riskRegression: Predicting the Risk of an Event using Cox Regression Models


In the presence of competing risks a prediction of the time-dynamic absolute risk of an event can be based on cause-specific Cox regression models for the event and the competing risks . We present computationally fast and memory optimized C++ functions with an R interface for predicting the covariate specific absolute risks, their confidence intervals, and their confidence bands based on right censored time to event data. We provide explicit formulas for our implementation of the estimator of the (stratified) baseline hazard function in the presence of tied event times. As a by-product we obtain fast access to the baseline hazards (compared to survival::basehaz()) and predictions of survival probabilities, their confidence intervals and confidence bands. Confidence intervals and confidence bands are based on point-wise asymptotic expansions of the corresponding statistical functionals. The software presented here is implemented in the riskRegression package.

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Nov. 22, 2017


Jul 7, 2017


Ozenne, et al., 2017




440 - 460

1 Introduction

Predictions of hazards and risks based on a Cox regression analysis need to be fast and memory efficient, especially in large data, in simulation studies, and for cross-validation or bootstrap loops. The CRAN task view Survival lists many R packages implementing the Cox regression model and extensions thereof. Among the most popular routines are the function coxph() from the survival package and the function cph() from the rms package . We present a fast and memory efficient algorithm to extract baseline hazards and predicted risks with confidence intervals from an object obtained with either of these functions.

In the presence of competing risks one needs to combine at least two Cox regression models to predict the absolute risk of an event (cumulative incidence) conditional on covariates . We present the CSC()-function of the R package riskRegression which fits the Cox regression models using either coxph() or cph(). We also present a concomitant predict() S3 method which computes the absolute risks of the event of interest for given combinations of covariate values and time points. Optionally, the predict() method computes asymptotic confidence intervals and confidence bands for the predicted absolute risks. We review the formula behind the estimators implemented and illustrate the R interface.

It is possible to obtain the predictions of absolute risks based on cause-specific Cox regression also with the survival package or with the mstate package . However, both require more work from the user. Finally, it should be noted that there are alternative regression methods for absolute risks in the presence of competing risks such as Fine-Gray regression or direct binomial regression .

Data used for examples

For the sole purpose of illustration we use the Melanoma data set which is included in the riskRegression package. It contains data from 205 malignant melanoma patients. Among the risk factors for cancer specific death were patient age and sex and the histological variables tumor thickness, invasion (levels 0,1,2), and epithelioid cells (no present vs. present). Within the limitation of the follow-up periods, it was observed that 57 patients had died from cancer (“status” equals 1) and 14 had died from other causes (“status” equals 2). The remaining patients were right censored (“status” equals 0).

library(riskRegression, verbose = FALSE, quietly = TRUE)
## 'data.frame': 205 obs. of  7 variables:
##  $ time     : int  10 30 35 99 185 204 210 232 232 279 ...
##  $ status   : int  3 3 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 ...
##  $ sex      : int  1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 ...
##  $ age      : int  76 56 41 71 52 28 77 60 49 68 ...
##  $ year     : int  1972 1968 1977 1968 1965 1971 1972 1974 1968 1971 ...
##  $ thickness: num  6.76 0.65 1.34 2.9 12.08 ...
##  $ ulcer    : int  1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...

2 Predicting absolute risks based on cause-specific Cox regression

We denote by T the time between a baseline date and the date of an event and by D{1,...,K} the cause of the event. We assume that {D=1} is the event of interest. Let X=(X1,,Xp) be a p-dimensional vector of baseline covariates with arbitrary distribution, and Z=(Z1,,Zq) be the strata variables, i.e. a set of categorical baseline covariates with finitely many possible values. Without loss of generality and to ease the notation we set q=1. We use {1,,L} for the categories of Z.

We consider a setting in which the event time T is right censored at a random time C. We assume that C is conditionally independent of T given (X,Z) and fix a time τ such that almost surely P(C>τ|X,Z)>0. We denote T~=min(T,C), D~=ΔD, and Δ=1{TC}.

Cause-specific Cox regression

Given covariates (X,Z), let S0(t|x,z)=P(T>t|X=x,Z=z) denote the event-free survival function and Fj(t|x,z)=P(Tt,D=j|X=x,Z=z) the cumulative incidence function for event j. The cause-specific hazard rates are defined as λj,z(t|x)=dFj(t|x,z)/S0(t|x,z) . We also denote the cumulative hazard rates by Λj,z(t|x)=0tλj,z(s|x)ds. The stratified Cox regression model for cause j is given by (1)λj,z(t|x)=λ0j,z(t)exp(xβj), where βj=(βj1,,βjp) is a p-dimensional vector of regression coefficients (the log-hazard ratios), and {λ0j,z(t):z=1,,L} a set of unspecified baseline hazard functions.

Predicting the absolute risk of an event

The cause-specific Cox regression models can be combined into a prediction of the absolute risk of an event of type 1 until time t conditional on the covariates x,z. For the case where K=2 the absolute risk formula of is given by: (2)F1(t|x,z)=0tS(s|x,z)λ1,z(s|x)ds. where s denotes the right sided limit, e.g. Λ1,z(s|x)=limvs,v<sΛ1,z(v|x). The absolute risk accumulates over time the product between the event-free survival and the hazard of experiencing the event of interest, both conditional to the baseline covariates and to the strata variable. The event free survival can be estimated from the cause-specific hazards using the product integral estimator:

graphic without alt text

or the exponential approximation: (3)S^(t|x,z)=exp[Λ^1,z(t|x)Λ^2,z(t|x)]. which is asymptotically equivalent to the product-limit estimator if the distribution of the event times is continuous. Using the product integral estimator ensures that S(t|x,z)+F1(t|x,z)+F2(t|x,z) equals exactly 1. This is a desirable property since the sum of the transition probabilities over all possible transitions should sum to one.

