Machine learning models have successfully been applied to challenges in applied in biology, medicine, finance, physics, and other fields. With modern software it is easy to train even a complex model that fits the training data and results in high accuracy on test set. However, problems often arise when models are confronted with the real-world data. This paper describes methodology and tools for model-agnostic auditing. It provides functinos for assessing and comparing the goodness of fit and performance of models. In addition, the package may be used for analysis of the similarity of residuals and for identification of outliers and influential observations. The examination is carried out by diagnostic scores and visual verification. The code presented in this paper are implemented in the auditor package. Its flexible and consistent grammar facilitates the validation models of a large class of models.
Predictive modeling is a process using mathematical and computational methods to forecast outcomes. Many algorithms in this area have been developed and novel ones are continuously being proposed. Therefore, there are countless possible models to choose from and a lot of ways to train a new new complex model. A poorly- or over-fitted model usually will be of no use when confronted with future data. Its predictions will be misleading (Sheather 2009) or harmful (O’Neil 2016). That is why methods that support model diagnostics are important.
Diagnostics are often carried out only by checking model assumptions. However, they are often neglected for complex machine learning models and they may be used as if they were assumption-free. Still, there is a need to verify their quality. We strongly believe that a genuine diagnosis or an audit incorporates a broad approach to model exploration. The audit includes three objectives.
In this paper, we introduce the auditor package for R, which is a tool for diagnostics and visual verification. As it focuses on residuals1 and does not require any additional model assumptions, most of the presented methods are model-agnostic. A consistent grammar across various tools reduces the amount of effort needed to create informative plots and makes the validation more convenient and available.
Diagnostic methods have been a subject of much research (Atkinson 1985). Atkinson and M. Riani (2012) focus on graphical methods of diagnostics regression analysis. Liu, X. Wang, M. Liu, and J. Zhu (2017) present an overview of interactive visual model validation. One of the most popular tools for verification are measures of the differences between the values predicted by a model and the observed values (Willmott, S. G. Ackleson, R. E. Davis, J. J. Feddema, K. M. Klink, D. R. Legates, J. O’Donnell, and C. M. Rowe 1985). These tools include Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) (Hastie, R. Tibshirani, and J. Friedman 2001). Such measures are used for well-researched and easily interpretable linear model as well as for complex models such as random forests (Ho 1995), gradient-boosted trees (Chen and C. Guestrin 2016), or neural networks (Venables and B. D. Ripley 2002).
However, no matter which measure of model performance we use, it does not reflect all aspects of the model. For example, Breiman (2001) points out that a linear regression model validated only on the basis of \(R^2\) may lead to many false conclusions. The best known example of this issue is the Anscombe Quartet (Anscombe 1973). It contains four different data sets constructed to have nearly identical simple statistical properties such as mean, variance, correlation, etc. These measures directly correspond to the coefficients of the linear models. Therefore, by fitting a linear regression to the Anscombe Quartet we obtain four almost identical models (see Figure 1). However, residuals of these models are very different. The Anscombe Quartet is used to highlight that the numerical measures should be supplemented by graphical data visualizations.
The analysis of diagnostics is well-researched for linear and generalized linear models. The said analysis is typically done by extracting raw, studentized, deviance, or Pearson residuals and examining residual plots. Common problems with model fit and basic diagnostics methods are presented in Faraway (2002) and Harrell Jr. (2006)
Model validation may involve both checking the overall trend in residuals and looking at residual values of individual observations (Littell, G. A. Milliken, W. W. Stroup, R. D. Wolfinger, and O. Schabenberger 2007). Gałecki and T. Burzykowski (2013) discussed methods based on residuals for individual observation and groups of observations.
Diagnostics methods are commonly used for linear regression (Faraway 2004). Complex models are treated as if they were assumption-free, which is why their diagnostics is often ignored. Considering the above, there is a need for more extensive methods and software dedicated for model auditing. Many of diagnostic tools, such as plots and statistics developed for linear models, are still useful for exploring machine learning models. Applying the same tools to all models facilitates their comparison.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 summarizes related work and state of the art. Section 3 contains an architecture of the auditor package. Section 4 provides the notation. Selected tools that help to validate models are presented in Section 5 and conclusions can be found in Section 6.
