Implementations in R of classical general-purpose algorithms for local optimization generally have two major limitations which cause difficulties in applications to complex problems: too loose convergence criteria and too long calculation time. By relying on a Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm (MLA), a Newton-like method particularly robust for solving local optimization problems, we provide with marqLevAlg package an efficient and general-purpose local optimizer which (i) prevents convergence to saddle points by using a stringent convergence criterion based on the relative distance to minimum/maximum in addition to the stability of the parameters and of the objective function; and (ii) reduces the computation time in complex settings by allowing parallel calculations at each iteration. We demonstrate through a variety of cases from the literature that our implementation reliably and consistently reaches the optimum (even when other optimizers fail) and also largely reduces computational time in complex settings through the example of maximum likelihood estimation of different sophisticated statistical models.
Optimization is an essential task in many computational problems. In statistical modeling, for instance, in the absence of analytical solutions, maximum likelihood estimators are often retrieved using iterative optimization algorithms, which locally solve the problem from given starting values.
Steepest descent algorithms are among the most famous general local optimization algorithms. They generally consist in updating parameters according to the steepest gradient (gradient descent) possibly scaled by the Hessian in the Newton (Newton-Raphson) algorithm or an approximation of the Hessian based on the gradients in the quasi-Newton algorithms (e.g., Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno - BFGS). Newton-like algorithms have been shown to provide good convergence properties (Joe and Nash 2003) and were demonstrated in particular to behave better than Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithms in several contexts of Maximum Likelihood Estimation, such as the random-effect models (Lindstrom and Bates 1988) or the latent class models (Proust and Jacqmin-Gadda 2005). Among Newton methods, the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm, initially proposed by Levenberg (Levenberg 1944), then Marquardt (Marquardt 1963), combines BFGS and gradient descent methods to provide a more robust optimization algorithm. Like other Newton methods, the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm is designed to find a local optimum of the objective function from given initial values. When dealing with multimodal objective functions, it can thus converge to local optimum and needs to be combined with a grid search to retrieve the global optimum.
The R software includes multiple solutions for local and global
optimization tasks (see CRAN task View on
(Theussl et al. 2014)). In particular, the optim
function in
base R offers different
algorithms for general-purpose optimization, and so does
optimx, a more recent
package extending optim
(Nash and Varadhan 2011). Numerous additional packages are
available for different contexts, from nonlinear least square problems
(including some exploiting Marquardt-Levenberg idea like
(Elzhov et al. 2016) and nlmrt
(Nash 2016)) to stochastic optimization and algorithms based on the
simplex approach. However, R software could benefit from a
general-purpose R implementation of the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm.
We present here an R implementation of the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm in the package marqLevAlg, which relies on a stringent convergence criterion based on the first and second derivatives to avoid loosely convergence (Prague et al. 2012) and includes (from version 2.0.1) parallel computations within each iteration to speed up convergence. This implementation is particularly dedicated to complex settings, that is, when a large number of parameters are optimized, and/or the computation of the objective function is time-consuming. The parallel computations speed up the procedure, and the stringent convergence criterion prevents false convergences on the flat regions of the objective function obtained with convergence criteria based on the function stability.
Section 2 and 3 describe the algorithm and the implementation, respectively. Then Section 4 provides an example of a call with the estimation of a linear mixed model. A benchmark of the package is reported in Section 5 with the performances of parallel implementation. Performances of Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm implementation are also challenged in Section 6 using a variety of simple and complex examples from the literature and compared with other optimizers. Finally, Section 7 concludes.
The Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm (MLA) can be used for any problem
where a function
Our improved MLA iteratively updates the vector
When the problem encounters a unique solution, the minimum is reached whatever the chosen initial values.
