It is common for linear regression models to be plagued with the problem of multicollinearity when two or more regressors are highly correlated. This problem results in unstable estimates of regression coefficients and causes some serious problems in validation and interpretation of the model. Different diagnostic measures are used to detect multicollinearity among regressors. Many statistical software and R packages provide few diagnostic measures for the judgment of multicollinearity. Most widely used diagnostic measures in these software are: coefficient of determination (\(R^2\)), variance inflation factor/tolerance limit (VIF/TOL), eigenvalues, condition number (CN) and condition index (CI) etc. In this manuscript, we present an R package, mctest, that computes popular and widely used multicollinearity diagnostic measures. The package also indicates which regressors may be the reason of collinearity among regressors.
Consider the conventional multiple linear regression equation \[y=X\beta + u,\] where \(y\) is an \(n \times 1\) vector of observation on response variable, \(X\) is known design matrix of order \(n \times p\), \(\beta\) is an \(p \times 1\) vector of unknown parameters and \(u\) is an \(n \times 1\) vector of random errors with mean zero and variance \(\sigma^2 I_n\), where \(I_n\) is an identity matrix of order \(n\).
One of the important assumptions of the classical linear regression model is that there is no exact collinearity among the regressors otherwise, the issue is referred to as multicollinearity. Generally, the problem of multicollinearity may also refer to have not only exact linear relationship but also high correlations among some or all regressors of a regression model under study. Strictly speaking, multicollinearity is usually refers to the existence of more than one exact linear relationship among regressors, while collinearity refers to the existence of a single linear relationship among regressors. However, in general, the term multicollinearity may be referred to both the cases. Data collection method, constraints on the fitted regression model, model specification error, overdefined model, some common trend in time series data and naturally correlated data may be some potential sources of multicollinearity.
The problem of multicollinearity has potentially serious effect on the regression estimates such as implausible coefficient signs, impossible inversion of matrix \(X'X\) as it becomes either singular (in the case of perfect multicollinearity) or near to singular (in the case of near to perfect multicollinearity), large magnitude of coefficients in absolute value, large variance or standard errors with wider confidence intervals and small t-ratios. The ordinary least squared (OLS) estimators and standard errors also become sensitive to small change in data when regressors are collinear to each other (Johnston 1963; Farrar and Glauber 1967; Mason et al. 1975; Gunst and Mason 1977; see Belsley et al. 1980; Dorsett et al. 1983). On the basis of theoretical considerations, these indications signify the need for detection of multicollinearity among regressors (Younger 1979; Belsley et al. 1980; Greene 2002).
This paper presents the overview of existing collinearity diagnostic measures along with commonly used threshold values for the judgment of existence of collinearity among regressors. These diagnostic measures are being implemented in R with the proposed mctest package (Imdadullah and Aslam 2016).
Several numerical methods for the detection of collinearity are available in the existing literature proposed or discussed by various authors e.g., (Marquardt 1970; Koutsoyiannis 1977; see Belsley et al. 1980; Montgomery and Peck 1982 etc.; Kovács et al. 2005; Curto and Pinto 2011). Widely used and the most suggested collinearity diagnostic measures are values of pair-wise correlations, R-squared value (c.f. (Gujarati and Porter 2008)), variance inflation factor (VIF), tolerance limit (TOL) (Marquardt 1970; Kutner et al. 2004), eigenvalues (Kendall 1957; Silvey 1969), condition number (CN) and condition index (CI) (Belsley et al. 1980), Leamer’s method (Greene 2002), Kleins rule (Klein 1962), three tests proposed by Farrar and Glauber (Farrar and Glauber 1967), the Red indicator (Kovács et al. 2005), and Theil’s measure (Theil 1971). However, none of these can be regarded as the best choice for the detection of collinearity (Kovács et al. 2005).