In this chapter, we overview common methods and tools for auditing and examining the validity of the models. There are several attempts to validate. They include diagnostics for predictor variables before and after model fit, methods dedicated to specific models, and model-agnostic approaches.
The problem of data diagnostics is related to the Objective 2 presented in the 1, that is, the identification of problems with observations. There are several tools that address this issue. We review the most popular of them.
function from
rms package
(Harrell Jr 2018) computes distributional summaries for predictor
variables. They include the overall range and certain quantiles for
continuous variables, as well as distinct values for discrete
variables. It automates the process of fitting and validating
several models due to storing model summaries by datadist
function.As linear models have a very simple structure and do not require high computational power, they have been and still are used very frequently. Therefore, there are many tools that validate different aspects of linear models. Below, we overview the most widely known tools implemented in R packages.
The stats package
provides basic diagnostic plots for linear models. Function plot
generates six types of charts for "lm"
and "glm"
objects, such
as a plot of residuals against fitted values, a scale-location plot
of \(\sqrt{|residuals|}\) against fitted values and a normal
quantile-quantile plot. These visual validation tools may be
addressed to the Objective 3 of diagnostic, related to the
examination of model by analyzing the distribution of residuals. The
other three plots, that include: a plot of Cook’s distances, a plot
of residuals against leverages, and a plot of Cook’s distances
against \(\frac{leverage}{1-leverage}\) may be addressed to
the identification of influential observations (Objective 1).
Package car
(Fox and S. Weisberg 2011) extends the capabilities of stats by including
more types of residuals, such as Pearson and deviance residuals. It
is possible to plot against values of selected variables and to
group residuals by levels of factor variables. What is more, car
provides more diagnostic plots such as, among others, partial
residual plot (crPlot
), index plots of influence (infIndexPlot
and bubble plot of studentized residuals versus hat values
). These plots allow for checking both the effect of
observation and the distribution of residuals, what address to the
Objective 2 and the Objective 3 respectively.
A linear regression model is still one of the most popular tools for data analysis due to its simple structure. Therefore, there is a rich variety of methods for checking its assumptions, for example, the normality of residual distribution and the homoscedasticity of the variance. The package nortest (Gross and U. Ligges 2015) provides five tests for normality: the Anderson-Darling (Anderson and D. A. Darling 1952), the Cramer-von Mises (Cramer 1928; Von Mises 1928), the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (Stephens 1974), the Pearson chi-square (S 1900), and the Shapiro-Francia (Sanford Shapiro and R. S. Francia 1972) tests. The lmtest package (Zeileis and T. Hothorn 2002) also contains a collection of diagnostic tests: the Breusch-Pagan (Breusch and A. R. Pagan 1979), the Goldfield-Quandt (Goldfeld and R. E. Quandt 1965) and the Harrison-McCabe (Harrison and B. P. M. McCabe 1979) tests for heteroscedasticity and the Harvey-Collier (Harvey and P. Collier 1977), the Rainbow (Utts 1982), and the RESET (Ramsey 1969) tests for nonlinearity and misspecified functional form. A unified approach for examining, monitoring and dating structural changes in linear regression models is provided in strucchange package (Zeileis, F. Leisch, K. Hornik, and C. Kleiber 2002). It includes methods to fit, plot and test fluctuation processes and F-statistics. The gvlma implements the global procedure for testing the assumptions of the linear model (find more details in Peña and E. H. Slate (2006)).
The Box-Cox power transformation introduced by Box and D. R. Cox (1964) is a way to transform the data to follow a normal distribution. For simple linear regression, it is often used to satisfy the assumptions of the model. Package MASS (Venables and B. D. Ripley 2002) contains functions that compute and plot profile log-likelihoods for the parameter of the Box-Cox power transformation.
The broom package (Robinson 2018) provides summaries for about 30 classes of models. It produces results, such as coefficients and p-values for each variable, \(R^2\), adjusted \(R^2\), and residual standard error.
There are also several tools to generate validation plots for time series, principal component analysis, clustering, and others.
