In survival analysis, regression modeling has traditionally focused on assessing covariate effects on survival times, which is defined as the elapsed time between a baseline and event time. Nevertheless, focusing on residual life can provide a more dynamic assessment of covariate effects, as it offers more updated information at specific time points between the baseline and event occurrence. Statistical methods for fitting quantile regression models have recently been proposed, providing favorable alternatives to modeling the mean of residual lifetimes. Despite these progresses, the lack of computer software that implements these methods remains an obstacle for researchers analyzing data in practice. In this paper, we introduce an R package qris (Kim et al. 2022), which implements methods for fitting semiparametric quantile regression models on residual life subject to right censoring. We demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of this package through comprehensive simulation studies and a real-world data example, showcasing its valuable contributions to survival analysis research.
In the analysis of time-to-event data, standard statistical inference procedures often focus on quantities based on failure time and its relationship with covariates measured at baseline. However, throughout the follow-up process, inference procedures based on residual life become increasingly intuitive for assessing the survival of subjects and can offer insights into the effectiveness of treatments in prolonging the remaining lifetime. As covariates can substantially change over time and models based solely on baseline covariates have limited potential for long-term prognosis, there is a growing interest in modeling the remaining lifetime of a surviving subject with updated patient information. Many efforts have been made to model the mean residual life including proportional mean residual life models (Oakes and Dasu 1990, 2003; Maguluri and Zhang 1994; Chen et al. 2005), additive mean residual life models (Chen and Cheng 2006; Chen 2007; Zhang et al. 2010), and proportional scaled mean residual life models (Liu and Ghosh 2008). Given that failure times are usually right-skewed and heavy-tailed, the mean of the residual life might not be identifiable if the follow-up time is not sufficiently long. For this reason, quantiles, which are robust under skewed distribution, have traditionally been used more frequently as alternative summary measures. For example, the approach on the semiparametric quantile regression model for continuous responses (Koenker and Bassett Jr 1978) has been extended to uncensored failure time data (Jung 1996; Portnoy and Koenker 1997; Wei et al. 2006) and censored failure times data (Ying et al. 1995; Portnoy 2003; Peng and Huang 2008; Huang 2010).
When the outcome variable is the residual life, semiparametric quantile models that apply the inverse probability of censoring weighting (IPCW) principle to address right-censored observations have been explored (Jung et al. 2009; Kim et al. 2012; Li et al. 2016). These approaches are based on non-smooth estimating functions with respect to regression parameters, and the estimates of the regression parameters are obtained either through zero-crossing of non-smooth estimating functions using grid search techniques (Jung et al. 2009) or by optimizing non-smooth objective functions with -minimization algorithms (Kim et al. 2012; Li et al. 2016). While these methods are relatively straightforward to implement, an additional challenge lies in standard error estimation, which necessitates the computationally intensive use of a multiplier bootstrap method (Li et al. 2016). Alternatively, Jung et al. (2009) and Kim et al. (2012) utilized the minimum dispersion statistic and the empirical likelihood method, respectively, to bypass the need to directly estimate the variance of the regression parameter estimator for hypothesis testing and constructing confidence intervals. The non-smooth nature of the estimating functions in these approaches precludes the estimation of variance using the robust sandwich-type variance estimator typically employed in equation-based estimation methods. To lessen the associated computational burden, an induced smoothing was proposed (Brown and Wang 2005), which modifies the non-smooth estimating equations into smooth ones. Leveraging the asymptotic normality of the non-smooth estimator, the smooth estimating functions are constructed by averaging out the random perturbations inherent in the non-smooth estimating functions. The resulting estimating functions become smooth with respect to the regression parameters, allowing for the straightforward application of standard numerical algorithms, such as the Newton-Raphson method. Furthermore, these smoothed estimating functions facilitate the straightforward computation of variances using the robust sandwich-type estimator. The induced smoothing approach has been employed in fitting semiparametric accelerated failure time (AFT) models via the rank-based approach (Johnson and Strawderman 2009; Chiou et al. 2015a, 2021; Kang 2017). Regarding quantile regression, Choi et al. (2018) considered the induced smoothing approach under a competing-risks setting. All of these methods are based on modeling event times. Recently, Kim et al. (2023) proposed an induced smoothing estimator for fitting a semiparametric quantile regression model for residual life.
The availability of published R packages for fitting quantile regression
models is somewhat limited. The rq()
, nlrq()
, rqss()
, and crq()
functions in the package
(Koenker 2022) are predominantly used and provide various features
for fitting linear, nonlinear, non-parametric, and censored quantile
regression models, respectively. The rq()
function minimizes
non-smooth objective functions to obtain point estimates of regression
coefficients and can accommodate right-censored survival times by
incorporating weights. By redefining survival times as the remaining
lifetime at time , one can also obtain a non-smoothed estimator for
quantile regression models for residual life (Kim et al. 2012). On the
other hand, the nlrq()
function is designed to fit a nonlinear
quantile regression model, while the rqss()
function fits additive
quantile regression models with nonparametric terms, including
univariate components and bivariate components, using smoothing splines
and total variation regularization techniques
(Koenker et al. 1994; Koenker and Mizera 2004). Furthermore, the crq()
function fits a quantile regression model for censored data on the
-th conditional quantile function of the response variable.
