MDplot: Visualise Molecular Dynamics


The MDplot package provides plotting functions to allow for automated visualisation of molecular dynamics simulation output. It is especially useful in cases where the plot generation is rather tedious due to complex file formats or when a large number of plots are generated. The graphs that are supported range from those which are standard, such as RMSD/RMSF (root-mean-square deviation and root-mean-square fluctuation, respectively) to less standard, such as thermodynamic integration analysis and hydrogen bond monitoring over time. All told, they address many commonly used analyses. In this article, we set out the MDplot package’s functions, give examples of the function calls, and show the associated plots. Plotting and data parsing is separated in all cases, i.e. the respective functions can be used independently. Thus, data manipulation and the integration of additional file formats is fairly easy. Currently, the loading functions support GROMOS, GROMACS, and AMBER file formats. Moreover, we also provide a Bash interface that allows simple embedding of MDplot into Bash scripts as the final analysis step.

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May 10, 2017


Apr 30, 2016


Margreitter & Oostenbrink, 2017




164 - 186

The package can be obtained in the latest major version from CRAN ( or in the most recent version from the project’s GitHub page at, where feedback is also most welcome. MDplot is published under the GPL-3 license.

1 Introduction

The amount of data produced by molecular dynamics (MD) engines (such as GROMOS , GROMACS , NAMD , AMBER , and CHARMM ) has been constantly increasing over recent years. This is mainly due to more powerful and cheaper hardware. As a result of this, both the lengths and sheer number of MD simulations (i.e. trajectories) have increased enormously. Even large sets of simulations (e.g., in the context of drug design) are attainable nowadays; thus suggesting that the processing of the resulting information is undertaken automatically. In this respect, automated yet flexible visualisation of molecular dynamics data would be highly advantageous: both in order to avoid repetitive tasks for the user and to yield the ultimately desired result instantly (see Figure 1). Moreover, generating some of the graphs can be cumbersome. An example would be the plotting of a time series of a clustering program or hydrogen bonds. Therefore, these cases are predestined to be handled by a plotting library. There have been attempts made in that direction, for example the package bio3d (which allows the trajectories to be processed in terms of principle component analysis (PCA), RMSD and RMSF calculations), MDtraj , or Rknots . However, to the best of our knowledge, there is currently no R package available that offers the wide range of plotting functions and engine-support that is provided by MDplot. R is the natural choice for this undertaking because of both its power in data handling and its vast plotting abilities.

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Figure 1: Shows the overall workflow typically applied in molecular dynamics simulations beginning with a single PDB structure as the input for the simulation and ending with the graphical representation of the data obtained. For large amounts of data, generating figures might become a tedious, highly repetitive task.

In the following sections we outline all of the plotting functions that are currently supported. For each function, examples of the function calls based on the test data included in the package, the resulting plots, the return values, and a table of arguments are detailed. The respective code samples use the loading functions (reported below) to parse the input files located in folder extdata, which allows immediate testing and provides format information to users. Currently, the package supports GROMOS, GROMACS, and AMBER file formats as input.In this manuscript, the code samples use GROMOS input (since the default value of the loading functions’ parameter mdEngine is "GROMOS"). For information on how to load GROMACS or AMBER files, please have a look at the manual pages of the respective loading functions. However, extensions in both format support and plotting functionalities are planned.

2 Plotting functions

The package currently offers 14 distinct plotting functions (Table 1), which cover many of the graphs that are commonly required. Although the focus of the package relies on the visualisation of data, in addition to this values are calculated to characterise the underlying data when appropriate. For example, TIcurve() calculates the thermodynamic integration free-energy values including error estimates and the hysteresis between the integration curves. In many cases, the plotting functions return useful information on the data used, e.g., range, mean and standard deviation of curves. To provide simple access to these functions, they may be called from within a Bash script. Examples are provided at the end of the manuscript.

