The ‘Changes on CRAN’ article from the 2012-1 issue.
Topic: Differential Equations. Maintainer: Karline Soetaert and
Thomas Petzoldt. Packages: CollocInfer, FME, GillespieSSA,
PBSddesolve, PKfit, PKtools, PSM, ReacTran,
(* = core package)
AtelieR, Runuran, iterLap.
FITSio, cda, dielectric, planar, ringscale, stellaR.
AGSDest, CRTSize
CoClust, bgmm, pmclust, psychomix.
LambertW, TSA, agricolae, e1071, emdbook, modeest, moments, npde, s20x.
geepack, intReg, lfe, mhurdle, pcse, spdep, sphet.
Interpol.T, RMAWGEN, anm, boussinesq, fast, hydroPSO, nsRFA, qualV, rconifers, sensitivity, tiger.
dynaTree, mixexp, plgp, tgp.
AmericanCallOpt, BurStFin, FinAsym, VarSwapPrice, crp.CSFP, frmqa.
BatchExperiments, BatchJobs, WideLM, cloudRmpi, cloudRmpiJars, harvestr, pmclust, rreval.
GMMBoost, RPMM, bst, evtree, gamboostLSS, gbev, longRPart, oblique.tree, obliqueRF, partykit, rattle, rpartOrdinal.
KoNLP, RcmdrPlugin.TextMining, TextRegression, koRpus, maxent, tau, textcat, textir, tm.plugin.dc, tm.plugin.mail, topicmodels, wordcloud.
FFD, pxR.
GenSA, Rmalschains, clpAPI, cplexAPI, crs, dfoptim, glpkAPI, hydroPSO, mcga, nloptr, powell.
SYNCSA, auteur, paleotree, pmc.
CDM, MPTinR, MplusAutomation, betareg, irtrees, pathmox, plspm.
RExcelInstaller, SWordInstaller, knitr, rtf, tables.
McSpatial, geospt, rangeMapper, vec2dtrans.
BaSTA, CPE, CPHshape, OIsurv, RobustAFT, Survgini, ahaz, asbio, bwsurvival, dcens, dynpred, dynsurv, flexsurv, kaps, logconcens, parfm, riskRegression, rtv, survC1, tlmec.
Interpol.T, RMAWGEN, deseasonalize, quantspec, tempdisagg.
abn, gRim.
(* = core package)
Analysis of Growth Data. Author: Stef van Buuren.
Time-varying DBN inference with the ARTIVA (Auto Regressive TIme VArying) model. Authors: S. Lebre and G. Lelandais.
Assay-based Cross-sectional Estimation of incidence rates. Authors: Brian Claggett, Weiliang Qiu, Rui Wang.
Adaptive Semiparametric Regression with Simultaneous Confidence Bands. Authors: Manuel Wiesenfarth and Tatyana Krivobokova.
This package includes pricing function for selected American call options with underlying assets that generate payouts. Author: Paolo Zagaglia. In view: Finance.
Statistical Tests for Genetic Association Studies. Author: Gaston Sanchez.
Miscellaneous helper functions for B. Bischl. Authors: Bernd Bischl, Michel Lang, Olaf Mersmann.
Bayesian Cost Effectiveness Analysis. Author: Gianluca Baio.
Bootstrap Inference for Network COstruction. Authors: Shuang Li, Li Hsu, Jie Peng, Pei Wang.
Bayesian Variant Selection: Bayesian Model Uncertainty Techniques for Genetic Association Studies. Author: Melanie Quintana.
Bayesian Spectrum Analysis in R. Authors: Emma Granqvist, Matthew Hartley and Richard J Morris.
Statistical experiments on batch computing clusters. Authors: Bernd Bischl, Michel Lang, Olaf Mersmann. In view: HighPerformanceComputing.
Batch computing with R. Authors: Bernd Bischl, Michel Lang, Olaf Mersmann. In view: HighPerformanceComputing.
Bayesian Latent Class Analysis. Authors: Arthur White and Brendan Murphy.
Logistic Regression. Authors: Nicolas Polson, James G. Scott, and Jesse Windle.
Computation of Bayes factors for interrupted time-series designs. Authors: Richard D. Morey, Rivka de Vries.
R Package Distribution of the BayesX C++ Sources. Authors: Daniel Adler [aut, cre], Thomas Kneib [aut], Stefan Lang [aut], Nikolaus Umlauf [aut], Achim Zeileis [aut].
Data Input for Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature. Author: Steven Mosher.
Improved access for blind useRs. Author: Jonathan Godfrey.
Burns Statistics Financial. Author: Burns Statistics. In view: Finance.
R interface to Fortran 77 implementation of CALINE3. Author: David Holstius.
Spatial areal unit modelling. Author: Duncan Lee.
Statistical package for population size estimation in capture-recapture models. Author: T.C. Hsieh.
Reparameterized and marginalized posterior sampling for conditional autoregressive models. Authors: Kate Cowles and Stephen Bonett; with thanks to Juan Cervantes, Dong Liang, Alex Sawyer, and Michael Seedorff.
CA scaling in R. Author: J. H. Straat.
Find the maximum likelihood estimator of the shape constrained hazard baseline and the effect parameters in the Cox proportional hazards model. Authors: Rihong Hui and Hanna Jankowski. In view: Survival.
Correction of the pvalue after multiple coding. Authors: Jeremie Riou, Amadou Diakite, and Benoit Liquet.
Analyze Multivariate Phenotypes by Combining Univariate results. Authors: Xuan Liu and Qiong Yang.
Centrality-based pathway enrichment. Author: Zuguang Gu.
Choice Modeling in R. Authors: Ryan Sermas, assisted by John V. Colias.
Copula based cluster analysis. Authors: Francesca Marta Lilja Di Lascio, Simone Giannerini. In view: Cluster.
Computing Continuous Distributions. Authors: Bozidar V. Popovic, Saralees Nadarajah, Miroslav M. Ristic.
A package to check the cancellation axioms of conjoint measurement. Author: Ben Domingue.
Association between Methylation and a phenotype of interest. Authors: Barfield, R., Conneely, K., Kilaru,V.
Identifying cryptic relatedness in genetic association studies. Authors: Annick Joelle Nembot-Simo, Jinko Graham and Brad McNeney.
Diversity-dependent diversification. Author: Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman.
Bayesian Clustering of Multivariate Data Under the Dirichlet-Process Prior. Authors: Audrey Qiuyan Fu, Steven Russell, Sarah J. Bray and Simon Tavare.
Distributed Storage and List. Authors: Ingo Feinerer [aut], Stefan Theussl [aut, cre], Christian Buchta [ctb].
Dandelion Plot for R-mode Exploratory Factor Analysis. Authors: Artur Manukyan, Ahmet Sedef, Erhan Cene, Ibrahim Demir (Advisor).
Deducer for spatial data analysis. Authors: Ian Fellows and Alex Rickett with contributions from Neal Fultz.
A computer program to detect markers responding to selection. Author: Renaud Vitalis.
Discrete Laplace distribution. Authors: Alessandro Barbiero, Riccardo Inchingolo.
