miWQS: Multiple Imputation Using Weighted Quantile Sum Regression


The miWQS package in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) utilizes weighted quantile sum regression (WQS) in the multiple imputation (MI) framework. The data analyzed is a set/mixture of continuous and correlated components/chemicals that are reasonable to combine in an index and share a common outcome. These components are also interval-censored between zero and upper thresholds, or detection limits, which may differ among the components. This type of data is found in areas such as chemical epidemiological studies, sociology, and genomics. The miWQS package can be run using complete or incomplete data, which may be placed in the first quantile, or imputed using bootstrap or Bayesian approach. This article provides a stepwise and hands-on approach to handle uncertainty due to values below the detection limit in correlated component mixture problems.

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Jan. 14, 2021


Apr 4, 2020


Hargarten & Wheeler, 2021




226 - 250

1 Introduction

When studying public health, researchers want to determine if a set/mixture of continuous and correlated components/chemicals is associated with an outcome and if so, which components are important in that mixture . These components share a common univariate outcome but are interval-censored between zero and low thresholds, or detection limits, that may be different across the components.

We have created the miWQS package to analyze epidemiological studies with chemical exposures, but researchers may also apply the package to public health, genomics, or other areas in public health and medicine. Epidemiologists examine chemical mixtures because human exposure to a large number of chemicals may increase the risk of disease . Researchers may also create a socioeconomic status (SES) index that is generally composed of continuous correlated variables in the following domains: educational achievement, race, income, housing, and employment . For example, race may be represented by percent of the population that is white. There are several examples of this in the literature . Although these variables may have missing values throughout the distribution, researchers may use the miWQS package to create SES index even in the presence of missing data. Alternatively, genome-wide association studies (GWAS’s) analyze DNA sequence variation using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) . As SNPs constitute high-frequency changes of a single base in the DNA sequence throughout the genome, SNPs serve as markers of a genomic region . Thus, SNPs are highly correlated . The research aim of a GWAS is to find associations between genes and common and complex diseases like schizophrenia and to identify specific associated genes. The miWQS package can answer this research aim while simultaneously accounting for the correlation between SNPs.

In the data, an approach to account for the correlation among completely observed components is the weighted quantile sum (WQS) regression . The application of WQS regression to censored data has been limited statistically and computationally on CRAN (the Comprehensive R Archive Network) . In order to fully account for the uncertainty due to censoring, the miWQS package utilizes WQS regression in the multiple imputation (MI) framework .

As compared to other WQS packages in R, the miWQS package is specifically designed to use highly correlated data that include interval-censoring. The wqs package performs WQS regression only on complete mixtures that share a continuous or binary outcome. The wqs.est() function in the wqs package can be used for continuous outcomes and displays an error if fed incomplete information. The gwqs() function in the gWQS package runs WQS regression when the outcome is continuous, binary, binomial, multinomial, or a count. If incomplete components are inputted into gwqs(), the function uses non-missing data without warning . By contrast, the miWQS functions are constructed to handle both complete and incomplete mixture data that share a continuous, binary, or count outcome by using MI.

graphic without alt text
Figure 1: Multiple Imputation in connection with the Weighted Quantile Sum regression (MI-WQS). Given partially observed correlated chemical exposures that share a common outcome and covariates, (stage 1) researchers impute the below detection limit values (dark circles) K times to form complete datasets. In stage 2, each imputed dataset is analyzed using WQS regression. In stage 3, the coefficient estimates from the K WQS regressions (diamonds) are combined into a final estimate (square).

The MI approach provides valid statistical inference in estimating regression parameters when data are missing . Specifically, MI consists of three stages: (1) imputation, (2) analysis, and (3) pooling (Figure 1). First, we create several imputed datasets by replacing the below the detection limit (BDL) values by plausible data values. The complete datasets are identical for the observed data but are different in the imputed values. Second, we analyze each complete dataset using WQS regression to obtain estimates . Lastly, we combine each WQS estimate from different analyses to form one final estimate, to find its variance, and to perform statistical tests in order to determine the significance of the exposure effects.

Other MI packages in R have functions that combine estimates, but these are different than the pool.mi() function used in the miWQS package. The mice (multiple imputation by chained equations) package implements a strategy to impute multivariate missing data using fully conditional densities . Its pool function combines one estimate at a time, while pool.mi() combines all estimates simultaneously. The norm package allows users to impute values with an assumed multivariate normal distribution . Its pool function, mi.inference(), does not allow the user to adjust the degree of freedom due to small sample sizes in contrast to pool.mi(). The mi package performs multiple imputation with missing values and saves the results as a mi-class object . As a mi-class object is used to pool estimates inside the mi package, we cannot use it to pool estimates obtained in other packages.

Contrasting with the other packages on CRAN, the purpose of the miWQS package is to find an association of interval-censored mixture data with an outcome. The miWQS package can be run using complete or incomplete data. Incomplete data may be placed in the first quantile of the index or imputed using bootstrap or Bayesian approach. In this vignette, we will discuss how the data are formatted and then answer the research objectives using the miWQS package in four different ways: (1) with complete data, (2) with incomplete data placed in the first quantile, (3) with incomplete data imputed by bootstrapping, and (4) with incomplete data by using a Bayesian approach.

2 Data structure

This section describes what the data should look like in order to use the miWQS package. We wish to assess the association of the mixture of components, X, and a univariate outcome, y, while accounting for other covariates, Z. However, the continuous non-detects in the mixture (X) are interval-censored between zero and different detection limits DL. Any missing values in the covariates or outcome are ignored and removed before imputation and analysis. Although X may refer to a variable with no obvious DL, we consider chemical concentrations X with each being partially observed in this vignette.

Our example demonstrating the use of the miWQS package is the provided dataset, simdata87. It is a list that consists of: 14 non-missing chemical concentrations, 14 chemical concentrations with each having 10% missing, 14 detection limits, a binary outcome representing cancer diagnosis, and three covariates. The dataset was generated as part of a simulation study with 1,000 subjects .

After installing the R package miWQS from CRAN, load the package and the dataset as follows.

> library("miWQS")
Loading required package: parallel
> data("simdata87")

The numeric components of interest to combine into an index X are stored in a matrix or a data frame. Any missing values in X are denoted by NA’s and are assumed to be censored between zero and an upper threshold, DL. The DL is a numeric vector, where each element represents the detection limit (DL) for each chemical. In order to use the imputation techniques in miWQS, each chemical must have a known DL, or an upper bound. Otherwise, chemical values are placed in the first quantile (BDLQ1) of the weighted index (see Example 2). For instance, 14 non-missing chemical concentrations are saved as columns in a matrix simdata87$X.true. The matrix simdata87$X.bdl contains these 14 chemical concentrations, but 100 values are subbed as missing for each chemical between zero and different detection limits. These detection limits are saved in element DL of simdata87 and are printed below along with their chemical names.

> simdata87$DL
  alpha-chlordane          dieldrin   gamma-chlordane           lindane 
        0.9244609         4.4464426        29.1202898         8.2705681 
     methoxychlor               dde               ddt pentachlorophenol 
       41.3440690         2.3958978         4.5525251         5.1020673 
          pcb_105           pcb_118           pcb_138           pcb_153 
        1.6490457         1.9822575         1.2512259         0.7401736 
          pcb_170           pcb_180 
        3.3034084         1.0357342 

A heat map of the observed logarithmic chemical concentrations (simdata87$X.bdl) shows the correlations among the components in our dataset (Figure 2). The miWQS package handles such correlated component data to examine whether the mixture is associated with the outcome.

> GGally::ggcorr(
+   log(simdata87$X.bdl),
+   method = c("pairwise", "spearman"),
+   geom = "tile", 
+   layout.exp = 2, 
+   hjust = 0.75,
+   size = 3, 
+   legend.position = "bottom"
+ )
graphic without alt text
Figure 2: Heat map of the correlations using the fourteen observed chemical logarithmic concentrations in dataset simdata87 can be analyzed with the package miWQS. The heat map was generated using the GGally package.

