A Unified Algorithm for the Non-Convex Penalized Estimation: The ncpen Package


Various R packages have been developed for the non-convex penalized estimation but they can only be applied to the smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) or minimax concave penalty (MCP). We develop an R package, entitled ncpen, for the non-convex penalized estimation in order to make data analysts to experience other non-convex penalties. The package ncpen implements a unified algorithm based on the convex concave procedure and modified local quadratic approximation algorithm, which can be applied to a broader range of non-convex penalties, including the SCAD and MCP as special examples. Many user-friendly functionalities such as generalized information criteria, cross-validation and ridge regularization are provided also.

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Jan. 14, 2021


Feb 25, 2019


Kim, et al., 2021




120 - 133

1 Introduction

The penalized estimation has been one of the most important statistical techniques for high dimensional data analysis, and many penalties have been developed such as the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) , smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) , and minimax concave penalty (MCP) . In the context of R, many authors released fast and stable R packages for obtaining the whole solution path of the penalized estimator for the generalized linear model (GLM). For example, lars , glmpath and glmnet implement the LASSO. Packages such as plus , sparsenet , cvplogit and ncvreg implement the SCAD and MCP. Among them, glmnet and ncvreg are very fast, stable, and well-organized, presenting various user-friendly functionalities such as the cross-validation and 2-stabilization .

The non-convex penalized estimation has been studied by many researchers . However, there is still a lack in research on the algorithms that exactly implement the non-convex penalized estimators for the non-convexity of the objective function. One nice approach is using the coordinate descent (CD) algorithm . The CD algorithm fits quite well for some quadratic non-convex penalties such as the SCAD and MC since each coordinate update in the CD algorithm becomes an easy convex optimization problem with a closed form solution. This is the main reason for the preference of the CD algorithm implemented in many R packages such as sparsenet and ncvreg. However, coordinate updates in the CD algorithm require extra univariate optimizations for other non-convex penalties such as the log and bridge penalties , which severely lowers the convergence speed. Another subtle point is that the CD algorithm requires standardization of the input variables and need to enlarge the concave scale parameter in the penalty to obtain the local convergence, which may cause to lose an advantage of non-convex penalized estimation and give much different variable selection performance .

In this paper, we develop an R package ncpen for the non-convex penalized estimation based on the convex-concave procedure (CCCP) or difference-convex (DC) algorithm and the modified local quadratic approximation algorithm (MLQA) . The main contribution of the package ncpen is that it encompasses most of existing non-convex penalties, including the truncated 1 , log , bridge , moderately clipped LASSO , sparse ridge penalties as well as the SCAD and MCP and covers a broader range of regression models: multinomial and Cox models as well as the GLM. Further, ncpen provides two unique options: the investigation of initial dependent solution paths and non-standardization of input variables, which allow the users more flexibility.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we describe the algorithm implemented in ncpen with major steps and details. Afterwards, the main functions and various options in ncpen are presented with numerical illustrations. Finally, the paper concludes with remarks.

2 An algorithm for the non-convex penalized estimation

We consider the problem of minimizing (1)Qλ(β)=L(β)+j=1pJλ(|βj|), where β=(β1,,βp)T is a p-dimensional parameter vector of interest, L is a convex loss function and Jλ is a non-convex penalty with tuning parameter λ>0. We first introduce the CCCP-MLQA algorithm for minimizing Qλ when λ is fixed, and then explain how to construct the whole solution path over a decreasing sequence of λs by using the algorithm.

