A new R package is presented for dealing with non-normality and variance heterogeneity of sample data when conducting hypothesis tests of main effects and interactions in mixed models. The proposal departs from an existing SAS program which implements Johansen’s general formulation of Welch-James’s statistic with approximate degrees of freedom, which makes it suitable for testing any linear hypothesis concerning cell means in univariate and multivariate mixed model designs when the data pose non-normality and non-homogeneous variance. Improved type I error rate control is obtained using bootstrapping for calculating an empirical critical value, whereas robustness against non-normality is achieved through trimmed means and Winsorized variances. A wrapper function eases the application of the test in common situations, such as performing omnibus tests on all effects and interactions, pairwise contrasts, and tetrad contrasts of two-way interactions. The package is demonstrated in several problems including unbalanced univariate and multivariate designs.
The problem of testing for mean equality between several groups can be
accomplished using classical techniques such as Student’s
In order for these approaches to work well, the data must satisfy three
conditions, namely independence, normality and homoscedasticity of the
errors. While ANOVA is known to be robust to small departures from
normality, homogeneity of population variances is crucial as concluded
by simulation studies in which these methods have been found to exhibit
type I error rates oscillating from too conservative to extremely
liberal, specially in unbalanced designs leading to very heterogeneous
cell variances. The behaviour depends on the relation between the
variance of the cell with the fewest observations and the number of
observations contained in it (Milligan, D. S. Wong, and P. A. Thompson 1987). Indeed, data from a
number of experiments conducted in the aforementioned research fields
often exhibit non-homogeneous variances. This is not a problem for
one-way designs since the built-in function oneway.test
in package
stats is able to account for different variances. Unfortunately,
real-world studies usually require more complex designs, like the
typical mixed between x within-subjects designs for clinical trials
involving either animals or persons. For both reasons, the application
of simple ANOVA in serious analyses of experimental data is nowadays not
very common.
A distinction should be made here on what homogeneity of variances means depending on the design being considered (Lix and H. J. Keselman 1995). In univariate settings with between-subjects factors only, all the cell variances should be equal, while in multivariate settings, it refers to the equality of the population covariance matrices across all cells. In mixed designs with at least one between-subjects factor, a set of orthonormalized contrasts on the repeated measures must have common covariance matrices (sphericity assumption), and all those matrices must be equal across all cells of the between-subject factors. When both conditions are met, it is said that multisample sphericity holds (Huynh 1978).
A number of alternatives have been proposed to overcome the parametric restrictions (Higgins 2003). Traditionally the most widely used choices have been nonparametric tests such as Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon rank sum test and Kruskal test for two groups, or Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Friedman test (for which paired versions exist) for more than two groups. However, they cannot handle multiple factors or interactions. Generalized Linear Models can deal with multiple factors and interactions with non-normal data, but require specifying the link function and are unable to handle repeated measures. Since our study focuses on the most general models, i.e. those with between-subjects and within-subjects interactions, the aforementioned tests are not useful. The generalization of Mixed Models, namely Generalized Linear Mixed Models (Bolker, M. E. Brooks, C. J. Clark, S. W. Geange, J. R. Poulsen, M. H. H. Stevens, and J.-S. S. White 2009), do constitute a valid alternative. They present some drawbacks, though, such as being complex to apply and interpret, not very widely available, and requiring a particular treatment for each problem since a suitable link function must be supplied in each case, which is not always possible.
Two surveys on nonparametric techniques in experimental design can be found in Sawilowsky (1990; Salazar-Alvarez, V. G. Tercero-Gómez, M. del Carmen Temblador-Pérez, A. E. Cordero-Franco, and W. J. Conover 2014). In these works, several rank transformation variants are emphasized, as they constitute the most widely used nonparametric approach for detecting interactions (Conover 2012). Among them, the Aligned Rank Transform (Higgins and S. Tashtoush 1994), for which an implementation in R has been made available in package ART (Villacorta 2015), is one of the best performing for this task, keeping type I error rates close to the theoretical significance level while preserving good power. Although it has been applied to a split-plot design (one between- and one within-subjects factor) in Beasley (2002), showing good type I error rates and power, it lacks a general unified formulation for mixed models with any number of between- and within-subjects factors that also works in unbalanced and multivariate settings. Erce-Hurn and V. M. Mirosevich (2008; Ruscio and B. Roche 2012) constitute two more broad surveys (the latter dealing with variance heterogeneity in depth) covering both classical nonparametric methods and recent research efforts like the one implemented here, which is cited in both works.
Some other valid alternatives for nonparametric analysis of any mixed model are the Improved General Approximation (IGA), the generalization of Welch-James (WJ) test statistic, the Kenward-Roger correction with mixed models (KR), and the modified Brown and Forsythe (MBF) procedure. They all do a correction for the degrees of freedom to account for heterogeneous variances, hence the name ADF for approximate degrees of freedom. The IGA (Huynh 1978) was specifically developed to account for multisample sphericity violations in repeated measures designs by adjusting the critical value, and was generalized to any mixed model by Algina (1997). Similarly, Welch’s non-pooled statistic with approximate degrees of freedom (ADF) (Welch 1951) was also conceived for this purpose, using the sample data to estimate the error degrees of freedom. Several non-pooled ADF statistics have been proposed later but all can be derived from the general matrix formulation of Welch’s statistic given by Lix and H. J. Keselman (1995) based on Johansen (1980), which makes it applicable for univariate and multivariate mixed models with an arbitrary number of effects. Lix and H. J. Keselman (1995) shows how the same statistic can be employed in different models for both omnibus contrasts (testing whether a given effect is significant or not) and pairwise comparisons for a given effect (for every pair of categories of a given effect, testing whether the response is significantly different for one of the categories against one another). Generally, the IGA and WJ statistic perform similarly; however a slight advantage favorable to WJ has been reported by Algina (1997) in some contexts. The WJ ADF approach has been successfully tested in nonparametric analysis of a variety of mixed models; see Keselman, R. R. Wilcox, and L. M. Lix (2003) and references therein. The KR correction for the degrees of freedom can be implemented on top of a conventional mixed model and performs similarly to the MBF procedure with slight advantage for the latter (Vallejo and P. Livacic-Rojas 2005). Both yield reasonably good results. With respect to the comparison between the MBF and the generalized WJ statistic, there is no consensus about the results. In most conditions they perform similarly, but some authors state that MBF is better at detecting interaction effects when the number of subjects is not high enough (Vallejo, A. Fidalgo, and P. Fernández 2001; Vallejo, J. Morisa, and N. M. Conejo 2006). However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no general formulation of MBF for any mixed model with an arbitrary number of between- x within-subjects factors, although it has been tested in split-plot designs (Vallejo, J. Morisa, and N. M. Conejo 2006) (which are probably the most common design in medicine and particularly in psychological studies) and factorial designs (Vallejo, M. Ato, M. P. Fernández, and L.-R. P. E 2008).
