A GUIded tour of Bayesian regression


This paper presents a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to carry out a Bayesian regression analysis in a very friendly environment without any programming skills (drag and drop). This paper is designed for teaching and applied purposes at an introductory level. Our GUI is based on an interactive web application using shiny and libraries from R. We carry out some applications to highlight the potential of our GUI for applied researchers and practitioners. In addition, the Help option in the main tap panel has an extended version of this paper, where we present the basic theory underlying all regression models that we developed in our GUI and more applications associated with each model.

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Sept. 20, 2021


Jun 3, 2020


Ramírez--Hassan & Graciano-Londoño, 2021




135 - 152

1 Introduction

The main objective of this paper is to present an open source teaching Graphical User Interface (GUI) to implement Bayesian regression analysis using cross-sectional and longitudinal data.We used instrumental variables to identify causal effects when there are endogeneity issues in linear regression. This is a very common approach among econometricians in this situation. Otherwise, all regression approaches presented here are well known by statisticians. We present a tutorial for implementing these models in our GUI and some applications. The Help option in the main tap panel exhibits an extended version of this paper where users can find more applications and the basic theoretical foundations of each model in our GUI. Therefore, practitioners and researchers can apply Bayesian regression analysis to understand its theoretical foundation without requiring programming skills. The latter seems to be a significant impediment to increasing the use of the Bayesian framework .

Table 1 shows the available graphical user interfaces for carrying out Bayesian regression analysis. shinystan is a very flexible open source program, but users are required to have some programming skills. BugsXLA is open source but less flexible. However, users do not need to have programming skills. Bayesian regression: Nonparametric and parametric models is a very flexible and friendly GUI that is based on MATLAB Compiler for a 64-bit Windows computer. Its focus is on Bayesian nonparametric regressions, and it can be thought of for users who have mastered basic parametric models, such as the ones that we show in our GUI. On the other hand, MATLAB toolkit, Stata, and BayES are not open source.

We developed our GUI based on an interactive web application using shiny and some libraries in R . The specific libraries and commands that are used in our GUI can be seen in Table 2. It has nine univariate models, four multivariate, three hierarchical longitudinal, Bayesian bootstrap, and six Bayesian model averaging frameworks. In addition, it gives basic summaries and diagnostics of the posterior chains, as well as the posterior chains themselves, and different plots, such as trace, autocorrelation, and densities. In terms of its flexibility and possibilities, our GUI lies between ShinyStan and BugsXLA: users are not required to have any programming skills, but it is not as advanced as ’s software. However, our GUI can be run in any operating system. Our GUI, which we call BEsmarter,Bayesian econometrics: Simulations, models and applications to research, teaching, and encoding with responsibility. is freely available at https://github.com/besmarter/BSTApp. Thus, users have access to all our code and datasets.

After this brief introduction, we present our GUI and how to use it in Section Using BEsmarter. Section Applications presents some empirical examples to illustrate the potential use of our GUI. Lastly, Section Concluding remarks presents some conclusions and future developments.

2 Using BEsmarter

Simulated and applied datasets are in the folders DataSim (see Table 3 for details) and DataApp (see Table 4 for details), respectively. The former folder also includes the files that were used to simulate different processes so that the population parameters are available, and as a consequence, these files can be used as a pedagogical tool to show some statistical properties of the inferential frameworks available in our GUI. The latter folder contains the datasets used in our applications in Section Applications. Users should use these datasets as templates as a guide to the structure of their own datasets. Simply type shiny::runGitHub("besmarter/BSTApp", launch.browser=T) in the R package console or any R code editor to run our GUI.We strongly recommend to type this directly, rather than copy and paste. This is due to an issue with the quotation mark.

After this, users can see a new window where a presentation of our research team is displayed. In addition, the top panel in Figure 1 shows the class of models that can be estimated in our GUI.

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Figure 1: BEsmarter GUI

The selection indicates univariate models in that the radio button on the left hand side shows the specific models inside this generic class. In particular, users can see that the normal model is selected from inside the class of univariate models. See Figure 2.

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Figure 2: Univariate models: Specification

Then, the right-hand side panel displays a widget to upload the input dataset, which should be a csv file with headers in the first row. Users should also select the kind of separator used in the input file: comma, semicolon, or tab (use the folders DataSim and DataApp for the input file templates). Once users upload the dataset, they can see a data preview. Range sliders help to set the number of iterations of the MCMC and the amount of burn-in, and the thinning parameter can be selected as well (see online paper in Help tab for technical details). After this, users should specify the equation. This can be done with the formula builder, where users can select the dependent and the independent variables, and then click on the "Build formula" tab. Users can see in the "Main Equation" space the formula expressed in the format used by R (see Main equation box in Figure 2, yx1+x2+x3). Users can modify this if necessary, for instance, including higher order or interaction terms. Other transformations are also allowed. This is done directly in the "Main Equation" space, taking into account that these extra terms should follow formula command structure (see https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/stats/versions/3.6.2/topics/formula). Note that the class of univariate models includes the intercept by default, except ordered probit, where the specification has to do this explicitly. That is, ordered probit models do not admit an intercept for identification issues. Hence, users should write down specifically this fact (yx1+x2+x31). Finally, users should define the hyperparameters of the prior. For instance, in the normal-inverse gamma model, these are the mean, covariance, shape, and scale (see Figure 3). However, users should take into account that our GUI has "non-informative” hyperparameters by default in all our modeling frameworks, so the last part is not a requirement.