Table 1: Lists all of the currently available plotting functions that have been implemented in MDplot. Most functions accept a boolean parameter (barePlot), that indicates printing of the plotting area only, i.e. stripped from any additional features such as axis labels.
Plot function Description
clusters() Summary of clustering over trajectories (RMSD based).
clusters_ts() Time series of cluster populations (RMSD based).
dssp() Secondary structure annotation plot (DSSP based).
dssp_ts() Time series of secondary structure elements (DSSP based).
hbond() Hydrogen bonds summary plot.
hbond_ts() Time series of hydrogen bonds.
noe() Nuclear-Overhauser-effect violation plot.
ramachandran() Dihedral angle plot.
rmsd() Root-mean-square deviation plot.
rmsd_average() Average root-mean-square deviation plot.
rmsf() Root-mean-square fluctuation plot.
TIcurve() Thermodynamic integration curves.
timeseries() General time series plot.
xrmsd() Cross-RMSD plot (heat-map of RMSD values).

The clusters() function

Molecular dynamics simulation trajectories can be considered to be a set of atom configurations along the time axis. Clustering is a method, that can be applied in order to extract common structural features from these. The configurations are classified and grouped together based on the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD). These subsets of configurations around the cluster’s central member structure and their relative occurrences allow for comparisons between different and within individual simulations. clusters() allows to plot a summary of all of the (selected) clusters over a set of trajectories (Figure 2).

         clustersNumber=9,main="MDplot::clusters()",ylab="# configurations")

Return value: Returns an n×m-matrix with n being the number of input trajectories and m the number of different clusters. Each element in the matrix holds the number of snapshots, in which the respective cluster occurred in the respective trajectory.

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Figure 2: The clusters are plotted along the x-axis and the number of configurations for each trajectory for every cluster on the y-axis. The number of clusters is limited in this example to nine with the clustersNumber argument, which can be useful to omit scarcely populated clusters.
Table 2: Arguments of the clusters() function.
Argument name Default value Description
clusters none Matrix with clusters: trajectories are given in row-wise, clusters in column-wise fashion as provided by load_clusters(), the associated loading function.
clustersNumber NA When specified, only these first clusters are shown.
legendTitle "trajectories" The title of the legend.
barePlot FALSE A Boolean indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information or not.
... none Additional arguments.

The clusters_ts() function

In structural clustering, it is often instructive to have a look at the development over time rather than the overall summary. This functionality is provided by clusters_ts(). In the top sub-plot the overall distribution is given, while the time series is shown at the bottom. The clusters are sorted beginning with the most populated one, in descending order. Selections can be made and clusters that are not selected do also not appear in the time series plot (white areas). The time axis may be shown in nanoseconds (see Figure 3 for an example).

            clustersNumber=7,main="MDplot::clusters_ts() example",

Return value: Returns a summary (n+1)×m-matrix with n being the number of input trajectories and m the number of different clusters (which have been plotted). Each element in the matrix holds the number of snapshots, in which the respective cluster occurred in the respective trajectory. In addition, the first line is the overall summary counted over all trajectories.

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Figure 3: The plot shows a selection of the seven most populated clusters of six trajectories. Regions that do not belong to one of the first seven clusters are shown in white.
Table 3: Arguments of the clusters_ts() function.
Argument name Default value Description
clustersDataTS none List of cluster information as provided by load_clusters_ts(), the associated loading function.
clustersNumber NA An integer specifying the number of clusters that is to be plotted.
selectTraj NA Vector of indices of trajectories that are plotted (as given in the input file).
selectTime NA Range of time in snapshots.
timeUnit NA Abbreviation of time unit.
snapshotsPerTimeInt 1000 Number of snapshots per time unit.
... none Additional arguments.

The dssp() function

In terms of proteins the secondary structure can be annotated by the widely used program DSSP (Definition of Secondary Structure of Proteins) . This algorithm uses the backbone hydrogen bond pattern in order to assign secondary structure elements such as α-helices, β-strands, and turns to protein sequences. The plotting function dssp() has three different visualisation methods and plots the overall result over the trajectory and over the residues. The user can specify selections of residues and which elements should be taken into consideration (Figure 4).

layout(matrix(1:3, nrow=1), widths=c(0.33,0.33,0.33))

Return value: Returns a matrix, where the first column is the residue-number and the remaining ones denote secondary structure classes. Residues are given row-wise and values range from 0 to 100 percent.

