Sampling from high-dimensional distributions and volume approximation of convex bodies are fundamental operations that appear in optimization, finance, engineering, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. In this paper, we present volesti, an R package that provides efficient, scalable algorithms for volume estimation, uniform, and Gaussian sampling from convex polytopes. volesti scales to hundreds of dimensions, handles efficiently three different types of polyhedra and provides non existing sampling routines to R. We demonstrate the power of volesti by solving several challenging problems using the R language.
High-dimensional sampling from multivariate distributions with Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms is a fundamental problem with many applications in science and engineering (Iyengar 1988; Somerville 1998; Genz and Bretz 2009; Schellenberger and Palsson 2009; Venzke et al. 2021). In particular, multivariate integration over a convex set and volume approximation of such sets —a special case of integration— have accumulated a broad amount of effort over the last decades. Nevertheless, those problems are computationally hard for general dimensions (Dyer and Frieze 1988). MCMC algorithms have made remarkable progress efficiently solving the problems of sampling and volume estimation of convex bodies while enjoying great theoretical guarantees (Chen et al. 2018; Lee and Vempala 2018; Mangoubi and Vishnoi 2019). However, theoretical algorithms cannot be applied efficiently to real-life computations. For example, the asymptotic analysis by (Lovász and Vempala 2006a) hides some large constants in the complexity, and in (Lee and Vempala 2018), the step of the random walk used for sampling is too small to be an efficient choice in practice. Therefore, practical algorithms have been designed by relaxing the theoretical guarantees and applying new algorithmic and statistical techniques to perform efficiently while at the same time meeting the requirements for high accuracy results (Emiris and Fisikopoulos 2014; Cousins and Vempala 2016; Chalkis et al. 2019).
In this paper, we present volesti (Fisikopoulos et al. 2020), an R package containing a variety of high-dimensional MCMC methods for sampling from multivariate distributions restricted to a convex polytope and randomized algorithms for volume estimation of convex polytopes. In particular, it includes efficient implementations of three practical volume algorithms—Sequence of Balls (SoB) (Emiris and Fisikopoulos 2014), Cooling Gaussians (CG) (Cousins and Vempala 2016), and Cooling convex Bodies (CB) (Chalkis et al. 2019). In addition to volume estimation, volesti provides efficient implementations for Random-Directions and Coordinate-Directions Hit and Run (RDHR and CDHR) (Smith 1984), Ball Walk (BaW) (Hastings 1970), Billiard Walk (BiW) (Polyak and Gryazina 2014). The first three can be used to sample from multivariate uniform or spherical Gaussian distributions (centered at any point), while BiW can be employed, by definition, only for uniform sampling. On the whole, volesti is the first R package that:
performs high-dimensional volume estimation,
efficiently handles three different types of polyhedra in high dimensions, namely H-polytopes, V-polytopes, and Z-polytopes,
provides—previously absent from R—MCMC sampling algorithms for uniform and truncated Gaussian distributions, namely BaW, CDHR, and BiW,
solves some challenging problems in finance, engineering, and applied mathematics.
On top of volesti presentation, we illustrate the usage of volesti in the study of convergence of various random walks (e.g., Figure 3) and accuracy of volume estimation methods. Regarding applications, in the last section, we illustrate how one can (a) exploit volesti to detect shock events in stock markets following the results by (Calès et al. 2018), (b) evaluate zonotope approximation in engineering (Kopetzki et al. 2017), and (c) approximate the number of linear extensions of a partially ordered set, which is useful in various applications in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
To improve the presentation of the current paper, detailed comparisons and benchmarking of R packages–including volesti–for solving the problems of MCMC sampling, volume computation, and numerical integration are presented in a separate blog post (Chalkis and Fisikopoulos 2021).
