Different inference procedures are proposed in the literature to correct selection bias that might be introduced with non-random sampling mechanisms. The R package NonProbEst enables the estimation of parameters using some of these techniques to correct selection bias in non-probability surveys. The mean and the total of the target variable are estimated using Propensity Score Adjustment, calibration, statistical matching, model-based, model-assisted and model-calibratated techniques. Confidence intervals can also obtained for each method. Machine learning algorithms can be used for estimating the propensities or for predicting the unknown values of the target variable for the non-sampled units. Variance of a given estimator is performed by two different Leave-One-Out jackknife procedures. The functionality of the package is illustrated with example data sets.
Since sampling theory was formalized in the beginning of the 20th century, surveys have been the main tool to obtain information from society and nature. Traditional surveys used telephone or face-to-face interviews for questionnaire administration, as well as mailing lists. However, the increase of costs, linked to the decrease in response rates, and the development of information and communication technologies have favored the use of new survey modes such as online or smartphone questionnaires. These modes make the sampling process cheaper and faster, but tend to amplify bias from several sources. More precisely, online surveys are often performed through a non-probability sampling, using self-selection procedures without a defined sampling frame where the inclusion probabilities are known or with deficient sampling frames with coverage issues, leading to higher levels of selection bias (Elliott and Valliant 2017).
Some techniques can be used to correct selection bias in online non-probability surveys. A good overview of the various methods is given in (Elliott and Valliant 2017). There are three important approaches: the pseudo-design based inference (or pseudo-randomisation (Buelens et al. 2018)), statistical matching and predictive inference.
In the pseudo-design based inference, the idea is to construct weights to correct for selection bias. The first method is estimating response probabilities and using them in Horvitz-Thompson or Hajek type estimators to account for unequal selection probabilities. The most used method to estimate response probabilities is Propensity Score Adjustment (see e.g. (Lee and Valliant 2009)). This method uses a probability reference sample in addition to a non-probability convenience sample to construct a response propensity model. Sample matching is another approach also applied to tackle selection bias. A predictive model, with the target variable as the dependent variable, is built using data from the non-probability sample. This model is subsequently applied to a probability sample (where the target variable is not measured) to predict values of its individuals for an estimation of the population values. Similarly, predictive methods are based on superpopulation models. In this approach, a predictive model is fitted for the analysis variable from the sample and used to project the sample to the full population. This approach (that can be used with probability and non-probability samples) allows researchers to use the auxiliary information about covariates in different methods for predicting the unknown values. Most of these methods require special software for their implementation. The package NonProbEst implements some of these techniques.
The paper is structured as follows. First, we introduce the notation used throughout the paper and we discuss the different ways to do inference for non-probability surveys. In section 3 we briefly comment on the usefulness of Machine Learning (ML) Techniques in this context. Then, we describe the R package NonProbEst. In section 5 we briefly describe the use of the functions, including suitable examples, for each method.
This estimator has a bias induced by various mechanisms regarding their
application. The most important are the selection bias (due to the
difference between sampled and nonsampled individuals on the probability
to participate in a survey) and the coverage bias (the online population
The key to successful weighting to remove the bias in non-probability surveys lies in the use of powerful auxiliary information. Auxiliary information can be available in different forms. We distinguish three different cases, called InfoTP, InfoES and InfoEP, depending on the information at hand.
We will now explain the main methods used to treat these biases depending on the type of information that is available.
Given a pseudo-distance
while respecting the calibration equation ((2)). Several
distances were defined in (Deville and Särndal 1992), being the linear distance one of
the most commonly used. The resulting estimator of
It is proved in (Bethlehem 2010) that bias can be reduced through calibration only when the non-response due to volunteering has a Missing At Random scheme, while it cannot be equally done in Not Missing at Random situations (which are the most frequent).
The Propensity Score Adjustment method was originally developed by (Rosenbaum and Rubin 1983) which sought to reduce the confounding bias between treatment and control groups in experimental designs. This approach would be considered in sampling research as well in combination with a reference sample (Rubin 1986), but it was not proposed for online surveys until the early 2000’s (Taylor et al. 2001).
It is expected that a sample collected by online recruitment would not follow the principles of a probability sampling, especially in those cases that the survey is filled by volunteer respondents. In such a situation, every individual is associated to a probability of participating in the survey which depends on her or his characteristics.
