MessagePack, or MsgPack for short, or when referring to the implementation, is an efficient binary serialization format for exchanging data between different programming languages. The RcppMsgPack package provides R with both the MessagePack C++ header files, and the ability to access, create and alter MessagePack objects directly from R. The main driver functions of the R interface are two functions msgpack_pack
and msgpack_unpack
. The function msgpack_pack
serializes R objects to a raw MessagePack message. The function msgpack_unpack
de-serializes MessagePack messages back into R objects. Several helper functions are available to aid in processing and formatting data including msgpack_simplify
, msgpack_format
and msgpack_map
MessagePack (or MsgPack for short, or when referring to the actual implementation) is a binary serialization format made for exchanging data between different programming languages (Furuhashi 2018). Unlike other related formats such as JSON, MsgPack is a binary format—which makes it more efficient in terms of (disk or memory) space, transfer speeds (which is increasingly important for large data sets across networks) and potentially also precision (as textual representation rarely goes to the length of binary precision). As shown on the project homepage at, several major projects including Redis, Pinterest, Fluentd and Treasure Data utilize MsgPack to transfer data or to represent internal data structures (Furuhashi 2018). Other binary serialization formats similar to MsgPack include BSON (MongoDB 2018) and ProtoBuf (Google 2018) which have their own advantages and disadvantages, such as serialization speed, memory usage, compression and requirement of descriptive schemas (Dawborn and Curran 2014; Hamida et al. 2015). R support for these formats is available via the packages mongolite (Ooms 2014) and RProtoBuf (Eddelbuettel et al. 2016); Redis is also implemented in R through the RcppRedis package (Eddelbuettel 2018). RcppMsgPack (Ching et al. 2018) brings support for the MsgPack specification to R.
The MsgPack specification describes a number of common data type: Booleans, Integers, Floats, Strings, Binary data, Arrays, Maps, and user-defined extension types, and has been implemented in most major programming languages. RcppMsgPack aims to provide an efficient, and easy to use implementation by relying on the official C++ MsgPack code and the Rcpp package (Eddelbuettel 2013; Eddelbuettel et al. 2018). The package provides users with the MsgPack header files which can be used to more directly integrate MsgPack into R projects through C++ code. It also provides the ability to serialize and de-serialize data directly to and from R (e.g., through pipes, file handlers, sockets or binary object files). These functionalities can be used to efficiently transfer data between various programming languages and between separate R instances.
In this manuscript, we describe the main interface functions used to serialize and deserialize MsgPack messages, and the conversion between R data types and MsgPack data types. We describe helper functions contained in RcppMsgPack and describe several use cases and examples of how RcppMsgPack can be used in practice, benchmarking several common approaches for transferring data between processes.
The functions msgpack_pack
and msgpack_unpack
allow serialization
and de-serialization of R objects respectively (Figure 1). Here,
takes in any number of R objects and generates a single
serialized message in the form of a raw vector. Conversely,
takes a serialized message as input, and returns the
R object(s) contained in the message. Moreover, msgpack_format
is a
helper function to properly format R objects for input, and
is a helper function to simplify output from a
MsgPack conversion. One of the main goals of MsgPack is the transfer
of data across processes and/or hosts. Therefore, we also define two
helper functions msgpack_write
and msgpack_read
which facilitate
writing and reading of MsgPack objects to files, pipes or any
connection object.
The data types in MsgPack do not directly map on to R data types,
more so than other languages. For example, basic R “atomic” types such
as integers and strings are inherently vectorized, which is not true in
C++, Python or most other languages. I.e., in R there is no
distinction between a single integer and a vector of integers of
length 1. R also has multiple non-value types, such as NULL
or NA
for integer, string, numeric, etc. Because of these complexities, the
conversion processes using these interface functions are described in
detail below.
R integers are converted into MsgPack integers, which are
automatically reduced in size, depending on the value of the integer.
MsgPack integers are converted back into R integers. Because R
does not natively support 64 bit integers, whereas MsgPack supports
integers up to 64 unsigned bits in value, MsgPack integers exceeding
signed 32 bits supported by R are coerced to R numeric values, with
potential loss of precision. The integer NA
value in R is
represented by its bit value in C++ (0x80000000), and requires no
special treatment.
R numeric
(i.e., doubles) variables conform to IEEE 754
double-precision standards (IEEE Standards Committee 2008), and also require no special
treatment. The numeric NA value is a special case of NaN values, and is
serialized by its bit representation.
R strings (i.e., objects of class character
) are converted to
MsgPack strings. Because C++ and MsgPack do not have missing
values for strings, NA characters are converted into MsgPack Nil
(similar to NULL
in R).
R logical
values are converted into MsgPack bool. Again, because
NA logical values do not exist in C++ or MsgPack, NA logical values
are converted into MsgPack Nil.
