In analyzing data deriving from the administration of a questionnaire to a group of individuals, Item Response Theory (IRT) models provide a flexible framework to account for several aspects involved in the response process, such as the existence of multiple latent traits. In this paper, we focus on a class of semi-parametric multidimensional IRT models, in which these traits are represented through one or more discrete latent variables; these models allow us to cluster individuals into homogeneous latent classes and, at the same time, to properly study item characteristics. In particular, we follow a within-item multidimensional formulation similar to that adopted in the two-tier models, with each item measuring one or two latent traits. The proposed class of models may be estimated through the package MLCIRTwithin, whose functioning is illustrated in this paper with examples based on data about quality-of-life measurement and about the propensity to commit a crime.
Several fields of human knowledge require the measurement of unobservable constructs (or latent traits) through ad hoc methods based on questionnaires consisting of multiple items having dichotomously or ordered politomously scored response categories. This is the case of measurement of customer satisfaction, quality-of-life, level of physical and/or psychological disabilities, ability in certain subjects, and so on.
Item Response Theory (IRT) models (Hambleton and H. Swaminathan 1985; Van der Linden and R. K. Hambleton 1997; Bartolucci, S. Bacci, and M. Gnaldi 2015) are well-known statistical models to deal with these data. In their original formulation, these models are characterized by: (i) unidimensionality (i.e., only one latent trait is assumed to be measured by all items); (ii) a parametric (usually normal) distribution for the latent variables used to represent the trait of interest; and (iii) no effect of individual covariates on this latent trait. These elements often turn out to be restrictive in modern applications and, therefore, several extensions of IRT models have been proposed in the literature. Among the possible extensions, in this paper we consider the class of multidimensional Latent Class (LC) IRT models proposed by (Bartolucci 2007) and (Davier 2008); see also (Bacci, F. Bartolucci, and M. Gnaldi 2014). Models of this type are characterized by: (i) multidimensionality, in the sense that more latent traits may be measured by the set of items (Reckase 2009); (ii) discreteness of the latent variables, so that homogeneous subpopulations [or latent classes; Lazarsfeld and N. W. Henry (1968); Goodman (1974)] of individuals are detected with respect to the constructs measured by the questionnaire; and (iii) possible presence of individual covariates affecting the probabilities to belong to each latent class.
In particular, we focus on a specific extension of IRT models based on within-item multidimensionality (Adams, M. Wilson, and W.-C. Wang 1997), which is characterized by items affected by more than one latent variable. This is opposed to the more common between-item multidimensionality, where each item may measure only one latent variable as in the original approach of (Bartolucci 2007). More in detail, the model here proposed represents a discrete version of the item bifactor model and of the more general two-tier IRT model (Bock, R. Gibbons, and E. Muraki 1988; Gibbons and D. R. Hedeker 1992; Gibbons, R. D. Bock, D. Hedeker, D. J. Weiss, E. Segawa, D. K. Bhaumik, D. J. Kupfer, E. Frank, V. J. Grochocinski, and A. Stover 2007; Cai 2010; Cai, J. S. Yang, and M. Hansen 2011; Reise 2012; Bonifay 2015), based on a particular within-item multidimensional formulation with each item loading on at most two latent variables that are mutually uncorrelated. With respect to traditional item bifactor and two-tier models, which assume the normality of the latent variables, the discreteness assumption increases the flexibility of the approach and allows us to cluster individuals in homogeneous latent classes. (Formann and T. Kohlmann 2002) propose a general approach based on latent classes that includes the discrete two-tier model here proposed as special case. However, different from the proposal of these authors, we let the class membership probability depend on individual covariates and we also allow for more flexibility in terms of specification of model link function. Limited to binary items, a recent example of application of the proposed two-tier LC-IRT model is provided in (Bacci and F. Bartolucci 2015) to jointly study certain students’ abilities and the propensity to skipping item responses.
The procedures to estimate the proposed class of two-tier LC-IRT models
are implemented in the R package
(Bartolucci and S. Bacci 2016), downloadable from, whose illustration is
the primary focus of the present paper. In particular, we are interested
in providing a detailed description of the main functions of this
package, named est_multi_poly_within
and search.model_within
, also
through some applications.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section we provide the formulation of the proposed class of two-tier LC-IRT models and, then, some details about likelihood inference for these models. Furthermore, we describe the main functions implemented in the R package MLCIRTwithin for model estimation. In the following, the functioning of the package is illustrated through two applications: the first one concerns the measurement of Heath-related Quality Of Life (HQOL) on cancer patients and the second one is about the measurement of propensity to commit crimes. Some final remarks conclude the work.
The proposed class of models is formulated on the basis of two independent vectors of latent variables representing the unobservable individual characteristics measured by the test items. For each unit \(i=1,\ldots,n\), these vectors are denoted by \(\mathbf U_i=(U_{i1},\ldots,U_{iD_1})^{\prime}\) and \(\mathbf V_i=(V_{i1},\ldots,V_{iD_2})^{\prime}\) and are of dimension \(D_1\) and \(D_2\), respectively. Similarly to the item bifactor model, we assume that each item response \(Y_{ij}\), with \(i=1,\ldots,n\) and \(j=1,\ldots,r\), where \(r\) is the number of items, may depend on (and then measures) at most two latent variables, under the constraint that these two variables do not belong to the same vector. This is formalized by introducing the disjoint subsets \(\cal U_1,\ldots,\cal U_{D_1}\) and \(\cal V_1,\ldots,\cal V_{D_2}\) of \(\cal J=\{1,\ldots,r\}\), where \(\cal U_{d_1}\) contains the indices of the items depending on latent variable \(U_{id_1}\) and \(\cal V_{d_2}\) is the set of those depending on latent variable \(V_{id_2}\). Equivalently, \(Y_{ij}\) depends on \(U_{id_1}\) if and only if \(j\in\cal U_{id_1}\) and on \(V_{id_2}\) if and only if \(j\in\cal V_{id_2}\). Note that, even if the subsets \(\cal U_1,\ldots,\cal U_{D_1}\) cannot overlap, and the same is assumed for \(\cal V_1,\ldots,\cal V_{D_2}\), the same item \(j\) may belong both to a set of the first type and to a set of the second type (within-item multidimensionality); more formally, there may exist \(d_1\) and \(d_2\) such that \(j\in\cal U_{d_1}\) and \(j\in\cal V_{d_2}\). In practice, some items belonging to \(\cal U_{d_1}\), \(d_1=1,\ldots, D_1\), will be present also in \(\cal V_{d_2}\), \(d_2=1,\ldots, D_2\). With respect to the specification commonly encountered in the literature on item bifactor and two-tier models, our proposal is more general, as any value of \(D_1\) and \(D_2\) is allowed, whereas \(D_1=1\) (or, alternatively, \(D_2=1\)) in the item bifactor model and \(D_1=2\) (or, alternatively, \(D_2=2\)) in the two-tier model. Moreover, components of \(\mathbf U_i\) are allowed to be correlated; the same holds for components of \(\mathbf V_i\).
An illustrative example of the above assumptions is provided in Figure 1, where \(D_1=2\), \(D_2=1\), and four items out of \(r=7\) measure two latent traits (item 2 measures dimensions \(U_{i1}\) and \(V_{i1}\); items 3, 5, and 6 measure dimensions \(U_{i2}\) and \(V_{i1}\)); the two dimensions \(U_{i1}\) and \(U_{i2}\) do not share any item.
