m)_{m\in \mathbb N^*},\) defined on \((\Omega,\mathcal{A},\mathbb{P})\) with values in \(\mathbb N\), be the successive time points when state changes in \((Y_k)_{k\in \mathbb N^*}\) occur (the jump times) and let also \(J=(J_m)_{m\in \mathbb N^*},\) defined on \((\Omega,\mathcal{A},\mathbb{P})\) with values in \(E\), be the successively visited states at these time points. The relation between the process \(Y\) and the process \(J\) of the successively visited states is given by \(Y_k =J_{N(k)},\) or, equivalently, \(J_m =Y_{T_m}, m, k \in \mathbb N,\) where \(N(k):=\max \{m \in \mathbb N \mid T_m \leq k \}\) is the discrete-time counting process of the number of jumps in \([1,k] \subset \mathbb N\).
In this paper we consider four different semi-Markov models corresponding to the following four types of sojourn times.

Note that the sojourn times of the type \(f_{i \bullet}(\cdot),\) \(f_{\bullet j}(\cdot)\) or \(f(\cdot)\) are particular cases of the general type \(f_{ij}(\cdot).\) Nonetheless, in some specific applications, particular cases can be important because they are adapted to the phenomenon under study; that is the reason why we investigate these cases separately.

General case: sojourn times of the type \(f_{ij}(.)\)

Definition 1 (semi-Markov chain SMC and Markov renewal chain MRC). If we have \[\begin{aligned} \mathbb{P}(J_{m+1} = j , T_{m+1} - T_m =k | J_m =i, J_{m-1}, \ldots, J_1, T_m, \ldots, T_1) = \label{propr_mark_ren} \mathbb{P}(J_{m+1} = j , T_{m+1} - T_m =k | J_m =i), \end{aligned} \tag{1}\] then \(Y=(Y_k)_k\) is called a semi-Markov chain* (SMC) and \((J, T) = (J_m,T_m)_m\) is called a Markov renewal chain (MRC).*

All along this paper we assume that the MRC or SMC are homogeneous with respect to the time in the sense that Equation ((1)) is independent of \(m.\)

Note that if \((J, T)\) is a MRC, then it can be proved that \(J=(J_m)_{m\in \mathbb N^*}\) is a Markov chain with state space \(E,\) called the embedded Markov chain of the MRC \((J, T)\) (or of the SMC \(Y\)).

Definition 2. For a semi-Markov chain we define:

  • the semi-Markov kernel* \((q_{ij}(k))_{i,j \in E, k \in \mathbb N},\) \[q_{ij}(k) = \mathbb{P}(J_{m+1} = j , T_{m+1} - T_m =k | J_m = i);\]
  • the initial distribution* \((\mu_{i})_{i \in E},\) \[\mu_i =\mathbb{P}(J_1 = i) = \mathbb{P}(Y_1 =i);\]
  • the transition matrix* \((p_{ij})_{i,j \in E}\) of the embedded Markov chain \(J=(J_m)_{m},\) \[p_{ij} = \mathbb{P}(J_{m+1} =j | J_m =i);\]
  • the conditional sojourn time distributions* \((f_{ij}(k))_{i,j \in E, k \in \mathbb N},\) \[f_{ij}(k)= \mathbb{P}(T_{m+1}-T_m = k |J_{m} =i, J_{m+1} =j).\]

Note that

\[\label{eq_kernel_fij} q_{ij}(k)=p_{ij}f_{ij}(k). \tag{2}\]

Clearly, a semi-Markov chain is uniquely determined a.s. by an initial distribution \((\mu_{i})_{i \in E}\) and a semi-Markov kernel \((q_{ij}(k))_{i,j \in E, k \in \mathbb N}\) or, equivalently, by an initial distribution \((\mu_{i})_{i \in E},\) a Markov transition matrix \((p_{ij})_{i,j \in E}\) and conditional sojourn time distributions \((f_{ij}(k))_{i,j \in E, k \in \mathbb N}.\)

Other assumptions we make are: (i) We do not allow transitions to the same state, i.e., \(p_{ii} = 0\) for all \(i \in E,\) or equivalently \(q_{ii}(k)=0\), for all \(i\in E,\ k\in \mathbb{N};\) (ii) We assume that there are not instantaneous transitions, that is \(q_{ij}(0) \equiv 0\) or equivalently \(f_{ij}(0) \equiv 0\) for all \(i, j \in E;\) note that this implies that \(T\) is a strictly increasing sequence.