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Figure 4: Example of dssp() with plotType set to "dots" (default), "curves" or "bars". Note that the fractions do not necessarily sum up to a hundred percent, because some residues might not be in defined secondary structure elements all the time. In this figure, there is no legend plotted due to space limitations (see Figure 5 for a colour-code explanation).
Table 4: Arguments of the dssp() function.
Argument name Default value Description
dsspData none Table containing information on the secondary structure elements. Can be generated by function load_dssp().
printLegend FALSE If TRUE, a legend is printed on the right hand side of the plot.
useOwnLegend FALSE If FALSE, the names of the secondary structure elements are considered to be in default order.
elementNames NA Vector of names for the secondary structure elements.
colours NA A vector of colours that can be specified to replace the default ones.
showValues NA A vector of boundaries for the values.
showResidues NA A vector of boundaries for the residues.
plotType "dots" Either "dots", "curves", or "bars".
selectedElements NA A vector of names of the elements selected.
barePlot FALSE Boolean, indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information.
... none Additional arguments.

The dssp_ts() function

The secondary structure information as described for the function dssp() can also be visualised along the time axis using function dssp_ts() (Figure 5). The time can be annotated in snapshots or time units (e.g., nanoseconds).

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Figure 5: Example showing all of the defined secondary structure elements per residue over time. Note, that for this example plot a sparse data set was used to reduce the size of the data file (hence the large white areas in the middle).
Table 5: Arguments of the dssp_ts() function.
Argument name Default value Description
tsData none List of lists, which are composed of a name (string) and a values table (x ... snapshots, y ... residues). Can be generated by load_dssp_ts().
printLegend TRUE If TRUE, a legend is printed on the right hand side of the plot.
timeBoundaries NA A vector of boundaries for the time in snapshots.
residueBoundaries NA A vector of boundaries for the residues.
timeUnit NA If set, the snapshots are transformed into the respective time (depending on parameter snapshotsPerTime).
snapshotsPerTimeInt 1000 Number of snapshots per respective timeUnit.
barePlot FALSE A Boolean indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information.
... none Additional arguments.

The hbond() function

In the context of biomolecules, hydrogen bonds are of particular importance. These bonds take place between a donor, a hydrogen, and an acceptor atom. This function plots the summary output of hydrogen bond calculations and allows selection of donor and acceptor residues. Occurrence over the whole trajectory is indicated by a colour scale. Note, that in case multiple hydrogen bond interactions between two particular residues take place (conveyed by different sets of atoms), the interaction with prevalence will be used for colour-coding (and by default, this interaction is marked with a black circle, see below). An example is given in Figure 6.


Return value: Returns a table containing the information used for plotting in columns as follows:

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Figure 6: The acceptor residues are plotted on the x-axis whilst the donors are shown on the y-axis. The different colours indicate the occurrences throughout the whole trajectory.
Table 6: Arguments of the hbond() function.
Argument name Default value Description
hbonds none Table containing the hydrogen bond information in columns "hbondID", "resDonor", "resDonorName", "resAcceptor", "resAcceptorName", "atomDonor", "atomDonorName", "atomH", "atomAcceptor", "atomAcceptorName", "percentage" (automatically generated by function load_hbond()).
plotMethod "residue-wise" Allows to set the detail of hydrogen bond information displayed. Options are: "residue-wise".
acceptorRange NA A vector specifying the range of acceptor residues.
donorRange NA A vector specifying the range of donor residues.
printLegend TRUE A Boolean enabling the legend.
showMultipleInteractions TRUE If TRUE, this option causes multiple interactions between the same residues as being represented by a black circle around the coloured dot.
barePlot FALSE A Boolean indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information.
... none Additional arguments.

The hbond_ts() function

The time series of hydrogen bond occurrences can be visualised using the function hbond_ts(), which plots them either according to their identifiers or in a human readable form in three- or one-letter code (the participating atoms can be shown as well) on the y-axis and the time on the x-axis. If the GROMOS input format is used, this function requires two different files: the summary of the hbond program and the time series file. The occurrence of a hydrogen bond is represented by a black bar and the occurrence summary can be added on the right hand side as a sub-plot (Figure 7). In addition to the time series file, depending on the MD engine format used, an additional summary file might also be necessary (see the documentation of the function load_hbond_ts() for further information).


