The ‘Changes on CRAN’ article from the 2017-2 issue.
In the past 6 months, 1244 new packages were added to the CRAN package repository. 19 packages were unarchived, 55 archived and 3 removed. The following shows the growth of the number of active packages in the CRAN package repository:
On 2017-11-30, the number of active packages was around 11875.
The package check pages now also show issues found by checks of corruption of constants (provided by Tomáš Kalibera).
Package maintainers who submitted packages this year found the automated submission system accepted or rejected some packages automatically while other packages went into a manual inspection queue. The number of false positives that led to wrong rejections has been reduced. Given the system is pretty stable now, we will go a step further and also auto-accept packages with reverse dependencies where the check status of all reverse dependencies checked is not worse than before. So far incoming checks in CRAN have been performed on a single platform (Linux or Windows) only. While (incoming) checks are improved all the time, we will shortly have both Linux and Windows systems analyzing packages before publishing automatically.
CRAN received 2087 package submissions in November 2017, i.e., around 70 submissions a day. Hence the CRAN team is no longer able to respond to individual help requests or be involved in lengthy discussions for exceptions. Please really use the corresponding mailing lists such as R-package-devel (see
The Policy now says the following:
CRAN packages should use only the public API. Hence they should not
use entry points not declared as API in installed headers nor
nor .Call()
etc. calls to base packages. Also, :::
should not be used to access undocumented/internal objects in base
packages (nor should other means of access be employed).
Packages should not attempt to disable compiler diagnostics.
All correspondence with CRAN must be sent to (not members of the team) and be in plain text ASCII (and not HTML).
In addition, the Policy now also points to a new Checklist for CRAN submissions.
Currently, there are 95 official CRAN mirrors, 58 of which (about 61%)
provide both secure downloads via https
and use secure mirroring
from the CRAN master (via rsync through ssh tunnels). Since the R 3.4.0
release, chooseCRANmirror()
offers these mirrors in preference to the
others which are not fully secured (yet).
For package authors specified via an Authors@R
field in the
DESCRIPTION file, ORCID identifiers (see for more
information) can be provided via elements named ORCID
in the comment
argument of the person()
calls, e.g.,
person("Achim", "Zeileis", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-0918-3766"))
These identifiers will then be hyperlinked in the CRAN package web pages
to the corresponding ORCID pages. See, e.g., the page for package ctv.
Starting with R 3.4.3, Jeroen Ooms maintains the Windows base R binaries and the toolchain for building both R and contributed packages on Windows.
openEBGM, tRophicPosition.
InformativeCensoring, Mediana, ThreeArmedTrials, clusterPower, crmPack, dfped, dfpk, ewoc, gsbDesign.
QPot, cOde, dMod, phaseR, rODE, rodeo, rpgm.
MittagLeffleR, coga, hyper2.
OrthoPanels, dlsem, pder, wooldridge, zTree.
DoE.MIParray, FMC, MBHdesign, PBIBD, bioOED, edesign,
idefix, minimalRSD, odr, optbdmaeAT, optrcdmaeAT,
rsurface, sFFLHD, skpr
covsep, denseFLMM, freqdom.fda, ftsspec.
Sim.DiffProc, drake, parSim.
ICEbox, effects, ggRandomForests, pdp, plotmo, tensorflow.
CIAAWconsensus, ConfoundedMeta, MetaSubtract, RandMeta, TFisher, clubSandwich, effsize, forestmodel, getmstatistic, metaBMA, metacart, metaforest, nmaINLA, psychmeta, ratesci, rma.exact.
alineR, ore, rel, stm, stringdist.
PythonInR, SnakeCharmR, XR, XRJulia, XRPython, expint, feather, findpython, fourierin, interp, logOfGamma, reticulate, tripack.
ABCoptim, CVXR, ManifoldOptim, Rtnmin, SACOBRA, colf, coneproj, ecr, flacco, metaheuristicOpt, mize, n1qn1, ompr, optimr, optimsimplex, quadprogXT, sdpt3r.
CTTShiny, EFAutilities, MIIVsem, PLmixed, dexter, umx.
spm, spsann.
FLightR, sf, sigloc.
dLagM, fpp2, freqdom, freqdom.fda, ftsa, funtimes, influxdbr, odpc, sweep, timetk, tscount, wktmo.
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Hornik, et al., "Changes on CRAN", The R Journal, 2017
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2017-2-cran, author = {Hornik, Kurt and Ligges, Uwe and Zeileis, Achim}, title = {Changes on CRAN}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2017}, note = {}, volume = {9}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {564-566} }