The propensity for an individual to take part on the non-probability
survey is obtained by training a predictive model (often a logistic
regression) on the dichotomous variable,
We denote by
Several options for using the propensity scores in estimation are listed below:
We can use the inverse of the estimated response propensity as a
weight for constructing the estimator (Valliant 2019):
Alternatively, the approach proposed in (Schonlau and Couper 2017) can be used to obtain weights for a Horvitz-Thompson type estimator using propensity scores. Weights are defined as
(Valliant and Dever 2011) use the propensity scores to post-stratify the sample.
The process is: sort the combined sample by
Following the approach described in (Lee and Valliant 2009) propensity scores are
divided in
Research findings have shown that PSA successfully removes bias in some situations, but at the cost of increasing the variance (Lee and Valliant 2009). (Valliant and Dever 2011) showed that the estimation of a variable using PSA must be complemented with further weighting adjustment in order to make estimates less biased. The use of PSA with further calibration is studied in (Lee and Valliant 2009) and (Ferri-Garcı́a and Rueda 2018), concluding that calibration adjustments are helpful if they are applied using the right covariates.
Variance estimation in PSA is not a simple issue. (Valliant 2019) proposes
an estimator of the variance for an estimator of a mean,
Jackknife’s variance estimator ((Quenouille 1956)) can be seen as an
acceptable alternative in nonprobability samples after applying PSA. Let
Given that PSA weights are estimated from the available data, the
exclusion of one unit can have an impact on the values of
The statistical matching method was introduced by Rivers (2007). The idea is
to model the relationship between
The key is how to predict the values
A major drawback of matching is that the precision of the non-probability sample reduces to the standard error of the reference sample (Buelens et al. 2018). These authors also justify that matching is based on strong ignorability assumptions and can lead biased estimators if the assumptions are not met.
The prediction approach is based on superpopulation models, which assume
that the population under study
The random vector
Using a set of covariates,
We can use the auxiliary information in several ways to define several estimators:
the model-based estimator:
the model-assisted estimator:
the model-calibrated estimator:
Usually the linear regression model is used,
Prediction estimators need complete information about the auxiliary variables (InfoEP) and can fail if the model is not true, but might potentially be fruitful to correct for selection bias in informative sampling (Buelens et al. 2018).
The emerging data sources like Big Data can be used in combination to traditional survey samples for construct more valid inferences. Machine Learning (ML) methods can be used for the matter, given their known advantages in high dimensional environments. There are several types of learning algorithms but for this package we focus on classification and regression. Classification aims to identify the category to which a new observation belongs while regression is used for prediction in real-valuated variables. Both are trained with known observations to make predictions based on some covariates.
There is a vast spectrum of classification and regression algorithms to take into account, starting from the basic linear and logistic regressions and its extensions, like Ridge regression (Hoerl and Kennard 1970). Other examples are decision trees which uses tree-like graphs , like the C4.5 (Quinlan 1993). More modern approaches even build ensembles of decision trees with outstanding results, like XGBoost (Chen and Guestrin 2016). During the last few years, deep learning models have been dramatically improving the state-of-the-art (LeCun et al. 2015). However, many other techniques are still being widely used and developed, like some bayesian methods (Park and Casella 2008). Having so many different options, choosing the right learning algorithm for each problem is key for obtaining optimal results.
Regarding survey research, the use of ML algorithms has been studied in the last few years for deriving model-assisted estimators ((Montanari and Ranalli 2007); (Baffetta et al. 2009); (Breidt et al. 2017)). In the prediction approach ML algorithms uses the sample to train a model capturing the behaviour of a target variable which is to be estimated, and applies it to the nonsampled individuals to obtain population-level estimates. Applications of machine learning algorithms in PSA for nonresponse propensity have been studied for classification and regression trees (Phipps et al. 2012) and Random Forests (Buskirk and Kolenikov 2015); their efficacy on reducing nonresponse bias in comparison to logistic regression depends on the available covariates and the complexity of the relationships. (Chen et al. 2019) use LASSO for calibrating non-probability surveys. (Buelens et al. 2018) review existing inference methods to correct for selection bias and recommend adding ML methods to deal with non-probability samples.
NonProbEst allows the use of a wide variety of classification and regression algorithms for model-based, model-assisted and model-calibrated estimators, matching and PSA (which only works with classification). It offers so many alternatives by relying on caret (Kuhn 2018), a well known machine learning package.