Considering MCMC methods to sample from multivariate distributions are divided into two main categories: truncated to a convex body and untruncated distributions. For the first category—which clearly is the main focus of this paper—an important case is the truncated Gaussian distribution which arises in several applications in statistics. (Bolin and Lindgren 2015) sample from truncated Gaussian distributions in a novel importance sampling method to study Markov processes that exceed a certain level. (Wadsworth and Tawn 2014) use sampling from a specific truncated Gaussian distribution to develop a novel method for likelihood inference, while (Huser and Davison 2013) sample from the same distribution for likelihood estimation for max-stable processes. In curve prediction, they exploit Gaussian sampling to compute simultaneous confidence bands to forecast a full curve from explanatory variables (Azaïs et al. 2010). (Grün and Hornik 2012) study the posterior distribution for Bayesian inference on mixed regression models to represent human immunodeficiency virus ribonucleic acid levels, a Gaussian restricted to a convex polytope. In (Albert and Chib 1993), the probit regression model for binary outcomes have an underlying normal regression structure on latent continuous data; sampling from the posterior distribution of the parameters involves sampling from a truncated Gaussian distribution.
Another important special case is the truncated uniform distribution. In systems biology the flux space of a metabolic network is represented by a convex polytope (Haraldsdòttir et al. 2017); uniform sampling from the interior of that polytope could lead to important biological insights. In computational finance, the set of all possible portfolios in a stock market is in general a convex polytope. Volume computation and uniform sampling from that set is useful for crises detection (Calès et al. 2018) and efficient portfolio allocation and analysis (Hallerbach et al. 2002; Pouchkarev et al. 2004).
Considering R packages for the truncated case, there is
tmg (Pakman 2015) implementing
exact Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) with boundary reflections as well as
multinomineq (Heck 2019),
lineqGPR (Lopez 2019),
restrictedMVN (Taylor and Benjamini 2016),
tmvmixnorm (Ma et al. 2020)
implementing variations of the Gibbs sampler. To our knowledge, the only
two R packages for uniform sampling is
hitandrun (van Valkenhoef and Tervonen 2019)
limSolve (Meersche K. et al. 2009),
which exposes the R function xsample()
(Meersche et al. 2009). For the
untruncated case, packages
HybridMC (Morey 2009),
rhmc (Sartório 2018),
mcmc (Geyer and Johnson 2020), and
MHadaptive (Chivers 2012)
provide implementations for HMC and Metropolis Hastings algorithms,
respectively. For volume computation, the only existing package,
geometry (Roussel et al. 2019),
computes the volume of the convex hull of a set of points and is based
on the C++ library, qhull (Barber et al. 1996).
Convex polytopes are a special case of convex bodies with special
interest in many scientific fields and applications. For example, in
optimization, the feasible region of a linear program is a polytope, and
in finance, the set of portfolios is usually expressed by a polytope
(i.e., the simplex). More formally, an H-polytope is defined as
We more formally define here the four geometric random walks implemented in volesti, namely, Hit and Run (two variations, RDHR, and CDHR), Ball walk (Baw), and Billiard walk (BiW). They are illustrated in Figure 2 for two dimensions.
