In independent component analysis (ICA) one searches for mutually independent nongaussian latent variables when the components of the multivariate data are assumed to be linear combinations of them. Arguably, the most popular method to perform ICA is FastICA. There are two classical versions, the deflation-based FastICA where the components are found one by one, and the symmetric FastICA where the components are found simultaneously. These methods have been implemented previously in two R packages, fastICA and ica. We present the R package fICA and compare it to the other packages. Additional features in fICA include optimization of the extraction order in the deflation-based version, possibility to use any nonlinearity function, and improvement to convergence of the deflation-based algorithm. The usage of the package is demonstrated by applying it to the real ECG data of a pregnant woman.
The goal of independent component analysis is to transform a multivariate dataset so that the resulting components are as independent as possible. The idea is to separate latent components from the dataset which is assumed to consist of linear mixtures of them.
The basic independent component (IC) model is thus written as
ICA has become a widely used tool in various fields, including brain imaging, image and audio signal processing, and financial time series analysis. Despite the vast amount of literature on ICA methodology, the classical FastICA (Hyvärinen and Oja 1997; Hyvärinen 1999) methods are still the most popular tools with which to estimate the independent components. FastICA functions are available for several programming languages such as Matlab, in package FastICA (Gävert et al. 2005); R, in packages fastICA (Marchini et al. 2013) and ica (Helwig 2015); C++, as part of package IT++ (Cayre and Furon 2004); and Python, as part of packages MDP (Zito et al. 2008) and Scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al. 2011).
Here we introduce the R package fICA (Miettinen et al. 2017b). In addition to the classical FastICA methods, fICA includes functions for three recently proposed improved variants of FastICA, which are presented in the following section. Then we discuss how the fICA package differs from the packages fastICA and ica, and finally, we give some examples on the usage of the fICA package.
The fICA package includes implementations of the classical FastICA estimators as well as three improved variants, which we will now describe in detail. For other variants of FastICA, see (Koldovský and Tichavský 2015).
All the methods maximize the nongaussianity of the components of
The first FastICA paper (Hyvärinen and Oja 1997) used pow3 to find the
independent components one after the other. In this deflation-based
FastICA, the
In addition to the global maximum, the objective function has several
local maxima to which the FastICA algorithm may converge. The order in
which the rows of
The statistical properties including asymptotic normality of the
deflation-based FastICA estimator were studied rigorously
in (Ollila 2009, 2010; Nordhausen et al. 2011). The derivation of
the asymptotic variances of the unmixing matrix estimate lead to
reloaded FastICA (Nordhausen et al. 2011) which first computes an
initial estimate
The adaptive deflation-based FastICA (Miettinen et al. 2014) differs
from the other estimators here, as instead of one nonlinearity it uses a
candidate set of multiple nonlinearities, from which the best one is
chosen for each component. Again, an initial estimate of the sources is
computed and then the same quantities as in reloaded FastICA are
obtained, but now for for each candidate in the set of nonlinearities.
In addition to identifying the optimal extraction order, the optimal
nonlinearity for each independent component is also chosen separately.
The default set of nonlinearities for the function adapt_fICA
in the R
package fICA includes pow3, tanh, gaus, and the following eleven
The symmetric FastICA (Hyvärinen 1999) estimator maximizes
The squared symmetric FastICA (Miettinen et al. 2017c) estimator
For both of the symmetric versions, the initial value of
The FastICA algorithms sometimes fail to converge when the sample size
is small. However, this is not obvious if one uses the R package
fastICA or ica since they do not give errors or warnings if the
algorithm does not converge, but simply return the estimate after the
maximum number of iterations has been reached. In the fastICA package,
the information about convergence can be obtained, but since it is not
given in the default setup, many of the users will not notice it.
Similarly, in the ica package the number of iterations is included in
the output and could be used as an indicator for convergence, but
convergence problems might still go unnoticed. Growing the number of
iterations does usually not help because if the algorithm has not
converged after 2000 iterations, it is often repeating a loop of values.
In contrast, the functions in the R package fICA give an error message
if the algorithm does not converge. When computing the symmetric
estimators, the user can choose the number of random orthogonal matrices
which are generated for the initial values of the algorithms. If this
number is at least two, the function returns the estimate which yields
the highest value of the objective function and gives a warning if none
of the algorithm runs converge. To avoid the repeating loop in the
deflation-based case, fICA alternates the step size. The update of the
To sum up the key differences of fICA to the fastICA and ica packages, we present Table 1.
fICA | fastICA | ica | ||
Symmetric FastICA | YES | YES | YES | |
Squared symm. FastICA | YES | NO | NO | |
Deflation-based FastICA | YES | YES | YES | |
Optimized extraction order | YES | NO | NO | |
Adaptive defl. FastICA | YES | NO | NO | |
Error if no convergence | YES | NO | NO | |
Number of nonlinearities |
The number of nonlinearities in fICA is basically unlimited. In
addition to the already implemented suggestions, the user can provide
their own functions by specifying
To illustrate the use of the fICA package, we give the following two examples.