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Figure 3: Univariate models: Results

After this specification process, users should click the Go! button to initiate the estimation. Our GUI displays the summary statistics and convergence diagnostics after this process is finished (see Figure 3). There are also widgets to download posterior chains (csv file) and graphs (pdf and eps files). Note that the order of the coefficients in the results (summary, posterior chains, and graphs) is first for the location parameters and then for the scale parameters.

Multinomial models (probit and logit) require a dataset file to have the dependent variable in the first column, then alternative specific regressors (for instance, alternatives’ prices), and finally, non-alternative regressors (for instance, income). The formula builder specifies the dependent variable and independent variables that are alternative specific and non-alternative specific. The specification also requires defining the base category, number of alternatives (this is also required in ordered probit), number of alternative specific regressors, and number of non-alternative regressors (see Figure 4). Multinomial logit also allows defining a tuning parameter, the number of degrees of freedom, in this case, for the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm (see online paper in Help tab for technical details). This is a feature in our GUI when the estimation of the models is based on the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. The order of the coefficients in the results of these models is, first, the intercepts (ctel appearing in the summary display, l-th alternative), then the non-alternative specific regressors (NASjl appearing in the summary display, l-th alternative and j-th non-alternative regressor), and lastly, the coefficients for the alternative specific regressors (ASj appearing in the summary display, j-th alternative specific regressor). Note that the non-alternative specific regressors associated with the base category are equal to zero (they do not appear in the results). In addition, some coefficients of the main diagonal of the covariance matrix are constant due to identification issues in multinomial and multivariate probit models.

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Figure 4: Univariate models: Multinomial

In the case of the negative binomial model, users should set a dispersion parameter (α, see the negative binomial model). User should also set the censorship points and quantiles in the Tobit and quantile models, respectively.

Figure 5 displays the multivariate regression setting. In this case, the input file should have first the dependent variables and then the regressors. If there are intercepts in each equation, there should be a column of 1’s after the dependent variables in the input file. The user also has to set the number of dependent variables, the number of regressors, if necessary include the intercept, and the values of the hyperparameters (see Figure 5).

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Figure 5: Multivariate models: Simple multivariate

The input file in seemingly unrelated regressions should have first the dependent variables and then the regressors by equation, including the intercept in each equation if necessary (column of 1’s). Users should define the number of dependent variables (equations) and the number of total regressors. That is, the sum of all regressors associated with the equation (if necessary include intercepts, each intercept is an additional regressor), and the number of regressors by equation (if necessary include the intercept). Users can also set the values of the hyperparameters if there is prior information.

The results of the simple multivariate and seemingly unrelated regressions show first the posterior location parameters by equation and then the posterior covariance matrix.

In the instrumental variable setting, users should specify the main equation and the instrumental equation. This setting includes intercepts by default. The first variable on the right-hand side in the main equation has to be the variable with endogeneity issues. In the instrumental equation box, the dependent variable is the variable with endogeneity issues as a function of the instruments. Users can also specify the values of the hyperparameters if they have prior information. The input file should have the dependent variable, the endogenous regressor, the instruments, and the exogenous regressors. The results first list the posterior estimates of the endogenous regressor, then the location parameters of the auxiliary regression (instrumental equation), and the location parameters of the exogenous regressors. Last is the posterior covariance matrix.

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Figure 6: Multivariate models: Multivariate probit

The multivariate probit model requires an input dataset ordered by unit. For instance, three choices imply repeating each unit three times. The first column has to be the identification of each unit; users should use ordered integers, then the dependent variable, just one vector, composed of 0’s and 1’s, then the regressors, which should include a column of 1’s for the intercepts. Users should set the number of units, the number of regressors, and the number of choices (see Figure 6). The results first display the posterior location parameters by equation, and then the posterior covariance matrix.

The input files for hierarchical longitudinal models should have first the dependent variable, then the regressors, and a cross-sectional identifier (i=1,2,,m). It is not a requirement to have a balanced dataset: ni can be different for each i. Users should specify the fixed part equation and the random part equation, both in R format. In case of only requiring random intercepts, do not introduce anything in the latter part (see Figure 7). Users should also type the name of the cross-sectional identifier variable. The results displayed and the posterior graphs are associated with the fixed effects and covariance matrix. However, users can download the posterior chains of all posterior estimates: fixed and random effects and covariance matrix.

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Figure 7: Hierarchical longitudinal models: Specification

Bayesian bootstrap only requires uploading a dataset, specifying the number of iterations of the MCMC, the resampling size, and the equation (see Figure 8). The input file has the same structure as the file used in the univariate normal model.

