This article introduces the cat.dt package for the creation of Computerized Adaptive Tests (CATs). Unlike existing packages, the cat.dt package represents the CAT in a Decision Tree (DT) structure. This allows building the test before its administration, ensuring that the creation time of the test is independent of the number of participants. Moreover, to accelerate the construction of the tree, the package controls its growth by joining nodes with similar estimations or distributions of the ability level and uses techniques such as message passing and pre-calculations. The constructed tree, as well as the estimation procedure, can be visualized using the graphical tools included in the package. An experiment designed to evaluate its performance shows that the cat.dt package drastically reduces computational time in the creation of CATs without compromising accuracy.
Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in the development and application of Computerized Adaptive Tests (CATs). For instance, they are applied in several areas such as psychology (Ma et al. 2017; Mizumoto et al. 2019), education (He and Min 2017; Wu et al. 2017), or medicine (Michel et al. 2018; Fox et al. 2019). The reason behind their popularity is that CATs can estimate the ability level of a psychological variable of interest in an examinee with greater accuracy than the classical tests by administering a smaller number of items (Weiss 2004). Besides, the existence of certain mechanisms, such as item exposure control (Georgiadou et al. 2007) limits the leaking of items between participants.
Concisely, CATs are tailored tests. Every item administered to the examinee is chosen from an item bank by employing a selection criterion that considers: i) the answers given by the participant to the items previously administered; ii) the characteristics of such items, and iii) the probabilities provided by a model that relates the responses to each item with its characteristics. The most commonly used criterion is Maximum Fisher Information (MFI) (Zhou and Reckase 2014; Li et al. 2020), which selects the item that provides the highest information for the current estimate of the ability level. However, this criterion presents several drawbacks. These include item selection bias, large estimation errors at the beginning of the test, high item exposure rates, and content imbalance problems (ZhuoKang and Liu 2012; Ueno 2013). Various alternatives have been proposed as attempts for addressing these problems. Among them stand out Minimum Expected Posterior Variance (MEPV) (Van der Linden and Pashley 2009), Kullback-Leibler Information (Chang and Ying 1996), and Maximum Likelihood Weighted Information (Veerkamp and Berger 1997). Although these selection techniques largely solve the aforementioned problems, their high computational cost complicates their practical use.
Decision Trees (DTs) have been proposed to reduce the computational cost in the creation of CATs. (Yan et al. 2004) used regression trees to predict the participants total score. A remarkable feature of this work is the merge of nodes to maintain a sufficient sample size to perform the partitions. Afterward, (Ueno and Songmuang 2010) developed an item selection criterion based on mutual information in regression trees. However, unlike CATs based on Item Response Theory (IRT), these works predict the total score of the participant rather than estimate their ability level, which makes it difficult to compare the performance of a participant in two different tests aimed at measuring the same construct. Recently, (Delgado-Gómez et al. 2019) mathematically proved the equivalence between IRT-based CATs and DTs when the MEPV item selection criterion is used, proposing the Tree-CAT method, which integrates both methodologies. In their method, each node of the tree contains an item, emerging from it as many branches as the number of the item’s possible responses. The examinees progress through the tree according to the responses they provide until reaching the last node, where their final estimate corresponds to the found ability level. The disadvantage of this method is that it requires a high-performance cluster to create the tree. In this regard, the Merged Tree-CAT method (Rodrı́guez-Cuadrado et al. 2020) extends and improves Tree-CAT, accelerating tree construction by joining nodes with similar estimates or ability level distributions.
Currently, there are several packages oriented to the creation of CATs in R. Among them, we can find catR (Magis et al. 2012; Magis and Barrada 2017), mirtCAT (Chalmers 2016), and catIrt (Nydick 2014). The drawback of these packages is that they create a separate CAT for each examinee, reducing their efficiency. For example, if two individuals provided the same response to the first item, the computations for estimation and selection of the next item would be performed twice, even though the result would be the same. Therefore, the shortage of memory in these packages considerably increases computational time, which makes the practical application of CATs difficult, or even impossible, when the item selection criterion is one of the most computationally demanding.