As in any iterative algorithm, the convergence of MLA is achieved when convergence criteria are fulfilled. In marqLevAlg package, convergence is defined according to three criteria:
The original Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm (Marquardt 1963)
and its implementations (Elzhov et al. 2016; Nash 2016) consider the two
first criteria (as well as a third one based on the angle between the
objective function and its gradient). Yet, these criteria, which are
also used in many other iterative algorithms, do not ensure convergence
towards an actual optimum. They only ensure the convergence towards a
saddle point. We thus chose to complement the parameter and objective
function stability by the relative distance to minimum/maximum. As it
requires the Hessian matrix to be invertible, it prevents any
convergence to a saddle point and is thus essential to ensure that an
optimum is truly reached. When the Hessian is not invertible, RDM is set
to 1+
Although it constitutes a relevant convergence criterion in any
optimization context, RDM was initially designed for log-likelihood
maximization problems, that is, cases where
The three thresholds
MLA update relies on first (
When both the gradient and the Hessian are to be numerically computed,
numerous evaluations of
The number of derivatives thus grows quadratically with the number
When the gradient is analytically calculated, only the second
derivatives have to be approximated, requiring
In both cases, and especially when each calculation of derivative is
long and/or
When the optimization problem is the maximization of the log-likelihood
The call of the marqLevAlg
function, or its shorcut mla
, is the
following :
marqLevAlg(b, m = FALSE, fn, gr = NULL, hess = NULL, maxiter = 500,
epsa = 0.0001, epsb = 0.0001, epsd = 0.0001, digits = 8, = FALSE, blinding = TRUE, multipleTry = 25, nproc = 1,
clustertype = NULL, file = "", .packages = NULL, minimize = TRUE, ...)
Argument b
is the set of initial parameters; alternatively, its length
can be entered. fn
is the function to optimize; it should take the
parameter vector as the first argument, and additional arguments are
passed in …. Optional gr
and hess
refer to the functions
implementing the analytical calculations of the gradient and the Hessian
matrix, respectively. maxiter
is the maximum number of iterations.
Arguments epsa
, epsb
, and epsd
are the thresholds for the three
convergence criteria defined in Section 2.2.
specifies if details on each iteration should be printed;
such information can be reported in a file if argument file
specified, and digits
indicates the number of decimals in the
eventually reported information during optimization. blinding
is an
option allowing the algorithm to go on even when the fn
returns NA, which is then replaced by the arbitrary value of 500,000
(for minimization) and -500,000 (for maximization). Similarly, if an
infinite value is found for the chosen initial values, the multipleTry
option will internally reshape b
(up to multipleTry
times) until a
finite value is got, and the algorithm can be correctly initialized. The
parallel framework is first stated by the nproc
argument, which gives
the number of cores, and by the clustertype
argument (see the next
section). In the case where the fn
function depends on R packages,
these should be given as a character vector in the .packages
Finally, the minimize
argument offers the possibility to minimize or
maximize the objective function fn
; a maximization problem is
implemented as the minimization of the opposite function (-fn
In the absence of analytical gradient calculation, derivatives are
computed in the deriva
subfunction with two loops, one for the first
derivatives and one for the second derivatives. Both loops are
parallelized. The parallelized loops are at most over
When the gradient is calculated analytically, the deriva
is replaced by the deriva_grad
subfunction. It is parallelized in the
same way, but with the parallelization being executed over
In all cases, parallelization is achieved using the
doParallel and
foreach packages. The
snow and multicore options of the doParallel
backend are kept, making
the parallel option of
marqLevAlg package
available on all systems. The user specifies the type of parallel
environment among FORK, SOCK, or MPI in argument clustertype
and the
number of cores in nproc
. For instance,
clustertype = "FORK", nproc = 6
will use FORK technology and 6 cores.
We illustrate how to use marqLevAlg
function with the maximum
likelihood estimation in a linear mixed model
(Laird and Ware 1982). Function loglikLMM
available in the
package implements the log-likelihood of a linear mixed model for a
dependent outcome vector ordered by subject (argument
loglikLMM(b, Y, X, ni)
We consider the dataset dataEx
(available in the package) in which
We first define the quantities to include as an argument in loglikLMM
> Y <- dataEx$Y
> X <- as.matrix(cbind(1, dataEx[, c("t", "X1", "X3")],
+ dataEx$t * dataEx$X1))
> ni <- as.numeric(table(dataEx$i))
The vector of initial parameters to specify in marqLevAlg
call is
created with the trivial values of 0 for the fixed effects and 1 for the
variance components.
> binit <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1)
The maximum likelihood estimation of the linear mixed model in
sequential mode is then run using a simple call to marqLevAlg
for a maximization (with argument minimize = FALSE
> estim <- marqLevAlg(b = binit, fn = loglikLMM, minimize = FALSE,
+ X = X, Y = Y, ni = ni)
> estim
Robust marqLevAlg algorithm
marqLevAlg(b = binit, fn = loglikLMM, minimize = FALSE, X = X,
Y = Y, ni = ni)
Iteration process:
Number of parameters: 7
Number of iterations: 18
Optimized objective function: -6836.754
Convergence criteria satisfied
Convergence criteria: parameters stability= 3.2e-07
: objective function stability= 4.35e-06
: Matrix inversion for RDM successful
: relative distance to maximum(RDM)= 0
Final parameter values:
50.115 0.106 2.437 2.949 -0.376 -5.618 3.015
The printed output estim
shows that the algorithm converged in 18
iterations with convergence criteria of 3.2e-07, 4.35e-06, and 0 for
parameters stability, objective function stability, and RDM,
respectively. The output also displays the list of coefficient values at
the optimum. All this information can also be recovered in the estim
object, where item b
contains the estimated coefficients.