Chemical exposure patterns often differ between individuals due to demographics and other confounders. The additional covariates Z can be represented as a vector, data frame, or matrix. For example, the element Z.sim in the list simdata87 is a matrix that contains an individual’s age, sex (Female/Male), ethnicity (Hispanic/Non-Hispanic), and race (White/non-White). Some statistics of the covariates are shown below.

> summary(simdata87$Z.sim[, "Age"])
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.0224  2.4909  3.7443  3.7176  4.8805  7.9771 
> apply(simdata87$Z.sim[, -1], 2, table)
  Female Hispanic Non-Hispanic_Others
0    611      670                 766
1    389      330                 234

The univariate outcome shared among the components, y, may be continuous, count-based, or binary; it is represented as a numeric vector or a factor in R. The mean of the outcome, ξ, relates the covariates and chemicals by a link function g() as in generalized linear models. Continuous, count-based, and binary outcomes all commonly arise in public health and medicine. First, exposure to a mixture of chemicals may be associated with continuous health outcomes, such as body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure, or cholesterol. When y is continuous, we assume a Gaussian distribution using an identity link. Next, count health outcomes may arise in evaluations of socioeconomic data or environmental exposures in census regions. When y is a count, we assume a Poisson distribution with a log link and use an offset if a rate is modeled. Finally, binary health outcomes are common in environmental exposure data and in case-control studies. When y is binary, we assume a Bernoulli distribution using a logistic link. In our dataset, the y.scenario element of simdata87 is binary. Suppose that y.scenario consists of cancer cases (represented by 1) and controls (represented by 0). The table below shows that 457 individuals (45.7%) are diagnosed with cancer.

> cat("Counts")
> table(simdata87$y.scenario)
  0   1 
543 457 

In our dataset–simdata87–we will like to answer the following research questions: (1) Is the mixture of correlated chemicals associated with cancer; (2) if so, what are the important chemicals? In the examples that follow, we will use both non-missing and missing chemical concentrations that are handled in four different ways.

3 Example 1: WQS regression using complete data

WQS regression allows us to estimate the effect of a chemical mixture on the disease while parsimoniously selecting important components . Briefly, WQS regression was designed to select components in environmental exposure analysis. The correlated components are scored into quantiles. Let qij represent the values of the jth chemical exposed in the ith subject. Ideally, the data should be randomly split into a training dataset and validation dataset. While the training set is used to create the WQS index, the validation dataset is used to assess the association of the weighted index with the outcome. Yet, small datasets should not be split as splitting them may result in inadequate power to detect a signal.

In the training dataset, the weights are estimated from B bootstrapped samples of size nT to form the weighted index. Each bootstrap sample is used to estimate the unknown weights wj that maximize the likelihood in the following nonlinear model: g(ξi)=β0b(T)+β1b(T)(j=1cwjbqij)+zibθ(T), subject to β1b(T)>0,0wjb1,andj=1cwjb=1 for the bth bootstrap sample. The parameters are as follows: β0b(T) is the intercept, β1b(T) is the overall mixture effect, and θ are the covariate parameters. The term (j=1cwjbqij) represents the weighted index of the c chemicals of interest. The parameters in the training dataset are represented with superscript T. The final weight estimate wj¯ is calculated as an average of the bootstrap estimates w^jb for the jth chemical: wj¯=1Bb=1Bw^jb.

A constraint is placed on β1b(T) to allow for interpretation of the index . Often, exploratory single-chemical analyses, shown in Appendix 1, show that some components in the mixture have a negative association with the outcome, while others have a positive association. In environmental risk analysis, researchers are often interested in a positive association between the mixture of components and an adverse health outcome. However, if a researcher hypothesizes that the overall mixture is protective of the outcome, the constraint β1b(T)>0 should be switched to β1b(T)<0.

Then, the weighted quantile index score of the ith individual is specified as: WQSi=j=1cw¯jqij, which uses the quantiles in the validation dataset. In the validation dataset, the significance of the WQS parameter (β1(V)) can be determined from: g(ξi)=β0(V)+β1(V)WQSi+ziθ(V), where superscript V represents the regression coefficients in the validation dataset. While β1(V) describes the effect of the chemical mixture on the health outcome, the mean weight w¯j identifies the relative importance that chemical j imposes on the outcome .

The estimate.wqs() function performs WQS regression in the miWQS package. The data as specified in Data structure section are placed in the first three arguments. The y argument takes the outcome, like simdata87$y.scenario. As y.scenario is binary, the binomial distribution is specified by setting the family argument to "binomial". The X argument takes the chemicals of interest, like simdata87$X.true. If X contains NA’s (that represents missing values), the BDL values are placed in the first quantile by default (see Example 2). Any additional demographic covariates, like simdata87$Z.sim, are placed into the Z argument. If no covariates are present, set Z to NULL. The b1.pos argument controls whether the overall mixture effect, β1(T), is positively related to the outcome. A way to decide the direction is to use the analyze.individually() function, which is described in more detail in Appendix 1. In our dataset, we assume a positive relationship between the mixture and an outcome; we consequently set b1.pos to TRUE. The proportion.train argument specifies the proportion of data given to the training dataset. As the sample size of our example dataset is large (n = 1000), we will use 50% of the data to train. The B argument is the number of bootstraps used to estimate the weights wj’s.

We set a seed to ensure reproducibility as we bootstrapped the data. The execution of the estimate.wqs() function creates an object of class wqs, and printing it answers the main research questions.

> set.seed(50679)
> wqs.eg1 <- estimate.wqs(
+   y = simdata87$y.scenario, X = simdata87$X.true, Z = simdata87$Z.sim,
+   proportion.train = 0.5,
+   n.quantiles = 4,
+   place.bdls.in.Q1 = FALSE,
+   B = 100, 
+   b1.pos = TRUE, 
+   signal.fn = "signal.converge.only",
+   family = "binomial",
+   verbose = FALSE
+ )
#> No missing values in matrix detected. Regular quantiles computed.
> wqs.eg1

Odd Ratios & 95% CI (N.valid = 500) 
                     Odds Ratio  SE.OR                95% CI  P-value
(Intercept)               0.142   1.51  0.142 (0.063, 0.320)   <0.001
Age                       0.950   1.06  0.950 (0.854, 1.056)    0.339
Female                    0.947   1.22  0.947 (0.646, 1.388)    0.780
Hispanic                  1.580   1.23  1.578 (1.059, 2.352)    0.025
Non.Hispanic_Others       1.030   1.25  1.034 (0.671, 1.593)    0.880
WQS                       3.660   1.25  3.663 (2.372, 5.659)   <0.001
AIC:  660.7468 

All (100) bootstraps have converged. 

 Weights Adjusted by signal.converge.only using N.train = 500 observations: 
              ddt            pcb_105            pcb_170            pcb_138  
           0.3905             0.2413             0.1105             0.1014  
          pcb_153                dde            pcb_118  pentachlorophenol  
           0.0344             0.0339             0.0217             0.0216  
          lindane    gamma.chlordane       methoxychlor    alpha.chlordane  
           0.0200             0.0138             0.0043             0.0028  
          pcb_180           dieldrin  
           0.0024             0.0014  
Important chemicals defined as mean weights > 1/14~0.071. 

An increase in the chemical mixture is associated with an increase in the odds of being diagnosed with cancer by 3.66. The coef(wqs.eg1) gives us estimates on the logit scale of coefficients in the validation model. We identify chemicals in the mixture as important if their weight estimates are greater than the reciprocal of the number of chemicals. Alpha-chlordane, PCB 153, PCB 105, and p,p-DDE approximately constitute 88% of the effect in the index. Thus, these three chemicals are associated with increased cancer risk. The weight estimates are directly extracted with wqs.eg1$processed.weights. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) is used as the goodness-of-fit measure of the WQS model and is directly computed using AIC(wqs.eg1$fit).

