This paper introduces pdynmc, an R package that provides users sufficient flexibility and precise control over the estimation and inference in linear dynamic panel data models. The package primarily allows for the inclusion of nonlinear moment conditions and the use of iterated GMM; additionally, visualizations for data structure and estimation results are provided. The current implementation reflects recent developments in literature, uses sensible argument defaults, and aligns commercial and noncommercial estimation commands. Since the understanding of the model assumptions is vital for setting up plausible estimation routines, we provide a broad introduction of linear dynamic panel data models directed towards practitioners before concisely describing the functionality available in pdynmc regarding instrument type, covariate type, estimation methodology, and general configuration. We then demonstrate the functionality by revisiting the popular firm-level dataset of Arellano and Bond (1991).
This paper introduces the contributed package pdynmc (Fritsch et al. 2020) – a unified framework for estimating linear dynamic panel data models based on linear and nonlinear moment conditions (Ahn and Schmidt 1995). Our implementation of the commands in pdynmc allows the user to exert precise control over the available functionality, reflects recent developments in literature, uses sensible argument defaults, aligns commercial and noncommercial estimation commands, and provides visualizations of data structure and estimation results. Additionally, this paper provides a concise introduction into linear dynamic panel data models directed towards the practitioner, describes the functionality available in pdynmc, and walks the reader through estimation of linear dynamic panel data models by replicating the analysis in (Arellano and Bond 1991).
Practitioners have a variety of recent packages that enable linear
dynamic panel data modeling meant for a fixed number of time periods. In
particular, contributed R packages such as
(Pickup et al. 2017),
plm (Croissant and Millo 2019), and
(Sigmund and Ferstl 2019) have considerably enlarged the set of
noncommercial routines available. All of these packages implement some
default routines for estimating common parameters in linear dynamic
panel data models.
implements a likelihood-based orthogonal reparameterization procedure
for first-order autoregressive linear panel data models with strictly
exogenous covariates. plm
implements one-step and two-step GMM-based procedures for
Additional functionality of our contributed package pdynmc includes nonlinear moment conditions which are generally not available across standard GMM estimation routines. To the best of our knowledge, there is currently only the xtdpdgmm-implementation provided by (Kripfganz 2019) for the commercial statistical software Stata (StataCorp 2015). The current implementation in Stata restricts accessibility to the routine as it requires a recent Stata version (version 13 or higher). Another key estimation option provided by pdynmc is iterated GMM. Hansen and Lee (2021) recently outlined the merits of the technique and developed the theory under potential misspecification of moment conditions. The availability of iterated GMM for dynamic panels may help to apply the results found in, for example, Hwang and Sun (2018). Visualizations of the estimation results of iterated GMM are also included.
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section Framework and
methodology briefly sketches the linear dynamic panel data
model, states underlying assumptions frequently used in literature, and
describes moment conditions arising from different sets of model
assumptions. Section R implementation covers details on the
arguments of the model fitting function pdynmc
and connects the
description with the estimation methodology. Section Empirical
example illustrates the estimation of linear dynamic
panel data models with pdynmc for the dataset of Arellano and Bond (1991), while
Section Conclusion concludes.
Linear dynamic panel data models account for dynamics and unobserved individual-specific heterogeneity. Due to the presence of lagged dependent variables, applying ordinary least squares including individual-specific dummy variables is inconsistent (see, e.g., Hsiao 2014). A suitable alternative for obtaining parameter estimates of linear dynamic panel data models is deriving moment conditions (or population orthogonality conditions) from the model assumptions. The moment conditions may be linear (Anderson and Hsiao 1982; Holtz-Eakin et al. 1988; Arellano and Bover 1995) or nonlinear (Ahn and Schmidt 1995) in parameters and determine the natural instruments available for estimation. Usually, the number of moment conditions exceeds the number of parameters, and the moment conditions need to be aggregated appropriately. This can be achieved by the generalized method of moments (GMM), where weighted linear combinations of moment conditions are employed to obtain parameter estimates.