Following are the diagnostics that can be considered as the classical symptoms of harmfulness of multicollinearity. (i) If zero-order (pair-wise) correlation coefficient between two regressors is high (say >0.8) then multicollinearity may be a serious problem (Maddala 1988; Gujarati and Porter 2008). However, it is not sufficient and necessary condition for the detection of multicollinearity because a linear relation involves many of the regressors, therefore it may not be possible to detect such a relation with a simple correlation or pairs-wise plot (Judge et al. 1985; Chatterjee and Hadi 2006). (ii) High \(R^2\) (say >0.8) may indicate the problem of multicollinearity (Gujarati and Porter 2008). In most of the cases, overall F-test rejects the null hypothesis of partial slopes for being zero, but some or all individual t-ratios of partial slopes may be non-significant. Therefore, a model having no multicollinearity problem should have high \(R^2\) and larger (significant) t-ratios of partial slopes. (iii) High variance of regression coefficients’ estimates and low t-ratios also suggest the existence of multicollinearity.
We classified other widely used collinearity diagnostics as overall and individual measures of collinearity. This classification is due to the fact that there are some diagnostic measures resulting in a single number, while other yield as many quantities as the number of regressors in the model. The overall diagnostic measures help to get an idea about only the existence of collinearity and they do not tell which regressor may be the reason of collinearity, while the individual measures point out the regressors causing collinearity. Since no specific collinearity diagnostic measure is superior and each of these measures has different collinearity detection criterion (threshold value) proposed by various authors in the textbooks and research articles, there is need to study multiple collinearity diagnostics. That is, there is no clear-cut criterion for evaluating multicollinearity in linear regression models. Similarly, some diagnostic measures are statistically criticized such as tests proposed by (Farrar and Glauber 1967) while threshold values of many other diagnostic measures are subjective in nature as no unique or standard critical values exist for these measures. Moreover, different collinearity detection methods are not comparable with each other. That is why, many regression analysts often rely on more than one collinearity diagnostic measures.
Following is the list of overall and individual collinearity diagnostic measures along with short description, formula, detection criterion (threshold value) and reference for each measure. These diagnostic measures will assist the researchers in determining when and where some corrective action is necessary. According to (Belsley et al. 1980), the investigations concerning the presence of multicollinearity have been based on judging the magnitudes of various diagnostic measures.
The matrix \(X'X\) will be singular if it contains linearly dependent
columns or rows. Therefore, determinant of normalized correlation
matrix (\(R=X'X\)) without intercept can be used to indicate existence
of collinearity among regressors. However, determinant does not
provide information about interdependence among regressors, it only
provides information about singularity (departure from
orthogonality) of a correlation matrix. The determinant of \(X'X\) on
the scale is \(0\le \left|X'X\right|\le 1\) (Cooley 1971). If
\(\left|X'X\right|\sim 0\), then collinearity exists among regressors
(Asteriou and Hall 2007).
Coefficient of determination (\(R^2\)) from regression of all \(x\) on
\(y\). The \(R^2\) is a monotonic non-decreasing function of number of
regressors included in the model, that is, \(R^2\) indicates how well
the regression fits the data
(Gujarati and Porter 2008; Stock and Watson 2010). On the other hand, higher
the \(R^2\) values, the more chances of regressors to be plagued with
(Maddala 1988; Asteriou and Hall 2007; Gujarati and Porter 2008), since \(R^2\)
is affected by regressors sharing their variances
(Maddala 1988; Gujarati and Porter 2008).
Farrar \(\chi^2\):
It is the Chi-square test for detecting the strength of collinearity
over the complete set of regressors.
\(\chi^2=-\left[n-1-\frac{1}{6\left(2p+5\right)}\right]\times {{\log }_e \left[X'X\right]\ }\sim {\psi }^2_{v=\frac{1}{2}p(p-1)}\).
Collinearity exists among regressors if
\(\chi^2>\chi^2_{\frac{1}{2}p\left(p-1\right)}\) (Farrar and Glauber 1967).
Condition index:
\(CI_j=\sqrt{\frac{{\max (\lambda_j)\ }}{\lambda_j}}\, j=1,2,\cdots ,p; \, \lambda_1\ge \lambda_2\cdots \ge \lambda_p\).
Collinearity exists if any of \(CI_j>10, 15\), or 30
(Belsley et al. 1980; Maddala 1988; Chatterjee and Hadi 2006).