Plotting a WQS object gives a list of histograms: the distributions of the weight estimates, the overall effect of the mixture, and the WQS index score .

> eg1.plots <- plot(wqs.eg1)
> names(eg1.plots)
[1] "hist.weights" "hist.beta1"   "hist.WQS"    

Commonly, researchers look at distributions of the weight estimates to determine which chemicals are important in the mixture (Figure 3). Looking at the histograms for complete WQS data, most chemicals have no effect among all bootstraps. However, this panel of histograms indicates that alpha-chlordane, p,p-DDE, PCB 153, and PCB 105 are important, which agrees with our above statistical analysis.

graphic without alt text
Figure 3: Histograms of chemical weight estimates across 100 bootstraps for Example 1 to select important chemicals. Weight estimates are constrained to be between zero and one.

The second histogram provides us insight into the distribution of the overall effect of the mixture on the outcome, β1(T), across the bootstraps (Figure 4). Most bootstraps indicate that the chemical mixture is not associated with the outcome (median around 1).

graphic without alt text
Figure 4: Histogram of overall chemical effect in the training dataset across 100 bootstraps for Example 1. Its constraint is governed by the b1.pos argument in the estimate.wqs() function. In the simdata87 dataset, the overall mixture is constrained to have a positive association with cancer. Most bootstraps indicate that the chemical mixture is not associated with the outcome.

The third histogram shows us the distribution of the weighted quantile sum. Given constraints placed on the weights, WQS is a continuous index between zero and the number of quantiles minus 1 (given by the n.quantiles argument in estimate.wqs() ) (Figure 5). In our example, the number of quantiles is four. Across the bootstrap samples, most values of the chemical mixture are between one and two.

graphic without alt text
Figure 5: Histogram of the weighted quantile sum (WQS) using validation quantiles for Example 1 to show where most values of the chemical mixture lie.

4 Example 2: BDLQ1 approach on interval-censored data

BDLQ1 approach

Unlike Example 1, many studies contain partially observed chemical concentrations that are measured to different detection limits. One approach to use WQS with missing data is to place the BDL values into the first quantile (BDLQ1), and to score the observed component values in the remaining quantiles. The make.quantile.matrix() function demonstrates this approach by creating n.quantiles quantiles from a matrix argument X. If X is completely observed, regular quantiles are made; however, if the first values in X are missing, they are placed in the first quantile. For example, suppose we are interested in making four quantiles of 14 chemicals using 1,000 subjects in our dataset. If we use the completely observed concentrations found in X.true element of simdata87, regular quantiles for all 14 chemicals are made with the following number of individuals per quantile.

> q <- make.quantile.matrix(
+   X = simdata87$X.true,
+   n.quantiles = 4
+   )
#> No missing values in matrix detected. Regular quantiles computed.
> apply(q, 2, table)
  [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14]
0  250  250  250  250  250  250  250  250  250   250   250   250   250   250
1  250  250  250  250  250  250  250  250  250   250   250   250   250   250
2  250  250  250  250  250  250  250  250  250   250   250   250   250   250
3  250  250  250  250  250  250  250  250  250   250   250   250   250   250

However, if the chemical concentrations are incomplete (with the missing values indicated as NA’s), the BDLQ1 approach works as follows. Suppose we wish to make quartiles of the X.bdl matrix in our dataset, where each chemical has 100 BDL concentrations. Using BDLQ1, the 100 observations are placed into the first quartile, and the remaining quartiles are evenly split in which each contains 900/3 = 300 observations. The number of individuals in each quartile of each chemical, and the total number of missing values in each chemical are shown below. Note that the first row of the matrix matches the total number of missing values (100).

> q <- make.quantile.matrix(
+   simdata87$X.bdl, 
+   n.quantiles = 4, 
+   verbose = TRUE
+   )
#> All BDLs are placed in the first quantile
##> Summary of Quantiles 
  [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14]
0  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100   100   100   100   100   100
1  300  300  300  300  300  300  300  300  300   300   300   300   300   300
2  300  300  300  300  300  300  300  300  300   300   300   300   300   300
3  300  300  300  300  300  300  300  300  300   300   300   300   300   300
##> Total Number of NAs--Q1 (The first row) should match.
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

The number of individuals in the first quantile in BDLQ1 increases if more BDL values exist. For instance, X.80 substitutes 800 values for each chemical from simdata87$X.true to be missing BDL. Applying the BDLQ1 approach to X.80, all 800 values are placed into the first quartile, while roughly 200/366 values are placed in remaining quartiles.

> q <- make.quantile.matrix(X.80, n.quantiles = 4, verbose = TRUE)
#> All BDLs are placed in the first quantile
##> Summary of Quantiles 
  [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14]
0  800  800  800  800  800  800  800  800  800   800   800   800   800   800
1   67   67   67   67   67   67   67   67   67    67    67    67    67    67
2   66   66   66   66   66   66   66   66   66    66    66    66    66    66
3   67   67   67   67   67   67   67   67   67    67    67    67    67    67
##> Total Number of NAs--Q1 (The first row) should match.
800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800

Instead of quantiles, we could also categorize the chemicals into deciles by changing the n.quantiles argument to ten. Suppose now that we wish to form deciles in simdata87$X.bdl. The first 100 BDL values are placed in the first decile, while the remaining 900 are evenly spread out in the remaining nine deciles (900/9 = 100).

> q <- make.quantile.matrix(simdata87$X.bdl, n.quantiles = 10, verbose = TRUE)
#> All BDLs are placed in the first quantile
##> Summary of Quantiles 
  [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14]
0  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100   100   100   100   100   100
1  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100   100   100   100   100   100
2  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100   100   100   100   100   100
3  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100   100   100   100   100   100
4  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100   100   100   100   100   100
5  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100   100   100   100   100   100
6  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100   100   100   100   100   100
7  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100   100   100   100   100   100
8  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100   100   100   100   100   100
9  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100   100   100   100   100   100
##> Total Number of NAs--Q1 (The first row) should match.
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

The BDLQ1 method has been used in single-chemical analyses and WQS . However, it has not been coded in other WQS packages to the best of our knowledge.

WQS analysis

The BDLQ1 method works because WQS regression uses quantile scores from each chemical in the mixture. At this step, the estimate.wqs() function calls the make.quantile.matrix() function. Setting the argument place.bdls.in.Q1 to TRUE allows us to use the WQS regression in conjunction with the BDLQ1 method. Yet, if the X argument contains any missing values, the BDLQ1 approach is automatically used. The incomplete data X.bdl is now assigned to the chemical mixture X argument. The remaining arguments in estimate.wqs() are the same as in Example 1. Printing the resulting object answers the research questions of interest. The research aims are to determine the association of the mixture with cancer and to find the important chemicals (if the association exists).