The package
NonProbEst implements
in R a set of techniques for estimation in non-probability surveys,
using various approaches which correspond to several frameworks.
Functions in the package allow to obtain calibration weights via
, propensity scores via propensities
and matching
predictions for a reference sample via matching
. Propensity scores can
be transformed into weights by all of the approaches mentioned in
previous sections via functions lee_weights
, sc_weights
, vd_weights
. These weights can be used for
estimation of total, mean and proportion of a given target variable
measured in a sample using functions total_estimation
, prop_estimation
. Alternatively, total and mean can
also be calculated using a model-based, a model-assisted or a
model-calibrated approach with the functions model_based
and model_calibrated
respectively. The variance of
the estimators can be calculated using the Leave-One-Out Jackknife
method, this is, recalculating the set of weights after substracting one
unit or not, by means of the functions generic_jackknife_variance
, and without recalculating the weights via
. Frequentist confidence intervals of the
estimates can be directly computed with the confidence_interval
Calibration weights are obtained using the calib
function of the
sampling package
(Tillé and Matei 2016) for g-weights computation. calib_weights
offers a wrapper
for calculation of final weights straight from the dataset. Functions
that require prediction techniques, such as propensities
, matching
, model_assisted
, model_calibrated
, use the train
function from the
caret package (Kuhn 2018).
This function allows the user to use any of the algorithms in the large
list of functions which are covered by train
, with the possibility of
optimizing hyperparameters for a better performance of the predictors.
For propensity estimation, only classification algorithms should be used
as the target variable is binary (participation in the probability
sample vs participation in the non-probability sample). Case weights are
used to balance both classes (for models that accept them). For
matching, model-based and model-assisted estimations, algorithms should
account for the type of variable of the target feature.
Note that weighting formulas for PSA from Lee (2006) and Valliant and Dever (2011) require
applying a stratification procedure. In both lee_weights
the same procedure is applied: the vector of propensities
is sorted increasingly, and the individuals are equally divided in
Three datasets are available in the package: sampleP
, sampleNP
. These fictitious datasets were created as described in
Ferri-Garcı́a and Rueda (2018); sampleP
represents a probability sample of size sampleNP
represents a non-probability sample of size
. Variables available in each dataset differ, with
having the largest amount of variables. In the aforementioned
dataset, three variables (vote_gen
, vote_pens
, vote_pir
) measuring
whether an individual would vote to a given party ("gen", "pens" or
"pir") in an election or not. Probabilities of voting to party
"gen", "pens" or "pir" are higher if the individual is a woman,
and elder person and has access to the Internet, respectively. These
variables are only measured in sampleNP
, meaning that adjustment
methods have to be applied in order to produce reliable estimates of
voting intentions. For the matter, the rest of the available variables
in the dataset, which are also included in sampleP
(except for the
language) and population
, can be used. education_primaria
, education_terciaria
are three disjunct
variables measuring the education level of the individual (Primary,
Secondary or Tertiary Education), while age
and sex
measures the
numeric age and the gender (0 female, 1 male). Finally, language
measures whether the individual’s native language is the official
language or not. The absence of certain variables in the datasets
accounts for real situations where not all the information is available
at individual level.
It must be mentioned that the use of jackknife_variance
calculating the variance of the estimators via Leave-One-Out Jackknife
will be computationally slower than the fast_jackknife_variance
alternative. Recalculating the weights in each iteration means that the
weighting procedure has to be repeated as many times as individuals are
in the non-probability sample. If Propensity Score Adjustment is used
for weighting, the models have to be rebuilt in each iteration,
resulting in larger computation times which will depend on the
computational costs of the algorithms used for propensity estimation.
Note that generic_jackknife_variance
will behave similarly if the
estimator passed as argument involves predictive modelling algorithms or
other costly procedures. To show the difference of procedures, we
calculated the Leave-One-Out Jackknife estimated variance of the
estimator of the mean for the variable vote_pir
in a non-probability
sample of size sampleNP
dataset, using a probability sample of size sampleP
dataset as the
reference sample data. Considering a population of
Weight recalculation | PSA algorithm | R function | Elapsed time (seconds) |
No | Logistic regression | glm | 0.004999876 |
Yes | Logistic regression | glm | 75.56034 |
Yes | CART | rpart | 102.3409 |
Yes | Random Forest | rf | 203.7737 |
Yes | GBM | gbm | 453.731 |
Yes | Neural Network | nnet | 719.733 |
In this example, the variance estimation with recalculations takes more than 15000 times the seconds that it takes without recalculations if logistic regression is the method used for propensity estimation, and almost 144000 times if feed-forward neural networks are used. Time differences might be different depending on the data, the estimator and the algorithm, but they will be largely appreciable in all cases.