For the conditional sojourn time distributions, one can consider the associated cumulative distribution function defined by \[F_{ij}(k) := \mathbb{P}( T_{m+1}-T_m \leq k|J_{m} = i , J_{m+1} =j) = \sum_{t=1}^{k} f_{ij}(t).\] For any distribution function \(F(\cdot)\) we can consider the associated survival/reliability function defined by \[\overline{F}(k) := 1 - F(t).\] Consequently we have \[\overline{F}_{ij}(k) := \mathbb{P}(T_{m+1} - T_m > k|J_{m} =i, J_{m+1} =j) = 1 - \sum_{t=1}^{k} f_{ij}(t) = \sum_{t=k + 1}^{\infty} f_{ij} (t).\]

Particular cases: sojourn times of the type \(f_{i.}(.)\), \(f_{.j}(.)\) and \(f(.)\)

We have considered up to here general semi-Markov models with the semi-Markov kernel of the type given in ((2)). Particular types of this semi-Markov model can be taken into account, by considering particular cases of holding time distributions \(f_{ij}(k),\) where these distributions depend only on the current state \(i,\) or only on the next state \(j,\) or neither on \(i\) nor on \(j.\) For each case, let us define the semi-Markov kernel and the distribution function associated to the sojourn time distribution.

We also denote the associated survival/reliability functions respectively by \(\overline{F}_{i \bullet}(k),\) \(\overline{F}_{\bullet j}(k),\) \(\overline{F}(k).\)

3 The SMM package

The SMM R package is mainly devoted to the simulation and estimation of discrete-time semi-Markov models in different cases by the two following functions:

The SMM R package is also devoted to the simulation and estimation of discrete-time Markov models by the two following functions:

All the different possibilities of the package are illustrated in Figure 1.

graphic without alt text
Figure 1: Schema of the SMM package.

Simulation of semi-Markov models

Parametric simulation: according to classical distributions

In this part, we will consider the simulation according to classical distributions.


This simulation is carried out by the function simulSM(). The different parameters of the function are:

> sequence 1
> sequence 2
Figure 2: Example of a fasta file.

The R commands below generate three sequences of size \(1 000, 10 000\) and \(2 000\) respectively with the finite state space \(E = \{a, c, g, t\},\) where the sojourn times depend on the current state and on the next state.

## state space
E = c("a","c","g","t")
S = length(E)
## sequence sizes
lengthSeq3 = c(1000, 10000, 2000)
## creation of the initial distribution
vect.init = c(1/4,1/4,1/4,1/4)
## creation of transition matrix
Pij = matrix(c(0,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.2,0,0.5,0.2,0.5,0.3,0,0.4,0.3,0.5,0.2,0),
## creation of the distribution matrix
distr.matrix = matrix(c("dweibull", "pois", "geom", "nbinom",
            "geom", "nbinom", "pois", "dweibull",
                        "pois", "pois", "dweibull", "geom",
                        "pois","geom", "geom", "nbinom"),
                      nrow = S, ncol = S, byrow = TRUE)
## creation of an array containing the parameters
param1.matrix = matrix(c(0.6,2,0.4,4,0.7,2,5,0.6,
                      nrow = S, ncol = S, byrow = TRUE)
param2.matrix = matrix(c(0.8,0,0,2,0,5,0,0.8,
                      nrow = S, ncol = S, byrow = TRUE)
param.array = array(c(param1.matrix, param2.matrix), c(S,S,2))
## for the reproducibility of the results
## simulation of 3 sequences
seq3 = simulSM(E = E, NbSeq = 3, lengthSeq = lengthSeq3,
               TypeSojournTime = "fij", init = vect.init,
               Ptrans = Pij, distr = distr.matrix, param = param.array,
               File.out = "seq3.txt")

First, note that in this simulation, the parameters cens.beg and cens.end are equal to 0, that is to say the simulated sequences are not censored.