Overall, the quantreg
implements three methods for handling right-censored survival times:
Powell (1986)’s estimator, Portnoy (2003)’s estimator and
Peng and Huang (2008)’s estimator. However, none of the implemented methods
in the nlrq()
, rqss()
, or crq()
functions are applicable for
handling censored residual life using the induced smoothing methods. The
only function that implements the induced smoothing method is the
function in the package
(Chiou et al. 2021), but it is specifically designed for fitting
semiparametric AFT models, which are not directly applicable to fitting
quantile regression models.
Other R packages that can be used to fit quantile regression models for
survival data include the package
ctqr (Frumento 2021),
package Brq (Alhamzawi 2020),
package brms
(Bürkner 2018), and package
(Dlugosz et al. 2019). The ctqr()
function in the package
ctqr implements the
methods proposed in Frumento (2021) for right or interval-censored failure
times with left-truncation. The Bqr()
function in the package
Brq implements Bayesian
methods based on the asymmetric Laplace distribution. In the package
brms, the brm()
function with the family=asym_laplace()
option enables the
implementation of full Bayesian inference. The crrQR()
function in the
package cmprskQR
allows fitting quantile regression models with competing risks. All of
these R packages are designed for fitting quantile regression models for
failure times defined from a baseline and are not applicable to the
residual life setting.
The recently developed R package qris (Kim et al. 2022) provides an efficient tool for fitting semiparametric quantile regression models for residual life subject to right censoring. The qris package offers three methods for estimating the regression parameters: -minimization of non-smooth objective functions, induced smoothing with a non-iterative approach, and an iterative procedure. For standard error estimation, the qris package provides two resampling-based approaches: the partial multiplier bootstrap and the full multiplier bootstrap methods. The partial multiplier bootstrap method utilizes the robust sandwich-type estimator by incorporating the sample variance of perturbed estimating functions, while the full multiplier bootstrap method is obtained by considering the sample variance from the solutions of perturbed estimating functions. To enhance the interpretability of results, the qris package incorporates graphical visualizations of covariate effects at different quantiles and base times, utilizing the plotting environment similar to that in the ggplot2 package (Wickham et al. 2022), thereby allowing for extensive flexibility and customization. The ultimate goal of creating the qris package is to facilitate the easy incorporation of quantile regression for residual life into daily routines. The package qris is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) at
The rest of the article is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces a semiparametric regression model for quantiles of residual life and the estimation methods implemented in the package. Section 3 provides details about computing algorithms. Illustrations of the package using a simulated dataset and the real data from the North Central Cancer Treatment Group are presented in Section 4. Finally, in Section 5, concluding remarks are provided along with some discussions.
Define as the potential failure time that is subject to right
censoring by and as a vector of
covariates, where is the number of covariates, including an
intercept. The observed data consists of independent copies of
, where ,
, and is an indicator function. We also
assume and are marginally independent. Define the -th
quantile of the residual life at as that
. We
consider the semiparametric quantile regression model for the residual
life (Kim et al. 2012; Kim et al. 2023). Given ,
When there is no censoring, an estimator for in
Equation (1) can be obtained by solving the estimating
equation (Kim et al. 2012), where
function uses . Denote the resulting
estimator to be . It
has been shown that
is consistent for and asymptotically
normally distributed (Li et al. 2016).
Despite the well-established asymptotic properties, directly estimating
the variance of is
impractical because it involves the derivative of non-smooth functions.
A multiplier bootstrap method has typically been employed
(Li et al. 2016) to address this difficulty. The multiplier bootstrap
method considers the perturbed version of ,
defined as
The regression coefficient in Equation (1) can be more
efficiently obtained through the induced smoothed version of
Equation (3). The induced smoothed estimating functions are
constructed by taking the expectation with respect to a mean-zero random
noise added to the regression parameters in Equation (3).
Following the idea in Section 2.1, the multiplier
bootstrap procedure can be similarly employed to estimate the variance
of . The perturbed
version of Equation (6) takes the form of
It has been shown that the asymptotic variance
can be
decomposed into
(Kim et al. 2023), where the two components,
, can be estimated separately.
Since Equation (6) is a smooth function in
, the slope matrix,
, can be conveniently estimated
by differentiating
with respect to . The explicit form of
is as follows:
The slope matrix, , can be evaluated directly by plugging in and . On the other hand, the variance of the estimating function, , can be obtained by a computationally efficient resampling method motivated by the multiplier bootstrap procedure in Section 2.1. Specifically, we propose estimating as the simple variance of a large set of realizations of the perturbed version of presented in Equation (7). We refer to this procedure as the partial multiplier bootstrapping approach because it utilizes the perturbed estimating function, similar to the full multiplier bootstrapping approach, but the computation of and does not involve the repeated solving of the perturbed estimating equations. Thus, the partial multiplier bootstrapping approach is expected to be computationally more efficient than the multiplier bootstrap method. A similar procedure and its performance have been studied in modeling failure times with semiparametric AFT models (Chiou et al. 2014, 2021).
The induced estimator is obtained with a fixed , as described in Section 2.2, and its variance is estimated separately. This estimation procedure can be viewed as a special case of the following iterative procedure, which updates and iteratively. Specifically, the iterative algorithm utilizes the Newton-Raphson method while sequentially updating and until convergence. Similar iterative algorithms have also been considered previously in the induced smoothing approach for semiparametric AFT models (Johnson and Strawderman 2009; Chiou et al. 2014, 2015a; Choi et al. 2018). The iterative procedure is summarized as follows:
Set the initial values , , and .
Given and
at the -th step, update
Given and
, update
Set . Repeat Steps 2, 3 and 4 until and converge.
