The ‘Changes on CRAN’ article from the 2021-1 issue.
In the past 6 months, 1290 new packages were added to the CRAN package repository. 116 packages were unarchived and 467 were archived. The following shows the growth of the number of active packages in the CRAN package repository:
On 2021-06-30, the number of active packages was around 17778.
During the the last three quarters (September 2020 to June 2021), CRAN received 25426 package submissions. For these, 44844 actions took place of which 29039 (65%) were auto processed actions and 15805 (35%) manual actions.
Minus some special cases, a summary of the auto-processed and manually triggered actions follows:
archive | inspect | newbies | pending | pretest | publish | recheck | waiting | |
auto | 6191 | 5988 | 5585 | 0 | 0 | 7244 | 2429 | 1602 |
manual | 6586 | 117 | 874 | 855 | 249 | 5467 | 1322 | 335 |
These include the final decisions for the submissions which were
action | archive | publish |
auto | 5573 (22.5%) | 6131 (24.8%) |
manual | 6478 (26.2%) | 6544 (26.5%) |
where we only count those as auto processed whose publication or rejection happened automatically in all steps.
Currently, there are 103 official CRAN mirrors, 82 of which provide both
secure downloads via https
and use secure mirroring from the CRAN
master (via rsync through ssh tunnels). Since the R 3.4.0 release,
offers these mirrors in preference to the others
which are not fully secured (yet).
causact, dina, edina, errum, greta, mcmcensemble, rrum, shinybrms.
DTAT, Keyboard, MinEDfind, PowerUpR, UnifiedDoseFinding, cosa, crmPack, presize, randomizeR, replicateBE, rpact, simglm.
face, mfaces, sparseFLMM.
AWAPer, HydroMe, LWFBrook90R, MODIStsp, airGRdatassim, synthesis, telemac.
CoTiMA, DTAplots, EvidenceSynthesis, MetaIntegration, RoBMA, RobustBayesianCopas, bnma, boutliers, forplo, fsn, gmeta, metaSurvival, metamicrobiomeR, metapack, nmaplateplot, smd.
InformativeCensoring, NADIA, dejaVu, grf, idem, lqr, misaem, missRanger, mixture, norm2, samon, semTools.
GWmodel, RCzechia, chilemapas, dbmss, geobr, geouy, giscoR, ipdw, mapSpain, osmextract, rgee, rgugik, terra.
Cyclops, DAAG, InformativeCensoring, LTRCtrees, LogicReg, SGL, SimSurvNMarker, YPmodel, asbio, bayesSurv, bujar, concreg, etm, frailtyHL, frailtySurv, frailtypack, joineRML, kmc, kmi, mets, mlr3proba, npsurv, plsRcox, reReg, rstanarm, simPH, smoothSurv, spef, superpc, tranSurv.
HDTSA, LSTS, Rcatch22, Rsfar, VARDetect, autostsm, bayesforecast, blocklength, clock, collapse, dynr, fpcb, gsignal, legion, mfbvar, strucchangeRcpp, tensorTS, tsrobprep.
AzureCosmosR, AzureGraph, AzureKusto, AzureQstor, AzureTableStor, AzureVision, Microsoft365R.
(* = core package)
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Hornik, et al., "Changes on CRAN", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-1-cran, author = {Hornik, Kurt and Ligges, Uwe and Zeileis, Achim}, title = {Changes on CRAN}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {}, volume = {13}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {633-635} }