A simple way to fit detection functions to distance sampling data and calculate abundance/density for biological populations. Author: David L. Miller.
Utility functions to execute standard ETL operations (using package ff) on large data. Author: Jan Wijffels.
EcoTroph modelling support. Authors: J. Guitton and M. Colleter, D. Gascuel.
Visualization of Categorical Response Models. Author: Gunther Schauberger.
EpiEstim: a package to estimate time varying reproduction numbers from epidemic curves. Author: Anne Cori.
Estimation of the jump rate and simulation for piecewise-deterministic Markov processes. Author: Romain Azais.
Exact Unconditional Tests for 2x2 Tables. Author: Peter Calhoun.
Calls CNV from exome sequence data. Author: Vincent Plagnol.
Experimental Designs package. Authors: Eric Batista Ferreira, Portya Piscitelli Cavalcanti, Denismar Alves Nogueira.
Bayesian Sparse Factor Analysis model for the inference of pathways responsive to drug treatment. Author: Haisu Ma.
Factor Mixture Analysis with covariates. Author: Cinzia Viroli.
Probabilities for Pedigrees given DNA data. Authors: Petter Mostad and Thore Egeland.
Learn from training data then quickly fill in missing data. Author: Stephen R. Haptonstahl.
Classifies implicit trading activity from market quotes and computes the probability of informed trading. Author: Paolo Zagaglia. In view: Finance.
ForeCA — Forecastable Component Analysis. Author: Georg M. Goerg.
Grain-size Statistics and Description of Sediment. Authors: Regis K. Gallon, Jerome Fournier.
GO-Functional-Network-based Gene-Set-Analysis. Author: Billy Chang.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Generalized Persistence Value-Added Model. Authors: Andrew Karl, Yan Yang, and Sharon Lohr.
Generalized UniFrac distances. Author: Jun Chen.
Simulation of ordinal and discrete variables with given correlation matrix and marginal distributions. Authors: Alessandro Barbiero, Pier Alda Ferrari.
Analysis of light based geolocator data. Authors: Simeon Lisovski, Silke Bauer, Tamara Emmenegger.
Convert Spatial Grids to Polygons. Author: Jason C. Fisher.
Hybrid index estimation. Author: Ben Fitzpatrick.
The HMMmix (HMM with mixture of gaussians as emission distribution) package. Authors: Stevenn Volant and Caroline Berard.
Holiday and halfday data, for use with the TimeWarp package. Author: Lars Hansen.
Inequality and Concentration Indices and Curves. Author: Didier Plat.
Builds and analyses Integral Projection Models (IPMs). Authors: CJE Metcalf, SM McMahon, R Salguero-Gomez, E Jongejans.
Iterative Selection of Blocks of Features — ISBF. Author: Pierre Alquier.
Read binary files saved by Igor Pro (including Neuromatic data). Author: Greg Jefferis.
Hourly interpolation of multiple temperature daily series. Author: Emanuele Eccel & Emanuele Cordano. In views: Environmetrics, TimeSeries.
Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data — Power Calculation. Authors: Emil A. Cornea, Liddy M. Chen, Bahjat F. Qaqish, Haitao Chu, and Joseph G. Ibrahim.
Methods for population-based cancer survival analysis. Author: Yongwu Shao.
Julian Miscellaneous Function. Author: TszKin Julian Chan.
Johnson Distribution. Authors: A.I. McLeod and Leanna King.
Data sets for package LMERConvenienceFunctions. Authors: Antoine Tremblay.
Poisson Subordinated Distribution. Author: Stephen Horng-Twu Lihn.
Missing morphometric data simulation and estimation. Authors: J. Arbour and C. Brown.
Perform LTR analysis on microarray data. Author: Paul C. Boutros.
Estimation techniques for the reliability estimate: Maximized Lambda4. Author: Tyler Hunt.
Fits, plots, and summarizes leaf angle distributions. Author: Remko Duursma.
Linearized Support Vector Regression. Authors: Sriharsha Veeramachaneni and Ken Williams.
Package for Luminescence Dating data analysis. Authors: Sebastian Kreutzer [aut, cre], Christoph Schmidt [aut, ctb], Margret C. Fuchs [aut, ctb], Michael Dietze [aut, ctb], Manfred Fischer [aut, ctb], Markus Fuchs [ths].
Designing Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Studies. Authors: Thomas Jaki and Dominic Magirr.
Ordinary least square test and Multivariate Analysis Of Variance test with n contrasts. Authors: Chih-Yi Chien, Chen-An Tsai, Ching-Wei Chang, and James J. Chen.
Mixture summary method for multiple imputation. Authors: Russell Steele, Naisyin Wang, and Adrian Raftery. In view: OfficialStatistics.
Maximum likelihood estimate of penetrance parameters. Author: Yuki Sugaya.
The multiplicative multinomial distribution. Authors: Robin K. S. Hankin and P. M. E. Altham.
Author: Adam J. Rothman.
Nonparametric spatial data analysis. Author: Daniel McMillen. In view: Spatial.
Meta analysis of multiple microarray data. Authors: Jia Li and Xingbin Wang.
Perform the Meta-Analysis for Pathway Enrichment analysis (MAPE). Authors: Kui Shen and Geroge Tseng.
Analysis of Mixed Models. Authors: Alexandra Kuznetsova, Per Bruun Brockhoff.
Mobilize plots and functions. Author: Jeroen Ooms.
Shape Analysis of Outlines. Authors: Vincent Bonhomme, Sandrine Picq, Julien Claude.
Simple raw data generator based on user-specified summary statistics. Author: Brendan Morse.
Generation of multivariate ordinal variates. Authors: Anup Amatya and Hakan Demirtas.
Modelling and validation of non homogeneous Poisson processes. Author: Ana C. Cebrian.
tertiary probabilistic model in predictive microbiology for use in food manufacture. Author: Nadine Schoene.
An examination of indices for determining the number of clusters. Authors: Malika Charrad and Nadia Ghazzali and Veronique Boiteau and Azam Niknafs.
Network Generation and Comparison. Authors: Shannon M. Bell, Lyle D. Burgoon.
NetPreProc: Network Pre-Processing and normalization. Authors: Giorgio Valentini.
Utilities and kinship information for Behavior Genetics and Developmental research using the NLSY. Authors: Will Beasley, Joe Rodgers, David Bard, and Kelly Meredith.
Normal-gamma convolution model. Authors: S. Plancade and Y. Rozenholc.
Data sets and supplements (OpenIntro). Authors: Andrew P Bray and David M Diez.
Survival analysis supplement to OpenIntro guide. Author: David M Diez. In view: Survival.
OLS growth curve trajectories. Authors: Phil Chalmers and Carrie Smith and Matthew Sigal.
Ozgur-Ozlem Miscellaneous. Authors: Ozgur Asar, Ozlem Ilk.
R Client for Mobilize/Andwellness server. Author: Jeroen Ooms.
Prediction of condition-specific transcription factor interactions. Author: Sebastian Dümcke.
Access to open street map raster images. Authors: Ian Fellows, using the JMapViewer library by Jan Peter Stotz.
Computing optimal cutpoints in diagnostic tests. Authors: Monica Lopez-Raton, Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez.
