Statistically approximating or “emulating” time series model output in parameter space is a common problem in climate science and other fields. There are many packages for spatio-temporal modeling. However, they often lack focus on time series, and exhibit statistical complexity. Here, we present the R package stilt designed for simplified AR(1) time series Gaussian process emulation, and provide examples relevant to climate modelling. Notably absent is Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation – a challenging concept to many scientists. We keep the number of user choices to a minimum. Hence, the package can be useful pedagogically, while still applicable to real life emulation problems. We provide functions for emulator cross-validation, empirical coverage, prediction, as well as response surface plotting. While the examples focus on climate model emulation, the emulator is general and can be also used for kriging spatio-temporal data.
Emulation of computer model behavior in parameter space is a challenging problem (Drignei et al. 2008; Higdon et al. 2008; Holden et al. 2010; Bhat et al. 2012; Olson et al. 2012, 2013; Sexton et al. 2012; Chang et al. 2014a; Chang et al. 2014b). Often a limited number of runs are available and we desire to estimate model output at a variety of new parameter settings (Drignei et al. 2008; Holden et al. 2010; Bhat et al. 2012; Olson et al. 2012, 2013; Sexton et al. 2012; Chang et al. 2014b). Emulation is often used in the context of another common problem, input parameter estimation. Here, we desire to find probability distribution functions for model input parameters given observational data (e.g., Olson et al. 2012; Chang et al. 2014b). While model output is often multi-dimensional, we restrict the discussion here to time series although our approach can apply to vector output more generally.
Gaussian processes (Kennedy and O’Hagan 2001; Rasmussen and Williams 2006; Higdon et al. 2008; Rougier 2008) are a very useful methodology for such emulation. Gaussian processes provide the best linear unbiased prediction under highly general conditions (Stein 1999). This methodology assumes that model response is a smooth function of parameter settings. Central to the method is formulation of the covariance function, which quantifies the covariance between model output as a function of distance in each model input parameter. This covariance is typically parametrized by parameters controlling, for example, magnitude or the correlation ranges in each coordinate dimension. Associated with emulator parameters is a likelihood function given the model output. There are two main approaches: (i) find the “best” parameter setting that maximizes this likelihood, or (ii) find the full probability distribution of the parameters. The next step is prediction at new parameter settings. The former approach ignores the uncertainty in emulator parameters during the prediction, while the latter approach accounts for it. The prediction is probabilistic as it includes the predictive mean and the uncertainty around it.
There are many existing R packages to perform Gaussian process emulation for vector and time series output. In particular, they include gstat (Gräler et al. 2016), mlegp (Dancik and Dorman 2008; Dancik 2013), spBayes (Finley et al. 2015), ramps (Smith et al. 2008), spTimer (Bakar and Sahu 2015a,b), and RandomFields (Schlather et al. 2015). These spatio-temporal packages are usually general and do not focus on time series specifically. Moreover, they are usually presented in context of spatial interpolation (“kriging”) rather than emulation. They may provide flexible functionality in terms of covariance functions (RandomFields), handling replicates (mlegp), dealing with missing observations (spTimer), or considering both areal as well as point observations (ramps). The procedure for fitting emulator parameters differs between packages. Some packages use maximum likelihood or another form of optimization to find the best parameters, while others use Bayesian analysis.
Due to their statistical complexity, the broad scientific community may find it challenging to use existing software. Particularly, the concept of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) employed in some work may be unfamiliar to some scientists. In addition, a large variety of modeling or prior choices may leave a user struggling with which model or prior they should employ and why. Many packages appear to be tailored to a statistical audience, and elaborate statistical terminology may be beyond the grasp for some scientists. Second, the packages do not usually focus on the spatio-temporal output ubiquitous in computer modelling. Thus, scientists may invest substantial time in finding the right function among the plethora available. Finally, there is an issue of terminology: many scientists may not realize that “spatio-temporal modeling” may disguise the same technique as “emulation” and hence, may be oblivious to the applicability of these packages.
