Linear transformation models constitute a general family of parametric regression models for discrete and continuous responses. To accommodate correlated responses, the model is extended by incorporating mixed effects. This article presents the R package tramME, which builds on existing implementations of transformation models (mlt and tram packages) as well as Laplace approximation and automatic differentiation (using the TMB package), to calculate estimates and perform likelihood inference in mixed-effects transformation models. The resulting framework can be readily applied to a wide range of regression problems with grouped data structures.
Datasets with grouped observations are abundant in the applied statistical practice. Clustering, hierarchical designs, longitudinal studies, or repeated measurements can all lead to grouped data structures. The common property of these datasets is that observations within groups, defined by one or more grouping factors, cannot be treated as independent. In order to draw a valid inference, the statistical model has to address the issue of correlated observations. Mixed-effects models represent one of the main approaches dealing with this type of regression problem. In this approach, the observations are assumed to be independent conditionally on a set of random effects that aim to capture unmodeled group-level heterogeneity. The reader is referred, for example, to the textbook by Demidenko (2013) for an exposition and examples of the usage of mixed-effects models. Several R packages exist that implement mixed-effects models for specific types of regression problems. The two most notable examples are nlme by Pinheiro et al. (2021) and lme4 by Bates et al. (2015) for linear, non-linear, and generalized linear mixed-effects models, respectively.
Linear transformation models aim to directly specify the conditional distribution function of an outcome variable in a regression setting. Hothorn (2020) proposed a fully parametric approach using a flexible monotone increasing transformation function that is estimated from the data. The resulting general model family can be applied to a wide range of problems with at least ordered discrete outcome variables. In fact, many of the popular regression models can be expressed as special cases of the linear transformation model framework. Most recently, Tian et al. (2020) reviewed the approach followed in this study and compared it to an alternative semiparametric formulation using extensive simulations. By introducing random effects in the linear transformation model, it becomes applicable in a very diverse set of regression problems where the observations are correlated due to repeated measurements or grouped designs.
The structure of this article is as follows: After a brief, and somewhat technical, introduction of the methodology and the implementation in Section 2, Section 3 demonstrates, through a series of examples, how the package tramME (Tamási and Hothorn 2021) can be applied to estimate regression models with various response types and data structures. Finally, Section 4 discusses a few issues concerning the implementation of our model.
The model class in the R package tramME is an extension of the transformation model approach described by Hothorn et al. (2018) and implemented in the R packages mlt and tram by Hothorn (2020) and Hothorn and Barbanti (2021), respectively. These resources provide an introduction to fully parameterized transformation models for independent observations.
Formally, we are interested in models that parameterize the conditional
distribution function directly,
As Table 1 shows, specific choices of the error
distribution and the baseline transformation function lead to different
types of regression models. In the R package tramME, seven main model
types are distinguished, mainly based on the class of their outcome
variable. Moreover, the functions SurvregME()
and PolrME()
allow to
specify multiple error distributions or baseline transformations and
hence increasing the number of available model types.
Function | Name | ||
LmME() |
Mixed-effects normal linear regression | Standard Gaussian | Linear basis |
BoxCoxME() |
Non-normal (Box-Cox-type) linear mixed-effects regression | Standard Gaussian | Bernstein basis |
ColrME() |
Mixed-effects continuous outcome logistic regression | Standard logistic | Bernstein basis |
CoxphME() |
Mixed-effects parametric Cox regression | Minimum extreme value | Bernstein basis |
SurvregME() |
Mixed-effects parametric survival models | Multiple options | Multiple options |
PolrME() |
Mixed-effects regression models for ordinal outcomes | Multiple options | Discrete basis |
LehmannME() |
Mixed-effects Lehmann-alternative linear regression | Maximum extreme value | Bernstein basis |
As the table indicates, some of the models specify their transformation
functions as general smooth functions, approximated with the use of
polynomials in Bernstein form. The function
The observations are assumed to be conditionally independent, and
hence the likelihood has the form
One of the main advantages of working directly with the distribution
function of the outcome is that it is simple to introduce (random)
censoring and truncation in the estimation procedure. The conditional
likelihood contributions under different types of censoring can be
written as
The multidimensional integral in Equation (2), in general, does not have an analytical solution, but its value can be approximated using numerical methods. The package tramME applies the Laplace approximation to this problem, which relies on the quadratic Taylor expansion of the corresponding joint log-likelihood function.