The initial value, , could be chosen as . We define and as the values of and at convergence, and . In Step 3, is obtained using the partial multiplier bootstrap approach. However, the full multiplier bootstrap approach can also be employed but would require longer computation times.
The main function in the
qris package for
estimating the regression parameters in the quantile regression model
for residual life is the qris()
function. The qris()
function is
written in C++ and incorporated into R using the
Rcpp (Eddelbuettel et al. 2022a) and
(Eddelbuettel et al. 2022b) packages. The synopsis of qris
function (formula, data, t0 = 0, Q = 0.5, nB = 100, method = c("smooth",
"iterative", "nonsmooth"), se = c("fmb", "pmb"), init = c("rq",
"noeffect"), verbose = FALSE, control = qris.control())
The required argument is formula
, which specifies the quantile
regression model to be fitted using the variables in data
. The
assumes that the response variable is a ‘Surv
’ object
created by the Surv()
function in the
survival package
(Therneau 2021). This formula structure is commonly adopted for
handling survival data in R, as seen in functions like survreg()
in the
survival package. The
argument t0
specifies the base time used in defining residual life.
The default value of t0
is set to zero, in which case residual life
reduces to a failure time. The Q
argument is used to specify the
target quantile of residual life to estimate, with the default value
being set to 0.5 (median). The nB
argument specifies the bootstrapping
size used in standard error estimation, with the default value set to
100. The method
argument specifies one of the three estimation
methods: "nonsmooth"
, "smooth"
, and "iterative"
, corresponding to
the estimating procedures outlined in Sections 2.1,
2.2, and 2.3, respectively. Given the point
estimates of the regression parameters, their standard errors can be
estimated using one of two implemented methods: se = "fmb"
se = "pmb"
. The se = "fmb"
method employs a full-multiplier
bootstrapping approach to estimate the variance by the sample variance
of large realizations of . The se = "pmb"
estimates the variance using a robust sandwich variance estimator and
employs the computationally efficient partial multiplier bootstrapping
approach described in Section 2.2. The "fmb"
option is
available for all three point estimation methods, whereas the "pmb"
option is not available for the "nonsmooth"
point estimation method
due to the lack of a closed-form sandwich variance estimator. The init
argument allows users to specify the initial value for estimating
regression parameters by either a -dimensional numerical vector or a
character string. In the latter case, the options init = "rq"
init = "noeffect"
correspond to the point estimate obtained from the
function in the
quantreg package and
a -dimensional vector of zeros, respectively. The default value for
is init = "rq"
. Among the three methods implemented for point
estimation, method = "smooth"
and method = "nonsmooth"
non-iterative, in the sense that point estimation is performed
separately from the estimation of standard errors. On the other hand,
method = "iterative"
calculates point estimates and the corresponding
standard error estimates simultaneously through iterative updates. When
method = "iterative"
, users can define specific convergence criteria
using qris.control()
. The available options in qris.control()
are as
function (maxiter = 10, tol = 0.001, trace = FALSE)
The maxiter
argument specifies the maximum number of iterations. The
default value for maxiter
is ten, as the proposed algorithm typically
converges within ten steps based on our exploration. The convergence
tolerance is controlled using the tol
argument, which has a default
value of 1e-3
. The trace
argument takes a logical value and is used
to determine whether to print the result for each iteration. The default
setting is trace = FALSE
. The ‘qris
’ object is fully compatible with
many of R’s generic functions, including coef()
, confint()
, predict()
, print()
, residuals()
, summary()
, and
Among the available S3
methods, a unique feature of the
qris package’s S3 plot
method, when applied to a ‘qris
’ object, is its ability to
automatically update the original object by extending the range of
or values. This extension enables the generation of a
covariate effect plot over the newly specified values of or
, providing a comprehensive visualization of the covariate effects
across the extended range. The S3
method for plotting a ‘qris
object is shown below.
function (x, t0s = NULL, Qs = NULL, nB = NULL, vari = NULL, byQs = FALSE,
ggextra = NULL, ...)
The argument x
is a ‘qris
’ object created using the qris()
function. The t0s
and Qs
arguments are numeric vectors that enable
users to specify the values of or for plotting the
covariate effect. If t0s
and Qs
are not specified, the covariate
effects are plotted against at the base
time () inherited from the ‘qris
’ object specified in x
. The
argument is a numerical variable that controls the sample size for
bootstrapping, used to compute standard error estimations based on the
variance estimation specified in the original ‘qris
’ object. When nB
is specified, the function calculates standard errors for all
combinations of and specified in t0s
and Qs
, computes
95% confidence intervals accordingly, and includes them in the covariate
effect plot. The vari
argument is a character string that allows users
to specify the names of the covariates they want to display in the
effect plots. When the vari
argument is not specified, all covariates
will be included in the plots by default. The coefficient event plot can
be plotted against the specified quantiles by setting byQs = TRUE
against the specified base times by setting byQs = FALSE
. Finally, the
argument allows users to pass additional graphical parameters
to the ggplot2
package, offering further customization options for the plots. When the
function is called, it internally invokes the qris.extend()
function to compute the covariate effects at additional values. The
syntax for the qris.extend()
function is provided below:
function (x, t0s = NULL, Qs = NULL, nB = NULL, vari = NULL)
The arguments in qris.extend()
are inherited from the arguments
specified in the plot()
function. To reduce runtime when repeatedly
calling the plot()
, one can calculate the desired covariate effects by
applying qris.extend()
outside of plot()
first and then supply the
results to plot()
. This approach allows for pre-computation of the
covariate effects, making it more efficient when generating multiple
plots. Overall, the unique plotting feature in
qris provides users with
a seamless and effortless approach to conducting a comprehensive
assessment of the covariate effects across different quantiles or base
In this subsection, we present a simple simulation example to validate
the implementations in the proposed
qris package. The
simulation involves five covariates, denoted as .