This article describes the cat.dt package in which the Merged Tree-CAT method (Rodrı́guez-Cuadrado et al. 2020) is implemented. Unlike the existing packages, cat.dt creates the CAT before it is administered to the examinees and stores it in a DT structure. This allows that each time the participant responds to an item, the estimation of their ability level and the selection of the next item to be administered is immediate since it is pre-computed. This differs from the existing packages, in which both calculations are performed during the test administration, making it difficult or even impossible to use computationally expensive item selection criteria such as the MEPV. In this way, the cat.dt package manages to quickly create CATs on a standard personal computer as well as provides accurate estimates of the ability level of each examinee.
The rest of the article is structured as follows. Firstly, it introduces the elements of IRT and CATs used by the Merged Tree-CAT. Next, the functions contained in the package are detailed, and an example of its use is provided. Then, the performance of the cat.dt package is compared to that of the catR package. Finally, the article discusses the benefits of the package.
The IRT, on which CATs are based, assumes that a participant’s response
to an item depends on the ability level of the individual and the
characteristics of that item
(Richardson 1936; Lawley 1943; Tucker 1946). This
relationship is obtained through probabilistic models in which the
For polytomous items, the most widespread model for ordered responses is the Graded Response Model (GRM) developed by (Samejima 1969):
When there is not a particular order in the responses, the most generic model is the Nominal Response Model (NRM), defined by (Bock 1972):
These probabilistic models are used in the CATs to obtain the estimate
of the ability level of the examinee based on their responses. Of all
the existing estimation methods, the Expected a Posteriori (EAP)
technique is widely used given the simplicity of its calculation and the
minimum Mean Squared Error (MSE) of its estimations (Bock and Mislevy 1982).
When the responses
Each time an examinee responds to an item, this ability level estimation
is used by the CAT to choose the next item. Among the existing item
selection methods, MFI is the most popular. This criterion consists of
choosing the item
Another criterion to highlight is the MEPV because it has been shown to
be equivalent to minimizing the MSE of the estimates of the ability
level (Delgado-Gómez et al. 2019). In this case, given the posterior
density function
In summary, CATs are constructed as follows. Starting from a prior
The aforementioned process is structured by the Merged Tree-CAT method in a DT as follows (Rodrı́guez-Cuadrado et al. 2020). As in the Tree-CAT method, each tree node has an assigned item and an associated estimate based on the responses given to the items assigned to the parent nodes. The novelty of the Merged Tree-CAT method consists of limiting the growth of the tree by joining nodes with similar estimates, accelerating its construction with the least loss of precision in the estimates. Once constructed, the examinee progresses through the tree according to their answers until reaching the last node, where the final estimate of their ability level is found. In addition, the Merged Tree-CAT method incorporates item exposure control by establishing an exposure rate that limits the percentage of participants that are administered with each item, which increases the safety of the test.
The cat.dt package implements the Merged Tree-CAT method. As it will be explained in the following section, each of the items that form the test is chosen using the MFI or MEPV criterion, employing the estimate obtained by the EAP method according to the GRM or NRM model.
This section starts by describing the cat.dt package architecture and
its main function CAT_DT
. This is followed by a practical example on
how to use this package to create CATs structured in DTs, to visualize
them, and to obtain estimates of the ability level of participants.
Finally, we detail some of the computational features taken into account
in the building of the package to increase its efficiency.
The cat.dt package can be installed from CRAN
) or from the development version’s GitHub
The cat.dt package consists of the functions shown in Figure 1, which also displays the dependency relationships between them.