We introduce the R package stilt version 1.3.0 for simplified Gaussian Process AR(1) time series emulation with a focus on climate modeling (Olson et al. 2017). The package is available on Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). The main differences from prior approaches are: (i) a simplified framework with fewer modeling choices and no MCMC that is still applicable to real-life problems, and (ii) a focus on emulation of time-series in parameter space. Specifically, there is only one function to fit the emulator to model output and only one function for prediction. Statistical modeling accounts for random noise in the model output through the nugget term, and also allows for user-chosen linear terms in model parameters and/or time. Mathematically, this is the first public implementation of a separable covariance model of (Rougier 2008). In this model, space-time covariance between two locations is a product of a space covariance and a time covariance term. This allows the use of matrix algebra to achieve considerable computational gains. We include useful utility functions for extensive cross-validation, 2D response surface plotting, and empirical 95% prediction interval coverage. In three examples, we apply stilt to emulation in spaces ranging from one- to five-dimensional. Note that whilst the software is for emulation of time series output in parameter space, the package is general and can be used for interpolation of observations (or model output) in geographical coordinates (e.g., Cressie and Johannesson 2008; Jones et al. 2009; Hansen et al. 2010; Bhat et al. 2012; Hirahara et al. 2014).
In the rest of the paper we first outline the statistical approach, then give three examples in 1D, 2D, and 5D parameter space, then present some concluding remarks. We provide technical details in the 6.
Here, we briefly describe our statistical approach. Our statistical model includes optional linear terms in parameters and/or time, a smooth Gaussian process, and a purely random nugget term. The Gaussian process represents smooth non-linear effects of parameters or time on the model output. The nugget term represents purely random effects. For climate model output, this corresponds to internal climate variability.
The first step is fitting the Gaussian process statistical model to the computer model output. Specifically, the statistical model has several parameters. They control the linear slopes in parameters and time, the correlation ranges of the field in each of the input parameters, the temporal autocorrelation, the overall magnitude of the covariance, and the nugget strength. Associated with the emulator parameters is the likelihood which quantifies how likely the emulator parameter values are given the model output. During the emulator fitting, we vary the parameters so that this likelihood is maximized to obtain the optimized emulator. We use this optimized emulator for prediction. The prediction follows the standard Gaussian process theory. The rest of the section describes the details of the statistical methodology.
We base our implementation on standard Gaussian process theory
(Cressie 1993; Stein 1999; Rasmussen and Williams 2006). Consider the case of interpolating
spatio-temporal model output of a perturbed parameter model ensemble in
parameter space. Let
Each parameter setting is an
Under the assumption of separability (see Rougier 2008), we can represent the
covariance matrix
This means that the covariance between any two locations in time and
parameter space is a product of the time covariance term, and the
parameter covariance term. This is a different approach to speed up the
computation, compared to performing singular value decomposition (SVD)
of model output
(Dancik and Dorman 2008; Higdon et al. 2008; Dancik 2013; Chang et al. 2014b). We assume
that the time covariance matrix
Hence, the covariance parameters are
We can write the log-likelihood for the model output
We optimize the emulator parameters nlminb
which calls FORTRAN code (Gay 1990). In the package, there is an option
to either fix
We are interested in predicting model output for all times for a new
parameter setting
The prediction is given by the following multivariate normal
distribution (Rasmussen and Williams 2006):
Here, we describe how to prepare model output for use with the stilt
emulator. Two R list objects are required. These objects can be easily
prepared by the user before the start of the analysis. The first,
, contains information on parameter settings in the ensemble. It
has the following components:
is the actual matrix of parameter settings, with rows
corresponding to parameter index, and columns to the model run
is a vector of parameter names corresponding to the rows
of par
is a vector of units.