Second, note also that the parameters of the distributions are given in the following way: for example, \(f_{13}(\cdot)\) is Geometric distribution with parameter \(0.4\), while \(f_{14}(\cdot)\) is Negative Binomial with parameters \(4\) and \(2\). In other words, the parameters of \(f_{13}(\cdot)\) are given in the vector param.array[1,3,] that is equal to (0.4, 0) and the parameters of \(f_{14}(\cdot)\) are given in the vector param.array[1,4,] that is equal to (4, 2); that means that if a distribution has only \(1\) parameter, the corresponding vector of parameters will have \(0\) on the second position.


The function simulSM() returns a list of simulated sequences. These sequences can be saved in a fasta file by using the parameter File.out.

[1] "g" "g" "g" "g" "c" "c" "c" "a" "a" "a" "c" "c" "c" "g" "g"

Non-parametric simulation: according to distributions given by the user

Now we will consider the simulation according to distributions given by the user.


This simulation is carried out by the function simulSM(). The different parameters of the function are:

The R commands below generate three sequences of size \(1 000, 10 000\) and \(2 000\) respectively with the finite state space \(E = \{a,c,g,t\},\) where the sojourn times depend only on the next state.

## state space
E = c("a","c","g","t")
S = length(E)
## sequence sizes
lengthSeq3 = c(1000, 10000, 2000)
## creation of the initial distribution
vect.init = c(1/4,1/4,1/4,1/4)
## creation of transition matrix
Pij = matrix(c(0,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.2,0,0.5,0.2,0.5,0.3,0,0.4,0.3,0.5,0.2,0),
## creation of a matrix corresponding to the conditional
## sojourn time distributions
Kmax = 6
nparam.matrix = matrix(c(0.2,0.1,0.3,0.2,0.2,0,0.4,0.2,0.1,
                       nrow = S, ncol = Kmax, byrow = TRUE)
## for the reproducibility of the results
## simulation of 3 sequences with censoring at the beginning
seqNP3_begin = simulSM(E = E, NbSeq = 3, lengthSeq = lengthSeq3,
TypeSojournTime = "fj", init = vect.init, Ptrans = Pij,
                 laws = nparam.matrix, File.out = "seqNP3_begin.txt",
                                 cens.beg = 1, cens.end = 0)
## simulation of 3 sequences with censoring at the end
seqNP3_end = simulSM(E = E, NbSeq = 3, lengthSeq = lengthSeq3,
                 TypeSojournTime = "fj", init = vect.init, Ptrans = Pij,
                 laws = nparam.matrix, File.out = "seqNP3_end.txt",
                                 cens.beg = 0, cens.end = 1)
## simulation of 3 sequences censored at the beginning and at the end
seqNP3_begin_end = simulSM(E = E, NbSeq = 3, lengthSeq = lengthSeq3,
                 TypeSojournTime = "fj", init = vect.init, Ptrans = Pij,
                 laws = nparam.matrix, File.out = "seqNP3_begin_end.txt",
                                 cens.beg = 1, cens.end = 1)
## simulation of 3 sequences without censoring
seqNP3_no = simulSM(E = E, NbSeq = 3, lengthSeq = lengthSeq3,
                 TypeSojournTime = "fj", init = vect.init, Ptrans = Pij,
                 laws = nparam.matrix, File.out = "seqNP3_no.txt")
## for the reproducibility of the results
seqNP3_begin = read.fasta("seqNP3_begin.txt")
seqNP3_end = read.fasta("seqNP3_end.txt")
seqNP3_begin_end = read.fasta("seqNP3_begin_end.txt")
seqNP3_no = read.fasta("seqNP3_no.txt")

Note that in this simulation all the different censoring mechanisms are considered.