First, we analyze an electrocardiography recording (ECG) dataset
(Lathauwer et al. 2000), which can be downloaded
from the supplementary files of Miettinen et al. (2017d). An ECG measures
the electrical potential on the body surface. This recording is from a
pregnant woman and consists of eight signals from five sensors on the
stomach and three on the chest. The lengths of the signals are 2500 time
The signals are mixtures of fetus’ and mother’s heart beats and possibly some artifacts. The goal is to separate these sources using independent component analysis.
> library(fICA)
> library(JADE)
> options(digits = 4)
> dataset <- matrix(scan("
+ downloadSuppFile/v076i02/foetal_ecg.dat"), 2500, 9, byrow = TRUE)
> X <- dataset[ , 2:9]
> plot.ts(X, nc = 1, main = "Data")
After downloading the data and plotting it in Figure 1, we
see that the main feature in each signal are 14 peaks, which are
presumably produced by mother’s heart beats. Next, we show how to apply
the function adapt_fICA
with a modified set of nonlinearities. We
demonstrate how to use the pre-programmed pow3 , tanh, and gaus
options in the packages, and demonstrate how to use a user-specified
function by providing
> g <- function(x){ x^2 }
> dg <- function(x){ 2*x }
> gf_new <- c(gf[1:3], g)
> dgf_new <- c(dgf[1:3], dg)
> gnames_new <- c(gnames[1:3], "skew")
> res <- adapt_fICA(X, gs = gf_new, dgs = dgf_new, name = gnames_new, kj = 1)
> res
W :
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
[1,] -0.04135 0.059521 0.004006 0.001754 -0.010123 0.0076023 0.0001551
[2,] 0.01731 -0.023294 0.002298 0.002663 0.008367 0.0022727 -0.0075911
[3,] 0.09352 0.071699 -0.106091 -0.004342 0.175369 -0.0030657 -0.0063677
[4,] -0.05358 0.106633 0.076979 0.044062 -0.024241 -0.0261067 -0.0522030
[5,] 0.15805 0.039095 0.233377 -0.041272 -0.169486 0.0104065 -0.0116267
[6,] -0.06605 0.114817 0.201392 -0.021387 0.234210 -0.0106505 0.0254791
[7,] 0.07817 -0.001272 0.146718 0.220175 -0.180189 -0.0008764 0.0035999
[8,] -0.25492 0.313232 0.049493 0.089799 0.028816 0.0232881 -0.0535985
[1,] -0.009234
[2,] 0.009301
[3,] 0.013034
[4,] 0.022396
[5,] 0.028662
[6,] -0.010261
[7,] -0.009922
[8,] 0.034743
gs :
[1] "pow3" "tanh" "gaus" "skew"
used_gs :
[1] "gaus" "gaus" "gaus" "tanh" "tanh" "tanh" "tanh"
alphas :
comp 1 comp 2 comp 3 comp 4 comp 5 comp 6 comp 7 comp 8
pow3 0.7445 0.6119 1.4060 1.994 5.014 9.628 23.28 50087.8
tanh 0.2433 0.2569 0.7769 1.374 3.189 8.400 21.53 343.3
gaus 0.2058 0.2336 0.7336 1.458 3.351 10.829 22.87 215.1
skew 0.5457 0.4126 11.8980 7.091 12.867 9.118 25.00 108.7
init_est :
[1] "1-JADE"
In the output, we have the used_gs
output does
not give a nonlinearity for the last component since the last component
is fixed by the seven previous components due to the orthogonality
> plot.ts(bss.components(res), nc=1, main="Estimated components")
Figure 2 plots the estimated independent components. Clearly, the first two components are related to mother’s heart beat and the third one is related to fetus’ heart beat. The third row of the unmixing matrix estimate shows which data signals contribute to the estimate of the fetal heart beat. Not surprisingly, the nonzero coefficients correspond to sensors 1, 2, 3, and 5, which are located on the stomach area.