In order to ilustrate how the resources in the package can be used for estimation in non-probability surveys, some examples of each adjustment covered by the package are developed in the following section.
Suppose that a non-probability sample of 1000 individuals recruited via
online surveying is available for estimating the vote intention in a
given election. For the matter, sampleNP
will be used as the
non-probability sample data.
> library(NonProbEst)
> head(sampleNP)
vote_gen vote_pens vote_pir education_primaria education_secundaria education_terciaria age sex language
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 66 1 1
2 0 0 1 0 0 1 30 1 1
3 1 0 0 0 1 0 62 0 1
4 0 0 1 1 0 0 33 0 1
5 0 0 1 0 1 0 30 0 1
6 0 0 0 1 0 0 69 1 1
Some auxiliary information is available in the sample; more precisely,
individual data on education, age, gender and language (as described in
the previous Section) can be used for mitigating the effects of coverage
error. Population totals are available for all of these auxiliar
variables, as they have been measured for the entire population. They
can be retrieved from the population
> head(population)
education_primaria education_secundaria education_terciaria age sex language
1 0 1 0 39 1 1
2 0 0 1 55 0 1
3 1 0 0 35 0 1
4 1 0 0 58 1 1
5 1 0 0 36 1 1
6 0 1 0 61 1 1
> totals <- colSums(population)
> totals
education_primaria education_secundaria education_terciaria age sex language
25287 10546 14167 2539340 24430 45429
If the variables of which population totals are available are not
disjunct, Raking calibration can be applied in order to estimate cell
counts and account for the lack of information. This can be done with
the calib_weights
function; in this case, the Xs
argument were the
dataset sampleNP
selecting the auxiliar variables only. Other
arguments involve the totals previously obtained and the initial
weights, which allows the user to specify whether sampling design
weights were used or not. In the latter case, unitary weights should be
provided as a vector of ones of length equal to the number of
individuals in the non-probability sample. Population size and method to
be used by the calib
function from
sampling have to be
> covariates <- colnames(sampleNP)[4:9]
> initial_weights <- rep(1, nrow(sampleNP))
> w <- calib_weights(sampleNP[, covariates], totals, initial_weights,
N = 50000, method = "raking")
Once we obtain the weights, estimates for the mean (proportion if the
variable is binary) or the total of any variable present in the
non-probability sample can be obtained using mean_estimation
respectively. For example, the estimated proportion
of votes for each party can be obtained with the following code:
> mean_estimation(sampleNP, w, "vote_gen", N = 50000)
> mean_estimation(sampleNP, w, "vote_pens", N = 50000)
> mean_estimation(sampleNP, w, "vote_pir", N = 50000)
If these estimates are compared to those which would be obtained if no adjustment was used, the effect of calibration is notorious. As the presence of "gen" voters in the sample is MCAR, estimates do not differ, but in the case of "pens" voters whose presence is MAR, the calibration approach gives a larger estimate which can be explained by the fact that the overrepresentation of younger people in the sample has been corrected up to a point. To a much lesser extent, this correction is also noticeable in the estimation of vote to "pir" (presence of their voters in the sample is NMAR).
