The markovchain package aims to provide S4 classes and methods to easily handle Discrete Time Markov Chains (DTMCs), filling the gap with what is currently available in the CRAN repository. In this work, I provide an exhaustive description of the main functions included in the package, as well as hands-on examples.
DTMCs are a notable class of stochastic processes. Although their basic theory is not overly complex, they are extremely effective to model categorical data sequences (Ching et al. 2008). To illustrate, notable applications can be found in linguistic (see Markov’s original paper Markov (1907)), information theory (Google original algorithm is based on Markov Chains theory, Lawrence Page et al. (1999)), medicine (transition across HIV severity states, Craig and Sendi (2002)), economics and sociology (Jones (1997) shows an application of Markov Chains to model social mobility).
The markovchain package (Spedicato, Giorgio Alfredo 2016) provides an efficient tool to create, manage and analyse Markov Chains (MCs). Some of the main features include the possibility to: validate the input transition matrix, plot the transition matrix as a graph diagram, perform structural analysis of DTMCs (e.g. classification of transition matrices and states, analysis of the stationary distribution, etc …), perform statistical inference (such as fitting transition matrices from various input data, simulating stochastic processes trajectories from a given DTMC, etc..). The author believes that no R package provides a unified infrastructure to easily manage DTMCs as markovchain does at the time this paper is being drafted.
The package targets data scientists using DTMC, Academia members, supporting faculty instructors, as well as students of undergraduate courses on Stochastic Processes.
The paper will be organized as follows: Section 2 gives a brief overview on R packages and alternative software that provide similar functionalities, Section 3 reviews DTMC basic theory, Section 4 discusses the package design and structure, Section 5 shows how to create and manipulate homogeneous DTMCs, Section 6 and Section 7 respectively present the functions created to perform structural analysis, and statistical inference on DTMCs. A brief overview of the functionalities written to deal with non - homogeneous discrete dime Markov chains (NHDTMCs) is provided in Section 8. A discussion on numerical reliability and computational performance is provided in Section 9. Finally, Section 10 draws final conclusions and briefly discusses future potential developments of the package.
As reviewed later in more details, a DTMC is defined by a stochastic matrix known as transition matrix (TM), which is a square matrix satisfying Equation (1).
Although defining a stochastic matrix is trivial in any mathematical or statistical software, a DTMC dedicated infrastructure can provide object oriented programmed methods to verify the validity of the input data (i.e. if the input matrix is a stochastic one) , as well as to perform structural analysis on DTMC objects.
Various packages mention MCs - related models in the CRAN repository,
whereby a few of them will be now reviewed. The
clickstream package
(Scholz 2016), on CRAN since 2014, aims to model websites click stream
using higher order Markov Chains. It provides a MarkovChain
S4 class
that is similar to the markovchain
class. Further,
(Nicholson, William 2013) and MTCM
(Bessi, Alessandro 2015) also work with DTMCs but provide even more limited
functions: the first one focuses on creating simulations from a given
DTMC, whilst the second contains only one function for estimating the
underlying transition matrix for a given categorical sequence. Moreover,
none of them appears to have been updated since 2015. The coverage of
functionalities provided by markovchain package for analysing DTMCs
appears to be more complete than the above mentioned packages, since
none of them provides methods for importing or coercing transition
matrices from other objects, such as R matrices
or data.frames
Furthermore, markovchain is the only package providing a quick graph
plotting facility for DTMC objects. The same applies when considering
the functionalities used to perform structural analysis of transition
matrices and to fit DTMCs from various kind of input data. More
interestingly, the
package (Pablo J. Villacorta and José L. Verdegay 2016) gives an alternative approach for estimating
the parameters of DTMCs using "fuzzy logic".
This review voluntarily omits discussing packages that are not specifically focused on DTMC. Nonetheless, the depmixS4 (Visser and Speekenbrink 2010) and the HMM (Himmelmann 2010) packages deal with Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). In addition, the number of R packages focused on the estimation of statistical models using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation approach is sensibly bigger. Finally, the msm (Jackson 2011), heemod (Antoine Filipovi et al. 2017) and the TPmsm packages (Artur Araújo et al. 2014) focus on health applications of multi - state analysis using different kinds of models, including Markov-related ones among them.
Finally, among other well known software used in Mathematics and Statistics, only Mathematica (Wolfram Research, Inc. 2013) provides routines specifically written to deal with Markov processes at the author’s knowledge. Nevertheless, the analysis of DTMCs could be easily handled within the Matlab programming language (MATLAB 2017) due to its well known linear algebra capabilities.
