R is a powerful tool for data processing, visualization, and modeling. However, R is slower than other languages used for similar purposes, such as Python. One reason for this is that R lacks base support for collections, abstract data types that store, manipulate, and return data (e.g., sets, maps, stacks). An exciting recent trend in the R extension ecosystem is the development of collection packages, packages that provide classes that implement common collections. At least 12 collection packages are available across the two major R extension repositories, the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) and Bioconductor. In this article, we compare collection packages in terms of their features, design philosophy, ease of use, and performance on benchmark tests. We demonstrate that, when used well, the data structures provided by collection packages are in many cases significantly faster than the data structures provided by base R. We also highlight current deficiencies among R collection packages and propose avenues of possible improvement. This article provides useful recommendations to R programmers seeking to speed up their programs and aims to inform the development of future collection-oriented software for R.
R is one of the most popular languages used for data analysis due to its rich package ecosystem, robust user support community, and powerful modeling and graphical capabilities (Muenchen 2012). However, R is not a fast language. R has an unusual and costly combination of language features, including lazy function evaluation, extreme dynamism, and pass-by-value to functions (Morandat et al. 2012). Additionally, R lacks base support for common computer science data structures (Wickham 2014), impeding users from selecting efficient data structures for specific tasks (Cormen 2009). Some of these limitations are necessary trade-offs of a programming environment that facilitates sophisticated modeling for practitioners across many fields. However, the general trend toward larger datasets makes the performance cost of these limitations more acute.
A promising avenue for addressing these difficulties is the development of R packages that implement collections. In computer science, a collection is an interface for storing, manipulating, and retrieving a group of like data items (Dale and Walker 1996). Common examples of collections include sets, maps, and stacks. Collections are used frequently in programming; the languages Python, Java, and C++ ship with comprehensive collection frameworks (van Rossum and Drake 2011; Stroustrup 2013; Schildt 2014). The addition of collections to R is an exciting prospect. Collections are (in general) backed by mathematically optimal algorithms and thus help accelerate program execution times. In the case of R, collections can be implemented in C++ via Rcpp for increased speed (Eddelbuettel et al. 2011). An added benefit of collections is that they make programs more abstract and thus easier to write, read, debug, and revise (Liskov and Zilles 1974).
In recent years, researchers have developed R packages designed specifically to implement collections. For example, (Peng 2006), (Brown 2013), and (Russell 2017) implemented maps; (Meyer and Hornik 2009) implemented sets; (O’Neil 2015), (Csárdi 2016), (Collier 2016), (Schmidt 2016), and (Poncet 2017) implemented stacks and queues; and (Bengtsson 2015), (Giuliano 2017), and (Pagés et al. 2017) implemented sequences (also known as lists). These packages vary in their features, performance, memory footprint, design philosophy, and ease of use. Consequently, selecting the appropriate package for a particular task is challenging. Moreover, these packages have inconsistent application programming interfaces (APIs), and so switching between them or using several in unison is awkward or in some cases impossible.
The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to describe and compare R packages that implement collections (henceforth called collection packages); second, to propose an avenue for improving the collection capabilities of R. The former will aid R users in navigating the existing collection package ecosystem, while the latter will help guide the development of new R collection software. We begin with a brief review of common computer science data structures and clarify the distinction between abstract data types and data structures. We then evaluate R collection packages and compare them in terms of features and performance. We conclude with a discussion of future directions and areas of potential improvement. In particular, we propose the development of a unified, simple, and efficient R collection framework.
We briefly review data structures and abstract data types.
A data structure is a way of organizing information in a computer’s memory (Black 1998). There exist myriad data structures, each of which has strengths and weaknesses. In this section we review what we consider to be the three data structures most relevant to R users: arrays, linked lists, and hash tables. We assume the reader is familiar with big O notation 1. Readers interested in learning more should refer to, for example, (Cormen 2009).
An array is a linear sequence of elements stored contiguously in memory (Figure 1). Retrieving or modifying an element at a particular index is \(\mathcal{O}(1)\). Removing an element from the middle or beginning of an array is \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) because elements that follow the element that has been removed must be copied and shifted one position to the left. Checking whether an element is present in an array (called search) typically requires iterating over each element and in this case is \(\mathcal{O}(n)\). Finally, assuming sufficient space has been allocated so as to not require array resizing, appending an element to the end of an array is \(\mathcal{O}(1)\). (If resizing is necessary, appending an element is \(\mathcal{O}(n)\).)
. The list has both head and tail
references.A linked list is a linear sequence of objects called nodes (Figure 2). Each node contains a single data element and a reference to the following node (and, in the case of doubly-linked lists, a reference to the previous node as well). We focus here on doubly-linked lists because they are most relevant to the current paper. Insertion or deletion at a node for which a reference exists is \(\mathcal{O}(1)\). Because the program must store a reference to the front (or head) node to access the list, insertion or removal at the front of a doubly-linked list is \(\mathcal{O}(1)\). The program can optionally store a reference to the rear (or tail) node, in which case insertion or removal at the rear of the list is \(\mathcal{O}(1)\).