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Figure 8: Bayesian bootstrap: Specification

Bayesian model averaging based on a Gaussian distribution can be carried out using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) approximation, Markov chain Monte Carlo model composition (MC3), or instrumental variables (see Figure 9). The former two approaches require an input dataset where the first column is the dependent variable and then the potentially important regressors. Users should set the bandwidth model selection parameter (OR) and the number of iterations for BIC and MC3, respectively. The results include the posterior inclusion probability (p!=0), the expected value (EV), and the standard deviation (SD) of the coefficients associated with each regressor. The BIC framework also displays the most relevant models, including the number of regressors, the coefficient of determination (R2), the BIC, and the posterior model probability. Users can download two csv files: Best models and Descriptive statistics coefficients. The former is a 0-1 matrix such that the columns are the regressors and the rows are the models; a 1 indicates the presence of a specific regressor in a specific model, 0 otherwise. Note that the last column of this file is the posterior model probability for each model (row). The latter file shows the posterior inclusion probabilities, expected values, and standard deviations associated with each regressor, taking into account the BMA procedure based on the best models.

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Figure 9: Bayesian model averaging: Specification and results

Bayesian model averaging with endogeneity issues requires two input files. The first one has the dependent variable in the first column. The next columns are the regressors with endogeneity issues and then the exogenous regressors. The user should include a column of 1’s if an intercept is required. The second input file has all the instruments. Users should also introduce the number of regressors with endogeneity issues (see Figure 10).

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Figure 10: Bayesian model averaging: Instrumental variable specification

The results include the posterior inclusion probabilities and the expected values for each regressor. The user can find the results of the main equation and the auxiliary equations. Users can download csv files of BMA results for both the second stage (main equation) and the first stage (auxiliary equations). In addition, users can download the posterior chains of the location parameters of the main equation, βl, l=1,2,,dim{β}, the location parameters of the auxiliary equations, γj,i, j=1,2,,dim{βs}, where dim{βs} is the number of regressors with endogeneity issues, i=1,2,,dim{γ}, where dim{γ} is the number of regressors in the auxiliary regressors (exogenous regressors + instruments), and the elements of the covariance matrix σj,k (see online paper in Help tab for technical details).

Bayesian model averaging based on BIC approximation for non-linear models, logit, gamma, and Poisson requires an input dataset. The first column is the dependent variable and the other columns are the potentially relevant regressors. Users should specify the bandwidth model selection parameters, which are also referred to as Occam’s window parameters (OR and OL). Our GUI displays the PIP (p!=0), the expected value of the posterior coefficients (EV), and the standard deviation (SD). In addition, users can see the results associated with the models with the highest posterior model probabilities and download csv files with the results of specifications of the best model, and descriptive statistics of the posterior coefficients from the BMA procedure. These files are similar to the results of the BIC approximation of the Gaussian model.

User should also note that sometimes our GUI shuts down. In our experience, this is due to computational issues using the implicit commands that we call when estimating some models, for instance, computationally singular systems, missing values where TRUE/FALSE needed, L-BFGS-B needs finite values of “fn”, NA/NaN/Inf values, or Error in backsolve. Sometimes these issues can be solved by adjusting the dataset, for instance, avoiding high levels of multicollinearity. In addition, users can identify these problems by checking the console of their rstudio cloud sections, where the specific folder/file where the issue happened is specified. In any case, we would appreciate your feedback to improve and enhance our GUI.

3 Applications

The main purpose of this section is to illustrate the potential of our GUI to carry out some applications. We encourage users to replicate these applications as we do not display in figures most of the results due to space limitations.Take into account that as inference in Bayesian models is based on simulation methods, results do not coincide 100%. In addition, there are technical aspects that are covered in the online paper in Help tab of our GUI.

Univariate models

Continuous response: The market value of soccer players in Europe
We use the dataset 1ValueFootballPlayers.csv, which was provided by , to find the determinants of high-performance soccer players in the five most important national leagues in Europe.

The specification to enter in the main equation box is log(Value)Perf+Perf2+Age+Age2+NatTeam+Goals+Goals2+Exp+Exp2+Assists,

where Value is the market value in Euros (2017), Perf is a measure of performance, Age is the players’ age in years, NatTem is an indicator variable that takes the value of 1 if the player has been on the national team, Goals is the number of goals scored by the player during his career, Exp is his experience in years, and Assists is the number of assists made by the player in the 2015–2016 season. All variables followed by a 2 are squared variables.

We initially assume that there are no censorship problems, the effect of the regressors are the same through the support of the dependent variable, and the dependent variable obeys normal distribution. So, we ran a normal-inverse gamma model using 30,000 MCMC iterations plus a burn-in equal to 5,000 and a thinning parameter equal to 1 using the default hyperparameters.