The most relevant functions are the following:
: Creates the CAT structured in a DT.create_level_1
: Creates the nodes that conform to the first level
of the DT.create_levels
: Creates the nodes that conform to the levels of the
DT (except for the first level).join_node
: Joins nodes from the same tree level with similar
estimations or distributions of the ability level.CAT_ability_est
: Estimates the ability level of a participant
after each response and computes a Bayesian credible interval of the
final estimation.CAT_DT
functionThe input parameters of the main function CAT_DT
are introduced in
Table 1.
bank |
Item bank. It must be a data frame in which each row represents an item and each column one of its parameters. If the model is GRM, the first column must be the discrimination parameter and the remaining columns are the difficulty (or location) parameters (Samejima 1969). If the model is NRM, the odd columns must be the slope parameters and the even columns the intercept parameters. (Bock 1972). |
model |
CAT probabilistic model. Options: “GRM” (default) and “NRM” . |
crit |
Item selection criterion. Options: “MEPV” for the Minimum Expected Posterior Variance (default) or “MFI” for the Maximum Fisher Information. |
C |
Expected fraction C = 0.3 . |
stop |
Vector of two components that represent the CAT stopping criteria. The first component represents the maximum level stop = c(6,0) . |
limit |
Maximum number limit = 200 . |
inters |
Minimum intersection of the density functions of two nodes to be joined. It must be a number between 0 and 1. If the user wants to avoid using this criteria, inters = 0 should be specified. Default: inters = 0.98 . |
p |
Prior probability of the interval whose limits determine a threshold for the distance between estimations of nodes to join. Default: p = 0.9 . |
dens |
Prior density function of the ability level. It must be an R function: dnorm , dunif , etc. |
... |
Parameters to dens . |
The tree growth is controlled by the parameters limit
, inters
, and
. The limit
parameter is the maximum number p
according to the prior density function of the ability level.
Finally, inters
is the minimum value that must exceed the intersection
between the density functions of two nodes to join when the maximum
Finally, the CAT_DT
function returns a list with the input parameters
introduced by the user and the elements described in Table 2.
nodes |
List with a maximum of nodes list can have less than |
C_left |
Residual exposure rate of each item after the CAT construction. |
predict |
Function that returns the estimated ability level of an examinee after each response and a Bayesian credible interval of the final estimation given their responses to the items from the item bank. These responses must be entered by the user as a numeric vector input. In addition, it returns a vector with the items that have been administered to the examinee. This is the function CAT_ability_est of the package. |
predict_group |
Function that returns a list whose elements are the returned values of the function predict for every examinee from the group. This is the function CAT_ability_est_group of the package. |
Firstly, it is shown how to build a CAT using the main function
. To do this, the item bank from the data frame itemBank
included in the package is used. Given the nature of these items, the
probabilistic model used is the GRM. Also, the item selection criterion
adopted is the MEPV, the exposure rate is set at
example_cat <- CAT_DT(bank = itemBank, model = "GRM", crit = "MEPV", C = 0.3,
stop = c(10,0), limit = 200, inters = 0.98, p = 0.9, dens = dnorm, 0, 1)
Among the values returned by this function, the list nodes
all the nodes that conform the DT in which the CAT is structured. These
nodes are grouped by levels. As an example, if we access the first node
of the third level,
we obtain
[1] 30001
[1] 22
[1] 18 11
[1] -1.10257
[1] 0.8071584
ID_son Response Probability
1 40001 1 1
2 40002 2 1
3 40003 3 1
[1] 0.03331851
[1] 0.5396903
This list contains, among others, information about: i) ID
, the node
identifier; ii) item
, the item assigned to the node; iii) item_prev
the items previously administered to the examinee that reaches the node;
iv) est
, the estimation of the ability level after their responses to
these items, v) SE
, the SE associated to that estimation. Finally, the
data frame ID_sons
contains the ID of each child node, the response
that leads to it, and the probability of, given that response, accessing
that child node.