Tang, M. Horikoshi, and W. Li (2016) introduced the
interface for visualizing many popular statistical results. Plots
are generated with
(Wickham 2009), what makes them easy to modify. With one
function autoplot
it is possible to generate validation plots for
a wide range of models. It works for, among others, lm
, glm
, glmnet
, and survfit
The autoplotly
(Tang 2018) package is an extension of
ggfortify and it provides functionalities that produce plots
generated by plotly
(Sievert, C. Parmer, T. Hocking, S. Chamberlain, K. Ram, M. Corvellec, and P. Despouy 2017). This allows for both modification and
interaction with plots.
However, ggorftify and autoplotly do not support some popular types of models, for instance, random forests from randomForest (Liaw and M. Wiener 2002) and ranger (Wright and A. Ziegler 2017) packages.
The hnp package
(Moral, J. Hinde, and C. Demétrio 2017) provides half-normal plots with simulated
envelopes. These charts evaluate the goodness of fit of any
generalized linear model and its extensions. It is a graphical
method for comparing two probability distributions by plotting their
quantiles against each other. The package offers a possibility to
extend the hnp
for new model classes. However, this package
provides only one tool for model diagnostic. In addition, plots are
not based on ggplot2, what makes it difficult to modify them.
The tools presented above target specific model classes. The model-agnostic approach allows us to compare different models.
In this paper, we present the auditor package for R, which fills out the part of model-agnostic validation. As it expands methods used for linear regression, it may be used to verify any predictive model.
The auditor package works for any predictive model which returns a numeric value. It offers a consistent grammar of model validation, what is an efficient and convenient way to generate plots and diagnostic scores. A diagnostic score is a number that evaluates one of the properties of a model. That might be, for example, an accuracy of model, an independence of residuals or an influence of observation.
Figure 2 presents the architecture of
the package. The auditor provides 2 pipelines for model validation.
First of them consists of two steps. Function audit
wraps up the model
with meta-data, then the result is passed to the plot
or score
function. Second pipeline includes an additional step, which consists of
calling one of the functions that generate computations for plots and
scores. These functions are: modelResiduals
, modelEvaluation
, modelPerformance
, and observationInfluence
. Further, we
call them computational functions. Results of these functions are tidy
data frames (Wickham 2014).
takes model and data or
object created with the DALEX
Both pipelines for model audit are compared below.
model %>% audit() %>% computational function %>%
We recommend this pipeline. Function audit
wraps up a model with
meta-data used for modeling and creates a "modelAudit"
object. One
of the computational functions takes "modelAudit"
object and
computes the results of validation. Then, outputs may be printed or
passed to functions score
and plot
with defined type. We
describe types of plots in Chapter 5. This
approach requires one additional function within the pipeline.
However, once created output of the computational function contains
all necessary calculations for related plots. Therefore, generating
multiple plots is fast.
model %>% audit() %>% plot(type=…)
This pipeline is shorter than the previous one. The only difference
is that it does not include computational function. Calculations are
carried out every time a generic plot
function is called. Omitting
one step might be convenient for ad-hoc model analyses.
Implemented types of plots are presented in Table 1. Scores are presented in Table 2. All plots are generated with ggplot2, what provides a convenient way to modify and combine plots.