Theoretical results and evidence from Monte Carlo simulations in the literature suggest that incorporating nonlinear (quadratic) moment conditions proposed by Ahn and Schmidt (1995) is valuable for identification. For example, when the lag parameter exhibits high persistence, linear moment conditions fail to identify the model parameters, while quadratic moment conditions can still provide identification (Bun and Sarafidis 2015; Gørgens et al. 2019; Pua et al. 2019a,b; Bun and Kleibergen 2021). Note that the quadratic moment conditions are immediate by-products of imposing standard assumptions, which are the basis of the (Arellano and Bond 1991) estimator – the most popular default routine in dynamic panel data estimation.
Since the moment conditions employed in GMM estimation of linear dynamic
panel data models are derived from model assumptions, a basic
understanding of these assumptions is vital for setting up a plausible
estimation routine. We briefly review the assumptions implied when using
particular moment conditions in the estimation below and add to the
exposition in the plm vignette (Croissant and Millo 2019), where the function
is used to estimate linear dynamic panel data models. For further
reading on the methodology, we suggest Fritsch (2019).
For a given dataset with cross-section dimension
Combining Equations ((1)) and
((2)) yields the single equation form:
We only include one lag of the dependent variable, one covariate, and
omit unobserved time-specific effects in this section for simplicity of
exposition and notational convenience. Extending the representation is
straightforward, and pdynmc can also accommodate AR(
The unobserved individual-specific effects
Researchers have focused on the following standard assumptions,
henceforth StA, (see Ahn and Schmidt 1995):
Under StA, Holtz-Eakin et al. (1988) (henceforth HNR) propose the moment
Ahn and Schmidt (1995) (henceforth AS) have shown that under StA the following
Another set of moment conditions, beyond those implied by StA, that is
popular in theoretical and applied research is derived from the
From this assumption, Arellano and Bover (1995) derive
Depending on the assumptions about
Deviations from the assumption are required to be unsystematic over both
the cross-section and the time series dimension (see Section 6.5 in Arellano 2003 which also provides an empirically relevant example). Employing
the constant correlated effects assumption implicitly constrains the
relationship between
Similar to function pgmm
in the package
plm, pdynmc provides
one-step and two-step closed-form GMM estimators and standard
specification testing such as overidentifying restrictions tests, serial
correlation tests, and Wald tests. These features are shared by other
packages implemented in Gauss, Ox (Doornik et al. 2012), R, and Stata. We
provide options to match results from other statistical software
estimation routines. In contrast to OrthoPanels and plm, pdynmc
does not include a formula interface to allow the user to exert full
control over all functionality.
We provide one-step, two-step, and iterated estimation for the coefficients. The weighting matrix of the moment conditions plays a prominent role in estimation (Arellano and Bond 1991; Blundell et al. 2001; Kripfganz 2019). An optimal weighting matrix is proportional to the inverse of the covariance matrix of the moment conditions (see, e.g., Arellano 2003). The default weighting matrix used in pdynmc is based on the proposal of Arellano and Bond (1991). For details on available alternatives, see the documentation of pdynmc and the corresponding package vignette (Fritsch et al. 2020).
Details on the computation of asymptotic one- and two-step standard errors can be found in Doornik et al. (2012). As asymptotic two-step GMM standard errors for the estimated coefficients exhibit a downward bias in small samples, they can be substantially lower than one-step GMM standard errors (see, e.g., Arellano and Bond 1991). Windmeijer (2005) relates the bias to the dependence of the two-step weighting matrix on one-step parameter estimates and proposes an analytic correction of two-step standard errors. Robust and non-robust versions of the standard errors are available.
Coefficient estimates and standard errors from one- and two-step GMM estimation can be misleading. An example of high practical relevance is when the estimated model is a reasonable approximation instead of the true functional relationship (Hansen and Lee 2021; Hwang et al. 2021): This may render some of the moment conditions invalid. Hansen and Lee (2021) highlight the arbitrariness of the initial weighting matrix and note that iterated GMM provides a remedy. Across iterations, the weighting matrix is updated based on the residuals of the previous estimation step (for more details, see Hansen and Lee 2021 4–6). Iterated GMM is used as a default in pdynmc.