The second object, moutput
has information on model output. It also
has several components, the most important being out
which is the
output model matrix with rows referencing time and columns referencing
model run. Other elements contain metadata: t
is the corresponding
time vector, tunuts
are time units, outname
is the name of the
modeled variable, and outunits
are the corresponding units.
This and the following examples are based on running stilt version 1.3.0 on R version 3.3.3 using a 3 Ghz Intel core i5 16GB 2400 MHz DDR4 Macintosh 10.13.6 computer. The following versions were used for other required packages: fields (9.0), maps (3.3.0), spam (2.1-2), and dotCall64 (0.9-5). The results were observed to differ slightly according to the programming environment and the operating system.
We first consider interpolating a toy model dataset consisting of a
simple time-series output for one parameter with a total of 21 parameter
settings and 11 time points. The output of this simple model as a
function of time
R> data("Data.1D.model")
R> data("Data.1D.par")
R> plot(NA, xlim=c(0, 11), ylim=c(-150, 150), xlab="Time", ylab="Model output")
R> for (c in 1:21) {lines(Data.1D.model$t, Data.1D.model$out[,c])}
The output of this code is shown in Figure 1.
Now, we fit a Gaussian process emulator to these data. While we do not
use any parameter covariances (par.reg=FALSE
), we do use a linear time
covariate (time.reg=TRUE
). The optimization follows the default
behavior of fixing the linear regressors at the multiple linear
regression estimates. We select 100 as the starting values for both
R> emul1D = emulator(Data.1D.par, Data.1D.model, par.reg=FALSE, time.reg=TRUE,
kappa0=100, zeta0=100)
Initializing the emulator...
Initial regression parameters:
-0.665481 0.570413
Initial emulator likelihood is: -960.2755
Optimizing the emulator...
Obtaining emulator parameter ranges for optimization...
Relative tolerance to be used in optimization: 1e-10
Option 'fix.betas': during optimization beta parameters are going to be
fixed at the following values:
-0.665481 0.570413
Starting parameter optimization...
0: 960.27550: 0.900000 100.000 100.000 10.0000
1: 947.88498: 0.903188 72.2395 233.781 10.1709
2: 898.20175: 0.957801 0.00240862 151.661 13.5627
3: 889.24528: 0.977342 0.00240862 131.201 13.4426
48: 464.48240: 0.982420 1076.06 0.00240862 3.93464
Optimization SUCCESSFUL! Optimization message below:
relative convergence (4)
Final parameterss
rho kappa zeta phi
0.98242004 1076.05714589 0.00240862 3.93464218
48 iterations were performed
Final likelihood = -464.4824
CAUTION! The optimization might only find a local minimum.
The package informs us of key emulator parameter settings, and of
optimization results. (For brevity, only the start and the end of
optimization process are shown above.) The list of parameters to be
optimized is emul1D
is a list with
many components, with a secondary custom "emul"
class. The components
include information on the data used to fit the emulator, optimized
emulator parameters, some settings used during optimization, time and
parameter covariance matrices, and the inverse of the parameter
covariance matrix. Now, we validate the emulator using one-at-a-time
cross-validation for time index 9 (close to the end of the time series).
Specifically, we remove each parameter setting from the ensemble one at
a time, and use the emulator to predict the output at the excluded
parameter setting, given the output at other parameter settings.
R> test.all(emul1D, 9)
The emulator mean prediction shows a remarkable accuracy at predicting actual model response: the two fall almost perfectly on the 1:1 line of a reliability diagram (Figure 2). The emulator prediction error is much less than 1% for almost all runs (Figure 2). Note that the emulator does not extrapolate beyond the ensemble parameter range.
The emulator predicts at new parameter settings using the function
. This is implemented using the generic S3 predict
function that dispatches to the predict.emul()
method for objects of
class "emul"
. This function returns an object with components mean
and covariance
representing the mean and the covariance of the
Next, we consider Korean summer mean maximum temperature output from 29
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) climate models
(Taylor et al. 2012) for years 2081-2100 for the RCP8.5 forcing scenario
(Moss et al. 2010). All of the models and calculations used here follow
Shin et al. (2018), however here we exclude the model IPSL
First, we load the relevant datasets and plot the temperature time series for all models.
