Over the past 40 years, the HBV (Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning) hydrological model has been one of the most used worldwide due to its robustness, simplicity, and reliable results. Despite these advantages, the available versions impose some limitations for research studies in mountain watersheds dominated by ice-snow melt runoff (i.e., no glacier module, a limited number of elevation bands, among other constraints). Here we present HBV.IANIGLA, a tool for hydroclimatic studies in regions with steep topography and/or cryospheric processes which provides a modular and extended implementation of the HBV model as an R package. To our knowledge, this is the first modular version of the original HBV model. This feature can be very useful for teaching hydrological modeling, as it offers the possibility to build a customized, open-source model that can be adjusted to different requirements of students and users.
Hydrological modeling is widely used by engineers, meteorologists,
geographers, geologists, and researchers interested in knowing the
runoff of rivers in the coming days or the variations of the snowpack
under certain temperature or precipitation changes, among many other
hydrological processes.
The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) ran the
first successful simulation of the HBV model in 1972. It was developed
to forecast river runoff for hydropower generation in Sweden
(Bergström and Lindström 2015). Up to now, many versions have been developed: HBV-ETH
(Switzerland - Braun and Renner (1992) ), HBV-Light (Switzerland - Seibert and Vis (2012) ),
HBV-D (Germany - Krysanova et al. (1999) ), HBV-CE (Canada - Stahl et al. (2008) ),
TUWmodel (Austria -
Viglione and Parajka (2016) ), among others. Despite all these free versions, none of
them allows the users to build their own model using a self-defined
combination of modules.
Buytaert et al. (2008) identified some prerequisites for hydrological model development: (1) accessibility in order to reproduce experimental results; (2) modularity as a key element for the development of new ‘ad-hoc’ models to evaluate several aspects of the hydrological cycle and to propose improvements; (3) portability, so the model can run in many operating systems; and (4) open-source code as a fundamental scientific requirement that allows users to revise, correct, and suggest code improvements.
Slater et al. (2019) highlighted some of the key R packages for hydrological modeling; TUWmodel is an R version of the HBV model originally written in Fortran (Viglione and Parajka 2016); topmodel and dynatopmodel are the R versions of the well-known semi-distributed models TOPMODEL and Dynamic TOPMODEL (Metcalfe et al. 2015; Buytaert 2018); airGR (Coron et al. 2017, 2020) includes several conceptual rainfall-runoff models, a snow accumulation and melt model and the associated functions for their calibration and evaluation; finally, hydromad (Andrews et al. 2011) provides a modeling framework for environmental hydrology through water balance accounting and flow routing in spatially aggregated catchments.
Of the models mentioned above, only airGR, hydromad, and TUWmodel present a snow routine to account for accumulation and melting processes (temperature index model), but none of them have routines to account for glacier mass balance. On the other hand, the glacierSMBM package (Groos and Mayer 2017) allows the modeling of glacier surface mass balance in a fully distributed manner, but it was designed to work on the mass balance of a single glacier and to run on a raster-based grid, two aspects that limit its applicability at the basin scale.
The HBV.IANIGLA (Toum 2021) package was built with the aim of providing a modular hydrological model approach that adds to the classic HBV routines functions for the modeling of the surface mass balance of clean and debris-covered glaciers, a fundamental aspect in the hydrological cycle of cold regions of the Andes (Masiokas et al. 2020). The main objective of this article is to present the HBV.IANIGLA model structure through its implementation as an R package to serve as a practical guide to better understand how it works. The paper is organized as follows:
The HBV model has been used for
The HBV.IANIGLA version not only takes into account precipitation phase partitioning, snow accumulation and melting, actual evaporation and streamflow discharge, but also incorporates a module for simulating the surface mass balance of clean and debris-covered glaciers and another module for glacier-melt routing. In addition, the package has been designed in a modular fashion, allowing users to build their own model. To our knowledge, this is the first HBV version and R hydro-modeling package to combine these two features.