This package estimates a mix of lognormal distributions from interest-rate option data. Author: Paolo Zagaglia.
Functions for Aster Book on Inverse Theory. Author: Jonathan M. Lees.
Predicted Interval Plots. Authors: Daniel G. Muenz, Ray Griner, Huichao Chen, Lijuan Deng, Sachiko Miyahara, and Scott R. Evans, with contributions from Lingling Li, Hajime Uno, and Laura M. Smeaton. In view: ClinicalTrials.
Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic models. Authors: Anne Dubois, Julie Bertand, France Mentre and Douglas Bates.
Paired Data Analysis. Author: Stephane Champely.
Helpers for parameters in black-optimization, tuning and maching learning. Authors: Bernd Bischl, Patrick Koch.
Population genetic analysis. Author: Bastian Pfeifer.
Differentially private regularized logistic regression. Author: Staal A. Vinterbo.
Provides R-language code to examine Quantitative Risk Management concepts. Author: Bernhard Pfaff.
Regularized sparse inverse covariance matrix estimation. Authors: Cho-Jui Hsieh [aut], Matyas A. Sustik [aut, cre], Inderjit S. Dhillon [aut], Pradeep Ravikumar [aut].
Author: Steve Lund.
Enhanced methods for handling graphical devices. Author: Henrik Bengtsson.
Estimate Structured Additive Regression Models with BayesX. Authors: Nikolaus Umlauf [aut, cre], Thomas Kneib [aut], Stefan Lang [aut], Achim Zeileis [aut].
Converting R CRAN outputs into Google Earth. Author: Nils Arrigo.
Running OpenBUGS from R. Authors: originally written as R2WinBUGS by Andrew Gelman; changes and packaged by Sibylle Sturtz and Uwe Ligges. With considerable contributions by Gregor Gorjanc and Jouni Kerman. Adapted to R2OpenBUGS from R2WinBUGS by Neal Thomas.
ADMB to R interface functions. Authors: Ben Bolker, Hans Skaug.
An R package for Stats 330. Authors: Alan Lee, Blair Robertson.
Admixture F-model. Authors: Markku Karhunen, Uni. Helsinki.
Calculation of the Integrated Flow of Particles between Polygons. Authors: Annie Bouvier, Kien Kieu, Kasia Adamczyk, and Herve Monod.
R/Cassandra interface. Author: Simon Urbanek.
RForcecom provides the connection to ( from R. Author: Takekatsu Hiramura.
Create quizzes in GIFT Format. Authors: María José Haro-Delicado, Virgilio Gómez-Rubio and Francisco Parreño-Torres.
Random Iterated Function System (RIFS). Authors: Pavel V. Moskalev, Alexey G. Bukhovets and Tatyana Ya. Biruchinskay.
Fit Multi-Modal Mallows’ Models to ranking data. Author: Erik Gregory.
Interface to Mendeley API methods. Authors: Carl Boettiger, Duncan Temple Lang.
borenstein analysis. Author: Claus Jonathan Fritzemeier.
Author: Theodore Van Rooy.
Rcmdr Evidence Based Medicine Plug-In package. Author: Daniel-Corneliu Leucuta.
Rcmdr Plug-In for Kaplan-Meier Plot and Other Plots by Using the ggplot2 Package. Authors: Triad sou. and Kengo NAGASHIMA.
Rcmdr plugin for designing and analyzing single-case experiments. Authors: Isis Bulte and Patrick Onghena.
UCA Rcmdr Plug-in. Author: and Manuel Munoz-Marquez.
Rcmdr doBy Plug-In. Author: Jonathan Lee.
Rcmdr Graphical POINT of view for questionnaire data Plug-In. Author: Stephane Champely.
Rcpp bindings for Sequential Monte Carlo. Authors: Dirk Eddelbuettel and Adam M. Johansen.
Distance sampling analyses. Author: Trent McDonald.
Redundancy Control in Pathways databases. Author: Juan C. Vivar.
GUI for Renext. Authors: Yves Deville and IRSN.
Varying stimulus coefficient fMRI models in R. Authors: Ludwig Bothmann, Stefanie Kalus.
Continuous Optimization using Memetic Algorithms with Local Search Chains (MA-LS-Chains) in R. Authors: Christoph Bergmeir, Daniel Molina, José M. Benítez. In view: Optimization.
Rmisc: Ryan Miscellaneous. Author: Ryan M. Hope.
An interface of MIXMOD. Authors: Remi Lebret and Serge Iovleff and Florent Langrognet, with contributions from C. Biernacki and G. Celeux and G. Govaert.
Seismic Hypocenter Determination. Author: Jonathan M. Lees.
R x C Ecological Inference With Optional Incorporation of Survey Information. Authors: D. James Greiner, Paul Baines, and Kevin M. Quinn. In view: Bayesian.
Import ASCII files directly into R using only a SAS input script. Author: Anthony Joseph Damico.
Single-Case Meta-Analysis. Authors: Isis Bulte and Patrick Onghena.
Single-Case Randomization Tests. Authors: Isis Bulte and Patrick Onghena.
Single-Case Visual Analysis. Authors: Isis Bulte and Patrick Onghena.
Supply Chain Perform. Author: Marlene Silva Marchena.
reading and writing SEER*STAT data files. Author: Jun Luo.
Fit a GLM (or cox model) with a combination of lasso and group lasso regularization. Authors: Noah Simon, Jerome Friedman, Trevor Hastie, and Rob Tibshirani.
Exemplar data sets for SGP analyses. Authors: Damian W. Betebenner, Adam Van Iwaarden and Ben Domingue.
SNP-set (Sequence) Kernel Association Test. Authors: Seunggeun Lee, Larisa Miropolsky and Micheal Wu.
Standard and Nonstandard Statistical Models and Methods for Test Equating. Author: Jorge Gonzalez Burgos.
SPA3G: R package for the method of Li and Cui (2012). Authors: Shaoyu Li and Yuehua Cui.
Optimal Shortest Probability Intervals. Author: Ying Liu.
Site Percolation on Square Lattice (SPSL). Author: Pavel V. Moskalev.
SRMA Analysis of Array-based Sequencing Data. Authors: Wenyi Wang, Nianxiang Zhang, Yan Xu.
Semiparametric Sample Selection Modelling with Continuous Response. Authors: Giampiero Marra and Rosalba Radice.
Wildlife Sightability Modeling. Author: John Fieberg.
Interact with Simile models. Author: Simulistics Ltd.
Models of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition. Authors: Carlos A. Sierra, Markus Mueller.
Sparse grid integration in R. Author: Jelmer Ypma.
Author: Joshua French.
Steiner approach for Biological Pathway Graph Analysis. Authors: Afshin Sadeghi, Holger Froehlich.
Computation and estimation of reliability of stress-strength models. Authors: Alessandro Barbiero, Riccardo Inchingolo.
Structural geology tools. Author: Jeffrey R. Webber.
Sunter’s sampling design. Authors: Alessandro Barbiero, Giancarlo Manzi.
TCC: tag count comparison package. Authors: Koji Kadota, Tomoaki Nishiyama, Kentaro Shimizu.