We implement the following tests:
When nonlinear moment conditions are used in GMM estimation, nonlinear
optimization techniques are required to obtain coefficient estimates. By
default, GMM estimation by pdynmc is based on numerical optimization.
For the optimization procedure, we rely on R-package
(Nash and Varadhan 2011; Nash 2014). All optimization routines implemented in
optimx are available in pdynmc. Based on our experience, we
recommend using the Variable Metric method
(Fletcher 1970; Nash 1990; Nash 2020) in the estimation of linear
dynamic panel data models. The technique is labeled BFGS
in optimx
and serves as the default procedure in pdynmc.
In package pdynmc, the eponymous function is intended for model fitting. The most important function arguments for applied work are summarized in Table 1.
Argument | Description |
dat |
Dataset with rows (i.e., observations) and columns (i.e., variables). |
varname.i |
Cross-section identifier (column name). |
varname.t |
Time series identifier (column name). | |
Use moment conditions from Equation ((6)) (i.e., equations in differences, instruments in levels). | |
Use moment conditions from Equation ((10)) (i.e., equations in levels, instruments in differences). | |
Use nonlinear (quadratic) moment conditions from Equation ((8)). | |
If turned to FALSE , the nonlinear moment conditions are used in a modified version (that is also valid under StA), where |
include.y |
Derive instruments from lags of dependent variable. |
varname.y |
Name of dependent variable in dataset. |
lagTerms.y |
Number of lags of dependent variable. |
maxLags.y |
Maximum number of lags of dependent variable from which to derive instruments. |
include.x |
Derive instruments from covariates. |
varname.reg.end |
Name(s) of covariate(s) to be treated as endogenous (replace suffix end by pre for predetermined; by ex for exogenous covariates). |
lagTerms.reg.end |
Number of lags of endogenous covariate(s) (also for pre or ex ). |
maxLags.reg.end |
Maximum number of lags of endogenous covariate(s) used to derive instruments (also for pre or ex ). |
fur.con |
Include further control variables (i.e., covariates that are not used for deriving instruments). |
fur.con.diff |
Logical variable indicating whether to include further control variables in equations in differences. |
fur.con.lev |
Logical variable indicating whether to include further control variables in equations in levels. |
varname.reg.fur |
Name(s) of covariate(s) in dataset to be treated as further controls. |
lagTerms.reg.fur |
Number of lags of further controls. |
include.dum |
Include time dummies. Note: Can be constructed from multiple variables. |
dum.diff |
Include time dummies in equations in first differences. |
dum.lev |
Include time dummies in equations in levels. |
varname.dum |
Variable name(s) for creating time dummies (can be different from varname.t ). |
w.mat |
Type of initial weighting matrix to be used, iid.err (as proposed by Arellano and Bond (1991)), identity , or zero.cov . |
std.err |
Type of standard errors to be used, either bias-corrected (corrected ) according to Windmeijer (2005) or not (unadjusted ). |
estimation |
Type of estimation, onestep , twostep , or iterative . |
Besides the arguments described in Table 1, various
further configuration options exist for function pdynmc
. The function
allows for the inclusion of further covariates which are only used as
instruments (i.e., covariates from which moment conditions are derived,
but for which no parameters are estimated; compare arguments
and varname.reg.instr
) as well as the opposite,
covariates which are instrumented (i.e., covariates for which parameters
are estimated, but from which no moment conditions are derived; compare
arguments include.x.toInstr
and varname.reg.toInstr
Further, thresholds for collinearity checks can be adjusted via
. The total number of instruments above which a generalized
inverse is used to invert the weighting matrix can be specified by
When only linear moment conditions are used, a closed-form solution
exists for the estimator, and nonlinear optimization can be turned off
(by opt.meth = "none"
). Package optimx is employed for nonlinear
optimization and argument hessian
controls whether the Hessian matrix
is approximated in estimation. All other control arguments for optimx
can be provided in a list via optCtrl
. Starting values for
initializing nonlinear optimization are drawn from the uniform
distribution in the interval [-1, 1] via start.val.lo = -1
start.val.hi = 1
; a seed (seed.input = 42
) ensures reproducibility
(limits and seed can be adjusted). Alternatively, specific starting
values can be provided via argument start.val
(note that
has to be set to TRUE
For iterated estimation, termination criteria can be set via max.iter
(maximum number of iterations) and iter.tol
(tolerance for determining
The Stata packages xtabond2 (Roodman 2018) and xtdpdgmm have
somewhat different usage and weighting of moment conditions. If HNR and
ABov moment conditions are available for estimation, some of the ABov
moment conditions are redundant (see Fritsch 2019 for a derivation). While
the Stata routines fully expand the linear ABov moment conditions when
setting up the instrument matrix (including the redundant moment
conditions), pdynmc omits the redundant moment conditions. The
pdynmc arguments inst.stata
and w.mat.stata
are included to allow
for conformity to Stata and to reproduce estimation results.