Plot | Function | plot(type = ...) | Reg. | Class. |
Autocorrelation Function | modelResiduals |
"ACF" |
+ | + |
Autocorrelation | modelResiduals |
"Autocorrelation" |
+ | + |
Cooks’s Distances | observationInfluence |
"CooksDistance" |
+ | + |
Half-Normal | modelFit |
"HalfNormal" |
+ | + |
LIFT Chart | modelEvaluation |
"LIFT" |
+ | |
Model Correlation | modelResiduals |
"ModelCorrelation" |
+ | + |
Model PCA | modelResiduals |
"ModelPCA" |
+ | + |
Model Ranking | modelPerformance |
"ModelRanking" |
+ | + |
Predicted Response | modelPerformance |
"ModelPerformance" |
+ | + |
REC Curve | modelResiduals |
"REC" |
+ | + |
Residuals | modelResiduals |
"Residual" |
+ | + |
Residual Boxplot | modelResiduals |
"ResidualBoxplot" |
+ | + |
Residual Density | modelResiduals |
"ResidualDensity" |
+ | + |
ROC Curve | modelEvaluation |
"ROC" |
+ | |
RROC Curve | modelResiduals |
"RROC" |
+ | + |
Scale-Location | modelResiduals |
"ScaleLocation" |
+ | + |
Two-sided ECDF | modelResiduals |
"TwoSidedECDF" |
+ | + |
Score | Function | score(type = ...) | Reg. | Class. |
Cook’s Distance | observationInfluence |
"CooksDistance" |
+ | + |
Durbin-Watson | modelResiduals |
"DW" |
+ | + |
Half-Normal | modelFit |
"HalfNormal" |
+ | + |
Mean Absolute Error | modelResiduals |
"MAE" |
+ | + |
Mean Squared Error | modelResiduals |
"MSE" |
+ | + |
Area Over the REC | modelResiduals |
"REC" |
+ | + |
Root Mean Squared Error | modelResiduals |
"RMSE" |
+ | + |
Area Under the ROC | modelEvaluation |
"ROC" |
+ | |
Area Over the RROC | modelResiduals |
"RROC" |
+ | + |
Runs | modelResiduals |
"Runs" |
+ | + |
Peak | modelResiduals |
"Peak" |
+ | + |
Let us use the following notation: \(x_i = (x_i^{(1)}, x_i^{(2)}, ..., x_i^{(p)}) \in \mathcal{X} \subset \mathcal{R}^{p}\) is a vector in space \(\mathcal{X}\), \(y_i \in \mathcal{R}\) is an observed response associated with \(x_i\). A single observation we denote as a pair \((y_i, x_i)\) and \(n\) is the number of observations.
Let us denote a model as a function \(f: \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{R}\). Predictions of the model \(f\) for particular observation we shall denote as \[f(x_i) = \hat{y_i}.\] The row residual, or simply the residual, is the difference between the observed value \(y_i\) and the predicted value \(\hat{y_i}\). We shall denote residual of particular observation as \[r_i = y_i - \hat{y_i}.\]
Diagnostics allows for evaluation of different properties of a model. They may be related to the following questions: Which model has better performance? Does the model fit data? Which observations are abnormal? These questions are directly related to the diagnostics objectives described in the 1. First of them refers to the evaluation of a model performance, which was proposed as the Objective 1. The second question concerns the examination of residuals distribution (Objective 3). The last one refers to outliers and influential observations (Objective 2).
In this Section we illustrate chosen validation tools that allow for
exploration of the above issues. To demonstrate applications of the
auditor, we use the data set apartments
available in the DALEX
package. First, we fit two models: simple linear regression and random
<- lm(m2.price ~ ., data = apartments)
lm_model set.seed(59)
<- randomForest(m2.price ~ ., data = apartments) rf_model
The next step creates "modelAudit"
objects related to these two
<- audit(lm_model, label = "lm",
lm_audit data = apartmentsTest, y = apartmentsTest$m2.price)
<- audit(rf_model, label = "rf",
rf_audit data = apartmentsTest, y = apartmentsTest$m2.price)
Below, we create objects of class "modelResidual"
, which are needed to
generate plots. Parameter variable
determines the order of residuals
in the plot. When the variable
argument is set to "Fitted values"
residuals are sorted by values of predicted responses. Entering a name
of a variable "m2.price"
implies that residuals will be in order of
this variable.
<- modelResiduals(lm_audit, variable = "Fitted values")
lm_res_fitted <- modelResiduals(rf_audit, variable = "Fitted values")
<- modelResiduals(lm_audit, variable = "m2.price")
lm_res_observed <- modelResiduals(rf_audit, variable = "m2.price") rf_res_observed
In this subsection, we propose a Model Ranking plot which compares models performance across multiple measures (see Figure 3). The implemented measures are listed in Table 2 in Chapter 3. The descriptions of all scores are in (Gosiewska and P. Biecek 2018).