In general, if
Algorithm 1 describes the general Hit and Run
procedure. When the line
Input : Polytope
Output : A point
Pick a line
return a random point on the chord
The Ball walk (Algorithm 2) needs, additionally to
Hit and Run, a radius
Input : Polytope
Output : A point
Pick a uniform random point
Billiard walk is a random walk for sampling from the uniform
distribution (Polyak and Gryazina 2014). It tries to emulate the movement of a
gas particle during the physical phenomena of filling uniformly a
vessel. Algorithm 3 implements Billiard walk,
Input : Polytope
Output : A point
Set the length of the trajectory
Set the number of reflections
Pick a uniformly distributed direction on the unit sphere,
Every random walk starts from a point in the convex body and perform a
number of steps called walk length. The larger the walk length is, the
less correlated the final with the starting point will be. The number of
steps to get an uncorrelated point, that is, a point approximately drawn
random walk | mixing time | cost/step | cost/step |
H-polytope | V- |
RDHR (Lovász and Vempala 2006a) | |||
CDHR (Laddha and Vempala 2020) | |||
BaW (Lee and Vempala 2017) | |||
BiW (Polyak and Gryazina 2014) | ? |
Table 1 displays known complexities for mixing time
and cost per step. For the mixing time of RDHR, we assume that
As mentioned before, volume computation is a hard problem, so given a
In particular, we define a sequence of functions
Then, we need to:
For a long time researchers, e.g., (Lovász et al. 1997), set
The SoB algorithm follows this paradigm and deterministically defines
the sequence of
The package volesti combines the efficiency of C++ and the popularity
and usability of R. The package uses the eigen library (Guennebaud et al. 2010) for
linear algebra, lpsolve library (Berkelaar et al. 2004) for solving linear programs,
and boost random library (Maurer and Watanabe 2017) (part of Boost C++ libraries)
for random numbers and distributions. All the code development is
performed on github
platform. The
package is available in Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) and is
regularly updated with new features and bug fixes. We employ continuous
to test the package on various systems and deploy environments. There is
of all the exposed R classes and functions publicly available. We
maintain a contribution
to help users and researchers who want to contribute to the development
or propose a bug-fix. The package is shipped under the LGPL-3
to be open to all the scientific communities. We use
Rcpp (Eddelbuettel et al. 2020b) to interface
C++ with R. In particular, we create one Rcpp function for each
procedure (such as sampling, volume estimation etc.) and we export it as
an R function.
In the following sections, we demonstrate the use of volesti. The R scripts in the following sections use only standard R functions, volesti. In a single script in Section 4, we use Rfast to compute the assets’ compound return in a stock market.
The package volesti comes with three classes to handle different
representations of polytopes. Table 2 demonstrates the
exposed R classes. The names of the classes are the names of polytope
representations as defined in the previous section. Each polytope class
has a few variable members that describe a specific polytope,
demonstrated in Table 2. The matrices and the vectors
in Table 2 correspond to those in the polytope
definitions. The integer
variable type
implies the representation:
is for H-polytopes, 2
for V-polytopes, 3
for Z-polytopes. The
variable volume
corresponds to the volume of the polytopes
if it is known. volesti provides standard and random polytope
generators. The first produce well-known polytopes such as cubes, cross
polytopes, and simplices and assign the value of the exact volume to
variable. The second are random generators using various
probability distributions and methods to produce a variety of different
random polytopes; notably the generated polytopes have unknown volume.
Class | Constructor | Variable members |
"Hpolytope" |
Hpolytope(A,b) |
integer type , numerical volume |
"Vpolytope" |
Vpolytope(V) |
integer type , numerical volume |
"Zonotope" |
Zonotope(G) |
integer type , numerical volume |
A core feature of volesti is approximate sampling from convex bodies with uniform or spherical Gaussian target distribution using the four geometric random walks defined above.
The following R script samples
R> d = 100
R> P = gen_cube(d, 'H')
R> samples = sample_points(P, random_walk = list(
"walk" = "RDHR", "burn-in"=1000, "walk_length" = 5),
n = 1000)
We use the Random Directions Hit-and-Run (RDHR) walk. Other choices are:
Coordinate Directions Hit-and-Run (CDHR), Ball Walk (BaW), and Billiard
Walk (BiW). Setting the parameter burn-in
to 1000 means that volesti
burns the first 1000 points RDHR generates; setting walk_length to 5
means that we keep in the list, one every five generated points. The
default choice for the target distribution is the uniform distribution.
To evaluate the efficiency of volesti sampling routines, one could
measure the run-time and estimate the effective sample size (Geyer 2011)
per second. To estimate the effective sample size in R, a standard
choice is the package
coda (Plummer et al. 2020).
In (Chalkis and Fisikopoulos 2021), benchmarks show that volesti can be up to
Moreover, using volesti and R, we can empirically study the mixing
time of the geometric random walks implemented in volesti. To this
end, we uniformly sample from a random rotation of the 200-dimensional
hypercube rotate_polytope()
that returns the rotated polytope and the matrix of
the linear transformation.