Author: Yuping Zhang.
Temporal Trend Analysis Graphical Interface. Authors: David Devreker [aut], Alain Lefebvre [aut, cre].
Lumped hydrological model developed at the Vienna University of Technology for education purposes. Authors: Juraj Parajka, Alberto Viglione.
Taxonomic standardization of plant species names. Author: Luis Cayuela.
Statistical tests to compare two survival curves with recurrent events. Author: Dr. Carlos Martinez.
Optimum threshold estimation based on cost function in a two and three state setting. Author: Konstantina Skaltsa.
Date calculations and manipulation. Authors: Tony Plate, Jeffrey Horner, Lars Hansen.
Variation of effective population size. Authors: Natacha Nikolic and Claude Chevalet.
Pricing a variance swap on an equity index. Author: Paolo Zagaglia. In view: Finance.
Testing of genotypic variance heterogeneity to detect potentially interacting SNP. Author: Maksim Struchalin.
Generic Voss algorithm (random sequential additions). Author: Pavel V. Moskalev.
Weighted Portmanteau Tests for Time Series Goodness-of-fit. Authors: Thomas J. Fisher and Colin M. Gallagher.
Fitting many skinny linear models to a single data set. Authors: Mark Seligman, with contributions from Chris Fraley. In view: HighPerformanceComputing.
The ACER Method for Extreme Value Estimation. Author: Even Haug.
Download and manipulate data from the US Census American Community Survey. Author: Ezra Haber Glenn.
Discrete and Global Optimization Routines. Author: Hans W Borchers.
Implementation of a generic adaptive Monte Carlo Markov Chain sampler. Authors: Andreas Scheidegger,.
Prior distributions for molecular dating. Author: Michael Matschiner.
Connects to Anametrix. Author: Roman Jugai.
Analysis of interactions. Authors: Ravi Varadhan and Stephanie Kovalchik.
Compute Appell’s F1 hypergeometric function. Authors: Daniel Sabanes Bove with contributions by F. D. Colavecchia, R. C. Forrey, G. Gasaneo, N. L. J. Michel, L. F. Shampine, M. V. Stoitsov and H. A. Watts.
Approximate Path for Penalized Likelihood Estimators. Authors: Yi Yu, Yang Feng.
Readable check functions to ensure code integrity. Authors: Richard Cotton [aut, cre].
Class and Methods definitions for packages aws, adimpro, fmri, dwi. Author: Joerg Polzehl.
Breakpoint annotation model smoothing. Author: Toby Dylan Hocking.
Functions for simple A/B split test and multi-armed bandit analysis. Author: Thomas Lotze.
Base 64 encoder/decoder. Authors: Romain Francois, based on code by Bob Trower available at
Mixtures-of-Experts Markov Chain Clustering and Dirichlet Multinomial Clustering. Author: Christoph Pamminger.
Probabilistic Population Projection. Authors: Hana Sevcikova, Adrian Raftery.
Bayesian continuous reassessment method (CRM) designs for Phase I dose-finding trials. Author: Michael Sweeting. In view: ClinicalTrials.
Algorithms for Birth Data Analysis. Author: Bin Wang.
Detecting rare variants for quantitative traits using nuclear families. Author: Wei Guo.
Partitioning beta diversity into turnover and nestedness components. Authors: Andres Baselga and David Orme.
Big Data Analytics. Authors: Han Liu, Tuo Zhao.
R bindings for the BigML API. Authors: Justin Donaldson [aut, cre].
Efficient MCMC for Binomial Logit Models. Author: Agnes Fussl.
Biological and chemical data networks. Authors: Matteo Re.
Tools to find bad commits with git bisect. Author: Winston Chang.
A S3 class for vectors of 64bit integers. Author: Jens Oehlschlägel.
Conduct univariate and bivariate wavelet analyses. Authors: Tarik C. Gouhier, Aslak Grinsted.
Read Windows Bitmap (BMP) images. Author: Gregory Jefferis.
Boosted One-Step Statistics: Fast and accurate approximations for GLM, GEE and Mixed models for use in GWAS. Author: Arend Voorman.
Analytic Solutions for (ground-water) Boussinesq Equation. Author: Emanuele Cordano. In view: Environmetrics.
Back Projected Kernel Density Estimation. Authors: Kjell Konis, Victor Panaretos.
Categorical Data. Authors: Gerhard Tutz, Gunther Schauberger.
Benchmark for the CEC 2005 Special Session on Real-Parameter Optimization. Authors: Yasser González-Fernández and Marta Soto.
Context Driven Exploratory Projection Pursuit. Author: Mohit Dayal.
Causal Inference for Neuroscience. Authors: Xi (Rossi) LUO with contributions from Dylan Small, Chiang-shan Li, and Paul Rosenbaum.
Conditioned Latin Hypercube Sampling. Author: Pierre Roudier.
Cloud-based MPI Parallel Processing for R (cloudRmpi). Author: Barnet Wagman. In view: HighPerformanceComputing.
Third-party jars for cloudRmpi. Author: Barnet Wagman. In view: HighPerformanceComputing.
Cloud Util Plots. Authors: Christian Panse, Ermir Qeli.
Colocalisation tests of two genetic traits. Author: Chris Wallace.
Multivariate likelihood ratio calculation and evaluation. Author: David Lucy.
Simulation of recurrent event survival data. Authors: David Moriña, Centre Tecnològic de Nutrició i Salut and Albert Navarro.
Regression estimation based on the compound covariate methed under the Cox proportional hazard model. Author: Takeshi Emura & Yi-Hau Chen.
Conditional Density Estimation with Neural Network Conditional Mixtures. Author: Julie Carreau.
Sequential Parametric and Nonparametric Change Detection. Authors: Gordon J. Ross, incorporating code from the GNU Scientific Library.
Categorical Randomized Block Data Analysis. Authors: David Allingham, D.J. Best.
CreditRisk+ portfolio model. Authors: Dr. Matthias Fischer, Kevin Jakob & Stefan Kolb. In view: Finance.
Stepwise covariate selection for the Fine & Gray competing risks regression model. Author: Ravi Varadhan & Deborah Kuk.
Accessing Csound functionality through R. Author: Ethan Brown.
Extends ddply to allow calculation of cumulative quantities. Author: John Myles White.
Curve clustering. Authors: Madison Giacofci, Sophie Lambert-Lacroix, Guillemette Marot, Franck Picard.
Fast data frames. Author: Tim Hesterberg.
Testset for differential equations. Authors: Karline Soetaert, Jeff Cash, Francesca Mazzia. In view: DifferentialEquations.
Identification of dichotomous differential item functioning (DIF) using Angoff’s Delta Plot method. Authors: David Magis, Bruno Facon.
Inference for parametric and semiparametric models based on dependent truncation data. Authors: Takeshi Emura.
Optimal deseasonalization for geophysical time series using AR fitting. Author: A. I. McLeod. In view: TimeSeries.
dgmb Simulating data for PLS structural models. Authors: Alba Martinez-Ruiz and Claudia Martinez-Araneda.