In this section a brief review of the theory of DTMCs is presented. Readers willing to dive deeper can inspect Cassandras (1993) and Grinstead and Snell (2012).
A DTMC is a stochastic process whose domain is a discrete set of states,
To illustrate, a few toy - examples on transition matrices are now presented; the "Land of Oz" weather Matrix, Kemeny et al. (1974). Equation (2) shows the transition probability between (R)ainy, (N)ice and (S)now weathers.
Further, the Mathematica Matrix (3), taken from the Mathematica 9 Computer Algebra System manual (Wolfram Research, Inc. 2013), that will be used when discussing the analysis the structural proprieties of DTMCs, is as follows:
Simple operations on TMs allow to understand structural proprieties of
DTMCs. For example, the
A state
A state
If a DTMC contains
Such matrices are:
Further, in Equation (5) the fundamental matrix is
presented, where the generic
A DTMC is said to be ergodic if there exist a number
Fixed row vectors
The mean first passage time
A further topic in structural analysis of irreducible DTMCs is
periodicity. The period of a state
Given a generic DTMC, it is possible to simulate stochastic trajectories
following the underlying MC from the TM. Given an initial state
Equation (9) shows asymptotic confidence intervals for
The mode of the
In conclusion, the markovchain package allows to perform statistical analysis on NHDTMCs, in the special case where they can be treated as sequential lists of DTMCs.
The markovchain package has been originally written in "native" R. Most functions have been therefore ported in Rcpp (Eddelbuettel, Dirk 2013) since 2015, yielding sensible improvements in computational time. Other dependencies of markovchain are: igraph Csardi, Gabor and Nepusz, Tamas (2006), matlab Roebuck (2014), Matrix Bates and Maechler (2016) and expm Goulet et al. (2015) ( for operation on matrices ), and the method package for defining S4 classes.
Homogeneous DTMCs are defined by a dedicated S4 class, "markovchain"
Such class is defined by the following slots:
: a character
vector, listing the states for which
transition probabilities are defined.
: a logical
variable, indicating whether transition
probabilities are shown by row or by column.
: a matrix
variable defining the TM.
: an optional character
variable to name the DTMC.
A "markovchain"
S4 class has been designed based on Chambers, J.M. (2008)
suggestions. For example, a S4 setValidity
method checks the coherence
of any newly created markovchain
object, by verifying that either the
rows or columns of the transition matrix sum to one, and that all
elements are bounded between 0 and 1.
Another S4 class,"markovchainList"
, has been created for handling
non - homogeneous DTMCs. Finally, the package provides functions and S4
to analyse continuous MCs, as well as higher order MCs, although their
discussion is beyond the scope of this paper.
Three vignettes documents the markovchain package. The first one broadly describes the functionalities of the package and it also presents real - world applications of DTMCs using the package. The second one, written using knit and rmarkdown, is a beamer presentation that quickly introduces the key functionalities of the package. The third one presents experimental functions for higher order and multivariate MCs. Finally, the GitHub page hosts the package’s wiki as well as its development version.
The package is loaded within R as follows:
Creating a markovchain
object is easy, and can be done with provided
#using "long" approach for mcWeather
weatherStates <- c("rainy", "nice", "sunny")
weatherMatrix <- matrix(data = c(0.50, 0.25, 0.25,
0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5), byrow = TRUE,
nrow = 3,dimnames = list(weatherStates, weatherStates))
mcWeather <- new("markovchain", states = weatherStates,
byrow = TRUE, transitionMatrix = weatherMatrix,
name = "Weather")
#using "quick" approach on Mathematica's DTMC
mathematicaMatr <- matrix(c(1/2, 1/2, 0, 0, 1/2, 1/2,
0, 0, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 0, 0, 0, 1),byrow=TRUE, nrow=4)
mathematicaMc<-as(mathematicaMatr, "markovchain")
#both are markovchain objects
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
Commenting on the code snippet, the first part shows the “standard”
approach to create a markovchain
, by calling the new
S4 method,
while the second part shows the “quick” method, by coercing a matrix
object into a markovchain
Specific methods allow to print and plot markovchain
plot(mcWeather, main="Weather Markov Chain")
object.In particular, the plot
method makes use of igraph package to draw
the TM by default. It is possible to modify the plot either by passing
further parameters via ...
or by choosing another plotting devices, as
further specified in the package vignette.