> set.seed(50679)
> wqs.BDL <- estimate.wqs(
+   y = simdata87$y.scenario, X = simdata87$X.bdl, Z = simdata87$Z.sim,
+   proportion.train = 0.5, 
+   n.quantiles = 4,
+   place.bdls.in.Q1 = TRUE,
+   B = 100,
+   b1.pos = TRUE, 
+   signal.fn = "signal.converge.only",
+   family = "binomial",
+   verbose = FALSE
+ )
#> All BDLs are placed in the first quantile
> wqs.BDL

Odd Ratios & 95% CI (N.valid = 500) 
                     Odds Ratio  SE.OR                95% CI  P-value
(Intercept)               0.214   1.52  0.214 (0.094, 0.483)   <0.001
Age                       0.952   1.05  0.952 (0.858, 1.057)    0.356
Female                    0.926   1.21  0.926 (0.636, 1.349)    0.688
Hispanic                  1.560   1.22  1.558 (1.052, 2.306)    0.027
Non.Hispanic_Others       1.050   1.24  1.052 (0.687, 1.612)    0.816
WQS                       2.360   1.21  2.358 (1.626, 3.420)   <0.001
AIC:  677.0172 

1 bootstrap(s) have failed to converged. Those are: 
[1] 60

 Weights Adjusted by signal.converge.only using N.train = 500 observations: 
          pcb_105  pentachlorophenol    gamma.chlordane    alpha.chlordane  
           0.2575             0.2548             0.1622             0.0699  
          pcb_153            pcb_138                ddt            lindane  
           0.0658             0.0606             0.0378             0.0349  
     methoxychlor            pcb_118                dde            pcb_170  
           0.0180             0.0128             0.0075             0.0066  
         dieldrin            pcb_180  
           0.0065             0.0051  
Important chemicals defined as mean weights > 1/14~0.071. 

An increase in one-quartile of the chemical mixture is associated with an increase in the odds of obtaining cancer by 2.36. Compared to the complete case analysis, PCB 105 and alpha-chlordane are still important, but DDT, PCB 170, and methoxychlor are also important in the BDLQ1 analysis. As we forced some complete concentrations simdata87$X.true to be BDL values in creating simdata87$X.bdl, we used AIC to compare fit between the two WQS models in Examples 1 and 2. Intuitively, a WQS model using the BDLQ1 approach (AIC: 677) fits the data worse than a WQS model using complete data (AIC: 661).

5 Example 3: Bootstrapping interval-censored data

An alternative to the BDLQ1 approach is to perform multiple imputation of the missing chemical values by bootstrapping . Given completely observed covariates zi1,zik in i=1,...n subjects exposed to j=1,...c chemicals, an independent log-normal distribution for each chemical j with mean μj and variance σj2 is assumed: log(xij)|z1zpindepN(μj=ziγj,σj2). Let f(.) denote the normal probability density function and F(.) denote its cumulative distribution function. For each chemical j, the dataset is bootstrapped K times to form K complete datasets. As each bootstrap b is sampled with replacement from the original data, the number of times the ith subject is selected for jth chemical is represented by wij. The log likelihood function for the bootstrap data in jth chemical is given by:

l(γj,σj2)=i=1n0jwijlog[P(0<Xij<DLj;ziγj,σj2)]+i=n0j+1nlog[f(xij;ziγj,σj2)], where n0j represents the number of BDL values for chemical j. The estimates that maximize the log likelihood are (γ~j,σ~j2). Then, the BDL values are imputed by the following method. We generate an independent and identically distributed uniform sample between zero and F(log(DLj);ziγ~j,σ~j2). Then, we assign value F1(uij) for each missing value xij below the detection limit of the jth chemical DLj . These imputed values are joined with the observed ones to form one complete set of exposures for the jth chemical. The impute.Lubin() function performs multiple imputation by bootstrapping for one chemical. For instance, suppose we wish to impute the dieldrin concentrations BDL twice (K=2) in simdata87 by bootstrapping using the following covariates: childhood age, sex, and child race/ethnicity. The dieldrin concentrations are found in the first column of X.bdl in simdata87 dataset (e.g. simdata87$X.bdl[ , 1]), and the detection limit of dieldrin is in the first entry in DL element (e.g. simdata87$DL[1]). The chemcol argument is a numeric vector of chemical concentrations that we wish to impute (e.g. simdata87$X.bdl[ , 1]). The dlcol argument is the detection limit of the chemical (e.g. simdata87$DL[1]). The Z argument contains any covariates used in the imputation (e.g. simdata87$Z.sim and simdata87$y.scenario). We included the outcome in the imputation of BDL values because its omission assumes that it is not associated with the BDL values and thereby bias the subsequent WQS coefficients towards zero . The K argument is the number of imputed datasets (e.g. 2).

> set.seed(472195)
> answer <- impute.Lubin(
+   chemcol = simdata87$X.bdl[, 1],
+   dlcol = simdata87$DL[1],
+   Z = cbind(simdata87$y.scenario, simdata87$Z.sim), 
+   K = 2
+ )
> summary(answer$imputed_values)
     Imp.1              Imp.2         
 Min.   :       0   Min.   :       0  
 1st Qu.:      11   1st Qu.:      11  
 Median :     125   Median :     125  
 Mean   :   44099   Mean   :   44099  
 3rd Qu.:    1682   3rd Qu.:    1682  
 Max.   :17354723   Max.   :17354723  

The answer$imputed_values is a matrix with rows of 1000 subjects and two columns consisting of the imputed dieldrin concentrations. Since most concentrations are observed, the summaries of the two datasets should look the same. However, if we look at BDL values, the two imputed datasets are different, and both are under the detection limit (0.924).

> cat("Summary of BDL Values \n")
> imp <- answer$imputed_values[, 1] < simdata87$DL[1]
> summary(answer$imputed_values[imp, ])
Summary of BDL Values 
     Imp.1             Imp.2         
 Min.   :0.00124   Min.   :0.001417  
 1st Qu.:0.04579   1st Qu.:0.057819  
 Median :0.22420   Median :0.201560  
 Mean   :0.32314   Mean   :0.272618  
 3rd Qu.:0.59102   3rd Qu.:0.444859  
 Max.   :0.91690   Max.   :0.854974  

More than one chemical often needs to be imputed in many studies. To implement the bootstrap approach, we use the impute.boot() function, which repeatedly executes the impute.Lubin() function. In simdata87, now suppose that we wish to impute the X.bdl matrix twice by bootstrapping using the covariates (Z) of age, sex, and race/ethnicity. The X argument takes a matrix with incomplete data, like simdata87$X.bdl. The next argument, DL, takes the detection limits of X as a numeric vector, like simdata87$DL. The K and Z arguments are exactly the same as in impute.Lubin(). A seed is set before the function to ensure that the same bootstrap samples are selected for each chemical. The function returns a list l.boot.

> set.seed(472195)
> l.boot <- impute.boot(
+   X = simdata87$X.bdl, 
+   DL = simdata87$DL, 
+   Z = cbind(simdata87$y.scenario, simdata87$Z.sim), 
+   K = 2
+   )
#> Check: The total number of imputed values that are above the detection limit is 0.
> results.Lubin <- l.boot$X.imputed

The X.imputed element of l.boot saves the imputed chemical values as an array, where the first dimension is the number of subjects (n), the second is the number of chemicals (c), and the third is the number of imputed datasets (K). The sample minima, fifth percentile (P.5), means, and maxima of the chemicals are calculated in each imputed dataset (by the function f()). As the two imputed datasets are different, the application of MI should yield different parameter estimates.

