queueing: A Package For Analysis Of Queueing Networks and Models in R


queueing is a package that solves and provides the main performance measures for both basic Markovian queueing models and single and multiclass product-form queueing networks. It can be used both in education and for professional purposes. It provides an intuitive, straightforward way to build queueing models using S3 methods. The package solves Markovian models of the form M/M/c/K/M/FCFS, open and closed single class Jackson networks, open and closed multiclass networks and mixed networks. Markovian models are used when both the customer inter-arrival time and the server processing time are exponentially distributed. Queueing network solvers are useful for modelling situations in which more than one station must be visited.

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Oct. 24, 2017


Nov 16, 2016


Jiménez & Montoya, 2017




116 - 126

1 Introduction

Queueing theory is a mathematical branch of operations research. A pioneering work in this field was The Theory of Probabilities and Telephone Conversations by A. K. Erlang .

Queueing exists when the demand for a service exceeds the available supply . Although the common image of queues is that of people waiting in line, for example at the supermarket checkout , queueing models are also used to analyse computer performance , traffic jams and in many other areas of activity.

Although there are computer programs that are applicable to queueing theory, to date the statistical computing environment R has lacked specific packages for this purpose.

In 2015 and 2016 respectively, simmer and queuecomputer were included at CRAN. Both apply simulation techniques to queueing models. Simulation techniques have the great advantage of flexibility, enabling a system to be represented at the level of detail desired. The disadvantages are the greater costs incurred, because many parameters must be defined, a large and complex program developed (and debugged) and significant computational resources deployed in order to obtain narrow confidence intervals . queueing is a queueing model solver, which has the advantage of achieving a favourable balance between accuracy and efficiency .

queueing provides R users with the most widely-used models: Markovian models, queueing networks and calculators. Although Markovian models or queueing network models may be viewed as very simple models with strong assumptions, they have actually been used to accurately model many real situations, because the accuracy of queueing models is robust with respect to deviations from prior assumptions .

Markovian models include the familiar queues observed in real life at supermarket and airport checkouts, restaurant queues, etc. The performance of computer systems can be modelled in a similar way by assuming that the customers are operating system processes, database transactions, etc.
With queueing networks, several classes of customers can be considered, and therefore sizing, capacity planning and what-if scenarios can be addressed with robust assumptions . For example, queueing networks can be observed at airports, where various stages, such as check-in, passport control and security checks must be completed in turn before passengers enter the aeroplane.

Finally, calculators are utilities that are used to obtain probabilities, such as that of a supermarket customer being obstructed, of a passenger being rejected after arrival, or of a caller being transferred to hear the operator voice message stating that all phone lines are busy.

These features of the queueing package make it a very valuable tool for the applied study of queuing theory, in diverse fields of application, including the following:

2 Queueing Package


To take into account different forms of queue organisation (limited or unlimited space, limited or unlimited population, etc.), a nomenclature of six positions describing the characteristics of the model is usually used . Its structure is A/B/C/K/M/Z, where:

When Z is FCFS, M = , and K = , the last three positions are omitted.

Thus, M/M/1///FCFS, abbreviated to M/M/1, describes a model in which the inter-arrival and service times are both exponential (M is obtained from the Markovian property of the exponential distribution); there is a single server in a facility that does not impose any restriction on the number of customers; customers arrive from a population that is considered infinite in the sense that the arrival of an individual does not modify the probability of the next arrival; and FCFS (First Come, First Served) is the most frequent way in which the next customer to be served is chosen from the queue.

Package contents

The package built provides a solution for two families of models, and three commonly-used calculators:

  1. M/M/1

  2. M/M/c

  3. M/M/

  4. M/M/1/K

  5. M/M/c/K

  6. M/M/c/c

  7. M/M/1/K/K

  8. M/M/c/K/K

  9. M/M/c/K/m

  10. M/M//K/K

  1. Multiple channel open Jackson networks

  2. Multiple channel closed Jackson networks

  3. Single channel multiple class open networks

  4. Single channel multiple class closed networks

  5. Single channel multiple class mixed networks

  1. B-Erlang

  2. C-Erlang

  3. Engset

Structure of queueing package

The queueing package was developed taking into account the S3 special class of functions in R. With this type of function, different queueuing models can be created in the same way, thus providing the user with a uniform and easy way to create the models. The model is created using the following steps:

  1. Create the inputs for the model with the NewInput function;

  2. Optionally check the inputs with the CheckInput function.

  3. Create the model by calling QueueingModel

  4. Print a summary of the model using print, or a specific model performance measure such as W.

Although step 2 is optional (as it is applied when the QueueingModel function is called), it is recommended that the inputs should always be checked, as this makes it easier to understand the data and, thus to correctly build the model.