The function simulSM() returns a list of simulated sequences. These sequences can be saved in a fasta file by using the parameter File.out.

 [1] "c" "g" "g" "g" "g" "g" "g" "c" "c" "c" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a"

Estimation of semi-Markov models

In this subsection we explain and illustrate the estimation of a semi-Markov model in the parametric and non-parametric cases.

Parametric estimation of semi-Markov models

We will consider the distributions \(f_{ij}(k) = f_{ij}(k; \theta_{ij})\) depending on unknown parameters \(\theta_{ij} \in \mathbb R^{m_{ij}},\) where the dimension of parameters set \(m_{ij}\) is known; no assumptions are made on \(\left(p_{ij}\right)_{ij}\). From the data, we want to estimate \(p_{ij}\) and \(\theta_{ij},\) \(i,j \in E.\) Let us assume that we have at our disposal several independent sample paths of a semi-Markov chain, say \(L,\) each of them of length \(n_l,\) \(l=1, \ldots, L,\) censored at the beginning and at the end of the trajectory, i.e., \[y_1^l, y_2^l, \ldots, y_{n_l}^l,\] or, equivalently, \[j_0^l, k_0^l, j_1^l, k_1^l, j_2^l, k_2^l, \ldots, j_{t^l}^l, k_{t^l}^l, j_{t^l+1}^l, k_{t^l +1}^l\] with \(\sum_{i=0}^{t^l+1} k_i^l = n_l,\) where \(j_0^l, \ldots, j_{t^l+1}^l\) are the successive distinct visited states, \(k_{0}^l\) is the first sojourn time, assumed to be right censored, \(k_{t^l +1}^l\) is the last sojourn time, assumed also to be right censored, while \(k_1^l, \ldots, k_{t^l}^l\) are the other successive sojourn times, assumed to be complete (observed, non censored).

To estimate the parameters of model, we use the maximum likelihood estimation: \[\begin{aligned} \label{EMV} & \operatorname{argmax}_{p_{uv}, \theta_{uv}; u,v \in E}\left(l(p_{uv}, \theta_{uv}; u,v \in E)\right)\\ \nonumber &= \left( \operatorname{argmax}_{p_{uv},\theta_{uv}; v \in E}\left(\sum_{v \in E} N_{uv}(L, n_{1:L}) \log(p_{uv}) + \sum_{v \in E} \sum_{k=1}^{\max_{l}(n_l)} N_{uv}(k; L, n_{1:L}) \log(f_{uv}(k; \theta_{u v})) \right. \right. \\ \nonumber & \left. \left. + \sum_{v \in E} \sum_{k=1}^{\max_{l}(n_l)} \overline{N}_{uv}^b(k; L) \log(\overline{F}_{u v}(k; \theta_{uv})) \right. \right.\\& \left. \left. + \sum_{k=1}^{\max_{l}(n_l)} \overline{N}_{u \bullet}^e(k; L) \log \left(1- \sum_{m=1}^{k} \sum_{v \in E} p_{u v} f_{u v}(m; \theta_{u v})\right) \right)_{u \in E} \right), \nonumber \end{aligned} \tag{6}\] where we introduced the following counting processes