Wilcox (2012) constitutes an important source dealing with robust
estimation. The book is accompanied by an R package called WRS bwtrim, t1way, t1waybt, t2way, t2way, t3way
, include the most common
designs such as one, two and three-way and split-plot (one between x one
within subjects designs) also with bootstrapping and trimming. Although
not included in WRS2, the original WRS exposes functions
bbw-, bww-
for between x between x within, and between x within x
within subjects designs, and their trimmed and bootstrap versions. While
useful, they do not provide a uniform, easy-to-use interface in a single
function valid for any mixed design.
There exists a CRAN task force on robust statistical methodsrlmer
in package
(Koller 2017) are some remarkable efforts. The latter implements the
techniques proposed in Koller (2013) for linear mixed models on a basis
of a parametric model having some contaminated data (Koller 2016).
However, it does not focus on testing inherently heterogeneous and
non-normal data. Package
nlme (Pinheiro, D. Bates, and R-core 2017) provides a
way of capturing and modeling variance heterogeneity in mixed models
through the argument weights
of function lme
, which can be set to
different covariance matrix structures that are fitted from the data.
The well-known package lme4
(Bates, M. Mächler, B. Bolker, and S. Walker 2015; Bates, M. Maechler, B. Bolker, and S. Walker 2016) is also a good choice for dealing with non-normal
models in presence of within-subjects effects (called generalized linear
mixed models as an extension to generalized linear models where the user
can specify the probabilistic model to be used). Package glmmADMB
SAS (SAS Institute 2011) implementations of the WJ statistic, MBF statistic (split-plot and factorial designs only) and IGA do exist; see (Algina 1997; Keselman, R. R. Wilcox, and L. M. Lix; 2003; Vallejo, J. Morisa, and N. M. Conejo 2006) respectively. While SAS is still widely used mainly in social and biomedical sciences, it is proprietary software. The same applies to the ERP-PCA software (Dien 2010) written in Matlab. Interestingly, ERP-PCA incorporates a Matlab translation of the SAS code described in Keselman, R. R. Wilcox, and L. M. Lix (2003) for the WJ statistic. For these reasons, together with the fast expansion of R and open-source statistical software in general -closely related to the growing interest in reproducible research- among researchers of many different disciplines, we consider the R package introduced here a useful effort.
The present work describes an R package called welchADF (Villacorta 2017) that implements Johansen’s formulation of the Welch-James test, with two additional improvements: first, the use of trimmed means and Winsorized variances to deal with non-normality, and second, the use of bootstrap for calculating an empirical critical value for achieving better type I error control. Both aspects are mentioned in Wilcox, H. J. Keselman, and R. K. Kowalchuk (1998) and implemented in Keselman, R. R. Wilcox, and L. M. Lix (2003). Trimmed means and Winsorized variances are being used in medical and behavioral research in the last years; see (Aronoff, D. J. Freed, L. M. Fisher, I. Pal, and S. D. Soli 2011; Müller, P. Asherson, T. Banaschewski, J. K. Buitelaar, R. P. Ebstein, J. Eisenberg, M. Gill, I. Manor, A. Miranda, R. D. Oades, H. Roeyers, A. Rothenberger, J. A. Sergeant, E. J. Sonuga-Barke, M. Thompson, S. V. Faraone, and H.-C. Steinhausen; 2011; Ryzin, E. A. Carlson, and L. A. Sroufe 2011).
The core of our code is an R translation of the SAS program
It can be applied to univariate and multivariate mixed models with an arbitrary number of within- and between-subjects effects.
It simplifies some common tasks such as performing omnibus tests on effects or interactions, multiple pairwise comparisons on the levels of one factor, and tetrad contrasts. All of these can be done without indicating the contrast matrices, which are automatically formed by the program depending on the kind of test required and the number of levels found in each factor.
It provides a more natural and uniform data input mechanism through data frames that do not depend on the model specified. In the original SAS code, the input data had to be carefully arranged in matrices whose shape had to mirror the experimental design being analyzed in each problem, which can be error-prone.
It integrates with other similar packages of the R ecosystem through
a formula interface and also provides additional interfaces that
accept model objects returned by some commonly used functions such
as stats::lm
, lme4::lmer
and stats::aov
It enables selecting one among several built-in p-value correction methods when performing multiple pairwise comparisons.