Among these covariates, and follow a standard uniform
distribution, follows a binomial distribution with a success
probability of 0.5, follows a standard normal distribution, and
follows a standard exponential distribution. We assume that
, and do not impact the residual life, meaning
their corresponding coefficient values , , ,
and are zero. The survival time is generated from a
Weibull distribution with the survival function
for , where , and
is obtained by solving
function to generate simulation
data. The data.gen()
function takes four arguments: n
, t0
, cen
and Q
, representing the sample size, , censoring proportion, and
, respectively. We generate censoring times from an
independent uniform distribution over , where is chosen to
achieve the desired censoring proportions of 10% and 30%. Using the
generated dataset, we fit the model using three different estimation
methods: induced smoothing, non-smooth, and iterative-induced smoothing.
All analyses were conducted on a 4.2 GHz Intel(R) quad Core(TM) i7-7700K
central processing unit (CPU) using R 4.3.0 (R Core Team 2021). The following code
demonstrates the implementation of data.gen()
to generate a simulation
The data.gen()
function generates a data.frame
containing seven
variables. The Time
variable represents the observed survival time,
while the status
variable serves as the event indicator, taking the
value 1 for observed events and 0 for censored observations. The
variables X1
, , X5
are the covariates. The implementation in
the data.gen()
function generates the Weibull survival times using the
inverse probability integral transform technique. Alternatively, users
can use the rweibull()
function with the parameters shape = 2
scale = 1 / rho
to generate these Weibull survival times directly.
We assess the performance of the proposed implementation across various
scenarios, including three sample sizes (), three
levels of (), two censoring proportions (10% and 30%),
and two values of (0.25 and 0.50). For a given dataset, we apply
the full-multiplier bootstrapping approach with 200 bootstrap samples to
all three available estimating procedures: method = "nonsmooth"
method = "smooth"
, and method = "iterative"
. To facilitate the
evaluation process, we create the do_fmb()
function to record the
coefficient estimates, standard errors, and computing times for fitting
a single simulated dataset generated from data.gen()
. The following is
the implementation of the do_fmb()
function and the corresponding code
to run the simulation with 200 replications. We present the code and
result of the simulation experiments conducted at three different sample
sizes, with values set to 0 and 1, while holding the censoring
proportion at 30% and value at 0.5. The results for other
simulation scenarios are provided in the Supplementary Materials.
do_fmb <- function(n, t0, cen, Q, nB) {
dat <- data.gen(n, t0, cen, Q)
fm <- Surv(Time, status) ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5
stamp <- NULL
stamp[1] <- Sys.time()
f1 <- qris(fm, data = dat, t0 = t0, Q = Q, nB = nB, method = "smooth", se = "fmb")
stamp[2] <- Sys.time()
f2 <- qris(fm, data = dat, t0 = t0, Q = Q, nB = nB, method = "nonsmooth", se = "fmb")
stamp[3] <- Sys.time()
f3 <- qris(fm, data = dat, t0 = t0, Q = Q, nB = nB, method = "iterative", se = "fmb")
stamp[4] <- Sys.time()
list(smooth = c(f1$coef, f1$std),
nonsmooth = c(f2$coef, f2$std),
iter = c(f3$coef, f3$std),
times = diff(stamp))
B <- 200
sims0_fmb <- mapply(function(n, t0)
replicate(B, do_fmb(n, t0 = t0, cen = .3, Q = .5, nB = 200)),
n = c(200, 400, 1000), t0 = c(0, 0, 0), SIMPLIFY = F)
sim1_fmb <- mapply(function(n, t0)
replicate(B, do_fmb(n, t0 = t0, cen = .3, Q = .5, nB = 200)),
n = c(200, 400, 1000), t0 = c(1, 1, 1), SIMPLIFY = F)
Figure 1 displays violin plots that provide visualizations
of the empirical distribution of the coefficient estimates. As expected,
all three estimators exhibit small biases, which are calculated as the
difference between the point estimates (PE) and the true regression
coefficients. Furthermore, the empirical distributions of the PEs
demonstrate a normal-like shape, aligning with the asymptotic properties
of the proposed method (Li et al. 2016; Kim et al. 2023). When the
sample size is smaller (e.g., and 400), the nonsmooth
approach appears to yield slightly larger empirical standard errors
(ESE) compared to the smooth
or iterative
approaches. However, when
, the ESEs are similar across all approaches. On the other
hand, the comprehensive simulation results presented in Table 1 of the
Supplementary Materials confirm that all coefficient estimates closely
approximate the true regression coefficients. On the other hand, the
ESEs and the averaged estimated standard errors (ASE) are in close
agreement for all scenarios, indicating the validity of the variance
estimation. Furthermore, the computation times, which are presented
separately in the upper panel of Table 1, indicate that
when employing the full multiplier bootstrapping approach, the
approach demonstrates a slight advantage in terms of
computational efficiency over the smooth
approach, while the
approach takes 5.1 to 9.5 times longer than the smooth
approach. In summary, the timing results show that the proposed method
can yield valid inference results within seconds, even with large
datasets of up to 1000 observations or when using the computationally
demanding full multiplier bootstrapping approach for variance
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
When , the targeted semiparametric quantile regression model
for residual life simplifies to the standard quantile regression model
for survival time. In such cases, existing functions like crq()
the quantreg package
(Koenker 2022) can be employed. A comparison between the performance
of crq()
and our proposed implementation when is presented
in the Supplementary Materials, where the standard errors of the crq()
are obtained from the bootstrap method with 200 bootstrap samples.