A hash table is a data structure built to support fast insertion, removal, and search (Figure 3). Hash tables can be implemented in a number different ways, but one common implementation is roughly as follows: Allocate an array. Define a function that associates data elements to be stored in the hash table with an index of the array. When adding an element, compute the index with which it is associated and store it in the appropriate array position. If multiple data elements are mapped to the same array position, store the elements in a linked list. Hash tables support amortized \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) insertion, removal, and search.
An abstract data type is a collection of objects whose behavior is defined by a set of operations (Dale and Walker 1996). Abstract data types are mathematical formalisms rather than concrete objects stored on a computer’s hardware. They are useful because they allow a programmer to focus on an object’s functionality rather than its implementation details. A collection is an abstract data type that stores data elements. Common examples of collections include sets, maps, stacks, queues, and sequences. We briefly describe each of these collections here:
A set is a collection that does not contain duplicate elements. Sets
support the operations insert
, delete
, search
, and
occasionally intersect
and union
. The operation insert
adds a
given element to the collection; delete
removes a given element
from the collection; search
checks for the presence of a given
element in the collection; and intersect
and union
standard set intersection and union procedures.
A map is a set that consists of ordered pairs, called key-value
pairs. A key \(x\) is said to be associated with a value \(y\) if the
ordered pair \((x,y)\) is an element of the collection. Maps impose
the condition that each key be associated with a single value. Maps
support the operations put
, get
, and remove
. The operation
adds a given key-value pair to the collection; get
the value associated with a given key; and remove
deletes a given
a key-value pair from the collection.
A stack is a collection that supports the following two operations:
and pop
. The operation push
adds a given element to the
collection, and pop
removes the most recently added element from
the collection.
A queue is a collection that supports the following two operations:
and dequeue
. The operation enqueue
adds a given
element to the collection, and dequeue
removes the least-recently
added element from the collection.
A sequence is an ordered collection of elements. The exact
functionality of a sequence depends on its implementation, but
typically sequences support the operations append
, replace
, getIndexOfObject
, remove
, and search
. The
operation append
adds a given element to the end of the
collection; replace
replaces a given element or the element
located at a given index with another element; getObjectAtIndex
returns the element located at a given index; getIndexOfObject
returns the index (or indices) at which a given element is located;
deletes a given element or the element located at a given
index from the collection; and search
checks for the presence of a
given element in the collection. Familiar examples of sequences
include R vectors and lists. Vectors in R are homogeneous sequences
(i.e., can store a single type of object), while lists in R are
heterogeneous sequences (i.e., can store different types of
The names we use to refer to the different collection types are standard (Dale and Walker 1996), with the possible exception of sequence. Many programmers prefer the term list to sequence, but we choose to use the term sequence to avoid confusion with R lists.
Abstract data types and data structures are related in that data
structures are used to implement abstract data types. To illustrate, one
could implement a sequence abstract data type using an array data
structure (Figure 1) or a linked list data structure (Figure
2). If using an array, append
, for instance, involves
inserting an element into the memory location following the memory
location of the rightmost element. If using a linked list, on the other
hand, append
involves inserting a new node at the tail of the linked
list. At the level of hardware, these procedures are clearly distinct.
However, at a more abstract level, these procedures both implement the
operation for different implementations of the sequence
abstract data type.
We searched the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) and Bioconductor for collection packages, evaluated the API and design of the packages returned by this search, and then ran benchmark tests to assess the performance of these packages.
We searched CRAN and Bioconductor for packages that implement one or more of the following collection types: map, set, stack, queue, or sequence. Table 1 lists the terms used in the search, the number of packages returned by the search, the number of packages excluded from review after the search, and the names of the packages ultimately selected for review. We searched CRAN and Bioconductor because these platforms are the two most popular repositories for R packages, and because packages must pass a review before publication on these platforms. CRAN packages published through July 3, 2017, and Bioconductor packages published through March 24, 2018, were included in the search.
The vast majority of packages we excluded from review were unrelated to either collections or data structures. For example, the search term “array” returned many packages related to the analysis of microarray data. Some excluded packages, however, did relate to collections or data structures. We note those packages here.
The packages hashr (van der Loo 2015) and hashFunction (Zhan 2013) implement functions that generate hash codes for R objects. While hashing plays an important role in the construction of hash tables, hashr and hashFunction do not implement complete map classes.
The package filehashSQLite (Peng 2012) implements a key-value map using SQLite as the backend. For the sake of simplicity, we neglected filehashSQLite to focus exclusively on its more popular companion package, filehash (Peng 2006).