As mentioned in Section 2.4, in log-likelihood
maximization problems, the inverse of the Hessian given by the program
provides an estimate of the variance-covariance matrix of the
coefficients at the optimum. The upper triangular matrix of the inverse
Hessian is thus systematically computed in object v
. When appropriate,
the summary
function can output this information with option
loglik = TRUE
. With this option, the summary also includes the square
root of these variances (i.e., the standards errors), the corresponding
Wald statistic, the associated
> summary(estim, loglik = TRUE)
Robust marqLevAlg algorithm
marqLevAlg(b = binit, fn = loglikLMM, minimize = FALSE, X = X,
Y = Y, ni = ni)
Iteration process:
Number of parameters: 7
Number of iterations: 18
Optimized objective function: -6836.754
Convergence criteria satisfied
Convergence criteria: parameters stability= 3.2e-07
: objective function stability= 4.35e-06
: Matrix inversion for RDM successful
: relative distance to maximum(RDM)= 0
Final parameter values:
coef SE.coef Wald P.value binf bsup
50.115 0.426 13839.36027 0e+00 49.280 50.950
0.106 0.026 16.02319 6e-05 0.054 0.157
2.437 0.550 19.64792 1e-05 1.360 3.515
2.949 0.032 8416.33202 0e+00 2.886 3.012
-0.376 0.037 104.82702 0e+00 -0.449 -0.304
-5.618 0.189 883.19775 0e+00 -5.989 -5.248
3.015 0.049 3860.64370 0e+00 2.919 3.110
The exact same model can also be estimated in a parallel mode using FORK implementation of parallelism (here with two cores):
> estim2 <- marqLevAlg(b = binit, fn = loglikLMM, minimize = FALSE,
+ nproc = 2, clustertype = "FORK",
+ X = X, Y = Y, ni = ni)
It can also be estimated by using analytical gradients (provided in
gradient function gradLMM
with the same arguments as loglikLMM
> estim3 <- marqLevAlg(b = binit, fn = loglikLMM, gr = gradLMM,
+ minimize = FALSE, X = X, Y = Y, ni = ni)
In all three situations, the program converges to the same maximum as shown in Table 1 for the estimation process and Table 2 for the parameter estimates. The iteration process is identical when using either the sequential or the parallel code (number of iterations, final convergence criteria, etc.). It necessarily differs slightly when using the analytical gradient, as the computation steps are not identical (e.g., here it converges in 15 iterations rather than 18), but all the final results are identical.
Object estim | Object estim2 | Object estim3 | |
Number of cores | 1 | 2 | 1 |
Analytical gradient | no | no | yes |
Objective Function | -6836.754 | -6836.754 | -6836.754 |
Number of iterations | 18 | 18 | 15 |
Parameter Stability | 3.174428e-07 | 3.174428e-07 | 6.633702e-09 |
Likelihood stability | 4.352822e-06 | 4.352822e-06 | 9.159612e-08 |
RDM | 1.651774e-12 | 1.651774e-12 | 2.935418e-17 |
Object estim | Object estim2 | Object estim3 | ||||
Coef | SE | Coef | SE | Coef | SE | |
Parameter 1 | 50.1153 | 0.4260 | 50.1153 | 0.4260 | 50.1153 | 0.4260 |
Parameter 2 | 0.1055 | 0.0264 | 0.1055 | 0.0264 | 0.1055 | 0.0264 |
Parameter 3 | 2.4372 | 0.5498 | 2.4372 | 0.5498 | 2.4372 | 0.5498 |
Parameter 4 | 2.9489 | 0.0321 | 2.9489 | 0.0321 | 2.9489 | 0.0321 |
Parameter 5 | -0.3764 | 0.0368 | -0.3764 | 0.0368 | -0.3764 | 0.0368 |
Parameter 6 | -5.6183 | 0.1891 | -5.6183 | 0.1891 | 5.6183 | 0.1891 |
Parameter 7 | 3.0145 | 0.0485 | 3.0145 | 0.0485 | 3.0145 | 0.0485 |
We aimed at evaluating and comparing the performances of the parallelization in some time-consuming examples. We focused on three examples of sophisticated models from the mixed models area, estimated by maximum likelihood. These examples rely on packages using three different languages, thus illustrating the behavior of marqLevAlg package with a program exclusively written in R (JM, Rizopoulos (2010)) and programs, including Rcpp (CInLPN, Taddé et al. (2019)) and Fortran90 (lcmm, Proust-Lima et al. (2017)) languages, widely used in complex situations.