A description of the tree can be obtained using the R function
. This function provides: i) The number of levels; ii) The
number of nodes per level; iii) The probabilistic model used; iv) The
item selection criterion used; v) The residual exposure rate of every
item and vi) The percentage of items used to build the test. In order to
summarize the tree, we enter
to obtain
Number of tree levels: 10
Number of nodes in level 1 : 4
Number of nodes in level 2 : 14
Number of nodes in level 3 : 39
Number of nodes in level 4 : 99
Number of nodes in level 5 : 101
Number of nodes in level 6 : 124
Number of nodes in level 7 : 141
Number of nodes in level 8 : 158
Number of nodes in level 9 : 165
Number of nodes in level 10 : 177
Psychometric probabilistic model: GRM
Item selection criterion: MEPV
Item exposure:
item 1 : 0.000 item 2 : 0.0768 item 3 : 0.000 item 4 : 0.1704
item 5 : 0.1532 item 6 : 0.000 item 7 : 0.300 item 8 : 0.000
item 9 : 0.000 item 10 : 0.000 item 11 : 0.300 item 12 : 0.000
item 13 : 0.000 item 14 : 0.000 item 15 : 0.2508 item 16 : 0.000
item 17 : 0.000 item 18 : 0.300 item 19 : 0.2113 item 20 : 0.255
item 21 : 0.2314 item 22 : 0.2565 item 23 : 0.000 item 24 : 0.000
item 25 : 0.0532 item 26 : 0.000 item 27 : 0.000 item 28 : 0.000
item 29 : 0.000 item 30 : 0.0855 item 31 : 0.300 item 32 : 0.000
item 33 : 0.0107 item 34 : 0.000 item 35 : 0.000 item 36 : 0.0127
item 37 : 0.000 item 38 : 0.000 item 39 : 0.2467 item 40 : 0.0902
item 41 : 0.000 item 42 : 0.000 item 43 : 0.2611 item 44 : 0.300
item 45 : 0.000 item 46 : 0.000 item 47 : 0.300 item 48 : 0.0885
item 49 : 0.000 item 50 : 0.300 item 51 : 0.1192 item 52 : 0.000
item 53 : 0.0166 item 54 : 0.000 item 55 : 0.300 item 56 : 0.300
item 57 : 0.000 item 58 : 0.000 item 59 : 0.2233 item 60 : 0.000
item 61 : 0.300 item 62 : 0.000 item 63 : 0.2583 item 64 : 0.0839
item 65 : 0.000 item 66 : 0.0367 item 67 : 0.000 item 68 : 0.300
item 69 : 0.300 item 70 : 0.300 item 71 : 0.1213 item 72 : 0.000
item 73 : 0.1803 item 74 : 0.000 item 75 : 0.000 item 76 : 0.000
item 77 : 0.000 item 78 : 0.000 item 79 : 0.0153 item 80 : 0.000
item 81 : 0.000 item 82 : 0.000 item 83 : 0.300 item 84 : 0.000
item 85 : 0.2125 item 86 : 0.1251 item 87 : 0.1741 item 88 : 0.000
item 89 : 0.0253 item 90 : 0.300 item 91 : 0.000 item 92 : 0.300
item 93 : 0.2539 item 94 : 0.300 item 95 : 0.300 item 96 : 0.300
item 97 : 0.000 item 98 : 0.000 item 99 : 0.000 item 100 : 0.000
Percentage of items used: 49 %
In addition, the tree created can be visualized by means of the function
. This function takes as input arguments: i) The tree
created; ii) The number of levels to plot, iii) The index of the root
node to start the test. For example, by introducing
plot_tree(example_cat, levels = 3, tree = 3)
we obtain the following plot
Once the CAT has been created, the ability level of an examinee is
estimated using the predict
function. The cat.dt package includes as
an example the matrix itemRes
, which contains the responses of 30
examinees to the 100 items of the bank itemBank
. For instance, to
calculate the estimate of the fifth examinee (a seed is needed to obtain
the same result due to probabilistic node access) we use
predict(example_cat, itemRes[5, ])
We obtain
[1] 0.7649071 0.3114948 0.4320018 0.6780359 0.4762673 0.7993720 0.7504451 0.5928716
[9] 0.7041479 0.6217778
[1] -0.325
[1] 1.565
[1] 70 83 95 55 4 39 7 51 96 73
This output list contains: i) The vector estimation
, which includes
the estimated ability level after each response; ii) The lower llow
and upper lupp
bounds of a Bayesian credible interval at 95% of the
final estimation of the examinee’s ability level; iii) The vector
, which contains the items that have been administered to the
examinee in the CAT, iv) The object graphics
, which represents the
evolution of the ability level estimation automatically as shown in
This plot represents the estimation of the ability level after
responding to each administered item. For example, giving response predict
function, it can be entered
CAT_ability_est(example_cat, itemRes[5, ])
example_cat$predict(itemRes[5, ])
Finally, these results can be obtained for a whole group of examinees
also by calling the function predict
. In this case, this function
returns a list whose elements are the outputs as if it was called for
every examinee. Once it is stored in a variable in the following way,
est_group <- predict(example_cat, itemRes)
the estimation information is available for every examinee. For instance, to know the items administered to the second examinee, the following must be introduced:
[1] 61 92 95 55 50 59 85 63 19 69
Alternatively to the predict
function, it can be introduced
CAT_ability_est_group(example_cat, itemRes)
A similar example can be found in the tutorial vignette included in the package.