R> d = 200
R> num_of_points = 1000
R> P = gen_cube(d, 'H')
R> retList = rotate_polytope(P, rotation = list("seed" = 5))
R> T = retList$T
R> P = retList$P
Then, we use sample_points()
to sample from the rotated cube with
various walk lengths to test the practical mixing of the random walk.
R> for (i in c(1, seq(from = 50, to = 200, by = 50))){
points1 = t(T) %*% sample_points(P, n = num_of_points, random_walk = list(
"walk" = "BaW", "walk_length" = i, "seed" = 5))
points2 = t(T) %*% sample_points(P, n = num_of_points, random_walk = list(
"walk" = "CDHR", "walk_length" = i, "seed" = 5))
points3 = t(T) %*% sample_points(P, n = num_of_points, random_walk = list(
"walk" = "RDHR", "walk_length" = i, "seed" = 5))
points4 = t(T) %*% sample_points(P, n = num_of_points, random_walk = list(
"walk" = "BiW", "walk_length" = i, "seed" = 5))
Finally, we map the points back to
Note that, in general, perfect uniform sampling in the rotated polytope
would result to perfect uniformly distributed points in the 3D cube
In many Bayesian models, the posterior distribution is a multivariate
Gaussian distribution restricted to a specific domain. We illustrate the
usage of volesti for the case of the truncation being the canonical
Clearly, the support of the density in
Equation ((2)) is defined by a convex subset of a
linear subspace of
In the following R script we first generate a random 100-dimensional
positive definite matrix
R> d = 100
R> S = matrix( rnorm(d*d,mean=0,sd=1), d, d) #random covariance matrix
R> S = S %*% t(S)
R> shift = rep(1/d, d)
R> A = -diag(d)
R> b = rep(0,d)
R> b = b - A %*% shift
R> Aeq = t(as.matrix(rep(1,d), 10,1))
R> N = pracma::nullspace(Aeq)
R> A = A %*% N #transform the truncation into a full dimensional polytope
R> S = t(N) %*% S %*% N
R> A = A %*% t(chol(S)) #Cholesky decomposition to transform to the standard Gaussian
R> P = Hpolytope(A=A, b=as.numeric(b)) #new truncation
Next, we use the sample_points()
function to sample from the standard
Gaussian distribution restricted to the computed simplex, and we apply
the inverse transformations to obtain a sample in the initial space.
R> samples = sample_points(P, n = 100000, random_walk =
list("walk"="CDHR", "burn-in"=1000,
"starting_point" = rep(0, d-1),
distribution = list("density" = "gaussian",
"mode" = rep(0, d-1))))
R> samples_initial_space = N %*% samples +
kronecker(matrix(1, 1, 100000), matrix(shift, ncol = 1))
In the previous script, we set the starting point of the walk to the mode of the Gaussian, i.e., the origin. Note that the default choice in volesti for the target distribution in the case of Gaussian sampling is the standard Gaussian; that is, the target distribution in the above script.
Considering comparisons, volesti is at least one order of magnitude faster than restrictedMVN and tmg for computing a sample of similar quality. For more details on comparison with other packages, we refer to (Chalkis and Fisikopoulos 2021).
Let us now give an example of how we approximate the volume of a
polytope in volesti. Since this is a randomized algorithm, it makes
sense to compute some statistics for the output values using R when
approximating the volume of the
R> P = gen_cube(10, 'H')
R> volumes = list()
R> for (i in seq_len(20)) {
volumes[[i]] = volume(P, settings = list("error" = 0.2))
By changing the error to
To understand the need for randomized computation in high dimensions
implemented in volesti, we can consider the state-of-the-art volume
computation in R today, namely,
geometry. It implements
a deterministic algorithm in which run-time grows exponentially with the
dimension. Because of the later property,
geometry generally,
fails to terminate for polytope in dimension
The following script illustrates the usage and efficiency of volesti to compute the volume of high-dimensional polytopes. In particular, a V-polytope, namely the cross-polytope, and an H-polytope, namely the hypercube.