The package tictoc (Izrailev 2014) implements a complete stack class. The primary purpose of tictoc is to benchmark R code; the stack class is tangential. Moreover, the implementation of the tictoc stack class is virtually identical to that of a dedicated collection package already selected for review (namely, liqueueR).
The package DSL (Bengtsson 2015) implements a sequence class that can be stored in a distributed manner. While important, distributed computing is outside the scope of the current work.
The packages bit64 (Oehlschlägel 2017) and bit (Oehlschlägel 2014) implement sequence classes that can efficiently store 64-bit integers and 1-bit booleans, respectively. While useful in certain contexts, bit64 and bit are too specialized for inclusion this article.
The package Oarray (Rougier 2013) implements a sequence class that supports 0-based indexing. This class is too similar to the standard base R vector for inclusion in this review.
Collection | Search terms | N. packages returned | N. packages excluded | Packages kept |
Set | ‘set,’ ‘hash’ | 448 | 447 | sets (Meyer and Hornik 2009) |
Map | ‘map,’ ‘associative array,’ ‘dictionary,’ ‘dictionaries,’ ‘hash,’ ‘symbol table’ | 257 | 254 | filehash (Peng 2006), hash (Brown 2013), hashmap (Russell 2017) |
Stack | ‘stack,’ ‘last-in-first-out,’ ‘LIFO’ | 14 | 9 | rstackdeque (O’Neil 2015), rstack (Csárdi 2016) liqueueR (Collier 2016), dequer (Schmidt 2016), flifo (Poncet 2017) |
Queue | ‘queue,’ ‘first-in-first-out,’ ‘FIFO’ | 7 | 4 | rstackdeque (O’Neil 2015), liqueueR (Collier 2016), dequer (Schmidt 2016) |
Sequence | ‘sequence,’ ‘list,’ ‘vector,’ ‘array’ | 449 | 446 | listenv (Bengtsson 2015), S4Vectors (Pagés et al. 2017), stdvectors (Giuliano 2017) |
We selected a total of 11 packages from CRAN (filehash, hash, hashmap, sets, rstackdeque, rstack, liqueueR, dequer, flifo, listenv, and stdvectors) and one package from Bioconductor (S4Vectors) for review.
We analyzed the design and features of the packages selected for review.
For a given package (e.g., rstackdeque) and collection class
implemented by that package (e.g., “stack
”), we determined the
API of the class
types of R objects that can be stored by the class
language in which the class was implemented (e.g., pure R, C++, C, etc.)
data structure(s) used to implement the class
algorithmic complexity of the operations provided by the class
whether the operations provided by the class have side effects or are side effect-free
whether the class was implemented using the S3, S4, or R6 object-oriented system
any unusual features or limitations of the class.
We conducted this analysis by reading package vignettes and manuals, corresponding with package authors, and examining package source code.
We wrote and ran scripts to measure the execution times of key functions implemented by the packages selected for review. We refer to these trials of execution times as benchmark tests. For a given collection type, abstract operation defined on that collection type, and package implementing that collection type, we measured the execution time of the given function by the given package. We repeated this test 25 times each for collection objects containing different numbers of elements, and then plotted mean execution time against object size for that collection type, package, and operation. The commands used to generate the benchmark test results are given in the appendix.
As an example of this procedure, consider the map collection type. For a
given package \(p\) among those that implement the map collection type
(filehash, hash, and hashmap), for a given operation
\(o\) among those defined on the map collection type (put
, get
, and
), and for a positive integer \(n\), we measured the median
execution time \(t\) of 25 calls to method \(o\) of a map object from
package \(p\) containing \(n\) elements. We then plotted the point \((n,t)\)
on the graph of median function execution time vs. number of elements
in collection corresponding to package \(p\) and operation \(o\). For a
given function, the plot of median function execution time vs. number
of elements in collection reflects function scalability (or lack
thereof): plots with shallow growth suggest the function scales well,
while plots with steep growth suggest the function does not scale as
well. The values of \(n\) we tested ranged from 100 to 100,000, and are
similar to the values of \(n\) used by other authors for benchmark tests
(e.g., (O’Neil 2015), (Russell 2017)). Benchmark test result plots are
available in the appendix.
To help readers interpret benchmark test results, we developed our own
custom implementation of each collection type using a base R list. For
example, we implemented the map abstract data type using a named list,
wherein names served as keys and entries served as values. The put
, and remove
operations were implemented by appending data to,
indexing, and subsetting the list, respectively. Given the centrality
and importance of the list to R programming, our base R list
implementation of a given collection type can be seen as the “control”
or “default” implementation of that collection type.
We measured function execution times using the package
(Mersmann 2015). The microbenchmark package provides a function
that measures the execution time of code with sub-millisecond accuracy.
The package uses the operating system-level routine
mach_absolute _time
on MacOSX and is more precise than R’s native
function. Scripts were run in R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
using an Apple computer with an Intel Core i5 CPU (2.5 GHz, 2 cores, 4
logical processors), 4 GB of RAM, and 500 GB of storage. Additional
details on the benchmark tests are available in the appendix.
