Partial association, the dependency between variables after adjusting for a set of covariates, is an important statistical notion for scientific research. However, if the variables of interest are ordered categorical data, the development of statistical methods and software for assessing their partial association is limited. Following the framework established by Liu et al. (2021), we develop an R package PAsso for assessing Partial Associations between ordinal variables. The package provides various functions that allow users to perform a wide spectrum of assessments, including quantification, visualization, and hypothesis testing. In this paper, we discuss the implementation of PAsso in detail and demonstrate its utility through an analysis of the 2016 American National Election Study.
Partial association analysis plays an important role in scientific research. It uncovers the dependency between variables after adjusting for a set of covariates, which are often considered as potential confounding factors. For continuous data, a conventional approach to assessing partial association consists of two steps: (1) regress each variable on the same set of covariates using linear regression, and (2) inspect the association between the residuals from each regression model. However, it remains challenging when the data of interest are recorded in ordinal scales. One of the challenges is that the regression models for ordinal data, such as the cumulative link models (McCullagh 1980), do not have well-defined residuals that maintain the same properties as those from linear regression. Simply treating ordinal data as continuous and applying the conventional approach may lead to misleading results (Agresti 2010). To this end, Liu et al. (2021) proposed to use the surrogate residuals (Liu and Zhang 2018), a type of residual developed for ordinal regression, to assess partial associations between ordinal data. They developed a unified framework allowing quantification, hypothesis testing, and visualization of partial association. Their proposed methods can capture linear, monotonic, and non-monotonic associations. To make their methods readily and widely applicable in practice, we develop the R package PAsso (Partial Association). The goal of this paper is to introduce this package in both implementation and utility.
Consider a pair of ordinal variables \(Y_1=\{1,...,J_1\}\) and \(Y_2=\{1,...,J_2\}\), where the recorded values represent labels of ordered categories. Let \(\{X_1,...,X_p\}\) be a set of covariates to be adjusted for. We consider such a bivariate scenario in this paper unless indicated otherwise. To assess the partial association between \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\), Liu et al. (2021) proposed to assess the association between their corresponding surrogate residuals (Liu and Zhang 2018). It mimics the conventional approach as if \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\) were continuous variables. Specifically, they first apply ordinal regression models, such as the cumulative link model, to \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\) separately, and derive corresponding surrogate residuals \(R_1\) and \(R_2\). Then, assessing the partial association between \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\) is equivalent to assessing the association between \(R_1\) and \(R_2\). The validity of this approach is supported by the key result in Liu et al. (2021), which shows that the independence between the surrogate residuals \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) is a sufficient and necessary condition for the partial independence between the ordinal variables \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\). We provide a more detailed review of their framework subsequently in this paper.
The R package PAsso provides three types of association measures discussed in Liu et al. (2021). They are Pearson-correlation-based measure \(\phi_{\rho}\), Kendall-tau-based measure \(\phi_{\tau}\), and a copula-based measure, Schweizer-Wolff’s sigma-based \(\phi_{\sigma}\). Specifically, \[\begin{aligned} & \phi_{\rho}=\rho(R_1,R_2)=\text{Cov}(R_1,R_2)\big/\sqrt{\text{Var}(R_1)\text{Var}(R_2)}; \label{eq:phi_rho} \\ \end{aligned} \tag{1}\]
\[\begin{aligned} & \phi_{\tau}= \tau(R_1,R_2)=\Pr\{(R_1-R_1^*)(R_2-R_2^*)>0\}-\Pr\{(R_1-R_1^*)(R_2-R_2^*)<0\}; \label{eq:phi_tau}\\ \end{aligned} \tag{2}\]
\[\begin{aligned} & \phi_{\sigma}=12 \iint_{[0,1]^2}|C(u,v)-uv |dudv, \quad where\ C(u,v)=\Pr\{G_1(R_1)\leq u, G_2(R_2)\leq v\}. \label{eq:phi_sigma} \end{aligned} \tag{3}\] These measures are proposed in order to capture linear, monotonic, and non-monotonic relationships, respectively. For the purpose of comparison, the package also computes the Pearson correlation coefficient, Kendall’s tau coefficient (Kendall 1938), and Schweizer-Wolff’s sigma (Schweizer and Wolff 1981) for marginal associations between \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\). This is convenient and useful as the marginal association is often firstly examined and set to be compared with the partial association. Furthermore, the package allows analyses for multiple variables beyond the bivariate case so that it delivers an association matrix as one of the key outputs.