Algebraic operations have been defined in "markovchain"
classes, as of
the following example:
initialState <- c(0, 1, 0)
after2Days <- initialState * (mcWeather * mcWeather)
rainy nice sunny
[1,] 0.375 0.25 0.375
in which multiplications by vectors and exponentiation are intuitively
performed, making easy to find the distribution of states at the
A power operator also exists, ^, and it is based on the expm package (Goulet et al. 2015), providing efficient matrix exponentiation.
#after two days (by square power)
A 3 - dimensional discrete MC defined by the following states:
rainy, nice, sunny
The transition matrix (by rows) is defined as follows:
rainy nice sunny
rainy 0.4375 0.1875 0.3750
nice 0.3750 0.2500 0.3750
sunny 0.3750 0.1875 0.437
Finally, logical operators have been defined as well.
#logical equality and inequality
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
Both the algebraic and logical operators have been defined by overriding standard R operators, providing a more concise and "natural" code, which can bring the advantage of being more appealing to a novice user, by executing certain operations on TM in an efficient way. Such approach has been stressed in both the class help file and the package vignette code to make the final user fully aware of any potential drawbacks of such choice.
Various convenience S4 methods have been defined to easily manipulate
and manage markovchain
objects. In the following examples, some of the
implemented methods in the "markovchain"
class are presented, allowing
to: get and set names, return the MC dimension, transpose the transition
matrix, and directly access the transition probabilities.
#some markovchain specific methods
[1] "Weather"
name(mathematicaMc) <- "Mathematica Markov Chain"
#list of defined states
[1] "rainy" "nice" "sunny"
#the dimension
[1] 3
#transpose operator
Unnamed Markov chain
A 3 - dimensional discrete Markov Chain defined by the following states:
rainy, nice, sunny
The transition matrix (by cols) is defined as follows:
rainy nice sunny
rainy 0.50 0.5 0.25
nice 0.25 0.0 0.25
sunny 0.25 0.5 0.50
#two ways to get transition probabilities
transitionProbability(mcWeather, "nice", "sunny")
[1] 0.5
[1] 0.5
Finally, coerce methods allow to both import and export markovchain
classes. Following, a brief example on how to transform a markovchain
object into a data.frame
#exporting to data.frame and matrix
as(mcWeather, "data.frame")
t0 t1 prob
1 rainy rainy 0.50
2 rainy nice 0.25
3 rainy sunny 0.25
4 nice rainy 0.50
5 nice nice 0.00
6 nice sunny 0.50
7 sunny rainy 0.25
8 sunny nice 0.25
9 sunny sunny 0.50
The markovchain package embeds functions to analyse the structural proprieties of DTMC. For example, it is possible to find the stationary distribution, as well as classify the states. Feres, Renaldo (2007) and Montgomery, James (2009) provide a full description of the algorithms underlying these functions, whilst a more theoretical perspective can be found in Brémaud, Pierre (1999). The Mathematica MC will be used to illustrate such features.
The summary
method provides an overview of the structural properties
of the DTMC process underlying the markovchain
#plotting and summarizing
Mathematica Markov Chain Markov chain that is composed by:
Closed classes:
s1 s2
Recurrent classes:
Transient classes:
The Markov chain is not irreducible
The absorbing states are: s4
In the above example, closed and transient classes are identified,
irreducibility checks are executed, and a list of absorbing states is
returned. Further, it is known that a finite MC has at least one
steady-state distribution, and the steadyStates
method can be used to
obtain it. To illustrate, for the mcWeather
matrix there exist a one -
dimensional solution, since the underlying TM is irreducible. A higher
dimensional solution is given when the irreducibility property does not
hold, as of the second example.
#probability with DTMC: stationary distribution
## when the TM is irreducibile
rainy nice sunny
[1,] 0.4 0.2 0.4
## when reducibility applies
s1 s2 s3 s4
[1,] 0.5 0.5 0 0
[2,] 0.0 0.0 0 1
Specific methods and functions return transient and absorbing states, and check whether any state is accessible from another. Recurrent and communicating classes can be easily identified as well.
