Volume 1/2


Articles published in the Dec. 2009 issue

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Complete issue

Table of contents

Aspects of the Social Organization and Trajectory of the R Project
John Fox 5

Party on!
Carolin Strobl, Torsten Hothorn and Achim Zeileis 14

ConvergenceConcepts: An R Package to Investigate Various Modes of Convergence
Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux and Benoit Liquet 18

asympTest: A Simple R Package for Classical Parametric Statistical Tests and Confidence Intervals in Large Samples
J.-F. Coeurjolly, R. Drouilhet, P. Lafaye de Micheaux and J.-F. Robineau 26

copas: An R package for Fitting the Copas Selection Model
J. Carpenter, G. Rücker and G. Schwarzer 31

Transitioning to R: Replicating SAS, Stata, and SUDAAN Analysis Techniques in Health Policy Data
Anthony Damico 37

Rattle: A Data Mining GUI for R
Graham J Williams 45

sos: Searching Help Pages of R Packages
Spencer Graves, Sundar Dorai-Raj and Romain François 56

The New R Help System
Duncan Murdoch and Simon Urbanek 60



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