Formula (2) generalizes to situations with more than 2 competing risks, i.e., K>2. However, in applications with many competing risks there will sometimes be few events of specific causes, and it may be hard to fit a Cox regression model for each cause separately. One possibility when K>2 is to combine all causes where D~>1 into a single competing risk for the cause of interest D~=1. While the riskRegression package allows the use of more than 2 competing risks, we will illustrate its use considering only 2 competing risks . The package implements formula (2) in two steps.

Step 1: estimation of the cause-specific hazards

The first step is to fit the Cox regression models with the CSC() function in order to estimate λ1,z and λ2,z:

cfit0 <- CSC(formula = Hist(time,status) ~ age + logthick + epicel + strata(sex),
         data = Melanoma)
## $`Cause 1`
##           age      logthick epicelpresent 
##    0.01548722    0.68178505   -0.73848649 
## $`Cause 2`
##           age      logthick epicelpresent 
##    0.07680909    0.04750975    0.31497177

In the call of CSC() the argument formula is used to define the outcome variables with the help of the function prodlim::Hist(). The variable “time” in the data set contains the values of the observed event time T~ and the variable “status” the cause of the event D~. Objects generated with the function prodlim::Hist() have a print method:

h <- with(Melanoma, prodlim::Hist(time,status))
## Right-censored response of a competing.risks model
## No.Observations: 205 
## Pattern:
## Cause     event right.censored
##   1          57              0
##   2          14              0
##   unknown     0            134

and a plot method:

plot(h, arrowLabelStyle = "count",
     stateLabels = c("Radical\noperation", "Cancer\nrelated death", "Death\nother causes"))
graphic without alt text
Figure 1: Box-arrow diagram showing the three states of the competing risk model and the number of observed transitions in the Melanoma data set.

A nice complement to the regression models is the marginal Aalen-Johansen estimate of the absolute risk of cancer related death (2):

plot(prodlim(Hist(time,status)  ~1, data = Melanoma),
     atrisk.at = seq(0,3652.5,365.25), xlim = c(0,3652.5),
     axis1.at = seq(0,3652.5,365.25), axis1.lab = 0:10,
     xlab = "Years", ylab = "Absolute risk", cause = 1)
graphic without alt text
Figure 2: Non-parametric estimation of the absolute risk of cancer related death over time obtained using the Aalen-Johansen estimator.

The right hand side of the formula in the call of the CSC() function:

Hist(time,status) ~ age + logthick + epicel + strata(sex)

defines the covariate(s) X which enter into the linear predictor xβ in formula (1), and the strata variable(s) Z which define the baseline hazard functions λ0j,z. Strata variables are specified by wrapping the variable names into the special function strata(), as one would do when using the coxph() function. If only one formula is provided, the CSC() function will use the same baseline covariates and strata variables for all cause-specific Cox regression models. Instead one may feed a list of formulas into the argument formula, one for each cause:

cfit1 <- CSC(formula = list(Hist(time,status) ~ age + logthick + epicel + strata(sex),
                Hist(time,status) ~ age + strata(sex)),
         data = Melanoma)
## $`Cause 1`
##           age      logthick epicelpresent 
##    0.01548722    0.68178505   -0.73848649 
## $`Cause 2`
##        age 
## 0.07919648

Note that the choice of the baseline covariates relative to each cause made here is not based on clinical or statistical criteria; it was done to illustrate the software possibilities. The causes are internally ordered with respect to the levels of the variable “status”, if this variable is a factor, and otherwise with respect to sort(as.character(unique(status))). The order of the causes is saved as cfit1[["causes"]]. Accordingly, the first formula is used to fit a Cox regression model to the first cause and the second formula is used to fit a Cox regression model to the second cause and so on. Internally, CSC() constructs dummy variables, one for each cause, and then calls the function defined by the argument fitter on a suitably constructed Surv() formula. By default the cause-specific Cox models are fitted with the function survival::coxph(). Alternatively, one can set the argument fitter to the name of a different routine, e.g., cph.

Step 2: computation of the absolute risk

The object obtained with CSC() has class "CauseSpecificCox". The second step is to call the corresponding predict() method. In addition to the object obtained with CSC() this requires three additional arguments: newdata, times, cause. The argument newdata should be a "data.frame" which contains the covariates X and Z in the same format as the data used to fit CSC(). The argument cause defines the cause of interest D and the argument times defines a vector of prediction horizon(s) whose values are used as the upper integration limit t in formula (2). The predict() method computes the absolute risks (formula (2)) for each row in newdata and each value of times:

newdata <- data.frame(age = c(45,67), logthick = c(0.1,0.2), 
                      epicel = c("present","not present"), 
                      sex = c("Female","Male"))
pfit1 <- predict(cfit1, newdata = newdata, cause = 1, times = c(867,3500))

By default, the product integral estimator is used to estimate the event-free survival function. Setting the argument productLimit to FALSE when calling the predict function enables to use the exponential approximation. The predict function returns a structured list of class "predictCSC". The corresponding print() method calls as.data.table.predictCSC() to display the predictions as follows:

##    observation age logthick      epicel    sex times     strata absRisk
## 1:           1  45      0.1     present Female   867 sex=Female   0.021
## 2:           2  67      0.2 not present   Male   867   sex=Male   0.149
## 3:           1  45      0.1     present Female  3500 sex=Female   0.117
## 4:           2  67      0.2 not present   Male  3500   sex=Male   0.428

For each row in newdata (values are repeated for each prediction horizon) and each prediction horizon (column times) the column “absRisk” contains the absolute risk of cancer specific mortality (cause 1). Standard errors and confidence intervals for the absolute risk can be obtained setting the argument se to TRUE:

pfit1se <- predict(cfit1, newdata = newdata, cause = 1, times = c(867,3500),
           se = TRUE, keep.newdata = FALSE)
##    observation times     strata absRisk absRisk.se absRisk.lower absRisk.upper
## 1:           1   867 sex=Female   0.021      0.122       0.00738        0.0478
## 2:           2   867   sex=Male   0.149      0.161       0.07356        0.2502
## 3:           1  3500 sex=Female   0.117      0.151       0.05552        0.2025
## 4:           2  3500   sex=Male   0.428      0.320       0.20416        0.6355

Here we have set the argument keep.newdata to FALSE to not export the value of the covariates. The structure of the "predictCSC" object is as follows.