#probability with DTMC: classifying states
[1] "s3"
[1] "s4"
is.accessible(mathematicaMc, from = "s1",to="s4")
#identifying recurrent and transient classes
[1] "s1" "s2"
[1] "s4"
[1] "s1" "s2"
[1] "s3"
[1] "s4"
The communicating classes are the strongly connected components of the
graph underlying the DTMC. It is possible to convert a markovchain
object into an igraph
one, in order to use igraph’s package
clustering function to identify the strongly connected components as the
following example displays:
#converting to igraph
#finding and formatting the clusters
SCC <- clusters(mathematica.igraph, mode="strong")
V(mathematica.igraph)$color <- rainbow(SCC$no)[SCC$membership]
plot(mathematica.igraph, mark.groups = split(1:vcount(mathematica.igraph), SCC$membership),
main="Communicating classes - strongly connected components")
The three distinct clusters identified with different colors by the
igraph package match with the partition of the transition matrix into
communicating classes given by markovchain package’s
We now illustrate the Canonical Form and the Fundamental Matrix concepts using another example taken from classical theory: The Flipping Coin problem. Specifically, consider repeatedly flipping a fair coin until the sequence (heads, tails, heads) appears; it is possible to model such process using a DTMC with four states: “E” empty initial sequence, “H” head, “HT” head followed by tail, “HTH” head followed by tail and head.
# Flipping Coin Problem
## defining the matrix
flippingMatr <- matrix(0, nrow=4, ncol=4)
flippingMatr[1,1:2] <- 0.5
flippingMatr[2,2:3] <- 0.5
flippingMatr[3,c(1,4)] <- 0.5
flippingMatr[4,4] <- 1
rownames(flippingMatr) <-
colnames(flippingMatr) <- c("E","H","HT","HTH")
## creating the corresponding DTMC
flippingMc <- as(flippingMatr,"markovchain")
The following function returns the
#function to extract matrices
extractMatrices <- function(mcObj) {
mcObj <- canonicForm(object = mcObj)
#get the indices of transient and absorbing
transIdx <- which(states(mcObj) %in% transientStates(mcObj))
absIdx <- which(states(mcObj) %in% absorbingStates(mcObj))
#get the Q, R and I matrices
Q <- as.matrix(mcObj@transitionMatrix[transIdx,transIdx])
R <- as.matrix(mcObj@transitionMatrix[transIdx,absIdx])
I <- as.matrix(mcObj@transitionMatrix[absIdx, absIdx])
#get the fundamental matrix
N <- solve(eye(size(Q)) - Q)
#computing final absorbion probabilities
NR <- N %*% R
out <- list(
canonicalForm = mcObj,
Q = Q,
R = R,
I = I,
The expected number of visits to transient state
#decompose the matrix
flipping.Dec <- extractMatrices(mcObj = flippingMc)
flipping.Fund <- flipping.Dec$N
#showing the fundamental matrix
E 4 4 2
H 2 4 2
HT 2 2 2
#expected number of steps before being absorbed
E 10
H 8
HT 6
#calculating B matrix
#the probability to being absorbed in HTH state as a function of the starting transient state
flipping.B <- flipping.Fund%*%flipping.Dec$R
E 1
H 1
HT 1
#calculating H, probability of visiting transient state j starting in transient state i
flipping.H <- (flipping.Fund - matlab::eye(ncol(flipping.Fund))) * solve(diag(diag(flipping.Fund)))
E 0.75 0.00 0.0
H 0.00 0.75 0.0
HT 0.00 0.00 0.5
The calculated fundamental matrix shows that the number of times the
chain is in state HT, starting from state H is two. Also, the
It is possible to compute the distribution of first passage time, as the code that follows shows:
#first passage time
fptMc <- new("markovchain", transitionMatrix=matrix(c(0, 1/2, 1/2,1/2,0, 1/2,
1/2, 1/2, 0), byrow = TRUE,ncol=3), name="FistPassageTimeExample", states=c("a" ,"b","c"))
firstPassage(fptMc,state = "a",5)
a b c
1 0.0000 0.50000 0.50000
2 0.5000 0.25000 0.25000
3 0.2500 0.12500 0.12500
4 0.1250 0.06250 0.06250
5 0.0625 0.03125 0.03125
The output of firstPassage
function shows that the probability that
the first hit of state "b" occurs at the second step is 0.25.
Periodicity analysis is shown in the following last example, in which the output shows that the DTMC has a period of 2.