R> d = 80
R> P = gen_cross(80, 'V') #generate a cross polytope in V-representation
R> time = system.time({
volume_estimation = volume(P, settings = list(
"algorithm" = "CB", "random_walk" = "BiW",
"seed" = 127)) })
R> exact_volume = 2^d/prod(1:d)
R> cat(time[1], abs(volume_estimation - exact_volume) / exact_volume)
82.874 0.074434
R> P = gen_cube(d, 'H') #generate a hypercube polytope in H-representation
R> time = system.time({
volume_estimation = volume(P, settings = list(
"algorithm" = "CB", "random_walk" = "CDHR",
"seed" = 23)) })
R> exact_volume = 2^d
R> cat(time[1], abs(volume_estimation - exact_volume) / exact_volume)
0.657 0.067633
For V- and Z- polytopes the most efficient choice of random walk is BiW, while for H-polytopes is CDHR. This explains why we use different random walks in the previous script. However, notice that the run-time for the H-polytope is two order of magnitude smaller. This happens because the cost per step of a random walk in a V-polytope increases comparing to H-polytopes.
Last but not least, volesti provides random polytope generators. The
following command estimates the volume of a randomly generated
V-polytope that is the convex hull of
R> P = gen_rand_vpoly(20, 40, generator = list("body" = "cube", "seed" = 1729))
R> volume_estimation = volume(P)
The next call estimates the volume of an H-polytope randomly generated
as an intersection of
R> P = gen_rand_hpoly(60, 180, generator = list('constants' = 'sphere'))
R> volume_estimation = volume(P)
Since the exact volume of those polytopes is unknown, the accuracy of the computed estimation is unknown and statistical methods such as the effective sample size (Geyer 2011) could be used.
We demonstrate volesti’s potential to solve challenging problems. More specifically, we provide detailed use-cases for applications in finance (crises detection and portfolio scoring), decision and control, multivariate integration, and artificial intelligence.
In this subsection, we present how one could employ volesti to detect
financial crises or shock events in stock markets by following the
method of (Calès et al. 2018). For all the examples in the sequel, we use a set
R> MatReturns = read.table("",
sep = ",")
R> MatReturns = MatReturns[-c(1, 2), ]
R> dates = as.character(MatReturns$V1)
R> MatReturns = as.matrix(MatReturns[ ,-c(1, 54)])
R> MatReturns = matrix(as.numeric(MatReturns), nrow = dim(MatReturns )[1], ncol =
dim(MatReturns )[2], byrow = FALSE)
R> nassets = dim(MatReturns)[2]
The method uses the copula representation to capture the dependence
between portfolios’ returns and volatility. A copula is an approximation
of the bivariate joint distribution while both marginals follow the
uniform distribution. In normal times, portfolios are characterized by
slightly positive returns and moderate volatility, in up-market times
(typically bubbles) by high returns and low volatility, and during
financial crises by strongly negative returns and high volatility. Thus,
when a copula implies a positive dependence (see Figure 5
left), then it probably comes from a normal period. On the other side,
when the dependence between portfolios’ return and volatility is
negative (see Figure 5 right), the copula probably comes
from a crisis period. The first case occurs when the indicator that
computes the ratio between the red mass over the blue mass is smaller
than copula()
can be used to compute such copulas. When two
vectors of returns are given as input by the user, then the computed
copula is related to the problem of the momentum effect in stock
The following script produces Figure 5 by setting the starting and the stopping date for the left and the right plot, respectively. To compute the copula, we use the compound asset return, which is the rate of return for capital over a cumulative series of time (Calès et al. 2018).
R> row1 = which(dates %in% "2008-12-18")
R> row2 = which(dates %in% "2009-03-13")
R> compound_asset_return = Rfast::colprods(1 + MatReturns[row1:row2, ]) - 1
R> mass = copula(r1 = compound_asset_return, sigma = cov(MatReturns[row1:row2, ]),
m = 100, n = 1e+06, seed = 5)
Moreover, the function compute_indicators()
computes the copulas of
all the sets of win_len
consecutive days and returns the corresponding
indicators and the states of the market during the given time period.