## List of 11
##  $ absRisk               : num [1:2, 1:2] 0.021 0.149 0.117 0.428
##  $ absRisk.se            : num [1:2, 1:2] 0.122 0.161 0.151 0.32
##  $ absRisk.lower         : num [1:2, 1:2] 0.00738 0.07356 0.05552 0.20416
##  $ absRisk.upper         : num [1:2, 1:2] 0.0478 0.2502 0.2025 0.6355
##  $ times                 : num [1:2] 867 3500
##  $ strata                : Factor w/ 2 levels "sex=Female","sex=Male": 1 2
##  $ conf.level            : num 0.95
##  $ se                    : logi TRUE
##  $ band                  : logi FALSE
##  $ nsim.band             : num 10000
##  $ transformation.absRisk:function (x)  
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr "predictCSC"

The elements $absRisk, $absRisk.se, $absRisk.lower and $absRisk.upper are matrices where each row corresponds to a row in newdata and each column to a value of the times vector. All these matrices are sorted according to the original orders of the arguments newdata and times. To conveniently extract a subset of the results, one should first call as.data.table.predictCSC() to combine these results into a "data.table" object. Here is an example:

ptable1 <- as.data.table(pfit1se)
ptable1[times == 3500 & observation == 1, 
##    times   absRisk absRisk.lower absRisk.upper
## 1:  3500 0.1166383    0.05551508     0.2025222

In the same way confidence bands can be obtained by setting the argument band to TRUE:

vec.times <- cfit1$eventTimes
pfit1band <- predict(cfit1, newdata = newdata[1], cause = 1,
             times = vec.times, se = TRUE, band = TRUE)
##    age logthick  epicel    sex
## 1:  45      0.1 present Female

By default 10,000 simulations will be used to estimate the appropriate quantile for the confidence bands (see explanations in section Construction of the confidence bands). This default behavior can be changed by setting the argument nsim.band to another value. The autoplot() function can then be used to compare confidence bands and the confidence intervals:

figure3 <- autoplot(pfit1band, band = TRUE, ci = TRUE)$plot
figure3 <- figure3 + xlab("Time (days)") + ylab("Absolute risk")
graphic without alt text
Figure 3: Absolute risk over time for a 45 years old female patient with a tumor thickness of 0.1 mm and epithelioid cells (blue line). The continuous black lines represent the confidence bands while the dashed black lines represent the range of the confidence intervals.

Note that the resulting object is a "ggplot" graphic. This can be useful to personalize the graph, e.g. change the font size of the text.

3 Construction of the confidence intervals

In this section we describe the asymptotic formula behind the confidence intervals for the predicted absolute risks and the empirical counterpart which is implemented in riskRegression. We assume a sample (Xi)i{1,,n} of n independent and identically distributed replications of X=(T~,D~,X,Z). The estimator F^1 of F1 is obtained by substituting the Cox partial likelihood estimate β^j for βj and the baseline hazard estimate λ^0j,z for λ0j,z in equations (1) and (2).

The asymptotic confidence intervals for the covariate specific absolute risks of event 1 before time t are based on the following von Mises expansion : (4)n(F^1(t|x,z)F1(t|x,z))=1ni=1nϕF1(Xi;t,x,z)+oP(1). where the exponential approximation is used for defining the event free survival in F1(t|x,z). Given (4), for fixed values t,x,z the central limit theorem implies that F^1(t|x,z) has an asymptotic normal distribution with asymptotic variance VF1(t,x,z)=E(ϕF1(Xi;t,x,z)2). Based on the estimate ϕ^F1 of the influence function ϕF1 (both defined in subsequent subsections) our variance estimate is given by (5)V^(t,x,z)=1ni=1nϕ^F1(Xi;t,x,z)2. We then construct Wald confidence intervals for F1(t|x,z) in the usual way: [F1(t|x,z)+qα/2V^(t,x,z));F1(t|x,z)+q1α/2V^(t,x,z)] where qα is the α-quantile of the normal distribution. Since the absolute risk is bounded below by 0 and above by 1, the confidence interval is automatically restricted to this interval. Alternatively the confidence interval can be computed using a log-log transformation: first the confidence interval is computed on the log-log scale: [log(log(F1(t|x,z)))+qα/2V^loglog(t,x,z));log(log(F1(t|x,z)))q1α/2V^loglog(t,x,z)] where Vloglog is the variance of the influence function on the log-log scale. Then the confidence interval is back transformed using the link function: xexp(exp(x)). This ensures that the confidence interval is bounded below by 0 and above by 1. By default, the confidence intervals are computed using the log-log transformation. To compute them without using the log-log transformation, the argument log.transform needs to be set to FALSE when calling predict.CauseSpecificCox():

pfit2se <- predict(cfit1, newdata = newdata, cause = 1, times = c(867,3500),
           se = TRUE, log.transform = FALSE, keep.newdata = FALSE)
##    observation times     strata absRisk absRisk.se absRisk.lower absRisk.upper
## 1:           1   867 sex=Female   0.021    0.00992       0.00157        0.0404
## 2:           2   867   sex=Male   0.149    0.04586       0.05945        0.2392
## 3:           1  3500 sex=Female   0.117    0.03795       0.04226        0.1910
## 4:           2  3500   sex=Male   0.428    0.11620       0.20021        0.6557

Here the column “absRisk.se” contains Vloglog (log-log scale) while the columns “absRisk”, “absRisk.lower”, and “absRisk.upper” are on the original scale. The benefit of using a log-log transformation is studied in the section Coverage of the confidence interval and the confidence bands.