The maximization of the logarithm of the likelihood function with
respect to
The maximum likelihood estimation in tramME is done using the TMB package by Kristensen et al. (2016). The Template Model Builder (TMB) allows the user to define and estimate general, non-linear mixed-effects models. It was built on well-tested and high-performance C++ libraries, which results in a flexible yet efficient framework for estimating mixed models with possibly complex random effects structures; see, for example, Brooks et al. (2017) for performance comparisons in the context of the package glmmTMB. In tramME, TMB is used to evaluate the integral in Equation (2), using Laplace’s method, and to calculate the derivatives of the log-likelihood function using automatic (or algorithmic) differentiation.
In this section, several applications of the transformation mixed models are presented, and wherever it is possible, also compared to other existing implementations. The examples shown here are by no means intended as complete analyses. They demonstrate how mixed-effects transformation models can be used in a broad range of regression problems and showcase the most important features implemented in the package tramME.
In each application, a simple version of a transformation mixed model is compared to the same model implemented by a benchmark package first. In a second step, extensions to more complex models not available other packages are fitted using package tramME. The R code illustrates similarities and differences in the user interfaces. The two model outputs allow a direct comparison of the model-agnostic implementation in tramME to the model-specific implementation in the benchmark package. The package tramME is, however, not intended as a replacement for well-tested implementations of important special cases of mixed models, such as linear mixed models in lme4, but as a tool for extending these implementations to more complex model variants.
As a first example, we model the average reaction times to a specific task from a sleep deprivation study described in Belenky et al. (2003). Figure 1 presents the reaction times against days of sleep deprivation for each of the 18 participants.
In this first example, we model the distribution of the average reaction
time using random intercepts and random slopes for the effects of days
of sleep deprivation.
are directly
comparable to estimates using other mixed-effects regression packages
such as lme4. Estimating the normal linear model with the tramME:
R> library("tramME")
R> sleep_lmME <- LmME(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)
R> logLik(sleep_lmME)
'log Lik.' -876 (df=6)
To make the results from lme4 comparable to the previous results, we
, as the transformation mixed model implementation
only supports the maximum likelihood estimation of the normal linear
model specification.
R> library("lme4")
R> sleep_lmer <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy,
R> logLik(sleep_lmer)
'log Lik.' -876 (df=6)
The as.lm = TRUE
option of various methods in tramME facilitates the
comparisons between the transformation model parameterization and the
results of a linear mixed model parameterization. Coefficient estimates
and their standard errors from the transformation model approach are
R> cbind(coef = coef(sleep_lmME, as.lm = TRUE),
+ se = sqrt(diag(vcov(sleep_lmME, as.lm = TRUE, pargroup = "fixef"))))
coef se
(Intercept) 251.4 6.63
Days 10.5 1.50
while the results from lmer
R> summary(sleep_lmer)$coefficients
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 251.4 6.63 37.91
Days 10.5 1.50 6.97
Similarly, the standard deviations and correlations of the random effects and the standard deviations of the error terms are essentially the same
R> VarCorr(sleep_lmME, as.lm = TRUE) ## random effects
Grouping factor: Subject (18 levels)
Standard deviation:
(Intercept) Days
23.80 5.72
Days 0.0813
R> sigma(sleep_lmME) ## residual SD
[1] 25.6
R> VarCorr(sleep_lmer)
Groups Name Std.Dev. Corr
Subject (Intercept) 23.78
Days 5.72 0.08
Residual 25.59
With the predict
method of tramME, we can evaluate the fitted
conditional distribution of the outcome on a scale specified by the
user. Additionally, by setting type = "quantile"
, we can calculate the
quantiles of the conditional distribution of the response.
R> ## Update to specify the support
R> sleep_lmME1b <- update(sleep_lmME, support = c(150, 520))
R> ## Set up grid to calculate conditional quantiles
R> nd <- expand.grid(Days = seq(min(sleepstudy$Days), max(sleepstudy$Days),
+ length.out = 200),
+ Subject = unique(sleepstudy$Subject))
R> ## The quantiles we want to calculate
R> pr <- c(0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975)
R> ## Specify the random effects values as predicted by the model
R> re <- ranef(sleep_lmME1b)
R> ## Calculate conditional quantiles
R> pred <- predict(sleep_lmME1b, newdata = nd, prob = pr, ranef = re,
+ type = "quantile")
Note that in the code above, we first update the model and explicitly
set the support of the outcome distribution. It is often helpful to
define the support when we want to calculate the quantiles of the
outcome distribution because in certain extreme cases, the calculated
values may lie outside of the default support and, in these cases,
(just as predict.mlt
) will return censored values.