There are several reasons that justify an R implementation of this particular test:
The generalized WJ test described in Lix and H. J. Keselman (1995; Keselman, R. R. Wilcox, and L. M. Lix 2003) has good theoretical properties and has proven successful in controlling type I error rate while preserving high power. Moreover, the use of trimmed means and Winsorized variances can protect both against skewness and outliers in the data, as noted by (Keselman, J. Algina, L. M. Lix, R. R. Wilcox, and K. N. Deering 2008). The percentage of trimming can be adjusted to deal with higher ratios of outliers and skewness. The statistic is also able to cope with heterogeneous variances, which commonly (but not only) arise when having very different cell sample sizes. In this sense, one should notice the sample size requirement stated right after this list.
These two works have received a number of citations, and the approach explained there is being used in current research in different fields such as medicine (Dien, M. S. Franklin, C. A. Michelson, L. C. Lemene, C. L. Adams, and K. A. Kiehlf 2008; Dien 2010), psychology (Müller, P. Asherson, T. Banaschewski, J. K. Buitelaar, R. P. Ebstein, J. Eisenberg, M. Gill, I. Manor, A. Miranda, R. D. Oades, H. Roeyers, A. Rothenberger, J. A. Sergeant, E. J. Sonuga-Barke, M. Thompson, S. V. Faraone, and H.-C. Steinhausen 2011; Kayser, C. E. Tenke, C. J. Kroppmann, D. M. Alschuler, S. Fekri, S. Ben-David, C. M. Corcoran, and G. E. Bruder 2014; Huang and S.-A. Jun 2015) and behavioral research (Symes, J. McFarlane, L. Frazier, M. C. Henderson-Everhardus, G. McGlory, K. B. Watson, Y. Liu, C. E. Rhodes, and R. C. Hoogeveen 2010), just to cite a few.
The function interface is simple and the test can be used in a straightforward way for the most common tasks. This may contribute positively towards its adoption by the research community, specially by researchers with little expertise in statistics, but with an understanding of the importance of applying suitable, robust techniques when parametric conditions are not met.
Despite the existence of different alternatives explained before, some of them also implemented in R, these are either not applicable to multivariate mixed models with heterogeneous variance or non-normal data, or are generally complex and more difficult to use.
The WJ approach also has some disadvantages. The first one is the sample size needed to assure an effective control of type I error under some (somewhat extreme) circumstances, specially in repeated-measures designs, like when the cell with the fewest subjects presents the largest variance (i.e. cell size and cell variance are negatively paired). In general, the number of subjects of the smallest cell should be four or five times greater than the number of repeated measures minus one, and sometimes even more when testing an interaction. However, when combined with trimmed means, robustness is increased and some of these problems are mitigated as a much smaller number of subjects are required (Keselman, R. K. Kowalchuk, J. Algina, L. M. Lix, and R. R. Wilcox 2000). The second drawback is that welchADF is only applicable to categorical predictors. In case the design has numeric predictors, the reader may try the packages mentioned in the preceding section, as well as gamm4 (Wood and F. Scheipl 2017) and mgcv (Wood 2017) for fitting generalized additive mixed models.
Finally, the application of bootstrap to contaminated data has been extensively studied and even questioned by some authors in the past (Singh 1998), specially regarding numerical instability: some bootstrap samples that intervene in the computation of the final bootstrapped estimate may contain a higher proportion of outliers than the general dataset, and therefore be too heavily influenced by them (Salibián-Barrera, S. Van Aelst, and G. Willems 2008). (Singh 1998) proposed using bootstrapping with Winsorized observations, which is what we do in this package when enabling trimming and bootstrapping at the same time, as it provides some additional benefits. (Salibián-Barrera, S. Van Aelst, and G. Willems 2008) introduce a fast and robust bootstrap (FRB) method that improves classical bootstrapping. Although it has not been incorporated to welchADF, it may be done in the future.
The remainder of this contribution is structured as follows. In first place, the mathematical background is briefly reviewed. In second place, we present the function exposed by the package and explain its arguments, together with some issues regarding the arrangement of the data. In third place, we address three case studies, namely a univariate one-way between-subjects design, a two-way factorial design, a mixed design, and a doubly multivariate design analyzed as a multivariate mixed design. Finally, we present some conclusions and further work.
Here we summarize the theoretical background given in Lix and H. J. Keselman (1995; Keselman, R. R. Wilcox, and L. M. Lix 2003). Following the General Linear Model,
If we denote by
We proceed to explain how population means and variances are estimated.
The matrix of population means can be estimated by the usual
least-squares approach (Eq. (1)) or by using robust estimation
techniques such as trimming, discussed later. Now, let
The generalized Welch-James test statistic presented by Johansen in
Johansen (1980) is
In a between-subjects design (no within-subjects factors),
The preceding formulation of the model is valid for any type of contrasts. Most often the user may want to perform two types of contrasts, namely omnibus contrasts to check whether a given effect or interaction is statistically significant, and in case it is, post-hoc pairwise contrasts on one effect or interaction to check whether the response associated to some of the levels of that factor or interaction is statistically different than the responses associated to other levels of the factor.
This test is aimed at checking whether the level adopted by a given
variable of interest (effect or interaction) has an influence over the
response variable. In the simplest case, consider a one-way design,
either univariate or multivariate, whose single factor
Assume a between-subjects design with four effects
For within-subjects designs a similar rule applies. Assume that now
In case we want to test a main effect (either a between- or a
within-subjects effect) in a design containing both between- and
within-subjects factors, the same rules apply:
Now for a given effect, we are aimed at testing for every pair of
categories of the effect whether the response is significantly different
for one of the categories against one another. The procedure is similar
to the omnibus contrasts. The only difference is that contrast matrices
Trimmed means help mitigate the effects of non-normality. When
least-squares means are substituted by trimmed means, the null
hypotheses being tested are the equality of population trimmed means:
The sample Winsorized mean is a similar measure that is computed by
replacing all observations smaller than
After computing the cell trimmed means, let
The process explained before applies to omnibus contrasts. For focused contrasts such as pairwise tests on marginal means, the same idea with minor modifications is used. For more details as well as a generalization to other designs, see Keselman, R. R. Wilcox, and L. M. Lix (2003) and references therein.