Overall, the performance of crq()
is comparable to the proposed
methods in terms of bias and standard errors. However, we have
occasionally encountered situations where the crq()
function fails to
converge, particularly when the sample size is large, as in the case of
. In the other extended simulation scenarios outlined in the
Supplementary Materials, which encompass various levels of ,
censoring proportions, and , the proposed methods consistently
exhibit satisfactory performance across all settings.
The true potential of the proposed smooth approach lies in its
capability for efficient variance estimation through the implementation
of the partial multiplier bootstrapping approach. This approach
eliminates the need for repetitive solving of estimating equations,
resulting in improved computational efficiency in variance estimation.
To demonstrate its usefulness, we conducted a simulation using both the
smooth approach and the iterative approach with the partial multiplier
bootstrapping approach (se = "pmb"
). This simulation was conducted
under the settings of , and , and a 30%
censoring rate. The do_pmb()
function was accordingly modified as
do_pmb <- function(n, t0, cen, Q, nB) {
dat <- data.gen(n, t0, cen, Q)
fm <- Surv(Time, status) ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5
stamp <- NULL
stamp[1] <- Sys.time()
f1 <- qris(fm, data = dat, t0 = t0, Q = Q, nB = nB, method = "smooth", se = "pmb")
stamp[2] <- Sys.time()
f2 <- qris(fm, data = dat, t0 = t0, Q = Q, nB = nB, method = "iterative", se = "pmb")
stamp[3] <- Sys.time()
list(smooth = c(f1$coef, f1$std),
iter = c(f2$coef, f2$std),
times = diff(stamp))
sims0_pmb <- mapply(function(n, t0)
replicate(B, do_pmb(n, t0 = t0, cen = .3, Q = .5, nB = 200)),
n = c(200, 400, 1000), t0 = c(0, 0, 0), SIMPLIFY = F)
sims1_pmb <- mapply(function(n, t0)
replicate(B, do_pmb(n, t0 = t0, cen = .3, Q = .5, nB = 200)),
n = c(200, 400, 1000), t0 = c(1, 1, 1), SIMPLIFY = F)
The simulation results obtained using the partial multiplier
bootstrapping approach are presented in Figure 3 and
Tables 7 – 12 in the Supplementary Materials, while the computing times
are displayed in the lower panel of Table 1. Overall, the
estimation results obtained using se = "pmb"
in Figure 3
closely resemble those in Figure 1 with se = "fmb"
. As
seen in Tables 7 and 8, the ESEs from the non-iterative and iterative
methods are comparable, while the ASEs slightly overestimate the ESEs
when the sample size is small. The gaps are slightly smaller for the
iterative method, as shown in some cases
(Johnson and Strawderman 2009; Kim et al. 2021). The magnitudes of the
differences are not large, and they also become smaller when the sample
size reaches . More importantly, the computing times with
se = "pmb"
show significant speed improvements compared to when
se = "fmb"
is used in every case; we observed up to 79% timing
Figure 3:
Figure 4:
se | method | 200 | 400 | 1000 | 200 | 400 | 1000 | ||
fmb |
Smooth | 0.103 | 0.174 | 0.471 | 0.106 | 0.178 | 0.480 | ||
Nonsmooth | 0.080 | 0.142 | 0.472 | 0.080 | 0.141 | 0.468 | |||
Iterative | 0.981 | 1.500 | 2.410 | 0.985 | 1.567 | 2.882 | |||
pmb |
Smooth | 0.022 | 0.052 | 0.223 | 0.022 | 0.053 | 0.224 | ||
Iterative | 0.296 | 0.580 | 1.407 | 0.296 | 0.581 | 1.435 |
After confirming the satisfactory performance of the proposed
methodologies, we now proceed to illustrate the application of the
argument. This argument controls the initial values assigned to
the root-finding algorithm’s estimates and the plotting capacity of the
qris package. For this
illustrative example, we consider a simpler simulation scenario that
involves a single binary covariate. This simplified simulation can be
generated using the revised version of the data.gen()
provided below.
## Global parameters
rho0 <- .2 * sqrt(log(2))
rho1 <- .1 * sqrt(log(2))
data.gen <- function(n) {
dat <- data.frame(censoring = runif(n, 0, 23.41),
Time0 = sqrt(-log(1 - runif(n))),
X = rbinom(n, 1, .5))
dat$Time0 <- ifelse(dat$X > 0, dat$Time0 / rho1, dat$Time0 / rho0)
dat$Time <- pmin(dat$Time0, dat$censoring)
dat$status <- 1 * (dat$Time0 < dat$censoring)
subset(dat, select = c(Time, status, X))
head(dat <- data.gen(200))
Time status X
1 6.034713 1 1
2 7.181451 0 1
3 9.993908 0 1
4 16.225520 0 1
5 1.993033 0 1
6 5.277471 0 0
The updated data.gen()
function returns a data.frame
three variables: Time
, status
, and X
, representing the observed
survival time, event indicator, and binary covariate, respectively. We
will first illustrate the usage of the argument init
by considering
three different initial values: init = "rq"
, init = c(1,1)
, and a
random vector init = rnorm(2)
, all used in conjunction with the smooth
estimator method = "smooth"
. The following codes provide an example
with different initial values.