Sum of reciprocal of eigenvalues:
In an orthogonal system \(\sum\limits_{j=1}^p \frac{1}{\lambda_j}=p\),
therefore, for a sample based correlation matrix \(R\) with
eigenvalues \(\lambda_j\) comparing \(p\) with
\(\sum\limits_{j=1}^p \frac{1}{\lambda}\) can be used to indicate
collinearity. If \(\sum\limits_{j=1}^p \frac{1}{\lambda_j}\) is (say)
five times larger than the number of regressors used in the model
then collinearity exists among regressors
(Chatterjee and Price 1977; Dillon and Goldstein 1984).
Theil’s indicator:
(Theil 1971) proposed a measure of collinearity based on an
incremental contribution (\(R^2-R_j^2\)) to the squared multiple
correlation, where \(R^2_j\) is the \(R^2\) from auxiliary regression of
regressors. \(m=R^2-\sum\limits ^p_{i=1}{(R^2-R^2_{-i})}\). If \(m=0\)
then all \(X\)’s are mutually uncorrelated (no redundancy exists) as
the incremental contribution all add up to \(R^2\). However, if
\(m\sim 1\) then collinearity exists among regressors.
Red indicator:
(Kovács et al. 2005) presented a synthetic and new normalized
indicator for diagnostic of collinearity by using eigenvalues or
quantifying the average correlation of the data.
If value of the Red indicator is zero (\(Red=0\)) then it indicates
the absence of redundancy and value near to 1 (\(Red\sim 1\))
indicates maximum redundancy (\(Red\sim 1\)).
Klein’s rule:
If \(R_j\) from the auxiliary regression is greater than the overall
\(R^2\) (obtained from the regression of \(y\) on all the regressors)
then multicollinearity may be troublesome. The decision rule for
detection of collinearity is,
\({R^2_{x_j.x_1,x_2,\cdots ,x_p}>\ R}^2_{y.x_1,x_2,\cdots ,\ x_p}\)
(Klein 1962).
VIF and TOL:
VIF measures how much variances of the estimated regression
coefficients are increased over the case of no correlation among \(p\)
regressors. The diagonal elements of \((X'X)^{-1}\) matrix are
considered as very important in detecting multicollinearity.
\(VIF_j={\left(X'X\right)}^{-1}_{jj}=\frac{1}{1-R^2_j}\) and
The criticism on VIF is that \(var(\hat{\beta}_j)=\frac{\sigma^2}{\sum x_j^2} VIF_j\) depends on \(\sigma^2\), \(\sum x_j^2\) and VIF, which shows that a high VIF can be counterbalanced by a low \(\sigma^2\) or high \(\sum x_j^2\). So a high VIF is neither a necessary nor a sufficient measure of multicollinearity (Gujarati and Porter 2008). The value of \(VIF > 3, 5, 10\) or value of \(TOL \sim 0\) indicates existence of collinearity among regressors (Marquardt 1970; Kutner et al. 2004).
(Kendall 1957) and (Silvey 1969) suggested the use of eigenvalues of
\(X'X\) (correlation matrix) to check the presence of
multicollinearity and set the criteria that small eigenvalues (near
to zero) are indication of high collinearity, however, they did not
mentioned how much small it should be. One or more smaller
eigenvalues of \(X'X\) or its related correlation matrix indicate
collinearity (Kendall 1957; Silvey 1969).
(Curto and Pinto 2011) proposed new measure of multicollinearity to
evaluate the impact of the correlation among regressors in the
variance of the OLSEs. \(CVIF_j=VIF_j\times \frac{1-R^2}{1-R^2_0}\)
where, \(R^2_0=R^2_{yx_1}+R^2_{yx_2}+\cdots +\ R^2_{yx_p}\).
Collinearity exists if \(CVIF_j\ge 10\) (Curto and Pinto 2011).
Leamer’s method:
Leamer (in (Greene 2002)) suggested a measure of the effect of
multicollinearity for the jth variable;
\(C_j={\left \{\frac{{ \left(\sum^n_i{{\left(X_{ij}-{\overline{X}}_j\right)}^2}\right)}^{-1}} {(X'X)^{-1}_{jj}}\right\} } ^{\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)}\).