The next script takes as input the daily returns of all the
R> row1 = which(dates %in% "2007-01-04")
R> row2 = which(dates %in% "2010-01-04")
R> market_analysis = compute_indicators(returns = MatReturns[row1:row2, ],
parameters = list("win_len" = 60, "m" = 100,
"n" = 1e+06, "nwarning" = 30, "ncrisis" = 60,
"seed" = 5))
R> I = market_analysis$indicators
R> market_states = market_analysis$market_states
We compare the results with the database for financial crises in
European countries proposed in (Duca et al. 2017). The only listed crisis for
this period is the sub-prime crisis (from December 2007 to June 2009).
Notice that Figure 6 successfully points out
As a second financial application, we will use volesti to evaluate the
performance of a given portfolio. In particular, volesti computes the
proportion of all possible allocations that the given portfolio
outperforms. This score independently introduced
in (Pouchkarev 2005; Banerjee and Hung 2011; Guegan et al. 2011), and is an alternative to
more classical choices for the evaluation of the performance of a
portfolio as the Sharpe-like ratios proposed in the 1960’s by
(Sharpe 1966; Jensen 1967; Treynor 2015). However, the efficient computation
of that score was uncertain until (Calès et al. 2018) notice that Varsi’s
algorithm (Varsi 1973) can be used to perform robust computations in high
dimensions. Varsi’s algorithm is implemented in volesti by the
function frustum_of_simplex()
and computes volumes in thousands of
dimensions in just a few milliseconds on modest hardware. As an example,
the following R script let us know that on
R> R = MatReturns[which(dates %in% "2009-03-13"), ]
R> R0 = 0.002
R> tim = system.time({ exact_score = frustum_of_simplex(R, R0) })
R> cat(exact_score, tim[3])
0.4773961 0.001
Volume approximation for Z-polytopes (or zonotopes) could be very useful
in several applications in decision and control (Kopetzki et al. 2017), in
autonomous driving (Althoff and Dolan 2014), or human-robot collaboration (Pereira and Althoff 2015).
The complexity of algorithms that manipulate Z-polytopes strongly
depends on their order. Thus, to achieve efficient computations, the
common approach in practice is to over-approximate the Z-polytope at
As an illustration, the following R script generates a random 2D
zonotope, computes the over-approximation with the PCA method, and
estimates the ratio of fitness. The sample_points
function is then
used to plot the two polygons (Figure 7).
R> Z = gen_rand_zonotope(2, 8, generator = list("distribution" = "uniform",
"seed" = 1729))
R> points1 = sample_points(Z, random_walk = list("walk" = "BRDHR"), n = 10000)
R> retList = zonotope_approximation(Z = Z, fit_ratio = TRUE,
generator = list("seed" = 5))
R> P = retList$P
R> cat(retList$fit_ratio)
R> points2 = sample_points(P, random_walk = list("walk" = "BRDHR", "seed" = 5),
n = 10000)
Computing the integral of a function over a convex set (i.e., convex
polytope) is a hard fundamental problem with numerous applications.
volesti can be used to approximate the value of such an integral by a
simple MCMC integration method, which employs the
The following R script generates a V-polytope for
Considering the efficiency of volesti, Table 3
reports the exact value of
R> num_of_points = 5000
R> f = function(x) { sum(x^2) + (2 * x[1]^2 + x[2] + x[3]) }
R> for (d in seq(from = 5, to = 20, by = 5)) {
P = gen_rand_vpoly(d, 2 * d, generator = list("seed" = 127))
points = sample_points(P, random_walk = list("walk" = "BiW",
"walk_length" = 1, "seed" = 5), n = num_of_points)
sum_f = 0
for (i in seq_len(num_of_points)){
sum_f = sum_f + f(points[, i])
V = volume(P, settings = list("error" = 0.05, "seed" = 5))
I2 = (sum_f * V) / num_of_points
dimension | Exact value | Estimated value | Rel. error | Exact Time (sec) | Est. Time (sec) |
5 | 0.02738404 | 0.02446581 | 0.1065667 | 0.023 | 3.983 |
10 | 3.224286e-06 | 3.204522e-06 | 0.00612976 | 3.562 | 11.95 |
15 | 4.504834e-11 | 4.867341e-11 | 0.08047068 | 471.479 | 33.256 |
20 | - | 1.140189e-16 | - | - | 64.058 |
We focus now on a different problem, namely, counting the linear extensions of a given partially ordered set (poset), which arises in various applications in artificial intelligence and machine learning, such as partial order plans (Muise et al. 2016) and learning graphical models (Niinimäki et al. 2016).
