The package allows the use of two new statistical methods for the analysis of interval-censored data: 1) direct estimation/prediction of statistical indicators and 2) linear (mixed) regression analysis. Direct estimation of statistical indicators, for instance, poverty and inequality indicators, is facilitated by a non parametric kernel density algorithm. The algorithm is able to account for weights in the estimation of statistical indicators. The standard errors of the statistical indicators are estimated with a non parametric bootstrap. Furthermore, the package offers statistical methods for the estimation of linear and linear mixed regression models with an interval-censored dependent variable, particularly random slope and random intercept models. Parameter estimates are obtained through a stochastic expectation-maximization algorithm. Standard errors are estimated using a non parametric bootstrap in the linear regression model and by a parametric bootstrap in the linear mixed regression model. To handle departures from the model assumptions, fixed (logarithmic) and data-driven (Box-Cox) transformations are incorporated into the algorithm.
Interval-censored or grouped data occurs when only the lower kdeAlgo()
to estimate
statistical indicators (e.g., the mean) from interval-censored data,
, and semLme()
to estimate linear and linear mixed regression
models with an interval-censored dependent variable. The package code
and the open-source contribution guidelines for the package are
available on GitHub. Potential
code contributions, feature requests, and bugs can be reported there by
creating issues.
For the estimation of statistical indicators from interval-censored data, different approaches are described in the literature. These approaches can be broadly categorized into four groups: Estimation on the midpoints (Fahrmeir et al. 2016), linear interpolation of the distribution function, non parametric modeling via splines (Berger and Escobar 2016), and fitting a parametric distribution function to the censored data (McDonald 1984; Bandourian et al. 2002; Dagum 2008). Some of these methods are implemented in R packages available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). The method of linear interpolation is implemented for the estimation of quantiles in the R package actuar (Dutang et al. 2008; Goulet et al. 2020). The package also enables the estimation of the mean on the interval midpoints. Fitting a parametric distribution to interval-censored data can be done by using the R package fitdistrplus (Delignette-Muller and Dutang 2015; Delignette-Muller et al. 2020).
In survey statistics, interval-censored data is often collected for
income or wealth variables. Thus, the performance of the above-mentioned
methods is commonly evaluated by simulation studies that rely on data
that follows some kind of income distribution. The German statistical
office (DESTATIS) uses the method of linear interpolation for the
estimation of statistical indicators from interval-censored income data
collected by the German Microcensus. This approach gives the same
results as assuming a uniform distribution within the income intervals.
Estimation results are reasonably accurate if the estimated indicators
do not depend on the whole shape of the distribution, e.g., the median
(Lenau and Münnich 2016). Fitting a parametric distribution to the data enables the
estimation of indicators that rely on the whole shape of the
distribution. This method works well when the data is censored to only a
few equidistant intervals (Lenau and Münnich 2016). Non parametric modeling via splines
shows especially good results for a high number of intervals in
ascending order (Lenau and Münnich 2016). However, according to Lenau and Münnich (2016), all of the
above-mentioned methods show large biases and variances when the
estimation is based on a small number of intervals. Therefore, a novel
kernel density estimation (KDE) algorithm is implemented in the
smicd package that
overcomes the drawbacks of the previously mentioned methods
(Walter 2019, 2020). The algorithm bases the estimation of statistical
indicators on pseudo samples that are drawn from a fitted non parametric
distribution. The method automatically adapts to the shape of the true
unknown distribution and provides reliable estimates for different
interval-censoring scenarios. It can be applied via the function
Similar to the direct estimation of statistical indicators from
interval-censored data, there exists a variety of ad-hoc approaches and
explicitly formulated mathematical methods for the estimation of linear
regression models with an interval-censored dependent variable. The
following methods and approaches are used for handling interval-censored
dependent variables within linear regression models: Ordinary least
squares (OLS) regression on the midpoints (Thompson and Nelson 2003), ordered logit- or
probit-regression (McCullagh 1980), and regression methodology formulated for
left-, right-, and interval-censored data (Tobin 1958; Rosett and Nelson 1975; Stewart 1983). All
of these methods are implemented in different R packages available on
CRAN. OLS regression on the midpoints is applicable by using the lm()
function from the stats
package (R Core Team 2020), ordered logit regression is implemented in the
MASS package
(Venables and Ripley 2002; Ripley 2019), and interval regression is implemented in the
(Therneau and Grambsch 2000; Therneau 2020) package.