This measure is the square root of the ratio of variances of
estimated coefficients (\(\hat{\beta}_j\)) when estimated without and
with the other regressors. If \(X_j\) is uncorrelated with the other
regressors \(C_j\) would be 1 otherwise will be equal to
\((1-R_j^2)^{\frac{1}{2}}\), i.e., \(C_j\sim 0\) indicates existence of
collinearity among regressors.
F and \(R^2\) relation:
The relationship of F-test and \(R^2\) from regressing \(X_j\) on the
other remaining regressors can be used to detect multicollinearity.
The relationship is described as:
\(F_j=\dfrac{\frac{R^2_{x_j,x_1,\cdots ,x_p}}{p-2}}{\frac{1-R^2_{x_j,x_1,\cdots ,x_p}}{n-p+1}}\sim F\left(p-2,n-p+1\right)\),
where \(F^*=F_{p-2,n-p+1}\). If \(F_j>F^*\), then it means that the
regressor \(X_j\) is collinear with other regressors and it should be
dropped from the model (Gujarati and Porter 2008).
Farrar \(w_j\):
It is an F-test for locating the regressors which are collinear
with others and it makes use of multiple correlation coefficients
among regressors.
\(w_j\ =\frac{R^2_j}{1-R^2_j}\left(\frac{n-p}{p-1}\right)\sim F_{(n -p,\ p-1)}\). If \(w_j>F_{(n-p,p-1)}\), there is indication of
considerable collinearity (Farrar and Glauber 1967).
There are few software and R packages that provide some collinearity diagnostic measures such as correlation matrix, VIF/TOL, eigenvalues/eigenvectors, and CN/CI. The design goal of our developed package mctest is primarily to provide a comprehensive suite of all the listed diagnostic measures. All R packages mentioned in Table 1 are compared with our mctest package regarding diagnostic measures in these packages. Other features in these packages and collinearity related measures available in different statistical software are also discussed.
perturb | HH | car | fmsb | rms | faraway | usdm | mctest | ||
Overall collinearity diagnostics | |||||||||
\(|X'X|\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
R-squared | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
Farrar \(\chi^2\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
CN/CI | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | |||||||
\(\sum_{j=1}^p\frac{1}{\lambda_j}\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
Theil’s indicator | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
Red indicator | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
Individual collinearity diagnostics | |||||||||
Correlation matrix | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
Var and \(t\)-ratios | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
Klein’s rule | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
VIF | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||
TOL | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
Eigenvalues | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
CVIF | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
Leamer’s method | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
Farrar \(W_i\) | \(\checkmark\) | ||||||||
F and \(R^2\) relation | \(\checkmark\) |
There are few statistical software (SAS (SAS 9.3 2011), Stata (StataCorp 2015),
Minitab (Minitab, Inc. 2014), NCSS (NCSS 2016), and StatGraphics
(Statgraphics Centurion XVII 2015) etc.), giving different collinearity diagnostic
measures such as (\(R^2\), eigenvalues, VIF, CN, and correlation matrix
etc.). The R packages mentioned in Table 1 have some other
functionalities related to collinearity. For example, perturb
(Hendrickx 2012) evaluates collinearity by adding random noise to selected
variables and computes the CN and variance decomposition proportion to
test the collinearity and to uncover its sources. The package car
(Fox and Weisberg 2011) computes the VIF and GVIF for linear and generalized
linear models. The function vif
of package usdm (Naimi 2015)
computes the VIF for a set of variables and excludes highly correlated
variables from the set through a stepwise procedure. The package rms
(Harrell Jr 2016) computes VIF from the covariance matrix of parameter
estimates from binary or ordinal regression models, Cox regression,
accelerated failure time models, ordinary linear models, the
Buckley-James model, generalized least squares for serially or spatially
correlated observations, generalized linear models, and quantile
regression. The packages, HH (Heiberger 2016), fmsb (Nakazawa 2015)
and faraway (Faraway 2016) present different statistical methods and
an extensive use of graphical display.
There are some other R packages such as VIF (Lin 2012), leaps (Lumley 2009), bestglm (McLeod and Xu 2014), glmulti (Calcagno 2013), and meifly (Wickham 2014) that are used for collinear datasets. These packages involved procedures to search for adequate predictors and for parsimonious models (subset or all subset regression). The availability of different collinearity diagnostic measures in R packages, shown in Table 1 and in different statistical software, suggests that the package mctest is a useful addition on CRAN.