> apply(results.Lubin, 2:3, f)
, , Imp.1

     alpha-chlordane     dieldrin gamma-chlordane   lindane methoxychlor
min     1.239744e-03 5.214163e-02        14.85745  3.122209     16.13658
P.5     2.257984e-01 2.016689e+00        25.79766  7.147067     35.19478
mean    4.409885e+04 4.331448e+02        49.38257 17.214769     83.45674
max     1.735472e+07 4.867330e+04       139.33689 75.360498    316.07141
              dde        ddt pentachlorophenol     pcb_105     pcb_118
min  4.500939e-02   1.532625          1.604183   0.1372503   0.4547588
P.5  8.736265e-01   3.544432          3.923535   1.1031301   1.4373202
mean 2.546607e+03  16.122825         20.262419  16.4815577   9.7025958
max  3.835674e+05 178.853960        285.229348 400.3601114 142.2619560
          pcb_138      pcb_153     pcb_170     pcb_180
min    0.08042499   0.03363274   0.7155792   0.1741525
P.5    0.80147195   0.47230663   2.5599230   0.7335900
mean  12.63094227  13.82089093  11.6125246   8.4248157
max  269.09903138 383.79850341 115.2060922 203.8593938

, , Imp.2

     alpha-chlordane     dieldrin gamma-chlordane   lindane methoxychlor
min     1.417111e-03     0.117659        14.57128  3.690147     15.35223
P.5     2.024978e-01     2.276511        25.50909  6.751412     36.11395
mean    4.409884e+04   433.153356        49.36521 17.201076     83.39251
max     1.735472e+07 48673.296171       139.33689 75.360498    316.07141
              dde         ddt pentachlorophenol     pcb_105     pcb_118
min  3.502864e-02   0.9292443          1.299465   0.1512212   0.4144885
P.5  9.079915e-01   3.3656892          3.959147   1.0578307   1.3154884
mean 2.546614e+03  16.1134725         20.250618  16.4788855   9.6934267
max  3.835674e+05 178.8539599        285.229348 400.3601114 142.2619560
         pcb_138      pcb_153     pcb_170      pcb_180
min    0.2291489   0.08258941   0.4825019   0.05475401
P.5    0.8403295   0.52882557   2.5113298   0.69996133
mean  12.6359530  13.82390718  11.6064361   8.42308671
max  269.0990314 383.79850341 115.2060922 203.85939377

Next, we implement WQS regression on the two complete datasets, which are saved in the results.Lubin object. Instead of performing WQS on one dataset as in Examples 1 and 2, the do.many.wqs() function repeatedly executes WQS regression on each dataset. The arguments for the do.many.wqs() function are the same as the estimate.wqs() function, with one exception. The X.imputed argument now is an array of the imputed chemical values, which has three dimensions: n subjects, c chemicals, and K imputed datasets. This array is the output from the impute.boot() function: results.Lubin.

> set.seed(50679)
> boot.wqs <- do.many.wqs(
+   y = simdata87$y.scenario, X.imputed = results.Lubin, Z = simdata87$Z.sim,
+   proportion.train = 0.5, 
+   n.quantiles = 4, 
+   B = 100,
+   b1.pos = TRUE,
+   signal.fn = "signal.converge.only",
+   family = "binomial"
+ )
#> Sample size: 1000; Number of chemicals: 14; 
Number of completed datasets: 2; Number of covariates modeled:  4

The do.many.wqs() function returns list and matrix versions of the output generated from the estimate.wqs() function. The wqs.imputed.estimates element of the boot.wqs list is a three-dimensional array that gives the WQS estimates for each imputed dataset. The first dimension consists of the total number parameters in the WQS model. The second dimension consists of two columns: the mean and standard deviation of estimates. The third dimension is the K imputation draws.

> formatC(boot.wqs$wqs.imputed.estimates, format = "fg", flag = "#", digits = 3)
, , Imputed.1

                    Estimate  Std.Error
alpha.chlordane     "0.00285" "0.0285" 
dieldrin            "0.00139" "0.0101" 
gamma.chlordane     "0.0138"  "0.0442" 
lindane             "0.0200"  "0.0525" 
methoxychlor        "0.00429" "0.0244" 
dde                 "0.0339"  "0.104"  
ddt                 "0.391"   "0.0936" 
pentachlorophenol   "0.0216"  "0.0628" 
pcb_105             "0.241"   "0.129"  
pcb_118             "0.0217"  "0.0697" 
pcb_138             "0.101"   "0.131"  
pcb_153             "0.0344"  "0.0986" 
pcb_170             "0.110"   "0.149"  
pcb_180             "0.00236" "0.0114" 
(Intercept)         "-1.95"   "0.415"  
Age                 "-0.0516" "0.0540" 
Female              "-0.0546" "0.195"  
Hispanic            "0.456"   "0.204"  
Non.Hispanic_Others "0.0333"  "0.221"  
WQS                 "1.30"    "0.222"  

, , Imputed.2

                    Estimate  Std.Error
alpha.chlordane     "0.00424" "0.0185" 
dieldrin            "0.0392"  "0.0801" 
gamma.chlordane     "0.00843" "0.0257" 
lindane             "0.00191" "0.0119" 
methoxychlor        "0.0103"  "0.0518" 
dde                 "0.0767"  "0.114"  
ddt                 "0.148"   "0.159"  
pentachlorophenol   "0.272"   "0.163"  
pcb_105             "0.156"   "0.114"  
pcb_118             "0.0102"  "0.0302" 
pcb_138             "0.213"   "0.193"  
pcb_153             "0.0136"  "0.0513" 
pcb_170             "0.0180"  "0.0526" 
pcb_180             "0.0291"  "0.0625" 
(Intercept)         "-1.70"   "0.363"  
Age                 "0.0367"  "0.0539" 
Female              "-0.199"  "0.192"  
Hispanic            "0.577"   "0.200"  
Non.Hispanic_Others "0.235"   "0.223"  
WQS                 "0.762"   "0.163"  

As expected, the weights and WQS parameter estimates are different across the two imputed datasets. Finally, the pool.mi() function implements the pooling rules discussed in Rubin 1987 in order to form one estimate . The to.pool argument takes an array with rows referring to the number of parameters, columns referring to the mean and standard error, and the third dimension referring to the number of imputed datasets. This describes the WQS output, boot.wqs$wqs.imputed.estimates, from the do.many.wqs() function. The second argument of pool.mi(), n, is the sample size, which is the number of rows in original data (i.e. nrow(simdata87$X.bdl)). The additional Boolean argument prt allows the user to print out selective parts of the pool.mi object, if desired.

> boot.est <- pool.mi(
+   to.pool = boot.wqs$wqs.imputed.estimates, 
+   n = nrow(simdata87$X.bdl),
+   prt = FALSE
+ )
#> Pooling estimates from 2 imputed analyses for 20 parameters. 
                    pooled.mean pooled.total.se se.within se.between
alpha.chlordane           0.004           0.024     0.024      0.001
dieldrin                  0.020           0.066     0.057      0.027
gamma.chlordane           0.011           0.036     0.036      0.004
lindane                   0.011           0.041     0.038      0.013
methoxychlor              0.007           0.041     0.041      0.004
dde                       0.055           0.115     0.109      0.030
ddt                       0.269           0.247     0.130      0.172
pentachlorophenol         0.147           0.250     0.123      0.177
pcb_105                   0.198           0.143     0.122      0.061
pcb_118                   0.016           0.055     0.054      0.008
pcb_138                   0.157           0.191     0.165      0.079
pcb_153                   0.024           0.081     0.079      0.015
pcb_170                   0.064           0.137     0.112      0.065
pcb_180                   0.016           0.051     0.045      0.019
(Intercept)              -1.828           0.447     0.390      0.178
Age                      -0.007           0.094     0.054      0.062
Female                   -0.127           0.230     0.193      0.102
Hispanic                  0.517           0.228     0.202      0.086
Non.Hispanic_Others       0.134           0.282     0.222      0.143
WQS                       1.030           0.504     0.195      0.379
                    frac.miss.info   CI.1   CI.2 p.value
alpha.chlordane              0.005 -0.044  0.051   0.883
dieldrin                     0.327 -0.119  0.160   0.762
gamma.chlordane              0.019 -0.060  0.083   0.761
lindane                      0.181 -0.072  0.094   0.791
methoxychlor                 0.019 -0.073  0.087   0.859
dde                          0.125 -0.174  0.284   0.632
ddt                          0.836 -0.850  1.388   0.395
pentachlorophenol            0.859 -1.099  1.393   0.624
pcb_105                      0.359 -0.109  0.506   0.187
pcb_118                      0.037 -0.091  0.123   0.770
pcb_138                      0.337 -0.250  0.564   0.424
pcb_153                      0.057 -0.135  0.183   0.766
pcb_170                      0.454 -0.249  0.378   0.652
pcb_180                      0.273 -0.089  0.120   0.759
(Intercept)                  0.314 -2.770 -0.885   0.001
Age                          0.795 -0.373  0.358   0.943
Female                       0.392 -0.631  0.378   0.593
Hispanic                     0.276  0.044  0.989   0.034
Non.Hispanic_Others          0.509 -0.538  0.807   0.650
WQS                          0.919 -2.441  4.501   0.233