\[\begin{aligned} N_{ij}(L, n_{1:L}) &= \sum_{l=1}^{L} \sum_{m=1}^{N^l(n_l)-1} \mathbb{1}_{\{J_m^l = i ; J_{m+1}^l=j\}},\nonumber\\ N_{ij}(k; L, n_{1:L}) &= \sum_{m=1}^{N^l(n_l)-1} \mathbb{1}_{\{J_m^l = i ; J_{m+1}^l=j ; T_{m+1}^l-T_m^l=k\}},\nonumber\\ \overline{N}_{ij}^b(k; L) &= \sum_{l=1}^{L} \mathbb{1}_{\{J_0^l = i ; J_{1}^l=j ; T_{1}^l-T_0^l > k\}},\nonumber\\ \overline{N}_{i \bullet}^e(k; L) &= \sum_{l=1}^{L} \mathbb{1}_{\{J^l_{T^l_{N^l(n_l)}} = i, X^l_{T^l_{N^l(n_l)+1}} > k\}},\nonumber \end{aligned}\] where \[N^l(n_l) = \max \{m \in \mathbb N \mid T_m^l \leq n_l \}\] is the counting process of jump number in \([1;n_l]\) of the trajectory \(l.\)
Note that:
- \(N_{ij}(L, n_{1:L})\) represents the number of transitions from state \(i\) to state \(j\) along the \(L\) sample paths;
- \(N_{ij}(k; L, n_{1:L})\) represents the number of transitions from state \(i\) to state \(j\) along the \(L\) sample paths, with sojourn time of length \(k\) in state \(i\);
- \(\overline{N}_{ij}^b(k; L)\) represents the number of trajectories starting in state \(i,\) with a next transition to state \(j\) and censored sojourn time in state \(i\) greater than \(k\);
- \(\overline{N}_{i \bullet}^e(k; L)\) represents the number of trajectories ending in state \(i\) with a censored sojourn time in state \(i\) greater than \(k.\)
Note also that in the expression (6) of the log-likelihood, the first two terms correspond to the transition probabilities and the observed (non censored) sojourn times, the third term is the contribution to the likelihood of the first sojourn times, assumed to be right censored, while the last term is the contribution to the likelihood of the last sojourn times, assumed to be right censored.
Up to here we presented the estimation for the general case, taking into account the censoring at the beginning and at the end and the sojourn times depending on the current state and on the next state. Thus the maximization problem (6) is written with the sojourn times depending on the current state and on the next state (the general model of the type \(q_{ij}(k)=p_{ij}f_{ij}(k)\) given in (2)), but the different cases of sojourn times are written and coded in the package. Note also that different types of censoring are also written and coded in the package.


The estimation is carried out by the function estimSM(). The different parameters of the function are:

Note that the sequences from which we estimate can be given either as an R list (seq argument) or as a file in fasta format (file argument).

## data
seq3 = read.fasta("seq3.txt")
E = c("a","c","g","t")
## creation of the distribution matrix
distr.matrix = matrix(c("dweibull", "pois", "geom", "nbinom",
                        "geom", "nbinom", "pois", "dweibull",
                        "pois", "pois", "dweibull", "geom",
                        "pois","geom", "geom", "nbinom"),
                      nrow = S, ncol = S, byrow = TRUE)
## estimation of simulated sequences
estSeq3 = estimSM(seq = seq3, E = E, TypeSojournTime = "fij",
distr = distr.matrix, cens.end = 0, cens.beg = 0)

Here, we estimate simulated sequences with no censoring. The estimation performed will correspond to the likelihood given in (6), without the third and forth terms.


The function estimSM() returns a list containing:

Note that, for example, \(q_{13}(2)=\mathbb P(J_{m+1} = 3, T_{m+1} - T_{m}=2 |J_{m} =1)= 0.12192187.\)

Non-parametric estimation of semi-Markov models

Here we will consider two types of estimation for semi-Markov chains: a direct estimation, obtaining thus empirical estimators (in fact, approached MLEs), cf. Barbu and Limnios (2006), Barbu and Limnios (2008) and an estimation based on a couple Markov chain associated to the semi-Markov chain (see Trevezas and Limnios 2011).

