The tramnet package implements regularized linear transformation models by combining the flexible class of transformation models from tram with constrained convex optimization implemented in CVXR. Regularized transformation models unify many existing and novel regularized regression models under one theoretical and computational framework. Regularization strategies implemented for transformation models in tramnet include the Lasso, ridge regression, and the elastic net and follow the parameterization in glmnet. Several functionalities for optimizing the hyperparameters, including model-based optimization based on the mlrMBO package, are implemented. A multitude of S3
methods is deployed for visualization, handling, and simulation purposes. This work aims at illustrating all facets of tramnet in realistic settings and comparing regularized transformation models with existing implementations of similar models.
A plethora of R packages exists to estimate generalized linear regression models via penalized maximum likelihood, such as penalized (Goeman 2010) and glmnet (Friedman et al. 2010). Both packages come with an extension to fit a penalized form of the Cox proportional hazard model. The tramnet package aims at unifying the above-mentioned and several novel models using the theoretical and computational framework of transformation models. Novel models in this class include Continuous Outcome Logistic Regression (COLR), as introduced by Lohse et al. (2017) and Box-Cox type regression models with a transformed conditionally normal response (Box and Cox 1964; Hothorn 2020b).
The disciplined convex optimization package CVXR (Fu et al. 2020) is applied to solve the constrained convex optimization problems that arise when fitting regularized transformation models. Transformation models are introduced in Section 1.1. For a more theoretical treatise, we refer to Hothorn et al. (2014, 2018; Hothorn 2020a). Convex optimization and domain-specific languages are briefly discussed in Section 1.3, followed by a treatment of model-based optimization for hyperparameter tuning (Section 1.4).
In stark contrast to penalized generalized linear models, regularized
transformation models aim at estimating the response’s whole conditional
distribution instead of focusing on a single moment, e.g., the
conditional mean. This conditional distribution function of a response
In order for the model to represent a valid cumulative distribution
Many contemporary models can be understood as linear transformation
models, such as the normal linear regression model, logistic regression
for binary, ordered, and continuous responses, as well as exponential,
Weibull and Rayleigh regression, and the Cox model in survival analysis.
Thus, by appropriately choosing and parameterizing
Given a univariate response
The joint log-likelihood of several observations
The aim of tramnet is to enable the estimation of regularized stratified linear transformation models. This is achieved by optimizing a penalized form of the log-likelihood introduced in the last section. The penalized log-likelihood,
The two penalties and any combination thereof have unique properties and
may be useful under different circumstances. A pure
Special algorithms were developed to optimize regularized objective
functions, most prominently the LARS and LARS-EN algorithm (Efron et al. 2004)
and variants thereof for the penalized Cox model (Goeman 2010).
However, the aim of tramnet is to solve the objective functions
arising in regularized transformation models in a single computational
framework. Due to the log-concavity of all choices for
The fairly recent development of CVXR allows the specification of constrained convex optimization problems in terms of a domain-specific language, yielding an intuitive and highly flexible framework for constrained optimization. Because checking the convexity of an arbitrarily complex expression is extremely hard, CVXR makes use of a library of smaller expressions, called atoms, with known monotonicity and curvature and tries to decompose the objective at hand using a set of rules from disciplined convex optimization (DCP, Grant et al. 2006). Thus, a complex expression’s curvature can be more easily determined.
More formally, convex optimization aims at solving a problem of the form
The likelihood
The predictive capabilities of regularized regression models heavily
depend on the hyperparameters
The initial step is fitting a potentially stratified transformation model of the form
R> m1 <- tram(y | s ~ 1, ...)
omitting all explanatory variables. This sets up the basis expansion for
the transformation function, whose regression coefficients will not be
penalized, as mentioned in Section 1.2. Additionally,
needs a model matrix including the predictors, whose
regression coefficients ought to be penalized. For numerical reasons, it
is useful to provide a scaled model matrix instead of the original data,
such that every parameter is equally affected by the regularization.