The only package we located on CRAN that implements the set abstract
data type is sets. The sets package is rich in features and
provides broad support for basic sets, generalized sets (i.e., sets in
which elements are mapped to a real number), and customizable sets
(i.e., sets in which the user can specify iteration order and the
function used to check for element equality). The basic set class is
called “set
.” The “set
” class is equipped with a wide variety of
methods, including search
, union
, intersection
, complement
power set
, Cartesian product
, and more. The “set
” class does not
have insert
and delete
methods per se, but its union
methods implement these operations in effect. The package
is written predominantly in R and partially in C. Objects of type
” are S3 objects and operations on “set
” objects are side-effect
Under the hood, “set
” objects are R lists that are ordered to allow
for the comparison of nested sets. The function search
creates a hash table, inserts the elements of the calling set into the
hash table, and then checks for the existence of the queried element.
This procedure is \(\mathcal{O}(n)\). The methods insert
(as implemented
by calling union
on the set and the object to be added) and remove
(as implemented by calling complement
on the set and the object to be
removed) are more involved. Ultimately, both methods perform a
comparison-based sort and are therefore \(\mathcal{O}(n\textrm{ }log(n))\)
at best. The sets package performed worse than a base R List
implementation of the set abstract data type on all operations and for
all set sizes (Figure 5).
Among the packages selected for review, hash, hashmap, and filehash implement the map abstract data type.
The map class of the package hash is called “hash
.” The “hash
class implements the standard map API, as well as methods to invert a
” object and return the number of key-value pairs in a “hash
object. Keys stored in “hash
” objects must be atomic character
vectors, but values can be any R object. The “hash
” class is
essentially a convenience wrapper around R environments. Because
environments are implemented internally as hash tables (Wickham 2014),
the put
, get
, and remove
methods of the “hash
” class are
\(\mathcal{O}(1)\) amortized. The “hash
” class is implemented in S4, and
its methods (in general) have side-effects.
The hashmap package provides a map class called “Hashmap
.” The
” class implements a number of useful methods in addition to
, get
, and remove
, such as methods to return a named vector
representation of a “Hashmap
” object and merge “Hashmap
” objects.
” objects can store a variety of atomic vector types as keys
and values, but not general R objects. The hashmap package is
implemented in C++, and the “Hashmap
” class is essentially a wrapper
around a hash table class in the C++ Standard Template Library.
Accordingly, put
, get
, and remove
operations are \(\mathcal{O}(1)\)
amortized. The “Hashmap
” class is implemented in S4 and has methods
that (in general) operate via side effects. An interesting feature of
hashmap is that the put
, get
, and remove
methods are
efficiently vectorized.
The map class of the package filehash, called “filehash
,” is
rather different from “hash
” and “Hashmap
.” While “hash
” and
” store keys and values in working memory, “filehash
” stores
keys and values on disk. This allows the user to work with datasets that
take up more space than is available in RAM. The API of filehash
includes the standard map operations as well as methods to test for the
existence of a key and return the number of items in a “filehash
object. Keys must be atomic character vectors, while values can be
arbitrary R objects. The “filehash
” class is implemented predominantly
in R, but C code powers file input and output. “filehash
” objects are
S4 objects, and operations on “filehash
” objects (in general) have
side effects.
The data structure underlying a “filehash
” object is somewhat complex.
Essentially, a “filehash
” object is a list containing a reference to a
file on disk and a reference to an R environment. The file on disk
stores keys and values in serialized format, and the environment maps
each key to the byte location of its associated value in the file on
disk. The put
and remove
operations are \(\mathcal{O}(1)\). The
running time of get
is proportional to the number of elements inserted
into the map object since get
was last called. Thus, if a user calls
twice after inserting a large number of elements, the first call
will be slow while the second will run in constant time. We expect get
to be a fast operation in most cases.
The hash, hashmap, and filehash packages all performed well on benchmark tests compared to a base R list implementation of the map abstract data type. The base list was fastest for small datasets. However, hash, hashmap, and filehash began outperforming the base list at around 750 - 4,000 elements, 2,000 - 15,000 elements, and 10,000 - 70,000 elements, respectively (Figure 6).
Our search for packages that implement the stack abstract data type returned rstackdeque, dequer, liqueueR, flifo, and rstack.
The package rstackdeque provides a stack class called “rstack
The “rstack
” class implements standard push
and pop
operations, as
well as functions to obtain the length of a stack, reverse the order of
elements in a stack, and inspect the first element of a stack.
Internally, an “rstack
” object is a singly linked list of R
environments. Accordingly, an “rstack
” object can store any R object
and supports \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) push
and pop
. “rstack
” objects are
implemented in S3, and operations on “rstack
” objects are side-effect
free. Thus, rstackdeque allows for functional programming, which
in fact is one of its major strengths.
