The R package rcss provides users with a tool to approximate the value functions in the Bellman recursion under certain assumptions that guarantee desirable convergence properties. This R package represents the first software implementation of these methods using matrices and nearest neighbors. This package also employs a pathwise dynamic method to gauge the quality of these value function approximations. Statistical analysis can be performed on the results to obtain other useful practical insights. This paper describes rcss version 1.6.
Sequential decision making is usually addressed under the framework of discrete-time stochastic control. The theory of Markov Decision Processes/Dynamic Programming provides a variety of methods to deal with such questions. In generic situations, approaching analytical solutions for even some of the simplest decision processes may be a cumbersome process ((Powell 2007), (Bauerle and Rieder 2011), (Pham 2009)). The use of numerical approximations may often be far more practical given the rapid improvements in available computational power. The ability to gauge the quality of these approximations is also of significant importance. This paper will describe the implementation of fast and accurate algorithms to address problems with a finite time setting, finite action set, and convex reward functions whose state processes follow linear dynamics.
Although these assumptions seem restrictive, a large class of practically important control problems can be solved using our methods. For instance, approximating a compact action set by a sufficiently dense finite grid of representative actions, an approximate solution with excellent precision and numerical performance can be obtained. This technique is illustrated by battery storage control ((Hinz and Yee 2017a) in the present contribution. Furthermore, various extension to non-linear state dynamics are possible. By using appropriate transformations to linearize the state dynamics, our methodology becomes applicable to control partially observable systems ((Hinz and Yee 2017b)).
This R package implements algorithms to approximate the value functions in finite horizon Markov decision processes and also to gauge the quality of these approximations. Under the conditions discussed in (Hinz 2014), these value functions converge to the true unknown value functions uniformly on compact sets. Defined by the maxima half-norms over compact sets, the corresponding topology ensures that the decision rules, inferred from value function approximations, converge pointwise to the optimal decision policy.
This paper points any interested readers to the technical details contained in (Hinz 2014). The package rcss represents the first software implementation of these algorithms and has already been used to address problems such as pricing financial options ((Hinz and Yap 2015)), natural resource extraction ((Hinz et al. In Press)), battery management ((Hinz and Yee 2017a)), and optimal asset allocation under hidden state dynamics ((Hinz and Yee 2017b)). One of the major benefits of implementing these methods within R ((R Core Team 2013)) is that the results can be analysed using the vast number of statistical tools available in this language.
This R package focuses on linear state dynamics for the continuous state component. While non-linear dynamics have been covered in (Yee Preprint), linear dynamics allow much of the computational effort to be reduced to a series of multiplications and additions of matrices. This is an attractive feature given the availability of well developed linear algebra libraries. Linear state dynamics also allow for a standardized problem formulation which is desirable for a software package. This R package also focuses on problems with finite action sets which occur frequently in many real world problems. While this may seem restrictive for other problems, note that action sets are often discretized in practice to allow for numerical tractability.
Suppose that state space
Let us now turn to the evolution of the other component
If the system is in the state
Now we turn to the optimization goal. A policy
The aim of the package rcss is to approximate the true value functions
Since the reward and scrap functions are convex in the continuous
variable, the value functions are also convex and can be approximated by
piecewise linear and convex functions. For this, introduce the so-called
subgradient envelope
Stochastic control problems of optimal switching type naturally arise in
the framework of valuation of financial contracts. A simple example is
given by the Bermudan put option. This option gives its owner the right
but not an obligation to choose a time to exercise the option in a
finite number of time points before the maturity of the option in order
to receive a payment which depends on the price of the underlying asset
at the exercise time. The so-called fair price of the Bermudan option is
related to the solution of an optimal stopping problem (see
(Glasserman 2003)). Here, the risk-neutral undiscounted asset price process
This switching system is defined by two positions
As a demonstration, let us consider a Bermuda put option with strike price 40 that expires in 1 year. The put option is exercisable at 51 evenly spaced time points in the year, which includes the start and end of the year. The following code approximates the value functions in the Bellman recursion.
