R News Volume 6/4

Articles published in the October 2006 issue of R News

Complete issue

Table of contents

Paul Murrell 1

Contributed Research Articles

Sweave and the open document format – the odfWeave package
Max Kuhn 2

Jim Lemon 8

Rpanel: Making graphs move with tcltk
Adrian Bowman, Ewan Crawford and Richard Bowman 12

R’s role in the climate change debate.
Matthew Pocernich 17

Interacting with data using the filehash package
Roger D. Peng 19

Special functions in R: Introducing the gsl package
Robin K. S. Hankin 24

A short introduction to the SIMEX and MCSIMEX
Wolfgang Lederer and Helmut Küchenhoff 26

Parametric links for binary response
Roger Koenker 32

A new package for the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution
Víctor Leiva, Hugo Hernández and Marco Riquelme 35

Review of Fionn Murtagh’s book: correspondence analysis and data coding with Java and R
Susan Holmes 41

R Help Desk: Accessing the sources
Uwe Ligges 43

News and Notes

useR! 2006, The Second R User Conference
Balasubramanian Narasimhan 45

Changes in R
R Core Team 46

Changes on CRAN
Kurt Hornik 55

News from the Bioconductor Project
Seth Falcon 63

R Foundation News
Kurt Hornik 63