While OLS regression on the midpoints of the intervals is easily
applied, it comes with the disadvantage of giving biased estimation
results (Cameron 1987). This approach disregards the uncertainty stemming from
the unknown true distribution of the data within the intervals, and
therefore, leads to biased parameter estimates. Its performance relies
on the number of intervals, and estimation results are only comparable
to more advanced methods when the number of intervals is very large
(Fryer and Pethybridge 1972). Conceptualizing the model as an ordered logit or probit
regression is feasible by treating the dependent variable as an ordered
factor variable (McCullagh 1980). However, this approach also neglects the
unknown distribution of the data within the intervals. Furthermore, the
predicted values are not on a continuous scale but are in terms of the
probability of belonging to a certain group. To overcome these
disadvantages and obtain unbiased estimation results Stewart (1983) introduces
regression methodology for models with an interval-censored dependent
variable. (Walter 2019) further develops his approach and introduces a novel
stochastic expectation-maximization (SEM) algorithm for the estimation
of linear regression models with an interval-censored dependent variable
that is implemented in the smicd package. The model parameters are
unbiasedly estimated as long as the model assumptions are fulfilled. The
function semLm()
provides the SEM algorithm and enables the use of
fixed (logarithmic) and data-driven (Box-Cox) transformations (Box and Cox 1964).
The Box-Cox transformation automatically adapts to the shape of the data
and transforms the dependent variable in order to meet the model
In order to analyze longitudinal or clustered data (e.g., students
within schools), linear mixed regression models are applicable. These
kinds of models control for the correlated structure of the data by
including random effects in addition to the usual fixed effects. In
order to deal with an interval-censored dependent variable in linear
mixed regression models, there are several approaches described in the
literature. Linear mixed regression models, just like linear regression
models, can be estimated on the interval midpoints of the
censored-dependent variable. Furthermore, conceptualizing the model as
an ordered logit or probit regression model is feasible (Agresti 2010). These
approaches inherit the same advantages and disadvantages as previously
discussed. Linear mixed regression on the midpoints can be applied by
the lme4 (Bates et al. 2015, 2020b)
or nlme (Pinheiro et al. 2020) package
and the ordered logit regression is implemented in the
ordinal package
(Christensen 2019). To my knowledge, there are no R packages for the estimation of
linear mixed regression models with an interval-censored dependent
variable. Therefore, the package smicd contains the SEM algorithm
proposed by Walter (2019) for the estimation of linear mixed regression models
with an interval-censored dependent variable. If the model assumptions
are fulfilled, the method gives unbiased estimation results. The
function semLme()
enables the estimation of the regression parameters,
and it also allows for the usage of the logarithmic and Box-Cox
transformation in order to fulfill the model assumptions (Gurka et al. 2006).
The paper is structured into two main sections. Section 2 deals with the direct estimation of statistical indicators from interval-censored data, whereas Section 3 introduces linear and linear mixed regression models with an interval-censored dependent variable. Both sections have been divided into three subsections: first, the statistical methodology is introduced, then the core functions of the smicd package are presented, and finally, illustrative examples with two different data sets are provided. In Section 4, the main results are summarized, and an outlook is given.
In the following three subsections, the methodology for the direct
estimation of statistical indicators from interval-censored data is
introduced, the core functionality of the function kdeAlgo()
presented, and statistical indicators are estimated using the synthetic
EU-SILC (European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions) data
set from Austria.