Adopting a semi-parametric approach for the latent distribution, the first latent vector \(\mathbf U_i\) is assumed to have a discrete distribution based on \(k_1\) support points \(\mathbf u_1,\ldots,\mathbf u_{k_1}\) and, in absence of individual covariates, common mass probabilities \(\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_{k_1}\). Similarly, the distribution of the second latent vector \(\mathbf V_i\) has \(k_2\) support points \(\mathbf v_1,\ldots,\mathbf v_{k_2}\) and, again in absence of individual covariates, common mass probabilities \(\pi_1,\ldots,\pi_{k_2}\). In both cases, the support points identify classes of individuals that are homogeneous with respect to the latent traits represented by \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\). Note that cases with \(k_1=1\) or \(k_2=1\) detect a special situation in which vector of latent variables \(\mathbf U_i\) or \(\mathbf V_i\), respectively, has no role in explaining the observed item responses.
For binary response variables, the measurement model assumes that, for \(i=1,\ldots, n\), \(j=1,\ldots, r\), \(h_1=1,\ldots,k_1\), and \(h_2=1,\ldots,k_2\), \[\label{eq:modbinary} {\rm logit}\: p(Y_{ij}=1|\mathbf U_i= \mathbf u_{h_1}, \mathbf V_i= \mathbf v_{h_2})=\gamma_{1j}\sum_{d_1=1}^{D_1} 1\{j\in\cal U_{d_1}\}u_{h_1d_1}+ \gamma_{2j}\sum_{d_2=1}^{D_2} 1\{j\in\cal V_{d_2}\}v_{h_2d_2}-\beta_j, \tag{1}\] where \(1\{\cdot\}\) is the indicator function and \(\gamma_{1j}\), \(\gamma_{2j}\), and \(\beta_j\) are suitable item parameters. As usual for IRT models, \(\gamma_{1j}\) and \(\gamma_{2j}\) represent the discrimination power of item \(j\) with respect to the latent variables in \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\), respectively, whereas \(\beta_j\) denotes the difficulty level of item \(j\). In the previous expression, \(u_{h_1d_1}\) denotes the \(d_1\)-th element of \(\mathbf u_{h_1}\), whereas \(v_{h_2d_2}\) denotes the \(d_2\)-th element of \(\mathbf v_{h_2}\).
Different from traditional LC models characterized by constant mass probabilities, a more general approach is based on assuming that the probabilities to belong to every latent class defined by the distribution of \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\) depend on individual covariates, when such covariates are observed. For this aim, we denote the vector of covariates for individual \(i=1,\ldots,n\) by \(\mathbf X_i\) and we assume that \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\) are conditionally independent given \(\mathbf X_i\). Moreover, we adopt the following multinomial logit parametrization (Formann 2007) for each latent vector: \[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:cov1} \log{\frac{\lambda_{h_1}(\mathbf x_i)}{\lambda_1(\mathbf x_i)}} = & \;\mathbf x_i^{\prime}\mathbf \delta_{1h_1}, \quad h_1 = 2, \ldots, k_1, \\ \end{aligned} \tag{2}\]
\[\begin{aligned} \log{\frac{\pi_{h_2}(\mathbf x_i)}{\pi_1(\mathbf x_i)}} = & \;\mathbf x_i^{\prime}\mathbf \delta_{2h_2}, \quad h_2 = 2, \ldots, k_2,\label{eq:cov2} \end{aligned} \tag{3}\] with \(\lambda_{h_1}(\mathbf x_i) = p(\mathbf U_i= \mathbf u_{h_1} |\mathbf X_i = \mathbf x_i)\) and \(\pi_{h_2}(\mathbf x_i) = p(\mathbf V_i = \mathbf v_{h_2} | \mathbf X_i = \mathbf x_i)\), where \(\mathbf x_i\) contains the constant term. The vectors of coefficients \(\mathbf \delta_{1h_1}\) and \(\mathbf \delta_{2h_2}\) measure the effect of the covariates on the logit to belong to class \(h_1=2, \ldots, k_1\) and \(h_2=2,\ldots,k_2\), with respect to class \(h_1=1\) and \(h_2=1\), respectively. Alternatively, a global logit formulation may be adopted. This is related to a cumulative logit formulation (Agresti 2013), where the logits in equations (2) and (3) are substituted with \[\log{\frac{p(\mathbf U_i\geq \mathbf u_{h_1} |\mathbf X_i = \mathbf x_i)}{p(\mathbf U_i < \mathbf u_{h_1} |\mathbf X_i = \mathbf x_i)}} = \log{\frac{\lambda_{h_1}(\mathbf x_i) + \ldots+ \lambda_{k_1}(\mathbf x_i) }{\lambda_{1}(\mathbf x_i) + \ldots + \lambda_{h_1-1}(\mathbf x_i)}}, \quad h_1 = 2, \ldots, k_1\] and \[\log{\frac{p(\mathbf V_i \geq \mathbf v_{h_2} | \mathbf X_i = \mathbf x_i)}{p(\mathbf V_i < \mathbf v_{h_2} | \mathbf X_i = \mathbf x_i)}} = \log{\frac{\pi_{h_2}(\mathbf x_i) + \ldots+ \pi_{k_2}(\mathbf x_i) }{\pi_{1}(\mathbf x_i) + \ldots + \pi_{h_2-1}(\mathbf x_i)}}, \quad h_2 = 2, \ldots, k_2,\] respectively. The main advantage of the global logit parametrization is the easier interpretation of the regression coefficients that now refer to the effect of the covariates on the logit to belong to a specific class (or higher) with respect to a lower class. However, this parameterization requires the latent classes to be ordered according to a specific criterion (e.g., requiring an increasing trend of the support points for a given dimension).
In the case of polytomously scored items with ordered categories indexed from 0 to \(l_j-1\), the model based on Equation (1) may be extended according to a global logit link function, so that a graded response model (Samejima 1969) results in: \[\label{eq:modglobal} \log \frac{p(Y_{ij}\geq y|\mathbf U_i= \mathbf u_{h_1}, \mathbf V_i= \mathbf v_{h_2})}{p(Y_{ij}< y|\mathbf U_i= \mathbf u_{h_1}, \mathbf V_i= \mathbf v_{h_2})}=\gamma_{1j}\sum_{d_1=1}^{D_1} 1\{j\in\cal U_{d_1}\}u_{h_1d_1}+ \gamma_{2j}\sum_{d_2=1}^{D_2} 1\{j\in\cal V_{d_2}\}v_{h_2d_2}-\beta_{jy}. \tag{4}\] Alternatively, using a local logit link function, we may assume a partial credit model (Masters 1982): \[\label{eq:modlocal} \log \frac{p(Y_{ij}= y|\mathbf U_i= \mathbf u_{h_1}, \mathbf V_i= \mathbf v_{h_2})}{p(Y_{ij}=y-1|\mathbf U_i= \mathbf u_{h_1}, \mathbf V_i= \mathbf v_{h_2})}=\gamma_{1j}\sum_{d_1=1}^{D_1} 1\{j\in\cal U_{d_1}\}u_{h_1d_1}+ \gamma_{2j}\sum_{d_2=1}^{D_2} 1\{j\in\cal V_{d_2}\}v_{h_2d_2}-\beta_{jy}. \tag{5}\] In the above expressions, \(y = 1, \ldots, l_j-1\) and the difficulty parameter \(\beta_{jy}\) is now specific of item \(j\) and response category \(y\). A more parsimonious model is obtained by expressing \(\beta_{jy}\) as the sum of two components [rating scale parametrization; Andrich (1978)], that is, \[\label{eq:rsm} \beta_{jy} = \beta_j + \tau_y, \quad j=1,\ldots,r;\; y=1,\ldots, l_j-1, \tag{6}\] so that the distance in terms of difficulty from category to category (i.e., \(\tau_y\)) is the same for all items. Note that the rating scale parametrization is allowed only when items have the same number of response categories (i.e., \(l_j = l,\; j=1,\ldots,r\)). For more details about the possible item parametrizations in the presence of ordinal items see Bacci, F. Bartolucci, and M. Gnaldi (2014) and Bartolucci, S. Bacci, and M. Gnaldi (2015).