R> data("Data.AR1Korea.model")
R> data("Data.AR1Korea.par")
R> mycolors = rainbow(29)
R> plot.default(NA, xlim=c(2081, 2100), ylim=c(0,10), xlab="Year",
ylab="JJA Mean Max Temp Anomaly wrt. 1973-2005 [K]")
R> for (c in 1:29) {lines(Data.AR1Korea.model$t, Data.AR1Korea.model$out[,c],
We note that the models show a considerable internal variability superimposed on a trend of slow warming (Figure 3). Next, we fit an emulator while also allowing for optimization of regression slopes in innovation standard deviation and time. We also use a custom relative tolerance to illustrate how this parameter may be changed to fit user needs.
R> emul = emulator(Data.AR1Korea.par, Data.AR1Korea.model, par.reg=c(TRUE,
FALSE), time.reg=TRUE, kappa0=1, zeta0=1, myrel.tol=1E-9, fix.betas=FALSE)
Initializing the emulator...
Initial regression parameters:
-116.0626827 3.8544881 0.0563853
Initial emulator likelihood is: -937.479
Optimizing the emulator...
Obtaining emulator parameter ranges for optimization...
Relative tolerance to be used in optimization: 1e-09
Starting parameter optimization...
0: 937.479: 0.900000 1.00000 1.00000 -116.063 3.85449 0.0563853 0.322532 0.257
1: 923.956: 0.899929 0.468880 1.36686 -116.087 3.85444 0.0563734 0.322768 0.257
2: 901.460: 0.899874 9.24879e-05 1.05990 -116.096 3.85442 0.0563689 0.322900 0.257
3: 900.363: 0.899860 0.0377996 1.17131 -116.068 3.85445 0.0563831 0.322900 0.257
54: 858.446: 0.616698 9.24879e-05 1.10326 -123.432 3.86546 0.0599039 6.45065 4.396
Optimization SUCCESSFUL! Optimization message below:
relative convergence (4)
Final parameterss
rho kappa zeta beta beta beta phi phi
0.616698 9.24879e-05 1.10326 -123.432 3.86546 0.0599039 6.45065 4.396
54 iterations were performed
Final likelihood = -858.4463
CAUTION! The optimization might only find a local minimum.
Note that we have formatted the output slightly to fit the page width.
We see that the initial multiple regression provides reasonable mean and
parameter slopes. They are close to the final optimized results (fourth
through sixth elements of the optimized parameter vector called
"Final parameters"
above). There is a considerable linear dependence
on both time and innovation standard deviation. The non-linear part of
the emulator has a strong random component, and a very weak Gaussian
process component. This suggests no systematic dependence of the model
output on the present-day autocorrelation. We can predict the
temperature response at an arbitrary setting of the parameters using the
function. We do this for
R> pred = predict(emul, c(1, 0))
R> plot.default(NA, xlim=c(2081, 2100), ylim=c(3.5,7.5), xlab="Year",
ylab="JJA Mean Max Temp Anomaly wrt. 1973-2005 [K]")
R> lines(emul$t.vec, pred$mean)
R> lines(emul$t.vec, pred$mean + sqrt(diag(pred$covariance)), col="brown")
R> lines(emul$t.vec, pred$mean - sqrt(diag(pred$covariance)), col="brown")
The mean vector of the prediction is the mean
component of pred
, and
the variance vector is composed of the diagonal entries of covariance
Figure 4 shows the predicted response, with the
associated 1-std uncertainty. We note the linearity of the warming in
time. This illustrates the ability of the emulator to identify
fluctuations of temperature in the models around the linear trend as
random, and not to include them into the emulated response.