The results suggest that age, squared age, national team, goals, experience, and squared experience are relevant regressors. For instance, we found that the 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles of the posterior estimate associated with the variable Goals are 4.57e-03 and 1.82e-02. These values can be used to find the 95% symmetric credible interval. This means that there is a 0.95 probability that the population parameter lies in (4.57e-03, 1.82e-02), which would suggest that this variable is relevant to explain the market value of a soccer player.Users should take into account that formal inference (hypothesis tests) in a Bayesian framework are based on Bayes factors. We also found that the effect of having been on the national team has a 95% credible interval equal to (0.58, 1.04) with a median equal to 0.81. That is, an increase of the market value of the player of 124.8% (exp(0.81)1) compared with a player that has not ever been on a national team. The posterior distribution of this variable can be seen in Figure 11. This graph is automatically generated by our GUI and can be downloaded in the zip file named Posterior Graphs.csv. However, we should take into account that the national team is the sixth variable. Remember that by default, the intercept is the first variable.

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Figure 11: Posterior distribution: National team

A good advantage of the Bayesian framework is that we can easily calculate the posterior distribution of functions of the parameter estimates,for instance, the age that maximizes the market value of a soccer player, OptAge=βAge2βAge2. We can estimate this using the posterior chains that can be downloaded from our GUI. This is in the file named Posterior chains.csv. We have that the mean value is equal to 24.31 years, and the 95% symmetric credible interval is (23.28, 25.36).

We can also see some convergence diagnostics from this application. In particular, the test indicates that there is no statistically significant difference at 5% between the first 10% of the posterior chains and the last 50% of the posterior chains. This is due to the fact that the absolute values of all the statistical tests are less than 1.96 (the value that defines the critical region in a normal distribution for a bilateral test at the 5% significance level). The tests indicate dependence factors very close to 1 in all cases, and as a consequence ,lower than 5, which means a low level of autocorrelation of the posterior draws. Lastly, all the posterior chains passed the test, indicating that it seems that the posterior draws come from stationary distributions.

Let’s assume that we only have the market value of soccer players whose value is greater than €1,000,000, which means that approximately 21.5% of our sample is censored. Estimating a normal-inverse gamma model without taking into account the censoring issue would mean inconsistent parameter estimates. For instance, we estimated a normal-inverse gamma model having a dependent variable log(ValueCens), which is the censored dependent variable, using the same setting as the baseline framework. We found that age, squared age, national team, goals, and experience are potentially relevant variables for predicting the market value, but this exercise suggests that squared experience is not relevant, a variable that was relevant in our previous estimation without censoring issues. Therefore, we estimated a Tobit model where log(ValueCens) is the dependent variable, which is left-censored at log(1,000,000)13.82, with the same MCMC setting and hyperparameters as the baseline estimation. All convergence diagnostics seem good, and we got the same potentially relevant variables as in the baseline estimation, except for squared experience.

Now let us check if the marginal effects of the regressors are not constant over the support of the dependent variable. For instance, we want to check if the marginal effect of goals varies with the market value of the soccer player. So, we can estimate a Bayesian quantile regression. In particular, we estimated models at the 0.1, 0.5 (median), and 0.9 quantiles. We found that age, squared age, and national team are potentially relevant regressors to explain these quantiles. For instance, the age that maximizes the market value is approximately 24.5 years in all these three quantiles. However, goals are only relevant when we estimated the median model, which in general has better convergence diagnostics and narrower credible intervals. Observe that experience is not relevant in quantile regressions, whereas this variable is relevant in mean regressions.

Lastly, we carried out a Bayesian bootstrap, which means that we did not assume any particular distribution for the dependent variable. In particular, we set 20,000 iterations with a resample size equal to 1,000. We used the same specification as in the normal-inverse gamma model.

The results show the posterior mean estimates, the highest posterior density credible intervals at 95%, and some percentiles that can be used to obtain the 95% symmetric credible interval. It seems that age, squared age, national team, goals, experience, and squared experience are statistically significant variables to explain the market value of a soccer player. Observe that these variables were also relevant in the normal-inverse gamma model. For instance, the highest density and symmetric credible intervals for the national team are the same (0.61, 1.08). This is also similar to the 95% credible interval using the normal-inverse gamma model. All convergence statistics seem good, which suggests that the posterior draws come from stationary distributions.
Binary response: Determinants of hospitalization in Medellín
We use the dataset named 2HealthMed.csv, which was provided by . Our dependent variable is a binary indicator with a value equal to 1 if an individual was hospitalized in 2007, and 0 otherwise.

The equation to enter in the main equation box is HospSHI+Female+Age+Age2+Est2+Est3+Fair+Good+Excellent,

where SHI is a binary variable equal to 1 if the individual is in a subsidized health care program and 0 otherwise, Female is an indicator of gender, Age in years, Age2 is squared age, Est2 and Est3 are indicators of socio-economic status, the reference is Est1, which is the lowest, and self perception of health status where bad is the reference.

We ran this application using a logit model with 30,000 MCMC iterations plus a burn-in equal to 10,000, a thinning parameter equal to 5, and a tuning parameter for the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm equal to 1.01. This implies an effective sample size equal to 6,000. Our results indicate that female and health status are relevant variables for hospitalization as their 95% credible intervals do not cross 0. Women have a higher probability of being hospitalized than do men, and people with bad self-perception of health conditions also have a higher probability of being hospitalized. Observe that we can use the posterior chains, which can be downloaded from our GUI, to obtain the posterior distributions of the marginal effects without extra computational burden.