Functions from the book Solving Differential Equations in R. Author: Karline Soetaert.
Discrete Laplace Family. Authors: Mikkel Meyer Andersen and Poul Svante Eriksen.
Discrete Laplace mixture inference using the EM algorithm. Authors: Mikkel Meyer Andersen and Poul Svante Eriksen.
Multiple testing procedures for discrete test statistics. Authors: Ruth Heller [aut], Hadas Gur [aut], Shay Yaacoby [aut, cre].
2D Hausdorff and Simplex Dispersion Orderings. Author: Guillermo Ayala.
Distance Between Phylogenetic Histories. Authors: John Chakerian and Susan Holmes. In view: Phylogenetics.
Diffusion kernels on a set of genotypes. Authors: Gota Morota and Masanori Koyama.
Dynamic model averaging. Authors: Tyler H. McCormick, Adrian Raftery, David Madigan.
Foreach parallel adaptor for the parallel package. Author: Revolution Analytics.
Compute statistics helper functions. Author: Andrew Redd.
EigenDog. Author: The EigenDog Team.
R Package for Analyzing Endorsement Experiments. Authors: Yuki Shiraito, Kosuke Imai.
Store and manipulate event data. Author: Will Lowe.
Epigenetic Variable Outliers for Risk prediction Analysis. Author: Andrew E Teschendorff.
Tests for Exponentiality. Authors: Ruslan Pusev and Maxim Yakovlev.
Extra-binomial approach for pooled sequencing data. Author: Xin Yang.
Faisal Conjoint Model: A New Approach to Conjoint Analysis. Authors: Faisal Afzal Siddiqui, Ghulam Hussain, and Mudassiruddin.
Penalized likelihood factor analysis via nonconvex penalty. Authors: Kei Hirose, Michio Yamamoto.
Building Kriging models from FANOVA graphs. Authors: Jana Fruth, Thomas Muehlenstaedt, Olivier Roustant.
Influential case detection methods for factor analysis and SEM. Author: Phil Chalmers.
Fast Rcpp implementation of Gauss-Hermite quadrature. Author: Alexander W Blocker.
Lasso and elastic-net penalized Cox’s regression in high dimensions models using the cocktail algorithm. Authors: Yi Yang, Hui Zou.
Fast Goodness-of-fit Test. Authors: Ivan Kojadinovic and Jun Yan.
Get started easily with FilterView from R. Author: Nelson Ray.
Prediction of Fish Movement Parameters. Author: Johannes Radinger.
visualisation and analysis of food web networks. Author: Giselle Perdomo.
Fraction Proliferation via a quiescent growth model. Authors: Shawn Garbett, Darren Tyson.
Financial Risk Management and Quantitative Analysis. Author: Thanh T. Tran. In view: Finance.
Full Randomization Test. Authors: Giangiacomo Bravo, Lucia Tamburino.
FUME package. Author: Santander Meteorology Group.
Fisher-Wright Population Simulation. Authors: Mikkel Meyer Andersen and Poul Svante Eriksen.
Generalized additive mixed model analysis via slice sampling. Authors: Tung Pham and Matt Wand.
A generalized coordinate descent (GCD) algorithm for computing the solution path of the hybrid Huberized support vector machine (HHSVM) and its generalization. Authors: Yi Yang, Hui Zou.
Circular Genomic Permutation using GWAS p-values of association. Authors: Claudia P. Cabrera-Cardenas, Pau Navarro, Chris S. Haley.
Spatial geostatistics; some geostatistical and radial basis functions, prediction and cross validation; design of optimal spatial sampling networks based on geostatistical modelling. Authors: Carlos Melo, Alí Santacruz, Oscar Melo and others. In view: Spatial.
Geo tools. Author: Antoine Lucas.
Group Lasso Penalized Learning Using A Unified BMD Algorithm. Authors: Yi Yang, Hui Zou.
An Asymmetry-Steepness Parameterization of the Generalized Lambda Distribution. Authors: Yohan Chalabi and Diethelm Wuertz.
Gauss-Seidel Generalized Linear Mixed Model solver. Authors: Michele Morara, Louise Ryan, Subharup Guha, Christopher Paciorek.
An R library to build Google’s Public Data Explorer DSPL Metadata files. Author: George Vega Yon.
Interface to API methods for government data. Author: Scott Chamberlain.
Visual graph comparison. Authors: Khadija El Amrani, Ulrich Mansmann.
Debugging Grid Graphics. Authors: Paul Murrell and Velvet Ly.
Drawing Graphs with Grid. Author: Paul Murrell.
Bayesian semiparametric growth curve models that additionally include multiple membership random effects. Author: Terrance Savitsky.
Group Sequential Bayes Design. Authors: Florian Gerber, Thomas Gsponer.
Gene Set Microarray Testing. Authors: Stephan Artmann, Mathias Fuchs.
Regularized Categorial Effects/Categorial Effect Modifiers in GLMs. Author: Margret-Ruth Oelker.
A Parallel Simulation Framework. Author: Andrew Redd. In view: HighPerformanceComputing.
hierarchical Pooled Optimal Design. Author: Wei E. Liang.
“Hit and Run” method for sampling uniformly form convex shapes. Author: Gert van Valkenhoef.
More higher order functions for R. Author: Hadley Wickham.
Tools for working with URLs and HTTP. Author: Hadley Wickham.
Model-Independent Particle Swarm Optimisation for Environmental Models. Authors: Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini [aut, cre] and Rodrigo Rojas [ctb]. In views: Environmetrics, Optimization.
integrated degradation models. Authors: Ya-Shan Cheng, Chien-Yu Peng.
Genetic association tests. Author: Dr. Kai Wang.
The package can implement the graph-based reconstruction, analyses, and visualization of the KEGG pathways. Author: Chunquan Li.
R debugger. Author: Ronen Kimchi.
Network analysis and visualization. Author: Gabor Csardi.
A collection of network data sets for the igraph package. Author: Gabor Csardi.
Imputing the last largest censored datum under weighted least squares. Authors: Hasinur Rahaman Khan and Ewart Shaw.
Interval Regression. Author: Ott Toomet. In view: Econometrics.
linear programming solver by the interior point method and graphically (two dimensions). Author: Alejandro Quintela del Rio.
Iterated Racing Procedures. Authors: Manuel López-Ibáñez, Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Thomas Stützle, Mauro Birattari, Eric Yuan and Prasanna Balaprakash.
Estimation of Tree-Based Item Response Models. Authors: Ivailo Partchev and Paul De Boeck. In view: Psychometrics.
Bayesian Instrumental Variable Estimation and Model Determination via Conditional Bayes Factors. Authors: Alex Lenkoski, Anna Karl, Andreas Neudecker.
Numerical evaluation willingness to pay based on interval data. Authors: Yuri Belyaev, Wenchao Zhou.
Fit joint model for event and censoring with cluster-level frailties. Author: Willem M. van der Wal.
Joint modelling of repeated measurements and time-to-event data. Authors: Pete Philipson, Ines Sousa, Peter Diggle, Paula Williamson, Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona, Robin Henderson.
Sample Size Estimation Functions for Studies of Interobserver Agreement. Author: Michael A Rotondi.