In addition, bootstrap-based standard errors and p-values are reported in order to test partial independence, i.e., \(H_0: \phi= 0\), where \(\phi\) is a general notation for the measure of partial association, including \(\phi_{\rho}\), \(\phi_{\tau}\), and \(\phi_{\sigma}\) as defined in (1)-(3). The package also provides additional flexibility to users who may wish to test whether the partial dependence is negligible at a certain threshold \(\delta\), i.e., \(H_0: |\phi|\le \delta\) instead of \(H_0: \phi= 0\). Besides quantitative analysis outcomes, the package provides graphical tools, including partial regression plots and 3-D probability-to-probability plots (P-P plot). These graphical tools visualize the shape and strength of partial association, enabling further analysis that may help to gain extra insights. It is worth noting that the package PAsso also provides model diagnostic tools (Liu and Zhang 2018), which is similar to those in the R package sure (Greenwell et al. 2018).
Although the focus of this paper is on ordinal data, the package PAsso can also deal with binary data. In fact, the binary outcome is a special case of ordered categorical data with two categories. The commonly used regression models are binary probit or logit model, for which the definition of surrogate residual remains the same. In the rest of this paper, we first review the framework established by Liu et al. (2021). Then, we provide an overview of the package PAsso, following which we demonstrate its utility with a real data analysis of the 2016 American National Election Study (ANES).
To assess the partial association between ordinal variables, Liu et al. (2021)’s framework uses the surrogate residual (Liu and Zhang 2018) as a key tool. Consider the cumulative link model \[\begin{aligned} G^{-1}(P(Y\le j))=\alpha_{j}-{\mathbf X}\mathbf \beta, \quad j=1, 2,..., J, \label{eq:cumul} \end{aligned} \tag{4}\] where the intercepts satisfy \(-\infty=\alpha_0<\alpha_1<\alpha_2<\dots<\alpha_J=+\infty\), and \(G^{-1}(\cdot)\) is a pre-specified link function. For example, \(G^{-1}(u)=\Phi^{-1}(u)\) results in the ordered probit model, and \(G^{-1}(u)=\log(\frac{u}{1-u})\) results in the ordered logit model, also known as proportional odds model. Model (4) can be thought of as arising from a latent variable model \[\begin{aligned} Z=f({\mathbf X}, \mathbf \beta)+\epsilon, \label{eq:latent} \end{aligned} \tag{5}\] where \(\epsilon \sim G(\cdot)\), and \(Z\) is the latent continuous variable such that \(Y=j\) if \(Z \in (\alpha_{j-1}, \alpha_{j}]\). Given the observed category of \(Y\), Liu and Zhang (2018) defined a surrogate variable \(S\) as \[\begin{aligned} S|(Y=j) \sim Z|(\alpha_{j-1}<Z\le \alpha_{j}). \label{eq:S} \end{aligned} \tag{6}\] On the continuous scale of \(S\), Liu and Zhang (2018) defined the surrogate residual \(R\) as \(R=S-E(S|\mathbf X)\). The statistical properties of the surrogate residual \(R\) are similar to the classical residuals defined for linear regression models. The notion also applies to other general ordinal regression models. We refer readers to Liu and Zhang (2018) for more details of the surrogate residuals.
To assess the partial association between ordinal variables \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\), Liu et al. (2021) proposed to assess the association between their corresponding surrogate residuals \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) from ordinal regression models. This approach mimics the conventional way of assessing the partial association between continuous variables and has been justified by their key result. Specifically, conditional on a set of covariates \(\mathbf X=\{X_1,...,X_p\}\), \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\) are independent if and only if their surrogate residuals \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) are independent. That is, \[\begin{aligned} (Y_1 \!\perp\!\!\!\perp Y_2) \mid \mathbf X \Leftrightarrow R_1 \!\perp\!\!\!\perp R_2 \mid \mathbf X. \end{aligned}\] Based on this result, Liu et al. (2021) developed a new framework for assessing ordinal-ordinal partial association. The framework includes a set of new methods to quantify, visualize and test the association.
As for quantification, Liu et al. (2021) justified the advantages of using their proposed measure \(\phi\). First, the measure \(\phi\) reflects the association between ordinal variables rather than that between latent continuous variables. It does not constrain itself to probit models but broadly applies to models with non-probit link functions. Its variants (1), (2), and (3) can capture linear, monotonic, and general associations. These features make the association measure \(\phi\) fundamentally different from the polychoric correlation (Tallis 1962), a classical association measure that describes the linear association between the latent normal variables. Moreover, their association measures do not require an upfront specification of a joint distribution of \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\). Instead, their framework only requires the marginal model for each \(Y\) to be correctly specified. It thus achieved the so-called “division of labor,” where the efforts of specifying marginal models and association structure are divided. This property has been seen in the development of generalized estimating equations (GEEs) and copula models. It enables us to compute the correlation matrix for a high-dimensional set of ordinal variables with affordable computational cost.