In order to estimate statistical indicators from interval-censored data,
the proposed algorithm generates metric pseudo samples of an
interval-censored variable. These pseudo samples can be used to estimate
any statistical indicator. They are drawn from a non parametrically
estimated kernel density. Kernel density estimation was first introduced
by (Rosenblatt 1956) and (Parzen 1962). By its application, the density
To fit the model, pseudosamples of
Use the midpoints of the intervals as pseudo
Sample from
Estimate any statistical indicator of interest
Recompute the density
Repeat Steps 2-5, with
Discard the
For open-ended intervals, e.g.,
The variance of the statistical indicators is estimated by bootstrapping. Bootstrap methods were first introduced by Efron (1979). These methods serve as an estimation procedure when the variance cannot be stated as a closed-form solution (Shao and Tu 1995). While bootstrapping avoids the problem of the non-availability of a closed-form solution, it comes with the disadvantage of long computational times. In the package, a non parametric bootstrap that accounts for the additional uncertainty coming from the interval-censored data is implemented. This non parametric bootstrap is introduced in Walter (2019).
The presented KDE algorithm is implemented in the function kdeAlgo()
(see Table 1). The arguments and default settings of
are briefly summarized in Table 2. The
function gives back an S3 object of class "kdeAlgo"
. A detailed
explanation of all components of a "kdeAlgo"
object can be found in
the package documentation. The generic functions plot()
and print()
can be applied to "kdeAlgo"
objects to output the main estimation
results (see Table 1). In the next section, the
function kdeAlgo()
is used to estimate a variety of statistical
indicators from interval-censored EU-SILC data, and its arguments are
explained in more detail.
Function Name | Description |
kdeAlgo() |
Estimates the statistical indicators and its standard errors from |
interval-censored data | |
plot() |
Plots convergence of the estimated statistical indicators and |
estimated density of the pseudo |
print() |
Prints the estimated statistical indicators and its standard errors |
Argument | Description | Default |
xclass |
Interval-censored variable | |
classes |
Numeric vector of interval bounds | |
threshold |
Threshold used for poverty indicators | |
(% of the median of the target variable) | 0.6 |
burnin |
Number of burn-in iterations |
80 |
samples |
Number of additional iterations |
400 | |
If TRUE, standard errors of the statistical | |
indicators are estimated | FALSE |
b |
Number of bootstraps for the estimation of | |
the standard errors | 100 |
bw |
Smoothing bandwidth used | "nrd0" |
evalpoints |
Number of evaluation grid points | 4000 |
adjust |
Bandwidth multiplier |
1 |
custom_indicator |
A list of user-defined statistical indicators | NULL |
upper |
If upper bound of the upper interval is |
3 |
weights |
Survey weights | NULL |
oecd |
Household weights of equivalence scale | NULL |
To demonstrate the function kdeAlgo()
, the equivalized household
income and the corresponding household sample weight from the Austrian
synthetic EU-SILC survey data set are used. The data set is included in
the laeken package
(Alfons and Templ 2013; Alfons et al. 2020). Its synthetic nature makes it unusable for inferential
statistics. However, the data set has the advantage over the scientific
use file by being freely available which enables the easy
reproducibility of the presented example. Since the total disposable
household income is measured on a continuous scale, it is censored to 22
intervals for demonstration purposes. For a realistic censoring scheme,
the interval bounds are chosen such that they closely follow the
interval bounds used in the German Microcensus from 2013 (Statistisches Bundesamt 2014). The
German Microcensus is a representative household survey that covers
830,000 persons in 370,000 households (1% of the German population) in
which income is only collected as an interval-censored variable
(Statistisches Bundesamt 2016).
In a first step, the variable total disposable household income called
is interval-censored according to 22 intervals using the
function cut()
. The vector of interval bounds is called intervals
and the newly obtained interval-censored income variable is called
R> intervals <- c(
+ 0, 150, 300, 500, 700, 900, 1100, 1300, 1500, 1700, 2000, 2300, 2600, 2900,
+ 3200, 3600, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 7500, Inf
+ )
R> c.hhincome <- cut(hhincome_net, breaks = intervals)
In order to get a descriptive overview of the distribution of the
censored income data, the function table()
is applied.
