

The ‘Editorial’ article from the 2014-2 issue.

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Deepayan Sarkar


Dec. 1, 2014


Sarkar, 2014




3 - 3

On behalf of the editorial board, I am pleased to publish Volume 6, Issue 2 of the R Journal.

The first article in this issue presents a case study illustrating the use of R for analyzing fMRI data. The second article introduces the innovative TableToLongForm package that tries to automate the preprocessing of commonly encountered hierarchical tables that are often difficult to convert into machine-readable form. The remaining articles describe a variety of R packages that make new methods available to the R community: Prinsimp to study interesting structures in low variability principal components, phaseR for autonomous ODE Systems, accelerometry and nhanesaccel for processing accelerometer data, spartan to analyze simulation results, ngspatial for analyzing areal data, sgof for multiple testing problems, bshazard for survival analysis, SMR which implements a set of distribution functions, FLIM for longitudinal studies with missing data, MVN for assessing multivariate normality, qmethod for studying perspectives and attitudes using Q methodology, and gset for exact sequential tests of equivalence hypotheses. In addition to the usual updates , the News and Notes section also contains two conference reports. I hope you enjoy the issue.

With the end of the year, it is also time for a refresh of the editorial board. Hadley Wickham is leaving the board after a four-year term. As with everything he turns his attention to, Hadley has considerably streamlined the behind-the-scenes operations of the Journal, making life easier for the rest of us. We welcome Roger Bivand who is joining the editorial board in his place. Publishing this issue is my last act as Editor-in-Chief, with Bettina Grün taking over the job for the next year.


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    For attribution, please cite this work as

    Sarkar, "Editorial", The R Journal, 2014

    BibTeX citation

      author = {Sarkar, Deepayan},
      title = {Editorial},
      journal = {The R Journal},
      year = {2014},
      note = {https://rjournal.github.io/},
      volume = {6},
      issue = {2},
      issn = {2073-4859},
      pages = {3-3}