We first describe the generated dataset on which the benchmark has been realized. We then introduce each statistical model and associated program. Finally, we detail the results obtained with the three programs. Each time, the model has been estimated sequentially and with a varying number of cores in order to provide the program speed-up. We used a Linux cluster with 32 cores machines and 100 replicates to assess the variability. Codes and datasets used in this section are available at
We generated a dataset of 20,000 subjects having repeated measurements
of a marker Ycens
(measured at times t
) up to a right-censored time
of event tsurv
with the indicator that the event occurred event
. The
data were generated according to a 4 latent class joint model
(Proust-Lima et al. 2014). This model assumes that the population is
divided into 4 latent classes, each class having a specific trajectory
of the marker defined according to a linear mixed model with specific
parameters, and specific risk of event defined according to a parametric
proportional hazard model with specific parameters too. The
class-specific linear mixed model included a basis of natural cubic
splines with 3 equidistant knots taken at times 5, 10 and 15, associated
with fixed and correlated random effects. The proportional hazard model
included a class-specific Weibull risk adjusted on 3 covariates: one
binary (Bernoulli with 50% probability) and two continous variables
(standard Gaussian and Gaussian with mean 45 and standard deviation 8).
The proportion of individuals in each class is about 22%, 17%, 34%, and
27% in the sample.
Below are given the five first rows of the three first subjects:
i class X1 X2 X3 t Ycens tsurv event
1 1 2 0 0.6472205 43.42920 0 61.10632 20.000000 0
2 1 2 0 0.6472205 43.42920 1 60.76988 20.000000 0
3 1 2 0 0.6472205 43.42920 2 58.72617 20.000000 0
4 1 2 0 0.6472205 43.42920 3 56.76015 20.000000 0
5 1 2 0 0.6472205 43.42920 4 54.04558 20.000000 0
22 2 1 0 0.3954846 43.46060 0 37.95302 3.763148 1
23 2 1 0 0.3954846 43.46060 1 34.48660 3.763148 1
24 2 1 0 0.3954846 43.46060 2 31.39679 3.763148 1
25 2 1 0 0.3954846 43.46060 3 27.81427 3.763148 1
26 2 1 0 0.3954846 43.46060 4 NA 3.763148 1
43 3 3 0 1.0660837 42.08057 0 51.60877 15.396958 1
44 3 3 0 1.0660837 42.08057 1 53.80671 15.396958 1
45 3 3 0 1.0660837 42.08057 2 51.11840 15.396958 1
46 3 3 0 1.0660837 42.08057 3 50.64331 15.396958 1
47 3 3 0 1.0660837 42.08057 4 50.87873 15.396958 1
The maximum likelihood estimation of joint shared random effect models
has been made available in R with the
JM package
(Rizopoulos 2010). The implemented optimization functions are
and nlminb
. We added the marqLevALg
function for the purpose
of this example. We considered a subsample of the simulated dataset,
consisting of 5,000 randomly selected subjects.
The joint shared random effect model is divided into two submodels jointly estimated:
where, in our example,
where, in our example, the vector
The length of the total vector of parameters
One particularity of this model is that the log-likelihood does not have a closed-form. It involves an integral over the random effects (here, of dimension 4), which is numerically computed using an adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature with 3 integration points for this example.
As package JM includes an analytical computation of the gradient, we ran two estimations: one with the analytical gradient and one with the numerical approximation to compare the speed up and execution times.
The second example is a latent class linear mixed model, as implemented
in the hlme
function of the
lcmm R package. The
function uses a previous implementation of the Marquardt algorithm coded
in Fortran90 and in sequential mode. For the purpose of this example, we
extracted the log-likelihood computation programmed in Fortran90 to be
used with marqLevAlg
The latent class linear mixed model consists of two submodels estimated jointly:
where, in this example,
The log-likelihood of this model has a closed-form, but it involves the logarithm of a sum over latent classes, which can become computationally demanding. We estimated the model on the total sample of 20,000 subjects with 1, 2, 3, and 4 latent classes, which corresponded to 10, 18, 26, and 34 parameters to estimate, respectively.