rate <- 0.06 ## Interest rate
step <- 0.02 ## Time step between decision epochs
vol <- 0.2 ## Volatility of stock price process
n_dec <- 51 ## Number of decision epochs
strike <- 40 ## Strike price
control <- matrix(c(c(1, 1), c(2, 1)), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) ## Control
grid <- as.matrix(cbind(rep(1, 301), seq(30, 60, length = 301))) ## Grid
## Disturbance sampling
u <- (rate - 0.5 * vol^2) * step
sigma <- vol * sqrt(step)
condExpected <- function(a, b) {
aa <- (log(a) - (u + sigma^2)) / sigma
bb <- (log(b) - (u + sigma^2)) / sigma
return(exp(u + sigma^2 / 2) * (pnorm(bb) - pnorm(aa)))
weight <- rep(1 / 1000, 1000)
disturb <- array(0, dim = c(2, 2, 1000))
disturb[1,1,] <- 1
part <- qlnorm(seq(0, 1, length = 1000 + 1), u, sigma)
for (i in 1:1000) {
disturb[2,2,i] <- condExpected(part[i], part[i+1]) / (plnorm(part[i+1], u, sigma) -
plnorm(part[i], u, sigma))
## Subgradient representation of reward
in_money <- grid[,2] <= strike
reward <- array(0, dim = c(301, 2, 2, 2, n_dec - 1))
reward[in_money,1,2,2,] <- strike
reward[in_money,2,2,2,] <- -1
for (tt in 1:n_dec - 1){
reward[,,,,tt] <- exp(-rate * step * (tt - 1)) * reward[,,,,tt]
## Subgrad representation of scrap
scrap <- array(data = 0, dim = c(301, 2, 2))
scrap[in_money,1,2] <- strike
scrap[in_money,2,2] <- -1
scrap <- exp(-rate * step * (n_dec - 1)) * scrap
## Bellman
r_index <- matrix(c(2, 2), ncol = 2)
bellman <- FastBellman(grid, reward, scrap, control, disturb, weight, r_index)
The matrix grid
represents the grid points where each row represents a
point. The 3-dimensional array disturb
represents the sampling of the
disturbances where disturb[,,i]
gives the i-th sample. Here, we use
local averages on a reward
represents the subgradient
approximation with reward[,,a,p,t]
is a
list containing the approximations of the value functions and expected
value functions for all positions and decision epochs. Please refer to
the package manual for the format of the inputs and outputs. To
visualise the value function of the Bermuda put option, simply run the
following plot command:
plot(grid[,2], rowSums(bellman$value[,,2,1] * grid), type = "l", xlab = "Stock Price",
ylab = "Option Value")
The following code then performs the solution diagnostics by computing
the lower and upper bound estimates for the value of the option when
## Reward function
RewardFunc <- function(state, time) {
output <- array(data = 0, dim = c(nrow(state), 2, 2))
output[,2,2] <- exp(-rate * step * (time - 1)) * pmax(40 - state[,2], 0)
## Scrap function
ScrapFunc <- function(state) {
output <- array(data = 0, dim = c(nrow(state), 2))
output[,2] <- exp(-rate * step * (n_dec - 1)) * pmax(40 - state[,2], 0)
## Get primal-dual bounds
start <- c(1, 36)
## Path disturbances
n_path <- 500
path_disturb <- array(0, dim = c(2, 2, n_path, n_dec - 1))
path_disturb[1, 1,,] <- 1
rand1 <- rnorm(n_path * (n_dec - 1) / 2)
rand1 <- as.vector(rbind(rand1, -rand1))
path_disturb[2, 2,,] <- exp((rate - 0.5 * vol^2) * step + vol * sqrt(step) * rand1)
path <- PathDisturb(start, path_disturb)
policy <- FastPathPolicy(path, grid, control, RewardFunc, bellman$expected)
## Subsim disturbances
n_subsim <- 500
subsim <- array(0, dim = c(2, 2, n_subsim, n_path, (n_dec - 1)))
subsim[1,1,,,] <- 1
rand2 <- rnorm(n_subsim * n_path * (n_dec - 1) / 2)
rand2 <- as.vector(rbind(rand2, -rand2))
subsim[2,2,,,] <- exp((rate - 0.5 * vol^2) * step + vol * sqrt(step) * rand2)
subsim_weight <- rep(1 / n_subsim, n_subsim)
mart <- FastAddDual(path, subsim, subsim_weight, grid, bellman$value, ScrapFunc)
bounds <- AddDualBounds(path, control, RewardFunc, ScrapFunc, mart, policy)
The above code takes the exact reward and scrap functions as inputs. The
function FastPathPolicy
computes the candidate optimal policy. The
object bounds
is a list containing the primals and duals for each
sample path
> print(GetBounds(bounds, 0.01, 2))
[1] 4.475802 4.480533
The package rcss also allows the user to test the prescribed policy
from the Bellman recursion on any supplied set of sample paths. The
resulting output can then be further studied with time series analysis
or other statistical work. In the following code, we will use the
previously generated
test <- FullTestPolicy(2, path, control, RewardFunc, ScrapFunc, policy)
## Histogram of cumulated rewards
hist(test$value, xlab = "Cumulated Rewards", main = "")
## Exercise times
ex <- apply(test$position == 1, 1, function(x) min(which(x)))
ex[ex == Inf] <- 51
ex <- ex - 1
hist(ex, xlab = "Exercise Times", main = "")
Figure 2 contains the histograms for the cumulated rewards and exercise times. These can be useful to a practitioner (e.g., anticipating when the holder will exercise their option). Let us emphasise the usefulness of such scenario generation. Given an approximately optimal policy and backtesting, one can perform statistical analysis on the backtested values to obtain practical insights such as for risk analysis purposes.