#defining a toy - model matrix for periodicity
Unnamed Markov chain
A 2 - dimensional discrete Markov Chain defined by the following states:
s1, s2
The transition matrix (by rows) is defined as follows:
s1 s2
s1 0 1
s2 1 0
#computing periodicity
[1] 2
Statistical analysis functions allow to estimate a DTMC from data and to
simulate a DTMC, and can be done through the rmarkovchain
weathersOfDays <- rmarkovchain(n = 30, object = mcWeather, t0 = "sunny")
[1] "sunny" "sunny" "rainy" "rainy" "rainy" "nice" "rainy" "rainy"
[9] "rainy" "rainy" "nice" "rainy" "rainy" "nice" "sunny" "nice"
[17] "rainy" "rainy" "sunny" "rainy" "rainy" "rainy" "sunny" "rainy"
[25] "sunny" "sunny" "sunny" "sunny" "sunny" "rainy"
The code shown above simulates 30 observations from the weather DTMC previously introduced.
Next, the function createSequenceMatrix
is used to obtain the sequence
matrix, that is the empirical transition matrix between the preceding
and subsequent state, for a given sequence, whilst the function
fits DTMCs. We will exemplify the use of such functions
on the rain
data set (recorded daily rainfall volume in Alofi island)
bundled within the package.
#loading the Alofi's rain data set
[1] "6+" "1-5" "1-5" "1-5" "1-5" "1-5" "1-5" "6+" "6+" "6+"
#obtaining the empirical transition matrix
createSequenceMatrix(stringchar = rain$rain)
0 1-5 6+
0 362 126 60
1-5 136 90 68
6+ 50 79 124
#fitting the DTMC by MLE
alofiMcFitMle <- markovchainFit(data = rain$rain, method = "mle", name = "Alofi")
A 3 - dimensional discrete Markov Chain defined by the following states:
0, 1-5, 6+
The transition matrix (by rows) is defined as follows:
0 1-5 6+
0 0.6605839 0.2299270 0.1094891
1-5 0.4625850 0.3061224 0.2312925
6+ 0.1976285 0.3122530 0.4901186
0 1-5 6+
0 0.03471952 0.02048353 0.01413498
1-5 0.03966634 0.03226814 0.02804834
6+ 0.02794888 0.03513120 0.04401395
[1] 0.95
0 1-5 6+
0 0.6034754 0.1962346 0.08623909
1-5 0.3973397 0.2530461 0.18515711
6+ 0.1516566 0.2544673 0.41772208
0 1-5 6+
0 0.7176925 0.2636194 0.1327390
1-5 0.5278304 0.3591988 0.2774279
6+ 0.2436003 0.3700387 0.5625151
[1] -1040.419
Clearly, the markovchainFit
function returns not only the pointwise
estimate of the transition matrix, but also its standard error and
confidence intervals. MLE estimates are provided by default, but a
bootstrap one Efron, B. (1979) can also be obtained as the following code
#estimating Alofi TM
alofiMcFitBoot <- markovchainFit(data = rain$rain, method = "bootstrap",
name = "Alofi",nboot=100)
#point estimate of the TM
A 3 - dimensional discrete Markov Chain defined by the following states:
0, 1-5, 6+
The transition matrix (by rows) is defined as follows:
0 1-5 6+
0 0.6605457 0.2314278 0.1080264
1-5 0.4646651 0.3071925 0.2281424
6+ 0.1976978 0.3115299 0.4907723
#95 CIs
0 1-5 6+
0 0.001957644 0.001793261 0.001318923
1-5 0.002733252 0.002712275 0.002273845
6+ 0.002647255 0.002949244 0.003075143
Subsequently, the three-days forward predictions from alofiMcFitMle
object are generated, assuming that the last two days were "1-5" and
"6+" respectively. Clearly only the last state matters for a MC
stochastic process.