The pool.mi() function returns the statistics of the combined estimates for each WQS parameter. While the standard error between the imputed sets, se.between, measures the uncertainty due to the BDL values, the standard error within the imputed sets, se.within, measures the uncertainty in the WQS regression. Using the pooled mean and standard error, 95% t~confidence intervals are constructed in columns CI.1 and CI.2. The p~values from the t~test whether the regression coefficient is zero are contained in the p.value column. The frac.miss.info column gives the fraction of missing information, which estimates the proportion of variability due to the BDL values for each WQS parameter. A larger fraction of missing information of any WQS parameter implies that we may need to increase the number of imputations (K). Yet, finding the optimal number of imputations remains an open area of research . For instance, some covariates have high fractions of missing information, such as 0.73 or 0.85, which suggests that more than two imputations are needed.

The WQS pooled.mean estimate answers the question of whether a chemical mixture is associated with cancer. To find the odds ratio, we can exponentiate the estimate and its 95% confidence interval (CI) like: exp(boot.est["WQS", c(1, 7:8)]). A one-quartile increase in the chemical mixture is (95% CI: ) times as likely to obtain cancer. The first 14 rows of boot.est give us summary statistics about the weight estimates. Using the criterion that the pooled mean of the weight estimate greater than 1/14 is important, the following chemicals have the largest contributions to the overall mixture.

> chemicals <- boot.est[1:14, ]
> row.names(chemicals)[chemicals$pooled.mean >= 1 / 14]
[1] "ddt"               "pentachlorophenol" "pcb_105"          
[4] "pcb_138"          

We can also obtain an overall sense of how WQS model fits the data from bootstrapping imputation. In a similar spirit in combining the WQS parameter estimates, we combine the AIC from the two models. The combine.AIC() function takes the average and standard deviation of the individual AIC estimates from the separate WQS models. The only argument, AIC, takes a numeric vector of AIC’s, which is saved in a do.many.wqs() object (eg. boot.wqs$AIC).

> boot.wqs$AIC
[1] 660.7468 665.1193
> boot.AIC <- combine.AIC(boot.wqs$AIC)

Compared to Examples 1 and 2, the bootstrapped MI-WQS model (AIC: 662.9 +- 3.1) fits the data similar to a WQS model using the BDLQ1 approach (AIC: 677.0) and worse than a WQS model using complete data (AIC: 660.7).

6 Example 4: Univariate Bayesian multiple imputation of BDL values

Instead of using bootstrapping imputation, the impute.univariate.bayesian.mi() imputes the BDL values using a Bayesian paradigm. The logs of the observed chemicals xij are assumed to independently follow normal distributions with mean μj and standard error σj. We place a Jeffrey’s prior of the univariate normal on the parameters. In order to sample from the posterior predictive density of missing values (Xj,miss) given the observed values (Xj,obs), we run a Gibbs sampler of length T for each chemical. In step t of the sampler:

(Step 0): Given complete data X=(Xmiss(t1),Xobs), calculate the mean w¯ and variance S as: w¯=1ni=1nlog(xi)andS=1n1i=1n(log(xi)w¯)2.

(Step 1): Simulate the posterior variance σ2(t) given the mean and complete data from the inverse gamma distribution: σ2|μ(t1),log(Xobs),log(Xmiss(t1))IG(n12,n12S).

(Step 2): Simulate the posterior mean μ(t) given the variance and complete data from the normal distribution: μ|σ2(t),log(Xobs),log(Xmiss(t1))N(w¯,sd=σ(t)n).

(Step 3): Using current parameter estimates, impute log(Xmiss,i(t)) from the normal distribution truncated between 0 and DLj, or: log(Xmiss,i)|μ(t),σ2(t)TruncNorm(μ(t),σ2(t),a=0,b=DLj). for i=1n0j, where n0j is the total number of BDL values for the jth chemical. We assessed convergence using Gelman-Rubin’s R statistics . To construct approximately independent sets of complete concentrations, we join the observed values with the imputed values taken every tenth state from the end of the missing value chain. This Gibbs Sampler is repeated for all chemicals.

The impute.univariate.bayesian.mi() function applies this Bayesian algorithm to our dataset. The X argument takes a matrix with incomplete data, like simdata87$X.bdl. The DL argument takes the detection limits of X, which must be a numeric vector, like simdata87$DL. Bayesian imputation currently does not use covariate information. The T argument specifies the length of the Gibbs sampler (like 6000), and the n.burn argument specifies the burn-in (like 400). The K argument gives the number of imputed datasets generated (like 2). The impute.univariate.bayesian.mi() function returns a list consisting of three categories: a series of checks, the imputed array, and the MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo) chains.

> set.seed(472195)
> result.imputed <- impute.univariate.bayesian.mi(
+   X = simdata87$X.bdl, 
+   DL = simdata87$DL,
+   T = 6000,
+   n.burn = 400,
+   K = 2
+ )
#> Start MCMC Data Augmentation Algorithm...
#> Checking for convergence with 2nd chain ...
  gelman.stat     is.converge   
 Min.   :0.9998   Mode:logical  
 1st Qu.:1.0001   TRUE:1428     
 Median :1.0004                 
 Mean   :1.0010                 
 3rd Qu.:1.0013                 
 Max.   :1.0182                 
#> Evidence suggests that all 1428 parameters have converged. 
#> Draw 2 Multiple Imputed Set(s) from states 
[1] 6000 5990
#> Check: Indicator of # of missing values above detection limit 
[1] 0

The impute.univariate.bayesian.mi() function returns a check of convergence in convg.table and a check of correct imputation in indicator.miss. To check for convergence, a summary of a data frame convg.table is shown above. The first column consists of the Gelman-Rubin statistics of the MCMC variables. (In the dataset simdata87, there are (100+2)14=1428 MCMC variables, as each chemical has 102 MCMC variables: 100 missing values, mean, and variance.) The is.converge column of convg.table is a logical vector that specifies whether each MCMC variable has converged. This occurs if its Gelman-Rubin statistic is less than 1.1. In our example, the chains give evidence of convergence. The "Indicator of # missing values above the detection limit" shown above, represented with indicator.miss, is included to check if the imputation scheme occurred correctly. It should be zero, which it is shown above. The indicator.miss sums a logical vector of length c, in which an entry is TRUE if the imputed values are above the detection limit.

The element X.imputed of result.imputed list saves the imputed chemical values as an array, where the first dimension is the number of subjects (n), the second is the number of chemicals (c), and the third is the number of imputed datasets generated (K). Sample minima, means, and maxima (calculated by function f()) between two imputed datasets indicate that datasets are different; so when MI is applied, the parameter estimates should be different. Note that low values from Bayesian imputation differ from low bootstrap values as in Example 3.