No censoring: direct estimation

Let \(\{ Y_1, Y_2, \ldots, Y_n\}\) be a trajectory of a semi-Markov chain \(Y=(Y_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}},\) censored at an arbitrary fixed time \(n.\)

Censoring: couple Markov chain

For a semi-Markov chain \(Y=(Y_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}},\) let \(U=(U_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\) be the backward recurrence time of the SMC, defined by \[\label{eqUn} U_n:=n - T_{N(n)}. \tag{7}\] We can show (cf. Limnios and Oprisan 2001) that the chain \((Y,U)=(Y_n,U_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\) is a Markov chain with state space \(E \times \mathbb{N}.\) We will denote its transition matrix by \(\widetilde{{\bf p}}:= (p_{(i,t_1)(j,t_2)})_{i,j\in E, t_1, t_2\in \mathbb{N}}.\)
The maximum likelihood estimators of \(q_{ij}(k)\) (Trevezas and Limnios 2011) are given by

\[\label{eq_EstqFnctPBack} \widehat{q_{ij}}(k; n) = \widehat{p}_{(i,k-1)(j,0)}(n) \prod_{t=0}^{k-2} \widehat{p}_{(i,t)(i,t+1)}(n), \tag{8}\] where \(\widehat{p}_{(i,t_1)(j,t_2)}(n)\) represents the classical MLE of the transition probability \(p_{(i,t_1)(j,t_2)}.\) Thus we obtain the corresponding estimator of \(p_{ij}\) \[\label{eq_EstpFnctq} \widehat{p}_{ij} = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\widehat{q}_{ij}(k). \tag{9}\]

In order to compute the estimators of the sojourn times, we consider the four different types of semi-Markov kernels defined in Equations ((2)), ((3)), ((4)) and ((5)).


The estimation is carried out by the function estimSM() and several parameters must be given.

Note that the sequences from which we estimate can be given either as an R list (seq argument) or as a file in fasta format (file argument). The parameter distr is always equal to "NP".

 ## data
seqNP3_no = read.fasta("seqNP3_no.txt")
E = c("a","c","g","t")
## estimation of simulated sequences
estSeqNP3= estimSM(seq = seqNP3_no, E = E, TypeSojournTime = "fj",
                    distr = "NP", cens.end = 0, cens.beg = 0)

Here, we estimate simulated sequences with no censoring.


The function estimSM() returns a list containing:

Supplementary functions

In this package, others functions are available. These functions enable to compute the initial distribution for a semi-Markov model, the log-likelihood of a semi-Markov model and the AIC and BIC of a semi-Markov model.


seq = list(c("a","c","c","g","t","a","a","a","a",
res = estimSM(seq = seq, E = c("a","c","g","t"), distr = "NP")
Warning message:
In .comptage(J, L, S, Kmax): Warning: missing transitions
q = res$q
p = res$Ptrans

InitialLawSM(E = c("a","c","g","t"), seq = seq, q = q)
[1] 0.2205882 0.2205882 0.2058824 0.3529412


The function InitialLawSM() returns a list containing a vector of the initial distribution.


## state space
E = c("a","c","g","t")
S = length(E)
## creation of transition matrix
Pij = matrix( c(0,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.2,0,0.5,0.2,0.5,0.3,0,0.4,0.3,0.5,0.2,0),ncol=4)
## for the reproducibility of the results
## simulation
seq5000 = simulSM(E = E, NbSeq = 1, lengthSeq = 5000,
                  TypeSojournTime = "f", init = c(1/4,1/4,1/4,1/4),
                  Ptrans = Pij, distr = "pois", param = 2, File.out =
## computation of the log-likelihood
LoglikelihoodSM(seq = seq5000, E = E, mu = rep(1/4,4),
                  Ptrans = Pij, distr = "pois", param = 2,
                  TypeSojournTime = "f")
[1] -1748.431

[1] 10


The function likelihoodSM() returns a list containing:

We also consider model selection criteria in order to evaluate and choose among candidate models; the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) are considered.

\[AIC(M)= -2\log{\cal L}+2 M,\] where \(\cal L\) is the log-likelihood, \(M\) is the number of parameters involved in the model