The last example is provided by the CInLPN package, which relies on
the Rcpp language. The function fits a multivariate linear mixed model
combined with a system of difference equations in order to retrieve
temporal influences between several repeated markers (Taddé et al. 2019). We
used the data example provided in the package where three continuous
markers L_1
, L_2
, L_3
were repeatedly measured over time. The
model related each marker
Again, the log-likelihood of this model that depends on 27 parameters has a closed-form, but it may involve complex calculations.
All the models have been estimated with 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 cores. To fairly compare the execution times, we ensured that changing the number of cores did not affect the final estimation point or the number of iterations needed to converge. The mean of the speed up over the 100 replicates is reported in Table 3 and plotted in Figure 1.
JM | hlme | CInLPN | |||||
analytic | numeric | G=1 | G=2 | G=3 | G=4 | ||
Number of parameters | 40 | 40 | 10 | 18 | 26 | 34 | 27 |
Number of iterations | 16 | 16 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 13 |
Number of elements in foreach loop | 40 | 860 | 65 | 189 | 377 | 629 | 405 |
Sequential time (seconds) | 4279 | 14737 | 680 | 3703 | 10402 | 22421 | 272 |
Speed up with 2 cores | 1.85 | 1.93 | 1.78 | 1.93 | 1.94 | 1.96 | 1.89 |
Speed up with 3 cores | 2.40 | 2.80 | 2.35 | 2.81 | 2.88 | 2.92 | 2.75 |
Speed up with 4 cores | 2.97 | 3.57 | 2.90 | 3.58 | 3.80 | 3.87 | 3.56 |
Speed up with 6 cores | 3.66 | 4.90 | 3.49 | 5.01 | 5.44 | 5.66 | 4.95 |
Speed up with 8 cores | 4.15 | 5.84 | 3.71 | 5.84 | 6.90 | 7.26 | 5.96 |
Speed up with 10 cores | 4.23 | 6.69 | 3.98 | 6.70 | 8.14 | 8.96 | 6.89 |
Speed up with 15 cores | 4.32 | 7.24 | 3.59 | 7.29 | 10.78 | 12.25 | 8.14 |
Speed up with 20 cores | 4.28 | 7.61 | 3.11 | 7.71 | 12.00 | 15.23 | 8.36 |
Speed up with 25 cores | 3.76 | 7.29 | 2.60 | 7.37 | 12.30 | 16.84 | 8.11 |
Speed up with 30 cores | 3.41 | 6.82 | 2.47 | 6.82 | 13.33 | 17.89 | 7.83 |
The joint shared random effect model (JM
) converged in 16 iterations
after 4279 seconds in sequential mode when using the analytical
gradient. Running the algorithm in parallel on 2 cores made the
execution 1.85 times shorter. Computational time was gradually reduced
with a number of cores between 2 and 10 to reach a maximal speed up
slightly above 4. With 15, 20, 25, or 30 cores, the performances were no
more improved, the speed up showing even a slight reduction, probably
due to the overhead. In contrast, when the program involved numerical
computations of the gradient, the parallelization reduced the
computation time by a factor of almost 8 at maximum. The better speed-up
performances with a numerical gradient calculation were expected since
the parallel loops iterate over more elements.
The second example, the latent class mixed model estimation (hlme
showed an improvement of the performances as the complexity of the
models increased. The simple linear mixed model (one class model), like
the joint models with analytical gradient, reached a maximum speed-up of
4 with 10 cores. The two-class mixed model with 18 parameters showed a
maximum speed up of 7.71 with 20 cores. Finally, the 3 and 4-class mixed
models reached speed-ups of 13.33 and 17.89 with 30 cores and might
still be improved with larger resources.
The running time of the third program (CInLPN) was also progressively reduced with the increasing number of cores reaching the maximal speed-up of 8.36 for 20 cores.
In these 7 examples, the speed up systematically reached almost 2 with 2 cores, and it remained interesting with 3 or 4 cores, although some variations in the speed-up performances began to be observed according to the complexity of the objective function computations. This highlights the benefit of the parallel implementation of MLA, even on personal computers. As the number of cores continued to increase, the speed-up performances varied a lot. Among our examples, the most promising situation was the one of the latent class mixed model (with a program in Fortran90) where the speed-up was up to 15 for 20 cores with the 4 class model.
The Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm has been previously implemented in the
context of nonlinear least squares problems in
minpack.lm and
nlmrt. We ran the examples
provided in these two packages with marqLevAlg
and compared the
algorithms in terms of the final solution (that is, the residual
sum-of-squares) and runtime. Results are shown in the supplementary
material. Our implementation reached exactly the same value as the two
others but performed slower in these simple examples.