According to Bergström and Lindström (2015), the HBV model was inspired in the works developed in the early 1970s by Nash and Sutcliffe (1970), O’Connell et al. (1970), and Mandeville et al. (1970). The primary objective of this model was operational: to forecast streamflow discharge for the Swedish hydropower industry. This overriding requirement dictated the characteristics of the model: it should not be too complex but physically sound; the input data should conform to standard Swedish meteorological measurements; the number of free parameters should be kept to a minimum; and it should be easy to understand.
The above features and lessons learned over more than two decades
(Bergström 1991) resulted in a hydrological model composed of four
modules: (
To date, the model has not only been used in operational hydrology but
also in scientific research. Konz and Seibert (2010) used the HBV-Light version in
three alpine catchments in Switzerland and Austria to show the value of
glacier mass balances in constraining uncertainty in the parameter
estimation of conceptual models such as HBV. Ali et al. (2018) also applied
HBV-Light to evaluate model performance in a climate change context in
the snow- and ice-dominated Hunza River basin in the Karakoram
Mountains, Pakistan. Finger et al. (2015) compared model performance in
simulations of increasing complexity for glacier mass balance and
streamflow at the outflow of three Swiss watersheds. Stahl et al. (2008)
used HBV-CE to estimate streamflow sensitivity to different climate
change scenarios in British Columbia, Canada. Staudinger et al. (2017) studied
the variation of water storage with elevation in
Models are based on a perceptual conception of the basin’s functioning. This perception leads to the decision of the equations (hydrological processes) and the construction of a conceptual model (Beven 2012). In the HBV.IANIGLA model, these first two stages have already been decided, as the equations and coding are in the package, but the user still has a choice on how the watershed or glacier will be discretized (in terms of land use and spatial aggregation) and on how the different modules will be assembled. This decision should be guided by the objective of the project, the knowledge of the hydrological driving process at the chosen modeling scale, and the data available not only for the implementation but also for the model evaluation.
The following lines describe the modules that must be assembled to build
a complete HBV.IANIGLA hydrological model. There are three other
functions within the package: PET
, Pecip_model
, and
Temp_ model
. The first function contains a potential
evapotranspiration model that provides a simple and straightforward way
to calculate one of the inputs to the soil routine. However, for
real-world applications we strongly recommend the use of the specialized
package (Guo et al. 2020). The other two functions are linear models to
extrapolate air temperature and precipitation records. Since we consider
that their use is straightforward, we refer the user to the package
Precipitation is considered to be either snow or rain, depending on whether the temperature is above or below a threshold temperature Tr (ºC).
After partitioning, the snowfall is corrected using the SFCF
to account for the under-capture effect of the precipitation gauge on
snow events.
This function uses a temperature index approach for snow and glacier
melt simulation. This kind of approximation has been widely used in snow
hydrology and glaciology, and different formulations have emerged
(Braun and Renner 1992; Hock 2003; Seibert and Vis 2012). The temperature index
formulation takes into account the strong correlation between snow line
retreat and accumulated temperatures above a certain threshold (with
typical values around
If the air temperature is above the threshold (
The model
argument presents three options:
Temperature index model: this model is described by equation (1). Here, the user can apply the most common and recommended set of temperature index formulations.
Temperature index model with variable snow cover area: this option is an attempt to offer, within the package, the same temperature index model as in the Snowmelt Runoff Model (DeWalle and Rango 2008). However, this routine has certain limitation: the snow cover series forces the model to simulate a total effective value (e.g., snow water equivalent), which is not in-line with the original idea of modeling in elevation bands, where average values are expected.
Temperature index model with a variable glacier area: this routine explicitly takes into account the change in glacier area. Since the automatic reduction of glacier area forces the simulation to the observed values, the user should evaluate the correspondence between the simulated and observed mass balances.
The package documentation contains all the necessary information
(vignettes with reproducible examples included) to correctly construct
the inputData
argument. The data matrix must not contain missing
values (NA’s
) because HBV.IANIGLA is a continuous hydrological
model, meaning that it simulates all the variables in every time step.
The initial conditions of the model are (initCond
Initial snow water equivalent: this is a state variable, whose initial value will be used in the first loop. Unless field data is available, it is recommended to use a zero value. Because uncertainties are common in the initial state variables of the model, it is recommended to use a warm-up period (between one and two years in daily time step modeling). If the period covered by the data is very limited, these same values can be used as calibration parameters.