R raw
vectors are converted into MsgPack bin. Raw vectors with the
“EXT” integer attribute are converted into MsgPack extension types.
The EXT attribute should be a positive integer, as negative values are
reserved for official extensions.
Currently, the MsgPack specifications includes one official extension
type: timestamps. Timestamps are a MsgPack extension type with
extension value -1 and can be converted to and from R POSIXct
objects using msgpack_timestamp_decode
and msgpack_timestamp_encode
respectively. MsgPack timestamps can encode nanosecond precision. R
objects rely on numeric
, and therefore conversion may have
some loss of precision (unless a package such as
(Eddelbuettel and Silvestri 2018) is used, which is left as a future extension).
MsgPack specifications define two container objects: arrays and maps. MsgPack arrays are a sequential container object. The length of the array is defined in its message header. Arrays can contain any other MsgPack types, including other arrays or maps.
MsgPack arrays are naturally analogous to R unnamed list
However, because lists have a large memory footprint, R atomic vectors
(with length of 0 or greater than or equal to 2) are also allowed as
input for serialization to arrays.
MsgPack maps are an ordered sequence of key and value pairs, where
each key and value can be any MsgPack object. There is no requirement
for unique keys. Maps do not have an analogous data type in R .
Therefore, maps are implemented by creating an object of class map
which is also a data.frame
with key
and value
columns. As input to
serialization, these columns can also be lists, and can therefore
contain any other R object, and not only a single type. The function
is a simple helper function that takes two lists and
returns a map
which can be serialized into a MsgPack object with
In order to support as much generality as possible in serialization and
deserialization, the use of lists to represent arrays and maps is
necessary. However, it is often the case in R that one would want to
deal with large vectors or matrices of a single type without the
computational and memory overhead of lists. Two approaches are given to
deal with this type of scenario. msgpack_simplify
can be used after a
call to msgpack_unpack
to recursively simplify lists to vectors when
only a single type is included within a list. (For lists of characters
or logicals, this may also include NULLs.) Secondly, msgpack_unpack
can be called with the simplify=TRUE
parameter, which performs the
same task as msgpack_simplify
within C++, and is therefore much
faster. The second approach can drastically improve speed and memory
usage compared to the first approach.
Complex objects or data structures, such as trees, often do not fit into R data types because a tree data structure does not map nicely to an R vector, data.frame, matrix, etc. Storing such a complex object as a MsgPack message will be more performant in terms of serialization speed and memory usage.
The example below demonstrates how MsgPack headers can be integrated
into a standard Rcpp workflow. In this example, a prefix tree is
created for nucleotide sequences, and is serialized through MsgPack to
create a persistant tree object in the form of a raw vector in R. The
stored tree can be saved to disk, unpacked within R directly using
or it can be reconstructed into the prefix tree within
C++ using the MsgPack C++ interface. The code below defines a
structure for storing the Prefix tree data and a function for
constructing the tree using sequence data input from R and saving it
as a MsgPack object:
struct Node {
std::shared_ptr<Node> parent;
std::set<int> sequence_idx;
std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr<Node> > children;
struct std::shared_ptr<Node>
NewNode(std::shared_ptr<Node> parent,
std::string name,
std::set<int> sequence_idx) {
std::shared_ptr<Node> node = std::shared_ptr<Node>(new Node);
node->sequence_idx = sequence_idx;
if (parent) {
std::shared_ptr<Node> >(name, node));
return node;
void packTree(std::shared_ptr<Node> node,
msgpack::packer<std::stringstream>& pkr) {
std::set<int> sequence_idx = node->sequence_idx;
std::vector<int> vs(sequence_idx.begin(), sequence_idx.end());
std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr<Node> > children = node->children;
for (auto const& x : children) {
packTree(x.second, pkr);
Rcpp::RawVector create_prefix_tree(std::vector<std::string> clone_sequences) {
std::shared_ptr<Node> root;
root = NewNode(std::shared_ptr<Node>(nullptr), "^", {});
for(int i=0; i<clone_sequences.size(); i++) {
std::shared_ptr<Node> current_node = root;
for(int j=0; j < clone_sequences[i].size(); j++) {
std::string nuc = clone_sequences[i].substr(j,1);
if(current_node->children.count(nuc) == 1) {
current_node = current_node->children[nuc];
if(j == clone_sequences[i].size() - 1) {
} else {
if(j == clone_sequences[i].size() - 1) {
current_node = NewNode(current_node, nuc, {i});
} else {
current_node = NewNode(current_node, nuc, {});
std::stringstream buffer;
msgpack::packer<std::stringstream> pk(&buffer);
packTree(root, pk);
std::string bufstr = buffer.str();