As stated in Keselman, J. Algina, L. M. Lix, R. R. Wilcox, and K. N. Deering (2008; Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 2013), it is now widely recommended to
report an estimate of the effect size when performing a hypothesis test.
Many different measures exist for this purpose, although few of them are
valid for non-homogeneous variances. The approach implemented in our
package was proposed in Keselman, J. Algina, L. M. Lix, R. R. Wilcox, and K. N. Deering (2008) and has the following formulation
for the case of two groups:
The WJ test is implemented in our package as an S3 generic called
. The name has been chosen to be compliant with other
existing tests such as t.test, wilcox.test
, etc. The function receives
parameters to modulate its behaviour, such as the type of contrast to be
performed (omnibus or pairwise), whether trimming should be employed or
not, and if employed, the percentage of data to be trimmed at each side,
and whether bootstrapping should be used or not. The default S3 method
expects a data.frame
in the formula
parameter, but additional S3
methods are provided for classes formula
, lm
, lmer
and aov
which allow our package to integrate well with other linear models
functions, as described later in this section.
The prototype of the S3 default method is
welchADF.test(formula, response, between.s, within.s = NULL, subject = NULL,
contrast = c("omnibus", "all.pairwise"), effect = NULL,
correction = c("hochberg", "holm"), trimming = FALSE, per = 0.2,
bootstrap = FALSE, numsim_b = 999, effect.size = FALSE, numsim_es = 999,
scaling = TRUE, standardize.effsz = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, seed = 0, ...)
We summarize below the meaning of the arguments; the reader may refer to the package documentation for further detail. Note only the three first arguments are required.
is a data frame object containing the observations and the
level combination to which they correspond. The next four arguments
refer to the column names.
response, between.s, within.s, subject
are strings (or string
vectors) indicating the column names for the response, the
between-subjects effect(s), the within-subject(s) effects, and the
subject column that stores which subject corresponds to each row
(hence it cannot be a vector but a single string). In case the
design is multivariate, the response will be a vector of columns,
one for each response variable. A sample data frame is displayed in
Table 1. Each cell
refers to the type of contrast to be performed. Both in
and "all.pairwise"
contrasts, the corresponding
contrasts matrices are automatically computed as described in
Section 2.1.
is the effect (i.e. column name) involved in the selected
contrast. If effect
is a vector with length 2 or greater and
contrast = "omnibus"
, then an omnibus contrast on an interaction
effect will be tested involving simultaneously all the effects of
the vector. If contrast = "all.pairwise"
, then effect
must have
length 1 or 2 to indicate a single effect or a two-way interaction
to which tetrad contrasts will be applied; otherwise an error will
be thrown. If left blank, the contrast will be applied separately to
all of the existing effects and their interactions.
The rest of arguments specify whether trimmed means and Winsorized
variances will be used and the percentage of trimming
), whether bootstrapping should be
used to compute an empirical critical value and how many iterations
to do (use.bootstrap,
), and whether the effect size and
a confidence interval should be computed (again via bootstrap).
Effect size allows the choice of using scaling (scaling = TRUE
) or
not (if not, effect.size,
The aforementioned function is an R wrapper that configures the
parameters needed for each type of problem by two private functions,
which lie at the core of our package. Both are R translations of the SAS
functions wjglm
and bootcom
and have been named almost the same.
Function wjglm
is used in all cases (including those in which
bootstrapping is needed), except when bootstrap is applied to obtain an
empirical critical value for a family of contrasts. A modification of
function bootcom
is only invoked in that case in order to control
family-wise type I error rate (FWER) via percentile bootstrapping. This
scenario arises when performing all pairwise contrasts or tetrad
contrasts via bootstrap (i.e.
contrast = "all.pairwise", bootstrap = TRUE
A | B | X | W | Subject | ||
The prototype of the S3 method for class formula
is as usual:
welchADF.test(formula, data, subset, ...)
where data
is a data frame following the same rules as described above
for the formula
parameter of the default method, subset
is an
indexing vector to indicate which rows of data
should be used (all by
default), and ...
stands for the rest of arguments accepted by
and described above to configure the behavior of
the test. As with other models, the terms in formula
are first sought
in data
and then in the environment of the formula. Note, however,
that only between-subjects and within-subjects effects and interactions
can be specified together with a Subject column when conducting a WJ
test, but no model is fit to the data. For this reason, formula
be understood only as a way to indicate the factors involved and their
nature (between- or within-subjects) but not as a description of a
particular model structure. The presence or absence of an interaction in
the formula only affects which effects are tested when
contrast = "omnibus", effect = NULL
; otherwise it does not affect at
all. The structure should mirror that of the lme4 package, e.g.
welchADF.test(cbind(visits, time, latency) ~ nurs*tunnel + (tunnel|Subject), miceData)
means that there is a multivariate response composed of three correlated
variables visits
, time
, latency
, and the design has one
between-subjects factor nurs
(because it appears outside but not
inside the parenthesis term) and one within-subjects factor tunnel
because it appears inside the parenthesis. While a within-subjects
effect may appear outside the parenthesis to indicate an interaction
with a between-subjects effect, between-subjects must not appear inside
the parenthesis.
