In case–control studies, the odds ratio is commonly used to summarize the association between a binary exposure and a dichotomous outcome. However, exposure misclassification frequently appears in case–control studies due to inaccurate data reporting, which can produce bias in measures of association. In this article, we implement a Bayesian sensitivity analysis of misclassification to provide a full posterior inference on the corrected odds ratio under both non-differential and differential misclassification. We present an R (R Core Team 2018) package BayesSenMC, which provides user-friendly functions for its implementation. The usage is illustrated by a real data analysis on the association between bipolar disorder and rheumatoid arthritis.
Many epidemiological studies are concerned with assessing the risk of an outcome between exposed and non-exposed subjects. For example, in a case–control study, researchers first identify subjects who have the disease of interest (the case group) and subjects who do not (the control group), and then ascertain the exposure status of the subjects in each group. The odds ratio is typically used to assess the association between the exposure and disease in the case–control study; it describes the ratio of the exposure odds in the case group to that in the control group.
However, misclassification of exposure, disease outcome, or covariates appears frequently in observational studies of epidemiological or medical research (Rothman et al. 2008; Brakenhoff et al. 2018). In a case–control study, misclassification is often due to inaccurate reporting of the exposure status (e.g., self-reported data). This can consequently lead to biased estimation of exposure probabilities and odds ratio. To adjust for such biases, we can correct the odds ratio using the observed data from the case–control study and the sensitivity and specificity of correctly classifying exposure status from external data. Here, the sensitivity is the proportion of exposed subjects that are correctly classified as exposed (i.e., true positive), and the specificity is the proportion of non-exposed subjects that are correctly classified as non-exposed (i.e., true negative).
Quantitative assessment of misclassification bias is necessary to estimate uncertainty in study results. There are many statistical methods for misclassification correction; nearly all of them use prior information that maps observed measurements to true values (Greenland 2005). These methods include regression calibration and multiple imputation (Rosner et al. 1989; Spiegelman et al. 2001; Cole et al. 2006), in which the mapping is based on a validation study. Also, sensitivity analysis can be used to evaluate the effects of uncertainties in measurement on the observed results of the study (Greenland 1996; Lash and Flink 2003; Chu et al. 2006), in which the mapping from observed to true measurements may be based on prior information or expert opinion about the accuracy of the measurement. However, when such information or opinion is lacking, researchers may over- or under-adjust for misclassification with an inaccurate guess, which may, in turn, produce a poor estimate (Gustafson et al. 2006).
Moreover, despite the ubiquity of measurement error, these methods remain rarely used due to the complexity of statistical approaches, especially the complexity of prior specifications as well as the lack of software packages (Lash and Flink 2003). For example, in a random sample survey of 57 epidemiological studies (Jurek et al. 2006), only one study used quantitative corrections. Sensitivity analysis is simple but limited insofar as it does not provide formal interval estimates that combine uncertainty due to random error with misclassification. Several authors have addressed this deficiency by using probabilistic (Monte Carlo) sensitivity analyses (Greenland 2005). For example, Fox et al. (2005) proposed a probabilistic sensitivity analysis of misclassified binary variables based on multiple imputation; they provided SAS code and Excel macro for this approach. Such methods can be viewed as means of summarizing the bias over sensitivity analyses using a prior distribution about the bias parameters (Greenland 2005). Many of them have been implemented in the R package episensr (Haine 2021). Specifically, episensr allows for specifications of prior distributions for sensitivity and specificity, such as uniform and logit normal, as well as sequential bias modeling that can be applied to more than one type of bias, such as for both misclassification and selection biases.
Other methods employ a Bayesian implementation of the probabilistic bias analysis or perform an outright Bayesian analysis (Greenland 2005; Chu et al. 2006; Gustafson et al. 2006; MacLehose and Gustafson 2012). The Bayesian analysis is substantially different from conventional probabilistic sensitivity analysis and much more flexible for incorporating different types of priors. However, it is often computationally expensive and more difficult to conduct by general users without a statistical background. Gustafson et al. (2006) accounted for the prior uncertainties of sensitivity and specificity in the evaluation of the results of a case–control study. MacLehose and Gustafson (2012) compared a Bayesian approach with probabilistic bias analysis based on a case–control study of congenital defects, concluding that the two approaches are mostly similar if using similar prior data admissibility as well as uniform priors on exposure probabilities.