We also compared the sensitivity to initial values of marqLevAlg
minpack.lm using a
simple example from
minpack.lm. We ran
the two implementations of MLA on 100 simulated datasets, each one from
100 different starting points (see supplementary material). On the 10000
runs, marqLevAlg
converged in 51.55% of the cases whereas the
minpack.lm converged
in 65.98% of the cases. However, 1660 estimations that converged
according to nls.lm criteria were far from the effective optimum. This
reduced the proportion of satisfying convergences with
minpack.lm to 49.38%
(so similar rate as marqLevAlg
) but more importantly illustrated the
convergence to saddle points when using classical convergence criteria.
In contrast, all the convergences with
marqLevAlg were
closed to the effective solution thanks to its stringent RDM convergence
We tested our algorithm on 35 optimization problems designed by
More et al. (1981) to test unconstrained optimization software and compared the
performances with those of several other optimizers, namely
Nelder-Mead, BFGS, conjugate gradients (CG) implemented in the optim
function, L-BFGS-B algorithm from optimParallel
, and nlminb
. Each
problem consists of a function to optimize from given starting points.
The results are presented in supplementary material in terms of bias
between the real solution and the final value of the objective function.
Our implementation of MLA converged in almost all the cases (31 out of
35), and provided almost no bias. Except for nlminb, which showed
similar very good performances, the other algorithms converged at least
once very far from the effective objective value. In addition,
Nelder-Mead and CG algorithms converged only in approximately half of
the cases.
Our implementation is particularly dedicated to complex problems involving many parameters and/or complex objective function calculation. We illustrate here its performances and compare them with other algorithms for the likelihood maximization of a joint model for longitudinal and time-to-event data, as an example of complex objective function optimization.
The JM package
(Rizopoulos (2010)), dedicated to the maximum likelihood estimation of
joint models, includes several optimization algorithms, namely the BFGS
of optim
function and an expectation-maximization (EM) technique
internally implemented. It thus offers a nice framework to compare the
reliability of MLA to find the maximum likelihood in a complex setting
with the reliability of other optimization algorithms. We used in this
comparison the prothro
dataset described in the
JM package and elsewhere
Andersen et al. (1993). It consists of
a randomized trial in which 488 subjects were split into two treatment
arms (prednisone versus placebo). Repeated measures of prothrombin
ratio were collected over time as well as time to death. The
longitudinal part of the joint model included a linear trajectory with
time in the study, an indicator of the first measurement and their
interaction with the treatment group. Correlated individual random
effects on the intercept and the slope with time were also included. The
survival part was a proportional hazard model adjusted for the treatment
group as well as the dynamics of the longitudinal outcome either through
the current value of the marker or its slope or both. The baseline risk
function was approximated by B-splines with one internal knot. The total
number of parameters to estimate was 17 or 18 (10 for the longitudinal
submodel and 7 for the survival submodel, given that only the curent
value of the marker or its slope or 8 for the survival model when both
the current level and the slope were considered). The marker initially
ranged from 6 to 176 (mean=79.0, sd=27.3).
To investigate the consistency of the results to different dimensions of
the marker, we also considered cases where the marker was rescaled by a
factor 0.1 or 10. In these cases, the log-likelihood was rescaled a
posteriori to the original dimension of the marker to make the
comparisons possible. The starting point was systematically set at the
default initial value of the jointModel
function, which is the
estimation point obtained from the separated linear mixed model and
proportional hazard model.