In order to ensure the identification of the proposed class of models, two necessary conditions must hold. First, as usual in the IRT modeling, we must constrain one discriminant index to be equal to 1 and one difficulty parameter to be equal to 0 for each dimension. More in detail, let \(j_{d_1}\) be a specific element of \(\cal U_{d_1}\) and \(j_{d_2}\) a specific element of \(\cal V_{d_2}\) for \(d_1=1,\ldots, D_1\) and \(d_2=1,\ldots, D_2\). Then we assume \(\gamma_{1j_{d_1}} = 1\), \(\gamma_{2j_{d_2}} = 1\), and, when item difficulties are free, \(\beta_{j_{d_1}1}=0\) and \(\beta_{j_{d_2}1}=0\), whereas in the presence of a rating scale parametrization we assume \(\beta_{j_{d_1}}=0\), \(\beta_{j_{d_2}}=0\), and \(\tau_1=0\). In the case of binary items, constraints on difficulties simplify to \(\beta_{j_{d_1}}=0\) and \(\beta_{j_{d_2}}=0\). Generally speaking, \(j_{d_1}\) and \(j_{d_2}\) may be chosen in an arbitrary way, paying attention to select a different item for each dimension. So, in the example illustrated in Figure 1, if we constrain item \(j=1\) for dimension \(U_{i1}\) and item \(j=3\) for dimension \(U_{i2}\), then for dimension \(V_{i1}\) we may constrain any one of the items in the subset \(\cal V_1\) with the only exception of item \(j=3\). As an alternative to constraining item parameters, we may fix the support points, as in the general diagnostic model of (Davier 2008).
A further identification condition requires that at least one item belongs to one of the subsets \(\cal U_{d_1}\) or to one of the subsets \(\cal V_{d_2}\); more formally, the union of \(\cal U_1,\ldots,\cal U_{D_1}\) must be different from the union of \(\cal V_1,\ldots,\cal V_{D_2}\). In other words, we restrict \(\gamma_{1j} = 0\) or \(\gamma_{2j} = 0\) for at least one \(j\) and the maximum number of items shared by \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\) is equal to \(r-1\). Alternatively, we may skip this restrictive condition by specifying in a suitable way linear constraints (e.g., equality restrictions) on some discriminant parameters (for some examples see Cai 2010; Cai, J. S. Yang, and M. Hansen 2011).
To specify in a flexible way constraints on the support points and item parameters, we denote the complete vectors of support points by \(\mathbf u = (u_{11}, u_{12}, \ldots, u_{k_1D_1})^{\prime}\) for latent variable \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf v = (v_{11}, v_{12}, \ldots, v_{k_2D_2})^{\prime}\) for latent variable \(\mathbf V_i\), the complete vectors of item discriminating indices as \(\mathbf \gamma_1 = (\gamma_{11}, \ldots, \gamma_{1r})^{\prime}\) for items affected by \(\mathbf U_i\) (then \(\gamma_{1j}\) is missing if item \(j\) does not belong to \(\cal U_1,\ldots,\cal U_{D_1}\)) and \(\mathbf \gamma_2 = (\gamma_{21}, \ldots, \gamma_{2r})^{\prime}\) for items affected by \(\mathbf V_i\) (then \(\gamma_{2j}\) is missing if item \(j\) does not belong to \(\cal V_1,\ldots,\cal V_{D_2}\)), and the complete vector of item difficulties as \(\mathbf \beta = (\beta_{11}, \ldots, \beta_{r,l_r-1})^{\prime}\) (or \(\mathbf \beta = (\beta_{1}, \ldots, \beta_{r})^{\prime}\) in the binary case). The corresponding vectors of free support points and free item parameters are denoted by \(\tilde{\mathbf u}\), \(\tilde{\mathbf v}\), \(\tilde{\mathbf \gamma}_1\), \(\tilde{\mathbf \gamma}_2\), and \(\tilde{\mathbf \beta}\), respectively. A wide range of linear constraints and fixed values of the parameters are specified through a suitable definition of matrices \(\mathbf Z_u\), \(\mathbf Z_v\), \(\mathbf Z_{\gamma_1}\), \(\mathbf Z_{\gamma_2}\), and \(\mathbf Z_{\beta}\) and vectors \(\mathbf z_u\), \(\mathbf z_v\), \(\mathbf z_{\gamma_1}\), \(\mathbf z_{\gamma_2}\), and \(\mathbf z_{\beta}\), as follows:
\[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:constr_th1} \mathbf u = & \;\mathbf Z_u \tilde{\mathbf u} + \mathbf z_u, \\ \end{aligned} \tag{7}\]
\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf v = & \;\mathbf Z_v \tilde{\mathbf v} + \mathbf z_v, \\\label{eq:constr_th2} \end{aligned} \tag{8}\]
\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf \gamma_1 = & \;\mathbf Z_{\gamma_1} \tilde{\mathbf \gamma}_1 + \mathbf z_{\gamma_1}, \\\label{eq:constr_ga1} \end{aligned} \tag{9}\]
\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf \gamma_2 = & \;\mathbf Z_{\gamma_2} \tilde{\mathbf \gamma}_2 + \mathbf z_{\gamma_2}, \\\label{eq:constr_ga2} \end{aligned} \tag{10}\]
\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf \beta = & \;\mathbf Z_{\beta} \tilde{\mathbf \beta} + \mathbf z_{\beta}. \label{eq:constr_be} \end{aligned} \tag{11}\]
For instance, according to the usual IRT parametrization with free support points and constraints on the item parameters (i.e., one discriminant index equal to 1 and one difficulty parameter equal to 0 for each dimension), \(\mathbf Z_u\) and \(\mathbf Z_v\) are identity matrices of dimensions \(k_1D_1\times k_1D_1\) and \(k_2D_2\times k_2D_2\), respectively, and \(\mathbf z_u\) and \(\mathbf z_v\) are null vectors. Moreover, matrices \(\mathbf Z_{\gamma_1}\), \(\mathbf Z_{\gamma_2}\), and \(\mathbf Z_{\beta}\) are defined as identity matrices without those columns corresponding to the constrained item parameters, whereas \(\mathbf z_{\gamma_1}\) and \(\mathbf z_{\gamma_2}\) are vectors with ones in correspondence of constrained item discrimination parameters and zeros otherwise; \(\mathbf z_{\beta}\) is a vector of zeros. Further examples of specification of constraints on model parameters are provided in the sequel, when the functioning of the estimation functions of the proposed R package and an example on criminal data (Example 2) are illustrated.