We also carried out this application using the probit model with the baseline setting of the logit model. We got the same results regarding potentially relevant predictors.Remember that in this model our GUI displays the posterior results according to the order in the equation. However, the probit model does not require a tuning parameter in its MCMC algorithm, which in turn generates fewer autocorrelated chains.

Multivariate models

Continuous responses: The effect of institutions on per capita GDP
To illustrate the potential of our GUI to estimate multivariate models, we used the dataset provided by , who analyzed the effect of property rights on economic growth.

First of all, we used the dataset 5Institutions.csv to estimate the following set of equations:


(2)PAERi=γ0+γ1log(Morti)+e2i, where pcGDP95, PAER, and Mort are the per capita GDP in 1995, the average index of protection against expropriation between 1985 and 1995, and the settler mortality rate during the time of colonization. Africa, Asia, and Other are dummies for continents, with America as the baseline group.

As there are different sets of regressors in each equation, and we suspect there is a correlation between the stochastic errors of these two equations, we should estimate a seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) model.

We should take into account that there are two equations: the first one has five regressors, including the intercept, and the second equation has two regressors (intercept plus the mortality rate). We used default values for the hyperparameters. This implies “vague” prior information, and hence an “objective” Bayesian approach.

We set 10,000 MCMC iterations plus 1,000 burn-in iterations and a thinning parameter equal to 1. It seems that this setting gives posterior chains that converge to stationary distributions. All stationary tests do not reject the null hypothesis of “stationarity,” and the mixing properties look good (dependence factors close to 1, autocorrelation, and trace plots seem to indicate no autocorrelation).

The most important parameters are the effect of the mortality rate on gross domestic product and property rights. Their 95% credible intervals are (-0.67, -0.29) and (-0.85, -0.35), respectively (second and seventh parameters). This suggests that the settler mortality rate during the time of colonization is negatively associated with economic growth and property rights. In addition, the 95% credible interval of the covariance between the stochastic errors of these two equations is (0.33, 0.88), which suggests that there is statistically significant evidence of a correlation between the equations.

The previous set of equations can be considered as a restricted reduced form system, where the coefficients of the continents are set equal to 0 in the property rights equation. We can think in the following system of structural equations as producing the previous, but unrestricted, reduced form system,



We used the file 4Institutions.csv, which has the structure to estimate multivariate Bayesian regressions using our GUI, to identify the causal effect of property rights on per capita GDP. In particular, we use the same MCMC and hyperparameters setting as in the previous exercise to obtain the posterior estimates of the reduced system without imposing zero restrictions on the effect of continents on property rights. The structural parameter β1 is equal to π1/γ1.Substituting Equation (4) into Equation (3), and comparing it with Equation (1) yields π1=β1α21β1α1. Solving for the PAER as a function of the exogenous regressors in the structural system, and comparing it with Equation (2) yields γ1=α21β1α1. Observe one needs independent equations (β1α11) and the exclusion restriction (α20). We used the posterior draws automatically generated by our GUI to obtain the posterior chain of this structural parameter, which are the causal effects that wanted to identify. The 95% credible interval is (0.56, 2.93), the posterior mean value is 1.12, and the median value is 0.98. If we estimate a multivariate system without taking into account the dummy variables associated with the continents, the causal effect has a 95% credible interval (0.68, 1.43) with posterior mean and median values equal to 0.94 and 0.97, respectively. Observe that the length of the second interval is shorter than the first. This is because the dummy variables of the continents are not statistically relevant for the property rights equation. As a consequence, the former estimation is less efficient.

Observe that we also obtain the posterior draws of the covariance matrix of these two reduced form equations from our GUI. All the convergence diagnostics indicate that the posterior draws (location and scale parameters) seem to come from stationary distributions.

Another way to identify the causal effect of property rights on per capita GDP is using instrumental variables. Therefore, we used the file 6Institutions.csv to estimate Equation (3) using the mortality rate as an instrument for property rights. The equation to enter in the main equation box is logpcGDP95PAER+Africa+Asia+Other, and the equation to enter in the instrumental equation box is PAERlogMort.

We used 20,000 MCMC iterations plus a burn-in equal to 5,000 and a thinning parameter equal to 5. So, the effective length of the posterior draws is 4,000. Using the default hyperparameters, the 95% credible interval of the coefficient associated with the endogenous variable, which is the first to be displayed in our descriptive and diagnostic statistics, is (0.55, 1.21), and the mean value is equal to 0.82. So, this is the effect of property rights on per capita GDP. Our GUI display next the posterior results associated with the instrumental equation, there we obtained a 95% credible interval equal to (-0.83, -0.35) for the effect of the mortality rate on the property rights. This suggests that the instrument is not weak. Then, we obtained the posterior results for the exogenous regressors in the main equation, which suggests that Africa and Asia dummies variables have negative effects on per capita GDP. Finally, we got the posterior estimates for the covariance matrix, which suggest that there is a negative covariance between the GDP equation and PAER equation, the 95% credible interval is (-1.50, -0.26).