#obtain a prediction
predict(object = alofiMcFitMle$estimate, newdata = c("1-5", "6+"),n.ahead = 3)
[1] "6+" "6+" "6+"
#obtain a prediction changing t-2 state
predict(object = alofiMcFitMle$estimate, newdata = c("0", "6+"),n.ahead = 3)
[1] "6+" "6+" "6+"
Non homogeneous DTMCs (NHDTMCs) can be handled using the
S4 class, which consists in a list of markovchain
#define three DTMC
matr1<-matrix(c(0.2,.8,.4,.6),byrow=TRUE,ncol=2);mc1<-as(matr1, "markovchain")
matr2<-matrix(c(0.1,.9,.2,.8),byrow=TRUE,ncol=2);mc2<-as(matr2, "markovchain")
matr3<-matrix(c(0.5,.5,.2,.8),byrow=TRUE,ncol=2);mc3<-as(matr2, "markovchain")
#create the markovchainList to store NHDTMCs
mcList<-new("markovchainList", markovchains=list(mc1,mc2,mc3), name="My McList")
My McList list of Markov chain(s)
Markovchain 1
Unnamed Markov chain
A 2 - dimensional discrete Markov Chain defined by the following states:
s1, s2
The transition matrix (by rows) is defined as follows:
s1 s2
s1 0.2 0.8
s2 0.4 0.6
Markovchain 2
Unnamed Markov chain
A 2 - dimensional discrete Markov Chain defined by the following states:
s1, s2
The transition matrix (by rows) is defined as follows:
s1 s2
s1 0.1 0.9
s2 0.2 0.8
Markovchain 3
Unnamed Markov chain
A 2 - dimensional discrete Markov Chain defined by the following states:
s1, s2
The transition matrix (by rows) is defined as follows:
s1 s2
s1 0.1 0.9
s2 0.2 0.8
The example above shows that creating a markovchainList
S4 object is
very simple. Moreover, the rmarkovchain
function also works on objects
from the "markovchainList"
#simulating a NHDTMC
mysim<-rmarkovchain(n=100, object=mcList,include.t0=TRUE,what="matrix")
head(mysim,n = 10)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] "s2" "s2" "s2" "s2"
[2,] "s2" "s1" "s2" "s2"
[3,] "s2" "s1" "s2" "s2"
[4,] "s2" "s1" "s2" "s2"
[5,] "s2" "s2" "s1" "s2"
[6,] "s1" "s2" "s2" "s1"
[7,] "s1" "s2" "s2" "s2"
[8,] "s1" "s2" "s2" "s2"
[9,] "s2" "s2" "s2" "s1"
[10,] "s1" "s1" "s2" "s2"
Finally, it is possible to infer a non - homogeneous sequence of DTMC,
that is a markovchainList
object from a given matrix, where each row
represents a single trajectory and each column stands for a different
#using holson data set
head(holson,n = 3)
id time1 time2 time3 time4 time5 time6 time7 time8 time9 time10 time11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#fitting a NHDTMCs on holson data set
#showing estimated DTMC for time 1 -> time 2 transitions
A 3 - dimensional discrete Markov Chain defined by the following states:
1, 2, 3
The transition matrix (by rows) is defined as follows:
1 2 3
1 0.94609164 0.05390836 0.0000000
2 0.26356589 0.62790698 0.1085271
3 0.02325581 0.18604651 0.7906977
#showing estimated DTMC for time 2 -> time 3 transitions
A 3 - dimensional discrete Markov Chain defined by the following states:
1, 2, 3
The transition matrix (by rows) is defined as follows:
1 2 3
1 0.9323410 0.0676590 0.0000000
2 0.2551724 0.5103448 0.2344828
3 0.0000000 0.0862069 0.9137931
Finding the stationary distribution is a computational - intensive task
that could raise numerical issues. The markovchain package relies on
the R linear algebra facilities (built on LAPACK routines) when the
function is called to find the stationary distribution. An
initial analysis of the numerical stability of the markovchain
computation has been performed estimating the error rate when
calculating the stationary distribution on a large sample of simulated
DTMC of a given size
try to compute the steady - state distribution for the simulated DTMC.
calculate the success rate as the relative frequency of previous
step non - failures at size
The figure shown above displays the success rate observed by TM size.
The success rate is higher than 95% for matrices no greater than 10
unit, then it decreases markedly and becomes lower than 50% for matrices
bigger then 22. A deeper analysis allowed to identify that the failure
reason was due to inaccuracy in the Dirichlet sampling function (row
sums numerically different from zero). The TM simulation process was
therefore revised normalizing the sum of each row to be numerically
equal to one. The experiment was repeated at
The first example deserves few more words, even if it does not demonstrate any shortcomings in the computational part of the package. Instead, it shows how easy it is to analyze numerically - incorrect TMs as the size of the problems dealt with increases. Various posts have been raised on this topic on the package Github address since the package was published on CRAN.
A final test has been performed using TMs with a sparsity factor of 75%.
