Conference Report: Why R? 2018


The ‘Conference Report: Why R? 2018’ article from the 2018-2 issue.

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Dec. 1, 2018


Burdukiewicz, et al., 2018




572 - 578

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Figure 1: Why R? 2018 conference banner used for social media promotion. The background displays banks of the Odra river in Wroclaw – the city of Poland where the conference was held.

1 Why R? 2018 conference

The primary purpose of the Why R? 2018 conference was to provide R programming language enthusiasts with an opportunity to meet and discuss experiences in R software development and analysis applications, for both academia and industry professionals. The event was held 2-5 August, 2018 in a city of Wroclaw, a strong academic and business center of Poland. The total of approximately 250 people from 6 countries attended the main conference event. Additionally, approximately 540 R users attended the pre-meetings in eleven cities across Europe (Figure 2).

Why R? 2018 conference is the continuation of the Why R?’s first edition that took place Sep 27-29, 2017 at the Warsaw University of Technology in Warsaw (Poland). Given the success of the first event, this year’s conference extended its program concept and scope; importantly, Why R? 2018 conference was held as international.

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Figure 2: Locations and dates of the Why R? 2018 main conference event and 11 Why R?-branded pre-meetings.

2 Conference program

The format of the conference was aimed at exposing participants to recent developments in the R language, as well as a wide range of application examples. It consisted of workshops, invited talks, field-specific series of talks, lighting-talks, special interest groups, and a full-day programming hackathon.

The conference program had a strong focus on machine learning techniques and applications, with mlr R package – an interface to a large number of classification and regression methods – being emphasized in a number of presentations, as well as employed during workshops and the hackathon provided by the mlr team. The scope of conference program included statistical methodology, data visualization, R code performance, building products based on data analyses, and R’s role in academia / industry.

The event offered extensive networking opportunities. The cocktail party was held at the conference venue on the 2nd conference day. In addition, convenient location in the close proximity of the old town market square facilitated many informal gatherings that were happening each conference day.

3 Why R? Pre-meetings

The novel idea of pre-meetings has proved to be successful in popularizing Why R? conference in the international community of R users. Eleven pre-meetings took place in Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Poland, and Sweden in the run-up to the Why R? main event. The pre-meetings either constituted a part of another conference, one day-long workshop and discussion event, or a meeting of a local R user group.

As R provides a versatile framework for reproducible research in different scientific domains , we considered the Why R? pre-meetings as a great opportunity to convey and popularize R as an analytics tool in groups of professionals from different fields. The pre-meeting held at International Biotechnology Innovation Days (IBID), an open-access conference held 23-25 May, 2018 at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg (Senftenberg, Germany) is an example where the R came in close contact with scientist from other domains. IBID brought together specialists and experts in the fields of bioanalytics, biomedical and translational research, autoimmune diagnostics, digitalization, and engineering; hence it posed an excellent platform to promote R and the Why R? 2018 conference.

4 Workshops

Why R? 2018 conference had a wide portfolio of workshops:

5 Invited talks

The invited talks topics included domain knowledge from statistics, computer science, natural sciences, and economics. The speakers list presents as follows:

6 Special Interest Groups

Three Special Interest Groups were organized to facilitate topic-specific discussion between conference participants.

7 Conference organizers

The quality of the scientific program of the conference was the achievement of Marcin Kosiński, Alicja Gosiewska, Aleksandra Grudziąż, Malte Grosser, Andrej-Nikolai Spiess, Przemysław Gagat, Joanna Szyda, Paweł Mackiewicz, Bartosz Sękiewicz, Przemysław Biecek, Piotr Sobczyk, Marta Karaś, Marcin Krzystanek, Marcin Łukaszewicz, Agnieszka Borsuk - De Moor, Jarosław Chilimoniuk, Michał Maj, and Michał Kurtys. The organization was in the hands of Michał Burdukiewicz (chair).

The organizers want to acknowledge R user groups from Berlin, Copenhagen, Cracow, Hamburg, Munich, Poznan, Prague, Stockholm, TriCity, Wroclaw, and Warsaw.

8 Acknowledgements

We would like to say thank you to all the sponsors, the University of Wrocław, Wrocław Center of Biotechnology Consortium, the local organizers of the pre-meetings, the mlr team, and student helpers.

9 Additional information

Why R? 2018 website Corporate sponsors: McKinsey & Company, Wrocław Center for Biotechnology, KRUK S.A., iDash s.c., R Consortium, WLOG Solutions, Jumping Rivers Ltd., RStudio, Inc., AnalyxGmbH, and Pearson IOKI.


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Burdukiewicz, et al., "Conference Report: Why R? 2018", The R Journal, 2018

BibTeX citation

  author = {Burdukiewicz, Michał and Karas, Marta and Jessen, Leon Eyrich and Kosiński, Marcin and Bischl, Bernd and Stefan, },
  title = {Conference Report: Why R? 2018},
  journal = {The R Journal},
  year = {2018},
  note = {},
  volume = {10},
  issue = {2},
  issn = {2073-4859},
  pages = {572-578}