Return value: Returns an n×2-matrix, with the first column being the list of hydrogen bond identifiers plotted and the second one the occurrence (in percent) over the selected time range.

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Figure 7: Example figure generated by hbond_ts() for both an identifier and acceptor residues’ selection. The labels for the hydrogen bonds may be printed as identifiers or with names composed of residue names (in single- or three-letter code) and those of the participating atoms.
Table 7: Arguments of the hbond_ts() function.
Argument name Default value Description
timeseries none Table containing the time series information (e.g., produced by load_hbond_ts()).
summary none Table containing the summary information (e.g., produced by load_hbond()).
acceptorRange NA A vector of acceptor residues.
donorRange NA A vector of donor residues.
plotOccurences FALSE Specifies whether the overall summary should be plotted on the right hand side.
scalingFactorPlot NA Used to manually set the scaling factor (if necessary).
printNames FALSE Enables human readable names rather than the hydrogen bond identifiers.
namesToSingle FALSE If printNames is TRUE, this flag instructs one-letter codes instead of three-letter ones.
printAtoms FALSE Enables atom names in hydrogen bond identification on the y-axis.
timeUnit NA Specifies the time unit on the x-axis.
snapshotsPerTimeInt 1000 Specifies how many snapshots make up one time unit (see above).
timeRange NA A vector specifying a certain time range.
hbondIndices NA A list containing vectors to select hydrogen bonds by their identifiers.
barePlot FALSE A Boolean indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information.
... none Additional arguments.

The noe() function

The nuclear-Overhauser-effect is one of the most important measures of structure validity in the context of molecular dynamics simulations. These interactions are transmitted through space and arise from spin-spin coupling, which can be measured by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. These measurements provide pivotal distance restrains which should be matched on average during molecular dynamics simulations of the same system and can hence be used for parameter validation. The plotting function noe() allows to visualise the number of distance restrain violations and their respective spatial deviation. As shown in Figure 8, multiple replicates or different protein systems are supported simultaneously. Note that negative violations are not considered.


Return value: Returns a matrix, in which the first column holds the bin boundaries used and the following columns represent either the percentage or absolute numbers of the violations per bin, depending on the specification.

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Figure 8: Example plot showing two different replicates of a protein simulation (they share the same molecule, but have different initial velocities). Note, that the maximum value (x-axis) over all replicates is used for the plot. The sum over all violations from left to right is shown by an additional curve on top. The number of violations may be given as fractions (in %), as shown above, or absolute numbers (flag printPercentages either TRUE or FALSE).
Table 8: Arguments of the noe() function.
Argument name Default value Description
noeData none Input matrix. Generated by function load_noe().
printPercentages TRUE If TRUE, the violations will be reported in a relative manner (percent) rather than absolute numbers.
colours NA Vector of colours to be used for the bars.
lineTypes NA If plotSumCurves is TRUE, this vector might be used to specify the types of curves plotted.
names NA Vector to name the input columns (legend).
plotSumCurves TRUE If TRUE, the violations are summed up from left to right to show the overall behaviour.
maxYAxis NA Can be used to manually set the y-axis of the plot.
printLegend FALSE A Boolean indicating if legend is to be plotted.
... none Additional arguments.

The ramachandran() function

This graph type is often used to show the sampling of the ϕ/ψ protein backbone dihedral angles in order to assign propensities of secondary structure elements to the protein of interest (so-called Ramachandran plots). These plots can provide crucial insight into energy barriers arising as required, for example, in the context of parameter validation . The function ramachandran() offers a 2D (Figure 9) and 3D (Figure 10) variant with the former offering the possibility to print user-defined secondary structure regions as well. The number of bins for the two axes and the colours used for the legend can be specified by the user.

             main="ramachandran() (plotType=sparse)",
             main="ramachandran() (plotType=fancy)",

Return value: Returns a list of binned dihedral angle occurrences.