Lastly, tramnet()
will need the tuning parameters
R> x <- model.matrix(~ 0 + x, ...)
R> x_scaled <- scale(x)
R> mt <- tramnet(model = m1, x = x_scaled, lambda, alpha, ...)
methods accompanying the "tramnet"
class will be discussed in
Section 3.
Specific combinations of
Model Class | Censoring Type | |||
Exact | Left | Right | Interval | |
BoxCox | ✔ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
Colr | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✗ |
Coxph | ✔ | ✗ | ✔ | ✗ |
Lehmann | ✔ | ✔ | ✗ | ✗ |
The regularized normal linear and extensions to transformed normal
regression models will be illustrated using the Prostate
data set
(Stamey et al. 1989), which was used by Zou and Hastie (2005) to
highlight properties of the elastic net.
R> data("Prostate", package = "lasso2")
R> Prostate$psa <- exp(Prostate$lpsa)
R> Prostate[, 1:8] <- scale(Prostate[, 1:8])
The data set contains 97 observations and 9 covariates. In the original
paper, the authors chose the log-transformed prostate specific antigen
concentration (lpsa
) as the response and used the eight remaining
predictors log cancer volume (lcavol
), log prostate weight
), age of the patient (age
), log benign prostatic
hyperplasia amount (lbph
), seminal vesicle invasion (svi
coded as 1
for yes, 0 for no), log capsular penetration (lcp
), Gleason score
), and percentage Gleason score 4 or 5 (pgg45
) as
Zou and Hastie (2005) imposed an assumption on the conditional
distribution of the response by log-transforming and fitting a linear
model. In the following, it is shown that the impact of this assumption
may be assessed by estimating the baseline transformation from the data,
followed by a comparison with the log-transformation applied by
Zou and Hastie (2005). The linear models in lpsa
and psa
, while specifying conditional normality of the
transformed response. Additionally, the models are compared to an
alternative implementation of regularized normal linear regression in
penalized. Five different models will be used to illustrate important
facets of transformation models, including parameterization and
interpretation. The models are summarized in Table 2 and
will be elaborated on throughout this section. The comparison is based
on unpenalized models first. Later, the section highlights the penalized
models together with hyperparameter tuning.
Name | Code | Model for |
mp |
penalized(response = lpsa, penalized = x) |
mt |
Lm(lpsa .) |
mtp |
BoxCox(psa ., log_first = TRUE, order = 1) |
mt1 |
BoxCox(psa ., log_first = TRUE, order = 7) |
mt2 |
BoxCox(psa ., log_first = FALSE, order = 11) |
R> fm_Pr <- psa ~ lcavol + lweight + age + lbph + svi + lcp + gleason + pgg45
R> fm_Pr1 <- update(fm_Pr, ~ 0 + .)
R> x <- model.matrix(fm_Pr1, data = Prostate)
The normal linear regression model is implemented in tram’s Lm()
function. Lm()
’s parameterization differs from the usual linear model,
hence caution has to be taken when interpreting the resulting regression
R> m0 <- Lm(lpsa ~ 1, data = Prostate)
R> mt <- tramnet(m0, x = x, alpha = 0, lambda = 0)
R> mp <- penalized(response = Prostate$lpsa, penalized = x,
+ lambda1 = 0, lambda2 = 0)
A linear model of the form
offers the as.lm = TRUE
R> cfx_tramnet <- coef(mt, as.lm = TRUE)
The transformation function for the linear model is depicted in
Figure 1 (pink line). Because a linear baseline
transformation imposes restrictive assumptions on the response’s
conditional distribution, it is advantageous to replace the linear
baseline transformation by a more flexible one. In the case of the
Box-Cox type regression model, the linear baseline transformation
R> ord <- 7 # flexible baseline transformation
R> m01 <- BoxCox(psa ~ 1, data = Prostate, order = ord,
+ extrapolate = TRUE, log_first = TRUE)
R> mt1 <- tramnet(m01, x = x, alpha = 0, lambda = 0)
The Box-Cox type regression model is then estimated with the BoxCox()
function while specifying the appropriate maximum order of the Bernstein
polynomial. Because the more flexible transformation slightly deviates
from being linear, the normal linear model yields a smaller
log-likelihood (cf. Table 3). To make sure that
this improvement is not due to the increased number of parameters and
hence overfitting, the models’ predictive capacities could be compared
via cross-validation.