In this section, we illustrate the use of our developed package
mctest. The R package mctest mainly implements functions for the
detection of collinearity among regressors by calling omcdiag()
functions. For the graphical representation of VIF values
and eigenvalues, mc.plot()
function can also be used. We try to build
a simple interface to facilitate the usage of this package.
The functions, omcdiag, imcdiag
, and mctest
ensure that the number
of regressors provided as \(x\) argument should be at least two.
Similarly, the values of regressors and response variable (\(y\)) should
contain only numbers provided that both have equal number of
observations. All the other arguments are optional and have default
threshold values for different collinearity diagnostic measures.
Following is the list of functions available in mctest;
Function | Description |
omcdiag() |
Computation of overall collinearity measures. |
imcdiag() |
Computation of individual collinearity measures for each regressor. |
mctest() |
Calls overall and individual collinearity measures. |
mc.plot() |
Graphical representation of VIF and eigenvalues. |
For overall collinearity diagnostic measures, the function omcdiag()
has only two mandatory arguments: the vector of response variable \(y\)
and the matrix of regressors \(x\). The argument na.rm
removes the
missing values in dataset and is set to TRUE
. Therefore, all
calculations will be performed on newly created data after removing
missing observations if any, otherwise, calculations will be performed
on complete observation available in the provided dataset. The optional
argument Inter
, when it takes the value TRUE
, allows to compute
eigenvalues and condition index including intercept term in design
matrix \(X'X\), otherwise, without it. The other arguments detr
, red
, cn
, and conf
are used as threshold values as collinearity
detection criteria. If all these optional arguments are not used, the
eigenvalues and CIs with intercept term will be computed and all these
values will be compared with the default threshold values (can be
provided by the user) for the indication of existence of collinearity by
each of the diagnostic methods.
omcdiag(x, y, na.rm=TRUE, Inter=TRUE, detr=0.01, red=0.5, conf=0.95, theil=0.5, cn=30, ...)
The results from each of overall collinearity diagnostic measures are displayed with an indication that whether existence of collinearity among regressors is correctly detected by diagnostic methods or not. The eigenvalues and CIs are also displayed for the confirmation of existence of collinearity.
This section uses the Hald data (Hald 1952) bundled in mctest package
for checking of existence of collinearity among regressors using
function. Different examples of omcdiag()
with use of
difference arguments are provided, however, results are shown only for
the last command.
> library('mctest')
> head(Hald)
> x <- Hald[ , -1]
> y <- Hald[ , 1]
> omcdiag (x, y, detr = 0.001, red = 0.6, conf = 0.99, theil = 0.6, cn = 15)
> omcdiag (x, y, Inter = FALSE)
> omcdiag (x, y)
Callomcdiag(x = x, y = y)
Overall Multicollinearity Diagnostics
MC Results detection|X'X|: 0.0011 1
Determinant Farrar Chi-Square: 59.8700 1
Red Indicator: 0.5414 1
Sum of Lambda Inverse: 622.3006 1
Theil's Method: 0.9981 1
: 249.5783 1
Condition Number
1 --> COLLINEARITY is detected
0 --> COLLINEARITY in not detected by the test
Eigenvalues with INTERCEPT
Intercept X1 X2 X3 X4: 4.1197 0.5539 0.2887 0.0376 0.0001
Eigenvalues: 1.0000 2.7272 3.7775 10.4621 249.5783 Condition Indexes
Results from omcdiag
shows that all of the overall collinearity
diagnostic measures correctly detected the presence of multicollinearity
among regressors. Similarly, eigenvalues and CIs also indicate
regressors are collinear since, some eigenvalues are small enough and at
least one of the CIs is greater than 30.