Numeric integer indicating the surface type: 1: clean ice; 2:
soil; 3: debris-covered ice. HBV.IANIGLA uses this argument to
know which parameters (param
argument) to look for. It also
constrains the function output.
Area of the glacier(s) (in the elevation band) relative to the
basin: this is required only if the surface is a clean or
debris-covered glacier. The area is used to scale the total amount
of water produced (rainfall plus melted water) according to the area
of the polygon in the basin. Thus, if the area of this portion of
the glacier corresponds to 5% of the basin area, a value of
The last argument is a numeric vector that stores the parameter values
) of the modules. For debris-covered glaciers, a dummy value for
the clean glacier melting factor (
It should be noted that this function allows the construction of a
single and lumped simulation. In order to develop the model for the
example shown in figure 1, it will be necessary to
build the model by running the function once per every elevation band
(see examples in vignette(package = "HBV.IANIGLA")
This routine is based on an empirical formulation that takes into account actual evapotranspiration, antecedent conditions, and effective soil infiltration. This relationship is described by the so-called beta function (Bergström and Lindström 2015),
This type of relationship between potential, actual evapotranspiration, and soil moisture content has been found by Zhang et al. (2003) in eastern Asia, suggesting that despite its empirical formulation, in some places, it could have some physical meaning. Finally, and similar to the snow and ice melt modules, this routine represents a single and lumped simulation.
After infiltration, the water follows several complex pathways to streams (McDonnell 2003). A detailed description and modeling of these water pathways requires field data and measurements that are generally not available. An early engineering-based solution to this issue was to consider this multi-causal delay as a water storage effect at the catchment scale (Dooge 1973). This practical modeling approach could be seen as series of linearly interconnected and interrelated reservoirs (Sivapalan and Blöschl 2017).
The current HBV.IANIGLA (version 0.2.1) has five different bucket formulations, which are selected by changing the model argument number (figure 2). To solve the time step change in the bucket water storage, we used the explicit finite difference form of the mass balance equation over a discrete-time step (Beven 2012). Although the general solution has been implemented for a single linear reservoir (figure 3), we provide solutions for the five-bucket models.
In discrete time steps, we use the explicit finite difference form,
Following an approach similar to previous routines, we adopt bucket storage and release scheme (Jansson et al. 2003). In HBV.IANIGLA, we use the approach proposed by Stahl et al. (2008) for the HBV-EC model, employed to estimate glacier and streamflow responses to future climate scenarios in the Bridge River Basin (British Columbia, Canada). The glacier outflow is calculated as:
Note that the storage coefficient is a function of a minimum coefficient (denoting poor drainage conditions on the glacier), the snow water equivalent, and a calibration parameter. When the snowpack is at its maximum value, drainage occurs at a minimum rate, the opposite occurs in the late summer when all the snow on the glacier has melted.
For the resolution of the time step change, we also use the explicit finite difference formulation of the mass balance equation.
To represent the runoff routing in streams, we provide a single parameter triangular function. This parameter is calibrated to adjust the timing of the simulated river discharge,
The HBV.IANIGLA functions were written using Rcpp (Eddelbuettel 2013; Eddelbuettel et al. 2019), a package that extends the R language using C++. This approach combines the speed and efficiency of C++, a compiled language, with the powerful interactive environment of R (see table 1), a language where it is easy to implement specific hydrological workflows (from data retrieval to results analysis) in a single environment (Slater et al. 2019).
min | lq | mean | median | uq | max |
Speed is an important issue for hydrological models, as it allows the
user to perform not only uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in
reasonable times, but also to apply demanding optimization algorithms
such as DEoptim
(Ardia et al. 2016) or different model structures. This is a recommended
practice in the field of hydrological modeling
(Beven 2006, 2008; Pianosi et al. 2016). In addition, the
package only depends on Rcpp (v 0.12.0), a fact that supports its
long-term maintenance.