To reduce the variability caused by the simulation of the surrogate variable \(S\) in (6), (Liu et al. 2021) suggested using the average \[\begin{aligned} \hat{\phi}^{(M)}=\frac{1}{M}\sum_{m=1}^{M} \hat{\phi}^{(m)}, \label{eq:phi_hat} \end{aligned} \tag{7}\] where \(\hat{\phi}^{(m)}\) is calculated based on the \(m\)th draw of the surrogate residuals \((R_1^{(m)}, R_2^{(m)})\) for \(m=1,...,M\), and all draws are independent. Specifically, after fitting the two marginal regression models, we draw \(M\) independent sets of surrogate residuals for each model, i.e., \((R_1^{(1)},...,R_1^{(M)})\) and \((R_2^{(1)},...,R_2^{(M)})\). Then \(\hat{\phi}^{(m)}\) is obtained based on \((R_1^{(m)}, R_2^{(m)})\), the \(m\)th draw of surrogate residuals. They numerically found that \(M=30\) is sufficient to stabilize the variance.
Liu et al. (2021) showed how to use (7) to make inferences, such as calculating standard errors, confidence intervals, and \(p\)-values. They established a bootstrap scheme to approximate the empirical distribution of \(\hat{\phi}^{(M)}\) in (7). Specifically, it generates \(B\) bootstrap samples from the original data and obtains a set of bootstrap estimates \(\{\hat{\phi}^{(M)}_{1}, \hat{\phi}^{(M)}_{2}, ..., \hat{\phi}^{(M)}_{B}\}\). Denote the empirical distribution of \(\{\hat{\phi}^{(M)}_{1}, \hat{\phi}^{(M)}_{2}, ..., \hat{\phi}^{(M)}_{B}\}\) by \(\hat{F}_B(\phi)\). This distribution approximates the distribution of \(\hat{\phi}^{(M)}\). Therefore, the standard deviation of the bootstrap distribution \(\hat{F}_B(\phi)\) is an estimate of standard error of \(\hat{\phi}^{(M)}\). The interval \((\hat{F}^{-1}_B(\alpha/2), \hat{F}^{-1}_B(1-\alpha/2))\) can be used as a \(100(1-\alpha)\%\) confidence interval. For the hypothesis testing of partial independence, i.e., \(H_0: \phi=0\), the \(p\)-value is calculated as \[\begin{aligned} 2 \times \min(\hat{F}_B(0), 1-\hat{F}_B(0)). \end{aligned}\] For example, \(\hat{F}_B(0)\) is computed as \(\mathbb{I}(\hat{\phi}^{(M)}_{b} \le 0)/B\), where \(\mathbb{I}(x)\) is the indicator function that takes value 1 if \(x\) is true and 0 otherwise. Furthermore, this approach allows testing the hypothesis whether the partial association is smaller than a threshold \(\delta\), i.e., \(H_0: |\phi|< \delta\). In this case, the \(p\)-value is calculated as \(2\times \min(\hat{F}_B(\delta), 1-\hat{F}_B(-\delta))\). A useful application is to test the hypothesis of a negligible association, where \(\delta\) usually takes a small value that can be determined by domain expert based on specific questions.
In addition to quantitative analysis, Liu et al. (2021) developed graphical tools to visualize the shape of the partial association. One of the most intuitive plots is the partial regression plot, which is a scatter plot between the surrogate residuals \(R_1\) and \(R_2\). Such a partial regression plot reflects the relationship between \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\) after adjusting for \(\mathbf X\). Another graphical tool is a 3-D probability-to-probability (P-P) plot. It is developed based on Theorem 2 and Corollary 2 in Liu et al. (2021). Specifically, if \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) are independent, then \[\begin{aligned} C(u, v)=uv, \label{eq:copula} \end{aligned} \tag{8}\] where \(C(u, v)\) is a copula function for the joint distribution of the surrogate residuals \(R_1\) and \(R_2\), i.e., \(C(u,v)=\Pr(R_1 \le G_1^{-1}(u), R_2 \le G_2^{-1}(v))\) where \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) are the assumed link functions in the model (4). The 3-D P-P plot draws \(C(u, v)-uv\) against \((u, v)\), where the deviation \(C(u, v)-uv\) reflects the degree of dependence between \(R_1\) and \(R_2\), hence the partial dependence between \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\).
In addition to the cumulative link model (4), Liu et al. (2021)’s framework applies to general ordinal regression models such as the adjacent-category logit and stereotype models. In the following sections, we introduce the PAsso package and discuss how to use it to implement Liu et al. (2021)’s framework with sample code and examples.