These results hold for the pre-specified log transformation of the response and a basis expansion thereof. Instead of prespecifying the log-transformation, its “logarithmic nature” can be estimated from the data. Afterward, one can compare the deviation from a log-linear baseline transformation graphically and by inspecting the predictive performance of the model in terms of out-of-sample log-likelihood.
R> m02 <- BoxCox(psa ~ 1, order = 11, data = Prostate, extrapolate = TRUE)
R> mt2 <- tramnet(m02, x = x, lambda = 0, alpha = 0)
Indeed, the baseline transformation in Figure 1
is similar to the basis expansion in the log-transformed response upon
visual inspection. Because mt
is estimated using the log-transformed
response and mt1
and mt2
are based on the original scale of the
response, the resulting model log-likelihoods are not comparable. To
overcome this issue, one can fit a Box-Cox type model with maximum order
1, as this results in a linear but alternatively parameterized baseline
R> m0p <- BoxCox(psa ~ 1, order = 1, data = Prostate, log_first = TRUE)
R> mtp <- tramnet(m0p, x = x, lambda = 0, alpha = 0)
Figure 1 plots the three distinct baseline
transformations resulting from models mt
, mt1
, and mt2
. The
initial assumption to model the prostate-specific antigen concentration
linearly on the log-scale seems to be valid when comparing the three
transformation functions. The linear transformation in lpsa
used in
, and the basis expansion in psa
) are almost
indistinguishable and yield very similar coefficient estimates, as well
as log-likelihoods (cf. Table 3, mtp
). The basis expansion in psa
) is expected to be less
stable due to the highly skewed untransformed response. This is
reflected in Figure 1, where the baseline
transformation deviates from being linear towards the bounds of the
response’s support. However, the log-linear behavior of mt2
is smaller than for mt1
(Table 3). Taken together, this exemplary analysis
highlights the flexibility and usefulness of transformation models to
judge crucial modeling assumptions.
data. The original analysis prespecified a
log-transformation of the response and then assumed conditional
normality on this scale. Hence the baseline transformation of mt
is of
the form: psa
Lastly, instead of presuming a log-transformation, one could estimate
the baseline transformation from the raw response (psa
i.e., mt2
. In this case, a higher-order
basis expansion was chosen to account for the skewness of the raw
response. Notably, all three baseline transformations are fairly
comparable. The basis expansion in psa
deviates from being log-linear
towards the boundaries of the response’s support, as there are only a
few observations.Model | Coefficient estimates | logLik | |||||||
lcavol | lweight | age | lbph | svi | lcp | gleason | pgg45 | ||
mp |
0.69 | 0.23 | -0.15 | 0.16 | 0.32 | -0.15 | 0.03 | 0.13 | -99.5 |
mt |
1.03 | 0.33 | -0.22 | 0.23 | 0.47 | -0.22 | 0.05 | 0.19 | -99.5 |
mtp |
1.03 | 0.33 | -0.22 | 0.23 | 0.47 | -0.22 | 0.05 | 0.19 | -339.9 |
mt1 |
1.03 | 0.34 | -0.21 | 0.22 | 0.48 | -0.23 | 0.04 | 0.22 | -338.0 |
mt2 |
0.97 | 0.32 | -0.19 | 0.22 | 0.48 | -0.21 | 0.07 | 0.21 | -343.5 |
This section features cross-validation, model-based optimization, and
profiling functions for hyperparameter tuning, whose appropriate values
are highly problem-dependent and hard to know in advance. tramnet
implements naive grid search and model-based optimization in the
functions cvl_tramnet()
and tramnet_mbo()
, respectively. In the
framework of regularized transformation models, it is very natural to
choose the out-of-sample log-likelihood as the objective function
because the notion of a mean square loss does not make sense for
survival, let alone censored outcomes. The out-of-sample log-likelihood
is, in fact, the log score, which is a proper scoring rule
(Gneiting and Raftery 2007).
