This paper introduces a new flexible distribution for discrete data. Approximate moment estimators of the parameters of the distribution, to be used as starting values for numerical optimization procedures, are discussed. “Exact” moment estimation, effected via a numerical procedure, and maximum likelihood estimation, are considered. The quality of the results produced by these estimators is assessed via simulation experiments. Several examples are given of fitting instances of the new distribution to real and simulated data. It is noted that the new distribution is a member of the exponential family. Expressions for the gradient and Hessian of the log-likelihood of the new distribution are derived. The former facilitates the numerical maximization of the likelihood with optim()
; the latter provides means of calculating or estimating the covariance matrix of of the parameter estimates. A discrepancy between estimates of the covariance matrix obtained by inverting the Hessian and those obtained by Monte Carlo methods is discussed.
Modelling the distribution of discrete data sets can be problematic in that it is often the case that none of the “standard” distributions appears to be appropriate. It is possible to use a “completely nonparametric” approach (in other words, to apply multinomial distributions, specified in a very simple manner, by means of tables). However, this approach often turns out to be a little too flexible. In particular, in the context of hidden Markov models for discrete data (hmm.discnp, Turner (2020)), the number of quantities to estimate rapidly becomes unwieldy. Estimates are unstable, the sensitivity of fitting algorithms to starting values is exacerbated, and problems with the convergence of fitting algorithms arise.
To address these problems, I developed a new discrete distribution,
termed the “db” (“discretized Beta”) distribution. The underlying idea
is to define a family of distributions, for discrete data, with shape
characteristics as flexible as those of the Beta family of continuous
distributions. (See Johnson et al. (1995 25, p. 210). See also the
help for the dbeta()
function in the stats package, R Core Team (2020), and
Abramowitz and Stegun (1972 6). The reader may also find it useful to
access The db
distribution is closely related to the Beta distribution and has “shape”
In addition to the shape parameters, the db distribution has two other
parameters which specify the “support” of the distribution. These
“support parameters” are not estimated from data but must be specified
by the user prior to estimating the shape parameters. The support
parameters are
The parameter TRUE
then zero
origin indexing is to be used, in which case the support of the
distribution is the set
In some contexts the value of
Like the Beta distribution upon which it is based, the db distribution is effectively unimodal. It can have two modes if they occur at the extremes of the support but otherwise can have only one. This characteristic is less than ideal, but seems to be unavoidable. It appears to be difficult to specify multimodal distributions (other than by way of mixtures, which are accompanied by other problems). Wikipedia (, last accessed 30 March 2021) says “Bimodal distributions, despite their frequent occurrence in data sets, have only rarely been studied [citation needed] (sic). This may be because of the difficulties in estimating their parameters either with frequentist or Bayesian methods.”
A referee of an earlier version of this paper suggested that the beta-binomial distribution be considered as an alternative to the new db distribution. This referee pointed out to me the paper “Modeling the patient mix for risk-adjusted CUSUM charts” by Philipp Wittenberg, which has interesting applications in medical science. In this paper, which is to appear in Statistical Methods in Medical Research, the beta-binomial distribution is used to model the distribution underlying a large data set of integer-based Parsonnet risk scores (see Parsonnet et al. (1989); see also Steiner et al. (2000)). In addition to modeling the Parsonnet risk scores with the beta-binomial distribution, Wittenberg rescales these scores to lie between 0 and 1 and applies the Beta distribution.
The data in question are available (in a slightly modified form) in the
spcadjust package
(Gandy and Kvaloy (2013)). I fitted both a db distribution and a beta-binomial
distribution to these data and conducted a goodness of fit test in both
instances. The tests indicate that neither distribution is actually
appropriate. Both Monte Carlo
The beta-binomial distribution was introduced in (Skellam 1948). Like the db distribution, it has flexibility of shape similar to that of the Beta distribution. However I have a couple of reservations about this distribution which I discuss in the following section.
My first reservation about the beta-binomial distribution is that it is to a large extent focussed on dealing with data which appear to arise from binomial distributions but which are, in fact, “overdispersed”. In other words, the focus is on data which exhibit extra-binomial variation. Such data have variance which is larger than it would be if the underlying distribution were indeed binomial.
