R Foundation News


The ‘R Foundation News’ article from the 2018-2 issue.

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Dec. 1, 2018


Hothorn, 2018




583 - 583

1 Donations and members

Membership fees and donations received between 2018-08-13 and 2019-01-07.


Pedro Albuquerque (France), Robert Baskin (United States), Shalese Fitzgerald (United States), Michael Forster (Austria), Brian Gough (United Kingdom), Gen KOBAYASHI (Japan), Ravinderpal Vaid (United States), and Novartis Pharma AG, (Basel, Switzerland)

Supporting benefactors

Jay Raol (United States) and b-data GmbH, (Zürich, Switzerland)

Supporting institutions

General Counsel Metrics, LLC, PRINCETON (United States), Marine Scotland, (Aberdeen City Aberdeen, United Kingdom), and vizGet, (Autrans, France)

Supporting members

Tim Appelhans (Germany), Joaquín Baquer-Miravete (Spain), Marcel Baumgartner (Switzerland), Daniel Booth (Australia), Petr Bouchal (Czech Republic), Florian Brezina (Germany), Robert Daly (Australia), Steph de Silva (Australia), Ajit de Silva (United States), Jasja Dekker (Netherlands), Shaban Demirel (United States), Lukman Edwindra (Indonesia), Arturo Erdely (Mexico), Michael Feyder (United States), Naohiro Furutani (Japan), Jan Galkowski (United States), Krushi Gurudu (United States), Karl Habermeier (United States), Joe Harwood (United Kingdom), Bela Hausmann (Austria), Joshua Hruzik (Germany), Abner Huertas (Guatemala), Ken Ikeda (Japan), Larry Jamner (United States), Knut Helge Jensen (Norway), Woojune Jung (Korea, Republic of), June Kee Kim (Korea, Republic of), Miha Kosmac (United Kingdom), Jan Herman Kuiper (United Kingdom), Yannick Lelu (France), Chin Soon Lim (Singapore), Michael Mahoney (United States), Daniel McNichol (United States), Guido (Germany), Yoshinobu Nakahashi (Japan), Vialaneix Nathalie (France), Michael Neale (United States), Mark Niemann-Ross (United States), Berk Orbay (Turkey), Dan Orsholits (Switzerland), Mucio Osorio (Mexico), Floris Padt (Netherlands), Peter Perez (United States), Elgin Perry (United States), Que Binh Phung (France), Emma Rand (United Kingdom), Ma Reader (United Kingdom), Kun Ren (China), Marty Rose (United States), Ingo Ruczinski (United States), Antonio J. Saez-Castillo (Spain), Sarah Shakil (Canada), Jagat Sheth (United States), Kevin Shook (Canada), Rachel Smith-Hunter (United States), Tobias Strapatsas (Germany), Robert Szabo (Sweden), Koray Tascilar (Germany), Uku Vainik (Estonia), Jaime Vera (Colombia), Marcus Vollmer (Germany), Jaap Walhout (Netherlands), Sandra Ware (Australia), Nan Xiao (United States), Metin Yazici (Turkey), and Victor Zurkowski (Canada)


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    For attribution, please cite this work as

    Hothorn, "R Foundation News", The R Journal, 2018

    BibTeX citation

      author = {Hothorn, Torsten},
      title = {R Foundation News},
      journal = {The R Journal},
      year = {2018},
      note = {https://rjournal.github.io/},
      volume = {10},
      issue = {2},
      issn = {2073-4859},
      pages = {583-583}