R Foundation News


“R Foundation News” published in The R Journal.

Cite PDF Supplement


Sept. 1, 2023


Hothorn, 2023




294 - 295

1 Donations and members

Membership fees and donations received between 2023-05-09 and 2023-10-20.

2 Donations

Daniel J. Duarte (Netherlands)

Spyridon Fortis (United States)

Dmitriy Grishin (United States)

Ken Ikeda (Japan)

Nickalus Redell (United States)

Axxos AG (Switzerland)

3 Supporting institutions

Digital Ecology Limited , Berkeley (United Kingdom)

NIFU Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education, Oslo (Norway)

RIATE (CNRS), Paris (France)

Roseburg Forest Products, Springfield (United States)

University of Iowa, Iowa City (United States)

4 Supporting members

Vedo Alagic (Austria)

Kristoffer Winther Balling (Denmark)

Joaquín Baquer-Miravete (Spain)

Chris Billingham (United Kingdom)

Susan M Carlson (United States)

Robert Carnell (United States)

William Chiu (United States)

Rafael Costa (Brazil)

Charles Cowens (United States)

Terry Cox (United States)

Alistair Cullum (United States)

Gergely Daroczi (Hungary)

Ajit de Silva (United States)

Dubravko Dolic (Germany)

Serban Dragne (United Kingdom)

Laurent Drouet (Italy)

S Ellison (United Kingdom)

Mitch Eppley (United States)

Stephen Ewing (United States)

Gottfried Fischer (Austria)

David Freedman (United States)

Keita Fukasawa (Japan)

Chris Hanretty (United Kingdom)

James Harris (United States)

Takehiko Hayashi (Japan)

Malik Hebbat (Germany)

Alessamdro Ielpi (Canada)

Brian Johnson (United States)

An Khuc (United States)

Miha Kosmac (United Kingdom)

Jan Herman Kuiper (United Kingdom)

Jindra Lacko (Czechia)

Bernardo Lares (Venezuela)

Rory Lawless (United States)

Seungdoe Lee (Korea, Republic of)

Mauro Lepore (United States)

Amanuel Medhanie (United States)

Harvey Minnigh (Puerto Rico)

Guido Möser (Germany)

Mark Niemann-Ross (United States)

George Ostrouchov (United States)

Jaesung James Park (Korea, Republic of)

Matt Parker (United States)

Bill Pikounis (United States)

Kelly Pisane (Netherlands)

Christian Seubert (Austria)

Jagat Sheth (United States)

Sindri Shtepani (Canada)

David Sides (United States)

Murray Sondergard (Canada)

Olga Starostecka (Germany)

Marco Steenbergen (Switzerland)

Berthold Stegemann (Germany)

Ricardo Torres-Jardón (Mexico)

Nicholas Turner (United States)

Philipp Upravitelev (Russian Federation)

Mark van der Loo (Netherlands)

Frans van Dunné (Costa Rica)

Vincent van Hees (Netherlands)

杨(Yang) 胡(Hu) (New Zealand)



    Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".


    For attribution, please cite this work as

    Hothorn, "R Foundation News", The R Journal, 2023

    BibTeX citation

      author = {Hothorn, Torsten},
      title = {R Foundation News},
      journal = {The R Journal},
      year = {2023},
      note = {https://journal.r-project.org/news/RJ-2023-3-rf},
      volume = {15},
      issue = {3},
      issn = {2073-4859},
      pages = {294-295}