In this simulation example, we also take a look at the related R package
BSSasymp (Miettinen et al. 2017a),
which computes asymptotic covariance matrices of several mixing and
unmixing matrix estimates, including the FastICA variants discussed in
this paper and implemented in fICA. The
> library(fICA)
> library(fastICA)
> library(ica)
> library(BSSasymp)
> library(JADE)
> options(digits = 4)
> set.seed(1145)
> rort <- function(p){qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(p * p), p)))}
> n <- 5000
> p <- 3
> A <- matrix(rnorm(p^2), p, p)
> Ws1 <- Ws2 <- Ws3 <- vector("list", 1000)
> for(i in 1:1000){
+ Z <- cbind(rt(n, 9) / sqrt(9/7), rexp(n, 1) - 1, rnorm(n))
+ X <- tcrossprod(Z,A)
+ init = rort(p)
+ Ws1[[i]] <- reloaded_fICA(X, g = "tanh")$W
+ res <- fastICA(X, n.comp = 3, alg.typ = "deflation" )
+ Ws2[[i]] <- t(res$W) %*% t(res$K)
+ Ws3[[i]] <- icafast(X, nc = 3, alg = "def", Rmat = init)$W
+ }
To obtain the theoretical asymptotic variances, the density functions of
the independent components and their supports are required. Function
computes the values for deflation-based variants of
FastICA. However, when the initial matrix is random as it is in
fastICA and ica, there are no asymptotic results. Therefore, we only
consider the reloaded FastICA for which the asymptotic variances are
derived using ASCOV_FastICAdefl
with method = "adapt"
and only one
nonlinearity. The output component $COV_W
gives the asymptotic
covariance matrix of the unmixing matrix estimate with the variances on
the diagonal. The variances can be estimated using the function
and the data matrix. Here we estimate the
variances from the last dataset generated above. In this case, the
estimated variances are slightly higher than the theoretical values.
Finally, we compute the variances from the simulations, and notice that
they are quite close to the theoretical and the estimated variances.
> f1 <- function(x){ dt(x*sqrt(9/7),9)*sqrt(9/7) }
> f2 <- function(x){ dexp(x+1,1) }
> f3 <- function(x){ dnorm(x) }
> supp <- matrix(c(-Inf, -1, -Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf), p, 2)
> COV <- ASCOV_FastICAdefl(c(f1,f2,f3), gf[2], dgf[2], Gf[2],
+ method = "adapt", name = c("tanh"), supp = supp, A = A)$COV_W
> matrix(diag(COV), p, p)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 6.974 1.486 4.157
[2,] 27.813 5.163 10.895
[3,] 4.703 1.533 9.879
> COV_est <- ASCOV_FastICAdefl_est(X, gf[2], dgf[2], Gf[2],
+ method="adapt", name=c("tanh"))$COV_W
> matrix(diag(COV_est), p, p)*n
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 7.219 1.369 4.356
[2,] 39.321 6.399 12.983
[3,] 5.714 1.552 16.177
> apply(simplify2array(Ws1), c(1,2), var)*n
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 7.128 1.582 4.132
[2,] 29.009 5.334 11.498
[3,] 4.939 1.528 10.639
The minimum distance index (Ilmonen et al. 2010) can be used to quantify
the separation performance of an unmixing matrix ASCOV_FastICAdefl
gives the
limiting expected value of
> EMD_opt <- ASCOV_FastICAdefl(c(f1,f2,f3), gf[2], dgf[2], Gf[2],
+ method = "adapt", name = c("tanh"), supp = supp, A = A)$EMD
> EMD_opt
[1] 44.74
> EMD2 <- ASCOV_FastICAdefl(c(f1,f2,f3), gf[2], dgf[2], Gf[2],
+ method = "regular", name = c("tanh"), supp = supp, A = A)$EMD
> EMD2
[1] 67.66
> MD1 <- unlist(lapply(Ws1, MD, A=A))
> MD2 <- unlist(lapply(Ws2, MD, A=A))
> MD3 <- unlist(lapply(Ws3, MD, A=A))
> mean(MD1^2)*n*(p-1) # fICA
[1] 46.74
> mean(MD2^2)*n*(p-1) # fastICA
[1] 67.87
> mean(MD3^2)*n*(p-1) # ica
[1] 69.34
This simulation shows the effect of the extraction order in deflation-based fastICA. To date, only fICA has offered tools to find the optimal extraction order.
FastICA is the most widely used method to carry out independent component analysis. The R package fICA contributes to existing methods in two ways. First, it introduces the reloaded and adaptive deflation-based FastICA and the squared symmetric FastICA. Second, it improves on the existing R functions for classical FastICA algorithms by allowing user-specified nonlinearities and enhancing the convergence of the deflation-based FastICA. We gave a short review of the FastICA estimators, and examples on how to use them with the fICA package.
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewer for comments. The work of Klaus Nordhausen and Sara Taskinen was supported by CRoNoS COST Action IC1408, COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Miettinen, et al., "fICA: FastICA Algorithms and Their Improved Variants", The R Journal, 2018
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2018-046, author = {Miettinen, Jari and Nordhausen, Klaus and Taskinen, Sara}, title = {fICA: FastICA Algorithms and Their Improved Variants}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2018}, note = {}, volume = {10}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {148-158} }