The following code is an example of a model using queueing. It can be thought of as cars arriving at a petrol station, following an exponential distribution at the rate λ = 2. The cars are served exponentially distributed at the rate μ=3.

This situation is modelled in queueing using a single node in which the customer inter-arrival time and service time both follow an exponential distribution, at the rates λ = 2 and μ=3 respectively, as shown in Figure 1.

graphic without alt text
Figure 1: M/M/1 Infinite population, single server. Example applicable to service provided at a petrol station
# Load the package

# Create the inputs for the model.
i_mm1 <- NewInput.MM1(lambda=2, mu=3)

# Optionally check the inputs of the model

# Create the model
o_mm1 <- QueueingModel(i_mm1)

# Print on the screen a summary of the model 
print(summary(o_mm1), digits=2)
#>   lambda mu c  k  m   RO   P0  Lq   Wq X L W Wqq Lqq
#> 1      2  3 1 NA NA 0.67 0.33 1.3 0.67 2 2 1   1   3

The output of the model also includes components, as the functions FWq(t) and FW(t), which can be used to view the cumulative probability distribution of the random variables wq (time waiting) and w (time in the system: time in queue + time being served), assuming FIFO(Fist In, First Out) or FCFS(Fist Come, First Served) as the queue discipline. Accordingly, FWq(t) is the probability of a customer waiting for a time less than or equal to t for service .

As can be seen in Figure 2, the probability of a customer having to wait for at least 4 units of time is 1, and this coincides with the probability of a customer having to spend 4 total units of time in the system.

gTitle <- "Distribution function of w and wq"
fw   <- o_mm1$FW
fwq  <- o_mm1$FWq
n    <- 10
ty   <- "l"
ylab <- "FW(t), FWq(t)"
xlab <- "t"
cols <- c("black", "red")
leg  <- c("FW(t)", "FWq(t)")

curve(fw, from=0, to=n, type=ty, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, col=cols[1], main=gTitle)
curve(fwq, from=0, to=n, type=ty, col=cols[2], add=T)
legend("bottomright", leg, lty=c(1, 1), col=cols)
graphic without alt text
Figure 2: Distribution of random variables w and wq. As can be seen, from t=4, both variables has probability of 1

Performance metrics comparision

queueing provides functions returning the outputs of the model, and therefore additional R functions can be developed to study the effect of changing model inputs. For example:

L_f_aux   <- function(x){L  (QueueingModel(NewInput.MM1(lambda=x, mu=1, n=-1)))}
Lq_f_aux  <- function(x){Lq (QueueingModel(NewInput.MM1(lambda=x, mu=1, n=-1)))}
Lqq_f_aux <- function(x){Lqq(QueueingModel(NewInput.MM1(lambda=x, mu=1, n=-1)))}

L_f   <- function(v){sapply(v, L_f_aux)}
Lq_f  <- function(v){sapply(v, Lq_f_aux)}
Lqq_f <- function(v){sapply(v, Lqq_f_aux)}

gt     <- "L, Lq and Lqq"
ylab   <- "L, Lq, Lqq"
xlab   <- "rho"
n      <- 100
to     <- 0.99
ty     <- "l"
lty    <- c(1, 1, 1)
cols   <- c("blue", "red", "green")
leg    <- c("L", "Lq", "Lqq")

curve(L_f,   from=0, to=to, n=n, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, col=cols[1], type=ty, main=gt)
curve(Lq_f,  from=0, to=to, n=n, col=cols[2], add=T, type=ty)
curve(Lqq_f, from=0, to=to, n=n, col=cols[3], add=T, type=ty)
legend("topleft", leg, lty=c(1, 1, 1), col=cols)
graphic without alt text
Figure 3: Evolution of the number of customers in system (L), in queue (Lq) and in queue knowing that queue exists (Lqq). The three functions exhibit a dramatic increase in the number of customers as rho tends to 1. Observe that in general, Lqq > L > Lq