Asymptotic formula

The influence function ϕF1 can be expressed as a function of the influence functions ϕλ1 and ϕλ2 of the cause-specific hazard rates: (6)ϕF1(X,t,x,z)=0texp(Λ1,z(s|x)Λ2,z(s|x))dϕΛ1,z(X;s,x)0tλ1,z(s|x)exp(Λ1,z(s|x)Λ2,z(s|x))(ϕΛ1,z(X;s,x)+ϕΛ2,z(X;s,x))ds. We use the shorthand notations v0=0,v1=v,v2=vv and f(s,d,v,w)dP(s,d,v,w)=0d=0KRpz=1Lf(s,d,v,w)dP(s,d,v,w). We also suppress the dependence on τ when we in the following adapt the usual notation for Cox model asymptotic theory to the cause-specific and stratified case: S(r)(t,βj,z)=1{tsτ,w=z}exp(vβj)vrdP(s,d,v,w)E(t,βj,z)=S(1)(t,βj,z)S(0)(t,βj,z)I(βj)=1{d=j}(S(2)(s,βl,w)S(0)(s,βj,w)E(s,βj,w)2)dP(s,d,v,w).

For fixed cause j, time t and strata z the expansions n(β^jβj)=1ni=1nϕβj(Xi)+oP(1) and n(Λ^0j,z(t)Λ0j,z(t))=1ni=1nϕΛ0j,z(Xi,t)+oP(1) are then characterized by the influence functions (7)ϕβj(X)=I(βj)1(1{D~=j,T~<τ}(XE(T~,βj,Z))exp(Xβj)1{d=j,sT~}XE(s,βj,Z)S(0)(s,βj,Z)dP(s,d,v,w))


In absence of strata, formula (7) is equal to formula 2 of and formula (8) equals the one given in [top of page 576; note however that there is a sign mistake in their first term]. To connect these formulas with formula (6) it remains to note that under the Cox regression model the influence function of the cause-specific hazard rate can be written as: (9)ϕΛj,z(X;t,x)=exp(xβj)(ϕΛ0j,z(X;t)+Λ0j,z(t)xϕβj(X)).

Empirical estimates

The following formulas are obtained with the plug-in principle substituting the Cox partial likelihood estimates β^j for βj and the baseline hazard estimates λ^0j,z for λ0j,z into formulas (6) - (9). We denote by Njz(t)=i=1n1{T~it,D~i=j,Zi=z} the strata and cause specific counting process, and by Yz(t)=i=1n1{Tit,Zi=z} the strata specific “at-risk” process . The empirical estimate of the influence function of the partial likelihood estimate is given by ϕ^βj(Xi)=I^(βj)1(Δi(XiE^(T~i,β^j,Zi))exp(Xiβ^j)0TiXiE^(s,β^j,Zi)S(0)^(s,β^j,Zi)dNj(s)) where S(r)^(t,β^j,z)=0τexp(Xiβ^j)XirdNjz(t). The influence functions for the cumulative baseline hazard and its first differential are estimated by: (10)ϕ^Λ0j,z(Xi;t)=ϕ^βj(Xi)0tE(s,β^j,z)λ^0j,z(s)ds1{Zi=z}(exp(Xiβ^j)0min(t,T~i)λ^0j,z(s)S(0)^(s,β^j,z)ds1{T~it,D~i=j}S(0)^(T~i,β^j,Zi))

(11)dϕ^Λ0j,z(Xi;t)=ϕ^βj(Xi)E(t,β^j,z)λ^0j,z(t)1{Zi=z}(exp(Xiβ^j)1{tT~i}λ^0j,z(t)S(0)^(t,β^j,z)1{T~i=t,D~i=j}S(0)^(Ti~,β^j,Zi)). These estimates lead to the following estimates of the influence functions of the covariate specific cumulative hazard and its derivative relative to the time: (12)ϕ^Λj,z(Xi;t,x)=exp(xβ^j)(ϕ^Λ0j,z(Xi;t)+Λ^0j,z(t)xϕ^βj(Xi))

(13)dϕ^Λj,z(Xi;t,x)=exp(xβ^j)(dϕ^Λ0j,z(Xi;t)+λ^0j,z(t)xϕ^βj(Xi)). Finally, we obtain our estimate of the influence function of the absolute risk: (14)ϕ^F1(Xi,t,x,z)=0texp(Λ^1,z(s|x)Λ^2,z(s|x))dϕ^Λ1,z(Xi;s,x)0tλ^1,z(s|x)exp(Λ^1,z(s|x)Λ^2,z(s|x))(ϕ^Λ1,z(Xi;s,x)+ϕ^Λ2,z(Xi;s,x))ds.

4 Construction of the confidence bands

A confidence band with confidence level 1α for the absolute risk F1(.|x,z) restricted to the time interval T=[τ1;τ2] is a region RT(x,z)=[lx,z(t);ux,z(t)]tT satisfying: P(F1(t|x,z)[lx,z(t);ux,z(t)]|tT)=1α.