A class of non-convex penalties

We consider a class of non-convex penalties that satisfy Jλ(|t|)=0|t|Jλ(s)ds,tR for some non-decreasing function Jλ and (2)Dλ(t)=Jλ(|t|)κλ|t| is concave function, where κλ=limt0+Jλ(t). The class includes most of existing non-convex penalties: SCAD , Jλ(t)=λI[0<t<λ]+{(τλt)/(τ1)}I[λt<τλ] for τ>2, MCP , Jλ(t)=(λt/τ)I[0<t<τλ] for τ>1, truncated 1-penalty , Jλ(t)=λI[0<t<τ] for τ>0, moderately clipped LASSO , Jλ(t)=(λt/τ)[0<t<τ(λγ)]+γ[tτ(λγ)] for τ>1 and 0γλ, sparse ridge , Jλ(t)=(λt/τ)I[0<t<τλ/(τγ+1)]+γtI[tτλ/(τγ+1)] for τ>1 and γ0, modified log . Jλ(t)=(λ/τ)[0<t<τ]+(λ/t)[tτ] for τ>0, and modified bridge Jλ(t)=(λ/2τ)[0<t<τ]+(λ/2t)[tτ] for τ>0.

The moderately clipped LASSO and sparse ridge are simple smooth interpolations between the MCP (near the origin) and the LASSO and ridge, respectively. The log and bridge penalties are modified to be linear over t(0,τ] so that they have finite right derivative at the origin. See the plot for graphical comparison of the penalties introduced here.

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Figure 1: Plot of various penalties with λ=1,τ=3 and γ=0.5.

CCCP-MLQA algorithm

The CCCP-MLQA algorithm iteratively conducts two main steps: CCCP and MLQA steps. The CCCP step decomposes the penalty Jλ as in (2) and then minimizes the tight convex upper bound obtained from a linear approximation of Dλ. The MLQA step first minimizes a quadratic approximation of the loss L and then modifies the solution to keep descent property.

Concave-convex procedure

The objective function Qλ in (1) can be rewritten by using the decomposition in (2) as (3)Qλ(β)=L(β)+j=1pDλ(βj)+κλj=1p|βj| so that Qλ(β) becomes a sum of convex, L(β)+κλj=1p|βj|, and concave, j=1pDλ(βj), functions. Hence the tight convex upper bound of Qλ(β) becomes (4)Uλ(β;β~)=L(β)+j=1pDλ(β~j)βj+κλj=1p|βj|, where β~=(β~1,,β~p)T is a given point and Dλ(β~j) is a subgradient of Dλ(βj) at βj=β~j.\ Algorithm 1 summarizes the CCCP step for minimizing Qλ.

Algorithm 1: minimizing Qλ(β)

    1. Set β~.
    2. Update β~ by β~=argminβUλ(β;β~).
    3. Repeat the Step 2 until convergence.

Modified Local quadratic approximation

Algorithm 1 includes minimizing Uλ(β;β~) in (4) given a solution β~. An easy way is iteratively minimizing local quadratic approximation (LQA) of L around β~: L(β)L~(β;β~)=L(β~)+L(β~)T(ββ~)+(ββ~)T2L(β~)(ββ~)/2, where L(β)=L(β)/β and 2L(β)=2L(β)/β2. Then Uλ(β;β~) can be minimized by iteratively minimizing (5)U~λ(β;β~)=L~(β;β~)+j=1pDλ(|β~j|)βj+κλj=1p|βj|. It is easy to minimize U~λ(β;β~) since it is simply a quadratic function and the penalty term is the LASSO. For the algorithm, we use the coordinate descent algorithm introduced by . Note that the LQA algorithm may not have the descent property. Hence, we incorporate the modification step to ensure the descent property. Let β~a be the minimizer of U~λ(β;β~). Then we modify the solution β~a by β~h^ whenever it violates the descent property, i.e., Uλ(β~a;β~)>Uλ(β~;β~): (6)β~h^=h^β~a+(1h^)β~, where h^=argminh>0Uλ(hβ~a+(1h)β~;β~). This modification step in (6) guarantees the descent property of the LQA algorithm .

Algorithm 2: minimizing Uλ(β;β~)

    1. Set β~.
    2. Find β~a=argminβU~λ(β;β~).
    3. Find h^=argminh>0Uλ(hβ~a+(1h)β~;β~).
    4. Update β~ by h^β~a+(1h^)β~.
    5. Repeat the Step 2–4 until convergence.