This article focuses on an R package correcting for exposure misclassification in a case–control study. Extending from the Bayesian approach introduced by Gustafson et al. (2006), we implement the methods outlined in Chu et al. (2006), which account for the correlation between the sensitivity and specificity in the model specification. The methods can be applied to both non-differential and differential misclassification; that is, the degree of misclassification can be the same across the case and control groups or distinctly different. Furthermore, we use the generalized linear mixed bivariate effects model introduced by Chu et al. (2010) to jointly model the sensitivity and specificity that may be informed by an external meta-analysis on the diagnostic accuracy of the exposure factor.
This article introduces the implementation of the methods for misclassification via our R package BayesSenMC (Bayesian sensitivity analysis by Monte Carlo sampling). The package is mainly implemented in Stan, an imperative probabilistic programming language, which uses Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), a form of efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling.
This section presents an illustrative case–control study on the association between bipolar disorder and rheumatoid arthritis, originally investigated by Farhi et al. (2016); this example will also be used to demonstrate the implementation of the methods for misclassification. The exposure is bipolar disorder, and the disease outcome is rheumatoid arthritis, which is a chronic autoimmune disorder that primarily affects joints and occurs in nearly 1% of the population in developed countries (McInnes and Schett 2017). Table 1 presents the data.
Bipolar Disorder | |||
Rheumatoid arthritis | Exposed | Unexposed | Total |
Case | 66 | 11,716 | 11,782 |
Control | 243 | 57,730 | 57,973 |
The unadjusted odds ratio is 1.34 with the 95% confidence interval (CI) (1.02, 1.76), indicating a significant association between rheumatoid arthritis and bipolar disorder. Of note, Farhi et al. (2016) acknowledged the limitation that “lack of validation of the diagnosis of bipolar disorder in the subjects cannot be completely excluded.” For example, bipolar disorder can be classified as type I, type II, etc.; it is especially difficult to diagnose bipolar disorder type II (Phillips and Kupfer 2013).
Assuming certain fixed values or prior distributions of sensitivity and specificity, we can use the method by Chu et al. (2006) to correct the odds ratio accounting for the exposure misclassification. The sensitivity and specificity can be either some fixed values or random variables following some prior distributions.
The prior distributions can be estimated from external evidence using a meta-analysis, e.g., using the bivariate generalized linear mixed model approach proposed by Chu et al. (2010). The following section presents the details of these methods. This article uses the meta-analysis performed by Carvalho et al. (2015) to obtain the prior distributions of the sensitivity and specificity of classifying the exposure status of bipolar disorder. The meta-analysis contains three subgroups of screening detection instruments: bipolar spectrum diagnostic scale (8 studies with sensitivity between 0.52 and 0.90 and specificity between 0.51 and 0.97), hypomania checklist (17 studies with sensitivity between 0.69 and 1.00 and specificity between 0.36 and 0.98), and mood disorder questionnaire (30 studies with sensitivity between 0.00 and 0.91 and specificity between 0.47 and 1.00). The dataset from the Clalit Health Services (the largest Health Maintenance Organization in Israel) used in Farhi et al. (2016) does not specify the exact screening detection instrument for identifying the bipolar disorder. Therefore, we will use all three subgroups’ data (55 studies in total) in Carvalho et al. (2015) for our analysis on the sensitivity and specificity. A subset of the meta-analysis data is shown in Table 2.