The functionality of pdynmc is illustrated by replicating Arellano and Bond (1991)
in a wide sense as we incorporate linear ABov and nonlinear AS moment
conditions into the analysis; we also draw comparisons between pdynmc,
the pgmm
(Croissant et al. 2020) function in R-package plm, and Stata
implementations xtabond2 and xtdpdgmm (Kripfganz 2019).
Arellano and Bond (1991) employ an unbalanced panel of
We load the dataset and compute logarithms of the four mentioned variables via:
data(EmplUK, package = "plm")
dat <- EmplUK
dat[,c(4:7)] <- log(dat[,c(4:7)])
names(dat)[4:7] <- c("n", "w", "k", "ys")
As GMM estimation with linear and/or nonlinear moment conditions in
pdynmc allows for arbitrary unbalancedness, we included the functions
and strucUPD.plot
to provide an overview of the panel data
structure. Both functions require the column name of cross-section
) and time series identifier (
). Using, = "firm", = "year")
Unbalanced panel dataset with 1031 rows and the following time period frequencies:
1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984
80 138 140 140 140 140 140 78 35
The command strucUPD.plot(dat, = "firm", = "year")
the visual representation of the panel data structure shown in Figure
Figure 1 indicates the time periods (compare abscissa) available for each cross-sectional unit (ordinate). Blank areas represent missing observations. The coloring scheme shows the number of time series units that are available for the corresponding cross-sectional units. We see that the given dataset has already been ordered by the number of time periods available.
The goal of the empirical analysis is to estimate the lag parameters
(a) | (b) | (c) | (d) | (e) | |
1-Step Estimate | 2-S. Estimate | 2-S. Estimate | 2-S. Estimate | Iterated Est. | |
HNR only | HNR only | HNR & ABov | HNR & AS | HNR & AS | |
(SE Rob.) | (SE Rob.) | (SE Rob.) | (SE Rob.) | (SE Rob.) | |
L1.n | 0.686*** | 0.629** | 1.103*** | 1.112*** | 1.197*** |
(0.145) | (0.193) | (0.050) | (0.066) | (0.069) | |
L2.n | -0.085 | -0.065 | -0.104* | -0.071 | -0.126 |
(0.056) | (0.045) | (0.047) | (0.069) | (0.068) | |
w | -0.608*** | -0.526*** | -0.448** | -0.417** | -0.219 |
(0.178) | (0.155) | (0.149) | (0.153) | (0.127) | |
L1.w | 0.393* | 0.311 | 0.423** | 0.413** | 0.258 |
(0.168) | (0.203) | (0.156) | (0.160) | (0.138) | |
k | 0.357*** | 0.278*** | 0.290*** | 0.309*** | 0.255*** |
(0.059) | (0.073) | (0.050) | (0.053) | (0.056) | |
L1.k | -0.058 | 0.014 | -0.153* | -0.189** | -0.155* |
(0.073) | (0.092) | (0.067) | (0.068) | (0.077) | |
L2.k | -0.020 | -0.040 | -0.137*** | -0.154** | -0.156** |
(0.033) | (0.043) | (0.041) | (0.050) | (0.055) | |
ys | 0.609*** | 0.592*** | 0.548** | 0.582** | 0.530** |
(0.173) | (0.173) | (0.194) | (0.178) | (0.183) | |
L1.ys | -0.711** | -0.566* | -0.666** | -0.624** | -0.379 |
(0.232) | (0.261) | (0.221) | (0.216) | (0.223) | |
L2.ys | 0.106 | 0.101 | 0.127 | 0.023 | -0.208 |
(0.141) | (0.161) | (0.156) | (0.151) | (0.152) | |
