Changes on CRAN

The ‘Changes on CRAN’ article from the 2021-2 issue.

Kurt Hornik (

WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria

) , Uwe Ligges (

TU Dortmund, Germany

) , Achim Zeileis (

Universität Innsbruck, Austria


In the past 6 months, 1077 new packages were added to the CRAN package repository. 113 packages were unarchived and 331 were archived. The following shows the growth of the number of active packages in the CRAN package repository:

graphic without alt-text

On 2021-12-31, the number of active packages was around 18650.

Changes in the CRAN Repository Policy

The Policy now says the following:

CRAN package submissions

During the last half of 2021 (July 2021 to December 2021), CRAN received 12256 package submissions. For these, 21622 actions took place of which 14232 (66%) were auto processed actions and 7390 (34%) manual actions.

Minus some special cases, a summary of the auto-processed and manually triggered actions follows:

archive inspect newbies pending pretest publish recheck waiting
auto 2748 2722 2577 0 0 3899 1362 924
manual 2760 102 336 464 91 2797 671 169

These include the final decisions for the submissions which were

action archive publish
auto 2586 (21.5%) 3336 (27.8%)
manual 2728 (22.7%) 3351 (27.9%)

where we only count those as auto processed whose publication or rejection happened automatically in all steps.

Interestingly, for the first time in CRAN’s history there was a decrease in the number of submissions:

Year 1st half 2nd half
2018 NA 10259
2019 13218 12938
2020 17598 13510
2021 16339 12256

CRAN mirror security

Currently, there are 101 official CRAN mirrors, 83 of which provide both secure downloads via https and use secure mirroring from the CRAN master (via rsync through ssh tunnels). Since the R 3.4.0 release, chooseCRANmirror() offers these mirrors in preference to the others which are not fully secured (yet).

CRAN Task View Initiative

To facilitate the maintenance of established CRAN task views as well as the proposal of new ones, a new improved and much more transparent workflow has been established. It is overseen by the newly established CRAN Task View Editors: Roger Bivand, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Rocío Joo, David Meyer, Heather Turner, Nathalie Vialaneix, and Achim Zeileis. More details can be found in the corresponding organization on GitHub: Currently, the focus is on the transition of the established task views to the new workflow which also involves the archival of some task views which turned out to be too broad to be maintainable (Graphics and SocialSciences). Also, the gR task view has been renamed to GraphicalModels. When the transition is completed, a more detailed introduction with further details and instructions will be published soon.

New packages in CRAN task views


BayesianTools, MHadaptive, RoBMA.








pdynmc, ssmrob.


DOSPortfolio, HDShOP, RTL, bidask, etrm, greeks, ichimoku, monobin, strand.


MFPCA, registr.


HBV.IANIGLA, NPRED, RavenR, WASP, hydropeak, hydrotoolbox, metR, nhdR, nhdplusTools, prism.


abess\(^*\), islasso, joinet, mpath, torch.


amanida, metadat, nmarank, ra4bayesmeta.


BMTAR, Iscores, MGMM, cglasso, cmfrec, mdgc, mgm.




FixedPoint, GramQuad, bignum, rim.


SimSurvey, eurostat, insee, rdhs, tidyBdE.


gslnls, stochQN.


DIFplus, semtree.


Require, gt, huxtable, makepipe, pharmaRTF, r2rtf, reproducible, styler, unrtf.




BGVAR, GlarmaVarSel, STFTS, brolgar, esemifar, mrf, mvLSW, profoc, rdbnomics, synthesis, tsBSS, tsdb, tssim, uGMAR, ugatsdb.

(* = core package)


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Hornik, et al., "Changes on CRAN", The R Journal, 2021

BibTeX citation

  author = {Hornik, Kurt and Ligges, Uwe and Zeileis, Achim},
  title = {Changes on CRAN},
  journal = {The R Journal},
  year = {2021},
  note = {},
  volume = {13},
  issue = {2},
  issn = {2073-4859},
  pages = {738-740}