Next, we consider a 5D emulator for the SICOPOLIS ice sheet model output (Greve 1997; Greve et al. 2011) for Greenland ice mass loss relative to the year 2003. This is a perturbed parameter 100-member ensemble which varies five model parameters: flow enhancement factor, basal sliding factor, geothermal heat flux, snow positive degree-day (PDD) factor, and ice PDD factor. The future forcing scenario is that of a gradual temperature increase stabilizing at approximately 5 K warmer than present (Applegate et al. 2012). Output is available annually between years 1840 and 2500.
We load relevant data and fit an emulator to the ensemble using all five parameters and time as covariates. For computational expediency, we fix slope parameters at their multiple regression estimates.
R> data(Data.Sicopolis.par)
R> data(Data.Sicopolis.model)
R> emul.Sicopolis = emulator(Data.Sicopolis.par, Data.Sicopolis.model,
par.reg=c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
time.reg=TRUE, kappa0=1000000, zeta0=50000)
Initializing the emulator...
Initial regression parameters:
5154878.375 171.401 8590.267 -182.659 49920.313 1300.488 -2725.378
Initial emulator likelihood is: -10782007
Optimizing the emulator...
Obtaining emulator parameter ranges for optimization...
Relative tolerance to be used in optimization: 1e-10
Option 'fix.betas': during optimization beta parameters are going to be
fixed at the following values:
5154878.375 171.401 8590.267 -182.659 49920.313 1300.488 -2725.378
Starting parameter optimization...
0: 10782007.: 0.900 1.00e+06 50000.0 1.97305 9.84502 19.9205 1.98380 7.45
1: 672836.29: 1.00 3.29e+07 7.05408e+07 2.83691 8.68834 27.1292 2.24728 0.00149
2: 672613.27: 0.999 3.29e+07 7.05341e+07 2.83691 8.68834 27.1292 2.24728 0.0537
3: 667210.63: 0.997 3.20e+07 7.08502e+07 2.86488 8.69561 27.3808 2.26410 14.54
79: 485611.17: 0.999989 5.83e+06 41529.0 13.4764 20.1003 199.578 5.72313 10.9
Optimization SUCCESSFUL! Optimization message below:
relative convergence (4)
Final parameters
rho kappa zeta phi phi phi phi phi
0.999989 5829746.770135 41528.993339 13.476403 20.100261 199.578404 5.723128 10.901509
79 iterations were performed
Final likelihood = -485611.2
CAUTION! The optimization might only find a local minimum.
The emulator takes roughly 3 minutes to fit on a 3 Ghz Intel core i5 16GB 2400 MHz DDR4 Macintosh computer. The final emulator is very smooth as evidenced by the relatively high range parameters compared to the ensemble parameter range, and has an extremely low nugget compared to the partial sill parameter.
Next, we perform cross-validation of the emulator for the entire time series. We withhold three ensemble members, and predict at withheld parameters using the model output at the remaining 97 parameter settings.
R> test.csv(emul.Sicopolis, num.test=3, plot.std=TRUE, theseed=13241240)
Predicting for run number: 3
Predicting for run number: 26
Predicting for run number: 93
Here, we have specified a random seed, and the output tells us which
model runs were excluded. Alternatively, we can select the runs to
withhold via the test.runind
argument. We present the results in
Figure 5. The emulator has remarkable skill at
recovering the output of the withheld models.