1979 | 0.010 | 0.011 | 0.024* | 0.027* | 0.031** |
(0.010) | (0.012) | (0.011) | (0.011) | (0.010) | |
1980 | 0.022 | 0.023 | 0.041* | 0.047** | 0.053** |
(0.018) | (0.020) | (0.020) | (0.018) | (0.018) | |
1981 | -0.012 | -0.021 | 0.002 | 0.018 | 0.026 |
(0.030) | (0.033) | (0.034) | (0.030) | (0.030) | |
1982 | -0.027 | -0.031 | 0.018 | 0.022 | 0.034 |
(0.029) | (0.034) | (0.023) | (0.021) | (0.023) | |
1983 | -0.021 | -0.018 | 0.043* | 0.037* | 0.041* |
(0.030) | (0.037) | (0.018) | (0.019) | (0.021) | |
1984 | -0.008 | -0.023 | 0.029 | 0.015 | 0.021 |
(0.031) | (0.037) | (0.022) | (0.022) | (0.024) |
(a, b) Equations in differences: |
(c) Equations in differences: |
Equations in levels: |
(d, e) Equations in differences: |
Equations in levels: |
* |
When reproducing the results in Table 4 on p. 290 of Arellano and Bond (1991) with pdynmc, the model structure underlying Equation ((11)) can be specified and estimated by:
m1 <- pdynmc(
dat = dat, varname.i = "firm", varname.t = "year", = TRUE, = FALSE, = FALSE,
include.y = TRUE, varname.y = "n", lagTerms.y = 2,
fur.con = TRUE, fur.con.diff = TRUE, fur.con.lev = FALSE,
varname.reg.fur = c("w", "k", "ys"), lagTerms.reg.fur = c(1,2,2),
include.dum = TRUE, dum.diff = TRUE, dum.lev = FALSE, varname.dum = "year",
w.mat = "iid.err", std.err = "corrected",
estimation = "onestep", opt.meth = "none"
The standard output is accessed via summary(m1)
and can be found in
panel (a) of Table 2. The estimated coefficients
reproduce the estimates in Table 4, column (a1) on p. 290 of Arellano and Bond (1991)
when one specifies all arguments as stated in this section. Changing the
argument estimation
to twostep
yields two-step GMM coefficient
estimates (the pdynmc
-output object is assigned to m2
) from Table 4,
column (a2) on p. 290 of Arellano and Bond (1991). These results may be found in
panel (b) of Table 2. Note that the standard errors
presented in column (b) of Table 2 are based on the
Windmeijer-correction and deviate from the conventional standard errors
reported in Arellano and Bond (1991). Standard errors from the original analysis can
be reproduced by setting std.err = "unadjusted"
The command mtest.fct(m2, t.order = 2)
is used to perform the test of
Arellano and Bond (1991) for second order serial correlation and yields:
Arellano and Bond (1991) serial correlation test of degree 2
data: 2step GMM Estimation; H0: no serial correlation of order 2 in the error terms
normal = -0.37133, p-value = 0.7104
The test does not reject the null hypothesis at any plausible significance level and provides no indication that the model specification might be inadequate.
Computing the Hansen jtest.fct(m2)
J-Test of Hansen
data: 2step GMM Estimation; H0: overidentifying restrictions valid
chisq = 31.381, df = 25, p-value = 0.1767
As the test does not reject the null hypothesis, there are no indications that the validity of the instruments (i.e., the model assumptions) employed in estimation may be in doubt.