(random <- rnorm(2))
[1] 1.5025446 0.5904095
f1 <- qris(Surv(Time, status) ~ X, data = dat, t0 = 1, init = "rq", nB = 0)
f2 <- update(f1, init = c(1, 1))
f3 <- update(f1, init = random)
all.equal(f1$coef, f2$coef)
[1] TRUE
all.equal(f2$coef, f3$coef)
[1] TRUE
The ‘qris
’ object, with its call
component, is compatible with the
function, a built-in function commonly used for updating the
attributes of an existing object without requiring redundant and
repetitive code. In the example above, we used the update()
to modify the initial value specification in f1
. We observed that
different initial values yield identical point estimates, thereby
affirming the robustness of the proposed method against fluctuations in
initial values.
The covariate effects, along with their associated 95% point-wise
confidence intervals across various quantiles or base times, can be
visually assessed by applying the generic function plot()
to a
’ object. We demonstrate this feature using the following qris
fit, where the standard errors are obtained using se = "pmb"
, and all other parameters are set to their default values. We
update the qris
fit with extended quantiles over
and plot the covariate effects against these
quantiles using the plot()
fit <- qris(Surv(Time, status) ~ X, data = dat, t0 = 1, se = "pmb")
fit2 <- qris.extend(fit, Qs = 4:7 / 10)
The extended ‘qris
’ fit generated by the qris.extend()
inherits all the attributes from the original ‘qris
’ object and
includes additional ggdat
components. The following code compares the
components of the returned values from the extended ‘qris
’ fit and the
original ‘qris
’ fit.
[1] "qris"
[1] "call" "coefficient" "data" "formula"
[5] "para" "stderr" "varNames" "vcov"
[1] "ggdat"
Specifically, the extended ‘qris
’ fit inherits call
, coefficient
, stderr
, varNames
, and vcov
from the original ‘qris
object. The call
component is the function call from the original
fit, while coefficient
, stderr
, and vcov
are used to
store the point estimates, standard error estimates, and covariance
matrix, respectively. The para
component is a list containing the
parameters specified during the fitting of the quantile regression
model, and varNames
is a character string representing the variable
names in the function call. The newly added values are ggdat
and gg
The ggdat
is a data frame containing covariate information generated
under the different quantiles and base times specified in the
. Finally, the corresponding covariate effect plot can be
generated by plotting the extended ‘qris
’ fit as follows.
The true values of ’s at different quantiles and base times, computed from Equation (9), can be implemented in the following commands.
## Global parameters
r <- 2:1 * sqrt(log(2)) / 10
k <- 2
trueB <- function(t0, tau) {
b <- log(1 / r * ((r * t0) ^ k - log(1 - tau))^(1 / k) - t0)
c(b[1], b[2] - b[1])
true_Q <- c(t(sapply(4:7 / 10, trueB, t0 = 1)))
true_t0 <- c(t(sapply(1:3, trueB, tau = .5)))
The following code extends the ‘ggplot
’ objects generated by
by adding additional layers of true value curves and
incorporating various ggplot
options. The resulting figures,
Figure 5 and
Figure 6, present the output based on whether
the covariate effects are plotted against quantiles or base times,
respectively. This observed trend aligns with the specifications
described in Equation (9), where increasing
corresponds to an increasing while keeping and
fixed. On the other hand, the covariate effect does not change with
quantiles but slightly increases with base times, echoing the model
specification where is inversely related to and
increases as increases.
plot(fit2) + theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
geom_line(aes(x = Qs, y = true_Q, col = variable, linetype = "True value")) +
scale_linetype_manual(name = "", values = c("True value" = "dotdash"))
b <- plot(fit2, t0s = 1:3, byQs = F)
b + theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
geom_line(aes(x = t0s, y = true_t0, col = variable,
linetype = "True value")) +
scale_linetype_manual(name = "", values = c("True value" = "dotdash"))
Figure 5: Plot for at
Figure 6: Plot for at
The North Central Cancer Treatment Group Lung Cancer Data records the
survival of patients with advanced lung cancer, along with assessments
of the patients’ performance status measured by both physicians and the
patients themselves (Loprinzi et al. 1994). The original objective
of the study was to ascertain whether descriptive information from a
patient-completed questionnaire could offer prognostic insights. The
original objective of the study was to determine whether descriptive
information from a patient-completed questionnaire could provide
prognostic information. However, for this illustration, we focus on how
gender and weight loss affect the quantiles of residual life for
patients diagnosed with advanced lung cancer at different time points.
The lung cancer data are publicly available from the
survival package
(Therneau 2021) as lung
. The following code displays the structure
of the lung
dataset with variables of interest.
'data.frame': 228 obs. of 4 variables:
$ time : num 306 455 1010 210 883 ...
$ status : num 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 ...
$ sex : num 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 ...
$ wt.loss: num NA 15 15 11 0 0 10 1 16 34 ...