The focus of the beta-binomial distribution on overdispersion would
appear to make its application to underdispersed data problematic.
Underdispersed pseudo-binomial data sets (i.e. data sets which have
variance smaller than they would have if the underlying distribution
were binomial) are rare, but they do exist. Examples are provided in the
dbd package (see section Implementation). It is indeed possible to
fit beta-binomial distributions to these examples, and goodness of fit
tests indicate that the fits are adequate. However, the meaning of the
resulting fits is questionable. The estimates of
In fairness, it must be pointed out that the db distribution does not perform particularly well when applied to the data sets referred to above. There are no obvious theoretical problems with fitting the db distribution to underdispersed data. However, goodness of fit tests reject the adequacy of the fit of the db distribution to one of these data sets. In contrast, the beta-binomial distribution appears to fit this data set adequately. Further details are given in Example 7 in section Examples. The parameter estimates for the rejected fit of the db distribution appear to be excessively large, which might well raise suspicions. It is not clear how the values of parameter estimates obtained from the db distribution relate to under and overdispersion. This may be a topic to explore in future research.
My second reservation about the beta-binomial distribution is that (as
revealed by fairly extensive simulation experiments) parameter
estimation for this distribution can, from time to time, be unstable.
The beta-binomial distribution may be conveniently parameterized in
terms of a “success probability”
Moment estimators of the parameters of a beta-binomial distribution are
explicitly available. However, these are often unsatisfactory in that
the moment estimate of optim()
from the stats package,
automatically available in R). Starting values are, of course, required.
If the moment estimates are outside of the required range, e.g., if
) appear to be adequate most of the time.
However, irrespective of starting values, the maximum likelihood
estimate of rbetabinom()
from the rmutil package) 100 data
sets, each with 30 observations, with size
(the number of trials) set equal to 10. Maximum likelihood estimates of
m s
m 0.001121638 0.02524533
s 0.025245334 14.66327852
which indicates that the variance in question should be of the order of 15.
I encountered other problems — tendencies for errors to be thrown in
various circumstances, including the application of optim()
— in my
exploration of the beta-binomial distribution, but there would appear to
be no point in going into more detail here.
Despite these problems and my reservations about the beta-binomial distribution, I have included a complete set of tools for working with this distribution in the dbd package. These tools have a structure exactly analogous to that of the tools provided for working with the db distribution.
Conceptually, the probability mass function (PMF) of the db distribution
Deriving the direct expression for the PMF of the db distribution from
(1) is facilitated by noting that the Beta distribution
is a member of the exponential family. From this, it follows that the db
distribution as defined by (1) is, for fixed values of
the support parameters
From this derivation, it is seen that the PMF of the db distribution,
given by (1), can also be expressed as
in R) if either
Inf/Inf = NaN
in R). Algebraically,
Although the db distribution is well-defined for negative parameter values, there are indications of problems in respect of such values. In practice, it may be advisable to restrict attention to positive values only. There certainly exist data sets — as can be demonstrated by simulation — for which the (maximum likelihood) estimates of the parameters are undeniably negative. Cursory experimentation using the dbd package indicates that in some instances, negative parameters are reasonably well estimated by maximum likelihood. E.g.,
x <- rdb(100,-2,-3,10)
fx <- mleDb(x,10)
The preceding code produces estimates
On the other hand, there are instances in which the maximum likelihood estimates are very large (either positive or negative) when the true values are relatively small and negative:
x <- rdb(100,alpha=-3,beta=-6,ntop=10,zeta=TRUE)
fx <- mleDb(x,ntop=10,zeta=TRUE,maxit=2000)
The resulting estimates are
The only (as far as I can see) real advantage in the fact that the parameter values are permitted to be negative lies in the avoidance of various numerical issues that might otherwise arise in the estimation of parameters of a db distribution. In particular, the legitimacy of negative parameter values removes the necessity of imposing box constraints on the procedure for maximizing the likelihood. It also circumvents difficulties that can otherwise arise in evaluating the Hessian of the log-likelihood when one or both of the parameter estimates is close to zero.