In figure 3, τ1=0 and τ2=3458, the time at which the last event occurred. Using the martingale central limit theorem, have shown that F^1(t|x,z)F1(t|x,z) converges weakly to a zero-mean Gaussian process on T. The asymptotic variance of this process is V(t,x,z). However the 1α quantile achieving simultaneous coverage is larger than the 1α quantile of a standard normal distribution. Since the dependence between the increments of the process F^1(t|x,z)F1(t|x,z) makes the derivation of an explicit expression for the quantile difficult, we used instead a resampling technique . Consider over tT the normalized process: ψF1(Xi;t,x,z)=ϕF1(Xi;t,x,z)/V(t,x,z). Denote by c1α/2 the 1α/2 quantile of the sample: suptT|ψF1(Xi;t,x,z)| and using the symmetry of the Gaussian distribution, i.e. cα/2=c1α/2, a 1α confidence band over T is constructed as follows: [F1(t|x,z)c1α/2V^(t,x,z));F1(t|x,z)+c1α/2V^(t,x,z)]. Like for the confidence intervals, the confidence bands will be restricted to the interval [0;1] when they are not computed using a log-log transformation.

5 Implementation details

The function predict.CauseSpecificCox() calls two important functions, predictCox() that computes the hazard and cumulative hazard for a fitted Cox model, and iidCox() that computes the influence function for the baseline hazard and regression coefficients. In this section we first explain how predictCox() deals with ties in the event times. We then show that the function predictCox() can also be used to obtain confidence intervals and bands for covariate specific survival probabilities in the situation without competing risks. Implementation details about the function iidCox() are postponed to appendix B. These details may be useful for programmers who need to care about memory usage.

Handling of tied event times

We speak of ties when two or more observations have the same value of the time variable T~. Ties occur for example when time is recorded on a discrete scale such as months. The survival package implements three different methods to deal with ties (“efron”, “breslow”, and “exact”, see help(coxph)) for the partial likelihood estimator of the log hazard ratios βj . We have implemented the “efron” and the “breslow” method but not the “exact” method. For a comparison of these methods and yet another method see . We now state the formula for the baseline hazard function under Breslow’s and Efron’s method for the handling of ties. The baseline hazard estimate in strata z given by the Breslow method is: dΛ^0j,zB(t)=dNjz(t)iYz(t)exp(βtXi). With the Efron method for handling ties the formula is given by: dΛ^0j,zE(t)=k=1dNjz(t)1iYz(t)exp(βtXi)k1dNjz(t)i=1dNjz(t)exp(βtXi).

Both estimators are implemented in the function predictCox() which provides estimates of the baseline hazard, the cumulative baseline hazard and baseline survival. The predictCox() function does not have an argument to specify whether Breslow method or Efron method should be used; instead it uses the same method that has been used to estimate the regression coefficients. In the case of the coxph() function, the default method is Efron:

f1 <- coxph(Surv(time,status != 0) ~ age + logthick + epicel + strata(sex),
            data = Melanoma, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
## [1] "efron"

Therefore the baseline hazard will be estimated using the Efron method when calling predictCox():

baseH1 <- predictCox(f1)
##      time  cumhazard strata  survival
##   1:   99 0.00623279 Female 0.9937866
##   2:  232 0.01256406 Female 0.9875145
##   3:  279 0.01897728 Female 0.9812017
##   4:  295 0.02555481 Female 0.9747690
##   5:  355 0.03221850 Female 0.9682950
##  ---                                 
## 199: 3909 0.69673810   Male 0.4982078
## 200: 4119 0.69673810   Male 0.4982078
## 201: 4207 0.69673810   Male 0.4982078
## 202: 4310 0.69673810   Male 0.4982078
## 203: 4492 0.69673810   Male 0.4982078

The cumulative baseline hazard and baseline survival are displayed in the columns “cumHazard”, and “survival” of the output. This corresponds, respectively, to Λ0j,z(t) and exp(Λ0j,z(t)) where j is 1, z can be found in the column “strata” and t in “time”. The covariate specific cumulative hazard Λj,z(t|x) and survival exp(Λj,z(t|x)) can be estimated using the same function:

predictCox(f1, newdata = Melanoma[c(17,101,123),], 
       times = c(7,3,5)*365.25)
##    observation times strata cumhazard survival
## 1:           1  2557   Male     0.884    0.413
## 2:           2  2557 Female     0.555    0.574
## 3:           3  2557 Female     0.949    0.387
## 4:           1  1096   Male     0.453    0.635
## 5:           2  1096 Female     0.202    0.817
## 6:           3  1096 Female     0.346    0.708
## 7:           1  1826   Male     0.670    0.512
## 8:           2  1826 Female     0.366    0.693
## 9:           3  1826 Female     0.626    0.535

Confidence intervals and confidence bands for survival probabilities

In absence of competing risks, the influence function of a Cox model can be used to estimate confidence intervals for the survival. This can be done by setting the argument se to TRUE when calling the predictCox() function:

p1 <- predictCox(f1, newdata = Melanoma[3:5,], 
         times = c(Melanoma$time[5:7],1000),
         se = TRUE, type="survival")

The predictCox() function output an object of class "predictCox". The print() method can be used to display the confidence intervals for the survival computed at different times:

##     observation times strata survival survival.se survival.lower survival.upper
##  1:           1   185   Male    0.980       0.616          0.935          0.994
##  2:           2   185 Female    0.985       1.014          0.893          0.998
##  3:           3   185   Male    0.947       0.652          0.823          0.985
##  4:           1   204   Male    0.973       0.567          0.921          0.991
##  5:           2   204 Female    0.985       1.014          0.893          0.998
##  6:           3   204   Male    0.929       0.594          0.791          0.977
##  7:           1   210   Male    0.967       0.503          0.913          0.987
##  8:           2   210 Female    0.985       1.014          0.893          0.998
##  9:           3   210   Male    0.912       0.552          0.762          0.969
## 10:           1  1000   Male    0.864       0.321          0.760          0.925
## 11:           2  1000 Female    0.769       0.286          0.631          0.860
## 12:           3  1000   Male    0.673       0.391          0.426          0.832