All posterior draws seem to come from stationary distributions. However, there are high levels of autocorrelation in some posterior chains, as suggested by the dependence factors and posterior plots.

Hierarchical longitudinal models

Normal model: The relation between productivity and public investment
We used the dataset named 8PublicCap.csv used by to analyze the relation between public investment and gross state product in the setting of a spatial panel dataset consisting of 48 US states from 1970 to 1986. In particular, the specification to type into the main equation box of fixed effects is log(gsp)log(pcap)+log(pc)+log(emp)+unemp,

where gsp in the gross state product, pcap is public capital, and pc is private capital all in US$, emp is employment (people), and unemp is the unemployment rate in percentage.
We left the main equation box of random effects empty as we assumed that the unobserved heterogeneity is not associated with any particular regressors. This means that we control for the unobserved heterogeneity using just the constant terms. The variable which identifies the units is id.

We ran this application using 10,000 MCMC iterations plus a burn-in equal to 5,000 iterations and a thinning parameter equal to 1. We also used the default values for the hyperparameters of the prior distributions. It seems that all posterior draws come from stationary distributions as suggested by the diagnostics and posterior plots.

The 95% symmetric credible intervals for public capital, private capital, employment, and unemployment, are (-2.54e-02, -2.06e-02), (2.92e-01, 2.96e-01), (7.62e-01, 7.67e-01), and (-5.47e-03, -5.31e-03), respectively. The posterior mean elasticity estimate of public capital to gsp is -0.023. That is, an increase of 1% in public capital means a 0.023% decrease in gross state product. The posterior mean estimates of private capital and employment elasticities are 0.294 and 0.765, respectively. In addition, a 1% increase in the unemployment rate means a decrease of 0.54% in gsp. It seems that all these variables are statistically relevant. In addition, the posterior mean estimates of the variance associated with the unobserved heterogeneity and stochastic errors are 1.06e-01 and 1.45e-03. We obtained the posterior chain of the proportion of the variance associated with the unobserved heterogeneity (see Figure 12). The 95% symmetric credible interval is (0.98, 0.99) for this proportion. That is, unobserved heterogeneity is very important to explain the total variability.

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Figure 12: Posterior distribution: Proportion of variance associated with unobserved heterogeneity

Bayesian model averaging

Continuous response: Determinants of export diversification
We used the dataset provided by to analyze the determinants of export diversification. The dataset named 10ExportDiversificationHHI.csv contains information about 36 potential determinants of export diversification measured using the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (avghhi) for 104 countries (see for details). This setting implies 68.7 billion models (236).

We implemented three Bayesian Model Average (BMA) strategies: Bayesian Information Criterion approximation (BIC), Markov chain Monte Carlo model composition (MC3), and instrumental variable (IVBMA). The former takes into account possible endogeneity between export diversification and gross domestic product.

Regarding BMA using the BIC approximation, we set 50 (default value) for OR. This parameter defines the number of best models to take into account in our BMA strategy. We obtained a table where we can see the posterior inclusion probability (PIP), expected value, standard deviation, and posterior mean estimates associated with the best models for each variable. The best models are defined using posterior model probabilities, which appear at the bottom of the table, where we also see the number of variables associated with each model as well as the coefficients of determination and BIC values. Our GUI also produces two csv files. The first one is Best Models.csv, where we have by row the best models and the variables by columns, a 1 indicates the presence of the specific variable in the model’s specification, and a 0 its absence. The last column in this file is the posterior model probability. The second one is Descriptive Statistics.csv, where we see the posterior inclusion probability, expected value, and standard deviation of each variable.

Following ’s suggestions, we found that there is very strong evidence that being a former colony of Portugal, the total net primary enrollment and the total natural resources rents as a percentage of GDP are determinants of export diversification. Their expected values are 0.15, -0.006 and 0.008, respectively, which means that there are negative effects of having been a colony of Portugal and of having natural resources on export diversification. Recall that higher values of HHI indicate less diversification.

We also ran this application using the MC3 strategy with 10,000 MCMC iterations. We got results similar to those with the BIC approximation.

We estimated an instrumental variable BMA to take into account possible endogeneity between export diversification and GDP using 20,000 MCMC iterations plus a burn-in equal to 5,000, where there is one endogenous variable (GDP). In particular, we used the files 11ExportDiversificationHHI.csv and 12ExportDiversificationHHIInstr.csv. The first file has the dependent variable in the first column (avhhhi) followed by the endogenous variable (avglgdpcap), the constant term (a column of 1’s), and exogenous regressors. The second file has the instrumental variables, which are geographical, cultural, and colonial factors.