## state space
E = c("a","c","g","t")
S = length(E)
lengthSeq3 = c(1000, 10000, 2000)
## creation of the initial distribution
vect.init = c(1/4,1/4,1/4,1/4)
## creation of transition matrix
Pij = matrix( c(0,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.2,0,0.5,0.2,0.5,0.3,0,0.4,0.3,0.5,0.2,0),ncol=4)
## creation of the distribution matrix
distr.matrix = matrix(c("dweibull", "pois", "geom", "nbinom",
                          "geom", "nbinom", "pois", "dweibull",
                          "pois", "pois", "dweibull", "geom",
                          "pois","geom", "geom", "nbinom"),
                          nrow = S, ncol = S, byrow = TRUE)
## creation of an array containing the parameters
param1.matrix = matrix(c(0.6,2,0.4,4,0.7,2,5,0.6,2,3,0.6,
                           0.6,4,0.3,0.4,4), nrow = S,
                         ncol = S, byrow = TRUE)
param2.matrix = matrix(c(0.8,0,0,2,0,5,0,0.8,0,0,0.8,
                          0,4,0,0,4), nrow = S, ncol = S,
                         byrow = TRUE)
param.array = array(c(param1.matrix, param2.matrix), c(S,S,2))
## for the reproducibility of the results
## simulation of 3 sequences
seq.crit = simulSM(E = E, NbSeq = 3, lengthSeq = lengthSeq3,
                 TypeSojournTime = "fij", init = vect.init,
                 Ptrans = Pij, distr = distr.matrix,
                 param = param.array, File.out = "seq.crit.txt")
## computation of the AIC
AIC_SM(seq = seq.crit, E = E, mu = rep(1/4,4), Ptrans = Pij,
         distr = distr.matrix, param = param.array,
         TypeSojournTime = "fij")
[1] 1692.061

[1] 16826.28

[1] 3334.314


The function AIC_SM() returns a list with the value of AIC for each sequence.

\[BIC(M) = -2\log{\cal L}+log(n) M\] where \(\cal L\) is the log-likelihood, \(M\) is the number of parameters involved in the model and \(n\) is the sample size.


## computation of the BIC
BIC_SM(seq = seq3, E = E, mu = rep(1/4,4), Ptrans = Pij,
         distr = distr.matrix, param = param.array,
         TypeSojournTime = "fij")
[1] 1760.811

[1] 16927.22

[1] 3412.733


The function BIC_SM() returns a list with the value of BIC for each sequence.

The Markov case

In the SMM R package, we have also implemented the estimation and the simulation of discrete-time multi-state Markov models. As in the semi-Markov case, other functions are available, enabling to estimate the initial distribution, to compute the log-likelihood and also the AIC and BIC of a Markov model.

## state space
E <- c("a","c","g","t")
S = length(E)
vect.init <- c(1/4,1/4,1/4,1/4)
p <- matrix(0.25, nrow = S^k, ncol = S)
## for the reproducibility of the results
## simulation of 3 sequences with the simulMk function
seq.markov = simulMk(E = E, nbSeq = 3, lengthSeq = c(1000, 10000, 2000),
           Ptrans = p, init = vect.init, k = 2, File.out= "seq.markov.txt")

[1] "g" "g" "g" "g" "c" "c" "c" "a" "a" "a" "c" "c" "c" "g" "g" "c" "c" "c" "c"
 "c" "g" "g" "g" "a" "a"
## state space
E <- c("a","c","g","t")
## for the reproducibility of the results
seq.markov = read.fasta("seq.markov.txt")
## estimation of simulated sequences
res.markov = estimMk(seq = seq.markov, E = E, k = 2)


The function estimMk() returns a list containing:

seq = list(c("a","c","c","g","t","a","a","a","a","g","c","t","t","t","g"))
res = estimMk(seq = seq, E = c("a","c","g","t"), k = 1)
Warning message:
In estimMk(seq = seq, E = c("a", "c", "g", "t"), k = 1):
  missing transitions
p = res$Ptrans

InitialLawMk(E = c("a","c","g","t"), seq = seq, Ptrans = p, k = 1)
[1] 0.2205882 0.2205882 0.2058824 0.3529412


## state space
E = c("a","c","g","t")
S = length(E)
## creation of transition matrix
p = matrix(rep(1/4,S*S),ncol=4)
## for the reproducibility of the results
## simulation of two sequences of length 20 and 50 respectively
seq.markov2 = simulMk(E = E, nbSeq = 2, lengthSeq = c(20,50),
                      Ptrans = p, init = rep(1/4,4), k = 1,
                      File.out = "seq.markov2.txt")
## computation of the log-likelihood
LoglikelihoodMk(seq = seq.markov2, E = E, mu = rep(1/4,4), Ptrans = p, k = 1)
[1] -27.72589

[1] -69.31472


The function likelihoodSM() returns a list containing the value of the likelihood for each sequence.