Plots of the probability functions of a number of db distributions are shown in Figure 2. The shapes of these distributions mimic those of the corresponding Beta distributions.
In fitting a db distribution to an observed data set, it is often
sensible to set
I have written an R package dbd (Turner (2021)) to provide tools for
working with the db distribution. The package supplies the four
standard, “d”, “p”, “q” and “r” — density, probability, quantile and
random number generation — functions, that are as a rule associated in
R with any given distribution. In this setting, these functions are
, pdb()
, qdb()
, and rdb()
. The package also contains
functions expValDb()
and varDb()
to calculate the expected value
(mean) and variance of a db distribution given a specification of its
parameters. There is no closed-form algebraic expression for these
Another useful tool in the package is the function mleDb()
enables the easy estimation from data, of the parameters of the db
distribution, via maximum likelihood. The function mleDb()
calls upon
an undocumented function meDb()
which calculates approximate moment
estimates of the parameters to serve as starting values for the
maximization of the likelihood. A user would not normally make direct
use of meDb()
. However, the approximation used by meDb()
is of
interest in its own right. This approximation is discussed in the
section Estimation of parameters.
An alternative to mleDb()
is the function exactMeDb()
, which is also
included in the dbd package. This function was suggested by a referee
of an earlier version of this paper. It calculates “exact” moment
estimates of the parameters by minimizing
and varDb()
. The minimization is
accomplished using optim()
. “Theoretically”, the minimum should be
zero. The achieved minimum is provided as an attribute "minSqdiff"
the value returned by exactMeDb()
so that the user can see how
successful the minimization was. In section The quality of the
estimates, the “exact” moment estimates are denoted by
Somewhat to my surprise, exactMeDb()
performed (in the simulation
experiments that I conducted) essentially as well as mleDb()
Occasionally exactMeDb()
out-performed mleDdb()
in terms of mean
squared error. See section Quality of the estimators. On the other
hand, it appears that exactMeDb()
is substantially slower than
. In a small simulation experiment I found that mleDb()
about 20 times as fast as exactMeDb()
(with times measured as the
time returned by system.time()
) when starting values were
taken to be the approximate moment estimates, and nearly 30 times as
fast when starting values were taken to be the true parameter values.
The function mleDb()
returns an object of class "mleDb"
, and there
is a corresponding plot()
method to produce plots of the probability
mass functions for distributions having parameters equal to the given
estimates. There is also a stand-alone plotting function plotDb()
which plots the PMF of a db distribution given specified parameters.
The package also has functions that provide means of estimating or
calculating the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates. These
functions enable the assessment of the uncertainty in the estimates of
the parameters. The functions are: aHess()
(“analytic Hessian”),
(“numeric Hessian”), finfo()
, and mcCovMat()
Carlo-based estimate of the covariance matrix). The first three
functions provide matrices whose inverses are estimates of (or in the
case of finfo()
equal to) the desired covariance matrix, given the
supplied parameter values. The function nHess()
calls upon
from the stats package. The function aHess()
makes use
of the expressions set out in Appendix II.
The values produced by aHess()
and nHess()
generally appear to be in
very good agreement. However, if the parameter values are “unreasonably
large” (e.g.,
Of course, the real reason for calculating the Hessian is to obtain an
estimate of the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates. Another
way to obtain an estimated covariance matrix is to use the Monte Carlo
methods conveniently provided by the function mcCovMat()
referred to
above. Again, there is generally good agreement between the value
produced by mcCovMat()
and the inverse of the Hessian produced, e.g.,
by aHess()
. However, unless the sample size is quite large, the
variance entries of the inverse Hessian are noticeably smaller than
those of the matrix returned by mcCovMat()
x <- rdb(n=30,alpha=3,beta=4,ntop=10)
fx <- mleDb(x,ntop=10)
alpha beta
alpha 0.7712032 1.047111
beta 1.0471108 1.790513
alpha beta
alpha 1.342672 1.889880
beta 1.889880 3.291645
Further discussion of this phenomenon is to be found in Appendix III.