The proposed two-tier LC-IRT model can be estimated by maximizing the marginal log-likelihood \[\label{eq:like} \ell(\mathbf \eta) = \sum_{i=1}^n \log L_i({\mathbf y}_{i}|\mathbf x_i), \tag{12}\] where \(\mathbf \eta\) is the vector of free model parameters, that is, support points of \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\), item difficulty and discrimination parameters, and regression coefficients for the covariates; in the previous expression, \(\mathbf y_{i}=(y_{i1}, \ldots, y_{ir}) ^{\prime}\) is the vector of observed item responses for subject \(i\). Due to the local independence assumption, the marginal likelihood \(L_i({\mathbf y}_{i}|\mathbf x_i)\) for subject \(i\) (or manifest probability of \(\mathbf y_i\)) used in equation (12) is given by: \[L_i({\mathbf y}_{i}|\mathbf x_i) = \sum_{h_1=1}^{k_1}\sum_{h_2=1}^{k_2} \lambda_{h_1}(\mathbf x_i)\pi_{h_2}(\mathbf x_i)\prod_{j=1}^r p_{h_1h_2}(y_{ij}),\] where, \(p_{h_1h_2}(y)=p(Y_{ij}= y|\mathbf U_i= \mathbf u_{h_1}, \mathbf V_i= \mathbf v_{h_2})\), which depends on (1) in the case of binary items and on (4) or (5) in the case of ordinal items, if a global logit or a local logit parametrization is adopted.
We maximize \(\ell(\mathbf \eta)\) through the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm (Dempster, N. M. Laird, and D. B. Rubin 1977), which is based on alternating two steps until convergence:
the expected value of the complete data log-likelihood (i.e., the log-likelihood for the observed and latent variables) is computed, given the current parameter vector \(\mathbf \eta\). In practice, this consists in computing the posterior probability \(q_{h_1h_2i}\) for \(h_1=1,\ldots,k_1\), \(h_2=1,\ldots,k_2\), and \(i=1,\ldots,n\); this is the probability that unit \(i\) belongs to latent class \(h_1\), according to the first vector of latent variables, and to latent class \(h_2\), according to the second vector of latent variables, given the observed data, that is, \(p(\mathbf U_i=\mathbf u_{h_1},\mathbf V_i=\mathbf v_{h_2}|\mathbf x_i,\mathbf y_i)\). By the Bayes’ theorem we have that \[q_{h_1h_2i} = \frac{\lambda_{h_1}(\mathbf x_i)\pi_{h_2}(\mathbf x_i)\prod_{j=1}^r p_{h_1h_2}(y_{ij})}{L_i({\mathbf y}_{i}|\mathbf x_i)}.\] The resulting complete data log-likelihood is, in expected value, equal to \[\label{eq:comp_lk} \ell^*(\mathbf \eta) = \sum_{h_1=1}^{k_1}\sum_{h_2=1}^{k_2}\sum_{i=1}^n q_{h_1h_2i}\log \left[\lambda_{h_1}(\mathbf x_i)\pi_{h_2}(\mathbf x_i)\prod_{j=1}^r p_{h_1h_2}(y_{ij})\right]. \tag{13}\]
the parameter vector \(\mathbf \eta\) is updated by maximizing function (13) obtained at the previous step. Note that single parameter subvectors of \(\mathbf \eta\) may be updated separately, as this function factorizes in three components involving the mass probabilities \(\lambda_{h_1}(\mathbf x_i)\), the mass probabilities \(\pi_{h_2}(\mathbf x_i)\), and the conditional response probabilities \(p_{h_1h_2}(y_{ij})\), respectively. Iterative algorithms of Newton-Raphson type are necessary to maximize all components (for details see Bacci and F. Bartolucci 2015 and references therein) with the exception of the first two in the case of absence of individual covariates. In fact, in this case we have the following explicit expressions to update the class weights: \[\begin{aligned} \lambda_{h_1}=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{h_2=1}^{k_2}\sum_{i=1}^nq_{h_1h_2i},\quad h_1=1,\ldots,k_1,\\ \pi_{h_2}=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{h_1=1}^{k_1}\sum_{i=1}^nq_{h_1h_2i},\quad h_2=1,\ldots,k_2. \end{aligned}\]
Similar to the other iterative algorithms, the first iteration of the EM algorithm needs to be initialized through suitable values for the model parameters that can be chosen according to certain deterministic or random rules. A common problem with finite mixture models, and then with the proposed model, is due to the presence of several local maximum points of the log-likelihood function. Therefore, in order to avoid a solution that does not correspond to the global maximum, a good practice consists in repeating the estimation process for a specific model a certain number of times using random starting values and, in the presence of different values of the log-likelihood at convergence, the solution corresponding to the highest log-likelihood value is selected.
A crucial point is that of model selection, mainly as concerns the choice of the number of support points (or latent classes) for both latent vectors (i.e., \(k_1\) and \(k_2\)). For this aim, a likelihood-ratio test cannot be directly used, as the regularity conditions for having an asymptotic null distribution of \(\chi^2\)-type are not satisfied for this type of test when it is applied to compare two models with different values of \(k_1\) and \(k_2\). We then suggest to rely on suitable forms of penalization of the maximum log-likelihood, such as the Akaike Information Criterion [AIC; Akaike (1973)], which is related to Kullback-Leibler distance between the true density and the estimated density of a model. This criterion is based on the following index: \[AIC = -2 \hat{\ell}{(\mathbf \eta)} + 2 \# {\textrm{par}},\] with \(\hat{\ell}{(\cdot)}\) denoting the estimated maximum log-likelihood and \(\# {\textrm{par}}\) the number of free parameters. Alternatively, we suggest the use of the Bayesian Information Criterion [BIC; Schwarz (1978)] based on the index \[BIC = -2 \hat{\ell}{(\mathbf \eta)} + \log(n) \# {\textrm{par}} .\] According to both these criteria, one should select the model with the minimum value of AIC or BIC.
Other selection criteria may be based on the entropy, whose computation involves the individual posterior probabilities. Entropy is a measure of the capability of the model to provide a neat partition of the sample units, which is computed as \[E = -\sum_{h_1=1}^{k_1}\sum_{h_2=1}^{k_2} \sum_{i=1}^n q_{h_1h_2i}\log q_{h_1h_2i},\] based on the posterior probabilities \(q_{h_1h_2i}\). If the components are well separated, the posterior probabilities tend to define a clear partition of the units, assuming values close to one, and, as a consequence, the entropy will be close to zero. Usually, the entropy is not directly used to assess the number of support points and, to also account for the goodness of fit of the model, a normalized version of entropy is used by (Celeux and G. Soromenho 1996). This is defined as \[NEC = \frac{E}{\hat{\ell}_{k_1k_2} - \hat{\ell}_{11}}, \quad \quad \quad k_1>1,\;k_2>1,\] where \(\hat{\ell}_{k_1k_2}\) is the maximum log-likelihood of the model with \(k_1\) and \(k_2\) support points and \(\hat{\ell}_{11}\) is the maximum log-likelihood value of the model with just one component for both latent variables. According to this criterion, the optimal number of components is the one that minimizes the \(NEC\) index. Note that \(NEC\) is not defined when \(k_1 = k_2 = 1\), in which case \(NEC = 1\) by convention.