Among the exported functions from the PAsso package, PAsso()
, and plot()
are the three main functions for estimating,
testing, and visualizing partial associations. In practice, users should
first apply the function PAsso()
, which generates a PAsso
The components in this object include estimates of partial and marginal
associations, fitted regression models for each variable, and other
components to be used for relevant analysis. The generated PAsso
object plays an instrumental role, as it is a necessary input for other
functions in the package. This design provides convenience as the
details of data, regression models, and type of association measures
need only to be specified once in the function PAsso()
, and they will
be passed to other functions once the PAsso
object is called.
In addition to the main functions, the PAsso package also provides
several other functions that can further assist the analysis of partial
association. Specifically, the function plot3D()
produces the
copula-based 3-D P-P plot, which helps to visualize the strength of a
general partial association. The function residuals()
can extract the
surrogate residuals from a PAsso
object or a model object. The
function diagnostic.plot()
generates residual-based model diagnostic
plots to help validate the model specifications.
We provide in Figure 1 a flow chart to illustrate how
to use the PAsso package for assessing partial association under a
bivariate setting. On the far left, the grey block contains elements to
input: the data and the models. By calling the function PAsso()
, we
generate a PAsso
object as shown in the orange block in the center.
This PAsso
object can yield results for estimation, testing, and
visualization (the three orange blocks on the far right). The PAsso
object can also give us residuals, which can be used for model
diagnostics (blue blocks). In fact, the model diagnostic plots are
byproducts of the package. To make it more convenient, we provide the
function diagnostic.plot()
that can be directly applied to the PAsso
Figure 1 clearly shows that the PAsso
object plays a
central role in the entire analysis, where all the other functions take
it as an input. Therefore, understanding the PAsso()
function and
specifying appropriate inputs are important, which ensures valid results
produced by other functions in the subsequent analysis. Next, we
describe the detailed implementation and the key inputs of the function
, as well as other functions in the package.
for estimationTo apply the function PAsso()
, users need to specify the data frame,
the names of \(Y\) variables (e.g., \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\)) and covariates, and
the type of association measure. Other inputs, including the type of
model and residual method, have default values. The first step performed
by PAsso()
is to estimate the regression model for each \(Y\) variable.
Based on the data type, by default, the function PAsso()
applies the
cumulative probit model as in (4) (polr()
MASS (Venables and Ripley 2002)) if
\(Y\) is ordinal and the binary probit model (glm()
stats) if \(Y\) is binary.
Users can also specify other link functions supported by polr()
Once the regression models for \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\) are estimated, the
surrogate residuals, \(R_1\) and \(R_2\), can be obtained by using the
function residuals()
in the package. Here, the function residuals()
calls the fitted model based on which the surrogate residuals are
computed. The implementation of residuals()
is similar to the
function from package
sure. Then, by applying the
specified measure to the surrogate residuals, one can obtain the
estimated partial association defined in (7). In the
current package version, the three types of association measures,
(1), (2), and (3), are
implemented with cor()
from the
stats package,
from the pcaPP package
(Filzmoser et al. 2018), and wolfCOP()
from the
copBasic package
(Asquith 2020), respectively.
It is worth mentioning that the function PAsso()
provides additional
flexibility by allowing pre-fitted model objects to be the inputs. It
permits users to use specific models based on domain knowledge and
experiences. Similarly, the pre-fitted model objects can also be the
inputs for the functions residuals()
and diagnostic.plot()
. The
supported models and corresponding R functions along with the packages
(rms (Harrell Jr 2019),
ordinal (Christensen 2019),
VGAM (Yee et al. 2010)) are
listed in Table 1.
stats | MASS | rms | ordinal | VGAM | ||||
Response | Model | glm |
polr |
lrm |
orm |
clm |
vglm |
vgam |
Ordered probit | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | |||
Ordinal | Ordered logit (proportional odds) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||
Proportional hazard (clog-log) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | |||
Adjacent-category logit | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||
Logit | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||||
Binary | Probit | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||||
Complementary log-log | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) |
for hypothesis testingTo carry out more detailed inferences on the estimated partial
association, one can apply the function test()
, which is implemented
based on a bootstrap scheme discussed earlier. To be specific, it first
generates bootstrap samples based on the original data and then repeats
the calculations performed in the PAsso()
function for each bootstrap
sample. As a result, the bootstrap distribution of \(\hat{\phi}^{(M)}\)
defined in (7) can be obtained.