Efficient path construction over λ

Usually, the computation time of the algorithm rapidly increases as the number of non-zero parameters increases or λ decreases toward zero. To accelerate the algorithm, we incorporate the active-set-control procedure while constructing the solution path over a decreasing sequence of λ.

Assume that λ is given and we have an initial solution β~ which is expected to be very close to the minimizer of Qλ(β). First we check the first order KKT optimality conditions: (7)Qλ(β~)/βj=0,jA  and  |Qλ(β~)/βj|κλ,jN, where A={j:β~j0} and N={j:β~j=0}. We stop the algorithm if the conditions are satisfied else update N and β~ by N=N{jmax} and (8)β~=argminβj=0,jNQλ(β), respectively, where jmax=argmaxjN|Qλ(β~)/βj|. We keep these iterations until the KKT conditions in (7) are satisfied with β~. The key step is (8) which is easy and fast to obtain by using Algorithm 1 and 2 since the objective function only includes the parameters in A{jmax}.

Algorithm 3: minimizing Qλ(β)

    1. Set β~.
    2. Set A={j:β~j0} and N={j:β~j=0}.
    3. Check whether Qλ(β~)/βj=0,jA and |Qλ(β~)/βj|κλ,jN.
    4. Update N by N{jmax}, where jmax=argmaxjN|Qλ(β~)/βj|.
    5. Update β~ by β~=argminβj=0,jNQλ(β).
    6. Repeat the Step 2–5 until the KKT conditions satisfy.

Remark 1 The number of variables that violates the KKT conditions could be large for some high-dimensional cases. In this case, it may be inefficient to add only one variable jmax into A. It would be more efficient to add more variables into A. However, when the number variables added is too large, it also is inefficient. With many experiences, we found that the algorithm would be efficient with 10 variables.

In practice, we want to approximate the whole solution path or surface of the minimizer β^λ as a function of λ. For the purpose, we first construct a decreasing sequence λmax=λ0>λ1>>λn1>λn=λmin and then obtain the corresponding sequence of minimizers β^λ0,,β^λn. Let Qλ(0) be the subdifferential of Qλ at 0. Then we can see that 0Qλ(0)={L(0)+δ:maxj|δj|κλ}, for any κλ>κλmax=maxj|L(0)/βj|, which implies the p-dimensional zero vector is the exact minimizer of Qλ(β) when κλκλmax. Hence, we start from the largest value λ=λmax that satisfies κλmax=maxj|L(0)/βj|, and then we continue down to λ=λmin=ϵλmax, where ϵ is a predetermined ratio such as ϵ=0.01. Once we obtain the minimizer β^λk1 then it is easy to find β^λk by using β^λk1 as an initial solution in Algorithm 3, which is expected to be close to β^λk for a finely divided λ sequence. This scheme is called the warm start strategy, which makes the algorithm more stable and efficient .

3 The R package ncpen

In this section, we introduce the main functions with various options and user-friendly functions implemented in the package ncpen for the users. Next section will illustrate how the various options in the main function make a difference in data analysis through numerical examples.

The R package ncpen contains the main functions: ncpen() for fitting various nonconvex penalized regression models, cv.ncpen() and gic.ncpen() for selecting the optimal model from a sequence of the regularization path based on cross-validation and a generalized information criterion. In addition, the useful functions are also implemented in the package: sam.gen.ncpen() for generating a synthetic data from various models with the correlation structure in (11), plot() for graphical representation, coef() for extracting coefficients from the fitted object, predict() for making predictions from new design matrix. The followings are the basic usage of the main functions:

  ## linear regression with scad penalty
  n=100; p=10
  sam = sam.gen.ncpen(n=n,p=p,q=5,cf.min=0.5,cf.max=1,corr=0.5,family="gaussian")
  x.mat = sam$x.mat; y.vec = sam$y.vec
  fit = ncpen(y.vec=y.vec,x.mat=x.mat,family="gaussian",penalty="scad")
  coef(fit); plot(fit)