> sum(sampleNP$vote_gen)/nrow(sampleNP)
[1] 0.096
> sum(sampleNP$vote_pens)/nrow(sampleNP)
[1] 0.346
> sum(sampleNP$vote_pir)/nrow(sampleNP)
[1] 0.404
> sum(sampleNP$vote_gen)/nrow(sampleNP) -
+ mean_estimation(sampleNP, w, "vote_gen", N = 50000)
> sum(sampleNP$vote_pens)/nrow(sampleNP) -
+ mean_estimation(sampleNP, w, "vote_pens", N = 50000)
> sum(sampleNP$vote_pir)/nrow(sampleNP) -
+ mean_estimation(sampleNP, w, "vote_pir", N = 50000)
The variance of the estimates can be assessed through Leave-One-Out Jackknife, both with or without reweighting in each iteration. In the former case, a function must be created by the user for such a task. In the following lines, a function example is developed for estimating the variance on the estimation of the proportion of votes for the "pir" party:
### Leave-One-Out Jackknife variance estimation with reweighting
> estimator <- function(s){
initial_weights <- rep(1, nrow(s))
w <- calib_weights(s[,covariates], totals, initial_weights, N = 50000,
method = "raking")
return(mean_estimation(s, w, "vote_pir", N = 50000))
> v_r <- generic_jackknife_variance(sampleNP, estimator, N = 50000)
> v_r
[1] 0.0003352199
### Leave-One-Out Jackknife variance estimation without reweighting
> v_nr <- fast_jackknife_variance(sampleNP, w, estimated_vars = "vote_pir", N = 50000)
> v_nr
These estimates of the variance can be used for the construction of
confidence intervals for the estimation of the proportion via
function. This function requires the point
estimator and the standard deviation as arguments, with the option to
fix the confidence level. If not specified by the user, the confidence
interval is calculated at 95
> ic_r <- confidence_interval( mean_estimation(sampleNP, w, "vote_pir", N = 50000),
> ic_r
lower.vote_pir upper.vote_pir
0.3546549 0.4264249
> ic_nr <- confidence_interval( mean_estimation(sampleNP, w, "vote_pir", N = 50000),
> ic_nr
lower.vote_pir upper.vote_pir
0.3555368 0.4255429
Suppose that, in addition to the non-probability sample, a probability
sample of the same target population is available as auxiliary
information. The target variable is not measured, but some other
variables which are also available in the non-probability sample have
been measured on it. For the matter, sampleP
will be used as data from
the probability sample.
> head(sampleP)
education_primaria education_secundaria education_terciaria age sex
1 1 0 0 35 1
2 0 0 1 64 0
3 1 0 0 55 1
4 0 1 0 61 1
5 0 0 1 35 0
6 1 0 0 51 1
In order to reduce the selection bias, Propensity Score Adjustment can
be used in this case for reweighting. This procedure is implemented in
the propensities
function; it requires both samples, the list of
covariates to be used to build the models for propensity estimation, and
three arguments regarding technical aspects of the adjustment: the
prediction algorithm (must match any of the list of caret
algorithms), a boolean indicating whether smoothing of propensities is
applied or not, and a vector of strings specifying the preprocessing
procedures to be passed to train
(by default, preprocessing is not
applied). Further arguments to be passed to train
can be specified.
In this example, the propensity of participating will be estimated using
k-Nearest Neighbors with further smoothing and a parameter grid of all
the odd numbers between 3 and 11 for optimization of sampleP
. The result will be a
list with two vectors: the estimated propensities for individuals in the
non-probability (convenience) and the probability (reference) sample
> covariates <- colnames(sampleP)
> pi <- propensities(sampleNP, sampleP, covariates,
algorithm = "knn", smooth = T, tuneGrid = data.frame(k = seq(3, 11, by = 2)))
> summary(pi$convenience)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.3079 0.6249 0.6873 0.6834 0.7584 0.9995
> summary(pi$reference)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.3079 0.5384 0.6388 0.6236 0.6998 0.9469
The propensities must be subsequently transformed into weights for their
application in survey estimation. Transformations available in
NonProbEst include
approaches developed by Lee (2006) and Lee and Valliant (2009) in the lee_weights
Valliant and Dever (2011) in the vd_weights
function, Schonlau and Couper (2017) in the
function and Valliant (2019) in the valliant_weights
function. lee_weights
and vd_weights
require propensities of both
samples and a number of strata (5 by default), while sc_weights
only require propensities of the non-probability
For example, if we want to apply propensities via weights developed in Valliant and Dever (2011) for the estimation of voting intention to party "pir", we can do it with the following code:
> wi <- vd_weights(convenience_propensities = pi$convenience,
reference_propensities = pi$reference)
> summary(wi)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
1.233 1.376 1.493 1.505 1.632 2.011
> mean_estimation(sample = sampleNP, weights = wi,
estimated_vars = "vote_pir")
#Estimation of the 95% confidence interval
> estim <- mean_estimation(sample = sampleNP, weights = wi,
estimated_vars = "vote_pir")
> std_dev <- fast_jackknife_variance(sample = sampleNP, weights = wi,
estimated_vars = "vote_pir", N = 50000)
> confidence_interval(estimation = estim, std_dev = std_dev, confidence = 0.95)
lower.vote_pir upper.vote_pir
0.4001341 0.4010803
Note that for those weights that are calculated by means of propensity stratification, propensities of the individuals in the convenience and reference sample are needed. If they are calculated by inverting propensities, only those for the individuals in the convenience sample are needed. For example, if we calculate weights via the formula developed in Schonlau and Couper (2017), the code is:
> wi <- sc_weights(propensities = pi$convenience)
> summary(wi)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.0004998 0.3185741 0.4549419 0.5044062 0.6003197 2.2479720
Apart from direct estimation, resulting weights can be used as inputs in
the initial_weights
argument of the calib_weights
function for the
estimation with PSA and calibration, or with the package
survey (Lumley 2018) for more
complex analysis.