As can be seen in Figure 3, the three functions exhibit a dramatic increase in the number of customers, from ρ1. Observe that Lqq > L > Lq. L > Lq because the number of customers in the system must include the customer currently receiving the service; the interesting insight here is that Lqq > L, and so merely knowing that there exists a queue raises the number of customers in the system.

x <- seq(from=0, to=0.99, by=0.01)
Lqq_f(x) - L_f(x)
#>   [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#>  [36] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#>  [71] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
W_f_aux   <- function(x){W  (QueueingModel(NewInput.MMC(lambda=x, mu=1.01, c=x)))}
Wq_f_aux  <- function(x){Wq (QueueingModel(NewInput.MMC(lambda=x, mu=1.01, c=x)))}

W_f   <- function(v){sapply(v, W_f_aux)}
Wq_f  <- function(v){sapply(v, Wq_f_aux)}

gt     <- "W and Wq"
ylab   <- "W, Wq"
xlab   <- "lambda, c"
n      <- 14
ty     <- "l"
leg    <- c("W", "Wq")
lty    <- c(1, 1, 1)
cols   <- c("blue", "red")

curve(W_f, from=1, to=n, n=n, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab , col=cols[1], type=ty, main=gt)
curve(Wq_f,  from=1, to=n, n=n, col=cols[2], add=T, type=ty)
legend("topright", leg, lty=lty, col=cols)
graphic without alt text
Figure 4: Evolution of the mean time in queue and in the system according to lambda and c increase equally. Observe that the time tends to zero as the number of servers increase

Observe in Figure 4 that although λ and c increase at the same rate, the time tends to zero as the number of servers increases, meaning that the capacity of the facility increases faster than the work pending attention.

o_mm2  <- QueueingModel(NewInput.MMC(lambda=2, mu=3, c=2))
o_mm2k <- QueueingModel(NewInput.MM1K(lambda=2, mu=3, k=5))
CompareQueueingModels(o_mm1, o_mm2, o_mm2k)
#>   lambda mu c  k  m        RO        P0         Lq         Wq        X
#> 1      2  3 1 NA NA 0.6666667 0.3333333 1.33333333 0.66666667 2.000000
#> 2      2  3 2 NA NA 0.3333333 0.5000000 0.08333333 0.04166667 2.000000
#> 3      2  3 1  5 NA 0.6345865 0.3654135 0.78796992 0.41390205 1.903759
#>          L         W       Wqq      Lqq
#> 1 2.000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 3.000000
#> 2 0.750000 0.3750000 0.2500000 1.500000
#> 3 1.422556 0.7472354 0.6717949 2.015385

Queueing Network Models

In addition to the basic Markovian models, queueing also offers several routines with which to build different queueing networks.

Although simple queueing models have been used to correctly model different situations , a queueing network must be used when several stages or places need to be visited in order to obtain full service. There are some “special” queueing networks in the simple models: thus, M/M/c/K and M/M/c/K/m are two examples of closed queueing models.

For models with more than two stations or with different classes of customers, queueing offers single and multiple channel open and closed Jackson networks, single channel open and closed multiple classes of customers and single channel mixed networks.

The steps taken to create a queueing network are the same as those for a single queueing model: the first is to apply the corresponding NewInput function; then, optionally, the CheckInput function is called, to help with the input parameters of the model, and finally the model is built with the QueueingModel function.

The difference between this and the single node model is that there exist several different functions with which to create the inputs of the network. For example, for a single-class closed Jackson network, there are three ways to create the input, as long as the problem has a probability route or the problem has been defined as operational .

For example, imagine the urgent-treatment box of a hospital. Patients arrive at the rate of 10 patients/hour. A doctor examines each patient and may provide treatment and then send the patient home, or derive the patient to a specialist (orthopaedist, cardiologist, etc.), who in turn may request tests (blood analysis, radiography, etc.), and then send the patient home or recommend hospitalisation. In the latter case(assuming there are beds available), treatment will be provided, more checks and tests may be required and, eventually, the patient will leave (not always to go home).

In this case, the model used is a single-class Open Jackson network, with five nodes: general doctor, orthopaedist, cardiologist, checks and tests box (composed of 15 technicians) and hospitalised (with space for any number of patients). Except for visiting the general physician, in no case is a patient allowed to directly enter another node.