  # prediction from a new dataset
  newx = matrix(rnorm(test.n*p),nrow=test.n,ncol=p)

  # selection of the optimal model based on the cross-validation
  cv.fit = cv.ncpen(y.vec=y.vec,x.mat=x.mat,family="gaussian",penalty="scad")

  # selection of the optimal model using the generalized information criterion
  fit = ncpen(y.vec=y.vec,x.mat=x.mat,family="gaussian",penalty="scad")

The main function ncpen() provides various options which produce different penalized estimators. The other packages for nonconvex penalized regressions also have similar options: 2-regularization and penalty weights. However, the package ncpen provides the two unique options for standaradization and initial value. Below, we briefly describe the options in the main function ncpen().

Ridge regularization

The option alpha in the main functions forces the algorithm to solve the following penalized problem with the 2-regularization or ridge effect . (9)Qλ(β)=1ni=1ni(β)+αj=1pJλ(|βj|)+(1α)λj=1pβj2, where α[0,1] is the value from the option alpha, which is the mixing parameter between the penalties Jλ and ridge. The objective function in (9) includes the elastic net when Jλ(t)=λt and Mnet when Jλ() is the MC penalty. By controlling the option alpha, we can treat the problem with highly correlated variables, and it makes the algorithm more stable also since the minimum eigenvalue of the Hessian marix becomes large up to factor (1α)λ .

Observation and penalty weights

We can give different weights for each observation and penalty by the options obs.weight and pen.weight, which provides the minimizer of (10)Qλ(β)=i=1ndii(β)+j=1pwjJλ(|βj|), where di is the weight for the ith observation and wj is the penalty weight for the jth variable. For example, controlling observation weights is required for the linear regression model with heteroscedastic error variance. Further, we can compute adaptive versions of penalized estimators by giving different penalty weights as in the adaptive LASSO .


It is common practice to standardize variables prior to fitting the penalized models, but one may opt not to. Hence, we provide the option x.standardize for flexible analysis. The option x.standardize=TRUE means that the algorithm solves the original penalized problem in (1), with the standardized (scaled) variables, and then the resulting solution β^j is converted to the original scale by β^j/sj, where sj=i=1nxij2/n. When the penalty Jλ is the LASSO penalty, this procedure is equivalent to solving following penalized problem Qλs(β)=L(β)+j=1pλj|βj|, where λj=λsj, which is another adaptive version of the LASSO being different from the adaptive LASSO .

Initial value

We introduced the warm start strategy for speed up the algorithm, but the solution path, in fact, depends on the initial solution of the CCCP algorithm because of the non-convexity. The option local=TRUE in ncpen provides the same initial value specified by the option local.initial into each CCCP iterations for whole λ values. The use of the option local=TRUE makes the algorithm slower but the performance of the resulting estimator would be often improved as provided a good initial such as the maximum likelihood estimator or LASSO.

4 Numerical illustrations

Elapsed times

We consider the linear and logistic regression models to calculate the total elapsed time for constructing the solution path over 100 λ values: (11)y=xTβ+ε  and  P(y=1|x)=exp(xTβ)1+exp(xTβ) where xNp(0,Σ) with Σjk=0.5|jk|, βj=1/j for j,k=1,,p and εN(0,1). The averaged elapsed times of ncpen in 100 random repetitions are summarized in Table 1 and 2 for various n and p, where the penalties are the SCAD, MCP, truncated 1 (TLP), moderately clipped LASSO (CLASSO), sparse ridge (SR), modified bridge (MBR) and log (MLOG). For comparison, we try ncvreg for the SCAD also. The results show that all methods in ncpen are feasible for high-dimensional data.