In addition to EM and BFGS included in JM
package, we also compared
the MLA performances with those of the parallel implementation of the
L-BFGS-B algorithm provided by the
package. Codes and dataset used in this section are available at
MLA and L-BFGS-B ran on 3 cores. MLA converged when the three criteria
defined in section 2.2 were satisfied with tolerance
0.0001, 0.0001, and 0.0001 for the parameters, the likelihood, and the
RDM, respectively. BFGS and L-BFGS-B converged when the convergence
criterion on the log-likelihood was satisfied with the square root of
the tolerance of the machine (
Nature of | Algorithm | Scaling | Rescaled log- | Variation of | Variation of | Number of | Time in |
dependency | factor | likelihood | value (%) | slope (%) | iterations | seconds | |
value | BFGS | 1 | -13958.55 | -3.73 | 120 | 27.39 | |
value | BFGS | 0.1 | -13957.91 | -0.01 | 490 | 116.33 | |
value | BFGS | 10 | -13961.54 | -9.28 | 91 | 18.16 | |
value | LBFGSB | 1 | -13958.41 | -3.56 | 289 | 79.07 | |
value | LBFGSB | 0.1 | -13957.69 | -0.11 | 244 | 67.53 | |
value | LBFGSB | 10 | error | ||||
value | EM | 1 | -13957.91 | -0.29 | 66 | 72.44 | |
value | EM | 0.1 | -13957.72 | 0.14 | 104 | 106.70 | |
value | EM | 10 | -13957.94 | -0.59 | 62 | 67.80 | |
value | MLA | 1 | -13957.69 | -0.00 | 7 | 34.37 | |
value | MLA | 0.1 | -13957.69 | -0.00 | 6 | 29.48 | |
value | MLA | 10 | -13957.69 | -0.00 | 17 | 75.48 | |
slope | BFGS | 1 | -13961.41 | -1.85 | 251 | 52.76 | |
slope | BFGS | 0.1 | -13961.23 | -1.37 | 391 | 87.61 | |
slope | BFGS | 10 | -13980.90 | -13.98 | 444 | 80.16 | |
slope | LBFGSB | 1 | -13960.69 | -0.15 | 266 | 60.29 | |
slope | LBFGSB | 0.1 | -13960.70 | -0.27 | 206 | 47.87 | |
slope | LBFGSB | 10 | -13962.56 | -2.87 | 823 | 182.20 | |
slope | EM | 1 | -13960.69 | 0.17 | 170 | 161.64 | |
slope | EM | 0.1 | -13960.69 | 0.02 | 208 | 196.68 | |
slope | EM | 10 | -13960.70 | 0.08 | 156 | 159.58 | |
slope | MLA | 1 | -13960.69 | -0.00 | 11 | 48.00 | |
slope | MLA | 0.1 | -13960.69 | -0.00 | 11 | 48.10 | |
slope | MLA | 10 | -13960.69 | 0.00 | 14 | 61.61 | |
both | BFGS | 1 | -13951.60 | 15.97 | -28.17 | 164 | 37.83 |
both | BFGS | 0.1 | -13949.82 | 2.66 | -4.63 | 502 | 132.84 |
both | BFGS | 10 | -13965.25 | 40.31 | -95.26 | 52 | 10.48 |
both | LBFGSB | 1 | -13950.04 | -1.67 | 7.10 | 800 | 177.61 |
both | LBFGSB | 0.1 | -13949.42 | -0.01 | 0.38 | 411 | 93.31 |
both | LBFGSB | 10 | -13985.72 | 67.33 | -147.30 | 18 | 7.75 |
both | EM | 1 | -13949.82 | 4.10 | -7.22 | 159 | 186.69 |
both | EM | 0.1 | -13949.44 | 1.68 | -3.66 | 156 | 152.89 |
both | EM | 10 | -13950.46 | 10.67 | -16.31 | 142 | 220.07 |
both | MLA | 1 | -13949.42 | -0.00 | -0.00 | 10 | 49.91 |
both | MLA | 0.1 | -13949.42 | -0.00 | 0.00 | 10 | 51.63 |
both | MLA | 10 | -13949.42 | -0.00 | 0.00 | 24 | 121.69 |
Table 4 compares the convergence obtained using the four optimization methods when considering a pseudo-adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature with 15 points. All the algorithms converged correctly according to the programs except one with L-BFGS-B, which gave an error (non-finite value) during optimization. Although the model for a given association structure is exactly the same, some differences were observed in the final maximum log-likelihood (computed in the original scale of prothrombin ratio). The final log-likelihood obtained by MLA was always the same, whatever the outcome’s scaling, showing its consistency. It was also higher than the one obtained using the three other algorithms, showing that BFGS, L-BFGS-B, and, to a lesser extent, EM did not systematically converge toward the effective maximum. The difference could go up to 20 points of log-likelihood for BFGS in the example with the current slope of the marker as the association structure. The convergence also differed according to outcome’s scaling with BFGS/L-BFGS-B and slightly with EM, even though, in general, the EM algorithm seemed relatively stable in this example. The less stringent convergence of BFGS/L-BFGS-B and, to a lesser extent, of EM had also consequences on the parameters estimates as roughly illustrated in Table 4 with the percentage of variation in the association parameters of prothrombin dynamics estimated in the survival model (either the current value or the current slope) in comparison with the estimate obtained using MLA which gives the overall maximum likelihood. The better performances of MLA were not at the expense of the number of iterations since MLA converged in at most 22 iterations, whereas several hundreds of iterations could be required for EM or BFGS. Note, however, that one iteration of MLA is much more computationally demanding.