R> m0 <- BoxCox(lpsa ~ 1, data = Prostate, order = 7, extrapolate = TRUE)
R> mt <- tramnet(m01, x = x, alpha = 1, lambda = 0)
tramnet offers cross-validation in cvl_tramnet()
, comparable to the
, and optL2()
functions in penalized, which takes a
sequence of values for
R> lambdas <- c(0, 10^seq(-4, log10(15), length.out = 4))
R> cvlt <- cvl_tramnet(object = mt, fold = 2, lambda = lambdas, alpha = 1)
In order to compare cross-validation across multiple packages and
functions, it is also possible to supply the folds for each row in the
design matrix as a numeric vector, as for example returned by
R> pen_cvl <- optL1(response = lpsa, penalized = x, lambda2 = 0, data = Prostate,
+ fold = 2)
R> cvlt <- cvl_tramnet(object = mt, lambda = lambdas, alpha = 1,
+ folds = pen_cvl$fold)
The resulting object is of class "cvl_tramnet"
and contains a table
for the cross-validated log-likelihoods for each fold and the sum
thereof, the ‘optimal’ tuning parameter constellation, which resulted in
the largest cross-validated log-likelihood, tables for the
cross-validated regularization paths, the folds and lastly the full fit
based on the ‘optimal’ tuning parameters. Additionally, the resulting
object can be used to visualize the log-likelihood and coefficient
trajectories. These trajectories highly depend on the chosen folds, and
the user is referred to the full profiling functions discussed in
Section 2.2.2.
In contrast to naive grid search, model-based optimization comprises
more elegant methods for hyperparameter tuning. tramnet offers the
and mbo_recommended()
functions. The former implements
Kriging-based hyperparameter tuning for the elastic net, the Lasso, and
ridge regression. mbo_tramnet()
takes a "tramnet"
object as input
and computes the cross-validated log-likelihood based on the provided
or folds
argument. The initial design is a random latin
hypercube design with n_design
rows per parameter. The number of
sequential fits of the surrogate models is specified through n_iter
and the range of the tuning parameters can be specified by max/min
arguments. The default infill criterion is expected improvement.
However, Bischl et al. (2017) encourage the use of the lower confidence bound over
expected improvement, which can be achieved in mbo_tramnet()
specifying opt_crit = makeMBOInfillCritCB()
. 10-fold cross-validation
is used to compute the objective function for the initial design and
each iteration. The recommended model is then extracted using
R> tmbo <- mbo_tramnet(mt, obj_type = "elnet", fold = 10)
R> mtmbo <- mbo_recommended(tmbo, m0, x)
Unlike in the previous section, one can directly optimize the tuning
parameters in an elastic net problem instead of optimizing over one
hyperparameter at a time or having to specify Lasso or ridge regression
a priori. The output of mbo_tramnet()
is quite verbose and can be
shortened by using the helper function print_mbo()
R> print_mbo(tmbo)
## Recommended parameters:
## lmb=1.04e-05; alp=0.751
## Objective: y = 710
Interpreting the output, model-based optimization suggests an
unpenalized model with
R> coef(mtmbo)
## lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45
## 1.0312 0.3380 -0.2068 0.2198 0.4801 -0.2329 0.0437 0.2157
R> summary(mtmbo)$sparsity
## [1] "8 regression coefficients, 8 of which are non-zero"
As discussed before, it may be useful to inspect the full regularization
paths over the tuning parameters profL1()