The dbd package also contains a function llPlot()
for plotting
log-likelihood surfaces and a function gof()
for performing tests of
goodness of fit for the db distribution. The llPlot()
function may be
useful in diagnosing problems with parameter estimation should these
arise. The tests effected by gof()
may be either chi-squared-based
tests or Monte Carlo tests. Users should be aware that Monte Carlo tests
(which use a relatively small number of simulations) are random.
Performing a Monte Carlo test is not the same as simulating a large
number of test statistics (under the null hypothesis) in order to
approximate the null distribution of the statistic. See, for example,
Baddeley et al. (2015 10.6, p. 384) for some discussion of such
There is, unsurprisingly, no closed-form for any sort of estimates of
the shape parameters of a db distribution. Estimates may, however, be
calculated reasonably easily via (numerical) maximum likelihood or by
solving for moment estimates numerically. The functions mleDb()
from the dbd package, discussed in the section
Implementation make use of the optim()
function from the stats
package (automatically available in R) to effect the calculations.
The optim()
function requires starting values for the parameters being
estimated. It turns out that adequate starting values can be produced,
as indicated in the section Implementation, via a (very!) rough
explicit approximation to the method of moments. To develop the
approximation, it is necessary to go back to the conceptual definition
of the db distribution expressed in terms of the Beta distribution
(1). In terms of the conceptual definition, the mean and
variance of a db distribution with shape parameters TRUE
) is
assumed. This is of no real consequence given that the method is so
rough to start with.
To get approximate expressions for the mean and variance of the
distribution, one may manipulate the sums in the expressions for
To calculate the approximate method of moments estimates, which I shall
denote by
Note that although the Beta distribution is undefined for non-positive
values of
It must be emphasized here that the explicit moment estimation procedure discussed above is not intended to be applied by users. It is provided for the purpose of producing starting values for the maximum likelihood and “exact” moment estimation procedures. The estimates produced via the explicit moment estimation procedure are not very good, and in general, appear to be substantially biased. (See Figure 4.) Despite this, they seem to be adequate as starting values.
I investigated the question of how well the estimation procedures perform by means of a number of simulation experiments.
In the first experiment, I determined interval estimates of
Half of the 18 confidence intervals failed to cover the true values. For
95% CI for |
95% CI for |
3 | 3 | 3.014 | (3.005, 3.023) | 3.011 | (3.003, 3.019) |
3 | 6 | 3.029 | (3.021, 3.038) | 6.058 | (6.041, 6.075) |
3 | 9 | 3.018 | (3.01, 3.026) | 9.056 | (9.031, 9.08) |
6 | 3 | 6.056 | (6.04, 6.072) | 3.015 | (3.007, 3.022) |
6 | 6 | 6.029 | (6.012, 6.046) | 6.042 | (6.025, 6.059) |
6 | 9 | 6.019 | (6.004, 6.035) | 9.022 | (8.999, 9.045) |
9 | 3 | 9.002 | (8.974, 9.029) | 3.008 | (2.998, 3.017) |
9 | 6 | 9.032 | (9.007, 9.057) | 6.014 | (5.997, 6.031) |
9 | 9 | 9.032 | (9.006, 9.057) | 9.005 | (8.979, 9.031) |
I next conducted an experiment to investigate how well the two sorts of
moment estimator compared with the maximum likelihood estimator. In this
experiment, 100 samples, each of size 100, were generated (using
) from distributions
Mean squared error | ||||
Approx. Mom. | Exact Mom. | Max. Like. | ||
0 | 0 | 1.24 | 0.10 | 0.10 |
5 | 0 | 55.58 | 8.13 | 8.03 |
10 | 0 | 636.59 | 102.20 | 45.55 |
0 | 2 | 4.93 | 0.69 | 0.71 |
5 | 2 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 1.09 |
10 | 2 | 9.24 | 7.11 | 6.83 |
0 | 4 | 27.60 | 2.50 | 2.43 |
5 | 4 | 1.02 | 1.02 | 1.06 |
10 | 4 | 3.19 | 3.28 | 3.45 |
0 | 6 | 94.64 | 8.58 | 8.53 |
5 | 6 | 1.34 | 1.34 | 1.37 |
10 | 6 | 3.08 | 3.06 | 3.13 |
0 | 8 | 292.97 | 28.21 | 28.08 |
5 | 8 | 1.48 | 1.47 | 1.45 |
10 | 8 | 3.53 | 3.53 | 3.69 |
0 | 10 | 556.54 | 50.80 | 52.78 |
5 | 10 | 3.82 | 3.80 | 3.93 |
10 | 10 | 5.40 | 5.40 | 5.78 |
It is worth mentioning that the s of the “exact” moment estimates and of the maximum likelihood estimates were not adversely affected by the possibly poor starting values provided by the approximate moment estimates. In a simulation experiment, it is possible to use the true values of the parameters as starting values. Doing so gave rise to estimates that were virtually identical to those obtained when the approximate moment estimates were used to start the optimization.