For the individual collinearity diagnostic measures, imcdiag()
has two mandatory arguments like omcdiag()
or mctest()
has. The
optional argument method
, when it takes value "VIF", "TOL",
"Wi", "Fi", "Klein", "conf", "CVIF", or "Leamer", will
compute only provided method with an indication of whether regressor(s)
is(are) possible reason of collinearity or not. The other optional
arguments (such as vif
, tol
, cvif
, and leamer
) are
threshold values to compare with diagnostic measures of VIF, TOL,
confidence level for the Farrar-Glauber test of Wi, Fi, CVIF, and
Leamer’s method, respectively for possible detection of collinearity
among regressors. The corr
argument is set to FALSE
, if it takes
value as TRUE
, the correlation matrix will also be produced along with
collinearity diagnostic measures with the indication of which pair of
regressors are collinear. The computed value of certain diagnostic
measure, provided to method
argument, is displayed with an indication
of whether diagnostic measure correctly detected the existence of
collinearity or not. The all
argument is set to FALSE
, if it takes
value as TRUE
, the individual collinearity diagnostics will be
returned in form of 0 or 1. From "lm"
function, non-significant
t-values are also displayed for further subjective judgment and
confirmation of the existence of collinearity among regressors.
imcdiag(x, y, method = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, corr = FALSE, vif = 10, tol = 0.1,
conf = 0.95, cvif = 10, leamer = 0.1, all = FALSE, ...)
Different examples of imcdiag()
function with use of different
arguments are provided, however, results are shown only for the last
> imcdiag(x, y, corr = TRUE)
> imcdiag(x, y)
Callimcdiag(x = x, y = y)
Individual Multicollinearity Diagnostics
VIF TOL Wi Fi Leamer CVIF Klein38.4962 0.0260 112.4886 187.4811 0.1612 -0.5846 0
X1 254.4232 0.0039 760.2695 1267.1158 0.0627 -3.8635 1
X2 46.8684 0.0213 137.6052 229.3419 0.1461 -0.7117 0
X3 282.5129 0.0035 844.5386 1407.5643 0.0595 -4.2900 1
1 --> COLLINEARITY is detected
0 --> COLLINEARITY is not detected by the test
coefficient(s) are non-significant may be due to multicollinearity
X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 ,
* use method argument to check which regressors may be the reason of collinearity
Each column of output from imcdiag(x, y)
indicates that the computed
values of individual collinearity diagnostic measures for each
regressor. The last column results in either 0 (no collinearity due
\(X_j\)) or 1 (collinearity due to \(X_j\)) due to Klein’s rule.
To get certain individual collinearity diagnostic with custom threshold
can be obtained by using method
argument. The first column of output
contains the value of diagnostic measure. In the second column, 1 and 0
denotes the detection and non-detection of collinearity, respectively,
for each of the regressor. The use of switch
statement is made to
fulfill the purpose of obtaining diagnostic values and the indication of
collinearity detection for certain collinearity diagnostics provided as
value to argument method
. Some examples of obtaining certain
individual collinearity diagnostic measures are;
> imcdiag(x, y, method = "VIF", vif = 5)
> imcdiag(x, y, method = "VIF", vif = 10, corr = TRUE)
> imcdiag(x, y, method = "CVIF", cvif = 10)
Callimcdiag(x = x, y = y, method = "CVIF", cvif = 10)
Individual Multicollinearity Diagnostics
CVIF detection-0.5846 0
X1 -3.8635 0
X2 -0.7117 0
X3 -4.2900 0
: CVIF Method Failed to detect multicollinearity
0 --> COLLINEARITY in not detected by the test
If argument all
in imcdiag
or mctest
is set to TRUE
, a matrix of
either 0 or 1 will be displayed. Few examples for use of all
> imcdiag(x, y, all = TRUE)
> imcdiag(x, y, all = TRUE, vif = 15, conf = 0.99, )
> imcdiag(x, y, method = "VIF", all = TRUE)
> mctest(x, y, all = TRUE, type="i")
Callimcdiag(x = x, y = y, all = TRUE)
in 0 or 1
All Individual Multicollinearity Diagnostics
VIF TOL Wi Fi Leamer CVIF Klein1 1 1 1 0 0 0
X1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
X2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
X3 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
1 --> COLLINEARITY is detected
0 --> COLLINEARITY in not detected by the test
coefficient(s) are non-significant may be due to multicollinearity
X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 ,
-square of y on all x: 0.9824
* use method argument to check which regressors may be the reason of collinearity
mctest(x, y, type = c("o", "i", "b"), na.rm = TRUE, Inter = TRUE, method = NULL,
corr = FALSE, detr = 0.01, red = 0.5, cn = 30, vif = 10, tol = 0.1, conf = 0.95,
cvif = 10, leamer = 0.1, all = FALSE, ... )
The mctest()
function also has two mandatory arguments: the vector of
response \(y\) and the matrix of regressors as \(x\). The argument type
optional for computation of overall (from omcdiag
) by setting
, individual (from imcdiag
) by setting type="i"
or both
overall and individual collinearity diagnostics by setting type="b"
if type
argument is not used overall collinearity measures will be
computed and displayed.