In practice, we propose to fit a series of models with similar specifications that distinguish one other for values assigned to \(k_1\) and \(k_2\) and, then, to make comparisons through one or more of the mentioned criteria. In more detail, given \(k_1\), we consider increasing values of \(k_2\) and, similarly, given \(k_2\) we consider increasing values of \(k_1\) until \(AIC\), \(BIC\), or \(NEC\) do not start to increase and, then, the previous value of support points is taken as the optimal one.
More in general, for certain values of \(k_1\) and \(k_2\) we suggest that the choice between two competing models is driven by the likelihood-ratio test in the presence of nested models (i.e., when one model is obtained by the other one through constraints on the parameters), whereas the selection criteria above mentioned are suitable in the presence of non-nested models. The likelihood-ratio test is also used to evaluate the global fit of a model, when this is compared with the saturated model, that is, the largest model one can fit. Note that in the context at issue the saturated model is defined only for model specifications without covariates. Other proposals, coming from the literature on logistic regression models and on IRT models, consist of parametric and non-parametric tests that allow us to verify specific hypotheses concerning, among others, the unidimensionality of the questionnaire, the validity of the Rasch paradigm, the validity of the local independence assumption. In addition to the global fit of a model, also item-specific fit statistics, which are usually based on the comparison between observed and expected item responses, are useful to evaluate the goodness of each item and the need of removing it from the questionnaire. For a wide review of the mentioned methods see (Bartolucci, S. Bacci, and M. Gnaldi 2015), Chap. 5.7, and the references therein.
Finally, in order to facilitate the interpretation of the results, we suggest to standardize the estimated support points \(\hat{u}_{d_1h_1}\) and \(\hat{v}_{d_2h_2}\), so as to obtain latent variables that have mean 0 and variance equal to 1, and coherently transform the estimated item parameters \(\hat{\gamma}_{1j}\), \(\hat{\gamma}_{2j}\), and \(\hat{\beta}_{jy}\).
Let \(\hat{\mu}_{U_{d_1}}\) and \(\hat{\sigma}_{U_{d_1}}\) denote the mean and the standard deviation of \(\hat{u}_{d_11}, \ldots, \hat{u}_{d_1k_1}\) and let \(\hat{\mu}_{V_{d_2}}\) and \(\hat{\sigma}_{V_{d_2}}\) denote the mean and the standard deviation of \(\hat{v}_{d_21}, \ldots, \hat{v}_{d_2k_2}\). Then, \(\hat{u}_{d_1h_1}\) and \(\hat{v}_{d_2h_2}\) are standardized as follows:
\[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:stdpoints} \hat{u}^*_{d_1h_1} = & \;\frac{\hat{u}_{d_1h_1}-\hat{\mu}_{U_{d_1}}}{\hat{\sigma}_{U_{d_1}}}, \quad \quad d_1=1,\ldots, D_1,\\ \hat{v}^*_{d_2h_2} = & \;\frac{\hat{v}_{d_2h_2}-\hat{\mu}_{V_{d_2}}}{\hat{\sigma}_{V_{d_2}}}, \quad \quad d_2=1,\ldots, D_2. \end{aligned} \tag{14}\]
Moreover, \(\hat{\gamma}_{1j}\), \(\hat{\gamma}_{2j}\), and \(\hat{\beta}_{jy}\) are transformed as
\[\begin{aligned} \hat{\gamma}^*_{1j} = & \;\hat{\gamma}_{1j}\sum_{d_1=1}^{D_1} 1\{j \in \cal U_{d_1}\}\hat{\sigma}_{U_{d_1}}, \\ \hat{\gamma}^*_{2j} = & \;\hat{\gamma}_{2j}\sum_{d_2=1}^{D_2} 1\{j \in \cal V_{d_2}\}\hat{\sigma}_{V_{d_2}}, \\ \hat{\beta}^*_{jy} = & \; \hat{\beta}_{jy} - \hat{\gamma}_{1j}\sum_{d_1=1}^{D_1} 1\{j \in \cal U_{d_1}\}\hat{\mu}_{U_{d_1}} - \hat{\gamma}_{2j}\sum_{d_2=1}^{D_2} 1\{j \in \cal V_{d_2}\}\hat{\mu}_{V_{d_2}}, \label{eq:stdpar} \end{aligned} \tag{15}\]
for \(j=1,\ldots, r\) and \(y=0,\ldots,l_j-1\), with \(l_j=2\) for a dichotomously scored item.
The class of two-tier LC-IRT models previously described may be estimated through the R package MLCIRTwithin; for technical details see the official documentation provided in CRAN (Bartolucci and S. Bacci 2016).
Before illustrating the main functions in the package at issue, it is worth mentioning some alternative R packages, which estimate models with a formulation resembling the one proposed. A first example is provided by the R package MultiLCIRT (Bartolucci, S. Bacci, and M. Gnaldi 2014, 2016), whose functions are similar, in terms of input and output, to those of MLCIRTwithin; however, MultiLCIRT is limited to the estimation of LC-IRT models under between-item multidimensionality, in the sense that items loading on more than one latent trait are not allowed and then a single vector of latent variables \(\mathbf U_i\) is used. Moreover, constraints on the item parameters or fixed values for the support points cannot be specified. Package CDM (Robitzsch, T. Kiefer, A. C. George, and A. Uenlue 2016) performs the estimation of the class of cognitive diagnostic models (Tatsuoka 1983; Jang 2008; Rupp and J. L. Templin 2008), in which the proposed, discrete, two-tier model may be included. The class of models estimated through CDM may be characterized, among the main options, by normally distributed latent traits or, alternatively, discrete latent traits whose support points may be freely estimated or may be specified as fixed values. As concerns item parameters, item-by-category specific slopes as well as linear constraints are allowed. However, different from our proposal, individual covariates affecting the class membership as well as the specification of a global logit link are not allowed. Moreover, attention must be paid to the interpretation of the latent classes, which are defined in a quite different and general way with respect to our proposal. The estimation of within-item multidimensional IRT models and item bifactor models is also performed through packages mirt (Chalmers 2012; Chalmers, J. Pritikin, A. Robitzsch, M. Zoltak, K. Kim, C. F. Falk, and A. Meade 2016) and flirt (Jeon, F. Rijmen, and S. Rabe-Hesketh 2014), under the assumption of normally distributed latent variables. Package mirt also allows for discrete latent variables; however, in such a case just the multidimensional LC model without a classical IRT parametrization (mainly, without item difficulties) and without covariates is estimated. A major flexibility with respect to mirt is provided by package covLCA (Bertrand and C. M. Hafner 2013), which is focused on multidimensional LC models with covariates affecting both the class membership and the manifest variables. Other two packages to mention are lavaan (Rosseel, D. Oberski, J. Byrnes, L. Vanbrabant, V. Savalei, E. Merkle, and et al. 2015) and OpenMx (Neale, M. D. Hunter, J. N. Pritikin, M. Zahery, T. R. Brick, R. M. Kickpatrick, R. Estabrook, T. C. Bates, H. H. Maes, and S. M. Boker 2016) that perform the estimation of the wide class of structural equation models, in which unidimensional and multidimensional IRT models are included, under the assumption of normality of the latent variables. Finally, we mention two general and flexible softwares that may accommodate the estimation of the model here proposed, that is, Mplus (Muthén and B. Muthén 2012) and LatentGold (Vermunt and J. Magidson 2005): the former is tailored to the estimation of latent variable models under the assumption of normal or discrete latent variables, whereas the latter is focused on LC models. In both cases, the user may formulate IRT models with a variety of features, among which multidimensionality and presence of covariates.
and est_multi_poly_between
The main function of MLCIRTwithin is est_multi_poly_within
, which
performs the maximum likelihood estimation of the model specified
through equations (1) to (5), allowing
for several options.