In this case, in addition to the non-probability sample, the population
itself is avaliable for some covariates. However, the target variable is
only measured in the non-probability sample. For the matter, sampleNP
will be used as the non-probability sample data and population
will be
used as the population data.
The model-based estimator can be used to estimate the population total
(or mean) for the target variable. In this example, the expected number
of votes for "pens" will be estimated with regularized logistic
regression as learning algorithm. This procedure
is implemented in the model_based
function. It requires the sample,
the population, the covariates names and the target variable as
arguments. In our example, the specific algorithm and a normalization
preprocessing are passed to change default behaviour. Since no
optimization strategy is specified in this case, a default bootstrap
will be applied.
> covariates <- c("education_primaria", "education_secundaria",
"education_terciaria", "age", "sex", "language")
> mySample = sampleNP
> mySample$vote_pens = factor(mySample$vote_pens, c(0, 1), c('F', 'T'))
> model_based(mySample, population, covariates, "vote_pens",
positive_label = 'T', algorithm = "glmnet", proc = c("center", "scale"))
[1] 18282.51
If the proportion of votes has to be estimated, rather than the total,
it would be as simple as adding the estimate_mean
argument as follows:
> model_based(mySample, population, covariates, "vote_pens", positive_label = 'T',
algorithm = "glmnet", proc = c("center", "scale"), estimate_mean = TRUE)
[1] 0.366757
Alternatively, model-calibrated estimator can be used to achieve higher efficiency in some situations. In that case, design weights have to be specified in the argument "weights", in addition to the rest of arguments previously described. If no sampling design was followed in data collection, which is the case that we suppose in our example, we can specify unitary weights by turning the parameter to 1, as it is done in the following code:
> model_calibrated(sample_data = mySample, weights = 1, full_data = population,
+ covariates = covariates, estimated_var = "vote_pens", positive_label = 'T',
+ algorithm = "glmnet", proc = c("center","scale"),
+ estimate_mean = TRUE)
[1] 0.365945
In this paper we show how the NonProbEst package can simplify the application of different weighting methods to correct selection bias in non-probability surveys. This package is, to the best of our knowledge, the first package that supports the user beyond estimation in PSA, PSA+calibration, statistical matching or model-calibration. Another important feature is that a wide range of ML techniques can be used to optimize the information provided by the auxiliary variables.
Additional features will be integrated in future versions of the package. Some simplified wrappers will be developed for some methods so non-expert users can also easily apply them, more parameters will be avaliable for estimation and further support for weighted models will be added. Also, other techniques for variance estimation can be considered. Many of these features can already be applied combining NonProbEst with the survey package, as noted before.
Regarding Machine Learning, methods for variable selection will be studied as well as the use of more advanced deep learning libraries outside of caret’s scope. Variable selection would help explaining the bias and choosing the best covariates for its correction. Better deep learning libraries would allow the use of state-of-the-art algorithms.
This work is partially supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (grant MTM2015-63609-R) and by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (grant FPU17/02177).
NonProbEst, caret, sampling, survey
HighPerformanceComputing, MachineLearning, OfficialStatistics, Survival
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Rueda, et al., "The R package NonProbEst for estimation in non-probability surveys", The R Journal, 2020
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2020-015, author = {Rueda, María del Mar and Ferri-García, Ramón and Castro, Luis}, title = {The R package NonProbEst for estimation in non-probability surveys}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2020}, note = {https://rjournal.github.io/}, volume = {12}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {406-418} }