Let us now consider the swing option which is a financial contract
popular in the energy business. In the simplest form, it gives the owner
the right to obtain a certain commodity (such as gas or electricity) at
a pre-specified price and volume at a number of exercise times which can
be freely chosen by the contract owner. Let us consider a specific case
of such a contract, referred to as a unit-time refraction period swing
option. In this contract, there is a limit to exercise only one right at
any time. Given the discounted commodity price
In this example, consider a swing option with
## Parameters
rho <- 0
kappa <- 0.9
mu <- 0
sigma <- 0.5
K <- 0
n_dec <- 101 ## number of time epochs
N <- 5 ## number of rights
n_pos <- N + 1 ## number of positions
grid <- cbind(rep(1, 101), seq(-2, 2, length = 101)) ## Grid
## Control matrix
control <- cbind(c(1, 1:N), 1:(N + 1))
## Reward subgradient representation
reward <- array(0, dim = c(101, 2, 2, nrow(control), n_dec - 1))
slope <- exp(grid[, 2])
for (tt in 1:(n_dec - 1)) {
discount <- exp(-rho * (tt - 1))
for (pp in 2:n_pos) {
intercept <- (exp(grid[,2]) - K * discount) - slope * grid[, 2]
reward[, 1, 1, pp, tt] <- intercept
reward[, 2, 1, pp, tt] <- slope
## Scrap subgradient representation
scrap <- array(0, dim = c(101, 2, nrow(control)))
discount <- exp(-rho * (n_dec - 1))
for (pp in 2:n_pos) {
intercept <- (exp(grid[,2]) - K * discount) - slope * grid[, 2]
scrap[, 1, pp] <- intercept
scrap[, 2, pp] <- slope
## Disturbance sampling
weight <- rep(1/1000, 1000)
disturb <- array(0, dim = c(2, 2, 1000))
disturb[1, 1,] <- 1
disturb[2, 2,] <- 1 - kappa
CondExpected <- function(a, b){
return(1/sqrt(2 * pi) * (exp(-a^2/2)- exp(-b^2/2)))
part <- qnorm(seq(0, 1, length = 1000 + 1))
for (i in 1:1000) {
disturb[2,1,i] <- kappa * mu + sigma *
(CondExpected(part[i], part[i+1]) / (pnorm(part[i+1]) - pnorm(part[i])))
## Bellman recursion
r_index <- matrix(c(2, 1), ncol = 2)
bellman <- FastBellman(grid, reward, scrap, control, disturb, weight, r_index)
After obtaining these function approximations, the following code
computes the
## Exact reward function
RewardFunc <- function(state, time) {
output <- array(0, dim = c(nrow(state), 2, nrow(control)))
discount <- exp(-rho * (time - 1))
for (i in 2:nrow(control)) {
output[, 1, i] <- pmax(exp(state[, 2]) - K * discount, 0)
## Exact scrap function
ScrapFunc <- function(state) {
output <- array(0, dim = c(nrow(state), nrow(control)))
discount <- exp(-rho * (n_dec - 1))
for (i in 2:nrow(control)) {
output[, i] <- pmax(exp(state[, 2]) - K * discount, 0)
## Generate paths
n_path <- 500
path_disturb <- array(0, dim = c(2, 2, n_path, n_dec - 1))
path_disturb[1, 1,,] <- 1
path_disturb[2, 2,,] <- 1 - kappa
rand1 <- rnorm(n_path * (n_dec - 1) / 2)
rand1 <- as.vector(rbind(rand1, -rand1))
path_disturb[2, 1,,] <- kappa * mu + sigma * rand1
start <- c(1, 0)
path <- PathDisturb(start, path_disturb)
policy <- FastPathPolicy(path, grid, control, RewardFunc, bellman$expected)
## Set subsimulation disturbances
n_subsim <- 500
subsim <- array(0, dim = c(2, 2, n_subsim, n_path, n_dec - 1))
subsim[1, 1,,,] <- 1