The stack class provided by the package dequer is called
.” The “stack
” class implements the standard stack API, as
well as a method to print the top element of a stack. Instances of
” are S3 objects and can store any type of R object.
Internally, “stacks
” are implemented as doubly-linked lists in C.
Thus, push
and pop
are \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) operations. The dequer
package has two limitations that should be noted. First, the only way to
extract elements from a “stack
” is to coerce the entire “stack
” into
an R list; this procedure is \(\mathcal{O}(n)\). Second, due to
implementation details of the R protection stack, it is really only
possible to instantiate and use a single “stack
” object per R session
(Schmidt, personal communication).
The class “Stack
” from the package liqueueR is a simple
implementation of the stack abstract data type. “Stack
” implements the
operations push
and pop
, as well as methods to query the size of a
” object and combine “Stack
” objects. Internally, “Stack
objects are R lists. The push
operation is implemented by appending an
element to the end of the list, and the pop
operation is implemented
by removing the last element of the list. Because R lists are copied
when modified, push
and pop
are \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) operations.
” can store any type of R object. The “Stack
” class is
implemented using R6, and so push
and pop
have side-effects.
The package flifo is similar to liqueueR in that flifo
implements the stack abstract data type using an R list. Moreover, the
stack class provided by flifo, called “lifo
,” operates via
side-effects. There are, however, several unusual design features of
flifo that warrant special attention. First, when pushing a
variable onto a “lifo
” object, the variable is deparsed and then
deleted from the calling environment. For example, the following code,
if executed in the global environment, will result in the deletion of
the variable myVariable
myStack <- lifo(); myVariable <- 1:10; push(myStack,myVariable)
Second, flifo implements “lifo
” objects using the S3-object
oriented system. Because operations on “lifo
” objects are designed to
have side-effects, the push
and pop
functions must record the
calling “lifo
” object’s name and then reassign this object (by name)
to the calling environment. This behavior could be more naturally
achieved if “lifo
” objects were instead implemented using R6. Due to
flifo’s unusual design features and similarity to liqueueR,
we choose not to benchmark flifo.
Finally, the packages rstack and filehash implement stack
classes, but we choose not to benchmark these classes. The stack class
from rstack is implemented using the R6 reference system and is
designed to support \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) push
and pop
. However, due to a
bug in the R6 reference system, the push
and pop
methods of this
class are currently \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) (Csàrdi, personal communication).
The package filehash, which implements the map abstract data type
(as described in the Maps section), incidentally implements a stack
class as well. We discovered this only after downloading and exploring
the package, because filehash was not returned in our search stack
packages on CRAN and Bioconductor (see Table 1).
We choose not to benchmark the stack class provided by filehash
because it is essentially a variation on the map class.
The packages dequer and Rstackdequeue performed favorably compared to the base R list implementation of a stack, while the package LiqueuR performed less favorably. dequer and Rstackdequeue begain outperforming the base R list at about 700-1,000 elements and 9,000-10,000 elements, respectively. LiqueuR exhibited strictly worse performance than the base R list (Figure 7).
Of the packages that implement stacks (rstackdeque, dequer,
liqueueR, flifo, and rstack), all but rstack
also implement queues. Overall, the queue classes provided by these
packages are quite similar to the corresponding stack classes. The queue
class of rstackdeque is implemented using linked lists of R
environments, supports amortized \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) enqueue
, and is side-effect free. liqueueR’s queue class is
implemented as a simple R list, supports \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) enqueue
, and has side-effects. The queue class of flifo is
virtually the same as that of liqueueR in terms of implementation
and algorithmic complexity. We do not run benchmark tests on the
flifo queue class for the same reasons we do not run benchmark
tests on the flifo stack class. It turns out that filehash
also implements a queue class, which we likewise do not benchmark for
reasons given in the previous section.
The queue class of dequer, much like the stack class of
dequer, is implemented as a doubly-linked list of nodes, is
written in C, and has methods that operate via side-effects. The queue
class of dequer, however, appears to have some bugs that the stack
class of dequer does not. First, dequer’s queue class works
only when it has fewer than approximately \(10^6\) elements. Second,
benchmark tests suggest the dequeue
method of dequer’s queue
class runs in \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) time (Figure 8). In theory,
this method should run in \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) time. The cause of this
discrepancy is unclear despite an extensive examination of source code.
The results of the benchmark tests of the queue packages were broadly
similar to those of stack packages. The liqueueR package performed
strictly worse than the base R list implementation of a queue.
Rstackdeque began outperforming the base R list at about 20,000 -
60,000 elements. Finally, dequer was strictly slower than the base
R list with respect to the dequeue
operation, but was faster with
respect to the enqueue
operation on queues containing more than
1,000-2,000 elements (Figure 8).