## for the reproducibility of the results
seq.markov2 = read.fasta("seq.markov2.txt")

## computation of the AIC
AIC_Mk(seq = seq.markov2, E = E, mu = rep(1/4,4), Ptrans = p, k = 1)
[1] 79.45177

[1] 162.6294


The function AIC_Mk() returns a list containing the value of the AIC for each sequence.


## for the reproducibility of the results
seq.markov2 = read.fasta("seq.markov2.txt")

## computation of the AIC
BIC_Mk(seq = seq.markov2, E = E, mu = rep(1/4,4), Ptrans = p, k = 1)
[1] 91.40056

[1] 185.5737


The function BIC_Mk() returns a list containing the value of the BIC for each sequence.

4 Concluding remarks

In this paper we have presented the SMM, an R package for the simulation and the estimation of discrete-time multi-state semi-Markov models.The conditional sojourn time can be modeled by an arbitrary distribution for a semi-Markov model, which enables a generalization with respect to Markov models, where the sojourn time is only modelled by a Geometric distribution (in discrete time) or an Exponential distribution (in continuous time). The SMM package offers a variety of conditional sojourn time distributions (Poisson, Uniform, Negative Binomial, Geometric and Discrete Weibull). This package provides also non-parametric estimation and simulation and takes into account censored data of several types.
To summarize, the importance and interest of the R package SMM that we have developed come from:
- considering versatile tools, namely discrete-time multi-state semi-Markov processes, that are of use in a variety of applied fields, like survival analysis, biology, reliability, DNA analysis, insurance and finance, earthquake modeling, meteorology studies, etc. An example of application can be the description of DNA sequences by using a 2-state process to distinguish between coding and non-coding regions in DNA sequences. It is well known that the length of such regions generally does not follow a Geometric distribution. Thus semi-Markov chains can represent adapted tools for this type of modeling.

- implementing parametric and non-parametric estimation/simulation;
- considering several censoring schemes, that important in various applications;
- taking into account one or several independent sample paths;
- considering different types of semi-Markov kernels: either of the general type \(q_{ij}(k)=p_{ij}f_{ij}(k)\) with the holding time distributions \(f_{ij}(k)\) depending on the current state and on the next state to be visited, or with the holding time distributions depending only on the current state, \(q_{ij}(k) := p_{ij}f_{i \bullet}(k),\) or with the holding time distributions depending only on the next state to be visited, \(q_{ij}(k) := p_{ij}f_{\bullet j}(k),\) or with the holding time distributions depending neither on the current, nor on the future state, \(q_{ij}(k) := p_{ij}f(k).\) As already mentioned, it is important that these four types of models be considered separately.
In conclusion, the R package SMM that we have developed deals with an important and versatile tool, useful for researchers, practitioners and engineers in various fields.

CRAN packages used

SMM, semiMarkov, hsmm, mhsmm

CRAN Task Views implied by cited packages


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Barbu, et al., "SMM: An `R` Package for Estimation and Simulation of Discrete-time semi-Markov Models", The R Journal, 2018

BibTeX citation

  author = {Barbu, Vlad Stefan and Bérard, Caroline and Cellier, Dominique and Sautreuil, Mathilde and Vergne, Nicolas},
  title = {SMM: An `R` Package for Estimation and Simulation of Discrete-time semi-Markov Models},
  journal = {The R Journal},
  year = {2018},
  note = {},
  volume = {10},
  issue = {2},
  issn = {2073-4859},
  pages = {226-247}