subsim[2, 2,,,] <- 1 - kappa
rand2 <- rnorm(n_subsim * n_path * (n_dec - 1) / 2)
rand2 <- as.vector(rbind(rand2, -rand2))
subsim[2, 1,,,] <- kappa * mu + sigma * rand2
subsim_weight <- rep(1 / n_subsim, n_subsim)
## Primal-dual
mart <- FastAddDual(path, subsim, subsim_weight, grid, bellman$value, ScrapFunc)
bounds <- AddDualBounds(path, control, RewardFunc, ScrapFunc, mart, policy)
> print(GetBounds(bounds, 0.01, 6))
[1] 13.42159 13.44162
The tight
test <- FullTestPolicy(6, path, control, RewardFunc, ScrapFunc, policy)
## Histogram of cumulated rewards
hist(test$value, xlab = "Cumulated Rewards", main = "")
## Exercise times
ex <- rep(0, n_dec)
for (i in 1:n_path) {
for (t in 1:(n_dec - 1)) {
if ((test$position[i, t] != 1) && (test$action[i, t] == 1)) {
ex[t] <- ex[t] + 1
plot(0:(n_dec-1), ex, xlab="Time", ylab="Number of Exercises", type="b", main="")
Figure 3 show the histogram for the cumulated rewards
and the number of exercises at each time point over the
This section examines optimal energy storage for an energy retailer in the presence of a battery. The model is beyond the scope of this paper and this paper points any interested readers to (Hinz and Yee 2017a) for more details.
The model is represented by the above figure and the basic gist is as follows:
The code below begins by specifying the grid, the battery specifications, the action set, and the effect of the action on the battery level. The grid will be used to represent the continuous state component that drives the forward price in the electricity market. Here, the battery has capacity 100 and discretized into steps of 5 from 0. The action set represents the safety margin (the amount of energy bought in the day ahead market that exceeds the predicted net demand) that the retailer may choose. The control array below captures the transition probabilities of the expected change in the battery level based on the current battery level and the retailer’s safety margin.
## Grid
n_grid <- 501 ## number of grid points
grid_start <- -15 ## lowest state
grid_end <- 15 ## highest state
grid <- cbind(rep(1, n_grid), seq(grid_start, grid_end, length = n_grid))
## Battery specification
step <- 5 ## step between battery levels
pos_start <- 0
pos_end <- 100
position <- seq(pos_start, pos_end, by = step) ## battery levels
n_pos <- length(position)
## Standard deviation for the consumer demand
std <- 10
## Actions
n_action <- 11 ## number of safety margins
safety_start <- 0
safety_end <- 50
safety <- seq(safety_start, safety_end, length = n_action) ## safety margins
## Control array
control <- array(data = 0, dim = c(n_pos, n_action, n_pos))
for (p in 1:n_pos) {
for (a in 1:n_action) {
temp <- position[p] + safety[a] ## center of normal distribution
control[p,a,1] <- pnorm(pos_start + step/2, temp, std)
control[p,a,n_pos] <- 1 - pnorm(pos_end - step/2, temp, std)
for (pp in 2:(n_pos-1)) {
control[p,a,pp] <- pnorm(position[pp] + step/2, temp, std) -
pnorm(position[pp] - step/2, temp, std)
Next the code computes the expected excess and shortages of electricity faced by the retailer at each time period.