Study | True | False | True | False |
ID | positive | negative | negative | positive |
1 | 81 | 9 | 444 | 427 |
2 | 12 | 3 | 44 | 19 |
3 | 74 | 26 | 97 | 3 |
4 | 52 | 16 | 23 | 4 |
5 | 228 | 113 | 18 | 4 |
⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ |
55 | 63 | 6 | 32 | 13 |
According to their definitions, the study-specific sensitivity and
specificity can be estimated as (the number of true positives) / (the
number of true positives plus the number of false negatives) and (the
number of true negatives) / (the number of true negatives plus the
number of false positives). For example, study 1 gives the sensitivity
81/(81 + 9) = 0.90 and the specificity 444/(444 + 427)
In this section, we introduce the specific models and methods to deal with misclassification.
Consider a case–control study, and we are interested in the odds ratio
from this study. Table 3 presents the notation of the
observed data. The odds ratio is estimated as
Group | Exposed | Unexposed | Total |
Case | |||
Control |
Assume that the observed exposure probability is
Based on Equation ((1)), we can specify the following
Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate the corrected odds ratio of the
case–control study, with
Additionally, the function
Alternatively, we may consider incorporating evidence-based prior information from existing studies on the diagnostic accuracy of the exposure status (e.g., the data in Table 2). This allows us to account for uncertainties in the sensitivity and specificity and potential correlation between them. The next subsection presents methods to obtain the prior information for the sensitivity and specificity from a meta-analysis.
This section briefly discusses the generalized linear mixed-effects
model (GLMM) to estimate priors on the sensitivity and specificity.
Suppose that a meta-analysis on the diagnostic accuracy of the exposure
status is available as external data to inform the priors of sensitivity
and specificity that are needed to correct the odds ratio in the
case–control study. Denote the number of independent studies in the
meta-analysis by
Assuming that
The lower and upper bounds
Recall that the Bayesian hierarchical model for estimating the corrected
odds ratio in the case–control study in Equation ((3))
specifies a joint prior
Because of the complexity of the Bayesian model in Equation ((3)) with the above various choices of priors for the sensitivity and specificity, we will use Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling to produce the posterior distribution and thus estimate the misclassification-bias-corrected odds ratio in the case–control study and its credible interval.
The aforementioned methods can be implemented in the R
package BayesSenMC. The function nlmeNDiff
fits a non-differential
GLMM and returns a lme4
(Bates et al. 2021) object, for which commands such as summary
can be used to
extract useful statistics from the model; see
methods(class = "merMod")
for more details. Users can also call the
function to get a list of specific parameter estimates of the
fit that can be directly inputted into the model functions of
BayesSenMC for Bayesian inferences. In addition, the link function
used in nlmeNDiff
can be modified by specifying lower
and upper
which then changes the lower and upper bounds of
The package BayesSenMC includes six model functions and one graphing
function called plotOR
. The model functions return an S4 object of
type stanfit
, an instance of
rstan (Stan Development Team 2020), which is
an interface of Stan (Carpenter et al. 2017) in R. Users can call methods
such as print
or extract
to get detailed information about the
posterior samples. The MCMC procedures are implemented with a default of
two chains, each with 1000 iterations of burn-in period and 2000
iterations to estimate the posterior parameters. They are fit using
, and the default Monte Carlo algorithm is the No-U-Turn sampler,
a variant of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (Hoffman and Gelman 2014; Betancourt 2017).
Any additional arguments to the model function call will be passed into
. The returned object can then be inputted into plotOR
visualize the posterior distribution of the adjusted odds ratio, as well
as the probability density lines of odds ratio in the cases of no
misclassification and constant Se/Sp as comparisons to the posterior
distribution. It takes optional argument passed into geom_histogram
and returns a ggplot2
(Wickham et al. 2021) object that can be further customized.
The latest version of BayesSenMC is available from CRAN. The package can be directly installed via the R prompt:
R> install.packages("BayesSenMC")
R> library("BayesSenMC")
In this section, we use the data in Table 1 as well as Table 2 of meta-analysis data on the diagnosis accuracy of bipolar disorder to demonstrate the capabilities of BayesSenMC. The analyses are conducted using R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18).