R> table(c.hhincome)
(0,150] (150,300] (300,500]
66 113 280
(500,700] (700,900] (900,1.1e+03]
462 1137 1433
(1.1e+03,1.3e+03] (1.3e+03,1.5e+03] (1.5e+03,1.7e+03]
2040 1811 1671
(1.7e+03,2e+03] (2e+03,2.3e+03] (2.3e+03,2.6e+03]
2006 1383 849
(2.6e+03,2.9e+03] (2.9e+03,3.2e+03] (3.2e+03,3.6e+03]
508 389 242
(3.6e+03,4e+03] (4e+03,4.5e+03] (4.5e+03,5e+03]
158 107 61
(5e+03,5.5e+03] (5.5e+03,6e+03] (6e+03,7.5e+03]
21 18 52
Most incomes are in interval kdeAlgo()
of the smicd package is called with the
following arguments.
R> Indicators <- kdeAlgo(
+ xclass = c.hhincome, classes = intervals,
+ = TRUE, custom_indicator =
+ list(
+ quant05 = function(y, threshold, weights) {
+ wtd.quantile(y, probs = 0.05, weights)
+ },
+ quant95 = function(y, threshold, weights) {
+ wtd.quantile(y, probs = 0.95, weights)
+ }
+ ),
+ weights = hhweight
+ )
The variable c.hhincome
is assigned to the argument xclass
, and the
vector of interval bounds intervals
is assigned to the argument
. The default settings of the arguments burnin
, samples
, evalpoints
, adjust
, and upper
are retained. Simulation
results from Walter (2019) and Groß et al. (2017) show that these settings give good
results when working with income data. Changing these arguments has an
impact on the performance of the KDE algorithm. As default, the
statistical indicators: mean, Gini coefficient, headcount ratio (HCR),
the quantiles (10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%), the poverty gap (PGAP), and the
quintile share ratio (QSR) are estimated (Gini 1912; Foster et al. 1984). The HCR and
PGAP rely on a poverty threshold. The default choice of the threshold
argument is 60% of the median of the target variable, as suggested by
Eurostat (2014). Besides the mentioned indicators, any other statistical
indicator can be estimated via the argument custom_indicator
. In the
example, the argument is assigned a list that holds functions to
estimate the 5% and 95% quantile. The custom indicators must depend on
the target variable, the threshold (even if it is not needed for the
specified indicator), and optionally on the weights argument if the
estimation of a weighted indicator is required. To estimate the standard
errors of all indicators, = TRUE
, and the number of
bootstrap samples is 100 (the default value as suggested in Walter (2019)).
Lastly, the household weight (hhweight
) is assigned to the argument
in order to estimate weighted statistical indicators. It can
also be controlled for households of different sizes by assigning oecd
a variable with household equivalence weights. By applying the print()
function to the "kdeAlgo"
object, the estimated statistical indicators
(default and custom indicators) as well as their standard errors are
printed. For instance, in this example, the estimated mean is about
1,658 Euro and its standard error is 8.486.
R> print(Indicators)
mean gini hcr quant10 quant25 quant50
1658.329 0.265 0.145 802.227 1117.714 1507.947
quant75 quant90 pgap qsr quant05 quant95
2020.063 2654.707 0.040 3.920 630.326 3142.296
Standard error:
mean gini hcr quant10 quant25 quant50
8.486 0.002 0.002 5.839 5.977 6.605
quant75 quant90 pgap qsr quant05 quant95
10.548 21.622 0.001 0.044 10.327 24.401
For demonstration purposes, the statistical indicators are also
estimated using the continuous household income variable from the
synthetic EU-SILC data set (Table 3). The estimation
results of the KDE algorithm using the interval-censored data are very
close to those based on the continuous data. Slightly larger deviations
are observable for the more extreme quantiles. This is due to the fact
that these quantile estimates fall into intervals with a lower number of
observations (compared to the other quantile estimates). Estimation
results for these quantiles could potentially be further improved by
increasing the number of evalpoints
of the kdeAlgo()
mean |
gini |
hcr |
quant10 |
quant25 |
quant50 |
1657.910 | 0.265 | 0.144 | 805.468 | 1114.028 | 1508.657 | |
quant75 |
quant90 |
pgap |
qsr |
quant05 |
quant95 |
2017.585 | 2653.617 | 0.040 | 3.960 | 619.666 | 3153.425 |
In Walter (2019), the performance of the KDE algorithm is evaluated via
detailed simulation studies. By applying the function plot()
objects can be plotted. Thereby, convergence plots for all
estimated statistical indicators and a plot of the estimated final
density are obtained.