A plot of the “exact” moment estimates against the maximum likelihood
estimates is shown in Figure 3. The for the “exact”
moment estimates tracked the for the maximum likelihood estimates
almost exactly except for one striking outlier, corresponding to the
parameter pair
Unsurprisingly, the of estimates produced by the approximate moment
method did not track that of the maximum likelihood estimates nearly as
closely, as shown in Figure 4. There is some
suggestion that the pairs are close to the “
Evidence from the simulation experiments described here indicates that
the becomes large when the difference between
The squared bias component of the for the maximum likelihood estimates
was substantial. However, the simulation experiment described above used
a sample size of 100 exclusively. To assess the impact of sample size on
the bias in the estimates, I undertook a further simulation experiment
in which I set
Ninety-five percent confidence intervals for the mean bias at were
plotted for both the
For an initial example, I simulated 100 data from a binomial
distribution TRUE
The Downloads data from Weiß (2018) consist of a time series (of length
267) of the observed daily number of downloads of a TeX editor for the
period from June 2006 to February 2007. These data are available as
in the CRAN package
hmm.discnp. They can
also be obtained from the Wiley website,
by clicking on “Downloads” and then on the “Download” button next to
“Datasets”. This will provide a zip archive of all of the data sets from
Weiß’s book.
Prima facie, it might seem plausible that these data are
Poisson-distributed, but they are, in fact, much too overdispersed to be
Poisson; the sample mean is 2.401, whereas the sample variance is 7.506.
Weiß finds that an INAR(1) (integer-valued autoregressive, TRUE
(zero counts are observed) and gof()
in the dbd package). One would thereby
reject the hypothesis that the fit of the db distribution is adequate at
the 0.05 significance level.
In other analyses of these data, the details of which it is inexpedient to discuss here, I have fitted hidden Markov models with marginal db distributions and varying numbers of states to these data. I used both AIC and BIC to select the number of states. Both criteria indicate that a two-state model is optimal, i.e., a model involving serial dependence is chosen over the model in which the data are i.i.d.
These data were analyzed in Turner et al. (1998). In that paper, the data
were modeled after a certain transformation had been applied, as having
a hidden Markov model structure with marginal Poisson distributions. I
have since discretized these data into five (ordered) categories. The
resulting data set is available as SycColDisc
in the package
hmm.discnp. I fitted db distributions to subsets of these data,
treating them as having the numeric values FALSE
Plots of the fits, together with the observed proportions, are shown in Figure 9, for the Bondi East data at each of the four depths, 0, 20, 40, and 60 meters.
In general, it may be of interest to provide graphical representations of the uncertainty in the estimates of the parameters of db distributions. This can be done by plotting (say) 95% confidence ellipses around the point estimates. The ellipse package (Murdoch and Chow (2018)) provides convenient means of plotting such ellipses.
In the context of the current example, it is also of interest to examine whether there are differences amongst the distributions associated with the various depth and location combinations. Such examination can also be effected by means of plotting confidence ellipses. In this setting, one would plot confidence ellipses for the differences between the parameters corresponding to different combinations. Assuming that the samples are independent (possibly problematic here), the covariance matrix on which to base the confidence ellipse for the difference between the parameters is the sum of the two individual covariance matrices.