Rcpp::RawVector rawbuffer(bufstr.begin(), bufstr.end());
return rawbuffer;
The create_prefix_tree
function is an C++ function that returns a
raw vector, which is a serialization of the prefix tree. From R, the
prefix tree can be initialized and serialized through calling the Rcpp
tree <- create_prefix_tree(c("AGCT", "AGCC", "AGC", "ATG", "GACC", "GTCT"))
Because the resulting message is a standard MsgPack object, the tree
can be unpacked directly in R using msgpack_unpack
. Additionally,
the following code reconstructs the prefix tree from the MsgPack
message from within C++ using the C++ interface:
void print_node(msgpack::object & node_obj, std::string name) {
std::vector<msgpack::object> node_obj_array;
msgpack::object_kv* p = node_obj_array[1];
msgpack::object_kv* pend = node_obj_array[1] +
std::cout << name;
if(p != pend) {
std::cout << "(";
for (; p < pend; ++p) {
std::string name_child = p-><std::string>();
msgpack::object node_child_obj = p-><msgpack::object>();
print_node(node_child_obj, name_child);
if(p < (pend-1)) std::cout << ",";
std::cout << ")";
void print_newick_tree(std::vector<unsigned char> packed_tree) {
std::string message(packed_tree.begin(), packed_tree.end());
msgpack::object_handle oh;
msgpack::unpack(oh,, message.size());
msgpack::object obj = oh.get();
print_node(obj, "Root");
Called from within R, the tree is printed to the console:
tree_nested_list <- msgpack_unpack(tree, simplify=F)
[1] Root(A(G(C(C,G,T),G)),G(A(C(C)),T(C(A,T))))
Following is an example of how one can create a MsgPack serialized
message as a binary file, and read it from the internet into R. The
first step would be to read in the data to R as normal, and serialize
the data using the msgpack_pack
dat <- read.csv(paste0("",
mp <- with(dat, msgpack_pack(X, state, year, month, day, date, wday, births))
The msgpack_pack
function returns a raw vector, which can be written
to disk using the writeBin
function or the helper function
msgpack_write(mp, file="")
A MsgPack object can be read directly from the internet, e.g., using
the GET
function from the
httr package (Wickham 2018).
Subsequently, the msgpack_unpack
function can be used to unpack the
object to its original values.
md <- GET("")
mp <- md$content
mu <- msgpack_unpack(mp)
To evaluate the performance of MsgPack serialization, we benchmarked the transfer of the MNIST (LeCun et al. 2010) and CIFAR-10 (Krizhevsky 2009) datasets to and from Python and R. We compared this approach to writing and reading in CSV format, and to writing and reading using feather (Wickham et al. 2016), a cross-platform library and specification for efficiently handling tabular data. (The feather package is no longer actively developed, and will be superseded by Apache Arrow (Apache Arrow Developers 2018), a more general cross-language development platform for working with in-memory data in a standardized language-independent columnar memory format. However, Arrow is not yet available for R.) In Python, serialization of the data was performed using the msgpack package and written to disk in binary format:
xb = msgpack.packb(x)
with open("/tmp/", "wb") as file:
Conversely, the unpackb
function was used when benchmarking the
transfer time from R to Python:
with open("/tmp/", "rb") as file:
x = msgpack.unpackb(
In R, we used the readBin
function followed by msgpack_unpack
function to deserialize the dataset. Alternatively, one could use the
helper function msgpack_read
xb <- readBin(con = "/tmp/", "raw","/tmp/")$size)
x <- msgpack_unpack(xb, simplify=T)
Subsequently, the data can be re-serialized and written to disk using
the msgpack_pack
function followed by writeBin
xb <- msgpack_pack(x)
writeBin(xb,"/tmp/", useBytes=T)
For CSV format, we used the fread
and fwrite
functions in the
data.table package
(Dowle et al. 2018) to write and read CSV tables in R. In Python, we
used the package numpy savetxt
and loadtxt
functions (Walt et al. 2011). For
the feather format, we used the write_feather
and read_feather
functions within the feather package in R and Python. All approaches
were benchmarked after clearing the system cache and replicated 5 times
(Figure 2).
Serialization and de-serialization of objects from MsgPack objects was similar between R and Python, with a slight speed advantage going to Python. Reading MsgPack objects was generally considerably faster than reading CSV format in both R and Python. Comparing MsgPack to feather, feather was generally faster. As feather is designed for columnar binary data, it does not use a header for every element and therefore has an advantage over the (more general) MsgPack in this context.
One surprising result is in writing of CSVs in R. Using data.table, writing the MNIST dataset was faster than MsgPack, although not quite as fast as feather. The MNIST dataset is formatted as a single floating point value in per pixel by TensorFlow (Abadi et al. 2016). When writing floating point data as CSV, both numpy and the data.table package truncate floating point numbers by default, which causes loss of precision.
To compare the memory usage of MsgPack to native R serialization, we
serialized the datasets found in the datasets
R package (Figure 3).