K Adaptive Partitioning for Survival data. Authors: Soo-Heang Eo and HyungJun Cho. In view: Survival.
The kernel method of test equating. Authors: Bjorn Andersson, Kenny Branberg and Marie Wiberg.
A general-purpose package for dynamic report generation in R. Author: Yihui Xie. In view: ReproducibleResearch.
Multi-distance based k-Nearest Neighbors. Author: Boxian Wei & Fan Yang & Xinmiao Wang & Yanni Ge.
An R Package for Text Analysis. Authors: m.eik michalke, with contributions from Earl Brown, Alberto Mirisola, and Laura Hauser. In view: NaturalLanguageProcessing.
Ordinary Kriging. Author: Omar E. Olmedo.
k-Top Scoring Pairs for Microarray Classification. Author: Julien Damond.
Labeled Loop. Author: Kohske Takahashi.
Linear Latent Variable Models. Author: Klaus K. Holst.
LVM with censored and binary outcomes. Author: Klaus K. Holst.
latent effect adjustment after primary projection. Authors: Yunting Sun, Nancy R.Zhang, Art B. Owen.
Bivariate linear errors-in-variables estimation. Author: David Leonard.
A package for LEarning STATistics. Author: Petter Mostad.
Methods for maximum likelihood estimation. Author: Lora Murphy.
List-processing à la SRFI-1. Author: Peter Danenberg.
Locally linear embedding. Authors: Holger Diedrich, Dr. Markus Abel (Department of Physics, University Potsdam).
Linear Model Bias Correction for RNA-Seq Data. Author: David Dalpiaz.
Functions for estimation and inference of selection in age-structured populations. Author: Thomas Kvalnes.
Functions for the logitnormal distribution. Author: Thomas Wutzler.
Model-Based Clustering and Classification for Longitudinal Data. Authors: P. D. McNicholas, K. Raju Jampani and Sanjeena Subedi.
Linear Quantile Mixed Models. Author: Marco Geraci.
Companion to "Learning Statistics with R". Author: Daniel Navarro.
Fast LXB file reader. Author: Winckler.
Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy (mada). Author: Philipp Doebler.
Creates an empty package framework for the LCFD format. Author: Noah Silverman.
Package for managing projects with multiple versions derived from a single source repository. Author: Jason Bryer.
EM Estimation of Malaria Haplotype Probabilities from Multiply Infected Human Blood Samples. Author: Xiaohong Li.
Markdown rendering for R. Authors: JJ Allaire, Jeffrey Horner, Vicent Marti, and Natacha Porte.
An algorithm for least-squares curve fitting. Authors: D. Commenges, M. Prague and Amadou Diakite.
Model species distributions by estimating the probability of occurrence using presence-only data. Authors: Richard Chandler and Andy Royle.
Matrix Computation Based Identification Of Prime Implicants. Author: Holger Schwender.
Monte Carlo standard errors for MCMC. Author: James M. Flegal.
Analysis of Multivariate Event Times. Authors: Klaus K. Holst and Thomas Scheike.
Graphing map attributes and non-map variables in R. Author: George Owusu.
Miscellaneous Useful Functions. Author: Benjamin M. Taylor.
Multi-Locus Geno-Typing. Author: Dave T. Gerrard.
Mathematical Morphology in Any Number of Dimensions. Author: Jon Clayden.
Mixture Model Distance Sampling (mmds). Author: David Lawrence Miller.
Multivariate marginal models with shared regression parameters. Authors: Ozgur Asar, Ozlem Ilk.
Modern measures of population differentiation. Author: David Winter.
Model based Random Forest analysis. Authors: Nikhil Garge and Barry Eggleston.
Project MOSAIC ( manipulate examples. Authors: Andrew Rich, Daniel Kaplan, Randall Pruim.
Multi-parent RIL genetic analysis. Author: Emma Huang.
MPC — Multiple Precision Complex Library. Author: Murray Stokely.
Symbolic computation and more with multivariate polynomials. Author: David Kahle.
Mark-Recapture Distance Sampling (mrds). Authors: Jeff Laake, David Borchers, Len Thomas, David Miller and Jon Bishop.
Multilevel Regression and Poststratification. Authors: Andrew Gelman, Michael Malecki, Daniel Lee, Yu-Sung Su.
Data for Multilevel Regression and Poststratification. Authors: Andrew Gelman, Michael Malecki, Daniel Lee, Yu-Sung Su, Jiqiang Guo.
Metabolite set enrichment analysis for factor loading in principal component analysis. Author: Hiroyuki Yamamoto.
Degrees of freedom of elastic net, adaptive lasso and generalized elastic net. Author: Kei Hirose.
A multivariate emulator. Author: Robin K. S. Hankin.
Metabolomic Univariate and Multivariate Analysis. Authors: Edoardo Gaude, Francesca Chignola, Dimitrios Spiliotopoulos, Silvia Mari, Andrea Spitaleri and Michela Ghitti.
MyEpisodes RSS/API functions. Author: Matt Malin.
Functions to construct non-additive genetic relatedness matrices. Author: Matthew Wolak.
Dynamic Extensions for Network Objects. Authors: Ayn Leslie-Cook, Zack Almquist, Pavel N. Krivitsky, Skye Bender-deMoll, David R. Hunter, Martina Morris, Carter T. Butts.
Neuroblastoma. Author: Toby Dylan Hocking.
Fitting nonlinear models with scale mixture of skew-normal distributions. Authors: Aldo Garay, Marcos Prates and Victor Lachos.
Oblique Trees for Classification Data. Author: Alfred Truong. In view: MachineLearning.
Estimates PET neuroreceptor occupancies. Author: Joaquim Radua. In view: MedicalImaging.
Retrieve Oklahoma Mesonet climatological data. Authors: Brady Allred, Torre Hovick, Samuel Fuhlendorf.
OpenCPU Demo apps. Authors: Jeroen Ooms and others as specified in the manual page.
Tools for analysing OmniLog(R) Phenotype Microarray data. Authors: Markus Goeker, with contributions by Lea A.I. Vaas, Johannes Sikorski, Nora Buddruhs and Anne Fiebig.
Optimal Power Space Transformation. Author: Micha Sammeth.
Welfare’s Synthetic Indicator. Authors: A.J. Perez-Luque; R. Moreno; R. Perez-Perez and F.J. Bonet.
iPACOSE, PACOSE and other methods for covariance selection. Authors: Vincent Guillemot, Andreas Bender.
Confidence intervals for the ratio of locations and for the ratio of scales of two paired samples. Authors: Cornelia Froemke, Ludwig Hothorn and Michael Schneider.
A tool for comparing heatmaps. Author: Xiaoyong Sun.
Paleontological and Phylogenetic Analyses of Evolution. Author: David Bapst. In view: Phylogenetics.
Parametric Frailty Models. Authors: Federico Rotolo and Marco Munda. In view: Survival.
Three L1-Norm PCA Methods. Authors: Sapan Jot and Paul Brooks.
Parallel Analysis for ordinal and numeric data using polychoric and Pearson correlations with S3 classes. Authors: Carlos A. Arias and Víctor H. Cervantes.