The function returns an object of class welchADFt
, which is actually a
tagged list of lists, one sub-list per effect in an omnibus contrast, or
per category involved a pairwise contrast of a given effect. The call is
also stored as the last element of the upper-level list with the name
, no matter the S3 method employed (be it welchADF.test.default
or the ones for class formula, lm, aov
or lmer
). This allows to
implement S3 method update
for class welchADFt
, no matter which S3
method was called to calculate the model object welchADFt
object, i.e. passing a formula is not
allowed if the object was generated by the default method, and
vice-versa.welch.T, numeratorDF, denominatorDF, contrast.matrix,
mean.vector, sigma.matrix
which store, respectively, the value of the
The package implements S3 methods summary
, format
and print
objects of class welchADFt
, as well as other methods widely used on
model objects such as confint
to get confidence intervals of the
effect size (in case the user requested to compute it), model.frame
extract the input data frame, and formula
to extract the formula (not
available if the object was generated by welchADF.test.default
All the datasets analyzed in this section were mentioned in examples designed by the authors of the SAS implementation (Lix and H. J. Keselman 1995), and have also been included in our R package. For that reason it is not necessary to explicitly read them from text files. They are described in detail in the package documentation.
The dataset was artificially created by Lix et al. and can be downloaded
from her personal websiteperceptionData
This design presents one between-subjects variable, namely the Group to which the student belongs, and no within-subjects variables as each student is measured on only one response variable and then the student is never measured again. The following R commands demonstrate the types of analyses that can be done with this dataset. The results can be checked on the PDF file of the footnote.
> str(perceptionData)
'data.frame': 42 obs. of 2 variables:
\$ Group: Factor w/ 3 levels "control","distantFuture",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
\$ y : int 7 5 8 9 8 8 7 7 6 2 ...
> omnibus_LSM <- welchADF.test(perceptionData, response = "y", between.s = "Group")
> summary(omnibus_LSM, verbose = TRUE)
welchADF.test(formula = perceptionData, response = "y", between.s = "Group")
Welch-James Approximate DF Test (Least squares means & variances)
Omnibus test(s) of effect and/or interactions
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF Pr(>WJ)
Group 1.795 2 24.16 0.1875
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The omnibus contrast on the between-subjects effect Group determined it is not statistically significant when using least-square means. But if we apply trimming:
> omnibus_trimmed <- update(omnibus_LSM, trimming = TRUE)
> omnibus_trimmed_boot <- update(omnibus_trimmed, bootstrap = TRUE, seed = 12345)
> summary(omnibus_trimmed)
welchADF.test(formula = perceptionData, response = "y", between.s = "Group",
trimming = TRUE)
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF Pr(>WJ)
Group 4.975 2 16.11 0.02076 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
By applying trimmed means and Winsorized variances we do get a statistically significant result. Hence, since the omnibus test was significant on this factor, we do pairwise comparisons on it in order to test which pairs of group levels make the associated groups of responses statistically different. Since the result was obtained with trimming, we continue with it in pairwise comparisons. Only the result of non-bootstrapped trimming is displayed here.
> pairwise_trimmed <- welchADF.test(y ~ Group, data = perceptionData, effect = "Group",
contrast = "all.pairwise", trimming = TRUE, effect.size = TRUE)
> pairwise_trimmed_boot <- update(pairwise_trimmed, bootstrap = TRUE, seed = 12345)
> summary(pairwise_trimmed)
welchADF.test(formula = y ~ Group, data = perceptionData, effect = "Group",
contrast = "all.pairwise", trimming = TRUE, effect.size = TRUE)
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF eff.size adj.pval
control:nearFuture 0.004398 1 10.089 -0.02674 0.9484
distantFuture:nearFuture 0.876366 1 9.778 0.38620 0.7435
control:distantFuture 10.088968 1 17.510 -1.09981 0.0161 *
Signif. codes (Hochberg p-values): 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The output shows that the responses associated to the control group significantly differs from those associated to the distantFuture group. The confidence intervals on the effect size can be retrieved as
> confint(pairwise_trimmed)
2.5 % 97.5 %
control:nearFuture -0.8208 0.85290
distantFuture:nearFuture -0.3402 1.74365
control:distantFuture -2.2571 -0.09678
An important issue arises in this example that justifies again the use
of trimmed estimators. As can be seen in the omnibus tests, the Group is
not significant with Least-squares means but it is when we use trimmed
means and Winsorized variances. This yields a significant result which
could not be detected unless trimming is applied. As the result of the
omnibus test with trimmed means is significant, we proceed to the
pairwise comparisons using trimming as well. This yields that control
and distantFuture
have associated significantly different values of
the number of puzzles solved by the students on average.
Once again, this datasetwomenStereotypeData
The output of the omnibus tests using robust estimators (trimmed means and Winsorized variances) with and without bootstrapping is shown in first place. Since the interaction between "condition" and "sex" is significant according to trimmed means, the post-hoc pairwise comparisons (tetrad contrasts) are shown using trimmed means with and without bootstrapping. The results match those presented in pages 5 and 6 of the PDF.
> omnibus_LSM <- welchADF.test(womenStereotypeData, response = "y", between.s =
c("condition", "sex"), contrast = "omnibus")
> omnibus_trimmed <- update(omnibus_LSM, trimming = TRUE)
> summary(omnibus_LSM)
welchADF.test(formula = womenStereotypeData, response = "y",
between.s = c("condition", "sex"), contrast = "omnibus")
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF Pr(>WJ)
condition 2.151 2 154.7 0.11986
sex 2.933 1 216.4 0.08824 .
condition:sex 2.521 2 154.7 0.08368 .