Among the packages under review, stdvectors, listenv, and S4Vectors implement the sequence abstract data type.
The package stvectors implements a sequence class called
.” The “stdvector
” class has a small API: “stdvector
objects support the operations append
, replace
, getObjectAtIndex
and remove
(by index), but not search
, getIndexOfObject
, or
(by element). Internally, a “stdvector
” object is a C++ array
that grows dynamically. Accordingly, the functions getIndexOfObject
and replace
are \(\mathcal{O}(1)\), the function append
\(\mathcal{O}(1)\) amortized, and the function remove
(when called on an
element in the middle of the sequence) is \(\mathcal{O}(n)\). Objects of
class “stdvector
” are implemented in S3 and can store any type of R
object. Operations on “stdvector
” objects (in general) have
The sequence class provided by the listenv package is called
.” The “listenv
” class has the same API of the “stdvector
class (described above), is written in pure R, and can store any type of
R object. Internally, a “listenv
” object is a list containing a
character vector and a reference to an R environment. Elements are
stored in the environment and are indexed by names that are stored in
the character vector. The methods append
and remove
modifying both the R environment and the character vector. Because
character vectors are copied upon modification, append
and remove
are \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) operations. The methods getObjectAtIndex
involve first copying the character vector and then performing
a lookup in the environment. The getObjectAtIndex
and replace
methods are \(\mathcal{O}(n)\), but grow very slowly in execution time as
\(n\) increases. Operations on “listenv
” objects have side-effects, and
the “listenv
” class is implemented using the S3 system.
S4Vectors is a large and richly-featured package that provides
broad support for the sequence abstract data type. At the core of
S4Vectors is “Vector
,” an abstract class (i.e., class that
cannot be instantiated) that supports basic sequence functionality. Most
of the classes implemented by S4Vectors extend “Vector
” in some
useful way. For example, the “Rle
” class efficiently represents
sequences that contain long subsequences of repeating elements; the
” class stores sequences consisting of ordered pairs; and the
” class stores sequences consisting of very large integers.
Users can easily write their own, custom extension of “Vector
” class
as well. S4Vectors is written in both R and C, and the many
classes provided by S4Vectors are implemented using the S4
object-oriented system. The package
(Lawrence et al. 2013), a companion package of S4Vectors, implements many
additional helpful extensions of the “Vector
” class.
We decided to run benchmark tests on the “SimpleList
” class of the
S4Vectors package. The “SimpleList
” class is directly analogous
to a base R list and provides essentially the same functionality as a
base R list. In fact, under the hood, a “SimpleList
” is an S4 object
containing a base R list. The operations append
, replace
, and
run in \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) time on objects of this class, and the
operation runs in \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) time. It should be
noted that the “SimpleList
” class is fairly generic; more specialized
extensions of the “Vector
” class (e.g., “Rle
”) will likely perform
better under certain conditions.
The benchmark test results for packages implementing the sequence
abstract data type were mixed. The stdvectors package was faster
than the base R list with respect to the append
and remove
operations on objects containing more than 1,000 - 2,000 elements, but
was strictly slower with respect to the other operations. The
listenv package outperformed the base R list with respect to the
operation on objects containing more than 4,000 elements, but
performed strictly worse with respect to the other operations. Finally,
the S4Vectors package was strictly slower than the R list with
respect to all operations (Figure 9).
CRAN and Bioconductor have many collection packages available for download. At present, deciding which package to use is challenging given the variety of options. In this section we provide practical recommendations to users exploring the collection package ecosystem.
Among the packages we reviewed that implement the map collection (filehash, hash, and hashmap), the best package for most situations is probably hash. The package hash is fast, and hash map objects can store any type of R object. The package hashmap has efficiently vectorized functions, but hashmap appears to be slower than hash and the map class it implements cannot store general R objects. The package filehash is useful when working with large datasets (i.e., datasets that consume more memory than is available in RAM), but should be avoided in favor of hash when working with smaller datasets.
The only package we located on CRAN that implements the set abstract
data type is sets. The sets package is versatile and
provides a rich collection of functions and classes. However, sets
is slow; search
runs in linear time, and insert
and remove
run in
superlinear time. These functions would run in constant time if “set
objects were implemented as hash tables rather than R lists. Users
interested in working with a solid implementation of the set abstract
data type, and less interested in speed, should consider the sets
We consider rstackdeque to be the best package for general-purpose
use among the packages we reviewed that implement the stack collection
(rstackdeque, dequer, liqueueR, flifo, and
rstack). The rstackdeque package is reasonably fast,
fully-featured, and supports functional programming. The package
dequer is faster than rstackdeque, but does not allow for
functional programming and suffers from several bugs and drawbacks (see
Results). The packages liqueueR, flifo, and rstack
do not allow for functional programming and implement \(\mathcal{O}(n)\)
and pop
, which we consider to be prohibitively slow. We also
recommend rstackdeque among the packages we reviewed that
implement the queue abstract data type for similar reasons.