For the Wald test of the null hypothesis that the population parameters
of all coefficients included in the model are jointly zero, which is
tested by wald.fct(m2, param = "all")
, we obtain:
Wald test
data: 2step GMM Estimation; H0: all parameters are jointly zero
chisq = 1100, df = 16, p-value < 2.2e-16
The test rejects the null hypothesis. Hence, all tests shown here provide no indications that the model in column (b) of Table 2 is misspecified.
Comparing the results to xtabond2 shows that degrees of freedom and
for the
overidentifying restrictions test (referred to as “Sargan test” in
Using many instruments may have undesirable side effects such as biased
coefficient estimates and standard errors. This may result in misleading
inference and specification tests (see, e.g., Roodman 2009). The number of
lags of the dependent variable which are used to derive moment
conditions can be limited by setting maxLags.y
(equivalently lags of,
for example, endogenous covariates can be limited via
). Setting maxLags.y = 4
reduces the number of HNR
moment conditions for the GMM estimation above from 27 to 17 and the
total number of instruments employed in the estimation from 41 to 31.
When the “constant correlated effects” assumption stated in Equation ((9)) holds, the HNR moment conditions from equations in differences employed in Section GMM estimation with HNR moment conditions can be extended by the ABov moment conditions from equations in levels.
The ABov moment conditions are particularly useful for data generating processes, which are highly persistent (Blundell and Bond 1998). In this case, identification by the HNR moment conditions from equations in differences may fail, and GMM estimation based on HNR moment conditions is documented to possess poor finite sample performance (see, e.g., Blundell and Bond 1998; Blundell et al. 2001; Bun and Sarafidis 2015).
In pdynmc, the ABov moment conditions from equations in levels can be (additionally) incorporated by: = TRUE
In principle, both time dummies and further covariates can be included
in the equations in first differences and the level equations. It is
recommended, though, to include the dummies only in one of the
equations, as it can be shown that incorporating them in both equations
renders one set of dummies redundant for estimation – while for
non-lagged dependent covariates, this equivalence does not hold.
fur.con.lev = TRUE
for all subsequent estimations of this example. The results presented in column (c) of Table 2 are two-step estimates of column (a2) of Table 4 in Arellano and Bond (1991) extended by ABov moment conditions.
Including ABov moment conditions into the analysis leads to substantial changes in the coefficient estimates of the first lag of the dependent variable. Note that the results indicate a markedly higher persistence of employment and render including two lags of the dependent variable questionable (Blundell and Bond 1998 e.g., estimate a version of the equation which contains only one lag of all covariates). Note that the coefficient estimates of the covariates, besides the first lag of the dependent variable, appear to be similar across estimations.
Equivalent results to column (c) of Table 2 can be
obtained from the pgmm
function in the plm-package. When replicating
the results with xtabond2, inst.stata = TRUE
in pdynmc ensures that
results are equivalent.
Recall that the linear ABov moment conditions from equations in levels encompass the nonlinear AS moment conditions ((Blundell and Bond 1998); (a derivation is provided in Fritsch 2019)). Both sets of moment conditions may be useful in GMM estimation when the lag parameter is close to unity, and it can be shown that extending the HNR moment conditions by either the ABov or the AS moment conditions may identify the lag parameter – even when individual moment conditions fail to do so (Blundell and Bond 1998; Gørgens et al. 2019; Bun and Kleibergen 2021). The ABov moment conditions require the “constant correlated effects” assumption to hold, while the AS moment conditions only require standard assumptions to hold. Therefore, the latter may be useful in situations where the “constant correlated effects” assumption is in doubt, and the statistician aims to investigate a highly persistent dynamic process with a structure similar to Equation ((3)). In pdynmc, including nonlinear moment conditions into the analysis is available via: = TRUE
When extending the analysis of Arellano and Bond (1991) by the nonlinear AS moment conditions, the results differ substantially from column (b) of Table 2 and are very similar to the coefficient estimates shown in column (c) of Table 2. This indicates high persistence in the employment process that leads to lag parameters not being identified by the HNR moment conditions (Gørgens et al. 2019; Bun and Kleibergen 2021).