The components from test()
include standard errors, confidence
intervals, and \(p\)-values for the partial independence test. To apply
, in addition to the key input PAsso
object, the user can
specify the number of bootstrap samples, the type of null hypothesis,
and whether or not parallel computing should be employed. If the
Schweizer-Wolff-sigma-based measure \(\phi_{\sigma}\) is used, the
computational cost of test()
may be high. This is because the
estimation of \(\phi_{\sigma}\) based on the current version of the
package copBasic is
slow due to the double integration in the formula (3).
and plot3D()
for visualizationThere are two types of plots being covered in the PAsso package: the
pairwise partial regression plot and the 3-D P-P plot. The pairwise
partial regression plot can be obtained by applying the function
. It is implemented based on the function ggpairs()
in the
package GGally (Schloerke et al. 2020),
which is a nice extension of the widely used graphical tool
(Wickham 2016). For users who are familiar with
GGally, the produced
figure can be fully customized using the arguments for the function
The 3-D P-P plot is obtained by using the function plot3D()
. This
function is implemented based on the
plotly (Sievert 2020) package,
which offers interactive graphs. It plots \(C(u,v)-uv\) against \(u\) and
\(v\) as discussed in (8). The height of the surface reflects
the degree of partial dependence between \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\).
Table 2 summarizes the main input and output of the functions in the PAsso package. Users should refer to the package vignette for detailed arguments and output values.
Function name | Functionality | Input | Output |
PAsso() |
Estimation | dataframe to be analyzed; names of the \(Y\) variables; names of the covariates; association measure; other inputs such as marginal model specifications have default values (see the package vignette). | partial and marginal association matrix; summary of model coefficient estimates for each marginal model; results also include surrogate residuals and detailed model summaries. |
test() |
Testing | the PAsso object; number of bootstrap samples; type of null hypothesis. |
Partial association matrix; standard errors; \(p\)-values; confidence intervals. |
plot() |
Visualization | the PAsso object; other arguments follow the GGally (see the package vignette). |
Pairwise partial regression plot. |
plot3D() |
Visualization | the PAsso object; two variable names; other arguments follow the plotly (see the package vignette). |
3-D P-P plot based on Copula. |
residuals() |
Residuals | the PAsso object or a single model object; number of draws; residual method. |
surrogate residuals. |
diagnostic.plot() |
Diagnostics | the PAsso object or a single model object. |
model diagnostic plots. |
We demonstrate the utility of the PAsso package with a real data example, a sample of the survey data from the 2016 American National Election Studies (the data of Time Series study). The American National Election Studies (ANES) is a joint project between the University of Michigan and Stanford University since 1948 (DeBell 2010), aiming to provide researchers, policymakers, and citizens with high-quality survey data pertinent to political science. The original data include over a thousand survey questions for pre- and post-election surveys based on the same population (4,271 respondents). For our analysis, we select eight survey questions in the pre-election study and remove the respondents who have missing values on any of these eight variables. Here, we assume that the missing values are missing completely at random. As a result, our sample consists of 2,188 respondents. Table 3 describes the variables in our sample.
Variable | Explanation |
age | respondent’s age |
education | respondent’s highest level of education. We create another variable ‘edu.year’, which recodes the original education to a continuous scale as the approximate number of years of education. (This conversion is for convenience in model fitting.) |
income | respondent’s annual income in categories, e.g., $40k-$60k. We create another variable ‘income.num’, which recodes original income to continuous scale (the median of the recorded range). |
PID | respondent’s party identification with 7 ordinal levels from strong democrat (=1) to strong republication (=7). |
selfLR | respondent’s self-placement about own left-right placement in 7 ordinal levels from extremely liberal (=1) to extremely conservative (=7). |
TrumpLR | respondent’s opinion about Donald Trump’s left-right placement in 7 ordinal levels (same scale as selfLR). |
ClinLR | respondent’s opinion about Hilary Clinton’s left-right placement in 7 ordinal levels (same scale as selfLR). |
PreVote | respondent’s voting preference between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. |
To demonstrate the utility of the PAsso package, we conduct an illustrative analysis, which focuses on the four variables: voter’s party identification (PID), his/her own left-right placement (selfLR) and the left-right placement for Donald Trump (TrumpLR) and Hilary Clinton (ClinLR). These four variables of interest have the same ordinal scale, and they all represent respondents’ political views for themselves as well as for the two presidential candidates. We attempt to answer the following question. Are these four variables still correlated after adjusting for their age, education, and income? In what follows, we use the PAsso package to answer this question step-by-step from three aspects: estimation, hypothesis testing, and graphical visualization.