Function est_multi_poly_within
requires the following main input
: matrix of item response configurations listed row-by-row; items
with a different number of categories and missing responses are
: vector of the frequencies of every row in S
; by default,
is a vector of ones.
: number of latent classes for latent variable \(\mathbf U_i\).
: number of latent classes for latent variable \(\mathbf V_i\).
: matrix of covariates affecting the class weights; by default,
: method of initialization of the algorithm:
(default value) for values chosen according to a
deterministic rule, "random"
for values randomly drawn from
suitable distributions (continuous uniform between 0 and 1 for the
class weights and standard normal for the other parameters), and
for values provided by the researcher through inputs
, ga1t
, ga2t
, De1
, and De2
: type of link function: "global"
for global logits as in
Equation (4) and "local"
for local logits as in
Equation (5). With binary items, any type of link
function may be specified, resulting in a Rasch (Rasch 1960) or a
two-parameter logit [2PL; Birnbaum (1968)] type model depending on the
value assigned to input disc
: constraints on the discriminating item parameters: FALSE
(default value) for parameters \(\gamma_{1j}\) and \(\gamma_{2j}\) all
equal to one and TRUE
for free values. With binary items, option
disc = FALSE
results in a Rasch model, whereas a 2PL model is
obtained when option disc = TRUE
: constraints on the difficulty item parameters, in the case
of ordinal polytomously scored items: FALSE
(default value) for
unconstrained parameters \(\beta_{jy}\) and TRUE
for a rating scale
parametrization as in (6). This option is not allowed in
the presence of items with a different number of response
: matrix with one row for each component of \(\mathbf U_i\)
and elements in each cell indicating the indices of the items
measuring the dimension corresponding to that row; the number of
rows is \(D_1\) and that of columns equals the number of items in the
largest dimension. If dimensions differ in the number of items,
zeros are inserted in the empty cells. Each item corresponding to
the first column of each row has discriminating index constrained to
1 and difficulty parameter constrained to 0 to ensure model
identifiability. For instance, in the presence of 6 items, with
items 1 and 2 measuring the first dimension of latent variable
\(\mathbf U_i\) and the remaining items 3 to 6 measuring another
dimension of \(\mathbf U_i\), as in Figure 1, matrix
is specified as
<- rbind(c(1,2,0,0), c(3,4,5,6)))
1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[,1,] 1 2 0 0
[2,] 3 4 5 6 [
: same as multi1
for latent variable \(\mathbf V_i\). For
model identifiability, attention must be payed on the item indices
in the first column of multi2
that cannot be the same as the
indices in the first column of multi1
. For instance, in the
situation described in Figure 1, the matrix
specified as
<- c(7, 2:3, 5:6))
1] 7 2 3 5 6 [
implies \(\gamma_{27} = 1\) and \(\beta_{7} = 0\). A particular case is
when the intersection between matrices multi1
and multi2
empty: in such a case a between-item multidimensional LC-IRT model
is specified, based on two completely independent latent vectors
\(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\).
: if TRUE
, Fortran routines are used whenever possible to
speed up computation.
: level of tolerance of the algorithm in terms of relative
difference between the log-likelihood corresponding to two
consecutive algorithm iterations (default value is \(10^{-10}\)).
: if TRUE
, the log-likelihood evolution is displayed
: if TRUE
, additional output arguments are returned.
: if TRUE
, standard errors and variance-covariance matrix
for the parameter estimates are returned.
: type of parametrization for the sub-model assumed on the
individual-specific latent class weights: FALSE
(default value)
for a multinomial logit model as in (2)-(3)
and TRUE
for a global logit model.
, Zth2
: matrices for the specification of linear constraints
on the support points, according to (7) and
(8), respectively; by default these are identity
matrices with a number of rows (and columns) equal to the total
number of support points, that is, \(k_1 D_1\) and \(k_2 D_2\), respectively.
, zth2
: vectors of length \(k_1 D_1\) and \(k_2 D_2\),
respectively, for the specification of linear constraints and fixed
support points, according to (7) and
(8), respectively; by default they are null
Under the default specifications of Zth1
, Zth2
, zth1
, and
, the support points are freely estimated and, for the model
identification, certain constraints are assumed on the item
parameters. On the contrary, to fix the values of the support
points, Zth1
, Zth2
, zth1
, and zth2
must be supplied by the
user. For instance, in the situation described in Figure
1 under the assumption \(k_1 = k_2 = 2\), we define
\(\mathbf u = (-1, -1, 1, 1)^{\prime}\) and
\(\mathbf v = (-0.5, 0.5)^{\prime}\) as follows:
<- matrix(0,2*2,0)
Zth1 <- c(rep(-1, times=2), rep(1, times = 2))
zth1 <- matrix(0,2,0)
Zth2 <- c(-0.5,0.5) zth2
, Zga2
, Zbe
: matrices for the specification of linear
constraints on the vectors of item parameters \(\mathbf \gamma_1\),
\(\mathbf \gamma_2\), and \(\mathbf \beta\), as in (9),
(10) and (11), respectively. In more
detail, the number of rows of Zga1
and Zga2
is equal to the
number of non-null entries in multi1
and multi2
, respectively,
and coincides with the length of vectors \(\mathbf \gamma_1\) and
\(\mathbf \gamma_2\); whereas the number of rows of Zbe
to the total number of item difficulties and coincides with the
length of vector \(\mathbf \beta\). The number of columns of Zga1
, Zbe
is equal to the total number of free parameters,
corresponding to the length of vectors \(\tilde{\mathbf \gamma}_1\),
\(\tilde{\mathbf \gamma}_2\), and \(\tilde{\mathbf \beta}\),
respectively. By default these are identity matrices without those
columns corresponding to the constrained parameters. For instance,
in the situation described in Figure 1 with the
usual IRT constraints \(\gamma_{11} = \gamma_{13} = 1\) and
\(\gamma_{27}=1\) resulting from matrices multi1
and multi2
defined above, and \(\beta_{1}=\beta_3 = \beta_7=0\) in the case of
binary items, the following matrices are used by default in function
<- diag(6)[, -c(1,3)])
(Zga1 1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[,1,] 0 0 0 0
[2,] 1 0 0 0
[3,] 0 0 0 0
[4,] 0 1 0 0
[5,] 0 0 1 0
[6,] 0 0 0 1
<- diag(5)[, -5])
1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[,1,] 1 0 0 0
[2,] 0 1 0 0
[3,] 0 0 1 0
[4,] 0 0 0 1
[5,] 0 0 0 0
<- diag(7)[, -c(1,3,7)])
1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[,1,] 0 0 0 0
[2,] 1 0 0 0
[3,] 0 0 0 0
[4,] 0 1 0 0
[5,] 0 0 1 0
[6,] 0 0 0 1
[7,] 0 0 0 0 [
Whenever we are interested in introducing further constraints, then
the matrices at issue must be supplied by the user. For instance, to
restrict \(\gamma_{14} = \gamma_{15}\), then matrix Zga1
must be
defined as
<- diag(6)[ , -c(1, 3, 5)]; Zga1[5, 2] <- 1
1] [,2] [,3]
[,1,] 0 0 0
[2,] 1 0 0
[3,] 0 0 0
[4,] 0 1 0
[5,] 0 1 0
[6,] 0 0 1 [
, zga2
, and zbe
: vectors whose length is equal to the
number of rows of Zga1
, Zga2
, and Zbe
, respectively. In other
words, length of zga1
, zga2
, and zbe
is given by the number of
elements in \(\mathbf \gamma_1\), \(\mathbf \gamma_2\), and
\(\mathbf \beta\). The suitable specification of these vectors,
combined with that of matrices Zga1
, Zga2
, and Zbe
, allows for
linear constraints and fixed values of the item parameters, as in
(9), (10), and (11).