The lung
data contains 228 patients whose observed survival times in
days and censoring status (1 = censored, 2 = dead) are recorded in the
and the status
columns, respectively. Although the censoring
status in this dataset is not recorded in the typical 0-1 fashion, the
function is still applicable to create the corresponding
" object. The lung
data yields a censoring rate of
with a median survival time of 310 days. The covariates of interest are
gender (sex = 1
if male, sex = 2
if female) and weight loss
). In the following, we use the proposed semiparametric
quantile regression models to assess the gender and standardized weight
loss effects on different quantiles of residual life at different base
We first model the median residual life (Q = 0.5
) when the base time
is one month (t0 = 30
). Since the estimated median survival times for
combined lung cancers are typically less than one year, with a range of
8 to 13 months (Siegel et al. 2021), setting the base time at one month
provides insight into how gender and weight loss impact the residual
time in early follow-up. In the following, we obtain the regression
coefficient estimates using the induced smoothing functions and the
corresponding variance estimate with the partial multiplier bootstrap
lung$male <- factor(lung$sex, 1:2, c("Male", "Female"))
lung$std.wt.loss <- scale(lung$wt.loss)
fit1 <- qris(Surv(time, status) ~ male + std.wt.loss,
data = lung, t0 = 30, Q = .5, nB = 100,
method = "smooth", se = "pmb")
qris(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ male + std.wt.loss, data = lung,
t0 = 30, Q = 0.5, nB = 100, method = "smooth", se = "pmb")
qris Estimator
estimate std.Error z.value p.value
(Intercept) 5.5611 0.0950 58.539 <2e-16 ***
maleFemale 0.4804 0.1616 2.972 0.0030 **
std.wt.loss -0.0731 0.0807 -0.905 0.3652
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Subjects with missing values (in any of the variables relevant for the
modeling task) are automatically removed when qris()
is called. The
estimated intercept implies that the median residual life for patients
who have survived up to 30 days is days for a
male with an average weight loss. More interestingly, the summary shows
that the gender effect is statistically significant at the 0.05
significance level, indicating that a female patient is expected to have
a median residual life at 30 days that is times
that of a male patient with the same weight loss. The effect of the
weight loss is not statistically significant at the 0.05 level. In
addition to summary()
, important statistics such as the coefficient
and variance estimates can be extracted by S3
methods coef()
, respectively.
(Intercept) X
1.4302204 0.9322628
Moreover, the corresponding 95% Wald-type confidence interval can be
printed by applying the confint()
function to the ‘qris
’ object.
2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept) 5.3749261 5.74731362
maleFemale 0.1636200 0.79726457
std.wt.loss -0.2312535 0.08510084
The update()
function can be conveniently applied to update existing
’ objects. The following examples update the method
and se
arguments from fit1
. The updated results yield similar coefficient
estimates, but the non-smooth procedure (method = "nonsmooth"
) yields
slightly greater standard error estimates.
qris(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ male + std.wt.loss, data = lung,
t0 = 30, Q = 0.5, nB = 100, method = "nonsmooth", se = "fmb")
qris Estimator
estimate std.Error z.value p.value
(Intercept) 5.5585 0.1025 54.249 <2e-16 ***
maleFemale 0.4695 0.1872 2.508 0.0122 *
std.wt.loss -0.0668 0.0944 -0.708 0.4789
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
qris(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ male + std.wt.loss, data = lung,
t0 = 30, Q = 0.5, nB = 100, method = "iterative", se = "pmb")
qris Estimator
estimate std.Error z.value p.value
(Intercept) 5.5599 0.0904 61.518 <2e-16 ***
maleFemale 0.4818 0.1786 2.698 0.0070 **
std.wt.loss -0.0716 0.0942 -0.761 0.4467
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
At a lower (Q = 0.25
) and a higher (Q = 0.75
) quantiles, the gender
effect remains significant at the 0.05 significance level indicating
female patients are associated with longer lower-quantile and
higher-quantile residual life than male patients with the same weight
loss. Among these models, we observed that female patients tend to have
higher coefficient estimates when fitting higher-quantile residual life.
While the sign of the estimated regression coefficient for weight loss
changes to a negative value when considering the lower quantile, the
effects remain statistically insignificant for both the lower and higher
qris(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ male + std.wt.loss, data = lung,
t0 = 30, Q = 0.25, nB = 100, method = "smooth", se = "pmb")
qris Estimator
estimate std.Error z.value p.value
(Intercept) 4.9111 0.1000 49.115 <2e-16 ***
maleFemale 0.4651 0.1851 2.513 0.0120 *
std.wt.loss 0.0543 0.0548 0.991 0.3218
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
qris(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ male + std.wt.loss, data = lung,
t0 = 30, Q = 0.75, nB = 100, method = "smooth", se = "pmb")
qris Estimator
estimate std.Error z.value p.value
(Intercept) 6.0748 0.1085 55.971 <2e-16 ***
maleFemale 0.5237 0.1621 3.231 0.0012 **
std.wt.loss -0.0171 0.1083 -0.158 0.8746
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
We also consider the base time at six months t0 = 180
, which enables
us to assess gender and weight loss effects in median residual time at a
moderate length of follow-up. The estimated effect for the gender and
weight loss increases as increases from days to days
and becomes significant at the 0.05 significant level. Additionally, the
effect of the weight loss seems to be associated with a shorter survival
time after days, with a -value of .