First, we use the function PAsso()
to obtain the estimates of the
association measures in (1)-(3). We specify the names of these four
variables as responses
and the covariate names as the adjustments
If the Kendall-tau-based measure (2) is desired, we can specify the
option method="kendall"
, as in the sample code below.
data(ANES2016) # load the dataset
set.seed(2020) # for reproducibility
<- PAsso(responses = c("PID", "selfLR", "TrumpLR", "ClinLR"),
phi adjustments = c("age", "edu.year", "income.num"),
data = ANES2016,
method = "kendall")
print(phi, digits = 3)
#> --------------------------------------------
#> The partial correlation coefficient matrix:
#> PID selfLR TrumpLR ClinLR
#> PID 1.000 0.516 -0.061 -0.323
#> selfLR 1.000 -0.103 -0.294
#> TrumpLR 1.000 -0.072
#> ClinLR 1.000
As shown above, the default output is pairwise correlations in a matrix
form. The PAsso
object contains other hidden components, including the
marginal association matrix, details of each regression model, and all
draws of the surrogate residuals. For users’ convenience, we also make
the generic function summary()
available for the PAsso
summary(phi, digits = 4)
#> --------------------------------------------
#> The partial correlation coefficient matrix:
#> PID selfLR TrumpLR ClinLR
#> PID 1.0000 0.5161 -0.0610 -0.3232
#> selfLR 1.0000 -0.1034 -0.2938
#> TrumpLR 1.0000 -0.0715
#> ClinLR 1.0000
#> --------------------------------------------
#> The marginal correlation coefficient matrix:
#> PID selfLR TrumpLR ClinLR
#> PID 1.0000 0.6331 -0.0956 -0.4081
#> selfLR 1.0000 -0.1592 -0.3724
#> TrumpLR 1.0000 -0.0721
#> ClinLR 1.0000
#> --------------------------------------------
#> --------------------------------------------
#> The coefficients of fitted models are:
#> PID selfLR TrumpLR ClinLR
#> age 0.0048*** 0.0098*** -0.0056*** -0.0069***
#> Std. Error 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013
#> ---
#> edu.year -0.0459*** -0.0737*** 0.0540*** -0.0127
#> Std. Error 0.0098 0.0095 0.0096 0.0097
#> ---
#> income.num 0.0009* 0.0004 0.0005 -0.0009*
#> Std. Error 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The function summary()
gives the partial and marginal association in
two separate matrices and summary of coefficient estimates of each
regression model. The comparison between the two association matrices
shows the extent to which the strength of association has been weakened
due to the adjusted covariates. Clearly, the associations between all
pairs of the four variables have been weakened by as much as 36% (PID
vs. TrumpLR) and as less as 0.8% (TrumpLR vs. ClinLR). The last table is
the model summary table, where each column displays the coefficient
estimates and their standard errors for each regression model, and the
column names are the names of response variables (e.g., PID, selfLR,
TrumpLR, and ClinLR). The stars represent the range of \(p\)-values as
noted at the bottom of the model summary table. For instance, ’***’
indicates that the corresponding \(p\)-value is between 0 and 0.001.
Next, we use the function test()
to obtain the \(p\)-values and
bootstrap standard errors of the partial associations. This function is
directly applied to the PAsso
object. The number of bootstrap
replicates can be specified with the argument bootstrap_rep
, whose
default value is 300. In general, we recommend the minimum number of
bootstrap replicates to be 1000 in order to carry out more accurate
p-values. To speed up the computational time, we can further adopt
parallel computing by specifying parallel=TRUE
. However, this option
requires users to pre-set the number of cores and the cluster, as
demonstrated below.
library(doParallel) # load packages for parallel computing
<- detectCores() # Number of CPU cores. Do Not be too aggressive!
numCores # Set up parallel backend (multicore for unix and snow for windows)
<- if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") numCores else makeCluster(numCores)
cl registerDoParallel(cl)
test(phi, bootstrap_rep = 1000, H0 = 0, parallel = TRUE)
# The partial association analysis:
# PID selfLR TrumpLR ClinLR
# PID 1.0000 0.5161 -0.0610 -0.3232
# S.E. 0.0094 0.0134 0.0102
# Pr 0.001*** 0.001*** 0.001***
# ---
# selfLR 1.0000 -0.1034 -0.2938
# S.E. 0.0129 0.0108
# Pr 0.001*** 0.001***
# ---
# TrumpLR 1.0000 -0.0715
# S.E. 0.0154
# Pr 0.001***
# ---
# ClinLR 1.0000
# S.E.
# Pr
# ---
# Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
The obtained \(p\)-values indicate that the partial associations between
each pair of variables are statistically significant. We can also test
for negligible dependence with a certain threshold \(\delta\). In this
case, the null hypothesis is \(H_0: |\phi| \le \delta\). The value of
\(\delta\) can be specified using the argument H0
. The default value of
is 0, representing \(H_0: \phi=0\). The example below illustrates a
negligible dependence test with threshold \(\delta=0.05\).