It is also well known that counting linear extensions is
#P-complete (Brightwell and Winkler 1991). Thus, as the number of graph nodes (i.e.,
the dimension of
As a simple example, consider the graph in Figure 8 that
has 9 linear extensions
R> A = matrix(c(
ncol = 5, nrow = 14, byrow = TRUE)
R> b = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 , 1, 1, 1)
R> P_LE = Hpolytope(A = A, b = b)
R> time = system.time({ LE = volume(P_LE, settings = list("error" = 0.01,
"seed" = 1927)) * factorial(5) })
volesti is an R package that provides MCMC sampling routines for multivariate distributions restricted to convex polytopes and volume estimation. It supports three different polytope representations, and thus, it is useful for several applications. We illustrate the usage of volesti with simple, reproducible examples and show how volesti can be used to address challenging problems in modern applications.
Regarding future work, the expansion of volesti to support general log-concave sampling methods would be of special interest for several applications. Efficient log-concave sampling could also lead to additional sophisticated methods to estimate a multivariate integral over a convex polytope (Lovasz and Vempala 2006).
The results in this paper were obtained using R 3.4.4, R 3.6.3, and volesti 1.1.2-2. The versions of the imported by volesti packages are stats 3.4.4 (R Core Team 2020a) and methods 3.4.4 (R Core Team 2020b); of the linked by volesti packages, Rcpp 1.0.3, BH (Eddelbuettel et al. 2020a), RcppEigen (Bates and Eddelbuettel 2013). The suggested package is testthat 2.0.1 (Wickham 2011). For comparison to volesti and for plots, this paper uses geometry 0.4.5, hitandrun 0.5.5, SimplicialCubature 1.2, Rfast 2.0.3 (Papadakis et al. 2021), ggplot2 3.1.0 (Wickham 2016), plotly 4.8.0 (Sievert 2020), rgl 0.100.50 (Adler et al. 2021), coda 0.19.4. All packages used are available from CRAN.
All computations were performed on a PC with
Intel Pentium(R) CPU G4400 @ 3.30GHz
and 16GB RAM
The main part of the work has been done, while A.C. was supported by Google Summer of Code 2018 and 2019 grants, and V.F. was his mentor. The authors acknowledge fruitful discussions with Ioannis Emiris, Ludovic Calès, Elias Tsigaridas, the R-project for statistical computing, and the R community.
volesti, tmg, multinomineq, lineqGPR, restrictedMVN, tmvmixnorm, hitandrun, limSolve, HybridMC, rhmc, mcmc, MHadaptive, geometry, Rcpp, Rfast, coda, SimplicialCubature, cubature, stats, methods, BH, RcppEigen, testthat, ggplot2, plotly, rgl
Bayesian, Distributions, GraphicalModels, HighPerformanceComputing, NumericalMathematics, Optimization, Phylogenetics, Spatial, SpatioTemporal, TeachingStatistics, WebTechnologies
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Chalkis & Fisikopoulos, "volesti: Volume Approximation and Sampling for Convex Polytopes in R", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-077, author = {Chalkis, Apostolos and Fisikopoulos, Vissarion}, title = {volesti: Volume Approximation and Sampling for Convex Polytopes in R}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {}, volume = {13}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {642-660} }