A standard R list is the probably the best implementation of the
sequence abstract data type in most situations. R lists are fast and
support the full sequence API (as defined in the Background section).
The S4Vectors package provides a wide range of classes that
implement sequences. The class that we benchmarked, SimpleList
, is
slower than a base R list. However, many of the classes implemented by
S4Vectors (and its companion package IRanges) are excellent
choices for more specialized, structured sequence data. The sequence
class implemented by stdvectors outperforms the base R list with
respect to the operations append
and remove
for large datasets.
However, stdvectors does not support the full sequence API and is
slower than a base R list with respect to the other sequence operations.
The listenv sequence class is, for the most part, slower than a
base R list. Also, it implements fewer methods.
Many R users only use the data structures provided by base R. While base
data structures are reasonably fast, there are cases in which base data
structures are much slower than data structures implemented by
collection packages. For example, the “rstack
” class from
rstackdeque is about an order of magnitude faster than a base R
list when operating on large datasets. R programmers should consider
using the packages recommended above to speed up program execution times
when efficiency is important.
Most of the collection packages reviewed in this paper are used by other
packages as imports or dependencies. For instance, hash is a
dependency of the package
(Buchsbaum 2016). neuroim allows users to store and manipulate brain
imaging data, and the map class from hash serves to associate
character identifiers with different brain regions. The
(Lange et al. 2013) package uses sets. FindMinIC creates models
from all subsets of a given list of predictor variables and then
rank-orders the models by information criterion (e.g., AIC). The
power set
operator from sets is used to generate the space of
possible models. S4Vectors is among the top 5% of most downloaded
packages on Bioconductor and is therefore imported by a large number of
other packages. One such package is
(Lawrence et al. 2013), which uses S4Vectors to represent genomic
annotations and alignments. These examples, and many others, illustrate
the usefulness of collection packages in R software development.
The collection package ecosystem in R is young and could be improved in several ways. First, set objects could be implemented as hash tables rather than R lists (as is the case with sets) to maximize the efficiency of set operations. Second, stack and queue objects could be stored internally as linked lists of nodes rather than environments (as is the case with rstackdeque). Environments in R are hash tables by default, and are therefore more expensive in space than nodes, which are structures that only store data and a reference to another node. Third, every collection object could be equipped with an iterator to facilitate iteration through the elements of the collection. Minor improvements related to the implementation of the map and sequence abstract data types are also possible.
One compelling way to implement these improvements would be to create a
single, unified collection package. Such a package might have “Map
,” “Stack
,” “Queue
,” and “Sequence
” classes that derive from
a generic “Collection
” abstract class. The “Collection
” class might
have methods to check for the presence of an element (contains
), return the number of elements stored (size
), return an
iterator (iterator
), and print to the console (print
). The derived
classes would implement these methods as well as their own, specialized
methods (Figure 4). Each class might be
implemented in C or in C++ via the package Rcpp. In addition to
offering probable performance improvements over current collection
packages, such a package would provide a consistent API between
different collection classes and aggregate important abstract data types
into a single location. We anticipate that developers will disagree on
the specific implementation details of the proposed package. For
instance, some may want to implement purely functional data structures,
while others will prefer non-functional data structures; some may want
to implement the classes using the S3 object oriented system, while
others will prefer S4, and still others R6; some may want to implement
additional abstract data types (e.g., priority queues, graphs, etc.),
while others will prefer to keep the package lean and implement only
those abstract data types mentioned above. Designing and writing the
proposed package will be a major project. The R community should take
inspiration from the latest in functional (e.g., OCaml, Haskell) and
scripting (e.g., Python, Ruby) languages as it considers this
Package authors can take away several general strategies for improving
package performance based on the analysis of the packages reviewed for
this article. First, authors should avoid unnecessarily copying objects
inside functions (as listenv does, for instance). Copying objects,
especially those that are large, is time-intensive. Authors should also
keep in mind that most arguments in R are passed by deep copy to
functions. Passing arguments by reference instead (as rstackdeque
does by using environments) can accelerate function execution times.
Second, authors should avoid adding gratuitous side-effects to functions
that could be written without side-effects. At its core, R is a
functional language. Users expect the data they pass into functions to
remain unchanged. Functions with seemingly unnecessary side-effects
(like those from liqueueR and flifo) may catch users
off-guard. That said, some functions (like insert
on map data
structures) require side-effects to run in constant time. Finally,
authors should remember that certain R functions and data structures
have \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) complexity “hidden” in them. The dequeue
function from dequer, and the push
and pop
functions from
rstack, are supposed to run in \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) time.
Unfortunately, these functions appear to run in \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) time
for reasons that are not immediately obvious. Authors can detect
surprises like these by benchmarking code before package release.