The probability route matrix is measured as:


The model is built as follows, noting gd as general physician, ort as orthopaedist, car as cardiologist, tb as checks and tests box and hos as hospitalised:

data <- c(0, 0.3, 0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.7, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0.8, 0.15, 0, 0.4, 0.3, 0, 0.3)
prob <- matrix(data=data, byrow = TRUE, nrow = 5, ncol=5)
gd  <- NewInput.MM1(lambda=10, mu=25, n=0)
ort <- NewInput.MM1(lambda=0,  mu=18, n=0)
car <- NewInput.MM1(lambda=0,  mu=20, n=0)
tb  <- NewInput.MMC(lambda=0, mu=12, c=15, n=0)
hos <- NewInput.MMInf(lambda=0, mu=0.012, n=0)
hospital <- NewInput.OJN(prob=prob, gd, ort, car, tb, hos)

The fact that no patient is allowed to visit any doctor other than the general physician is specified, by setting lambda to zero at the node.

The parameters can be checked using CheckInput and the model is built using QueueingModel

m_hospital <- QueueingModel(hospital)
print(summary(m_hospital), digits = 2)
#>       L  W  X     Lk     Wk   Xk     ROk
#> Net 465 47 10     NA     NA   NA      NA
#> Nd1  NA NA NA   0.67  0.067 10.0   0.400
#> Nd2  NA NA NA   1.11  0.111  9.5   0.525
#> Nd3  NA NA NA   0.50  0.050  6.7   0.335
#> Nd4  NA NA NA   1.00  0.100 12.0   0.067
#> Nd5  NA NA NA 462.21 46.221  5.5 462.213

As can be seen from the output, results are calculated both for the complete network and for each node.

queueing also allows multiple classes of patients to be created, although currently only in the operational way .

At the hospital, the patients arriving at the urgent-treatment box are usually one of two types: high priority or normal priority.

By appropriately adjusting the input parameters, the problem can now be modelled as follows:

classes <- 2
vLambda <- c(2, 10)
nodes   <- 5
vType     <- c("Q", "Q", "Q", "Q", "D")
vHigh   <- c(2, 4, 2, 6, 2)
vNorm   <- c(1, 2, 1, 3, 0.5)
vVisit  <- matrix(data=c(vHigh, vNorm), nrow=2, ncol=5, byrow = TRUE)
sHigh    <- c(1/100, 1/250, 1/300, 1/600, 1/5)
sNorm    <- c(1/90, 1/150, 1/200, 1/300, 1/3)
vService <-matrix(data=c(sHigh, sNorm), nrow=2, ncol=5, byrow = TRUE)

cl_hosp <- NewInput.MCON(classes, vLambda, nodes, vType, vVisit, vService)

Some parameters have a different meaning in this model. Although the order of the classes and nodes is chosen by the modeller, once it is decided, consistency must be maintained.

As before, the CheckInput function should be used before building the model with QueueingModel.

m_cl_hosp <- QueueingModel(cl_hosp)
print(summary(m_cl_hosp), digits = 2)
#>       L    W  X   Lc   Wc Xc    Lk     Wk Xk   ROk   Lck    Wck Xck  ROck
#> Net   3 0.25 12   NA   NA NA    NA     NA NA    NA    NA     NA  NA    NA
#> Cl1  NA   NA NA 0.92 0.46  2    NA     NA NA    NA    NA     NA  NA    NA
#> Cl2  NA   NA NA 2.12 0.21 10    NA     NA NA    NA    NA     NA  NA    NA
#> Nd1  NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA 0.178 0.0148 14 0.151    NA     NA  NA    NA
#> Nd2  NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA 0.198 0.0165 28 0.165    NA     NA  NA    NA
#> Nd3  NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA 0.068 0.0056 14 0.063    NA     NA  NA    NA
#> Nd4  NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA 0.136 0.0114 42 0.120    NA     NA  NA    NA
#> Nd5  NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA 2.467 0.2056  9 2.467    NA     NA  NA    NA
#> CN11 NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA    NA     NA NA    NA 0.047 0.0236   4 0.040
#> CN12 NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA    NA     NA NA    NA 0.038 0.0192   8 0.032
#> CN13 NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA    NA     NA NA    NA 0.014 0.0071   4 0.013
#> CN14 NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA    NA     NA NA    NA 0.023 0.0114  12 0.020
#> CN15 NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA    NA     NA NA    NA 0.800 0.4000   4 0.800
#> CN21 NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA    NA     NA NA    NA 0.131 0.0131  10 0.111
#> CN22 NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA    NA     NA NA    NA 0.160 0.0160  20 0.133
#> CN23 NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA    NA     NA NA    NA 0.053 0.0053  10 0.050
#> CN24 NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA    NA     NA NA    NA 0.114 0.0114  30 0.100
#> CN25 NA   NA NA   NA   NA NA    NA     NA NA    NA 1.667 0.1667   5 1.667