Here the confidence intervals were computed using a log-log transformation. The argument log.transform can be set to FALSE to compute them without using the log-log transformation. Confidence bands can also be obtained using predictCox() by setting the argument band to TRUE. As for the predict.CauseSpecificCox() function, 10,000 simulations will be used to compute the confidence bands; this can be changed specifying the argument nsim.band. The function as.data.table.predictCox() makes it easy to extract subsets from "predictCox" object:

p1 <- as.data.table(p1)
p1[times == 185,]
##    observation times strata  survival survival.se survival.lower survival.upper
## 1:           1   185   Male 0.9801395   0.6163925      0.9350597      0.9940246
## 2:           2   185 Female 0.9845660   1.0137483      0.8927600      0.9978695
## 3:           3   185   Male 0.9470887   0.6524116      0.8226132      0.9849795

6 Coverage of the confidence interval and the confidence bands

To assess the validity of the estimation of the standard error, we performed a simulation study. The sample size was varied between 50 and 10000. For each sample size, 5000 datasets were simulated using the SimCompRisk() function from the riskRegression package. The time of first event typically ranged between 0.001 and 20 with a median around 4. For each dataset, a Cox model specific to cause 1 and a 2 cause-specific Cox model were fitted considering 2 covariates (X1 and X2). The survival, absolute risk, their confidence intervals were estimated (with or without log-log transformation) at time 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 conditional on X1=0 and X2=1. The confidence bands over those 8 times were also computed.

The true absolute risk was defined as the median of the absolute risks over the 5000 datasets. The coverage of the confidence intervals was computed as the percentage of times that the true absolute risk was inside the confidence interval, at a given time. The coverage of the confidence bands was computed as the percentage of times that the true absolute risk was inside the confidence bands, simultaneously for all of the 8 times.

As expected, the coverage of the confidence intervals is improving with increasing sample size and reaches its nominal level of 95% at around sample size 1000 (figure 4, left panel). Using a log-log transformation leads to better small sample properties and similar large sample properties (figure 4, right panel). A larger sample size was necessary for the confidence bands to converge toward the nominal coverage level (n = 5000, figure 5 left panel). Again log-log transformation leads to better small sample properties. We only displayed here the coverage for the absolute risk but similar coverage was obtained for the survival function.

graphic without alt text
Figure 4: Coverage of the asymptotic confidence interval of the absolute risk plotted against the sample size. Each color corresponds to a prediction time. The figure is only shown for samples size below 2000 since for larger sample sizes the coverage is always approximately equal to 0.95. Left panel: confidence intervals are computed on the original scale. Right panel: confidence intervals are computed on the log-log scale and back-transformed.
graphic without alt text
Figure 5: Coverage of the asymptotic confidence band of the absolute risk plotted against the sample size. Left panel: confidence intervals are computed on the original scale. Right panel: confidence intervals are computed on the log-log scale and back-transformed.

7 Runtime and memory usage

Baseline hazard

We compare the performance of predictCox() regarding the estimate of the baseline hazard function with that of the function survival::basehaz(). For this purpose we simulate data with 10 covariates including both continuous and discrete type using the sampleData().

In our performance study we vary the sample size ranging from 500 to 1,000,000 observations and consider both stratified:

Surv(time,event) ~ strata(X1) + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X7 + X8 + X9 + X10

and non-stratified Cox regression models:

Surv(time,event) ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X7 + X8 + X9 + X10

The computation times were estimated using the rbenchmark package and averaged across 100 simulated data sets. The memory usage was estimated using the profvis package and averaged across 10 simulations. When the execution time of the function was extremely fast (i.e. <0.005s), the memory usage could not be reliably assessed and was set to NA.

Memory usage and computation time are displayed on figure 6 and 7. Both functions lead to a reasonable computation time (<1 min) even when considering very large datasets (e.g. >10,000 observations). Nevertheless the predictCox() function outperforms the basehaz() function by a factor varying between 3 and 11 in terms of computation time. The gain in speed is especially expressed in large datasets. Memory usage is also lower for predictCox() and decreases by a factor between 1 and 1.6 as compared to basehaz().

graphic without alt text
Figure 6: The computation time (in seconds) of predictCox() and basehaz() plotted against the sample size for a Cox model (left panel) and a stratified Cox model (right panel). The x axis is displayed using a logarithmic scale but its labels refer to the (untransformed) sample size. The curves represent the median values over 100 simulations while the shaded areas represent the 95% confidence intervals.
graphic without alt text
Figure 7: The memory usage (in megabytes) of predictCox() and basehaz() plotted against the sample size for a Cox model (left panel) and a stratified Cox model (right panel). The x axis is displayed using a logarithmic scale but its labels refer to the (untransformed) sample size. The curves represent the median values over 100 simulations while the shaded areas represent the 95% confidence intervals.

Absolute risk

We now compare two implementations for computing the standard errors of the absolute risk. The default implementation corresponds to setting the argument store.iid to "full" when calling predict.CauseSpecificCox() or predictCox() while the second is obtained by setting store.iid to "minimal". The two implementations are described in more detail appendix B.

First we compare their computation time and memory consumption when making only one prediction. As before, we simulated datasets for K=2 using the SimCompRisk() function with increasing sample size. Then, the two cause-specific Cox models were fitted to each of the simulated datasets using riskRegression::CSC. Then we measured the computation time and memory usage necessary to estimate the absolute risk with its standard error for the first observation at time 4, when using the argument store.iid="minimal" or store.iid="full" in predict.CauseSpecificCox().