Additionally, we employ iterated GMM via:
estimation = "iterative", max.iter = 100, iter.tol = 0.01,
Iterated GMM results are shown in column (e) of Table
2. The moment conditions employed are the same as in
column (d) of the table. The parameter estimates obtained after 13 steps
are relatively similar to those in columns (c)-(d). The ranges of the
coefficient estimates across GMM iterations are displayed in Figure
2. This plot is available for two-step and
iterated GMM estimates via command
plot(m5, type = "coef.range", omit1step = TRUE)
. Using command
yields a scatterplot of fitted values and residuals of a
fitted model object, instead.
Figure 2 indicates coefficient estimates at
iteration 2 as grey open circles (the first iteration is ignored due to
omit1step = TRUE
) and estimates at the last iteration as blue
diamonds. For the estimates displayed in column (e) of Table
2, we observe that the lag parameters are relatively
stable across iterations and resemble the two-step estimates; for the
further covariates, larger changes in coefficient estimates across
iterations occur for coefficients with larger standard errors (compare
As an additional tool to investigate coefficient estimates from iterated
GMM, coefficient path plots (compare Hansen and Lee 2021 1) are
provided. Figure 3 illustrates the path of
coefficient estimates for lag parameter plot(m5, type = "coef.path", co = "L1.n")
Argument co
allows to draw the path(s) of particular coefficient
estimates; per default, all coefficients (apart from time dummies) are
included in the plot. Approximate 95% confidence bands were added to the
plot for the final iteration (available by setting argument = TRUE
Overall, the results displayed in columns (c)-(e) of Table 2 suggest that the employment process may be highly persistent and that using only HNR moment conditions may not be sufficient to identify the parameters. In practice, contrasting GMM estimates based on HNR and AS moment conditions with GMM estimates based on HNR and ABov moment conditions can be used as a robustness check of the “constant correlated effects” assumption: When estimates differ, this may cast doubt on the assumption. Here, this is not the case as the results in column (c) are very close to those in (d) and (e).
R-package pdynmc provides a function to estimate linear dynamic panel data models based on linear and nonlinear moment conditions. The implementation reflects recent developments in the literature by including iterated GMM and offers a wide variety of configuration options. The package provides the only open source solution for GMM estimation of dynamic panels with linear and nonlinear moment conditions, aligns commercial and non-commercial software, and is implemented to enable the user to exert precise control over all functionality. Additionally, suitable visualizations of panel data structures and ranges and paths of coefficient estimates across GMM iterations are provided.
The functionality of pdynmc includes that it allows for general lag structures of the covariates; further controls and external instruments (if available) may also be added. The estimation routine can handle balanced and unbalanced panel datasets and provides one-step-, two-step-, and iterated estimation. Accounting for (unobserved) time-specific effects is possible by including time dummies. Estimation relies on numerical optimization of the GMM objective function. Corresponding closed-form solutions are computed – where possible – and stored beside the results from numerical optimization. Different choices for the weighting matrix, which guides the aggregation of moment conditions in one-step GMM estimation are available. Robust standard errors are available for inference and specification testing. Nonlinear moment conditions provide a robustness check of the frequently employed constant correlated effects assumption.
We thank the executive editor and anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions. We also thank Harry Haupt for helpful discussions, comments, and suggestions. Andrew Adrian Pua is supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (20720171074), the Basic Scientific Center Project 71988101 of National Science Foundation of China, and the 111 Project (B13028).
pdynmc, OrthoPanels, plm, panelvar, optimx
CausalInference, Econometrics, MixedModels, Optimization, SpatioTemporal
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Fritsch, et al., "pdynmc: A Package for Estimating Linear Dynamic Panel Data Models Based on Nonlinear Moment Conditions", The R Journal, 2021
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2021-035, author = {Fritsch, Markus and Pua, Andrew Adrian Yu and Schnurbus, Joachim}, title = {pdynmc: A Package for Estimating Linear Dynamic Panel Data Models Based on Nonlinear Moment Conditions}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2021}, note = {}, volume = {13}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {218-231} }