> apply(result.imputed$X.imputed, 2:3, f)
, , Imputed.1

     alpha-chlordane     dieldrin gamma-chlordane   lindane methoxychlor
min     2.359430e-03 3.086685e-01        1.691056  1.215282     1.540713
P.5     5.242831e-01 3.183691e+00        3.610778  2.600923     4.182447
mean    4.409886e+04 4.332269e+02       47.283406 16.800662    80.420552
max     1.735472e+07 4.867330e+04      139.336894 75.360498   316.071414
              dde        ddt pentachlorophenol      pcb_105      pcb_118
min  2.768024e-02   0.482848         0.7046569   0.09017045   0.09142874
P.5  1.543214e+00   2.237090         2.7680096   1.16068653   1.30752584
mean 2.546653e+03  16.013644        20.1570964  16.48534459   9.68569878
max  3.835674e+05 178.853960       285.2293482 400.36011141 142.26195601
          pcb_138      pcb_153     pcb_170      pcb_180
min    0.01173117   0.02468827   0.7360772 2.164636e-03
P.5    0.68685631   0.38681360   2.0959549 5.996663e-01
mean  12.61938196  13.81475010  11.5772453 8.412071e+00
max  269.09903138 383.79850341 115.2060922 2.038594e+02

, , Imputed.2

     alpha-chlordane     dieldrin gamma-chlordane   lindane methoxychlor
min     8.514882e-03 4.098326e-01        1.462564  1.089740     1.425771
P.5     4.664125e-01 3.332290e+00        3.418596  2.638882     4.321919
mean    4.409886e+04 4.332296e+02       47.258091 16.797956    80.424921
max     1.735472e+07 4.867330e+04      139.336894 75.360498   316.071414
              dde         ddt pentachlorophenol      pcb_105      pcb_118
min  5.568180e-02   0.9352681          0.297144 3.085055e-03 5.716621e-03
P.5  1.580193e+00   2.5371056          2.670481 1.110512e+00 1.215440e+00
mean 2.546663e+03  16.0346907         20.148387 1.648278e+01 9.684614e+00
max  3.835674e+05 178.8539599        285.229348 4.003601e+02 1.422620e+02
          pcb_138      pcb_153     pcb_170      pcb_180
min  9.471776e-03 3.198244e-03   0.5399104   0.00652091
P.5  7.249506e-01 4.114339e-01   2.1037311   0.58501721
mean 1.262209e+01 1.381682e+01  11.5786930   8.41077395
max  2.690990e+02 3.837985e+02 115.2060922 203.85939377

The impute.univariate.bayesian.mi() function also returns the three entire MCMC chains: the means of components, the standard errors, and the imputed missing values. The coda package, which “provides functions for summarizing and plotting the output from … MCMC simulations”, saved these MCMC chains as MCMC objects .

Using the imputed datasets saved in array result.imputed$X.imputed, the do.many.wqs() function implements WQS regression on both datasets with a binary outcome, as in Example 3. The setup is the same as before, but we are using Bayesian imputed datasets, as in result.imputed$X.imputed. Similar to Example 3, the element, wqs.imputed.estimates, in the resulting bayes.wqs list contains the WQS parameter estimates for each imputed dataset.

> set.seed(50679)
> bayes.wqs <- do.many.wqs(
+   y = simdata87$y.scenario, X.imputed = result.imputed$X.imputed, 
+   Z = simdata87$Z.sim,
+   proportion.train = 0.5, 
+   n.quantiles = 4, 
+   B = 100,
+   b1.pos = TRUE, 
+   signal.fn = "signal.converge.only",
+   family = "binomial"
+ )
> wqs.imputed.estimates <- bayes.wqs$wqs.imputed.estimates
#> Sample size: 1000; Number of chemicals: 14; 
Number of completed datasets: 2; Number of covariates modeled:  4

Lastly, we can combine the multiple WQS estimates using the pool.mi() function, exactly as in Example 3. The output, given in bayesian.est, returns the statistics of the combined estimates for each WQS parameter and answers the research questions of interest (Table 2).

> bayesian.est <- pool.mi(
+   to.pool = bayes.wqs$wqs.imputed.estimates, 
+   n = nrow(simdata87$X.bdl), 
+   prt = TRUE
+ )
#> Pooling estimates from 2 imputed analyses for 20 parameters. 
                    pooled.mean pooled.total.se frac.miss.info   CI.1   CI.2
alpha.chlordane           0.004           0.024          0.005 -0.044  0.051
dieldrin                  0.020           0.066          0.327 -0.119  0.160
gamma.chlordane           0.011           0.036          0.019 -0.060  0.083
lindane                   0.011           0.041          0.181 -0.072  0.094
methoxychlor              0.007           0.041          0.019 -0.073  0.087
dde                       0.055           0.115          0.125 -0.174  0.284
ddt                       0.269           0.247          0.836 -0.850  1.388
pentachlorophenol         0.147           0.250          0.859 -1.099  1.393
pcb_105                   0.198           0.143          0.359 -0.109  0.506
pcb_118                   0.016           0.055          0.037 -0.091  0.123
pcb_138                   0.157           0.191          0.337 -0.250  0.564
pcb_153                   0.024           0.081          0.057 -0.135  0.183
pcb_170                   0.064           0.137          0.454 -0.249  0.378
pcb_180                   0.016           0.051          0.273 -0.089  0.120
(Intercept)              -1.828           0.447          0.314 -2.770 -0.885
Age                      -0.007           0.094          0.795 -0.373  0.358
Female                   -0.127           0.230          0.392 -0.631  0.378
Hispanic                  0.517           0.228          0.276  0.044  0.989
Non.Hispanic_Others       0.134           0.282          0.509 -0.538  0.807
WQS                       1.030           0.504          0.919 -2.441  4.501
alpha.chlordane       0.883
dieldrin              0.762
gamma.chlordane       0.761
lindane               0.791
methoxychlor          0.859
dde                   0.632
ddt                   0.395
pentachlorophenol     0.624
pcb_105               0.187
pcb_118               0.770
pcb_138               0.424
pcb_153               0.766
pcb_170               0.652
pcb_180               0.759
(Intercept)          <0.001
Age                   0.943
Female                0.593
Hispanic              0.034
Non.Hispanic_Others   0.650
WQS                   0.233

Looking at the WQS estimate in bayesian.est, the odds ratio of the overall chemical mixture on cancer is 2.8 with a 95% confidence interval between 0.09 and 90.15. The following chemicals, in which their weight estimates are greater than 1/14, are considered an important and may be associated with increased cancer risk.

> chemicals <- bayesian.est[1:14, ]
> row.names(chemicals)[chemicals$pooled.mean >= 1 / 14]
[1] "ddt"               "pentachlorophenol" "pcb_105"          
[4] "pcb_138"          

To get an overall sense of how the Bayesian-imputed WQS models fit the data, the combine.AIC() function combines the AIC calculated from Bayesian MI-WQS models (bayes.wqs$AIC).

> bayes.wqs$AIC
[1] 660.7468 665.1193
> miWQS::combine.AIC(bayes.wqs$AIC)
[1] "662.9 +- 3.1"

The Bayesian MI-WQS model (AIC: 662.9 +- 3.1) has the same fit as the bootstrapped MI-WQS (Example 3, AIC: 662.9 +- 3.1).

7 Recommendations in using miWQS package

We have integrated WQS regression into the MI framework in a flexible R package called miWQS to meet a wide variety of needs (Figure 6). The data used in this package consist of a mixture of correlated components that share a common outcome while adjusting for other covariates. The correlated components in the set, X, may be complete or interval-censored between zero and low thresholds, or detection limits, that may be different across the components. The common outcome, y, may be modeled as binary, continuous, count-based, or rate-based and can be adjusted by the family and offset arguments of estimate.wqs().

Additional covariates, Z, may be used in the bootstrap imputation and WQS models. However, the univariate Bayesian model does not include covariate information in imputing the BDL values. This makes any covariate confounders uncorrelated with the imputed concentrations BDL. Thereby, the WQS regression coefficients, such as the weights and overall mixture effect, may be biased towards zero .