test(phi, bootstrap_rep = 1000, H0 = 0.05, parallel = TRUE)
# The partial association analysis:
# PID selfLR TrumpLR ClinLR
# PID 1.0000 0.5161 -0.0610 -0.3232
# S.E. 0.0093 0.0135 0.0104
# Pr 0.001*** 0.450 0.001***
# ---
# selfLR 1.0000 -0.1034 -0.2938
# S.E. 0.0133 0.0109
# Pr 0.001*** 0.001***
# ---
# TrumpLR 1.0000 -0.0715
# S.E. 0.0153
# Pr 0.128
# ---
# ClinLR 1.0000
# S.E.
# Pr
# ---
# Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
From the output, we can see that the partial associations between PID and TrumpLR, and TrumpLR and ClinLR are not significant. This result implies that the partial dependencies can be negligible under the threshold \(\delta=0.05\).
To further understand how these variables are associated after the
adjustment, we utilize graphical tools for quick visualization. First,
we apply the function plot()
to the PAsso
object phi
. It produces
the pairwise partial regression plot.
plot(phi, color = "red", alpha = 0.1) # alpha specifies opacity
Figure 2 contains the partial regression plots displayed on the upper triangle, the estimated partial associations shown on the lower triangle, and the density plots of the surrogate residuals on the diagonal line. The partial regression plot between each pair of variables is essentially the scatter plot of the corresponding pair of surrogate residuals. The fitted smooth curve on top of each scatter plot is through the local weighted smoothing splines (LOWESS) that are available in the GGally package.
An interesting finding from Figure 2 is that the
weakest partial association (between PID and TrumpLR) shown previously
may not necessarily be weak because a quadratic relationship is clearly
shown. To confirm this relationship, it is worth drawing the 3-D P-P
plot, which can indicate the strength of a non-monotonic relationship.
This can be done by applying the function plot3D()
on the PAsso
object and specifying the pair of variables of interest.
plot3D(phi, y1 = "PID", y2 = "TrumpLR")
From Figure 3, the surface reaches both positive and
negative sides (vertical axis). This is consistent with the quadratic
pattern displayed in the partial regression plot in Figure
2. Furthermore, the altitude of the surface on both
sides is moderate, indicating that the strength of the partial
association between PID and TrumpLR may not be negligible. Additionally,
the function plot3D()
also provides an option to convert the 3-D plot
to a contour plot by specifying type = "contour"
. The following line
of code creates Figure 4, showing the contour plot
corresponding to Figure 3.
plot3D(phi, y1 = "PID", y2 = "TrumpLR", type = "contour")
As mentioned earlier, the function PAsso()
allows users to use
pre-fitted regression models as inputs. Below, we provide a sample code
for this alternative use of PAsso()
# convert numeric response to factor
<- c("PID", "selfLR", "TrumpLR", "ClinLR")
Yname <- lapply(ANES2016[Yname], factor)
ANES2016[Yname] # fit each model separately
<- polr(PID ~ age + edu.year + income.num, data = ANES2016, method = "probit")
fit.PID <- polr(selfLR ~ age + edu.year + income.num, data = ANES2016, method = "probit")
fit.selfLR <- polr(TrumpLR ~ age + edu.year + income.num, data = ANES2016, method = "probit")
fit.TrumpLR <- polr(ClinLR ~ age + edu.year + income.num, data = ANES2016, method = "probit")
fit.ClinLR # assess partial association
<- PAsso(fitted.models = list(fit.PID, fit.selfLR, fit.TrumpLR, fit.ClinLR),
phi1 method = "kendall")
print(phi1, digits = 3)
#> --------------------------------------------
#> The partial correlation coefficient matrix:
#> PID selfLR TrumpLR ClinLR
#> PID 1.000 0.516 -0.061 -0.323
#> selfLR 1.000 -0.103 -0.294
#> TrumpLR 1.000 -0.072
#> ClinLR 1.000
The above output is exactly the same as the other way we showed earlier.
Such flexibility allows user to specify different models and link
functions for different response variables based on domain expertise and
convention, while it does not affect other functions used in the
following analyses. Each of these model objects (fit.PID
, fit.TrumpLR
, and fit.ClinLR
) can also be the input for
the functions residuals()
and diagnostic.plot()
In addition to assessing partial association, the package also provides
the function diagnostic.plot()
for model diagnostics. The output of
this function contains three types of diagnostic plots: (1) residual Q-Q
plot; (2) residual vs. fitted value; and (3) residual vs. covariates. We
can specify one of these types of the plot by using the argument
. Since there are at least two regression models being
estimated, the function diagnostic.plot()
allows the user to specify a
particular model (using the argument model_id
) for which the
diagnostic plots are produced. We provide two examples below to
illustrate the two different outputs.