In this case, the output has more detailed information than in the previous model, as the class performance measures are also included.

Queueing Calculators

The calculators included in queueing are frequently used for sizing call centres, telecomunications systems, etc. 

  1. Erlang-B. This function is derived from a M/M/c/c model when the c+1 customer arrives when there are c already in the system.

  2. Erlang-C. This function is frequently used in call centres to correctly set the number of agents. It denotes the probability of a customer having to queue because all the servers are busy in a M/M/c.

  3. Engset. When the population is finite, that is, when each new arrival changes the probability of the next arrival, the Engset function gives the probability of an arrival having to return to the source merely because there is no room availabl. This situation is modelled by M/M/c/c/N with c < N.

The graphics normally shown in queueing theory books such as , page 111, can be easily obtained and improved with the calculators included:

servers    <- 1:50
numServers <- length(servers)
rho        <- c(1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 24, 30, 40, 50)
rho_size   <- length(rho)
pRes       <- array(data=0, dim=c(numServers, rho_size))

for (i in 1:numServers)
  for (j in 1:rho_size)
    pRes[i, j] <- B_erlang(i, rho[j])

colrs  <- rainbow(n=rho_size)

xlim  <- c(1, numServers)
ylim  <- c(0, 1)
xlab  <- "Number of servers"
ylab  <- "Probability"
gt    <- "B-Erlang prob. for different loads"
y     <- pRes[, 1]
x     <- servers
col   <- colrs[1]

plot(x=x, y=y, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, type="l", col=col, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=gt)

for (j in 2:rho_size)
  lines(x=1:numServers, y=pRes[, j], col=colrs[j])

leg <- as.character(rho)
tr  <- "topright"
lty <- rep(1, rho_size)
lwd <- rep(0.01, rho_size)

legend(x=tr, legend=leg, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, col=colrs)
graphic without alt text
Figure 5: Probability of not finding an available server as the number of servers increase

3 Conclusions

queueing is a useful tool for both academic and professional use. In education, the main models learned in class are presented in detail, providing numerous performance measures within a versatile tool, helpful to students and teachers alike. For professionals, the package can be used both to design and size systems or workloads according to perfomance requirements, and to explain deviations in systems as they are evolving.

queueing has been developed to make it easy to learn how the NewInput, CheckInputs and QueueingModel models are built. Both basic Markovian models and queueing networks can be built using the same process.

More queue disciplines, together with intermediate and advanced models, will be included progressively in the package to make it even more versatile.

4 Acknowledgments

This work would not have been possible without the invaluable help of Yolanda Román Montoya.

queueing has its roots in the peerless stochastic processes classes given by Sixto Ríos Insúa, Alfonso Mateos Caballero, Mª Concepción Bielza Lozoya and David Ríos Insúa. Although the package is dedicated especially to the memory of Sixto Ríos Insúa, I am sincerely grateful to and appreciative of all these outstanding educators.

Finally, I thank everyone who has made contributions and suggestions or made use of the package.

CRAN packages used

simmer, queuecomputer, queueing

CRAN Task Views implied by cited packages


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    For attribution, please cite this work as

    Jiménez & Montoya, "queueing: A Package For Analysis Of Queueing Networks and Models in R", The R Journal, 2017

    BibTeX citation

      author = {Jiménez, Pedro Cañadilla and Montoya, Yolanda Román},
      title = {queueing: A Package For Analysis Of Queueing Networks and Models in R},
      journal = {The R Journal},
      year = {2017},
      note = {https://rjournal.github.io/},
      volume = {9},
      issue = {2},
      issn = {2073-4859},
      pages = {116-126}