If the reader is interested in comparing the computation times of
different R hydrological models we recommend the work of Astagneau et al. (2020).
As a first attempt at applying HBV.IANIGLA, a synthetic lumped catchment (the simplest hydrological model) is used to introduce the construction of the model and to present a basin discharge calibration exercise.
Initially, the dataset containing: date, air temperature, precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, and the catchment outflow is loaded, and then the model construction is conducted (from top to bottom).
# load the lumped catchment dataset
# take a look at our dataset
For a basin without glaciers, the SnowGlacier
module is used only with
soil as the underlying surface. In this exercise, we provide the correct
initial conditions and parameters for all modules except the
function. Consistent with the development of
hydrologic models, we build our model in a top-down direction, from
precipitation to streamflow routing (note that most hydrological books
are structured in the same way).
# consider the SnowGlacier module to take into account
# precipitation partitioning and the snow accumulation/melting.
snow_module <-
SnowGlacier_HBV(model = 1,
inputData = as.matrix( lumped_hbv[ , c(2, 3)] ),
initCond = c(20, 2),
param = c(1.20, 1.00, 0.00, 2.5) )
# now pass rainfall plus snowmelt to
# the soil routine. Note that we are using the PET series,
soil_module <-
Soil_HBV(model = 1,
inputData = cbind(snow_module[ , "Total"], lumped_hbv[ , "PET(mm/d)"]),
initCond = c(100, 1),
param = c(200, 0.8, 1.15) )
The actual evapotranspiration, soil moisture, and recharge series are
obtained from the last module. Subsequently, the recharge is
incorporated into the routing function. Recall that the routing
parameters (param
argument) are not calibrated.
routing_module <-
Routing_HBV(model = 1,
lake = F,
inputData = as.matrix(soil_module[ , "Rech"]),
initCond = c(0, 0, 0),
param = c(0.9, 0.01, 0.001, 0.5, 0.01) )
# finally apply the transfer function in order to adjust
# the hydrograph timing
tf_module <-
UH(model = 1,
Qg = routing_module[ , "Qg"],
param = c(1.5) ),
# plot the "true" and simulated hydrographs
ggplot(data = data.frame(date = lumped_hbv[ , "Date"],
qsim = tf_module,
qobs = lumped_hbv[ , "qout(mm/d)"]),
aes(x = date)) +
geom_line(aes(y = qsim), col = "dodgerblue") +
geom_line(aes(y = qobs), col = "red") +
xlab(label = " ") + ylab(label = "q(mm/d)") +
theme_minimal() +
scale_x_date(date_breaks = "1 year") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 15, 2.5)) +
title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"),
legend.text = element_text(size = 11),
axis.text = element_text(size = 11),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90) )
It is required to manually change the Routing_HBV
parameters to
approximate the simulation to the observed basin discharge. Users will
find in the package vignette (vignette("lumped_basin")
) more
information on this example, including the construction of an HBV model
as a function and how to run a sensitivity analysis.
In mountain areas with scarce meteorological information, temperature
index models are widely used to simulate snow and ice melting
(Hock 2003; Konz and Seibert 2010; Finger et al. 2015; Ayala et al. 2017). Since air
temperature is the most readily available meteorological data in remote
areas, the temperature index approach has been widely used in
glaciological and hydrological modeling (Ohmura 2001). This package has
been built with the SnowGlacier_HBV
function, a module that uses
this empirical approach to simulate snow, clean ice, and debris-covered
In this section, we simulate the glacier mass balance for the Alerce
glacier. Located on Monte Tronador (
Since data(alerce_data)
When calibrating the model parameters, simulations showing an annual
mass balance in the range of
## load the dataset
# now extract
meteo_data <- alerce_data[["meteo_data"]] # meteorological forcing series
mass_balance <- alerce_data[["mass_balance"]] # annual glacier mass balances
mb_dates <- alerce_data[["mb_dates"]] # fix seasonal dates
gl_topo <- alerce_data[["topography"]] # elevation bands
z_tair <- alerce_data[["station_height"]][1] # topo. elev. air temp.
z_precip <- alerce_data[["station_height"]][2] # topo. elev. precip.