The results are show on figure 8. While both implementations lead to a similar computation time, the memory usage for store.iid="minimal" grows linearly while for store.iid="full" it grows approximately in n1.4. However, if instead of estimating the absolute risk with its standard error for one prediction, we estimate it for all the observations the implementation store.iid="minimal" becomes slower compared to store.iid="full" (e.g. 28.5 minutes vs. 6 minutes for n=2000).

graphic without alt text
Figure 8: The computation time (left panel) and memory usage (right panel) for computing the absolute risk with its standard error for one observation plotted against the sample size, setting the argument store.iid to "full" or "minimal" when calling predict.CauseSpecificCox(). The curves represent the median values over 100 simulations while the shaded areas represent the 95% confidence intervals.

8 Summary

This paper introduces new features of the riskRegression package for prediction of absolute risks from cause-specific Cox regression models using computationally efficient functions. 1 summarizes the main functions described in this paper. Confidence intervals and confidence bands for the absolute risks can be computed using the predict() function and displayed using the print() method. The predictCox() function can be applied on "coxph" and "cph" objects to predict the survival with its confidence interval or confidence bands. In both cases, the autoplot() function can display the predicted risk (or survival) over time. When dealing with small to moderate sample sizes, we advise to compute confidence intervals or confidence bands using a log-log transformation (argument log.transform).

Table 1: Functions implemented in the riskRegression package for making prediction from Cox regression models
CSC() Fit cause-specific Cox models
predict() Predict covariate specific absolute risks for given time horizons
iidCox() Compute the influence function of the baseline hazard estimator and of the partial likelihood estimator of the regression coefficients
predictCox() Compute the (cumulative) baseline hazard function and predictions of hazards and survival probabilities in new data
autoplot() Graphical display of the predicted risk across time

9 Appendix A Modularity

The CSC() function requires a routine to estimate the regression coefficients of the Cox model. By default, CSC() calls the coxph() function from the survival package to do so. This has several reasons: coxph() has been thoroughly tested, is reasonably fast, widely used and provides flexible modeling options. However in specific contexts, other routines may be more appropriate, e.g. faster. Also, developers that have implemented their own routine may be interested in computing the baseline hazard or the influence function.

To be able to apply the predictCox() and iidCox() functions on new classes, one needs to define the methods extracting the necessary information from the new class. For instance, the mets package contains an efficient routine for estimating Cox models. However "phreg" object that are quite different from "coxph" objects:

library(mets, verbose = FALSE)
Melanoma$entry <- 0
f1.phreg <- phreg(Surv(entry, time, status != 0) ~ age + logthick + epicel + 
              strata(sex), data = Melanoma)
## $coxph
##  [1] "coefficients"      "var"               "loglik"            "score"            
##  [5] "iter"              "linear.predictors" "residuals"         "means"            
##  [9] "concordance"       "method"            "n"                 "nevent"           
## [13] "terms"             "assign"            "wald.test"         "x"                
## [17] "strata"            "y"                 "formula"           "xlevels"          
## [21] "contrasts"         "call"             
## $phreg
##  [1] "coef"        "ploglik"     "gradient"    "hessian"     "U"           "S0"         
##  [7] "nevent"      "ord"         "time"        "jumps"       "jumptimes"   "strata"     
## [13] "entry"       "exit"        "status"      "p"           "X"           "id"         
## [19] "opt"         "call"        "model.frame"

Therefore to be able to use the predictCox() and iidCox() functions on "phreg" one needs to define methods to extract:

The values used to center the covariates

(CoxCenter() method). Instead of working on X, many routines estimating the Cox model parameters works on a centered version X~=XX¯. The CoxCenter() method returns X¯:

##        age      logthick epicelpresent 
## 52.4634146     0.6181706     0.4341463
The design matrix used to fit the Cox model

(CoxDesign() method). The first two columns describe the beginning and the end of the interval of time when the individual was followed. The third contains the event type (0 corresponding to censoring and 1 to an observed event, e.g. death). The remaining columns contain the design matrix corresponding to the coefficients β of the Cox model and the strata variable (if any):

##   start stop status age   logthick epicelpresent strata
## 1     0   10      1  76  1.9110229             1      2
## 2     0   30      1  56 -0.4307829             0      2
## 3     0   35      0  41  0.2926696             0      2
## 4     0   99      1  71  1.0647107             0      1
## 5     0  185      1  52  2.4915512             1      2
## 6     0  204      1  28  1.5769147             0      2
The formula of the Cox model

(CoxFormula() method):

Surv(time, status != 0) ~ age + logthick + epicel + strata(sex)
The value of the linear predictor

Xβ (CoxLP() method). This function has three arguments: object, data, and center.

head(riskRegression:::coxLP.coxph(f1, data = NULL, center = FALSE))
## [1] 2.433793 1.136828 1.168604 2.332216 2.165533 1.559629

When setting data to NULL, the CoxLP() method will return the linear predictor computed on the dataset used to fit the Cox model. The center argument indicates whether the covariates should be centered before computing the linear predictor.

The number of observations used to fit the Cox model

(CoxN() method):

## [1] 205
The character string indicating the strata variable(s) in the formula

(CoxSpecialStrata() method):

## [1] "strata"
The variable encoding to which strata belongs each observation

(CoxStrata() method). This variable must be univariate, aggregating all the strata variables.

head(riskRegression:::coxStrata.coxph(f1, data = NULL, strata.vars = "strata(sex)"))
## [1] Male   Male   Male   Female Male   Male  
## Levels: Female Male

Similarly to CoxLP(), when setting data to NULL, the CoxStrata() method will return the strata variable computed on the dataset used to fit the Cox model.