Because we are interested in conditional quantiles, we have to specify
the values of the random effects on which we want to condition for each
subject. In the example above, we simply set the predicted random
effects values for the subjects of the sleepstudy
dataset. Although it
is relatively common in practice, one should be careful with using
plug-in estimators of non-linear functions of the random effects (i.e.,
estimating these functions by evaluating at the point estimates of the
random effects) as they can contain substantial bias (Thorson and Kristensen 2016). To
demonstrate how mixed-effects transformation models relax certain
assumptions of the normal linear reference model and to showcase the
functionality implemented in the tramME package, occasionally, we will
rely on these estimators nevertheless.
data with the normal linear mixed-effects
model (LmME
).Figure 2 presents the quantiles of the
conditional distribution of reaction time from the model defined in
Equation (3). The random intercepts and slopes capture separate
time trends for each subject in the study. In the normal linear mixed
model (estimated with LmME
), the conditional quantiles are parallel
lines. We will revisit this example when we relax certain assumptions of
this initial model in Section 3.2.
tramME implements a version of score residuals that are defined as the
score contributions of the individual observations with respect to an
additional constant term that is fixed at zero.
as.lm = TRUE
R> resid_lmME <- resid(sleep_lmME, as.lm = TRUE)
R> resid_lmer <- resid(sleep_lmer)
R> all.equal(resid_lmME, resid_lmer)
[1] "Mean relative difference: 8.04e-06"
Using the linear predictor of the mixed-effects transformation model,
R> lp <- predict(sleep_lmME, type = "lp")
we can construct plots for checking the residuals (Figure 3).
data. Left: Residuals
plotted against the linear predictor. Right: QQ plot of the residuals
against Gaussian
quantiles.As the results of this section show, the transformation model approach
implemented by LmME()
leads to the same results as the maximum
likelihood estimation of the traditional linear mixed model
parameterization. The advantage of using the package tramME over other
well-established implementations is that it can also be applied when
classical model assumptions are not met. For the sleep deprivation
experiments, the data analyst might wonder if assuming normal reaction
times is appropriate and if clocking of reaction times was indeed as
accurate as suggested by the data (milliseconds with four digits). The
former issue requires a relaxation of the conditional normality
assumption and the latter incorporation of interval-censoring in the
likelihood. We will start with model estimation in the presence of
interval-censored reaction times, which is outside the scope of
Let us assume that the measurement device used in the sleep deprivation study is only able to measure reaction times larger than 200 ms and only in 50 ms step sizes. If we want to take this reduced accuracy in the measurements into account, we have to deal with interval-censored observations as ignoring the censored nature of the outcomes could lead to biased parameter estimates.
With the following code, we create the interval-censored outcome vector
using the Surv
function of the
survival package by
Therneau (2021).
R> library("survival")
R> ub <- ceiling(sleepstudy$Reaction / 50) * 50
R> lb <- floor(sleepstudy$Reaction / 50) * 50
R> lb[ub == 200] <- 0
R> sleepstudy$Reaction_ic <- Surv(lb, ub, type = "interval2")
R> head(sleepstudy$Reaction_ic)
[1] [200, 250] [250, 300] [250, 300] [300, 350] [350, 400] [400, 450]
Using the interval-censored outcomes in the LmME()
, function call will
maximize the correct likelihood function.
R> sleep_lmME2 <- LmME(Reaction_ic ~ Days + (Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)
R> logLik(sleep_lmME2)
'log Lik.' -201 (df=6)
The value of the log-likelihood is different because we are now calculating log-probabilities instead of log-densities of a continuous distribution. However, despite the decreased precision of the measurements, the parameter estimates are similar to what we got with the exactly observed outcomes.
R> cbind(coef = coef(sleep_lmME2, as.lm = TRUE),
+ se = sqrt(diag(vcov(sleep_lmME2, as.lm = TRUE, pargroup = "fixef"))))
coef se
(Intercept) 251.4 6.83
Days 10.5 1.62
R> sigma(sleep_lmME2)
[1] 28
R> VarCorr(sleep_lmME2, as.lm = TRUE)
Grouping factor: Subject (18 levels)
Standard deviation:
(Intercept) Days
22.30 5.94
Days 0.0536
The small estimated value of the correlation coefficient between the random slope and intercept suggests that a model with independent random effects might be more appropriate. To estimate such a model, we can use the same notation as in lme4
R> sleep_lmME3 <- LmME(Reaction_ic ~ Days + (Days || Subject), data = sleepstudy)
R> logLik(sleep_lmME3)
'log Lik.' -201 (df=5)
Comparing the two models using a likelihood ratio test, we see no
evidence against the more parsimonious model (sleep_lmME3
R> anova(sleep_lmME2, sleep_lmME3)
Model comparison
Model 1: Reaction_ic ~ Days + (Days | Subject)
Model 2: Reaction_ic ~ Days + (Days || Subject)
npar logLik AIC BIC Chisq Chisq df Pr(>Chisq)
Model 2 5 -200 411 427
Model 1 6 -200 413 432 0.02 1 0.89
Note that the standard likelihood ratio tests provided by anova
very conservative for model comparisons that involve setting some of the
random effects variances to zero due to the non-standard asymptotics of
tests on the boundary of the parameter space (Self and Liang 1987).