To evaluate the topographic effect on surface mass balance (derived from
field measurements), the glacier was discretized into elevation bands.
To solve this problem, a semi-distributed glacier surface mass balance
model (glacier_hbv
), an aggregation function (agg_mb
- since
measurements and simulations are on different temporal scales), and a
goodness-of-fit function (my_gof
) were constructed. The definition
of this functions are included in
In the following code lines, the sampling strategy for finding acceptable parameter sets is indicated.
# air temperature model
tair_range <- rbind(
t_grad = c(-9.8, -2)
# precip model
precip_range <- rbind(
p_grad = c(5, 25)
# glacier module
glacier_range <- rbind(
sfcf = c(1, 2),
tr = c(0, 3),
tt = c(0, 3),
fm = c(1, 4),
fi = c(4, 8)
## aggregate them in a matrix
param_range <-
In the next step, we generate the random parameter sets:
# set the number of model runs that you want to try
n_run <- 10000
# build the matrix
n_it <- nrow(param_range)
param_sets <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = n_run, ncol = n_it)
colnames(param_sets) <- rownames(param_range)
set.seed(123) # just for reproducibility
for(i in 1:n_it){
param_sets[ , i] <- runif(n = n_run,
min = param_range[i, 1],
max = param_range[i, 2]
Now, we combine the functions and extract our best simulations.
# goodness of fit vector
gof <- c()
# make a loop
for(i in 1:n_run){
# run the model
glacier_sim <- glacier_hbv(topography = gl_topo,
meteo = meteo_data,
z_topo = c(z_tair, z_precip),
param_tair = param_sets[i, rownames(tair_range)],
param_precip = param_sets[i, rownames(precip_range) ],
param_ice = param_sets[i, rownames(glacier_range)] )
# aggregate the simulation
annual_mb <- agg_mb(x = glacier_sim,
start_date = as.Date( mb_dates$winter[-4] ),
end_date = as.Date( mb_dates$winter[-1] ) - 1 )
# compare the simulations with measurements
gof[i] <- my_gof(obs_upp = mass_balance$upp,
obs_lwr = mass_balance$lwr,
sim = annual_mb[ , 3])
rm(glacier_sim, annual_mb)
param_sets <- cbind(param_sets, gof)
# we apply a filter
param_subset <- subset(x = param_sets, subset = gof == 3)
Once we have the subsetted our parameter matrix, we run the simulations to obtain a mean value (one per year).
# now we run the model again to get our simulations
n_it <- nrow(param_subset)
mb_sim <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 3, ncol = n_it)
for(i in 1:n_it){
glacier_sim <- glacier_hbv(topography = gl_topo,
meteo = meteo_data,
z_topo = c(z_tair, z_precip),
param_tair = param_subset[i, rownames(tair_range)],
param_precip = param_subset[i, rownames(precip_range) ],
param_ice = param_subset[i, rownames(glacier_range)] )
annual_mb <- agg_mb(x = glacier_sim,
start_date = as.Date( mb_dates$winter[-4] ),
end_date = as.Date( mb_dates$winter[-1] ) - 1 )
mb_sim[ , i] <- annual_mb[ , 3]
rm(i, glacier_sim, annual_mb)
# now we are going to make a data frame with the mean surface mass balance simulation
mean_sim <- cbind( mass_balance,
"mb_sim" = rowMeans(mb_sim) )
# make the plot
g1 <-
ggplot(data = mean_sim, aes(x = year)) +
geom_pointrange(aes(y = `mb(mm we)`, ymin = `lwr`, color = 'obs',
ymax = `upp` ), size = 1, fill = "white", shape = 21) +
geom_point(aes(y = `mb_sim`, fill = 'sim'), shape = 23,
size = 3) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-1500, 500), breaks = seq(-1500, 500, 250) ) +
scale_color_manual(name = '', values = c('obs' = 'blue') ) +
scale_fill_manual(name = '', values = c('sim' = 'red') ) +
ggtitle('') +
xlab('') + ylab('mb (mm we)') +
theme_minimal() +
title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"),
legend.text = element_text(size = 11),
axis.text = element_text(size = 11))
In this study, we present the HBV.IANIGLA package, a modular version of HBV hydrological model that incorporates routines for clean and debris-covered glacier modeling. We explain its modeling principles and philosophy; address the package modules and related equations; and reinforce the importance of C++ code to speed up calculations, a characteristic that facilitates sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. To our knowledge, this is the first freely available, open-source modular version of the HBV model that incorporates routines for glacier surface mass balance modeling (clean and debris-covered ice).