Table 1: Elapsed times for constructing the entire solution path where p=500 and various n
Linear 200 0.0226 0.1277 0.1971 0.0333 0.0696 0.0618 0.0620 0.0476
regression 400 0.0329 0.1082 0.2031 0.0662 0.1041 0.1025 0.1160 0.0919
800 0.0347 0.1008 0.1867 0.0865 0.0993 0.1067 0.1425 0.1197
1600 0.0665 0.2035 0.3170 0.1717 0.1847 0.1983 0.2669 0.2301
3200 0.1394 0.4341 0.6173 0.3541 0.3962 0.4161 0.5505 0.4678
6400 0.2991 0.9853 1.2045 0.7955 0.8788 0.9066 1.2281 1.0148
Logistic 200 0.0565 0.0454 0.0400 0.0391 0.0148 0.0160 0.0379 0.0411
regression 400 0.0787 0.1113 0.0971 0.0747 0.0556 0.0608 0.0969 0.0808
800 0.0907 0.1570 0.1623 0.1198 0.0777 0.1015 0.1511 0.1298
1600 0.1682 0.2965 0.3007 0.2294 0.1640 0.2088 0.3002 0.2451
3200 0.3494 0.6480 0.6258 0.4655 0.3513 0.4423 0.6395 0.5305
6400 0.7310 1.4144 1.3711 1.0268 0.8389 1.0273 1.4445 1.1827

Table 2: Elapsed times for constructing the entire solution path where n=500 and various p
Linear 200 0.0150 0.0733 0.2201 0.0433 0.0629 0.0981 0.0909 0.0721
regression 400 0.0210 0.0664 0.1588 0.0532 0.0617 0.0678 0.0941 0.0813
800 0.0538 0.1650 0.2172 0.1107 0.1505 0.1457 0.1750 0.1383
1600 0.0945 0.2703 0.2946 0.1793 0.2253 0.2221 0.2672 0.2045
3200 0.1769 0.5071 0.5032 0.3379 0.3972 0.3986 0.4801 0.3684
6400 0.3439 1.0781 1.0228 0.7366 0.8001 0.8207 1.0210 0.7830
Logistic 200 0.0590 0.1065 0.1029 0.0750 0.0465 0.0696 0.0978 0.0804
regression 400 0.0568 0.1054 0.1044 0.0753 0.0453 0.0593 0.0941 0.0809
800 0.1076 0.1555 0.1349 0.1103 0.0873 0.0934 0.1423 0.1163
1600 0.1327 0.1944 0.1591 0.1419 0.1122 0.1151 0.1842 0.1460
3200 0.2073 0.3120 0.2529 0.2382 0.1885 0.1948 0.3055 0.2415
6400 0.3843 0.5893 0.4792 0.4646 0.3539 0.3576 0.5978 0.4677

Standardization effect

We compare the solution paths based on the diabetes samples available from lars package , where the sample size n=442 and the number of covariates p=64, including quadratic and interaction terms. Figure 2 shows four plots where the top two panels draw the solution paths from the LASSO and SCAD with τ=3.7 given by ncvreg and bottom two panels draw those from the SCAD with τ=3.7 based on ncpen with and without standardization of covariates. Two solution paths from ncvreg and ncpen with standardization are almost the same since ncvreg standardizes the covariates by default, which is somewhat different from that of ncpen without standardization. Figure 3 shows the solution paths from six penalties with standardization by default in ncpen: the MCP, truncated 1, modified log, bridge, moderately clipped LASSO and sparse ridge.

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Figure 2: Solution paths from the ncvreg and ncpen for the LASSO and SCAD.
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Figure 3: Solution paths from ncpen with six non-convex penalties.

Ridge regularization effect

There are cases when we need to introduce the ridge penalty for some reasons, and ncpen provides a hybrid version of the penalties: αJλ(|t|)+(1α)|t|2, where α is the mixing parameter between the penalty Jλ and ridge effects. For example, the non-convex penalties often produce parameters that diverge to infinity for the logistic regression because of perfect fitting. Figure 4 shows the effects of ridge penalty where the prostate tumor gene expression data in spls are used for illustration. The solution paths using the top 50 variables with high variances are drawn when α{1,0.7,0.3,0} for the SCAD and modified bridge penalties. The solution paths without ridge effect (α=1) tend to diverge as λ decreases and become stabilized as the ridge effect increases (α ) .