Model Ranking Radar plot consists of two parts. On the left side there is a radar plot. Colors correspond to models, edges to values of scores. Score values are inverted and rescaled to \([0,1]\).
Let us use the following notation: \(m_i \in \mathcal{M}\) is a model in a finite set of models \(\mathcal{M}\), where \(|\mathcal{M}| = k\), \(score: \mathcal{M} \to \mathbb{R}\) is a loss function for the model under consideration. Higher values mean worse model performance. The \(score(m_i)\) is a performance of model \(m_i\).
Definition 1. We define the inverted score of model \(m_i\) as \[\label{invscore-2018-143} invscore(m_i) = \frac{1}{score(m_i)} \min_{j=1...k}{score(m_j)}. \tag{1}\]
Models with the larger \(invscore\) are closer to the centre. Therefore, the best model is located the farthest from the center of the plot. On the right side of the plot is a table with results of scoring. The third column contains scores scaled to one of the models.
Let \(m_l \in \mathcal{M}\) where \(l \in \{ 1,2, ..., k \}\) be a model to which we scale.
Definition 2. We define the scaled score of model \(m_i\) to model \(m_l\) as \[scaled_l(m_i) = \frac{score(m_l)}{score(m_i)}.\]
As values of \(scaled_l(m_l)\) are always between \(0\) and \(1\), comparison of models is easy, regardless of the ranges of scores.
The plot below is generated by plot
function with parameter
type = "ModelRanking"
or by function plotModelRanking
. The scores
included in the plot may be specified by scores
<- modelPerformance(rf_audit)
rf_mp <- modelPerformance(lm_audit)
lm_mp plot(rf_mp, lm_mp, type = "ModelRanking")
Regression Error Characteristic (REC) curve (see Figure 4) is a generalization of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve for binary classification (Swets 1988).
REC curve estimates the Cumulative Distribution Function of the error. On the x axis of the plot there is an error tolerance. On the y axis there is an accuracy at the given tolerance level. Bi and K. P. Bennett (2003) define the accuracy at tolerance \(\epsilon\) as a percentage of observations predicted within the tolerance \(\epsilon\). In other words, residuals larger than \(\epsilon\) are considered as errors.
Let us consider pairs \((y_i, x_i)\) introduced in the beginning of Chapter 5. Bi and K. P. Bennett (2003) define an accuracy as follows.
Definition 3. An accuracy at tolerance level \(\epsilon\) is given by \[acc(\epsilon) = \frac{|\{ (x,y): loss(f(x_i),y_i) \leq \epsilon, i = 1,...,n \}|}{n}.\]
REC Curves implemented in the auditor are plotted for a special case of Definition 3 where the loss is defined as \[loss(f(x_i),y_i) = |f(x_i) - y_i| = |r_i|.\] The shape of the curve illustrates the behavior of errors. The quality of the model can be evaluated and compared for different tolerance levels. The stable growth of the accuracy does not indicate any problems with the model. A small increase of accuracy near \(0\) and the areas where the growth is fast signalize bias of the model predictions.
The plot below is generated by plot
function with parameter
type = "REC"
or by plotREC
plot(rf_res_fitted, lm_res_fitted, type = "REC")
As often it is difficult to compare models on the plot, there is an REC score implemented in the auditor. This score is the Area Over the REC Curve (AOC), which is a biased estimate of the expected error for a regression model. As Bi and K. P. Bennett (2003) proved, AOC provides a measure of the overall performance of regression model.
Scores may be obtained by score
function with type = "REC"
Residual boxplot shows the distribution of the absolute values of residuals \(r_i\). They may be used for analysis and comparison of residuals. Example plots are presented in Figure 5. Boxplots (Tukey 1977) usually consist of five components. The box itself corresponds to the first quartile, median, and third quartile. The whiskers extend to the smallest and largest values, no further than 1.5 of Interquartile Range (IQR) from the first and third quartile respectively. Residual boxplots consists of a sixth component, namely a red dot which stands for Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). In case of an appropriate model, most of the residuals should lay near zero. A large spread of values indicates problems with a model.