Permutations and Combinations Enumeration. Author: Benjamin Auder.
Permutation Distribution Clustering. Author: Andreas M. Brandmaier.
Parsimonious Gaussian mixture models. Authors: Paul McNicholas, Raju Jampani, Aaron McDaid, Brendan Murphy, Larry Banks.
The p-generalized normal distribution. Author: Steve Kalke.
phcfM R package. Author: Ghislain Vieilledent.
Tools to manage a parametric function that describes phenology. Author: Marc Girondot.
Post-Hoc Interaction Analysis. Author: Helios De Rosario-Martinez.
Persistent Homology in R. Author: Andrew Tausz.
Package development utilities. Author: Renaud Gaujoux.
Additive partially linear models for differential gene expression analysis. Author: Jonas Mueller.
Phylogenetic Monte Carlo. Author: Carl Boettiger. In view: Phylogenetics.
Parallel Model-Based Clustering. Authors: Wei-Chen Chen, George Ostrouchov. In views: Cluster, HighPerformanceComputing.
Bootstrapped Basis Regression with Oracle Model Selection. Authors: Brenton Kenkel and Curtis S. Signorino.
Provides Tools For Demographic Modelling Using Projection Matrices. Authors: Iain Stott, Dave Hodgson, Stuart Townley.
A package to estimate posterior probabilities in change-point models using constrained HMM. Authors: Gregory Nuel and The Minh Luong.
Estimation and inference for Q-learning. Authors: Jingyi Xin, Bibhas Chakraborty, and Eric B. Laber.
Quantile-mapping for post-processing climate model output. Author: Lukas Gudmundsson.
Interface between R and Qt. Authors: Michael Lawrence, Deepayan Sarkar.
Inference for QTL Hotspots. Authors: Elias Chaibub Neto and Brian S Yandell.
Causal Inference of QTL Networks. Authors: Elias Chaibub Neto and Brian S. Yandell.
Qt-based painting infrastructure. Authors: Michael Lawrence, Deepayan Sarkar.
Miscellaneous Qt-based utilities. Author: Deepayan Sarkar.
Quantile-based Spectral Analysis of Time Series. Author: Tobias Kley. In view: TimeSeries.
The Beta Random Number and Dirichlet Random Vector Generating Functions. Authors: Ching-Wei Cheng, Ying-Chao Hung, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan.
Random ferns classifier. Author: Miron B. Kursa.
Slow Feature Analysis in R. Authors: Wolfgang Konen, Martin Zaefferer, Patrick Koch; Bug hunting and testing by Ayodele Fasika, Ashwin Kumar, Prawyn Jebakumar.
A report templating system. Authors: Aleksandar Blagotić and Gergely Daróczi.
Reading, manipulation and writing BAM (Binary alignment) files. Author: Wolfgang Kaisers.
R binding for cppbugs. Author: Whit Armstrong.
Dryad API interface. Authors: Scott Chamberlain [aut, cre], Carl Boettiger [aut], Karthik Ram [aut].
Reading machine learning benchmark data sets from different sources in their original format. Author: Petr Savicky.
Read bitmap images (BMP, JPEG, PNG) without external dependencies. Author: Gregory Jefferis.
Resampling-Based Adaptive Model Selection. Authors: Philip Reiss and Lei Huang.
Searching for footprints of selection using Haplotype Homozygosity based tests. Authors: Mathieu Gautier and Renaud Vitalis.
Relative Simulator. Author: James M. Curran.
Agnotology. Author: Rasmus E. Benestad.
Determine the representativity of two multidimensional data sets. Author: Harmen Draisma.
Interface to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility API methods. Authors: Scott Chamberlain [aut, cre], Carl Boettiger [aut], Karthik Ram [aut].
ri: R package for performing randomization-based inference for experiments. Authors: Peter M. Aronow and Cyrus Samii.
A fast cryptographic random number generator using ISAAC by Robert Jenkins. Author: David L Gibbs.
Risk regression for survival analysis. Authors: Thomas Alexander Gerds, Thomas Harder Scheike. In view: Survival.
Random KNN Classification and Regression. Author: Shengqiao Li.
Initialization of the R base random number generator Mersenne-Twister with a vector of an arbitrary length. Author: Petr Savicky.
Robust methods for high-dimensional data. Author: Andreas Alfons.
An Object Oriented Framework for Robust Factor Analysis. Author: Ying-Ying Zhang (Robert).
Solarized colours in R. Author: Christian Zang.
Robust Ordinal Regression MCDA library. Author: Tommi Tervonen.
Classification trees for ordinal responses. Authors: Giuliano Galimberti, Gabriele Soffritti, Matteo Di Maso.
Interface to PLoS Journals API methods. Authors: Scott Chamberlain, Carl Boettiger.
Random portfolio generation. Author: Frederick Novomestky.
Remote R Evaluator (rreval). Author: Barnet Wagman. In view: HighPerformanceComputing.
Collection of functions for fitting distributions (related to the ‘rrisk’ project). Authors: Natalia Belgorodski, Matthias Greiner, Kristin Tolksdorf, Katharina Schueller.
Gini methodology-based correlation and clustering analysis of both microarray and RNA-Seq gene expression data. Authors: Chuang Ma, Xiangfeng Wang.
Random orthonormal matrix generation on the Stiefel manifold. Author: Peter Hoff.
Nonparametric Smooth ROC Curves for Continuous Data. Author: Xiao-Feng Wang.
Shape constrained additive models. Author: Natalya Pya.
Sparse Column-wise Inverse Operator. Authors: Xi (Rossi) Luo and Weidong Liu.
Measures of Risk for the Compound Poisson Risk Process with Diffusion. Authors: Benjamin Baumgartner, Riccardo Gatto.
Goodness-of-fit indeces for structural equations models. Author: Elena Bertossi.
Useful tools for structural equation modeling. Authors: Sunthud Pornprasertmanit, Patrick Miller, Alex Schoemann, Yves Rosseel.
Tools for Sentiment Analysis. Author: Timothy P. Jurka.
Tools for saving, restoring and teleporting R sessions. Author: Matthew D. Furia.
Set the value of options("width") on terminal emulators. Author: Jakson Aquino.
Functions for Systems Factorial Technology Analysis of Data. Authors: Joe Houpt, Leslie Blaha.
Analyze shot group data. Author: Daniel Wollschlaeger.
Simulation summary. Author: Gregor Gorjanc.
SIMulated Structural Equation Modeling. Authors: Sunthud Pornprasertmanit, Patrick Miller, Alexander Schoemann.
Format a number to a string with SI prefix. Authors: Jonas Stein, Ben Tupper.
Tools for analyze Skew-Elliptical distributions and related models. Author: Javier E. Contreras-Reyes.
Fit Semiparametric Mixture Cure Models. Authors: Chao Cai, Yubo Zou, Yingwei Peng, Jiajia Zhang.
Soil Database Interface. Authors: D.E. Beaudette and J.M. Skovlin.
Single Objective Optimization Benchmark Functions. Author: Olaf Mersmann Bernd Bischl.
Continuous Lag Spatial Markov Chains. Author: Luca Sartore.