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Figure 9: Two-dimensional plot version "sparse" of the ramachandran() function with enabled contour plotting. The number of bins can be specified for both dimensions independently.
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Figure 10: Three-dimensional example of the ramachandran() function. In addition to the colour, the height (z-axis) also represents the number of dihedrals per bin.
Table 9: Arguments of the ramachandran() function.
Argument name Default value Description
dihedrals none Matrix with angles (two columns). Generated by function load_ramachandran().
xBins 150 Number of bins used to plot (x-axis).
yBins 150 Number of bins used to plot (y-axis).
heatFun "norm" Function selector for calculation of the colour. The possibilities are either: "norm" for linear calculation or "log" for logarithmic calculation.
structureAreas c() List of areas, which are plotted as black lines.
plotType "sparse" Type of plot to be used, either "sparse" (default, using function hist2d()), "comic" (own binning, supports very few datapoints), or "fancy" (3D, using function persp()).
printLegend FALSE A Boolean specifying whether a heat legend is to be plotted or not.
plotContour FALSE A Boolean specifying whether a contour should be added or not.
barePlot FALSE A Boolean indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information.
... none Additional arguments.

The rmsd() function

The atom-positional root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) is one of the most commonly used plot types in the field of biophysical simulations. In the context of atom configurations, it is a measure for the positional divergence of one or multiple atoms. The input requires a list of alternating vectors of time indices and RMSD values. Multiple data sets can be plotted, given in separate input files. Figure 11 shows an example for two trajectories.


Return value: Returns a list of lists, where each sub-list represents a RMSD curve and contains the components:

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Figure 11: This plot shows the RMSD curves for two different trajectories. The time is given in nanoseconds, which requires a properly set factor parameter.
Table 10: Arguments of the rmsd() function.
Argument name Default value Description
rmsdData none List of (alternating) indices and RMSD value vectors, as produced by load_rmsd().
printLegend TRUE A Boolean which triggers the plotting of the legend.
factor 1000 A number specifying how many snapshots are within one timeUnit.
timeUnit "ns" Specifies the time unit.
rmsdUnit "nm" Specifies the RMSD unit.
colours NA A vector of colours used for plotting.
names NA A vector holding the names of the trajectories.
legendPosition "bottomright" Indicates the position of the legend: either "bottomright", "bottomleft", "topleft", or "topright".
barePlot FALSE A Boolean indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information.
... none Additional arguments.

The rmsd_average() function

Nowadays, for many molecular systems multiple replicates of simulations are performed in order to enhance the sampling of the phase space. However, since the amount of analysis data grows accordingly, a joint representation of the results may be desirable. For the case of backbone-atom and other RMSD plots, the MDplot package supports average plotting. Instead of plotting every curve individually, the mean and the minimum and maximum values of all trajectories at a given time point is plotted. Thus, the spread of multiple simulations is represented as a ‘corridor’ over time.

rmsd_average(rmsdInput=list(load_rmsd("inst/extdata/rmsd_example_1.txt.gz" ),

Return value: Returns an n×4-matrix, with the rows representing different snapshots and the columns the respective values as follows:

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Figure 12: In black, the mean RMSD value at a given timepoint and in grey the respective minimum and maximum values are given. In this example, two rather similar curves have been used.
Table 11: Arguments of the rmsd_average() function.
Argument name Default value Description
rmsdInput none List of snapshot and RMSD value pairs, as, for example, provided by loading function load_rmsd().
levelFactor NA If there are many datapoints, this parameter may be used to use only the levelFactorth datapoints to obtain a clean graph.
snapshotsPerTimeInt 1000 Number, specifying how many snapshots are comprising one timeUnit.
timeUnit "ns" Specifies the time unit.
rmsdUnit "nm" Specifies the RMSD unit.
maxYAxis NA Can be used to manually set the y-axis of the plot.
barePlot FALSE A Boolean indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information.
... none Additional arguments.

The rmsf() function

The atom-positional root-mean-square fluctuation (RMSF) represents the degree of positional variation of a given atom over time. The input requires one column with all residues or atoms and a second one holding RMSF values. Figure 13 shows, as an example, the RMSF of the first 75 atoms, calculated for two independent simulations.


Return value: A list of vectors, alternately holding atom indices and their respective values.