# residual vs. fitted value (the linear predictor) for all models
diagnostic.plot(phi, output = "fitted")
# residual Q-Q plot for the second model (selfLR)
diagnostic.plot(phi, output = "qq", model_id = 2)
Figure 5 shows the scatter plot between surrogate residuals and the fitted values (the linear predictor in the model (5)) for all four models. Figure 6 shows the Q-Q plot for the second model whose response variable is “selfLR.” Neither of the two figures provides evidence of model misspecification or inadequate fitting.
Finally, we show an example where the adjacent-category logit model is
employed for the covariates adjustment. In addition, we also include a
binary variable, “PreVote”, in order to demonstrate the utility of
PAsso for different types of data. The variable “PreVote” takes two
values: Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. For convenience, we recode
“PreVote” to numeric values 0 (Hilary Clinton) and 1 (Donald Trump), and
the binary logit model is used. For the demonstration purpose, we only
show the estimation results from PAsso()
$PID <- as.numeric(ANES2016$PID)
ANES2016<- PAsso(responses = c("PreVote.num", "PID", "selfLR", "TrumpLR", "ClinLR"),
phi2 adjustments = c("age", "edu.year", "income.num"),
data = ANES2016,
method = "kendall",
model = c("logit", "acat", "acat", "acat", "acat"))
summary(phi2, digits = 3)
#> --------------------------------------------
#> The partial correlation coefficient matrix:
#> PreVote.num PID selfLR TrumpLR ClinLR
#> PreVote.num 1.000 0.445 0.390 -0.091 -0.300
#> PID 1.000 0.516 -0.062 -0.319
#> selfLR 1.000 -0.105 -0.293
#> TrumpLR 1.000 -0.071
#> ClinLR 1.000
#> --------------------------------------------
#> The marginal correlation coefficient matrix:
#> PreVote.num PID selfLR TrumpLR ClinLR
#> PreVote.num 1.000 0.706 0.637 -0.182 -0.494
#> PID 1.000 0.633 -0.096 -0.408
#> selfLR 1.000 -0.159 -0.372
#> TrumpLR 1.000 -0.072
#> ClinLR 1.000
#> --------------------------------------------
#> --------------------------------------------
#> The coefficients of fitted models are:
#> PreVote.num PID selfLR TrumpLR ClinLR
#> age 0.015*** -0.002*** -0.006*** 0.002** 0.004***
#> Std. Error 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
#> ---
#> edu.year -0.129*** 0.020*** 0.045*** -0.036*** 0.022**
#> Std. Error 0.019 0.004 0.006 0.006 0.007
#> ---
#> income.num 0.001 0.000** 0.000 -0.001** 0.001**
#> Std. Error 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The same elements as for the cumulative link model are printed: the
estimated partial and marginal associations and the coefficient
estimates of the five models. As specified in the argument model
, the
binary logit model is used for PreVote
, and the adjacent-category
logit model (“acat”) is used for the other four variables. From the
output, we found that the strength of association between “PreVote” and
“PID” reduces from 0.706 to 0.444 (\(\approx\) 37%) after adjusting for
the three covariates. This result is qualitatively consistent with that
in Liu et al. (2021), which has conducted the same analysis based on the 1996
ANES data.
We have developed the R package PAsso (Zhu et al. 2021) for assessing the partial association between ordinal variables. The development follows the statistical framework established by Liu et al. (2021). The package provides several functions, allowing estimation, hypothesis testing, and visualization of partial associations. By using this single package, users can quickly obtain a full picture of the partial associations between multiple variables.
PAsso, sure, MASS, stats, pcaPP, copBasic, rms, ordinal, VGAM, GGally, ggplot2, plotly
ChemPhys, Distributions, Econometrics, Environmetrics, ExtremeValue, MixedModels, NumericalMathematics, Phylogenetics, Psychometrics, ReproducibleResearch, Robust, Spatial, Survival, TeachingStatistics, WebTechnologies
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Li, et al., "PAsso: an R Package for Assessing Partial Association between Ordinal Variables", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-088, author = {Li, Shaobo and Zhu, Xiaorui and Chen, Yuejie and Liu, Dungang}, title = {PAsso: an R Package for Assessing Partial Association between Ordinal Variables}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {}, volume = {13}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {239-252} }