R> plot(Indicators)
Figure 1 shows convergence plots for two of the estimated indicators. Additionally, a plot of the estimated final density with a histogram of the observed data in the background is given in Figure 2. In Figure 1, the estimated statistical indicator (Gini, 10% quantile) for each iteration step of the KDE algorithm and the average over the estimates up to iteration step M (excluding the burn-in iterations) are plotted. A vertical line marks the end of the burn-in period. The horizontal line gives the value of the final estimate (average over the M iterations). All convergence plots indicate that the number of iterations is chosen sufficiently large for the estimates to converge.
If convergence were not achieved, the arguments burnin
and samples
should be increased. It is notable that the estimated 10% quantile has
the same value for almost all iterations steps. This is the case because
the quantile, as any other statistical indicator, is estimated using the
pseudo samples that are drawn on 4,000 grid points
Lastly, it should be mentioned that the computation time can be very
long if the estimation of the standard errors is enabled. Hence, if the
estimation of the standard errors is not required, the argument
should be set to FALSE
. Furthermore, it should always
be checked how many iterations are needed for the desired statistical
indicator to converge. Reducing the number of required iterations
(arguments burnin
and samples
) lowers the computation time
significantly (with and without standard errors).
In the following three subsections, the statistical methodology for
linear and linear mixed regression models with an interval-censored
dependent variable is introduced, the core functionality of the
functions semLM()
and semLME()
is presented, and examination scores
of students from schools in London are exemplary modeled.
The theoretical introduction of the new regression method, proposed by
Walter (2019), is presented for linear mixed regression models. The theory for
linear regression models can be obtained by simplifying the introduced
method. In its standard form, the linear mixed regression model serves
to analyze the linear relationship between a continuous dependent
variable and some independent variables (Goldstein 2010). Random parameters
(random slopes and random intercepts) are included in the model to
account for correlated data, e.g., students within schools. The model in
matrix notation (Laird and Ware 1983) is given by
To fit Model ((2)), the parameter vector
Stochastic step: For
Maximization step: Re-estimate the parameter vector
Iterate Steps 2-3
Discard the burn-in iterations
If open-ended intervals
The standard errors of the regression parameters are estimated using bootstrap methods. For the linear regression model, a non parametric bootstrap (Efron and Stein 1981; Efron 1982; Efron and Tibshirani 1986; Efron and Tibshirani 1993) and for the linear mixed regression model, a parametric bootstrap (Wang et al. 2006; Thai et al. 2013) is used to estimate the standard errors. The non parametric, as well as the parametric bootstrap, are further developed to account for the additional uncertainty that is due to the interval-censored dependent variable. Both newly proposed bootstraps are available in the smicd package, and the theory is explained in (Walter 2019).