## Functions to calculate expected excess and shortage energy demand
erf <- function(x){ ## error function
return(2 * pnorm(x * sqrt(2)) - 1)
Excess <- function(pos, act) {
temp1 <- pos_end + step/2
temp2 <- pos + act
result <- std/sqrt(2*pi) * exp(-(temp1-temp2)^2/(2*std^2)) +
(temp2 - pos_end)/2 * (1 - erf(1/sqrt(2*std^2) * (temp1 - temp2)))
Shortage <- function(pos, act) {
temp1 <- pos_start - step/2
temp2 <- pos + act
result <- std/sqrt(2*pi) * exp(-(temp1-temp2)^2/(2*std^2)) +
(pos_start - temp2)/2 * (erf(1/sqrt(2*std^2) * (temp1 - temp2)) + 1)
## Expected excess and shortage energy demand
excess <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = n_pos, ncol = n_action)
shortage <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = n_pos, ncol = n_action)
for (p in 1:n_pos) {
for (a in 1:n_action) {
excess[p,a] <- Excess(position[p], safety[a])
shortage[p,a] <- Shortage(position[p], safety[a])
The subgradient envelope of the reward and scrap functions are then specified below. Essentially, the reward is given by the cost of the forward trading and the cost of any expected shortages or excess energy that needs to be balanced. At the final time, the retailer sells all stored energy in the battery at the forward price. This is captured by the scrap reward function.
## Subgradient representation of reward functions
n_dec <- 48 * 7 ## number of decision epochs
u_t <- 10 + cos((0:(n_dec-1)) * 2*pi/48 + 3*pi/2)
v_t <- 1 + (sin((0:(n_dec-1)) * 2*pi/48 + 3*pi/2))/2
buy <- 20 ## price to buy from grid
sell <- 0 ## price to sell to grid
reward <- array(0, dim = c(n_grid, 2, n_action, n_pos, n_dec - 1))
for (p in 1:n_pos) {
for (a in 1:n_action) {
for (t in 1:(n_dec-1)) {
reward[,1,a,p,t] <- -safety[a] * u_t[t] - shortage[p, a] * buy + excess[p, a] * sell
reward[,2,a,p,t] <- -safety[a] * v_t[t]
scrap <- array(0, dim = c(n_grid, 2, n_pos))
for (p in 1:n_pos) {
scrap[,1,p] <- position[p] * u_t[n_dec]
scrap[,2,p] <- position[p] * v_t[n_dec]
Finally, the disturbance sampling and the resulting double modified
value functions are computed using the subgradient approach. Here, we
assume that the continuous state (
## Parameters for AR(1) process (Z_t)
mu <- 0
sigma <- 0.5
phi <- 0.9
## Disturbance sampling
n_disturb <- 1000 ## size of sampling
disturb_weight <- rep(1/n_disturb, n_disturb) ## probability weights
disturb <- array(matrix(c(1, 0, 0, phi), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), dim = c(2, 2, n_disturb))
CondExpected <- function(a, b){
return(1/sqrt(2 * pi) * (exp(-a^2/2)- exp(-b^2/2)))
part <- qnorm(seq(0, 1, length = n_disturb + 1))
for (i in 1:n_disturb) {
disturb[2,1,i] <- mu + sigma *
(CondExpected(part[i], part[i+1]) / (pnorm(part[i+1]) - pnorm(part[i])))
r_index <- matrix(c(2, 1), ncol = 2) ## randomness index
## Fast bellman recursion
bellman <- FastBellman(grid, reward, scrap, control, disturb, disturb_weight, r_index)
The following code example performs the solution diagnostics, computes
the bound estimates, and then outputs the results (shown in Table
1). This gives the expected cumulative cost (and its
## Exact reward function
RewardFunc <- function(state, time) {
output <- array(0, dim = c(nrow(state), n_action, n_pos))
for (p in 1:n_pos) {
for (a in 1:n_action) {
output[,a,p] <- -safety[a] * (u_t[time] + v_t[time] * state[,2]) -
shortage[p,a] * buy + excess[p,a] * sell
## Scrap function
ScrapFunc <- function(state) {