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Figure 4: Solution path traces with ridge penalty. Top and bottom panels are drawn from the SCAD and modified bridge penalties, respectively.

Initial based solution path

We introduced the warm start strategy for speed up the algorithm but the solution path, in fact, depends on the initial solution because of the non-convexity. For comparison, we use the prostate tumor gene expression data and the results are displayed in Figure 5 and Table 3. In the figure, left panels show the solution paths for the SCAD, MCP and clipped LASSO obtained by the warm start, and the right panels show those obtained by using the LASSO as a global initial for the CCCP algorithm. Figure 5 shows two strategies for initial provide very different solution paths, which may result in different performances of the estimators. We compare the prediction accuracy and selectivity of the estimators by two strategies. The results are obtained by 300 random partitions of data set divided into two parts, training (70%) and test (30%) datasets. For each training data, the optimal tuning parameter values are selected by 10-fold cross-validation, and then we compute the prediction error(the percentage of the misclassified samples) on each test dataset and the number of selected nonzero variables on each training dataset. Table 3 shows all methods by the global initial perform better than those by the warm start strategy. In summary, the nonconvex penalized estimation depends on the initial solution, and the non-convex penalized estimator by a good initial would improve its performance.

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Figure 5: Solution paths of the SCAD and MCP with warm start and global initial solution.
Table 3: Comparison of the warm start and global initial strategies for each method.
warm start global initial
Method prediction error # variables prediction error # variables
SCAD 9.44 (.2757) 1.19 (.0268) 9.30 (.3091) 7.02 (.3907)
MCP 9.38 (.2774) 1.14 (.0234) 8.84 (.2657) 7.41 (.3771)
TLP 9.44 (.2647) 1.18 (.0254) 7.47 (.2677) 19.01 (.1710)
CLASSO 9.12 (.2749) 4.65 (.1914) 8.20 (.2785) 8.14 (.1542)
SR 9.38 (.2875) 5.15 (.2290) 7.94 (.2677) 15.13 (.2283)
MBR 9.78 (.2621) 1.29 (.0352) 8.21 (.3004) 8.75 (.1712)
MLOG 9.51 (.2627) 1.16 (.0233) 7.66 (.2746) 15.21 (.1816)

5 Concluding remarks

We have developed the R package ncpen for estimating generalized linear models with various concave penalties. The unified algorithm implemented in ncpen is flexible and efficient. The package also provides various user-friendly functions and user-specific options for different penalized estimators. The package is currently available with a general public license (GPL) from the Comprehensive R Archive Network at https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ncpen. Our ncpen package implements internal optimization algorithms implemented in C++ benefiting from Rcpp package .

6 Acknowledgements

This research is supported by the Julian Virtue Professorship 2016-18 Endowment at the Pepperdine Graziadio Business School at Pepperdine University, and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Korea government (No. 2020R1I1A3071646 and 2020R1F1A1A01071036).

CRAN packages used

lars, glmpath, glmnet, plus, sparsenet, cvplogit, ncvreg, ncpen, spls, Rcpp

CRAN Task Views implied by cited packages

ChemPhys, HighPerformanceComputing, MachineLearning, NumericalMathematics, Survival


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    For attribution, please cite this work as

    Kim, et al., "A Unified Algorithm for the Non-Convex Penalized Estimation: The ncpen Package", The R Journal, 2021

    BibTeX citation

      author = {Kim, Dongshin and Lee, Sangin and Kwon, Sunghoon},
      title = {A Unified Algorithm for the Non-Convex Penalized Estimation: The ncpen Package},
      journal = {The R Journal},
      year = {2021},
      note = {https://rjournal.github.io/},
      volume = {12},
      issue = {2},
      issn = {2073-4859},
      pages = {120-133}