By default, zga1
and zga2
are vectors with elements 1 for each
constrained item and 0 otherwise; by default zbe
is a null vector.
For instance, in the situation depicted in Figure 1
and matrices multi1
and multi2
, default values assumed for
vectors at issue are
<- c(1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
zga1 <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
zga2 <- rep(0, times = 7) zbe
Any other constraint may be defined by modifying in a suitable way
these three vectors and matrices Zga1
, Zga2
, Zbe
. For
instance, if we are interested in fixing the difficulty of (binary)
item 4 to be equal to 2 (i.e., \(\beta_{4} = 2\)), then we define
and zbe
as follows:
<- diag(7)[, -c(1,3,4,7)]
1] [,2] [,3]
[,1,] 0 0 0
[2,] 1 0 0
[3,] 0 0 0
[4,] 0 0 0
[5,] 0 1 0
[6,] 0 0 1
[7,] 0 0 0
<- c(0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0) zbe
Function est_multi_poly_within
supplies the following output:
and piv2
: vectors of the estimated weights of latent
classes for \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\), respectively; in the
presence of individual covariates, these are averages of the
individual-specific mass probabilities.
and Th2
: matrices of estimated and constrained support
points for each dimension (by row) and each latent class (by column)
for \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\), respectively.
: matrix of estimated and constrained item difficulty
parameters; exact zeros correspond to identifiability constraints.
and ga2c
: vectors of estimated and constrained item
discriminating parameters for \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\),
respectively; exact ones correspond to identifiability constraints
and NA
to items that do not load on the latent variable.
, th2t
, bet
, ga1t
, and ga2t
: estimated parameters
(i.e., parameters without constraints) related to
Th1, Th2, Bec, ga1c, ga2c
, respectively.
, Th2s
, Becs
, ga1cs
, and ga2cs
: standardized values of
, Th2
, Bec
, ga1c
, and ga2c
, respectively; in Th1s
classes are re-ordered according to the increasing values of
the support points for the first dimension.
and piv2s
: the same as piv1
and piv2
, but re-ordered
according to Th1s
and Th2s
and fv2
: vectors indicating the reference items for each
dimension of \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\), respectively.
: conditional response probabilities for every item and each
pair of latent classes of \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\).
and De2
: matrices of estimated regression coefficients for
the model on the class weights for \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\),
respectively, in the presence of individual covariates; for each
covariate and the constant term, the number of estimated
coefficients is equal to the number of latent classes minus one.
, Piv2
, Pp1
, Pp2
, and lkv
: optional output (obtained
if output = TRUE
) referred to the matrices of weights for every
covariate configuration for latent variables \(\mathbf U_i\) and
\(\mathbf V_i\), the matrices of the posterior probabilities for each
response configuration and latent class for latent variables
\(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\), and the values of the
log-likelihood during the estimation process, respectively.
and XX2dis
: design matrices for the covariates affecting
the first and the second vector of latent variables, respectively
(optional output obtained if output = TRUE
: value of the log-likelihood at convergence.
: number of estimated model parameters.
, bic
, and ent
: AIC, BIC, and entropy indices,
, seDe2
, seTh1
, seTh2
, seBec
, sega1
, sega2
, seth2t
, sebet
, sega1t
, sega2t
, and Vn
: standard
errors of the corresponding estimated parameters and estimated
variance-covariance matrix (if out_se = TRUE
Some relevant commands to display output from function
are based on the S3 methods summary
for the
main estimates; coef
and confint
for the point estimates and
confidence intervals (at a specified level of confidence) of support
points, item parameters, and regression coefficients; logLik
for the
value of log-likelihood at convergence; and vcov
for the estimated
variance-and-covariance matrix.
Another relevant function of package MLCIRTwithin is
, which performs the maximum likelihood
estimation of an LC-IRT model under between-item multidimensionality.
The main differences with respect to function est_multi_poly
of the R
package MultiLCIRT are that the latter does not allow for items with a
different number of response categories and refers to a slightly
different specification of item difficulties (for details see Bacci, F. Bartolucci, and M. Gnaldi 2014).
Input arguments required by est_multi_poly_between
are very similar to
those of function est_multi_poly_within
. The main difference is that
only one vector of latent variables is involved in the model
specification. Consequently, the number of latent classes (input k
) is
common to all the dimensions and the multidimensional structure of the
items is specified through one matrix (input multi
), having one row
for each dimension. Constraints on model parameters are also possible
through a suitable definition of arguments Zth
, zth
, Zbe
, zbe
, and zga
, whose functioning is the same as the corresponding
arguments in function est_multi_poly_within
. The function provides as
its main output argument a vector of estimated average weights of the
latent classes (output piv
) and a matrix of estimated support points
for each dimension and each latent class of the latent trait before
(output Th
) and after the standardization (output Ths
). Besides, a
matrix of difficulty item parameters (outputs Bec
and, in the case of
standardization, Becs
), a vector of discriminating indices (output
and, in the case of standardization, gacs
), and a matrix of
regression coefficients (output De
) are provided, other than other
output arguments similar to those above described for
, included the S3 methods.
Finally, we clarify that a model specification of type
<- est_multi_poly_between(S, k = k0, link = "global", multi = rbind(1:3, 4:6)), out1
with k0
latent classes, is substantially different from a model
specification of type
<- est_multi_poly_within(S, k1 = k0, k2 = k0, link = "global", multi1 = c(1:3),
out2 multi2 = c(4:6)).