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Figure 13: Plot showing two different RMSF curves.
Table 12: Arguments of the rmsf() function.
Argument name Default value Description
rmsfData none List of (alternating) atom numbers and RMSF values, as, for example, produced by load_rmsf().
printLegend TRUE A Boolean controlling the plotting of the legend.
rmsfUnit "nm" Specifies the RMSF unit.
colours NA A vector of colours used for plot.
residuewise FALSE A Boolean specifying whether atoms or residues are plotted on the x-axis.
atomsPerResidue NA If residuewise is TRUE, this parameter can be used to specify the number of atoms per residue for plotting.
names NA A vector of the names of the trajectories.
range NA Range of atoms.
legendPosition "topright" Indicates position of legend: either "bottomright", "bottomleft", "topleft", or "topright".
barePlot FALSE A Boolean indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information.
... none Additional arguments.

The TIcurve() function

For calculations of the free energy difference occurring when transforming one chemical compound into another (alchemical changes) or for estimates of free energy changes upon binding, thermodynamic integration is one of the most trusted and applied approaches. The derivative of the Hamiltonian, as a function of a coupling parameter λ, is calculated over a series of λ state points (typically around 15). The integral of this curve is equivalent to the change in free energy (Figure 14). The function TIcurve() performs the integration and, if the data for both the forward and backward processes are provided, the hysteresis between them.

        invertedBackwards=TRUE, main="MDplot::TIcurve()")

Return value: Returns a list with the following components:

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Figure 14: A forward and backward thermodynamic integration curve with the resulting hysteresis between them (precision as permitted by the error).
Table 13: Arguments of the TIcurve() function.
Argument name Default value Description
lambdas none List of matrices (automatically generated by load_TIcurve()) holding the thermodynamic integration information.
invertedBackwards FALSE If a forward and backward TI are provided and the lambda points are enumerated reversely (i.e. 0.3 of one TI is equivalent to 0.7 of the other), this flag can be set to be TRUE in order to automatically mirror the values appropriately.
energyUnit "kJ/mol" Defines the energy unit used for the plot.
printValues TRUE If TRUE, the free energy values are printed.
printErrors TRUE A Boolean indicating whether error bars are to be plotted.
errorBarThreshold 0 If the error at a given lambda point is below this threshold, it is not plotted.
barePlot FALSE A Boolean indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information.
... none Additional arguments.

The timeseries() function

This function provides a general interface for any time series given as a time-value pair (Figure 15).


Return value: Returns a list of lists, each of the latter holding for every data input series:

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Figure 15: Shows time series with parameter snapshotsPerTimeInt set in a way such, that the proper time in nanoseconds is plotted. In addition, the legend has been moved to the bottom-right position.
Table 14: Arguments of the timeseries() function.
Argument name Default value Description
tsData none List of (alternating) indices and response values, as produced by load_timeseries().
printLegend TRUE Parameter enabling the plotting of the legend.
snapshotsPerTimeInt 1000 Number specifying how many snapshots make up one timeUnit.
timeUnit "ns" Specifies the time unit.
valueName NA Name of response variable.
valueUnit NA Specifies the response variable’s unit.
colours NA A vector of colours used for plotting.
names NA A vector of names of the trajectories.
legendPosition "bottomright" Indicates position of legend: either "bottomright", "bottomleft", "topleft", or "topright".
barePlot FALSE A Boolean indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information.
... none Additional arguments.

The xrmsd() function

This function generates a plot which shows a heat-map of the atom positional root-mean-square differences between snapshots (figure 16). The structures are listed on the x- and y-axes. The heat-map shows the difference between one structure and another using a coloured bin. The legend is adapted in accordance to the size of the values.

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Figure 16: An example xrmsd() plot showing only the upper half because of the mirroring of the values.
Table 15: Arguments of the xrmsd() function.
Argument name Default value Description
xrmsdValues none Input matrix (three rows: x-values, y-values, RMSD-values). Can be generated by function load_xrmsd().
printLegend TRUE If TRUE, a legend is printed on the right hand side.
xaxisRange NA A vector of boundaries for the x-snapshots.
yaxisRange NA A vector of boundaries for the y-snapshots.
colours NA User-specified vector of colours to be used for plotting.
rmsdUnit "nm" Specifies in which unit the RMSD values are given.
barPlot FALSE A Boolean indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information.
... none Additional arguments.

