R News Volume 5/1

Articles published in the May 2005 issue of R News

Complete issue

Table of contents

Douglas Bates 1

Contributed Research Articles

Internationalization features of R 2.1.0
Brian D. Ripley 2

Packages and their management in R 2.1.0
Brian D. Ripley 8

Recent changes in grid graphics
Paul Murrell 12

Hoa: An R package bundle for higher order likelihood inference
Alessandra Brazzale 20

Fitting linear mixed models in R
Douglas Bates 27

Using R for statistical seismology
Ray Brownrigg and David Harte 31

Literate programming for creating and maintaining packages
Jonathan Rougier 35

CRAN task views
Achim Zeileis 39

Using control structures with Sweave
Damian Betebenner 40

The value of R for preclinical statisticians
Bill Pikounis and Andy Liaw 44

Recreational mathematics with R: Introducing the “magic” package
Robin K. S. Hankin 48

Programmer’s Niche: How do you spell that number?
John Fox 51

News and Notes

Programmer’s Niche
John Fox 51

Book Review of Julian J. Faraway: Linear Models with R
Thomas Yee 56

Changes in R
R Core Team 57

R Foundation News
Bettina Grün 57

Changes on CRAN
Kurt Hornik 67