Substituting the linear baseline transformation function,
A more flexible version of the model described in (3) will take
the form
function of the tramME package. For this specific
application, we set the order of the polynomials in Bernstein form to
R> sleep_bc <- BoxCoxME(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy,
+ order = 10)
R> logLik(sleep_bc)
'log Lik.' -858 (df=15)
Note that the log-likelihood of this model is higher than that of the normal linear model because we are now approximating the baseline transformation function flexibly at the expense of a larger number of parameters.
The conditional quantiles calculated – using the same set of function
calls, and with the same caveats, as in the analogous case of LmME
from the model defined by Equation (5) are shown in
Figure 4. Comparing these results to
Figure 2 reveals departures from conditional
normality in the response distributions: At different lengths of sleep
deprivation, the conditional distribution of the participants’ reaction
times is not a shifted normal distribution anymore, but it also changes
its spread and shape.
data with the non-normal (Box-Cox-type)
linear mixed-effects transformation model (BoxCoxME
) defined in
Equation (5).The conditional distributions of the outcome can be further inspected
visually with the plot
method of tramME, which is designed to plot
these distributions on a scale specified by the user. The left-hand side
plot in Figure 5 compares the conditional
densities of subjects 308 and 309 at various sleep deprivation lengths.
Clearly, subject 308 is hardly affected by sleep deprivation because the
mean and variance of the distribution of reaction time for this subject
increase only marginally with days of sleep deprivation. In contrast,
subject 309 showed longer mean reaction times and an increased
variability of reaction times with increasing duration of sleep
deprivation. The variance effect is not detectable from a classical
normal linear mixed model but can be observed after a data-driven
response transformation to normality. In the right panel of
Figure 5, the conditional distribution of a
hypothetical reference subject with zero random effects values is
depicted. It should be noted that the latter is, in general, not equal
to the marginal distribution of the outcome, which can be calculated by
integrating the conditional distributions over the vector of random
effects. We will return to this question at the end of this section.
fitted to the sleepstudy
data. Left: The conditional densities of
subject 308 and 309 at various lengths of sleep deprivation (0-9 days).
Right: The conditional densities of a reference subject (with random
effects equal to zero) at various lengths of sleep deprivation (0-9
days).The plots in Figure 5 can be generated with the commands
R> ## -- Compare two subjects (308 and 309)
R> nd <- subset(sleepstudy, subset = Subject %in% c(308, 309))
R> plot(sleep_bc1b, newdata = nd, type = "density", K = 200)
R> ## -- The reference subject (at the mean of the random effect vector)
R> ## (we only need an arbitrary subject)
R> nd <- subset(sleepstudy, subset = Subject == 308)
R> ## NOTE: we explicitly set the random effects vector to 0
R> plot(sleep_bc1b, newdata = nd, ranef = "zero", type = "density", K = 200)
(and with some additional formatting steps that are omitted for the sake of brevity but can be found in the accompanying material).
In line with the methodology presented by Hothorn et al. (2018) and
Hothorn (2020), we can define more complex mixed-effects transformation
models by interacting the covariates with the basis expansion of the
outcome. In the resulting extended model, the fixed effects are
dependent on the level of the outcome. For the sleepstudy
this model can be written as
The model in Equation (6) can be defined in tramME using the
operator on the left-hand side of the model formula.
R> sleep_bc2 <- BoxCoxME(Reaction | Days ~ 1 + (Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy,
+ order = 10, support = c(150, 520))
R> logLik(sleep_bc2)
'log Lik.' -853 (df=25)
Plotting the conditional quantiles calculated from the resulting model in Figure 6 and comparing it with Figures 2 and 4 demonstrates the increased flexibility of the specification.
data with the non-normal (Box-Cox-type)
distributional mixed-effects transformation model (BoxCoxME
) defined
Equation (6).In many cases, the goal of the analysis is to estimate the marginal
distribution of the outcomes, i.e., integrating out the random effects
from the conditional model (1). In the general
formulation, there is no analytical solution for the integral, but we
can use numerical methods to approximate the marginal distributions at
various values of the outcome. The following code utilizes the
and predict
methods implemented in the tramME package to
get Monte Carlo estimates of the outcome distribution implied by the
model (5).