Our GUI first displays the outcomes of the second stage equation (main equation) and then the first stage equation (instrumental equation). We can download three csv files: BMA Results First Stage.csv, BMA Results Second Stage.csv, and Posterior chains.csv. The first two files have the same structure: posterior inclusion probabilities and expected values. We can see from these files that educational levels and governance performance are the most important variables to foster gross domestic product (PIP=100), primary enrollment fosters export diversification (PIP=79.5), whereas natural resources discourage it (PIP=97.1). The latter file has the posterior draws where the name beta is associated with the variables in the main equation (second stage), and gamma is associated with the instrumental variable equation (first stage). Lastly, we have the posterior draws of the covariance matrix of the stochastic errors in the first and second-stage equations. We have a 95% symmetric credible interval equal to (-0.014, 0.024), suggesting that there are no endogeneity issues.

4 Concluding remarks

The Bayesian statistical framework has become very popular among scientists since the computational revolution in the 1990s. In particular, computationally burdensome procedures such as Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms can be easily implemented nowadays. However, most of the open source software to apply these procedures requires programming skills. This may be one reason why the Bayesian framework is not very popular among applied researchers and practitioners. In this paper, we introduced a graphical user interface to implement Bayesian regression analysis under different frameworks, explaining the basic theory so that users can understand the basic principles of Bayesian statistics and apply them easily. Our objective has been to increase the popularity of the Bayesian statistical framework among applied researchers and practitioners.

Table 1: Graphical user interfaces to perform Bayesian regression analysis.
Name Language Models Open source
ShinyStan R+Stan MCMC Implementation Yes
Bayesian regression: NP&P MATLAB Compiler Bayesian infinite-mixture regression Yes
Bayesian normal regression
Hierarchical linear regression
Binary regression
Ordered regression
Censoring regression
Quantile regression
Survival regression
Density estimation
Variable selection (spike-and-slab)
BugsXLA OpenBUGS + Excel Normal linear models Yes
GLM: Binomial
GLM: Poisson
GLM: Survival
GLM: Multivariate categorical data
Normal linear mixed
Generalized linear mixed
Bayesian variable selection
Robust models
MATLAB toolkit: E&E+ MATLAB Linear Regression No
Regression with non-spherical errors
Regime switch regression
Regression with restricted parameters
Seemingly unrelated regression (SUR)
Vector AutoRegression (VAR)
Instrumental variable
Probit and logit
Tobit Model
Panel Data Analysis
Stochastic search variable selection
Highest posterior density (HPD) region
Marginal likelihood of linear regression
Stata Stata MCMC implementation No
BayES C++ Simple linear model No
Stochastic frontiers
Random-effects stochastic frontiers
Dynamic stochastic frontier
Probit and logit
Random-effects probit and logit
Multinomial probit and logit
Ordered probit and logit
Poisson and negative-binomial
Type I Tobit
Type II Tobit
Seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR)
Vector Autoregressive (VAR)
User should define prior and likelihood.
+Toolkit on econometrics and economics teaching.
Table 2: Libraries and commands in BEsmarter GUI.
Univariate models
Model Library Command Reference
Normal MCMCpack MCMCregress
Logit MCMCpack MCMClogit
Probit bayesm rbprobitGibbs
Multinomial(Mixed) Probit bayesm rmnpGibbs
Multinomial(Mixed) Logit bayesm rmnlIndepMetrop
Ordered Probit bayesm rordprobitGibbs
Negative Binomial(Poisson) bayesm rnegbinRw
Tobit MCMCpack MCMCtobit
Quantile MCMCpack MCMCquantreg
Multivariate models
Model Library Command Reference
Multivariate bayesm rmultireg
Seemingly Unrelated Regression bayesm rsurGibbs
Instrumental Variable bayesm rivGibbs
Bivariate Probit bayesm rmvpGibbs
Hierarchical longitudinal models
Model Library Command Reference
Normal MCMCpack MCMChregress
Logit MCMCpack MCMChlogit
Poisson MCMCpack MCMChpoisson
Bayesian Bootstrap
Model Library Command Reference
Bayesian bootstrap bayesboot bayesboot
Bayesian model averaging
Model Library Command Reference
Normal (BIC) BMA bic.glm
Normal (MC3) BMA MC3.REG
Normal (instrumental variables) ivbma ivbma
Logit (BIC) BMA bic.glm
Gamma (BIC) BMA bic.glm
Poisson (BIC) BMA bic.glm
Diagnostic Library Command Reference
Trace plot coda traceplot
Autocorrelation plot coda autocorr.plot
Geweke test coda geweke.diag
Raftery & Lewis test coda raftery.diag
Heidelberger & Welch test coda heidel.diag
Table 3: Data sets templates in folder DataSim.
Univariate models
Model Data set file Data set simulation
Normal 11SimNormalmodel.csv 11SimNormal.R
Logit 12SimLogitmodel.csv 12SimLogit
Probit 13SimProbitmodel.csv 13SimProbit.R
Multinomial(Mixed) Probit 14SimMultProbmodel.csv 14SimMultinomialProbit.R
Multinomial(Mixed) Logit 15SimMultLogitmodel.csv 15SimMultinomialLogit.R
Ordered Probit 16SimOrderedProbitmodel.csv 16SimOrderedProbit.R
Negative Binomial(Poisson) 17SimNegBinmodel.csv 17SimNegBin.R
Tobit 18SimTobitmodel.csv 18SimTobit.R
Quantile 19SimQuantilemodel.csv 19SimQuantile.R
Multivariate models
Model Data set file Data set simulation
Multivariate 21SimMultivariate.csv 21SimMultReg.R
Seemingly Unrelated Regression 22SimSUR.csv 22SimSUR.R
Instrumental Variable 23SimIV.csv 23SimIV.R
Bivariate Probit 24SimMultProbit.csv 24SimMultProbit.R
Hierarchical longitudinal models
Model Data set file Data set simulation
Normal 31SimLogitudinalNormal.csv 31SimLogitudinalNormal.R
Logit 32SimLogitudinalLogit.csv 32SimLogitudinalLogit.R
Poisson 33SimLogitudinalPoisson.csv 33SimLogitudinalPoisson.R
Bayesian Bootstrap
Model Data set file Data set simulation
Bayesian bootstrap 41SimBootstrapmodel.csv 41SimBootstrapmodel.R
Bayesian model averaging
Model Data set file Data set simulation
Normal (BIC) 511SimNormalBMA.csv 511SimNormalBMA.R
Normal (MC3) 512SimNormalBMA.csv 512SimNormalBMA.R
Normal (instrumental variables) 513SimNormalBMAivYXW.csv 513SimNormalBMAiv.R
Logit (BIC) 52SimLogitBMA.csv 52SimLogitBMA.R
Gamma (BIC) 53SimGammaBMA.csv 53SimGammaBMA.R
Poisson (BIC) 53SimPoissonBMA.csv 53SimPoissonBMA.R
Table 4: Real data sets in folder DataApp.
Univariate models
Model Data set file Dependent variable
Normal 1ValueFootballPlayers.csv log(Value)
Logit 2HealthMed.csv Hosp
Probit 2HealthMed.csv Hosp
Multinomial(Mixed) Probit Fishing.csv mode
Multinomial(Mixed) Logit Fishing.csv mode
Ordered Probit 2HealthMed.csv MedVisPrevOr
Negative Binomial(Poisson) 2HealthMed.csv MedVisPrev
Tobit 1ValueFootballPlayers.csv log(ValueCens)
Quantile 1ValueFootballPlayers.csv log(Value)
Multivariate models
Model Data set file Dependent variable
Multivariate 4Institutions.csv logpcGDP95 and PAER
Seemingly Unrelated Regression 5Institutions.csv logpcGDP95 and PAER
Instrumental Variable 6Institutions.csv logpcGDP95 and PAER
Bivariate Probit 7HealthMed.csv y=[Hosp SHI]
Hierarchical longitudinal models
Model Data set file Dependent variable
Normal 8PublicCap.csv log(gsp)
Logit 9VisitDoc.csv DocVis
Poisson 9VisitDoc.csv DocNum
Bayesian Bootstrap
Model Data set file Dependent variable
Bayesian bootstrap 1ValueFootballPlayers.csv log(Value)
Bayesian model averaging
Model Data set file Dependent variable
Normal (BIC) 10ExportDiversificationHHI.csv avghhi
Normal (MC3) 10ExportDiversificationHHI.csv avghhi
Normal (instrumental variables) 11ExportDiversificationHHI.csv avghhi and avglgdpcap
Logit (BIC) 13InternetMed.csv internet
Gamma (BIC) 14ValueFootballPlayers.csv Ln market value
Poisson (BIC) 15Fertile2.csv ceb