For R serialization, this was done by calling the serialize
for native R serialization or calling the msgpack_pack
function for
MsgPack serialization. For compression, the memCompress
function was
called on the results. Some datasets contained formulas, or other
R-specific attributes that can’t be stored in MsgPack; these
attributes were removed prior to serialization and compression.
Memory usage was generally very similar between MsgPack and native R. Although there were some differences in raw serialization, the difference seems to be less apparent after compression. For some uncompressed serializations, MsgPack significantly outperformed R in memory usage. This is attributable to efficient integer storage: MsgPack stores variable size integers depending on the integer magnitude, and can be as low as 8 bits. Native R serialization uses the modified External Data Representation (XDR) standard (Srinivasan 1995), which uses a fixed 32 bits for integers. Furthermore, attributes of each dataset are stored as lists internally, which can increase the relative overhead for small datasets, as R lists are not memory-efficient objects.
On the other hand, every MsgPack element has a short header of several bits, which increases its memory overhead, particularly for large vectors. This overhead is apparent for larger datasets, where R typically is more memory efficient.
As mentioned, one situation where MsgPack serialization is much more efficient than R serialization is how it handles list objects. Because R lists have a large memory overhead, both compression times and writing/reading to disk are faster using the MsgPack format. To show this, we generated a contrived list of DNA sequences as follows:
x <- replicate(10000, {
replicate(sample(5,1), {
paste(sample(c("G","C","A","T"), size=sample(50,1), replace=T), collapse="")
If the data structure of the object is known, using the C++ headers directly can speed up serialization and de-serialization by avoiding the logic involved in serializing generic data structures, although the speed-up is not large. Compression and writing to disk can also be performed directly within C++, for example, by using the zlib C++ library (Gailly and Adler 2018) to perform standard DEFLATE compression. The example below illustrates MsgPack serialization and subsequent compression using the zlib library:
void list_pack_gzip(List x, std::string file) {
std::stringstream buffer;
msgpack::packer<std::stringstream> pk(&buffer);
for(int i=0; i<x.size(); i++) {
CharacterVector xi = x[i];
if(xi.size() == 1) {
} else {
for(int j=0; j<xi.size(); j++) {
std::string bufstr = buffer.str();
gzFile fi = gzopen(file.c_str(),"wb");
gzwrite(fi, bufstr.c_str(), bufstr.size());
Conversely, uncompression and deserialization would need to be performed to recover the original R object. The following C++ function illustrates how this could be done:
Rcpp::List list_unpack_gzip(std::string file) {
gzFile fi = gzopen(file.c_str(),"rb");
char buf[8192];
std::vector<char> dat;
uint b = gzread(fi, buf, 8192);
while (b) {
dat.insert(dat.end(), buf, buf + b);
b = gzread(fi, buf, 8192);
std::string message = std::string(, dat.size());
msgpack::object_handle oh;
msgpack::unpack(oh,, message.size());
msgpack::object obj = oh.get();
std::vector<msgpack::object> obj_vector;
Rcpp::List L = Rcpp::List(obj_vector.size());
std::vector< std::string > temp_str_vec;
std::string temp_str;
for (int i=0; i< obj_vector.size(); i++) {
if (obj_vector[i].type == msgpack::type::ARRAY) {
L[i] = Rcpp::wrap(temp_str_vec);
} else {
L[i] = Rcpp::wrap(temp_str);
To illustrate the potential benefit of this approach, we compared
MsgPack serialization and zlib compression to standard R
serialization using the saveRDS
function (Figure 4). Using MsgPack,
serialization is slightly faster for the example above. The timing of
these two approaches can be broken down by process: both serialization
and compression to disk (and vice versa) are faster using the MsgPack
approach described above for certain types of data structures, such as
lists. However, for most other types of data structures, native R
serialization is usually faster. Most of the time-saving comes from the
fact that the serialized MsgPack message is considerably smaller,
leading to faster compresion time and/or faster reading and writing to
The examples given above show how working with the R interface functions
the C++ headers in RcppMsgPack can be useful in transferring data and
integrated within data analysis workflows. The package allows fast and
flexible serialization of generic data structures in R, and equivalent
de-serialization of objects from other langauages. The RcppMsgPack
package is hosted on CRAN, and can be installed via the standard
mongolite, RProtoBuf, RcppRedis, RcppMsgPack, Rcpp, nanotime, httr, feather, data.table
Databases, Finance, HighPerformanceComputing, NumericalMathematics, TimeSeries, WebTechnologies
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Ching & Eddelbuettel, "RcppMsgPack: MessagePack Headers and Interface Functions for R", The R Journal, 2018
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2018-068, author = {Ching, Travers and Eddelbuettel, Dirk}, title = {RcppMsgPack: MessagePack Headers and Interface Functions for R}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2018}, note = {}, volume = {10}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {516-525} }