The mc.plot
function can also be used to draw the plots of VIF values
and eigenvalues to graphically judge the existence of collinearity among
regressors. The VIF values and eigenvalues are also drawn for each
regressor along the y-axis. A horizontal red dashed line equal to
either default threshold or may be provided by the user of mctest, for
both VIF and eigenvalues.
> mc.plot(x, y)
> mc.plot(x, y, vif = 10, ev = 0.1)
The argument, vif = 10
and ev = 0.1
are user provided thresholds for
VIF and eigenvalues, respectively and will be shown as horizontal red
dashed line.
From VIF plot, the VIF values of each regressor greater than 30
indicates the existence of multicollinearity among regressors.
Similarly, the eigenvalues plot indicates that few regressors have
relatively smaller eigenvalues than others, indicating the existence of
collinearity. Note that the graphical output (shown in
Figure 1) from mc.plot()
and numerical results
from, for example, mctest()
are all equivalent. Only difference exits
in the way of their representation.
Complete elimination of multicollinearity is not possible, but the degree of collinearity can be reduced. Depending on the severity of the collinearity problem, there are two schools of thought (a) do nothing or (b) follow some rules of thumb. According to the first school of thought, (Blanchard 1967) suggested to do nothing with the regressors or model, since multicollinearity is essentially a data deficiency problem and sometimes there is no choice over the data available for empirical analysis. Regarding the second approach, some rules to alleviate the problem of multicollinearity are: (i) Drop one of the highly collinear regressor. If model has two or more regressors with high VIF, drop one from the model, because it supplies redundant information. Dropping one of the correlated regressor usually does not drastically reduce the \(R^2\). However, omission of relevant regressor(s) from the model, may result in a specification error. Hence, the remedy may be worse than the disease in some situations, because, multicollinearity may prevent the precise estimation of parameters of the regression model. Therefore, omitting some regressor(s) may seriously mislead to the true values of the parameters (Gujarati and Porter 2008 pg. 344). (ii) Use an appropriate experimental design and increase the sample if possible. However, obtaining additional or better data is not always easy. (iii) Transform the regressors (iv) Use some alternative methods to the OLS such as principal component regression and ridge regression etc. to control variance and instability of the OLS estimates. (v) Use stepwise regression, best subset regression or specialized knowledge of the dataset to remove the redundant regressors. (vi) Combine the redundant variables, if possible.
Strong linear relationships among regressors, i.e., the issue of
multicollinearity, results in unstable estimated regression coefficients
and other inadequate statistical measures. Therefore, its severity
should be tested. An R package, mctest has been designed with the goal
of providing the most widely used and discussed collinearity diagnostic
related statistics. Two main functions omcdiag()
and imcdiag
facilitate the users to get information about the existence of
collinearity among regressors and also to get idea about which regressor
may be the reason of multicollinearity. A function, mc.plot()
can also
be used to detect existence of collinearity among regressors by drawing
a graph of VIF and eigenvalues. For further details about use of the
said package and related functions, interested readers are referred to
the documentation of the package.
mctest, perturb, HH, car, fmsb, rms, faraway, usdm, VIF, leaps, bestglm, glmulti, meifly
ChemPhys, ClinicalTrials, Econometrics, Finance, MixedModels, ReproducibleResearch, Survival, TeachingStatistics
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Imdadullah, et al., "mctest: An R Package for Detection of Collinearity among Regressors", The R Journal, 2016
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2016-062, author = {Imdadullah, Muhammad and Aslam, Muhammad and Altaf, Saima}, title = {mctest: An R Package for Detection of Collinearity among Regressors}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2016}, note = {}, volume = {8}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {495-505} }