Another limitation of the univariate Bayesian and bootstrap imputation models is that the X’s are imputed independently while the actual X’s are correlated. This makes the correlations among the imputed BDL values of different components biased towards zero. One concern is that the mixture with independently imputed BDL values may introduce some bias in the health effect estimate if a large amount of BDL values is present. As an alternative, an imputation model could take advantage of the correlations to impute a potentially more precise estimate . One such approach is the multivariate Bayesian regression imputation model, which we are evaluating in ongoing work .

If X is interval-censored, the choice of the imputation technique depends on the majority vote of BDL values among the components (Figure 6). Previous literature suggests ignoring any chemicals that have greater than 80% of its values BDL . When most chemicals have 80% of its values BDL, we suggest using the BDLQ1 approach . When most chemicals have less than 80% of its values BDL, the user should perform Bayesian or bootstrapping multiple imputation . The miWQS package, though, still allows the user to perform single imputation. Regardless of the technique used, researchers may use the miWQS package in order to detect an association between the mixture and the outcome and to identify the important components in that mixture.

8 Conclusion

Although environmental exposures data motivated us to develop the miWQS package, the package may be applied to other areas in public health and medicine. Wheeler et al.  recently used WQS regression to estimate the effect of a SES index on childhood blood lead risk and to find which socioeconomic variables are important. The correlated SES variables considered were of these types: educational achievement, race, income, health, housing, and employment. The five most important variables found were: percent of homes built before 1940, percent of not using Social-Security income, percent of renter-occupied housing, percent unemployed, and percent of the African American population . Other similar studies may be analyzed using the miWQS package. To our knowledge, WQS has not yet been applied in analyzing a high-throughput gene expression dataset. For instance, a GWAS is conducted to find genetic risks for complex disease and to identify specific genes. Given that SNPs are correlated with each other and a binary or continuous health outcome, the miWQS package may be used to conduct a WQS regression to address these research aims. In the years to come, researchers may add other imputation models to our established computational structure in order to find components that impact human health.

graphic without alt text
Figure 6: A decision tree to help researchers in using the miWQS package. The package is flexible and can meet a wide range of needs.

9 Computational details

The functions in miWQS package relied upon code developed in other packages on CRAN. The steps in the estimate.wqs() function also relied upon other packages: the solnp() function in Rsolnp package , the glm2() function in glm2 package , the list.merge() function in rlist package , the format.pval() in Hmisc package , the gather() function from tidyr package , and the ggplot2 package . The impute.Lubin() function used the survival package . The impute.univariate.bayesian.mi() function used: the rinvgamma() function in the invgamma package , the rtruncnorm() function in truncnorm package , the possibly() function in the purrr package and the coda package . Additionally, the ggcorr() function in the GGally produced the heat map in Figure 2 .

This vignette is successfully processed using the following.

 -- Session info ---------------------------------------------------
 setting  value                       
 version  R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
 os       macOS  10.16                
 system   x86_64, darwin17.0          
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 collate  en_US.UTF-8                 
 ctype    en_US.UTF-8                 
 tz       America/New_York            
 date     2021-01-20                  
--  Packages -------------------------------------------------------
 package   * version date       lib source                                 
 coda        0.19-4  2020-09-30 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 GGally    * 2.0.0   2020-06-06 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 ggplot2   * 3.3.3   2020-12-30 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 glm2        1.2.1   2018-08-11 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 gWQS        3.0.0   2020-06-23 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 Hmisc       4.4-2   2020-11-29 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 invgamma    1.1     2017-05-07 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 knitr     * 1.30    2020-09-22 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 mi          1.0     2015-04-16 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 mice        3.10.0  2020-07-13 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 miWQS     * 0.4.0   2020-07-27 [1] local                                  
 norm        1.0-9.5 2013-02-28 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 purrr       0.3.4   2020-04-17 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 rlist 2016-04-04 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 rmarkdown   2.3     2020-06-18 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 Rsolnp      1.16    2015-12-28 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 rticles     0.16.1  2020-09-22 [1] Github (rstudio/rticles@b0bbbc0)       
 survival    3.1-12  2020-04-10 [1] CRAN (                                 
 tidyr       1.1.2   2020-08-27 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 tinytex     0.26    2020-09-22 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 truncnorm   1.0-8   2020-07-27 [1] Github (olafmersmann/truncnorm@eea186e)
 wqs         0.0.1   2015-10-05 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         
 yaml        2.2.1   2020-02-01 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.2)                         

[1] /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/library

10 Acknowledgments

We like to thank Keith W. Zirkle and Anny-Claude Joseph for their editorial comments on this vignette. Additionally, we thank the anonymous reviewers of The R Journal who have improved this vignette. Lastly, we appreciate Yihui Xie’s work in creating the rticles package that enabled us to write this vignette from the Rmarkdown environment .

11 Abbreviations

Notation: + n sample size + c number of chemicals + K number of imputations

12 Appendix

A researcher must decide whether the overall mixture effect, β1, is positively or negatively related to the outcome in WQS regression. One way is to perform a series of individual chemical regressions and look at the sign of the regression coefficients. This is performed via the analyze.individually() function. In each regression, the outcome y is regressed on the log of each chemical X and any covariates Z using the glm2 package . Any missing values are ignored. The arguments in analyze.individually() are the same as the arguments specified in estimate.wqs(). In simdata87, our outcome is element y.scenario, the chemical mixture is X.true, the covariates are contained in Z.sim. As the outcome in simdata87 is binary, we assign "binomial" to the family argument. The analyze.individually() function returns a data frame that consists of: the name of the chemical, the individual chemical effect estimate and its standard error, and an assessment of the WQS model fit using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).

> analyze.individually(
+   y = simdata87$y.scenario, X = simdata87$X.true,
+   Z = simdata87$Z.sim, family = "binomial"
+ )
       Chemical.Name Estimate Std.Error      AIC
1    alpha-chlordane    0.128     0.018 1315.527
2           dieldrin    0.176     0.033 1339.606
3    gamma-chlordane    1.310     0.192 1319.118
4            lindane    0.817     0.139 1332.276
5       methoxychlor    1.056     0.150 1315.461
6                dde    0.169     0.025 1319.293
7                ddt    0.176     0.086 1365.064
8  pentachlorophenol    0.245     0.081 1360.018
9            pcb_105   -0.026     0.051 1368.984
10           pcb_118    0.332     0.072 1347.162
11           pcb_138    0.356     0.056 1325.112
12           pcb_153    0.308     0.046 1321.903
13           pcb_170    0.404     0.087 1346.696
14           pcb_180    0.311     0.059 1339.602

The sign of the estimates indicates whether the overall mixture effect should be positive or negative. As most of the estimates are positive here, we will assume that the overall mixture is positively related to the outcome. Then, we can set the b1.pos argument in estimate.wqs() to be TRUE. In terms of model fit, the complete-data mixture WQS model in Example 1 with an AIC of 660 fits the data better than any individual chemical model (see the AIC’s above).

CRAN packages used

miWQS, wqs, gWQS, mice, norm, mi, coda, Rsolnp, glm2, rlist, Hmisc, tidyr, ggplot2, survival, invgamma, truncnorm, purrr, GGally, rticles

CRAN Task Views implied by cited packages

Bayesian, ClinicalTrials, Databases, Distributions, Econometrics, GraphicalModels, MissingData, MixedModels, Optimization, Phylogenetics, ReproducibleResearch, Spatial, Survival, TeachingStatistics


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    For attribution, please cite this work as

    Hargarten & Wheeler, "miWQS: Multiple Imputation Using Weighted Quantile Sum Regression", The R Journal, 2021

    BibTeX citation

      author = {Hargarten, Paul M. and Wheeler, David C.},
      title = {miWQS: Multiple Imputation Using Weighted Quantile Sum Regression},
      journal = {The R Journal},
      year = {2021},
      note = {https://rjournal.github.io/},
      volume = {12},
      issue = {2},
      issn = {2073-4859},
      pages = {226-250}