To assure that the model assumptions are fulfilled, the logarithmic and
the Box-Cox transformations are incorporated into the function semLm()
and semLme()
The introduced SEM algorithm is implemented in the functions described
in Table 4. The arguments and default settings of the
estimation functions semLm()
and semLme()
are summarized in Table
5. Both functions return an S3 object of class "sem"
or "sem"
, "lme"
. A detailed explanation of all the components
of these objects can be found in the smicd package documentation. The
generic functions plot()
, print()
, and summary()
can be applied to
objects of class "sem", "lm"
and "sem", "lme"
in order to summarize
the main estimation results. In the next section, the functionality of
and semLme()
is demonstrated based on an illustrative
Function Name | Description |
semLm() |
Estimates linear regression models with an interval-censored |
dependent variable | |
semLme() |
Estimates linear mixed regression models with an |
interval-censored dependent variable | |
plot() |
Plots convergence of the estimated parameters and estimated |
density of the pseudo |
print() |
Prints basic information of the estimated linear and linear mixed |
regression models | |
summary() |
Summary of the estimated linear and linear mixed regression models |
Argument | Description | Default |
formula |
A two-sided linear formula object | |
data |
A data frame containing the variables of the model | |
classes |
Numeric vector of interval bounds | |
burnin |
Burn-in iterations | 40 |
samples |
Additional iterations | 200 |
trafo |
Transformation of the dependent variable: None, | "None" |
logarithmic, or Box-Cox transformation | ||
adjust |
Extends the number of iterations for the estimation | 2 |
of the Box-Cox transformation parameter: | || |
If TRUE, standard errors and confidence intervals of | FALSE |
the regression parameters are estimated | ||
b |
Number of bootstraps for the estimation of | |
the standard errors | 100 |
To demonstrate the functions semLm()
and semLme()
, the famous London
school data set that is analyzed in Goldstein et al. (1993) is used. The data set
contains the examination results of 4,059 students from 65 schools in
six Inner London Education Authorities. The data set is available in the
R package mlmRev (Bates et al. 2020a)
and also included in the package smicd. The variables used in the
following example are: general certificate of secondary examination
scores (examsc
), the standardized London reading test scores at the
age of 11 years (standLRT
), the sex of the student (sex
), and the
school identifier (school
). In the original data set, the variable
is measured on a continuous scale. In order to demonstrate the
functionality of the functions semLm()
and semLme()
, the variable is
arbitrarily censored to nine intervals. As before, the censoring is
carried out by the function cut()
, and the vector of interval bounds
is called intervals
R> intervals <- c(1, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.7, 8.5, Inf)
R> Exam$examsc.class <- cut(Exam$examsc, intervals)
The newly created interval-censored variable is called examsc.class
The distribution is visualized by applying the function table()
R> table(Exam$examsc.class)
(1,1.5] (1.5,2.5] (2.5,3.5] (3.5,4.5] (4.5,5.5] (5.5,6.5]
1 32 249 937 1606 951
(6.5,7.7] (7.7,8.5] (8.5,Inf]
267 15 1
It can be seen that most examination scores are concentrated in the
center intervals. To fit the linear regression model, the function
is called.
R> LM <- semLm(
+ formula = examsc.class ~ standLRT + sex, data = Exam,
+ classes = intervals, = TRUE
+ )
The formula argument is assigned the model equation, where
is regressed on standLRT
and sex
. The argument data
is assigned the name of the data set Exam
, and the vector of interval
bounds intervals
is assigned to the classes
argument. The arguments
and samples
are left as defaults. The specified number of
default iterations is sufficiently large for most regression models.
However the convergence of the parameters has to be checked by plotting
the estimation results with the function plot()
after the estimation.
No transformation is specified for the interval-censored dependent
variable and therefore, trafo
is assigned its default value. The
argument adjust
is only relevant if the Box-Cox transformation
is chosen. In this case, the number of iterations for the
estimation of the Box-Cox transformation parameter plot()
. More
information on the Box-Cox transformation and on the estimation of the
transformation parameter is given in Walter (2019). For the estimation of the
standard errors of the regression parameters, the argument
is set to TRUE
. The number of bootstrap samples b
100, its default value, which again is reasonable for most settings. A
summary of the estimation results is obtained by the application of the
function summary()
R> summary(LM)
semLm(formula = examsc.class ~ standLRT + sex, data = Exam,
classes = intervals, = TRUE)
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std.Error Lower 95%-level Upper 95%-level
(Intercept) 5.0702791 0.01816102 5.0326739 5.1033905
standLRT 0.5908015 0.01349275 0.5614197 0.6163845
sexM -0.1715966 0.03093346 -0.2308930 -0.1010877
Multiple R-squared: 0.3501 Adjusted R-squared: 0.3498
Variable examsc.class is divided into 9 intervals.
The output shows the function call, the estimated regression
coefficients, the bootstrapped standard errors, and the confidence
intervals, as well as the R-squared and the adjusted R-squared.