Finally, for BFGS, the problem of convergence was even more apparent when the outcome was scaled by a factor 10. Indeed, the optimal log-likelihood of the model assuming a bivariate association structure (on the current level and the current slope) was worse than the optimal log-likelihood of its nested model, which assumes an association structure only on the current level (i.e., constraining the parameter for the current slope to 0). We faced the same situation with the L-BFGS-B algorithm when comparing the log-likelihoods with a bivariate association and with an association through the current slope only.
We proposed in this paper a general-purpose optimization algorithm based on a robust Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm. The program, written in R and Fortran90, is available in marqLevAlg R package. It provides a very nice alternative to other optimization packages available in R software such as optim, roptim (Pan 2020), or optimx (Nash and Varadhan 2011) for addressing complex optimization problems. In particular, as shown in our examples, notably the estimation of joint models, it is more reliable than classical alternatives (in particular EM, BFGS, and L-BFGS-B). This is due to the very good convergence properties of the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm associated with very stringent convergence criteria based on the first and second derivatives of the objective function, which avoids spurious convergence at saddle points (Commenges et al. 2006).
The Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm is known for its very computationally intensive iterations due to the computation of the first and second derivatives. However, compared to other algorithms, it converges in a very small number of iterations (usually less than 30 iterations). This may not make MLA competitive in terms of running time in simple and rapid settings. However, the parallel computations of the derivatives can largely speed up the program and make it very competitive with alternatives in terms of running time in complex settings.
We chose in our implementation to rely on the RDM criterion, which is a very stringent convergence criterion. As it is based on the inverse of the Hessian matrix, it may cause non-convergence issues when some parameters are at the border of the parameter space (for instance, 0 for a parameter constrained to be positive). In that case, we recommend fixing the parameter at the border of the parameter space and running the optimization again on the rest of the parameters. In cases where the stabilities of the log-likelihood and of the parameters are considered sufficient to ensure satisfactory convergence, the program outputs might be interpreted despite a lack of convergence according to the RDM, as is done for other algorithms that only converge according to the parameter and/or objective function stability.
As with any other optimization algorithm based on the steepest descent,
MLA is a local optimizer. It does not ensure the convergence of
multimodal objective functions toward the global optimum. In such a
context, we recommend the use of a grid search which consists in running
the algorithm from a grid of (random) initial values and retaining the
best result as the final solution. We illustrate in supplementary
material how this technique succeeds in finding the global minimum with
the Wild function of the optim
help page.
marqLevAlg is not the
first optimizer to exploit parallel computations. Other R optimizers
include a parallel mode, in particular stochastic optimization packages
like DEoptim
(Mullen et al. 2011), GA
(Scrucca 2017), rgenoud
(Mebane, Jr. and Sekhon 2011), or
(Zambrano-Bigiarini and Rojas 2020). We compared these packages, the local optimizer of
, and
marqLevAlg for the
estimation of the linear mixed model described in Section 4.
For this specific problem marqLevAlg
was the fastest, followed by
(results shown in supplementary files).
With its parallel implementation of derivative calculations combined with very good convergence properties of MLA, marqLevAlg package provides a promising solution for the estimation of complex statistical models in R. We have chosen for the moment to parallelize the derivatives, which is very useful for optimization problems involving many parameters. However, we could also easily parallelize the computation of the objective function when the latter is decomposed into independent sub-computations, as is the log-likelihood computed independently on the statistical units. This alternative is currently under development.
This work was funded by French National Research Agency [grant number ANR-18-CE36-0004-01 for project DyMES].
The computing facilities MCIA (Mésocentre de Calcul Intensif Aquitain) at the Université de Bordeaux and the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour provided advice on parallel computing technologies, as well as computer time.
base, optimx, minpack.lm, nlmrt, marqLevAlg, doParallel, foreach, JM, lcmm, optimParallel, optim, roptim, DEoptim, GA, rgenoud, hydroPSO
ChemPhys, Cluster, HighPerformanceComputing, Hydrology, MachineLearning, Optimization, Survival
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Philipps, et al., "Robust and Efficient Optimization Using a Marquardt-Levenberg Algorithm with R Package marqLevAlg", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-089, author = {Philipps, Viviane and Hejblum, Boris P. and Prague, Mélanie and Commenges, Daniel and Proust-Lima, Cécile}, title = {Robust and Efficient Optimization Using a Marquardt-Levenberg Algorithm with R Package marqLevAlg}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {}, volume = {13}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {365-379} }