output <- array(0, dim = c(nrow(state), n_pos))
for (p in 1:n_pos) {
output[,p] <- position[p] * (u_t[n_dec] + v_t[n_dec] * state[,2])
## Generate sample path disturbances
n_path <- 100
path_disturb <- array(matrix(c(1, 0, 0, phi), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
dim = c(2, 2, n_path, n_dec - 1))
rand <- rnorm(n_path * (n_dec - 1) / 2)
rand <- as.vector(rbind(rand, -rand))
path_disturb[2,1,,] <- mu + sigma * rand
start <- c(1, 0) ## z_0
path <- PathDisturb(start, path_disturb)
policy <- FastPathPolicy(path, grid, control, RewardFunc, bellman$expected)
## Specifying subsimulation disturbance matrices
n_subsim <- 100
subsim_weight <- rep(1/n_subsim, n_subsim)
subsim <- array(matrix(c(1, 0, 0, phi), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
dim = c(2, 2, n_subsim, n_path, n_dec - 1))
rand <- rnorm(n_subsim * n_path * (n_dec - 1)/2)
rand <- as.vector(rbind(rand, -rand))
subsim[2,1,,,] <- mu + sigma * rand
## Compute primal and dual values
mart <- FastAddDual(path, subsim, subsim_weight, grid, bellman$value, ScrapFunc)
bounds <- AddDualBounds(path, control, RewardFunc, ScrapFunc, mart, policy)
## Storing the results
results <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = n_pos, ncol = 3)
alpha <- 0.01
for (p in 1:n_pos) {
results[p,1] <- sum(bellman$value[251,,p,1] * grid[251,])
results[p,2:3] <- GetBounds(bounds, alpha, p)
Start Level (MWh) | Subgradient Estimate | |
0 | -1679.859 | (-1679.862, -1679.612) |
5 | -1629.859 | (-1629.862, -1629.612) |
10 | -1579.859 | (-1579.862, -1579.612) |
15 | -1529.859 | (-1529.862, -1529.612) |
20 | -1480.168 | (-1480.171, -1479.922) |
25 | -1433.574 | (-1433.577, -1433.328) |
30 | -1389.685 | (-1389.688, -1389.441) |
35 | -1348.509 | (-1348.512, -1348.266) |
40 | -1310.129 | (-1310.131, -1309.887) |
45 | -1274.601 | (-1274.604, -1274.362) |
50 | -1241.952 | (-1241.955, -1241.714) |
55 | -1212.186 | (-1212.188, -1211.949) |
60 | -1185.294 | (-1185.297, -1185.059) |
65 | -1161.261 | (-1161.263, -1161.027) |
70 | -1140.063 | (-1140.066, -1139.831) |
75 | -1121.677 | (-1121.680, -1121.446) |
80 | -1106.080 | (-1106.083, -1105.850) |
85 | -1093.250 | (-1093.253, -1093.021) |
90 | -1083.161 | (-1083.164, -1082.932) |
95 | -1075.727 | (-1075.730, -1075.499) |
100 | -1070.728 | (-1070.731, -1070.500) |
As a final example, let us consider the case of optimal resource extraction in (Hinz et al. In Press). Suppose we have a hypothetical copper mine represented in Table 2.
Output rate: 10 million pounds/year | Inventory level: 150 million pounds |
Costs of production: $0.50/pound | Opening/closing costs: $200,000 |
Maintenance costs: $500,000/year | Inflation rate: 8%/year |
Convenience yield: 1%/year | Price variance: 8%/year |
Real estate tax: 2%/year | Income tax: 50% |
Royalty tax: 0% | Interest rate: l0%/year |
The following code approximates the value function of the above mine using the following setting:
In the code below, the grid will be used to represent the price of the ore which is assumed to follow geometric Brownian motion. The control matrix will be used to reflect changes in the amount of unextracted ore based on the owner’s dynamic decision to open or close. For the disturbance sampling, the disturbance space is partitioned into 1000 components of equal probability measure and the local averages on each partition component is taken.