R> ndraws <- 1000 ## number of MC draws
R> ## Set up the grid on which we evaluate the marginal distribution
R> nd <- expand.grid(
+ Reaction = seq(min(sleepstudy$Reaction), max(sleepstudy$Reaction),
+ length.out = 100),
+ Days = 0:9,
+ Subject = 1)
R> ## Sample from the distribution of the random effects
R> re <- simulate(sleep_bc, newdata = nd, nsim = ndraws, what = "ranef", seed = 100)
R> ## Evaluate the conditional distribution at each draw
R> ## (done in parallel to speed up computations)
R> cp <- parallel::mclapply(re, function(x) {
+ predict(sleep_bc, newdata = nd, ranef = x, type = "distribution")
+ }, mc.cores = 8)
R> cp <- array(unlist(cp), dim = c(100, 10, ndraws))
R> ## Integral: take the average over these
R> mp_bc <- apply(cp, c(1, 2), mean)
Figure 7 compares the conditional distributions obtained by integrating over the vector of random effects in models (3) and (5).
) and the Box-Cox-type (BoxCoxME
) mixed-effects
models fitted to the sleep deprivation study dataset. The empirical
cumulative distribution functions (ECDF) are also plotted, conditionally
on the days of sleep
deprivation.The increased flexibility of the Box-Cox-type model, i.e., using a general baseline transformation function instead of a linear one, comes with the price that the coefficient estimates will not be easily interpretable as expected changes in the mean in the conditional model. Switching to the standard logistic error distribution provides a solution to this problem, as the parameter estimates in the resulting model can be interpreted as log-odds ratios. This continuous outcome logistic regression model was used by Lohse et al. (2017) to analyze body mass index (BMI) distributions.
Manuguerra and Heller (2010) proposed a mixed-effects logistic regression model for bounded, continuous measurements of pain levels in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of low-level laser therapy for subjects with chronic neck pain presented by Chow et al. (2006). The levels of pain, measured on a visual analog scale, and normalized between 0 and 1, are plotted in Figure 8 for each subject at the different follow-up times.
The mixed-effects model suggested by Manuguerra and Heller (2010) parameterizes the
log-odds of experiencing smaller pain levels as a linear function of
fixed and random effects and the baseline transformation. With the
treatment group indicator, laser
, and time
denoting the follow-up
The ColrME()
function of the tramME package estimates mixed-effects
continuous outcome logistic regression models using polynomials in
Bernstein form to approximate neck_pain
R> neck_tr <- ColrME(vas ~ laser * time + (1 | id), data = neck_pain,
+ bounds = c(0, 1), support = c(0, 1))
Notice that we explicitly set the bounds and the support of the outcome
variable to
The ordinalCont package by Manuguerra et al. (2020) implements an alternative formulation of the model (7) based on the method described in Manuguerra et al. (2017). In their approach, the baseline transformation is parameterized using B-splines and the estimation is carried out in a penalized likelihood framework.
R> library("ordinalCont")
R> neck_ocm <- ocm(vas ~ laser * time + (1 | id), data = neck_pain, scale = c(0, 1))
Figure 9 compares the results of the mixed-effects transformation model approach to the estimates obtained using the ordinalCont package. Because the two models are not exactly the same, we see some differences in the parameter estimates as well as in the fitted baseline transformation functions, but the two model fits are reasonably close to each other.
dataset. The solid lines denote the point
estimates, and the areas indicate the 95% point-wise confidence
intervals. Right: Coefficient estimates from tramME and
ordinalCont packages and their 95% Wald confidence
intervals.The odds ratio estimates of the model fitted by ColrME()
R> exp(coef(neck_tr))
laser1 time2 time3 laser1:time2 laser1:time3
0.0961 0.5200 0.8125 140.2076 42.4076
as well as the results from the ordinalCont package, suggest that there is an imbalance in the sample at baseline, i.e., the odds of experiencing less pain in the active treatment group is only about 10% that of in the control group for any pain levels. Based on the estimates, the treatment has a strong significant effect, especially at the seven-week follow-up, but seems to level off after 12 weeks.