CRAN packages used


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  1. We used instrumental variables to identify causal effects when there are endogeneity issues in linear regression. This is a very common approach among econometricians in this situation. Otherwise, all regression approaches presented here are well known by statisticians.[↩]
  2. Bayesian econometrics: Simulations, models and applications to research, teaching, and encoding with responsibility.[↩]
  3. We strongly recommend to type this directly, rather than copy and paste. This is due to an issue with the quotation mark.[↩]
  4. Take into account that as inference in Bayesian models is based on simulation methods, results do not coincide 100%.[↩]
  5. Users should take into account that formal inference (hypothesis tests) in a Bayesian framework are based on Bayes factors.[↩]
  6. Remember that in this model our GUI displays the posterior results according to the order in the equation.[↩]
  7. Substituting Equation (4) into Equation (3), and comparing it with Equation (1) yields π1=β1α21β1α1. Solving for the PAER as a function of the exogenous regressors in the structural system, and comparing it with Equation (2) yields γ1=α21β1α1. Observe one needs independent equations (β1α11) and the exclusion restriction (α20).[↩]


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Ramírez--Hassan & Graciano-Londoño, "A GUIded tour of Bayesian regression", The R Journal, 2021

BibTeX citation

  author = {Ramírez--Hassan, Andrés and Graciano-Londoño, Mateo},
  title = {A GUIded tour of Bayesian regression},
  journal = {The R Journal},
  year = {2021},
  note = {https://rjournal.github.io/},
  volume = {13},
  issue = {2},
  issn = {2073-4859},
  pages = {135-152}