It is also possible to test the hypothesis that the distributions
corresponding to a number of different combinations of depths and
locations are all identical (again assuming the samples to be
independent) by means of a likelihood ratio test. The foregoing ideas
can be illustrated using the four different depths at the "BondiE"
location. Confidence ellipses for the parameters corresponding to the
four depths are shown in Figure 10. Confidence ellipses
for the six pairwise differences are shown in
Figure 11. Code for effecting the likelihood ratio
test is as follows:
X <- hmm.discnp::SydColDisc
X$y <- as.numeric(X$y)
X <- split(X,f=with(X,interaction(locn,depth)))
X <- X[c("BondiE.0","BondiE.20","BondiE.40","BondiE.60")]
fitz <- lapply(X,function(x){mleDb(x$y,ntop=5)})
x.all <- unlist(lapply(X,function(x){x$y}))
fit.all <- mleDb(x.all,ntop=5)
ll0 <- logLik(fit.all) # Two parameters.
ll1 <- sum(sapply(fitz,logLik)) # Eight parameters.
print(pchisq(2*(ll1-ll0),6,lower=FALSE)) # Df = 8 - 2.
The resulting
An analogous exercise was done involving measurements all made at a
depth of 60 meters, at four of the seven locations (Longreef, Bondi
East, Malabar Offshore, and North Head Offshore; two “controls” and two
“outfalls”). The likelihood ratio test yielded a
Note that the foregoing analyses of the Sydney Coliform data are superficial in that they take no account of the serial dependence of these data. Undertaking analyses that accommodate serial dependence would lead us much too far afield.
The monocyte counts and psychosis ratings data arose in a study initiated by Jonathan Williams, who was at the start of the study, working for the Northland District Health Board in New Zealand. The study is still ongoing, and the results have not yet been published. The data involved cannot be publicly released due to patient confidentiality issues.
This example is really what motivated the development of the db distribution. The data consist of pairs of sequences of observations of monocyte blood counts, discretized to a 1 to 5 scale, and ratings of severity of psychosis on a 0 to 4 scale. The observations were made on 1258 patients. They were made at irregularly spaced times, and there were varying numbers of observations per patient. The different types of sequence were not observed at the same times, and there were usually different numbers of observation between the types.
The analysis of these data was intricate, and the details cannot be gone
into here. The crucial feature of the analysis is that hidden Markov
models, whose marginal distributions were db distributions were fitted
to both types of sequence. The value of FALSE
for the monocyte counts and TRUE
for the
psychosis ratings.
For each type, a three-state model was chosen (by means of a cross-validation technique). Plots of the db distributions corresponding to each of the three states are shown for the monocyte counts in Figure 12 and for the psychosis ratings in Figure 13.
As discussed in the introduction, I fitted both a db and a beta-binomial
distribution to these data and conducted goodness of fit tests. In the
case of the db distribution, I chose ntop = 71
and set zeta = TRUE
(since zeroes appear in the data). In the case of the beta-binomial
distribution, I set size = 71
. The value 71 is that which was used in
the paper by Wittenberg (to appear in Statistical Methods in Medical
Research) referred to on page 485.
# Note that the package spcadjust must be available.
data("cardiacsurgery", package = "spcadjust")
xxx <- cardiacsurgery$Parsonnet
fit1 <- mleDb(xxx,ntop=71,zeta=TRUE)
g1 <- gof(fit1,obsd=xxx,MC=TRUE,verb=TRUE,seed=42)
fit2 <- mleBb(xxx,size=71)
g2 <- gof(fit2,obsd=xxx,MC=TRUE,verb=TRUE,seed=17)
Seeds were set in the calls to gof()
in order for the Monte Carlo
left at its default value of 99, which yielded a Monte Carlo nsim
had been
increased to, say 9999, then the
Plots of the fits (not shown) can be produced by:
These plots reveal that there are indeed substantial discrepancies between the fitted probabilities and the observed proportions. The fitted probabilities from the dbd distribution, although differing significantly from the observed proportions, are “not too different” from each other. This can be seen from the plot (again not shown) that can be produced by:
x1 <- plot(fit1,plot=FALSE)
x2 <- plot(fit2,plot=FALSE)
ylim <- range(x1$p,x2$p)
plot(fit1,main="Comparing db and beta-binomial fits",ylim=ylim)
with(x2, lines(x+0.5,p,type="h",col="blue"))
The large size (5595), of the data set that is involved here, revealed
an interesting timing issue. The goodness of fit test took a great deal
(of the order of 50 times) longer for the beta-binomial distribution
than for the db distribution. Some rudimentary timing experiments
revealed that for data sets of this size, the random number generator
from the rmutil package is about 50 times slower than
from the dbd package. I have not investigated the reason for
this phenomenon.