Before ending this section, we detail the computational features that accelerate the construction of the tree and reduce memory space.
, inters
, and p
These unions control tree growth, which significantly accelerates
tree creation and reduces the amount of memory space without losing
precision in the estimations.In this section, the performance of the cat.dt package is compared to
that of the catR package. Ability level estimates and computational
times of both packages have been studied for nine different simulation
scenarios. In each scenario, a CAT is constructed from an item bank
(composed of 100, 200, or 500 items), which is administered to a group
of examinees (1000, 2000, or 5000 examinees). The database for each
scenario can be found online [number of items]_items_[number of examinees]_examinees.RData
Similar to the example of the previous section, the probabilistic model
used is GRM, the criteria for selecting items is MEPV, the length of the
test is ten items per participant (the SE threshold is set at 0), and
the prior distribution of the ability level is
All the simulations for both packages were run in an HP Z230 Tower Workstation with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, with 32 GB of RAM, running Debian GNU/Linux 10, R 3.5.2.
Figure 4 illustrates the MSE of the ability level estimates after each response of the examinees, obtained by both packages in each scenario. It is observed that the estimates after each response are equally accurate, indicating that the performance of both packages is very similar.
On the other hand, Table 3 displays the time employed by each package in the computations for the creation of the CAT and the evaluation of those examined in each scenario. It can be seen that the cat.dt package is barely affected by the number of examinees since the CAT is created before it is administered to the participants. However, the catR package creates a CAT for each examinee, so the computational time is proportional to the number of participants. This causes catR package to take several days in total for the creation and administration of the CAT, whereas package cat.dt takes a few minutes, being this difference larger the higher the number of examinees.
100 items | 200 items | 500 items | |||||
cat.dt | catR | cat.dt | catR | cat.dt | catR | ||
1000 | 93.94 s | 40.23 h | 263.04 s | 81.04 h | 608.71 s | 206.61 h | |
2000 | 160.67 s | 78.55 h | 314.88 s | 162.22 h | 635.54 s | 413.82 h | |
5000 | 160.14 s | 196.98 h | 264.50 s | 406.79 h | 675.42 s | 1033.65 h |
This article has introduced the cat.dt package oriented to the creation of CATs structured in DTs, their visualization, and the estimation of the ability levels of the examinees. Unlike the existing packages, the cat.dt package creates the test before being administered to the examinees, so its performance is independent of the number of participants. For this reason, it is ideal for application to large groups, taking a few minutes to create and administer the test. Besides, it has been shown that the cat.dt package obtains ability level estimates as accurate as those obtained by the catR package, which is widely used in the field of CATs.
This article has been funded by the Spanish National Project No. RTI2018-101857-B-I00.
catR, mirtCAT, catIrt, Matrix, Rglpk, ggplot2
Econometrics, NumericalMathematics, Optimization, Phylogenetics, Psychometrics, Spatial, TeachingStatistics
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Rodríguez-Cuadrado, et al., "cat.dt: An R package for fast construction of accurate Computerized Adaptive Tests using Decision Trees", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-091, author = {Rodríguez-Cuadrado, Javier and Laria, Juan C. and Delgado-Gómez, David}, title = {cat.dt: An R package for fast construction of accurate Computerized Adaptive Tests using Decision Trees}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {}, volume = {13}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {123-134} }