Now, we withhold more runs and perform a more systematic analysis of emulator behavior:
R> mytest = test.csv(emul.Sicopolis, num.test=10, plot.std=FALSE, theseed=13241240,
Predicting for run number: 3
Predicting for run number: 7
Predicting for run number: 26
Predicting for run number: 34
Predicting for run number: 37
Predicting for run number: 43
...Prediction error. Likely because prediction parameters are out of bounds
Predicting for run number: 91
Predicting for run number: 93
Predicting for run number: 99
Predicting for run number: 100
NOTE: 1 prediction points were omitted
R> cat("95% CI coverage:", mytest$coverage, "\n")
95% CI coverage: 0.9768028
Note that stilt does not extrapolate beyond the parameter range of the
ensemble. Since one of the parameters is at its maximum among the
ensemble for the
We finish by plotting the response surface of the emulator for
parameters 4 (snow PDD factor), and 5 (ice PDD factor). We fix flow
enhancement factor, basal sliding factor, and geothermal heat flux at
values of 3.0, 10.0 m y
R> rsurface.plot(emul.Sicopolis, parind=c(4,5), parvals=c(3, 10, 45, NA, NA),
tind=600, n1=10, n2=10)
We look at the 600n1
and n2
are the number of grid points to use in the
Here, we present stilt - a package for simplified Gaussian process emulation. The package is designed for emulation of time series model output in parameter space, although it can be applied for kriging more generally. The focus is on simplicity, so the package could be easily applied to many challenging problems by users outside of the statistics research community. The streamlined emulator fitting and prediction means the package is also useful pedagogically in demonstrating the Gaussian process emulation. We assume separability in space and time for the Gaussian process. This allows us to reduce computational burden using matrix algebra, and makes it possible to apply the package to moderately large datasets, especially in the time dimension. We showcase package capabilities on three examples which differ in the amount of parameters in the model ensemble. Specifically, we use a 1D toy dataset, a 2D dataset of Korean summer mean maximum temperatures, and the 5D SICOPOLIS ice sheet model output. Using cross-validation functions, we show the capability of the emulator to predict model response at excluded parameter values in up to five dimensions. We demonstrate the capacity to visualize estimated 2D model response surfaces. The package can be useful when computational resources are limited, and a relatively fast statistical approximator is required for a complex model across a range of parameter space. Some limitations of the package are homoskedasticity, separability, and the fixed covariance structure (e.g., AR(1) and the squared exponential function). We choose the AR(1) model because it is applicable to data in diverse scientific fields (Hasselmann 1976; Keller and McInerney 2008; Li 2011; Olson et al. 2013). The disadvantage is that such an emulator may not handle seasonal or periodic effects that may be present in computer model output. Extending the package to account for heteroskedasticity (e.g., hetGP package, Binois and Gramacy 2017) should be considered in future work.
For their roles in producing, coordinating, and making available the CMIP5 model output, we acknowledge the climate modeling groups, the World Climate Research Programme’s (WCRP) Working Group on Coupled modeling (WGCM), and the Global Organization for Earth System Science Portals (GO-ESSP). We thank Jong-Soo Shin for help with extracting Korean temperature output, and Patrick Applegate for sharing the SICOPOLIS ice sheet model output. We acknowledge financial support from National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2009-0093069, NRF-2018R1A5A1024958), and from the Institute for Basic Science (project code IBS-R028-D1). This work was also co-supported by the National Science Foundation through the Network for Sustainable Climate Risk Management (SCRiM) under NSF cooperative agreement GEO-1240507 and the Penn State Center for Climate Risk Management. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, or any other foundation or entity.
This Appendix describes the technique to reduce computational cost when
evaluating the likelihood (Equation (1)). In its original
form, it involves a computationally expensive inverse of an
Additionally, determinant computations can be simplified considerably
(Gentle 2007):
gstat, mlegp, spBayes, ramps, spTimer, RandomFields, stilt, fields, maps, spam, dotCall64
Bayesian, Distributions, Spatial, SpatioTemporal, TimeSeries
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Olson, et al., "Stilt: Easy Emulation of Time Series AR(1) Computer Model Output in Multidimensional Parameter Space", The R Journal, 2018
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2018-049, author = {Olson, Roman and Ruckert, Kelsey L. and Chang, Won and Keller, Klaus and Haran, Murali and An, Soon-Il}, title = {Stilt: Easy Emulation of Time Series AR(1) Computer Model Output in Multidimensional Parameter Space}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2018}, note = {}, volume = {10}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {209-225} }