

The ‘Editorial’ article from the 2014-1 issue.

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Deepayan Sarkar



June 1, 2014


Sarkar, 2014




3 - 3

On behalf of the editorial board, I am pleased to publish Volume 6, Issue 1 of the R Journal.

As usual, the bulk of the articles in this issue describe a variety of R packages, whose diversity reflects the ever increasing reach of R. Many of these packages make new data analysis methods available to the R community: LS2Wstat implements a test of spatial stationarity for textured images, straweib implements stratified Weibull regression models for interval-censored survival data, rotations provides various tools to work with rotation data, ROSE implements methods to deal with binary classification problems with high class imbalance, investr provides tools to solve inverse estimation problems for both linear and nonlinear regression models, Rankcluster enables model-based clustering of multivariate as well as partial rankings, MRCV allows analysis of data with multiple-response categorical variables, and oligoMask enables the removal of systematic effects of genetic variants when preprocessing microarray data. Several others fall into the category of more general purpose tools: stringdist implements various string distance functions and approximate string matching based on them, RStorm provides an environment to prototype and test streaming algorithms, RWiener implements distribution functions for the Wiener diffusion model that is useful for reaction time modeling, and sgr allows simulation of fake ordinal data to systematically study the effect of faked responses on inference. Two articles discuss packages that provide interfaces to other systems: PivotalR to various databases and the MADlib library for in-database machine learning, and dvn to The Dataverse Network to allow archival and sharing of reproducible research. Finally, we have three visualization packages that have quite different focus but share the common thread of interactive browser-based displays: pitchRx (along with XML2R) can be used to obtain and visualize basketball pitch data, brainR creates interactive displays of neuroimaging data, and gridSVG allows the exporting of grid graphics in the SVG format with several additional features.

The News and Notes section contains the usual updates on the R Foundation, the Bioconductor project, CRAN, and changes in R itself. In addition, we have a brief overview of the Web Technologies Task View available on CRAN. We also have a short addendum to an article published in the last issue of the R Journal, “Statistical Software from a Blind Person’s Perspective”, that provides a solution to a problem identified in the original article.

I hope you enjoy the issue.


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    For attribution, please cite this work as

    Sarkar, "Editorial", The R Journal, 2014

    BibTeX citation

      author = {Sarkar, Deepayan},
      title = {Editorial},
      journal = {The R Journal},
      year = {2014},
      note = {https://rjournal.github.io/},
      volume = {6},
      issue = {1},
      issn = {2073-4859},
      pages = {3-3}