Furthermore, the output reminds the user that the dependent variable is
censored to nine intervals. All estimates are interpreted as in a linear
regression model with a continuous dependent variable. Hence, if
increases by one unit and all other parameters are kept
constant, examsc.class
increases by 0.59 on average. The bootstrapped
confidence intervals indicate that all regressors have a significant
effect on the dependent variable.
By using the generic function plot()
on an object of class "sem"
, convergence plots of each estimated regression parameter and of
the estimated residual variance are obtained. Furthermore, the density
of the generated pseudo examsc.class
in the background.
R> plot(LM)
In Figure 3, a selection of convergence plots is given,
and in Figure 4, the density of the pseudo
As already mentioned, the smicd package also enables the estimation of
linear mixed regression models by the function semLme()
. In the London
school data set, students are nested within schools, and therefore, it
is necessary to control for the correlation within-schools. In order to
do that, the variable school
is specified as a random intercept. If
necessary, a random slope parameter could also be included in the model.
Again, the variable sex
is included as an additional regressor. Hence,
the formula
argument is assigned the following model equation
standLRT + sex + (1|school)
. So far, the
function semLme()
enables the estimation of linear mixed models with a
maximum of one random slope and one random intercept parameter.
Regarding all other arguments, the same specifications as before are
R> LME <- semLme(
+ formula = examsc.class ~ standLRT + sex + (1|school),
+ data = Exam, classes = intervals, = TRUE
+ )
By using the generic function summary()
, the estimation results are
printed. In addition to the fixed effects, the estimated random effects
are obtained as in the lme4 and nlme packages. Since the R-squared
and the adjusted R-squared are not defined for mixed models, the
function prints the marginal R-squared and conditional
R-squared (Nakagawa and Schielzeth 2013; Johnson 2014).
> summary(LME)
semLme(formula = examsc.class ~ standLRT + sex + (1 | school),
data = Exam, classes = intervals, = TRUE)
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
school (Intercept) 0.08755431 0.2958958
Residual 0.58417586 0.7643140
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std.Error Lower 95%-level Upper 95%-level
(Intercept) 5.0777581 0.0005188930 5.0769749 5.0791095
standLRT 0.5605049 0.0003665976 0.5599456 0.5613711
sexM -0.1711065 0.0008159909 -0.1724193 -0.1692369
Marginal R-squared: 0.324 Conditional R-squared: 0.4121
Variable examsc.class is divided into 9 intervals.
Again, interpretation is the same as in linear mixed models with a
continuous dependent variable. By applying the generic function plot()
to a "sem" "lme"
object, the same plots as for the linear regression
model are plotted.
Asking for interval-censored data can lead to lower item non-response rates and increased data quality. While item non-response is potentially avoided, applying traditional statistical methods becomes infeasible because the true distribution of the data within each interval is unknown. The functions of the smicd package enable researchers to easily analyze this kind of data. The paper briefly introduces the new statistical methodology and presents, in detail, the core functions of the package:
for the direct estimation of any statistical indicator,semLm()
to estimate linear models with an interval-censored
dependent variable,semLme()
to estimate linear mixed models with an interval-censored
dependent variable.The functions are applied in order to estimate statistical indicators from interval-censored synthetic EU-SILC income data and to analyze interval-censored examination scores of students from London with linear and linear mixed regression models.
Further developments of the smicd package will include the possibility to estimate the bootstrapped standard errors in parallel computing environments. Additionally, it is planned to allow for the use of survey weights in the linear (mixed) regression models.
actuar, fitdistrplus, smicd, stats, MASS, survival, lme4, nlme, ordinal, laeken, mlmRev
ActuarialScience, ChemPhys, ClinicalTrials, Distributions, Econometrics, Environmetrics, Finance, MixedModels, NumericalMathematics, OfficialStatistics, Psychometrics, Robust, Spatial, SpatioTemporal, Survival, TeachingStatistics
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Walter, "The R Package smicd: Statistical Methods for Interval-Censored Data", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-045, author = {Walter, Paul}, title = {The R Package smicd: Statistical Methods for Interval-Censored Data}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {}, volume = {13}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {366-382} }