As mentioned in the introduction, the dbd package provides two data sets which are of the nature of binomial data but appear to be underdispersed relative to the binomial distribution. Here are some examples which illustrate fitting db and beta-binomial distributions to these data.
The horse race prediction data from the dbd package (see the help for
) provides four examples.
X <- hrsRcePred
top1e <- X[X$sbjType=="Expert","top1"]
top1n <- X[X$sbjType=="NonXpert","top1"]
top3e <- X[X$sbjType=="Expert","top3"]
top3n <- X[X$sbjType=="NonXpert","top3"]
fit1e <- mleDb(top1e,ntop=10,zeta=TRUE)
fit1n <- mleDb(top1n,ntop=10,zeta=TRUE)
fit3e <- mleDb(top3e,ntop=10,zeta=TRUE)
fit3n <- mleDb(top3n,ntop=10,zeta=TRUE)
The ratios of the raw variance to the putative binomial distribution variance are 0.4895, 0.4100, 0.5718 and 0.7745 respectively. All ar substantialy less than 1, whence these data sets appear to be indeed underdispersed.
The fitting procedures proceeded without complaint for all four data
sets. Goodness of fit tests (two of which required increasing maxit
from its default value) indicate adequate fit for three of the four data
# Set seeds to get repeatable Monte Carlo p-values.
pv1e <- gof(fit1e,obsd=top1e,MC=TRUE,maxit=5000,
seed=49,verb=TRUE)$pval # 0.02
pv1n <- gof(fit1n,obsd=top1n,MC=TRUE,
seed=128,verb=TRUE)$pval # 0.79
pv3e <- gof(fit3e,obsd=top3e,MC=TRUE,
seed=303,verb=TRUE)$pval # 0.35
pv3n <- gof(fit3n,obsd=top3n,MC=TRUE,maxit=3000,
seed=24,verb=TRUE)$pval # 0.40
There is significant evidence that the db distribution is not
appropriate for the top1e
data (
Note that for the problematic fit (i.e., fit1e
), the parameter
estimates might be considered to be excessively large:
alpha beta
145.14659 21.23249
This may be indicative of problems.
The beta-binomial distribution fits acceptably to all four of the data
sets top1e
, top1n
, top3e
, and top3n
. For example, for the first
of these data sets (for which the fit of the db distribution was
rejected), the following code produces a Monte Carlo
bbfit1e <- mleBb(top1e,size=10)
bbpv1e <- gof(bbfit1e,obsd=top1e,MC=TRUE,maxit=5000,
seed=792,verb=TRUE)$pval # 0.11
(For the other three data sets, Monte Carlo
Another two examples of underdispersed data are provided by the visual
recognition data from the dbd package (see the help for visRecog
The ratios of the raw variance to the putative binomial distribution
variance for these data are 0.7635 and 0.7979. The Monte Carlo
As a “reality check”, it is worth noting that fitting a simple binomial
distribution to these data sets yielded Monte Carlo hrsRcePred
data, and 0.98 and 0.81 for the visRecog
data. That is,
binomial distributions fit these data sets acceptably despite their
apparent underdispersion.
The db distribution is a new distribution that can be applied to any
sort of data that takes values in a finite discrete set. It is an ad hoc
distribution and does not require any theoretical justification in terms
of properties that the data may have. It is very flexible, with the
restriction that (as remarked in the Introduction) it is effectively
unimodal. The values of the distribution are integers varying from 0 to
A number of examples have been given in this paper illustrating the fit of the db distribution to different data sets. These examples show that the db distribution may reasonably be expected to be useful to data analysts who need to deal with discrete data that do not conform to one of the standard distributions.