We first fit the meta-analysis data using the GLMM procedure implemented
in our package, assuming non-differential misclassification. Given the
range of Se and Sp of the bipolar disorder meta-analysis data, we must
only assume
R> data(bd_meta)
R> my.mod <- nlmeNDiff(bd_meta, lower = 0)
R> my.mod
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
Approximation) [glmerMod]
Family: binomial ( logit(0, 1) )
Formula: cbind(Y, N - Y) ~ ((0 + Se + Sp) | sid) + Se
Data: dat_final
AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
851.6825 865.1849 -420.8412 841.6825 105
Random effects:
Groups Name Std.Dev. Corr
sid Se 0.7116
Sp 0.8935 -0.38
Number of obs: 110, groups: sid, 55
Fixed Effects:
(Intercept) Se
1.12626 -0.05746
The indicator variable Se
has a value of 1 for Se estimates and 0 for
Sp estimates. The random effects are grouped within each study, numbered
after sid
The fit reports the Akaike information criterion (AIC), which can be
used to compare across models. The logit means of Se and Sp are given by
the fixed effects, 1.069 and 1.126, which translate to a sensitivity of
0.744 and a specificity of 0.755. The values, larger than 0.5, suggest
that overall, the diagnostic accuracy for bipolar disorder given our
meta-data is better than random, albeit nowhere near perfect. The
standard deviations of logit Se and Sp are given by the random effects,
as well as the correlation. All of the mentioned parameter estimates can
be returned in a list by calling paramEst
We then plug the parameter estimates to get the posterior distributions for the corrected odds ratio given different priors of Se and Sp. We run all 6 different models with the case–control study observations in Farhi et al. (2016), shown in Table 1. The model specifications are shown in the previous subsection.
R> params <- paramEst(my.mod)
R> m.1 <- crudeOR(a = 66, N1 = 11782, c = 243, N0 = 57973, chains = 3, iter = 10000)
R> m.2 <- correctedOR(a = 66, N1 = 11782, c = 243, N0 = 57973, prior_list = params,
+ chains = 3, iter = 10000)
R> m.3 <- logitOR(a = 66, N1 = 11782, c = 243, N0 = 57973, prior_list = params,
+ chains = 3, iter = 10000)
R> m.4 <- fixedCorrOR(a = 66, N1 = 11782, c = 243, N0 = 57973, prior_list = params,
+ chains = 3, iter = 10000)
R> m.5 <- randCorrOR(a = 66, N1 = 11782, c = 243, N0 = 57973, prior_list = params,
+ chains = 3, iter = 10000)
R> m.6 <- diffOR(a = 66, N1 = 11782, c = 243, N0 = 57973, mu = c(1.069, 1.069, 1.126, 1.126),
+ s.lg.se0 = 0.712, s.lg.se1 = 0.712, s.lg.sp0 = 0.893, s.lg.sp1 = 0.893,
+ corr.sesp0 = -0.377, corr.sesp1 = -0.377, = 0, chains = 3,
+ iter = 10000, traceplot = TRUE)
# get summary of model output
R> m.1
Each model above is implemented with 3 Markov chains, and each chain
consists of 5000 burn-in samples and 10,000 iterations to estimate the
parameters (Figure 1). The posterior mean, median and 95%
confidence limits of the adjusted odds ratio are as below: 1.35 (1.34,
1.01, 1.74), 5.63 (0.85, 0.02, 36.10), 8.61 (1.93, 0.03, 62.27), 9.33
(1.95, 0.03, 62.62), 9.05 (2.00, 0.03, 64.33), 5.23 (0.82, 0.02, 32.64).
To obtain and analyze the model output, one can simply call the model
variable (e.g., m.1
). The summary displays the parameters for the
model as well as the mean and confidence limits of the adjusted odds
ratio (i.e., ORadj
). One can also specify traceplot = TRUE
display a plot of sampled corrected log odds ratio values over
iterations, such as in the above diffOR
method call.