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
> summary(omnibus_trimmed)
welchADF.test(formula = womenStereotypeData, response = "y",
between.s = c("condition", "sex"), contrast = "omnibus",
trimming = TRUE)
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF Pr(>WJ)
condition 5.205 2 93.38 0.007189 **
sex 5.754 1 130.06 0.017875 *
condition:sex 3.130 2 93.38 0.048347 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
In this case, the omnibus test is unclear when using least-square means
(p-values only slightly greater than the common significance threshold
of 0.05 according to the summary of omnibus_LSM
) but trimming helps
make things clearer. This results in both factors and their interaction
being statistically significant at a significance level of 0.05 (see the
summary of omnibus_trimmed
Since the omnibus test confirms the significance of all effects,
pairwise comparisons should be done on all of them. Due to space
constraints, only the two-way condition:sex
interaction effect was
probed (as effect = c("condition", "sex")
in the call to create the
object that was subsequently updated to account for
trimming and bootstrapping). Pairwise contrasts on two-way interactions
are also known as tetrad contrasts.
> pairwise_trimmed <- welchADF.test(y ~ condition*sex, data = womenStereotypeData,
contrast = "all.pairwise", effect = c("condition", "sex"), trimming = TRUE)
> pairwise_trimmed_boot <- update(pairwise_trimmed, bootstrap = TRUE, seed = 12345)
> summary(pairwise_trimmed_boot, verbose = TRUE)
welchADF.test(formula = y ~ condition * sex, data = womenStereotypeData,
contrast = "all.pairwise", effect = c("condition", "sex"),
trimming = TRUE, bootstrap = TRUE, seed = 12345)
Welch-James Approximate DF Test (Trimmed means [20% trimming] & Winsorized variances)
Multiple tetrad interaction contrasts with respect to condition x sex interaction
using a Bootstrap Critical Value for FWER control
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF significant?
control:stereotype x female:male 0.4662 1 97.49 no
nullified:stereotype x female:male 1.9846 1 79.63 no
control:nullified x female:male 5.7662 1 88.55 yes
Bootstrap critical value: 5.145
Pairwise comparisons on the condition:sex interaction with trimmed
bootstrapped means reveal only one significant interaction between the
pairs of levels control:nullified
and female:male
The problem and the data are described in Keselman, R. R. Wilcox, and L. M. Lix (2003). The data
represent the reaction times in milliseconds of children with
attention-deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) and normal children when they are
presented four kinds of inputs: a target alone or an arrow stimuli
incongruent, congruent and neutral to the target. According to the
authors, the dataset was artificially generated from the summary
measures given in the original study by Jonkman, C. Kemner, M. Verbaten, H. van Engeland, J. Kenemans, G. Camfferman, J. Buitelaar, and H. Koelega (1999), in groups of 20
and 10 children to create an unbalanced design. The data are delivered
in our package in two variables named adhdData
and adhdData2
This problem can be approached in two different ways: (a) as a one-way multivariate design, which would be the non-parametric equivalent of MANOVA (multivariate ANOVA), or (b) as a univariate mixed model having one between-subjects factor (the student’s group) and one within-subjects factor (with four levels, namely the four stimuli measured in every single student). In case we were analysing the data under parametric assumptions, the second option requires sphericity while MANOVA does not (although it needs more data). On the other hand, mixed models are able to capture the covariance structure of the dependent variables and can be generalized to any number of factors. An in-depth discussion on this topic can be found in chapter 9 of Maxwell and H. D. Delaney (2004). (Keselman, R. R. Wilcox, and L. M. Lix 2003) (page 593) insist on using trimmed means and/or bootstrapping with this kind of models in order to overcome deviations from sphericity.
Our package admits both types of analysis. When dealing with a one-way multivariate design, the data must be formated as in Figure 1(a), while a mixed model requires the more systematic format of Figure 1(b) which is valid for an arbitrary amount of factors of both types. As done in their paper, we will analyze this dataset as a mixed model in which the stimuli are an explicit within-subjects factor.
The package admits a third way to indicate the within-subjects effects
that simplifies its use. It is common to have a dataset with a
within-subjects effect expressed in the form of
Figure 1(a). In this case, we may want
to consider the within-subjects effect underlying the multivariate
response. Reshaping this file to match the structure of
Figure 1(b) would require some effort by
the user. To avoid this, the function allows indicating that the
multivariate response is actually an implicit within-subjects effects by
including the word "multivariate"
in the vector of within-subjects
column names (if this argument was empty, then we just set the argument
within.s =
). This can be generalized as follows: if
we have within.s = ``c("within1",
and pass a multivariate response vector argument
because the data must have one response column per level of the _multi
show the equivalent calls. Unless we change the
model itself (i.e. consider a mixed model or a multivariate one-way
model with no within-subjects factor), the results obtained are the same
in all types of analyses (omnibus, pairwise, etc), no matter the
structure of the input data file. We demonstrate all the possibilities
Group | TargetAlone | Incongruent | Congruent | Neutral |
Normal | 568.52 | 433.80 | 658.51 | 711.33 |
Normal | 1034.82 | 864.79 | 639.42 | 815.18 |
⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | |
ADHD | 707.15 | 872.39 | 645.83 | 677.84 |
(a) As a one-way multivariate model,
stored in variable adhdData
Group | Stimulus | Subject | Millisec |
Normal | TargetAlone | 1 | 568.52 |
Normal | Incongruent | 1 | 433.80 |
Normal | Congruent | 1 | 658.51 |
Normal | Neutral | 1 | 711.33 |
⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | |
ADHD | TargetAlone | 30 | 707.15 |
ADHD | Incongruent | 30 | 872.39 |
ADHD | Congruent | 30 | 645.83 |
ADHD | Neutral | 30 | 677.84 |
(b) A a mixed model with one between- ×
within-subjects factor, as in adhdData2
> omnibus_LSM_mixed_implicit <- welchADF.test(adhdData, response = c("TargetAlone",
"Congruent", "Neutral", "Incongruent"), within.s = "multivariate", between.s = "Group",
contrast = "omnibus")
> omnibus_LSM_multi_oneway <- welchADF.test(cbind(TargetAlone, Congruent, Neutral,
Incongruent) ~ Group, data = adhdData)
> omnibus_LSM_mixed <- welchADF.test(adhdData2, response = "Milliseconds",
between.s = "Group", within.s = "Stimulus", subject = "Subject", contrast = "omnibus")
> omnibus_LSM_mixed_formula <- welchADF.test(Milliseconds ~ Group*Stimulus +
(Stimulus|Subject), data = adhdData2)
> omnibus_trimmed_formula <- update(omnibus_LSM_mixed_formula, trimming = TRUE)
> omnibus_trimmed_boot <- update(omnibus_trimmed_formula, bootstrap = TRUE, seed = 12345)
Above we have demonstrated the possibilities of an omnibus contrast to
both arrangements of the data. The first and third models assume a mixed
model, where the within-subjects factor is implicit in
(using adhdData
) and explicit in
(using adhdData2
). The second model assumes a
multivariate one-way model with no within-subjects effects. The model
assumes an explicit mixed model described by
a formula. The formula interface can be fitted only to data in long
format like adhdData2
. Finally, this model is updated to include
trimming, and the resulting updated model is updated again to include
bootstrapping as well.