We present two examples. The first one consists of a synthetic case to
show how to build a model. This is the simplest hydrological modeling
case and should be use to understand how to concatenate the package
functions and how a numerical hydrological model works. The
also illustrates the importance of
sensitivity analysis and shows how it can be easily done in R. In fact,
any kind of sensitivity or uncertainty analysis (Pianosi et al. 2016) could be
incorporated into HBV.IANIGLA. The second example, a real-world
glacier surface mass balance estimation, was selected to show the use of
the glacier module in a semi-distributed case. This module could be of
interest to the glaciological community, extending the use of the R
language to other scientific communities.
The new package version (0.2.1) documentation has been greatly improved in relation to previous versions, not only by clarifying some aspects of the existing function’s documentation but also by adding six vignettes with reproducible examples (see vignette(package = "HBV.IANIGLA")).
The modular design of the package allows the use of various spatio-temporal scales with dissimilar objectives in the same environment (e.g., real-time streamflow forecasting, hydrological model teaching, or glacier mass balance simulation). The different modules can be combined with other R-related hydrological packages (e.g., Evapotranspiration, DEoptim, topmodel) or functions (Ardia et al. 2016; Buytaert 2018; Guo et al. 2019).
HBV.IANIGLA can also be combined with packages such as tidyverse, sp, raster, hydroGOF, or plotly to build a single environmental hydrological workflow (Hijmans 2017; Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini 2017; Pebesma and Bivand 2017; Sievert et al. 2019; Wickham 2019). Thus, a hydrological project can be developed from the beginning to the end in the R environment, facilitating reproducible and repeatable research (Ceola et al. 2015; Hutton et al. 2016). This type of model design opens up the possibility for applications beyond the Andes region as well as to incorporate new functions, such as modules, to explicitly considering the dynamics of glaciers (Huss et al. 2010).
The package functions were built under generic classes (numeric vectors and matrices). This is an aspect where future improvements can be made. Since HBV.IANIGLA is available in modules, it could be greatly enhanced using the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. In doing so, the model could represent an object with properties (e.g., areas, polygons, elevations, among others), and the HBV routines as part of the methods (functional OOP - S4 types). These methods may also include (but not limited to): sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, automatic plotting of results, and temporal aggregation functionality. Even some methods could be recycled from the hydroToolkit OOP package (Toum 2020).
The package could also be improved by adding some GUI functionality keeping in mind that in the words of Chambers (2017), ...extending R is about contributing to the language through applications designed for a wider audience than the package author itself. Moreover, this objective should not be a target by its own, but a part or a piece of a bigger project directed to solve real world problems.
E.T. acknowledges support from CONICET Argentina through a full-time PhD scholarship. The constructive suggestions from two anonymous reviewers were very useful for improving the article, the package documentation, and the vignettes, and are greatly appreciated.
TUWmodel, topmodel, dynatopmodel, airGR, glacierSMBM, HBV.IANIGLA, Evapotranspiration, Rcpp, microbechmark, DEoptim, tidyverse, sp, raster, hydroGOF, plotly, hydroToolkit
Agriculture, Environmetrics, HighPerformanceComputing, Hydrology, NumericalMathematics, Optimization, Spatial, SpatioTemporal, WebTechnologies
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Toum, et al., "The HBV.IANIGLA Hydrological Model", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-059, author = {Toum, Ezequiel and Masiokas, Mariano H. and Villalba, Ricardo and Pitte, Pierre and Ruiz, Lucas}, title = {The HBV.IANIGLA Hydrological Model}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {https://rjournal.github.io/}, volume = {13}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {395-412} }