qris(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ male + std.wt.loss, data = lung,
t0 = 180, Q = 0.5, nB = 100, method = "smooth", se = "pmb")
qris Estimator
estimate std.Error z.value p.value
(Intercept) 5.2243 0.0923 56.629 <2e-16 ***
maleFemale 0.5821 0.1975 2.948 0.0032 **
std.wt.loss -0.2515 0.0891 -2.821 0.0048 **
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The ‘qris
’ object is designed to be compatible with S3
and residuals()
functions. The following presents the
fitted survival times for two hypothetical male and female patients with
no weight loss, as well as the first five residual values for the
dataset. <- data.frame(male = c("Male", "Female"), std.wt.loss = 0)
predict(fit2, newdata =
1 2
444.9026 289.4422
1 2 3 4 5
-20.86127 -575.86127 232.44474 -416.82295 -555.82295
To better understand the covariate effects on different quantiles of
residual time and across different base times, we plot the estimated
regression coefficients of the intercept, sex, and weight loss in fit1
and fit2
. Figures 7
and 8 display the estimated regression
coefficients when method = "smooth"
and method = "nonsmooth"
respectively, at different quantiles ranging from 0.2 and 0.5 at
days. The plot.qris()
function is currently not available
for the iterative estimator. This is mainly due to an extended
computation time involved, as indicated by our simulation results, and
the nature of plotting that necessitates computations across various
quantiles or base times. As expected, the two plots show very similar
patterns. We plot the estimated regression coefficients of the
intercept, sex, and weight loss for different quantiles in the range of
0.2 to 0.5 at , 60, 70, and 80 days
(Figure 9), as well as for different
base times in the range of 50 to 80 days at , 0.3, 0.4, and
0.5 (Figure 10). The estimation
method used is non-iterative induced smoothed estimation
(method = "smooth"
). In Figure 9,
the estimated intercept increases as the quantile increases (for a given
base time). The estimated slopes for sex remain largely the same, but
those for weight loss tend to decrease slightly across different
quantiles (for a given base time). These patterns remain consistent for
different base times. In Figure 10,
the estimated intercepts increase as the quantiles increase, but with a
given quantile, they remain flat across the different base times
considered. The estimated regression coefficients for the two covariates
do not appear to change significantly for different base times.
plot(fit2, Qs = 2:5 / 10, byQs = TRUE, ggextra = hide)
plot(fit1, Qs = 2:5 / 10, t0s = 5:8 * 10, byQs = TRUE, ggextra = hide)
plot(fit1, Qs = 2:5 / 10, t0s = 5:8 * 10, byQs = FALSE, ggextra = hide)
Figure 7: method = ”smooth” and se = ”pmb”
Figure 8: method = ”nonsmooth” and se = ”fmb”
Figure 9: method = ”smooth” and se = ”pmb”
Figure 10: Multiple covariate effect plot against base time
The purpose of the qris
package is to provide a comprehensive tool for fitting quantile
regression models on residual life for right-censored survival data,
with the aim of promoting widespread dissemination and utilization. This
package implements one estimation method based on non-smooth estimating
functions and two estimation methods based on their induced smoothed
versions. The non-smooth estimator is calculated through -type
minimization while incorporating the IPCW technique, and its variance is
calculated using full multiplier bootstrapping. The first type of the
induced smoothed estimator, a non-iterative version, directly solves
estimating functions, and its variance can be calculated using either
the full multiplier bootstrapping or the robust sandwich form with
partial multiplier bootstrapping. As evidenced by the simulation
results, this enables one to substantially reduce computing times
without sacrificing estimation accuracy and stability compared to the
original non-smooth function-based method. The iterative smoothed
estimator has an advantage in obtaining more precise estimates than its
non-iterative version, although it requires longer computing times. For
all these methods, estimates of the regression coefficients and their
variances can be calculated at user-defined quantiles and base times, as
long as they are identifiable. Additionally, the package provides
features for plotting estimates with associated 95% confidence intervals
against quantiles and base times using the generic plot
These plots visualize patterns of estimates at different quantiles and
base times, helping users to easily grasp the overall picture. The
package qris and its
included functions are verified through illustrations using simulated
data with interpretation of the results demonstrated through a real data
Some possible directions for extending our package are as follows. Efforts can be made to reduce the computational burden associated with variance estimation, which currently accounts for a significant portion of the computing time. In particular, the iterative-induced smoothed method employs the partial multiplier bootstrap method to calculate variance estimates in each iteration. Since this method requires multiple iterations, it is crucial to explore more computationally efficient variance estimation procedures for each iteration to reduce the currently relatively longer computation time. One approach is to utilize a closed-form estimation of the mid-part of the sandwich-type variance, as discussed in Chiou et al. (2014; Choi et al. 2018). Implementing this direct variance estimation in each iteration is expected to further enhance computation efficiency. Another direction is to generalize the approaches to allow for the inclusion of sampling weights, which is useful for bias correction when failure time data are generated from non-random sampling designs, such as case-cohort designs (Prentice 1986; Chiou et al. 2015a). The current estimating functions implemented in the qris package assume that the data are randomly sampled, with sampling weights set to 1." To the best of our knowledge, there is a lack of model-checking procedures and model-comparison methods specifically designed for the non-smooth estimator, and a logical next step would be to develop these procedures for subsequent integration into the package.
qris, quantreg, aftgee, ctqr, Brq, brms, cmprskQR, ggplot2, Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, survival
Bayesian, ChemPhys, ClinicalTrials, Econometrics, Environmetrics, HighPerformanceComputing, MetaAnalysis, MixedModels, NumericalMathematics, Optimization, Phylogenetics, ReproducibleResearch, Robust, Spatial, Survival, TeachingStatistics
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Kim, et al., "Fitting a Quantile Regression Model for Residual Life with the R Package qris", The R Journal, 2025
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2024-007, author = {Kim, Kyu Hyun and Kang, Sangwook and Chiou, Sy Han}, title = {Fitting a Quantile Regression Model for Residual Life with the R Package qris}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2025}, note = {}, doi = {10.32614/RJ-2024-007}, volume = {16}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {114-134} }