The above example demonstrates the significance of sensitivity and specificity in a case–control study. We can examine that by the ratio of upper to lower 95% posterior interval: 1.74/1.01 = 1.72, 36.10/0.02 = 1805, 62.27/0.03 = 2075.67, 62.62/0.03 = 2087.33, 64.33/0.03 = 2144.33, and 32.64/0.02 = 1632. The greatest jump happens when we assume misclassification in the case–control study, and it only differs slightly with more uncertainties in the model. The increase is especially significant in Farhi et al. (2016) because the estimated mean Se and Sp are around only 0.75, as seen from the GLMM. In the future, we will consider adding other specifications of priors for sensitivity and specificity to our package, such as beta priors.
R> library("ggplot2")
R> g1 <- plotOR(m.1, a = 66, N1 = 11782, c = 243, N0 = 57973, se = 0.744,
+ sp = 0.755, x.max = 3, y.max = 5, binwidth = 0.1) + ggtitle("(i)")
#...... please see supplementary \textsf{R} script for rest of code ......
We also implement a graphing function, plotOR
, which takes the input
of a model built with one of the above methods, the observations of the
same case–control study, and the estimated Se and Sp from the GLMM. The
method visualizes the posterior distribution of that model and plots the
probability density line of the adjusted odds ratio given no
misclassification (crude OR) and constant misclassification as specified
by Se
and Sp
(corrected OR). This makes it easy for users to compare
the current posterior distribution (especially for models with more
uncertainty) with more certain models to visualize the effect of
misclassification in a case–control study. In addition, the lines serve
as references when comparing across models. The plots and relevant codes
are shown in Figure 2. Users can also choose to extract
the data from the rstan objects by calling functions such as
, etc.
According to the plot, we observe a drastic change to the posterior distribution after taking non-perfect Se and Sp into account. Then, we observe slightly more uniform distributions as there is more uncertainty in the model. What is also worth noting is that in part (ii) of the plot, the posterior density and MCMC sampling do not share the same shape, even though both assume non-perfect constant Se and Sp. This may be a result of low Se and Sp values, which may affect the log-normality assumption in the MCMC posterior samples.
We now show the effects of the number of iterations and chains on the
computing speed of our models. All models have been pre-compiled, which
reduces the computing time significantly. For example, randCorrOR
which is presumably one of the most complex and time-consuming models to
compute, takes about 1.32 seconds to run 3 chains with 5000 warm-up
periods and 10,000 iterations each. In comparison, it takes about 0.20
seconds to compute 2 chains with 1000 warm-up periods and 2000
iterations each. In practice, a larger number of MCMC chains and
iterations leads to more stable and accurate results and thus is
recommended. Furthermore, we find that models, such as provided by
, have smaller target posterior distribution regions in a
Markov chain, thus rendering it easy for the algorithm to miss the true
distribution and result in “divergent transitions,” which may return
biased estimates. Increasing the value of adapt_delta
parameter up to
1 in the control
argument of the methods can effectively make rstan
take smaller steps to approach the target.
In this article, we introduce and implement the methods for making posterior inferences on the corrected odds ratio by modeling the uncertainty on both differential and non-differential misclassification through appropriate prior distributions. The specific implementation is publicly available using the R package BayesSenMC. The process can be divided into two parts. First, one can use the GLMM model with a binomial-logit link to estimate prior information on Se and Sp via a meta-analysis on the misclassification of exposure status. Second, the estimates can be plugged into the modeling functions to provide inferences for the odds ratio. The models can also be visualized side-by-side for better comparisons. The validity of the analyses depends highly on the relevance of meta-analysis, in which irrelevant studies may skew the prior estimates of Se and Sp significantly, and consequentially, the corrected odds ratio. In addition, our models assume normal and independent priors on true exposure probabilities, which may be limited in some cases (Chu et al. 2006).
BayesSenMC, episensr, lme4, rstan, ggplot2
Bayesian, Econometrics, Environmetrics, Epidemiology, MixedModels, Phylogenetics, Psychometrics, Spatial, SpatioTemporal, TeachingStatistics
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Yang, et al., "BayesSenMC: an R package for Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis of Misclassification", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-097, author = {Yang, Jinhui and Lin, Lifeng and Chu, Haitao}, title = {BayesSenMC: an R package for Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis of Misclassification}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {}, volume = {13}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {228-238} }