The observed success rate is 100% for matrices wider than
The previous examples are clearly far to exhaustively assess the
numerical reliability of the implemented algorithms that would require
an much deeper analysis and beyond the scope of the paper. In fact, the
numerical reliability is likely to be significantly affected by
particular TM structures. Nevertheless they can provide an initial
insight about the dimension of the problems that the markovchain R
package can "safely" handle. The R code used to generate the numerical
reliability assessment herewith discussed is available in the
"reliability.R" file within the demo folder of markovchain
The computation time needed to estimate the TM from input data sequence depends by the size of input data, as the following example displays:
#using the rain data sequence
#choosing different sample size
#timing assessiment
for(i in 1:length(sizes)) {
plot(sizes, microseconds,type="o",col="steelblue",
xlab="character sequence size",ylab="microseconds",
main="Computational time vs size")
The plot shows that the computation time increases linearly with the size of input data sequence, as expected.
The last numeric example presented in the section discussing NHDTMCs
shows the computational advantages of rewriting the kernel of core
functions using Rcpp and
snippets generated by (Allaire et al. 2016). The rmarkovchain
function allows the final user to choose whether to use the C++
implementation and a parallel backend, by setting the boolean parameters
and parallel
rmarkovchain(n=100,object=nhmcFit$estimate,what = "matrix",useRCpp = F),
rmarkovchain(n=100,object=nhmcFit$estimate,what = "matrix",useRCpp = T,parallel = F),
rmarkovchain(n=100,object=nhmcFit$estimate,what = "matrix",useRCpp = T,parallel = T)
The omitted output of the code snippet shown above demonstrates that the joint use of Rcpp and RcppParallel fastens the simulations around 10x with respect to the pure R sequential implementation.
The markovchain package has been designed in order to make common operations on DTMCs as easy as possible for statisticians. The package allows to create, manipulate, import and export DTMCs. Further, the author believes that the current version of the package fully satisfies standard needs such as inference of underlying TM from empirical data, and states classification of a given DTMC.
The author believes that no other R package provides a set of classes, methods, and functions as wide as the one provided in markovchain, as of May 2017.
The package’s main vignette gives a complete descriptions of its capabilities, including bayesian estimation, statistical tests, classes and methods for continuous time MCs. Also, a separate vignette describes the functions designed to deal with higher order and multivariate MCs, and should still be considered experimental. In fact, such techniques are generally less used than standard DTMCs, and consequently much less literature, applied examples, and coded algorithms are available.
Clearly, an expanded version of the package’s capabilities in that area
is expected to be released in the future. Current development efforts
target optimizing computation speed and reliability, and increasing the
analysis capabilities regarding statistical inference. Rewriting core
functions using Rcpp gave a major boost in terms of computing speed,
as exemplified in previous sections. Moreover, the rewriting of the
internal core parts of the code affected many functions, such as
and markovchainFitList
. Feedbacks provided by the
users of the package at have been extremely
useful for improving the package. To illustrate, bugs due to numerical
issues have been found when analyzing relatively big MCs and have led to
revising the steadyStates
function to be computationally more robust.
A known limitation of the package is the lack of a deep assessment of
the performance of the package’s routines for a relatively large TM. In
fact, improving the numerical reliability of the package for large DTMCs
is an area on which efforts will be certainly allocated in the near
future. At this regard, the implementation of numerical methods methods
shown in (Stewart 1994) will be explored.
Finally, the package has been available on CRAN since Summer 2013. Notably, it has been granted a funding slot in both 2015, 2016 and 2017 Google Summer of Code (GSOC) editions. In particular, during 2015 GSOC a material part of R code has been ported in Rcpp coding, yielding considerable fastening in computational time. The author is extremely grateful to Tae Seung Kang, Sai Bhargav Yalamanchi and Deepak Yadav for their contribution in improving the package. A special thank should be given to the RJournal referees for their constructive comments.
markovchain, clickstream, DTMCPack, MTCM, FuzzyStatProb, depmixS4, HMM, msm, heemod, TPmsm, Rcpp, igraph, matlab, Matrix, expm, method, RcppParallel
Cluster, Distributions, Econometrics, Finance, GraphicalModels, HighPerformanceComputing, NumericalMathematics, Optimization, Survival, TimeSeries
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Spedicato, "Discrete Time Markov Chains with R", The R Journal, 2017
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2017-036, author = {Spedicato, Giorgio Alfredo}, title = {Discrete Time Markov Chains with R}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2017}, note = {}, volume = {9}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {84-104} }