> summary(omnibus_LSM_mixed_implicit)
welchADF.test(formula = adhdData, response = c("TargetAlone",
"Congruent", "Neutral", "Incongruent"), between.s = "Group",
within.s = "multivariate", contrast = "omnibus")
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF Pr(>WJ)
Group 0.2249 1 24.84 0.639482
multivariate 5.6591 3 21.02 0.005282 **
Group : multivariate 0.5750 3 21.02 0.637759
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
> summary(omnibus_LSM_multi_oneway)
welchADF.test(formula = cbind(TargetAlone, Congruent, Neutral,
Incongruent) ~ Group, data = adhdData)
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF Pr(>WJ)
Group 0.4227 4 20.52 0.7904
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The results match those presented in Keselman, R. R. Wilcox, and L. M. Lix (2003), page 594. The only significant effect is the Stimulus, which acts as the within-subjects factor. When we consider a one-way multivariate design, with no within-subjects factor, then the Group (the between-subjects factor) is deemed not significant. In order perform all pairwise comparisons between the levels of Stimulus, we proceed as follows (only the bootstrap results are shown due to space constraints). The comparison is statistically significant when the value of the WJ statistic is greater than or equal to the bootstrap critical value. In this case, there were two significant differences, namely Incongruent vs TargetAlone, and Incongruent vs Congruent, as mentioned in page 595 of the aforementioned work.
> pairwise_trimmed_formula <- update(omnibus_trimmed_formula, contrast = "all.pairwise",
effect = "Stimulus")
> pairwise_trimmed_formula_boot <- update(pairwise_trimmed_formula, bootstrap = TRUE,
seed = 123456)
> summary(pairwise_trimmed_formula_boot)
welchADF.test(formula = Milliseconds ~ Group * Stimulus + (Stimulus |
Subject), data = adhdData2, trimming = TRUE, contrast = "all.pairwise",
effect = "Stimulus", bootstrap = TRUE, seed = 123456)
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF significant?
Congruent:TargetAlone 3.3278 1 15.515 no
Incongruent:TargetAlone 17.3549 1 15.436 yes
Neutral:TargetAlone 0.8251 1 8.419 no
Congruent:Neutral 0.1818 1 8.852 no
Incongruent:Neutral 13.9212 1 15.305 yes
Congruent:Incongruent 8.0013 1 15.503 no
Bootstrap critical value: 8.577
Note that, when using the implicit within-subjects effect format, we
have to specify effect =
to indicate that the effect
to be tested is the within-subjects effect, even though there is no
column with such name in our data. In case we are using the formula
interface, this is not available because formula terms must strictly
correspond to column names or variables in the environment of the
The three case studies addressed before are probably the most common in practice. Nevertheless, and with the aim of demonstrating the flexibility of the welchADF package, we present here an additional, not-so-common setting, namely a doubly multivariate design also proposed by Lix and H. J. Keselman (1995). In general, this design arises when several dependent variables are measured for each individual at several time points (every variable measured at each time point), or under different conditions; the latter is the case of the example addressed below.
We could not access the data employed by Lix, hence we have analyzed
data from (Wuensch 1992) which are freely available in the author’s
In this design, the type of nursing mother is a between-subjects factor.
The within-subjects factor is scent, with four levels (clean, Mus,
Peromyscus, and Rattus). The multivariate response is composed of
visits, time, and latency for each tunnel. With this approach, the
multivariate response is not treated as another within-subjects factor.
The data are delivered in our package in a variable named miceData
> head(miceData)
Subject nurs tunnel visits time latency
1 1 Mus Clean 6 721.35 207.90
2 1 Mus MusSc 4 318.15 26.78
3 1 Mus PeromyscusSc 2 48.83 1025.33
4 1 Mus RattusSc 0 0.00 1212.75
5 2 Mus Clean 8 119.70 685.13
6 2 Mus MusSc 7 207.90 113.40
We first do an omnibus contrast. In the second call we demonstrate how the formula interface can be used in this design to obtain exactly the same result.
> omnibus_LSM <- welchADF.test(miceData, response = c("visits", "time", "latency"),
between.s = "nurs", within.s = "tunnel", subject = "Subject", contrast = "omnibus")
> omnibus_LSM_formula <- welchADF.test(cbind(visits, time, latency) ~ nurs*tunnel +
(tunnel | Subject), data = miceData)
> summary(omnibus_LSM_formula)
welchADF.test(formula = cbind(visits, time, latency) ~ nurs *
tunnel + (tunnel | Subject), data = miceData)
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF Pr(>WJ)
nurs 4.008 6 21.46 0.0076171 **
tunnel 5.201 9 22.08 0.0007601 ***
nurs : tunnel 5.153 18 21.38 0.0002407 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The least-square means were able to deem all effects statistically significant. Therefore we move to pairwise contrasts for each of the effects, with and without trimming. The pairwise results of the interaction term are not displayed as they consist of a large table.