Here I derive, from the conceptual definition (1) of the
db distribution, an expression for the PMF of this distribution which,
for fixed values of the support parameters
A suitable expression for the exponential family form of a probability
density or mass function, of a (scalar) distribution depending on a
parameter vector
The pdf of the Beta distribution can be written in exponential family
form (with natural parameters equal to
The PMF of the db distribution, expressed in terms of the Beta
distribution (1), is
The foregoing expression for the PMF is equal to
Obviously, the value of
When the PMF of a db distribution is expressed in the form
(2), it is a relatively simple matter to derive an analytic
expression for the gradient of the log-likelihood. Such an expression
can be passed to optim()
obviating the need for approximating the
gradient numerically via finite differencing. The derivation of an
analytic expression for the Hessian is equally easy. The optim()
function makes no provision for using an analytically calculated
Hessian. However, the availability of such an expression permits the
calculation or estimation of the covariance matrix of the parameter
estimates in an analytic manner. The derivations of the expressions for
the gradient and Hessian are as follows.
The log-likelihood is
Now let
It remains to calculate the relevant partial derivatives of
The foregoing calculations have been translated into R code in the
(undocumented) functions gradDb()
and hessDb()
in the dbd package.
Covariance matrices of the maximum likelihood estimates of the
parameters of a db distribution may be calculated both by theoretical
means (using, e.g., aHess()
from the dbd package) or by a Monte
Carlo procedure using the mcCovMat()
function from the same package.
Doing such calculations in a number of examples has indicated that there
can be noticeable discrepancies between the theoretical and Monte Carlo
results. To investigate this issue further, I calculated the variance of
obj <- makeDbdpars(alpha=3,beta=3,ntop=10,zeta=TRUE,ndata=<some value>) <- mcCovMat(obj,nsim=500)[2,2] <- solve(,obj))[2,2]
I effected the calculations for a range of sample sizes (“ndata
”). The
results are plotted in Figure 14.
The behavior depicted in Figure 14 is typical. The theoretical covariance matrices for the parameter estimates generally include variance entries which (for relatively small sample sizes) are appreciably smaller than the corresponding entries of the covariance matrices produced by Monte Carlo methods. Since the Monte Carlo covariance matrices are unbiased estimates of the true covariances, it would appear that the theoretical variances tend to underestimate the truth. This phenomenon is not peculiar to the db distribution. Such underestimation occurs in the context of the Beta distribution and very likely in other contexts as well. As illustrated by Figure 14, the level of underestimation (as would be expected) diminishes as the sample size increases. In the illustrated instance, the underestimation effectively disappeared when the sample size reached 200.
The fact that variances are underestimated by the theoretical covariance
estimates implies that inference about the shape parameters based on the
theoretical values should be treated with a certain amount of
circumspection. Unless the sample size is large, confidence intervals
may be somewhat too narrow, and hypothesis tests too liberal. When
conducting inference about the shape parameters, it is advisable to
estimate the covariance matrix using mcCovMat()
. The procedure is not
too computationally demanding and is thus reasonably quick in normal
circumstances. It is probably a good idea, in circumstances in which
inferential conclusions are critical, to calculate a number of Monte
Carlo covariance matrix estimates (using different seeds) and to compare
these with each other and with the “analytic” value of the covariance
The difference between results from using an “analytic” covariance matrix and those from using a Monte Carlo covariance matrix is also illustrated in Figure 15. The examples used are from the Bondi East Sydney Coliform Count data. (See Figures 10 and 11.) The chosen examples evince the most striking difference between the confidence ellipses based on the two different calculation methods.
The author would like to thank an anonymous referee for useful comments which led to substantial improvements in the paper.
The author also wishes to acknowledge the use of the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) high-performance computing facilities, which made possible the analysis of the monocyte counts and psychosis ratings discussed in Example 5. New Zealand’s national facilities are provided by NeSI and funded jointly by NeSI’s collaborator institutions and through the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment’s Research Infrastructure programme. URL
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Turner, "A New Versatile Discrete Distribution", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-067, author = {Turner, Rolf}, title = {A New Versatile Discrete Distribution}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {}, volume = {13}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {485-506} }