The plot presented below is generated by plotResidualBoxplot
or by
function with parameter type = ’ResidualBoxplot’
plot(lm_res_fitted, rf_res_fitted, type = "ResidualBoxplot")
Residual Density plot detects the incorrect behavior of residuals. An example is presented in Figure 6. On the plot, there are estimated densities of residuals. For some models, the expected shape of density derives from the model assumptions. For example, simple linear model residuals should be normally distributed. However, even if the model does not have an assumption about the distribution of residuals, such a plot may be informative. If most of the residuals are not concentrated around zero, it is likely that the model predictions are biased. Values of errors are displayed as marks along the x axis. That makes it possible to ascertain whether there are individual observations or groups of observations with residuals significantly larger than others.
The plot below is generated by plotResidualDensity
function or by
function with parameter type = "ResidualDensity"
plot(rf_res_observed, lm_res_observed, type = "ResidualDensity")
Two-sided ECDF plot (see Figure 7) shows an Empirical Cumulative Distribution Functions (ECDF) for positive and negative values of residuals separately.
Let \(x_1, ..., x_n\) be a random sample from a cumulative distribution function \(F(t)\). The following definition comes from van der Vaart (2000).
Definition 4. The empirical cumulative distribution function is given by \[F_n(t) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb{1} \{ x_i \leq t\}.\] Empirical cumulative distribution function presents a fraction of observations that are less than or equal to \(t\). It is an estimator for the cumulative distribution function \(F(t)\).
On the positive side of the x-axis, there is the ECDF of positive values of residuals. On the negative side, there is a transformation of ECDF: \[F_{rev}(t) = 1 - F(t).\] Let \(n_N\) and \(n_P\) be numbers of negative and positive values of residuals respectively. Negative part of the plot is normalized by multiplying it by the ratio of the \(n_N\) over \(n_N + n_P\). Similarly, positive part is normalized by multiplying it by the ratio of the \(n_P\) over \(n_N + n_P\). Due to the applied scale, the ends of the curves add up to \(100\%\) in total. The plot shows the distribution of residuals divided into groups with positive and negative values. It helps to identify the asymmetry of the residuals. Points represent individual error values, what makes it possible to identify ‘outliers’.
The plot below is generated by plotTwoSidedECDF
function or by plot
function with parameter type = "TwoSidedECDF"
plot(rf_res_fitted, lm_res_fitted, type = "TwoSidedECDF")
In this article, we presented the auditor package and selected diagnostic scores and plots. We discussed the existing methods of model validation and proposed new visual approaches. We also specified three objectives of model audit (see Section 1), proposed relevant verification tools, and demonstrated their usage. Model Ranking Plot and REC Curve enrich the information about model performance (Objective 1). Residual Boxplot, Residual Density, and Two-Sided ECDF Plots expand the knowledge about the distribution of residuals (Objective 3). What is more, the latter two tools allow for identification of outliers (Objective 2). Finally, we proposed two new plots, the Model Ranking Plot and the Two-Sided ECDF Plot.
We implemented all the presented scores and plots in the auditor package for R. The included functions are based on a uniform grammar introduced in Figure 3. Documentation and examples are available at The stable version of the package is on CRAN, the development version is on GitHub ( A more detailed description of methodology is available in the extended version of this paper on arXiv: (Gosiewska and P. Biecek 2018).
There are many potential areas for future work that we would like to explore, including more extensions of model-specific diagnostics to model-agnostic methods and residual-based methods for investigating interactions. Another potential aim would be to develop methods for local audit based on the diagnostics of a model around a single observation or a group of observations.
We would like to acknowledge and thank Aleksandra Grudziąż and Mateusz Staniak for valuable discussions. Also, we wish to thank Dr. Rafael De Andrade Moral for his assistance and help related to the hnp package.
The work was supported by NCN Opus grant 2016/21/B/ST6/02176.
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Gosiewska & Biecek, "auditor: an R Package for Model-Agnostic Visual Validation and Diagnostics", The R Journal, 2019
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2019-036, author = {Gosiewska, Alicja and Biecek, Przemysław}, title = {auditor: an R Package for Model-Agnostic Visual Validation and Diagnostics}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2019}, note = {}, volume = {11}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {85-98} }