> pairwise_LSM_nurs <- update(omnibus_LSM_formula, effect = "nurs",
contrast = "all.pairwise")
> pairwise_LSM_tunnel <- update(pairwise_LSM_nurs, effect = "tunnel")
> pairwise_tunnel_trimmed <- update(pairwise_LSM_tunnel, trimming = TRUE)
> pairwise_nurs_trimmed <- update(pairwise_LSM_nurs, trimming = TRUE)
> summary(pairwise_LSM_nurs)
welchADF.test(formula = cbind(visits, time, latency) ~ nurs *
tunnel + (tunnel | Subject), data = miceData, effect = "nurs",
contrast = "all.pairwise")
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF adj.pval
Mus:Rattus 4.210 3 16.85 0.04287 *
Peromyscus:Rattus 6.141 3 17.34 0.01468 *
Mus:Peromyscus 1.255 3 17.44 0.32030
Signif. codes (Hochberg p-values): 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
> summary(pairwise_LSM_tunnel)
welchADF.test(formula = cbind(visits, time, latency) ~ nurs *
tunnel + (tunnel | Subject), data = miceData, effect = "tunnel",
contrast = "all.pairwise")
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF adj.pval
Clean:RattusSc 0.9554 3 24.71 0.42925
MusSc:RattusSc 6.7816 3 23.36 0.01129 *
PeromyscusSc:RattusSc 2.4812 3 24.74 0.33190
Clean:PeromyscusSc 1.2393 3 22.83 0.42925
MusSc:PeromyscusSc 2.2319 3 23.84 0.33190
Clean:MusSc 3.0873 3 24.97 0.22712
Signif. codes (Hochberg p-values): 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
We will now incorporate bootstrapping to the pairwise comparisons and check the results:
> pairwise_nurs_trimmed_boot <- update(pairwise_nurs_trimmed, bootstrap = TRUE, seed = 123)
> pairwise_tunnel_trimmed_boot <- update(pairwise_nurs_trimmed_boot, effect = "tunnel")
> summary(pairwise_nurs_trimmed_boot)
welchADF.test(formula = cbind(visits, time, latency) ~ nurs *
tunnel + (tunnel | Subject), data = miceData, effect = "nurs",
contrast = "all.pairwise", trimming = TRUE, bootstrap = TRUE,
seed = 123)
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF significant?
Mus:Rattus 3.6147 3 10.662 no
Peromyscus:Rattus 6.3409 3 9.551 yes
Mus:Peromyscus 0.6982 3 10.438 no
Bootstrap critical value: 6.292
> summary(pairwise_tunnel_trimmed_boot)
welchADF.test(formula = cbind(visits, time, latency) ~ nurs *
tunnel + (tunnel | Subject), data = miceData, effect = "tunnel",
contrast = "all.pairwise", trimming = TRUE, bootstrap = TRUE,
seed = 123)
WJ statistic Numerator DF Denominator DF significant?
Clean:RattusSc 1.544 3 15.76 no
MusSc:RattusSc 6.053 3 15.20 yes
PeromyscusSc:RattusSc 3.729 3 15.03 no
Clean:PeromyscusSc 3.106 3 14.26 no
MusSc:PeromyscusSc 1.976 3 15.50 no
Clean:MusSc 4.842 3 14.12 no
Bootstrap critical value: 5.922
The pairwise comparisons using least-squares means are able to detect significant differences only between MusSc and RattusSc in the tunnel effect, and the trimmed-bootstrapped comparison also supports this fact and negates significant differences for any other pair of levels. Regarding the nurs effect, the LSM comparison reveals significant differences in Mus vs Rattus and also in Peromyscus vs Rattus, but the trimmed-bootstrapped only agrees with the latest.
This contribution has demonstrated the applicability of the new welchADF package in a variety of experimental designs, ranging from the most simple one, namely a univariate one-way between-subjects design, to a more exotic one like a doubly-multivariate design. The unified approach of (Johansen 1980) that has been implemented here leads to a great ease of use for any case study. We have shown in the example code that specifying the factors involved in the design and the type of analysis are done in a straightforward way, and then the code automatically generates the contrast matrices needed and runs the test, no matter how complex the user’s design is. Therefore, researchers from other areas may find it more friendly and hence, our effort may contribute to the diffusion of the Welch-James ADF test in applied studies.
In the future, an enhancement may be added so that custom contrasts can be done in addition to the most common omnibus and pairwise contrasts. This requires designing a simple, yet powerful mechanism for the user to describe the desired test in the function arguments.
The author wants to thank the editor and two anonymous reviewers for their useful comments and code snippets which have greatly contributed to improve the quality of the package and its integration within the R package ecosystem, and the readability of the manuscript.
ART, WRS2, robustbase, robust, robustlmm, nlme, lme4, welchADF, gamm4, mgcv
Bayesian, ChemPhys, Econometrics, Environmetrics, Finance, MixedModels, OfficialStatistics, Psychometrics, Robust, Spatial, SpatioTemporal
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Villacorta, "The welchADF Package for Robust Hypothesis Testing in Unbalanced Multivariate Mixed Models with Heteroscedastic and Non-normal Data", The R Journal, 2017
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2017-049, author = {Villacorta, Pablo J.}, title = {The welchADF Package for Robust Hypothesis Testing in Unbalanced Multivariate Mixed Models with Heteroscedastic and Non-normal Data}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2017}, note = {https://rjournal.github.io/}, volume = {9}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {309-328} }