## Parameters
n_grid <- 501
grid <- as.matrix(cbind(rep(1, n_grid), seq(0, 10, length = n_grid)))
rate <- 0.1
delta <- 0.01
vol <- sqrt(0.08)
step <- 0.25
## Disturbance sampling
n_disturb <- 1000
disturb_weight <- rep(1/n_disturb, n_disturb)
disturb <- array(0, dim = c(2, 2, n_disturb))
disturb[1, 1,] <- 1
quantile <- rep(NA, n_disturb)
u <- (rate - delta - 0.5 * vol^2) * step
sigma <- vol * sqrt(step)
part <- qlnorm(seq(0, 1, length = n_disturb + 1), u, sigma)
condExpected <- function(a, b){ ##[a,b]
aa <- (log(a) - (u+sigma^2))/sigma
bb <- (log(b) - (u+sigma^2))/sigma
vv <- exp(u + sigma^2/2) * (pnorm(bb) - pnorm(aa))
for (i in 1:n_disturb) {
quantile[i] <- condExpected(part[i], part[i+1]) /
(plnorm(part[i+1], u, sigma) - plnorm(part[i], u, sigma))
disturb[2, 2,] <- quantile
r_index <- matrix(c(2, 2), ncol = 2)
## Control matrix, a = 1 (close), 2 (abandon), 3 (open)
## p = 1 (exhausted), levels + 1 (full open), 2 * levels + 1 (full closed)
levels <- 15 / step
control <- matrix(data = 1, nrow = (2 * levels + 1), ncol = 3)
control[2:(2 * levels + 1), 1] <- (levels + 2):(2 * levels + 1)
control[2:(2 * levels + 1), 3] <- 1:levels
Next, we define the subgradient representation of the reward and scrap
functions. When the mine is open, the reward is essentially the income
from selling the extracted ore minus the cost of extracting that ore.
When the mine is closed, the reward is the cost of maintenance. If the
owner switches between open and closed states, there is a switching
cost. When the owner relinquishes ownership of the mine, there is no
reward or cost. The scrap reward function is set to zero in the below
code. These objects are then passed into the FastBellman
which computes the value function approximations using nearest
## Subgrad rep of rewards
H1 <- 5 * step
H2 <- -2.5 * step
maint <- 0.5 * step
switch <- 0.2
inflation <- 0.08
tax_property <- 0.02
n_dec <- 1 + 30 / step + 1
discount <- exp(-(rate + tax_property) * step)
n_pos <- nrow(control)
n_action <- ncol(control)
n_dim <- ncol(grid)
reward <- array(data = 0, dim = c(n_grid, n_dim, n_action, n_pos, n_dec - 1))
for (p in 2:n_pos) {
for (t in 1:(n_dec - 1)) {
pi <- exp(inflation * (t-1) * step)
adjust <- discount ^ (t-1)
## Close the asset
if (p > (levels + 1)) { ## Closed
## Close
reward[, 1, 1, p, t] <- adjust * -maint * pi
## Open
reward[, 1, 3, p, t] <- (H2 - switch) * pi * adjust
reward[, 2, 3, p, t] <- H1 * adjust
} else if (p <= (levels + 1)) { ## Opened
## Close
reward[, 1, 1, p, t] <- -(maint + switch) * pi * adjust
## Open
reward[, 1, 3, p, t] <- H2 * pi * adjust
reward[, 2, 3, p, t] <- H1 * adjust
## Subgrad rep of scrap
scrap <- array(data = 0, dim = c(n_grid, n_dim, n_pos))
## Performing fast bellman recursion
bellman <- FastBellman(grid, reward, scrap, control, disturb, disturb_weight, r_index)
Finally, running the following code gives an illustration of the value of an open mine based on the current ore price.
plot(grid[,2], rowSums(bellman$value[,,levels,1] * grid), type = "l",
xlab = "Current Ore Price ($)", ylab = "Mine Value ($ millions)")
For more details regarding this problem, we point any interested readers to (Hinz et al. In Press).
This paper gives a demonstration of our R package, rcss in solving optimal switching problems. Our package represents the first software implementation of this class of algorithms. The problem setting discussed in this paper is broad and can be used to model a wide range of problems. Using nearest neighbor algorithms, the package rcss is able to solve some real world problems in an accurate and quick manner. It is also worth mentioning that this R package can be used to address Markov decision processes when there is a hidden Markov model as shown in (Hinz and Yee 2017b). However, this is not demonstrated here in order to preserve the brevity of this paper.
HighPerformanceComputing, NumericalMathematics
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Hinz & Yee, "rcss: R package for optimal convex stochastic switching", The R Journal, 2018
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2018-054, author = {Hinz, Juri and Yee, Jeremy}, title = {rcss: R package for optimal convex stochastic switching}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2018}, note = {}, volume = {10}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {38-54} }