The variance-covariance matrix of the regression coefficients

(CoxVarCov() method):

##                         age      logthick epicelpresent
## age            6.553939e-05 -0.0002102408 -0.0004363469
## logthick      -2.102408e-04  0.0206977373  0.0076882093
## epicelpresent -4.363469e-04  0.0076882093  0.0692047486

Most of the above methods correspond to a very small piece of code that reformats the information contained in the object, e.g.:

## function (object) 
## {
##     Sigma <- object$var
##     if (!is.null(Sigma)) {
##         coefName <- names(coef(object))
##         colnames(Sigma) <- coefName
##         rownames(Sigma) <- coefName
##     }
##     return(Sigma)
## }
## <environment: namespace:riskRegression>

We refer to the help page of each method for a more precise description of each method arguments and expected output, as well as examples. Once all of the methods have been defined for a new object (e.g. "phreg"), predictCox() and iidCox() can be applied on the new object:

all.equal(predictCox(f1), predictCox(f1.phreg))
## [1] TRUE
all.equal(iidCox(f1), iidCox(f1.phreg))
## [1] TRUE

10 Appendix B Saving the influence functions

The function iidCox() computes the estimates of the influence functions ϕβj, ϕλ0j, and ϕΛ0j for a given set of covariates and time points:

f1.iid <- iidCox(f1)

The default implementation (store.iid="full") stores the influence function for the baseline cumulative hazard as a list of matrices, one for each strata. The size of each matrix is the number of observations n times the number of unique event times nT(z) in stratum z. Storing the influence function can be very memory demanding when considering large datasets. This is why the influence function is only temporary stored during the execution of the predict() method.

When dealing with very large datasets, e.g. following n=20000 patients during nT=365 days, storing the influence function can be too memory demanding. Instead of computing and storing ϕλ0j, an alternative solution is to only store the necessary quantities to compute ϕλ0j: (15)1{T~i=t,D~i=j}S(0)^(Ti~,β^j,Zi),E(t,β^j,z)λ^0j,z(t),0tE(s,β^j,z)λ^0j,z(s)ds,λ^0j,z(t)S(0)^(t,β^j,z),0tλ^0j,z(s)S(0)^(s,β^j,z)ds. These quantities are lists containing L vectors of length n or nT(z). Since in most applications n and nT(z) are large compared to L this approach is much more memory efficient. Setting the argument store.iid to "minimal" when calling iidCox will return the influence function using this alternative storage method:

f2.iid <- iidCox(f1, store.iid = "minimal")

We can compare the memory cost of the default implementation vs. the alternative one:

size.f1.iid <- object.size(f1.iid$IFcumhazard)
size.f2.iid <- object.size(f2.iid$calcIFhazard)
## [1] 0.08627399

and see that the memory use for storing the influence function of the cumulative hazard has been divided by more than 10.

Computing the influence function of the absolute risk with the default implementation only requires to:

When using the alternative implementation, ϕ^Λ0j,z(Xi;t) and dϕ^Λ0j,z(Xi;t) have not been computed. Therefore an additional step is needed:

The two implementations will lead to the same influence function and therefore the same confidence intervals or confidence bands.

The alternative implementation is performed iterating over the set of covariates used to make the predictions, avoiding to store the influence function of the baseline hazard for all event times and strata. It will also not compute the influence function at unnecessary times and strata. Thus it should always be more memory efficient and, when asking for a single prediction, it should also be have a lower computation time. However, compared to the default implementation where ϕ^Λ0j,z(Xi;t) and dϕ^Λ0j,z(Xi;t) are only computed once, the alternative implementation recomputes these quantities for each prediction.

Therefore when the prediction is to be made for many different sets of covariates (i.e. new patients) this may lead to a substantial increase in computation time. See the subsection Runtime and memory usage for more details.

To use the implementation for computing the standard errors, confidence intervals, or confidence bands one must set the argument store.iid to "minimal":

pfit3se <- predict(cfit1, newdata = newdata, cause = 1, times = c(867,3500),
           se = TRUE, store.iid = "minimal", keep.newdata = FALSE)
##    observation times     strata absRisk absRisk.se absRisk.lower absRisk.upper
## 1:           1   867 sex=Female   0.021      0.122       0.00738        0.0478
## 2:           2   867   sex=Male   0.149      0.161       0.07356        0.2502
## 3:           1  3500 sex=Female   0.117      0.151       0.05552        0.2025
## 4:           2  3500   sex=Male   0.428      0.320       0.20416        0.6355
## [1] -2.775558e-17  5.551115e-17
## [1] -5.551115e-17  0.000000e+00
## [1] -5.551115e-17  0.000000e+00

This option also applies when computing standard errors, confidence intervals, or confidence bands for the survival probabilities:

p2 <- predictCox(f1, newdata = Melanoma[3:5,], 
         times = c(Melanoma$time[5:7],1000),
         se = TRUE, store.iid = "minimal", type="survival")
p2 <- as.data.table(p2)
p2[times == 185, survival.lower]-p1[times == 185, survival.lower]
p2[times == 185, survival.upper]-p1[times == 185, survival.upper]
## [1]  0.000000e+00  1.110223e-16 -1.110223e-16
## [1] 0 0 0

CRAN packages used

survival, rms, riskRegression, mstate, rbenchmark, profvis, mets

CRAN Task Views implied by cited packages

CausalInference, ClinicalTrials, Econometrics, Epidemiology, HighPerformanceComputing, ReproducibleResearch, Survival


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    For attribution, please cite this work as

    Ozenne, et al., "riskRegression: Predicting the Risk of an Event using Cox Regression Models", The R Journal, 2017

    BibTeX citation

      author = {Ozenne, Brice and Sørensen, Anne Lyngholm and Scheike, Thomas and Torp-Pedersen, Christian and Gerds, Thomas Alexander},
      title = {riskRegression: Predicting the Risk of an Event using Cox Regression Models},
      journal = {The R Journal},
      year = {2017},
      note = {https://rjournal.github.io/},
      volume = {9},
      issue = {2},
      issn = {2073-4859},
      pages = {440-460}