and profL2()
in package penalized, tramnet
offers prof_lambda()
and prof_alpha()
. Since these functions take a
fitted model of class "tramnet"
as input, which is internally updated,
it is crucial to correctly specify the other tuning parameter in the
model fitting step. In the example to come, mt
was fit using
R> pfl <- prof_lambda(mt)
takes min_lambda
, max_lambda
, and nprof
arguments and internally generates an equi-spaced sequence from
to max_lambda
on the log scale of length nprof
. By
default, this sequence ranges from
R> plot_path(pfl, plot_logLik = FALSE, las = 1, col = coll)
.In some applications, the specification of additional constraints on the
shift parameters constraints
argument, which are internally handled
as constraints[[1]] %*% beta
. Hence, to specify
the constraint of strictly positive regression coefficients, one would
supply an identity matrix of dimension
R> m0 <- BoxCox(lpsa ~ 1, data = Prostate, extrapolate = TRUE)
R> mt <- tramnet(m0, x, alpha = 0, lambda = 0, constraints = list(diag(8),
+ rep(0, 8)))
R> coef(mt)
## lcavol lweight lbph svi gleason pgg45
## 0.9111 0.2996 0.1684 0.3969 0.0133 0.1125
The coefficients with a negative sign in the model without additional positivity constraints now shrink to zero, with the other coefficient estimates changing as well.
R> summary(mt)$sparsity
## [1] "8 regression coefficients, 6 of which are non-zero"
One can compare this model to the implementation in tram, where it is
also possible to specify linear inequality constraints on the regression
coefficients constraints = c("age >= 0", "lcp >= 0")
for the two non-positive
coefficient estimates.
R> m <- BoxCox(lpsa ~ . - psa, data = Prostate, extrapolate = TRUE,
+ constraints = c("age >= 0", "lcp >= 0"))
R> max(abs(coef(m) - coef(mt, tol = 0)))
## [1] 1.28e-05
Indeed, both optimizers arrive at virtually the same coefficient estimates.
MethodsBuilding on the S3
infrastructure of the packages
mlt and tram, this package
provides corresponding methods for the following generics: coef()
, plot()
, predict()
, simulate()
, and residuals()
. The
methods’ additional "tramnet"
-specific arguments will be briefly
discussed in this section.
suppresses the baseline transformation’s coefficient
estimates tol
Hence, coef(mt, with_baseline = TRUE, tol = 0)
returns all
R> coef(mtmbo, with_baseline = TRUE, tol = 0)
## Bs1(lpsa) Bs2(lpsa) Bs3(lpsa) Bs4(lpsa) Bs5(lpsa) Bs6(lpsa) Bs7(lpsa)
## -1.9775 -1.5055 -1.0335 -0.2778 -0.2778 1.0723 1.5150
## Bs8(lpsa) lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp
## 1.9576 1.0312 0.3380 -0.2068 0.2198 0.4801 -0.2329
## gleason pgg45
## 0.0437 0.2157
The logLik.tramnet()
method allows the log-likelihoods re-computation
under new data (i.e., out-of-sample) and different coefficients
) and weights (w
), as illustrated below.
R> logLik(mtmbo)
## 'log Lik.' -97.7 (df=NA)
R> cfx <- coef(mtmbo, with_baseline = TRUE, tol = 0)
R> cfx[5:8] <- 0.5
R> logLik(mtmbo, parm = cfx)
## 'log Lik.' -561 (df=NA)
R> logLik(mtmbo, newdata = Prostate[1:10,])
## 'log Lik.' -14.3 (df=NA)
R> logLik(mtmbo, w = runif(n = nrow(mtmbo$x)))
## 'log Lik.' -41.8 (df=NA)
In the spirit of mlt’s plotting methods for classes "mlt"
, plot.tramnet()
offers diverse plotting options for objects of
class "tramnet"
. The specification of new data and the type of plot is
illustrated in the following code chunk and Figure 3.