R’s diverse selection of packages is one of its greatest strengths, but also a source of frustration for package users and developers. Users often must sift through many packages to find one that suits their needs, and developers sometimes inadvertently write packages that essentially replicate the functionality of packages that already exist on CRAN or Bioconductor. A good way for the R community to address this issue is to write more package reviews. Reviews can help users quickly find the best package for their purposes, avert authors from developing packages that in effect already exist, and highlight deficiencies in the R package ecosystem. There exist very few review articles in the archives of The R Journal or The Journal of Statistical Software, the two academic journals most directly related to R. Given the growth in popularity of R and the proliferation of R packages, we think that additional review articles would be helpful.
For many statisticians, programmers, and scientists, R is the go-to tool for data processing, modeling, and visualization. However, R’s lack of base support for collection data types can be a hindrance, especially as data sets continue to grow in size. In this article, we reviewed collection packages – packages that implement collection data types like sets, maps, stacks, queues, and sequences. We demonstrated that data types implemented by collection packages are in many cases faster than corresponding base R data types, provided specific package recommendations to users navigating the collection package ecosystem, and gave several suggestions for improving the collection capabilities of R. An interesting line of future work would be to investigate collection packages that implement more advanced abstract data types, such as graphs and priority queues. Such data types, though less common than the ones explored in this review, are quite useful in a variety of applications. Data structures and algorithms lie at the core of computer science. As R users develop new collection packages, and effectively use those that already exist, they will wield the language more powerfully.
We thank the Howard Hughes Medical Institute for supporting this study. We also thank Jason Brunson, Eliezer Gurarie, and two anonymous reviewers for reading and providing helpful comments on the manuscript.
Tables 3 – 6 display the code we used to
benchmark the operations of the packages under review. In Table
3, the variables key
and value
represent a key-value pair.
In Tables 2 - 6, the variable elem
represents a
data element. In all tables, the variable y
represents the collection
object itself. Benchmark test results are displayed in Figures
5 - 9. In all figures, results
for different packages are plotted on different y-scales due to high
between-package variance in execution time. The points represent median
execution time. The colored bands represent the 25th and 75th
percentiles of execution time. The code used to produce these plots is
available at
Insert |
Remove |
sets | y <- set_union(y, elem) |
y <- set_complement(elem, y) |
base | if !(elem %in% y) c(y, elem) else y |
y <- y[!(y == elem)] |
Search |
sets | set_contains_element(elem, y) |
base | elem %in% y |
benchmark for the package filehash has two lines. The line with
circular points gives the running time of a single call to get
; the
line with triangular points gives the running time of the second of two
consecutive calls to get
.Get |
Put |
Remove |
filehash | dbFetch(y, key) |
dbInsert(y, key, value) |
dbDelete(y, key) |
hash | y[[key]] |
y[[key]] <- value |
delete(key, y) |
hashmap | y[[key]] |
y[[key]] <- value |
y$erase(key) |
base | y[key] |
y[key] <- value |
y <-y[!(names(y) %in% key] |
Pop |
Push |
dequer | pop(y) |
push(y, elem) |
liqueR | y$pop() |
y$push(elem) |
rstackdeque | without_top(y) |
insert_top(y, elem) |
base | y <- y[1:(length(y)-1)] |
y <- c(y, elem) |
Dequeue |
Enqueue |
dequer | pop(y) |
pushback(y, elem) |
liqueueR | y$pop() |
y$push(elem) |
rstackdeque | y <- without_front(y) |
y <- insert_back(y, elem) |
base | y <- c(elem, y) |
y <- y[1:(length(y)-1)] |
Append |
GetElementAtIndex |
listenv | y[[length(y) + 1]] <- elem |
y[[index]] |
S4Vectors | y[[length(y) + 1]] <- elem |
y[[index]] |
stdvectors | stdvectorPushBack(y,elem) |
stdvectorSubset(y,index) |
base | y <- c(y, elem) |
y[index] |
Remove |
Replace |
listenv | y[[index]] <- NULL |
y[[index]] <- elem |
S4Vectors | y[[index]] <- NULL |
y[[index]] <- elem |
stdvectors | stdvectorErase(y, index, index) |
stdvectorReplace(y, index, elem) |
base | y <- y[-index] |
y[index] <- elem |
Rcpp, hashr, hashFunction, filehashSQLite, tictoc, DSL, bit64, bit, Oarray, sets, filehash, hash, hashmap, rstackdeque, rstack, liqueueR, dequer, flifo, listenv, stdvectors, microbenchmark, neuroim, FindMinIC
Databases, HighPerformanceComputing, MedicalImaging, NumericalMathematics
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Barry, "Collections in R: Review and Proposal", The R Journal, 2018
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2018-037, author = {Barry, Timothy}, title = {Collections in R: Review and Proposal}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2018}, note = {https://rjournal.github.io/}, volume = {10}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {455-471} }