If we want to compare the marginal distributions in the treatment and control groups directly, we have to average over the distribution of the random effects. Because we only have a random intercept in this example, we have to evaluate a one-dimensional integral. We could use the same Monte Carlo method as we did in Section 3.2, or we can apply the adaptive quadrature method implemented in the stats package of R. The example below uses this approach to demonstrate the multiple options the user has in dealing with such problems.
R> ## A function to evaluate the joint cdf of the response and the random effects:
R> ## Takes a vector of random effect and covariates values, evaluates the conditional
R> ## distribution at these values and multiplies it with the pdf of the random effects
R> jointCDF <- function(re, nd, mod) {
+ nd <- nd[rep(1, length(re)), ]
+ nd$id <- seq(nrow(nd)) ## to take vector-valued REs
+ pr <- predict(mod, newdata = nd, ranef = re, type = "distribution") *
+ dnorm(re, 0, sd = sqrt(varcov(mod)[[1]][1, 1]))
+ c(pr)
+ }
R> ## Marginalize the joint cdf by integrating out the random effects
R> ## using adaptive quadrature
R> marginalCDF <- function(nd, mod) {
+ nd$cdf <- integrate(jointCDF, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, nd = nd, mod = mod)$value
+ nd
+ }
R> ## Set up the grid on which we evaluate the marginal distribution
R> nd <- expand.grid(vas = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100),
+ time = unique(neck_pain$time),
+ laser = unique(neck_pain$laser))
R> ## Calls marginalCDF on each row of nd
R> ## (done in parallel to speed up computations)
R> mp_colr <- parallel::mclapply(split(nd, seq(nrow(nd))),
+ marginalCDF, mod = neck_tr, mc.cores = 8)
R> mp_colr <-"rbind", mp_colr)
Figure 10 compares the marginal distributions at different time points and confirms our previous conclusions on baseline imbalance and treatment effect dynamics.
Mixed models for right-censored data are important in survival analysis
and we consider the example dataset eortc
in the
coxme package by
Therneau (2020). This simulated dataset emulates the structure of the
outcomes of a breast cancer trial by the European Organization for
Research and Treatment of Cancer, and consists of 2323, possibly
right-censored, data points from 37 enrolling centers. We define a
proportional hazards mixed-effects model with random center
) effects (nested within centers
and indexed by
We can fit this model with the CoxphME()
function of tramME.
R> data("eortc", package = "coxme")
R> eortc$trt <- factor(eortc$trt, levels = c(0, 1))
R> eortc_cp <- CoxphME(Surv(y, uncens) ~ trt + (1 | center/trt), data = eortc,
+ log_first = TRUE, order = 10)
The nested random effects structure is defined with the /
The log_first = TRUE
option casts the outcome variable to the
log-scale before defining the Bernstein bases, which usually improves
the model fit when dealing with skewed conditional distributions, while
we explicitly set the order of the polynomials in Bernstein form with
order = 10
. The confidence interval for the treatment effect
(transformed to the hazard ratio scale) suggests evidence for the
effectiveness of the treatment,
R> exp(confint(eortc_cp, parm = "trt1", estimate = TRUE))
lwr upr est
trt1 1.8 2.51 2.12
while the profile intervals of the random effects standard deviations indicate similar magnitude of center-level and treatment-level (within center) variabilities.
R> exp(confint(eortc_cp, pargroup = "ranef", type = "profile", estimate = TRUE,
+ ncpus = 2, parallel = "multicore"))
lwr upr est
trt:center|(Intercept) 0.0841 0.338 0.208
center|(Intercept) 0.0796 0.384 0.254
The transformation model framework by Hothorn (2020) allows for stratification, i.e., specifying separate transformation functions for different groups defined by a stratification factor. Time-dependent effects for the covariates can be introduced in the same way as in distribution regression to relax the proportionality assumption of the Cox model. To check the appropriateness of the proportional hazards assumption between treatment and control groups visually, we re-estimate the model stratifying for the treatment indicator, i.e., fitting transformation functions for the treatment and control groups separately, and inspect whether these two functions, which are the log-cumulative hazards when the error distribution is the minimum extreme value distribution, are parallel.