3 Additional functions and the Bash interface

Given that the plotting functions expect input to be stored in a defined data structure, the step of loading and parsing data from the text input files has been implemented in separate loading functions. Currently, they support GROMOS, GROMACS, and AMBER file formats and further developments are planned to cover additional ones as well. In order to allow for direct calls from Bash scripts, users might use the Rscript interface located in the folder bash which serves as a wrapper shell. Pictures in the file formats PNG, TIFF, or PDF can be used provided that the users’ R installation supports them. If help=TRUE is set, all the other options are ignored and a full list of options for every command is printed. In general, the names of the arguments of the functions are the same for calls by script. The syntax for these calls is Rscript MDplot_bash.R {function name} [argument1=...] [argument2=...], which can be combined with Bash variables (see below). The file path can be given in an absolute manner or relative to the Rscript folder path. The package holds a file called bash/ which contains several examples.

# clusters
Rscript MDplot_bash.R clusters files=../extdata/clusters_example.txt.gz \
                               title="Cluster analysis" size=900,900 \
                               outformat=tiff outfile=clusters.tiff \
                               clustersNumber=7 \

# xrmsd
Rscript MDplot_bash.R xrmsd files=../extdata/xrmsd_example.txt.gz title="XRMSD" \
                            size=1100,900 outformat=pdf outfile=XRMSD.pdf \

# ramachandran
Rscript MDplot_bash.R ramachandran files=../extdata/ramachandran_example.txt.gz \
                      title="Ramachandran plot" size=1400,1400 resolution=175 \
                      outformat=tiff outfile=ramachandran.tiff angleColumns=1,2 \
                      bins=75,75 heatFun=norm printLegend=TRUE plotType=fancy

The loading functions

In order to ease data preparation, loading functions have been devised which are currently able to load the output of standard GROMOS, GROMACS, and AMBER analysis tools and store these data such, that they can be interpreted by the MDplot plotting functions.Functions load_timeseries() and load_TIcurve() do not require engine-specific loading and function noe() is only available for GROMOS because no input files for the other engines could be retrieved. Loading functions are named after their associated plotting function with ’load_’ as prefix. For other molecular dynamics engines than the aforementioned ones, the user has to specify how their output should be read. However, in case other file formats are requested we appreciate suggestions, requests, and contributions (to be made on our GitHub page). For detailed descriptions of the data structures used, we refer to the manual pages of the loading functions and the respective examples. For storage reasons the example input files have been compressed using gzip with R being able to load both compressed and uncompressed files.

4 Conclusions

In this paper we have presented the package MDplot and described its application in the context of molecular dynamics simulation analysis. Automated figure generation is likely to aid in the understanding of results at the first glance and may be used in presentations and publications. Planned extensions include both the integration of new functionalities such as a DISICL (secondary structure classification ) as well as the provision of loading interfaces for additional molecular dynamics engines. Further developments will be published on the projects’ GitHub page and on CRAN.

5 Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank Prof. Friedrich Leisch for his useful comments and guidance in the package development process, Markus Fleck for providing GROMACS analysis files, Silvia Bonomo for her help in dealing with AMBER, Sophie Krecht for her assistance in typesetting, and Jamie McDonald for critical reading of the manuscript.

6 Funding

This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC; grant number 260408), the Austrian Science Fund (FWF; grant number P 25056) and the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF; grant number LS08-QM03).

CRAN packages used

MDplot, bio3d, Rknots

CRAN Task Views implied by cited packages



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  1. In this manuscript, the code samples use GROMOS input (since the default value of the loading functions’ parameter mdEngine is "GROMOS"). For information on how to load GROMACS or AMBER files, please have a look at the manual pages of the respective loading functions.[↩]
  2. Functions load_timeseries() and load_TIcurve() do not require engine-specific loading and function noe() is only available for GROMOS because no input files for the other engines could be retrieved.[↩]


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Margreitter & Oostenbrink, "MDplot: Visualise Molecular Dynamics", The R Journal, 2017

BibTeX citation

  author = {Margreitter, Christian and Oostenbrink, Chris},
  title = {MDplot: Visualise Molecular Dynamics},
  journal = {The R Journal},
  year = {2017},
  note = {},
  volume = {9},
  issue = {1},
  issn = {2073-4859},
  pages = {164-186}