R> par(mfrow = c(3, 2)); K <- 1e3
R> plot(mtmbo, type = "distribution", K = K, main = "A") # A, default
R> plot(mtmbo, type = "survivor", K = K, main = "B") # B
R> plot(mtmbo, type = "trafo", K = K, main = "C") # C
R> plot(mtmbo, type = "density", K = K, main = "D") # D
R> plot(mtmbo, type = "hazard", K = K, main = "E") # E
R> plot(mtmbo, type = "trafo", newdata = Prostate[1, ], col = 1, K = K, main = "F") # F
’s versatility in
visualizing the response’s estimated conditional distribution on various
scales, including cdf, survivor, transformation scale and pdf. Note
that, by default, the plot is produced for each row in the design
matrix. In unstratified linear transformation models, this leads to
shifted versions of the same curve on the transformation function’s
scale. A: Estimated conditional distribution function for every
observation. B: Estimated conditional survivor function for every
observation. The conditional survivor function is defined as
argument can be used
to plot the predicted most likely transformation for the provided data,
in this case, the first row of the Prostate
data.The predict.tramnet()
method works in the same way as predict.mlt()
and as such supports the types
trafo, distribution, survivor, density, logdensity, hazard, loghazard, cumhazard
and quantile
. For type = "quantile"
, the corresponding probabilities
) have to be supplied as an argument to evaluate the quantile
R> predict(mtmbo, type = "quantile", prob = 0.2, newdata = Prostate[1:5,])
## prob [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## 0.2 3.4 3.55 3.74 3.72 2.68
Another method offered by this package implements parametric
bootstrap-based sampling. In particular, simulate.tramnet()
calls the
function after converting the "tramnet"
object to a
R> simulate(mtmbo, nsim = 1, newdata = Prostate[1:5,], seed = 1)
## [1] 3.56 3.97 4.57 5.48 2.69
Lastly, residuals.tramnet()
computes the generalized residual
R> residuals(mtmbo)[1:5]
## [1] -6.50 -6.36 -6.60 -6.57 -4.17
In residual analysis and boosting, it is common practice to check for
associations between residuals and covariates that are not included in
the model. In the prostate cancer example, one could investigate whether
the variables age
and lcp
should be included in the model. To
illustrate this particular case, a nonparametric independence_test()
from package coin can be
used (Hothorn et al. 2008). First, the uncoditional transformation model m0
fitted. Afterward, the tramnet models excluding age
and lcp
estimated, and their residuals extracted using the residuals.tramnet()
method. Lastly, an independence test using a maximum statistic
(teststat = "max"
) and a Monte Carlo-based approximation of the null
distribution based on resampling distribution = approximate(1e6)
) yields the results printed below.
R> library("coin")
R> m0 <- BoxCox(lpsa ~ 1, data = Prostate, extrapolate = TRUE)
R> x_no_age_lcp <- x[, !colnames(x) %in% c("age", "lcp")]
R> mt_no_age_lcp <- tramnet(m0, x_no_age_lcp, alpha = 0, lambda = 0)
R> r <- residuals(mt_no_age_lcp)
R> it <- independence_test(r ~ age + lcp, data = Prostate,
+ teststat = "max", distribution = approximate(1e6))
R> pvalue(it, "single-step")
## age 0.023748
## lcp <0.000001
Because there is substantial evidence against the independence of the
models’ residuals to either lcp
or age
, we can conclude that it is
worthwhile to include age
and lcp
in the model. Packages
trtf (Hothorn 2019b) and
(Hothorn 2019a, 2020c) make use of this definition of a residual
for estimating and boosting transformation models, trees, and random
forests. For more theoretical insight, the reader is referred to the
above mentioned publications.
tramnet, tram, CVXR, glmnet, mlrMBO, penalized, basefun, mlt, coin, trtf, tbm
ClinicalTrials, MachineLearning, Optimization, Survival
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Kook & Hothorn, "Regularized Transformation Models: The tramnet Package", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-054, author = {Kook, Lucas and Hothorn, Torsten}, title = {Regularized Transformation Models: The tramnet Package}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {}, volume = {13}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {581-594} }