R> eortc_cp2 <- CoxphME(Surv(y, uncens) | 0 + trt ~ 0 + (1 | center/trt), data = eortc,
+ log_first = TRUE, order = 10)
R> tr <- trafo(eortc_cp2, confidence = "interval")
Figure 11 plots the stratified transformation functions against log-time. The two curves are very close to parallel, which indicates that the treatment effect is constant over time, i.e., the proportionality assumption is appropriate in the original model specification.
dataset.In addition to proportionality, Figure 11 reveals
another important aspect of the data generating process. The fact that
the baseline log-cumulative hazards are linear in log-time suggests that
the conditional distributions are close to the Weibull distribution,
i.e., we can substitute the general baseline transformation function
The SurvregME()
function of the tramME package implements a variety
of parametric mixed-effects models that represent specific choices of
the error distribution and the baseline transformation function in the
general formulation of Equation (1). There are several
other R packages available for estimating parametric survival models
with mixed effects, such as
parfm by Munda et al. (2012) and
frailtypack by
Rondeau et al. (2012). However, they typically do not allow for nested
random-effects structures when assuming (log-)normally distributed
frailty terms.
Fitting a mixed-effects Weibull model to the eortc
R> eortc_w <- SurvregME(Surv(y, uncens) ~ trt + (1 | center/trt), data = eortc,
+ dist = "weibull")
Comparing the parameter estimates of the Cox proportional hazards model to those from the mixed-effects Weibull model,
R> ## --- CoxphME
R> c(coef = coef(eortc_cp), se = sqrt(diag(vcov(eortc_cp, pargroup = "shift"))))
coef.trt1 se.trt1
0.7535 0.0852
R> VarCorr(eortc_cp)
Grouping factor: trt:center (74 levels)
Standard deviation:
Grouping factor: center (37 levels)
Standard deviation:
R> ## --- SurvregME
R> c(coef = -coef(eortc_w), se = sqrt(diag(vcov(eortc_w, pargroup = "shift"))))
coef.trt1 se.trt1
0.7531 0.0851
R> VarCorr(eortc_w)
Grouping factor: trt:center (74 levels)
Standard deviation:
Grouping factor: center (37 levels)
Standard deviation:
as well as their log-likelihood values
R> c(logLik(eortc_cp), logLik(eortc_w))
[1] -13027 -13032
confirms our suspicion that the dataset was indeed simulated from a conditional Weibull model.
Finally, we can compare the results from tramME to parameters estimated with the R package coxme.
R> library("coxme")
R> eortc_cm <- coxme(Surv(y, uncens) ~ trt + (1 | center/trt), data = eortc)
R> summary(eortc_cm)
Cox mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
Data: eortc
events, n = 1463, 2323
Iterations= 10 54
NULL Integrated Fitted
Log-likelihood -10639 -10518 -10464
Chisq df p AIC BIC
Integrated loglik 242 3.0 0 236 220.4
Penalized loglik 349 39.3 0 270 62.6
Model: Surv(y, uncens) ~ trt + (1 | center/trt)
Fixed coefficients
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
trt1 0.742 2.1 0.0827 8.97 0
Random effects
Group Variable Std Dev Variance
center/trt (Intercept) 0.2045 0.0418
center (Intercept) 0.2627 0.0690
This package follows a different approach to estimate a mixed-effects
Cox model by leaving the baseline hazards unspecified and maximizing the
integrated partial likelihood. As a result, the parameter estimates are
slightly different from the ones we got using the CoxphME()
but the results are comparable, and the conclusions are identical,
Our last example demonstrates how the mixed-effects transformation
framework can be used in modeling correlated discrete ordinal outcomes.
As an example, we take the soup tasting dataset by
Christensen et al. (2011). The dataset contains 1847 observations
from 185 respondents in a soup tasting experiment. The subjects were
familiarized with a reference product prior to the experiment and,
during the experiment, were asked to distinguish between samples from
the reference product and test product using a six-level ordinal scale
indicating their level of confidence. The scale ranges from “reference,
sure” (
Let us assume that we are interested in comparing the distributions of
sureness ratings for reference products and test products while taking
the repeated nature of the design into account. Moreover, in doing so,
we also want to control for how often the respondents usually consume
soup (denoted by the covariate freq
). With prod
), respectively, the regression model we estimate can
be written as
The PolrME()
function of the tramME package estimates models for
ordered discrete outcomes. Depending on the choice of the error
distribution, the user can fit proportional odds (logistic
distribution), ordinal probit (standard normal distribution),
proportional hazards (minimum extreme value distribution), or cumulative
maximum extreme value models. In our example, we set method = ’probit’
to estimate the probit model,
R> soup_pr <- PolrME(SURENESS ~ PROD + SOUPFREQ + (1 | RESP/PROD),
+ data = soup, method = "probit")
R> logLik(soup_pr)
'log Lik.' -2666 (df=10)
The R package ordinal by
Christensen (2019) also implements mixed-effects regression models for
ordered discrete outcomes. As a cross-check, we can re-estimate the same
model with the function clmm()
R> library("ordinal")
R> soup_or <- clmm(SURENESS ~ PROD + SOUPFREQ + (1 | RESP/PROD), data = soup,
+ link = "probit")
R> logLik(soup_or)
'log Lik.' -2666 (df=10)
Based on the likelihood values and the parameter estimates,
R> max(abs(coef(soup_or) - coef(soup_pr, with_baseline = TRUE)))
[1] 1.76e-05
the results are essentially the same.