Extension of SPACE. Author: Shiyuan He.
Spatially weighted context data for multilevel modelling. Authors: Till Junge, Sandra Penic, Guy Elcheroth.
RcppEigen back end for sparse least trimmed squares regression. Author: Andreas Alfons.
Fit sparse linear regression models via nonconvex optimization. Authors: Rahul Mazumder, Trevor Hastie, Jerome Friedman.
Spartan (Simulation Parameter Analysis R Toolkit ApplicatioN). Authors: Kieran Alden, Mark Read, Paul Andrews, Jon Timmis, Henrique Veiga-Fernandes, Mark Coles.
Spatial Probit Models. Authors: Stefan Wilhelm and Miguel Godinho de Matos.
Functions for calibrating control charts. Authors: Axel Gandy and Jan Terje Kvaloy.
Selective phenotyping for experimental crosses. Author: Emma Huang.
Sparse Estimation of a Covariance Matrix. Authors: Jacob Bien and Rob Tibshirani.
Fitting Linear and Generalized Linear Models to large data sets. Author: Marco ENEA. In view: HighPerformanceComputing.
Econometric Models for Spatial Panel Data. Authors: Giovanni Millo, Gianfranco Piras.
Stable Distribution Functions. Authors: Diethelm Wuertz, Martin Maechler and Rmetrics core team members. In view: Distributions.
stellar evolution tracks and isochrones. Authors: Matteo Dell’Omodarme [aut, cre], Giada Valle [aut]. In view: ChemPhys.
Space-Time Point Pattern simulation, visualisation and analysis. Authors: Edith Gabriel, Peter J Diggle, stan function by Barry Rowlingson.
R Code for Testing Markov Chain Nonconvergence. Authors: Tsung-han Tsai, Jeff Gill and Jonathan Rapkin.
Power and Sample Size Calculations for SNP Association Studies with Censored Time to Event Outcomes. Authors: Kouros Owzar, Zhiguo Li, Nancy Cox, Sin-Ho Jung and Chanhee Yi.
SciViews GUI API — R HTTP server. Author: Philippe Grosjean.
SciViews GUI API — Functions to interface with Komodo Edit/IDE. Author: Philippe Grosjean.
SyBiL — Efficient constrained based modelling in R. Authors: Gabriel Gelius-Dietrich [cre], C. Jonathan Fritzemeier [ctb], Rajen Piernikarczyk [ctb], Benjamin Braasch [ctb].
Dynamic FBA : dynamic flux balance analysis. Author: Abdelmoneim Amer Desouki.
Framework for the analysis of genomic prediction data using R. Authors: Valentin Wimmer, Theresa Albrecht, Hans-Juergen Auinger, Chris-Carolin Schoen with contributions by Larry Schaeffer, Malena Erbe, Ulrike Ober and Christian Reimer.
Data for the synbreed package. Authors: Valentin Wimmer, Theresa Albrecht, Hans-Juergen Auinger, Chris-Carolin Schoen with contributions by Malena Erbe, Ulrike Ober and Christian Reimer.
Common types for tawny. Author: Brian Lee Yung Rowe.
Methods for Temporal Disaggregation and Interpolation of Time Series. Authors: Christoph Sax, Peter Steiner. In view: TimeSeries.
Visualisation, verification and calibration of ternary probabilistic forecasts. Author: Tim Jupp.
Time Frame User Utilities. Author: Paul Gilbert.
provides objects and tools to manipulate irregular unhomogeneous time data and subtime data. Author: Vladislav Navel.
Linear Student-t Mixed-Effects Models with Censored Data. Authors: Larissa Matos, Marcos Prates and Victor Lachos. In view: Survival.
A plug-in for the tm text mining framework to import articles from Factiva. Author: Milan Bouchet-Valat.
Tree preserving embedding. Authors: Albert D. Shieh, Tatsunori B. Hashimoto, and Edoardo M. Airoldi.
Bindings for the Google Translate API v2. Author: Peter Danenberg.
Truncated Random Variables. Authors: Frederick Novomestky, Saralees Nadarajah.
A Suite of Convergence Acceleration Schemes for EM and MM algorithms. Authors: Jennifer F. Bobb, Hui Zhao, and Ravi Varadhan.
Vaccination Activities Coverage Estimation Model. Authors: Justin Lessler, Jessica Metcalf.
Variational inference for Bayesian variable selection. Author: Peter Carbonetto.
2D Cartesian Coordinate Transformation. Author: German Carrillo. In view: Spatial.
Intermediate the communication between Vim and R. Author: Jakson Aquino.
Visualization of regression functions. Authors: Patrick Breheny, Woodrow Burchett.
Statistical methods for visual fields. Authors: Ivan Marin-Franch, Paul H Artes.
A package to simulate constrained phenotypes under a disease model H1. Authors: Gregory Nuel and Vittorio Perduca.
Weighted KMeans Clustering. Authors: Graham Williams, Joshua Z Huang, Xiaojun Chen, Qiang Wang, Longfei Xiao.
Weighted Linear Fixed Effects Estimators for Causal Inference. Authors: In Song Kim, Kosuke Imai.
The following packages which were previously double-hosted on CRAN and Bioconductor were moved to the Archive, and are now solely available from Bioconductor: aroma.light, DART.
The following packages which were previously double-hosted on CRAN and Omegahat were moved to the Archive, and are now solely available from Omegahat: CGIwithR, Rstem, XMLSchema.
The following packages were moved to the Archive: Aelasticnet, BARD, BioIDMapper, CoCo, CoCoCg, CoCoGraph, DiagnosisMed, FEST, FactoClass, FracSim, GGally, GLDEX, IniStatR, LLAhclust, MMG, OSACC, Package:, RFreak, RImageJ, ROracleUI, RPPanalyzer, SSOAP, Sim.DiffProcGUI, SoPhy, SocrataR, SubpathwayMiner, TSTutorial, TradeStrategyAnalyzer, agsemisc, binomSamSize, caMassClass, catmap, cheatmap, dmRTools, doSMP, dummies, egarch, farmR,, fso, geoPlot, geofd, ggcolpairs, gllm, glpk, gmaps, gmvalid, gsc, hsmm, kernelPop, kinship, knnflex, lago,, latentnet, lcd, log10, makesweave, mapReduce, marelacTeaching, mirf, mvgraph, mvtnormpcs, ncomplete, nnDiag, nonrandom, noverlap, nvis, ofp,, optpart, pheno, pkDACLASS, press, pressData, revoIPC, rimage, rmetasim, rpvm, segclust, siatclust, snpXpert, spef, statnet, stringkernels, svcR, time, treelet, ttime, twopartqtl, urn, yest.
The following packages were resurrected from the Archive: DescribeDisplay, EMC, EMCC, G1DBN, SMC, diseasemapping, fArma, irtProb, partsm, powerpkg, riv.
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Hornik & Zeileis, "Changes on CRAN", The R Journal, 2012
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2012-1-cran, author = {Hornik, Kurt and Zeileis, Achim}, title = {Changes on CRAN}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2012}, note = {}, volume = {4}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {80-95} }