We can introduce non-proportional effects in the transformation model
framework by stratifying on a covariate. In our example, we might want
to extend the model to allow for different effect sizes of the soup
consumption frequency covariate, depending on the level of the outcome
variable. Rewriting model (9),
R> soup_pr2 <- PolrME(SURENESS | SOUPFREQ ~ PROD + (1 | RESP/PROD),
+ data = soup, method = "probit")
R> logLik(soup_pr2)
'log Lik.' -2655 (df=18)
The likelihood ratio test comparing the two specifications suggests some evidence that the extended, partially proportional model fits the data better.
R> anova(soup_pr, soup_pr2)
Model comparison
npar logLik AIC BIC Chisq Chisq df Pr(>Chisq)
Model 1 10 -2666 5352 5408
Model 2 18 -2655 5347 5446 21.9 8 0.0051 **
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Building the implementation of mixed-effects transformation models on the package TMB leads to significant efficiency gains in the computationally intensive steps of the maximum likelihood estimation. This computational efficiency is partly due to the use of Laplace approximation to integrate over the vector of random effects. However, several sources point out that Laplace’s method can lead to biased estimates in some distributional settings. Pinheiro and Chao (2006) provide detailed numerical comparisons of the Laplacian approximation to adaptive Gaussian quadrature algorithms in the context of multilevel generalized models. Joe (2008) evaluates the method in the case of discrete outcome mixed-effects models and concludes that the inaccuracy increases with the amount of discreteness of the response variable and decreases as the cluster sizes increase.
It is worth mentioning that the conditional approach of modeling the distribution of the response, which is the basis of the transformation models implemented in the tramME package, is not the only way one could approach the problem of correlated outcomes in regression settings. The main alternative to a conditional (mixed-effects) modeling approach is a marginal model that parameterizes the marginal distribution of the outcome and treats the covariance structure as nuisance parameters. Generalized estimating equations (GEE, Hardin and Hilbe 2013) models represent prominent examples of such an approach. Proponents of marginal models point out that, in a conditional model, the fixed effects parameter estimates cannot be interpreted as population averages, which is usually of primary interest in a regression analysis. Lindsey and Lambert (1998) emphasize that marginal parameter estimates from longitudinal studies can only be interpreted as population averages when the participants are representative to their populations, which is usually not the case. Moreover, they argue that defining models based on marginal distributions very often leads to complicated and implausible conditional distributions, whereas conditional models can more easily express physiologically plausible mechanisms on the level of the individual. Lee and Nelder (2004) argue that conditional models are more fundamental as they allow for both marginal and conditional inferences, which is not true in the case of marginal models. As we demonstrated in Sections 3.2 and 3.3, the marginal distributions implied by the conditional transformation model can be easily approximated using numerical techniques.
The tramME package, introduced in this article, extends the available options for modeling grouped data structures with mixed-effects regressions in several ways: Through its dense code base, tramME provides a unified and efficient estimation framework for a broad range of regression models. Examples in Section 3 demonstrate that using this single package, several very specific regression problems can be addressed. Relying only on a limited number of packages, in turn, decreases the likelihood of errors in the statistical analysis. As the examples show, the modular structure of our approach naturally leads to extensions of existing models (such as accounting for censoring or introducing nested or crossed random effects structures) that would otherwise require a lot of effort to re-implement from scratch. Moreover, the underlying theory of linear transformation models provides a flexible basis for the implementation of the package and for its future extensions.
This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, grant number 200021_184603.
nlme, lme4, tramME, mlt, tram, TMB, glmmTMB, survival, boxcoxmix, ordinalCont, coxme, parfm, frailtypack, ordinal
Agriculture, ChemPhys, ClinicalTrials, Econometrics, Environmetrics, Finance, MixedModels, OfficialStatistics, Psychometrics, Spatial, SpatioTemporal, Survival
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Tamási & Hothorn, "tramME: Mixed-Effects Transformation Models Using Template Model Builder", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-075, author = {Tamási, Bálint and Hothorn, Torsten}, title = {tramME: Mixed-Effects Transformation Models Using Template Model Builder}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {}, volume = {13}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {398-418} }