In fact, the model corresponding to out2
involves two completely
independent latent variables, having incidentally the same number of
latent classes: thus, an individual belonging to a specific class (say,
class 1) according to the first latent variable may belong to any latent
class under the second latent variable (say, class 2). On the contrary,
model out1
involves only one latent variable decomposed in two
dimensions: thus, belonging to a given latent class under one dimension
implies belonging to the same class under the other dimension. Overall,
model out2
has k0
\(-1\) free parameters more than model out1
and search.model_between
As outlined in Section “Likelihood inference,” the selection of a
two-tier LC-IRT model may be a quite demanding procedure, requiring the
choice of the number of support points for the latent variables and a
check for the possible presence of local maxima. Function
allows us to search for the global maximum of the
log-likelihood of a model with a specific formulation (in terms of
multidimensional structure, link function, and constraints on the item
parameters) given a vector of possible number of latent classes to try
In practice, function search.model_within
applies function
a given number of times for each pair of values
for \(k_1\) and \(k_2\), initializing the estimation algorithm with
deterministic and random values of the model parameters and holding, for
each pair of \(k_1\) and \(k_2\), that model with the highest value of the
log-likelihood at convergence. To make the entire process
computationally less demanding, the search of the global maximum may be
performed with a relatively large tolerance level for checking
convergence of the estimation algorithm. Then, in order to improve the
precision of parameters estimates, the estimates provided by the model
with the best value of the log-likelihood are used as starting values in
the last step of the model selection process, using an augmented
tolerance level. Note that when \(k_1=1\) or \(k_2=1\) the model estimation
is actually performed by the function est_multi_poly_between
, which is
automatically retrieved by search.model_within
The function at issue requires the following main input arguments:
, yv
, X
, link
, disc
, difl
, multi1
, multi2
, fort
, output
, out_se
, Zth1
, zth1
, Zth2
, zth2
, Zbe
, Zga1
, zga1
, Zga2
, and zga2
: are the same as in
function est_multi_poly_within
and kv2
: vectors of number of latent classes to try for
latent variable \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\), respectively;
single values are also allowed for.
and tol2
: tolerance levels (default value are \(10^{-6}\) and
\(10^{-10}\), respectively) for checking convergence of the algorithm
as relative difference between consecutive log-likelihoods. The
value of tol1
is used for checks based on deterministic and random
starting values, whereas the value of tol2
is used for improving
the precision of estimates for the model with the best
log-likelihood level.
: constant value that drives the number of estimations of each
model with random starting values, given by nrep
\((k_1k_2 - 1)\);
the default value for nrep
is 2. In the case of nrep
equal to 0,
only the estimation with deterministic starting values is performed.
Note that if single values for kv1
and kv2
are specified and nrep
equals 0, function search.model_within
performs just one call of
function est_multi_poly_within
(or function est_multi_poly_between
if kv1
or kv2
equal 1) with option start = "deterministic"
Function search.model_within
supplies the following output:
, bicv
, and necv
: vectors of AIC, BIC, and NEC indices,
respectively, for each of the estimated models.
: trace of any error occurred during the estimation process.
: values of log-likelihood at convergence for each of the
estimated models.
: output of each single model, similar to the output of
, with the addition of values of \(k_1\)
(output k1
); \(k_2\) (output k2
); and the sequence of
log-likelihoods (output lktrace
) for the deterministic start, for
each random start, and for the final estimation provided by a
tolerance level equal to tol2
(if tol2
\(>\) tol1
Finally, we outline that a function with input and output arguments
similar to those of the function search.model_within
is available to
perform the model selection in the case of between-item multidimensional
LC-IRT models. This function is named search.model_between
and it
relies on est_multi_poly_between
In the following we illustrate package MLCIRTwithin through two data analysis examples. In Example 1 we describe the model selection procedure, as well as the interpretation of the output, considering a set of ordered items measuring two latent variables. In Example 2, the specification of constraints on the support points and on the item parameters is illustrated through the analysis of data concerning repeated item responses along two time occasions. The detailed software scripts to implement the two examples, named Example1.R and Example2.R, are available in the Supplementary Online Material at
Data set SF12_nomiss
, already provided in the R package
MLCIRTwithin, refer to a sample of 493 oncological Italian patients
who were asked to fill in the Italian validated Short Form 12 version 2
questionnaire [SF-12; Stewart and J. E. Ware (1992); Ware, M. Kosinski, D. M. Turner-Bowker, and B. Gandek (2002)] concerning the
assessment of HQOL. The questionnaire is comprised by 12 items having
five ordered response modalities, except items 2 and 3 having only three
modalities; a high score means a worse level of HQOL and vice-versa
(note that, in the original scoring system, modalities of items 9 and 10
are reversed). Also the age is available for each patient. In the
following we show the first few records of the data set and the related
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12 age1 1 0 1 1 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 74.94593
2 0 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 2 1 1 84.49829
3 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 77.44285
4 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 80.55305
6 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 81.68104
7 1 0 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 78.55168
'data.frame': 493 obs. of 13 variables:
$ Y1 : num 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 ...
$ Y2 : num 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 2 1 1 ...
$ Y3 : num 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 ...
$ Y4 : num 1 1 2 4 2 3 1 3 2 3 ...
$ Y5 : num 0 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 ...
$ Y6 : num 2 1 0 4 2 2 2 2 3 3 ...
$ Y7 : num 2 2 0 4 2 1 1 2 3 3 ...
$ Y8 : num 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 3 3 ...
$ Y9 : num 1 0 1 4 2 1 2 3 3 3 ...
$ Y10: num 1 2 1 4 2 2 1 2 2 2 ...
$ Y11: num 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 4 3 ...
$ Y12: num 0 1 1 4 2 3 1 2 3 3 ...
$ age: num 74.9 84.5 77.4 80.6 81.7 ...
# For the description of each item see the online documentation
According to the main current literature (see, mainly, Ware, M. Kosinski, D. M. Turner-Bowker, and B. Gandek 2002), the SF-12 questionnaire may be used to properly evaluate two main aspects of HQOL: physical and emotional. The standard scoring algorithm for summarizing these two latent dimensions is based on an orthogonal factor analysis, on the basis of which positive and negative weights are assigned to each item. More in detail, items 1 to 5 and item 8 have positive weights for physical HQOL and negative weights for emotional HQOL, whereas items 6, 7, 9, 11, and 12 have negative weights for physical HQOL and positive weights for emotional HQOL; item 10 has positive weights for both components. According to this scoring system, the scores of physical and emotional HQOL result by a suitable weighted average of the item responses.
A low score on physical HQOL has the following meaning (Ware and B. Gandek 1998): substantial limitations in self-care, physical, social and role activities; severe bodily pain; frequent tiredness; health rated as poor. On the contrary, a high level of physical component corresponds to: no physical limitations, disabilities or decrements in well-being; high energy level; health rated as excellent. As regards the emotional component, a low score implies: frequent psychological distress, social and role disability due to emotional problems; health rated poor. On the other hand, a high level of emotional component corresponds to: frequent positive affect; absence of psychological distress and limitations in usual social activities due to emotional problems; health rated excellent.
The main drawback of the above algorithm based on the orthogonal factor analysis is that the summary score may be inconsistent due to weights of opposite sign for the same items, as higher emotional health scores drive physical health scores down and, similarly, higher physical health scores drive emotional health scores down (Farivar, W. E. Cunningham, and R. D. Hays 2007). An alternative approach for clustering patients according to their physical and emotional health status is based on IRT analysis (see, among others, Hays, C. D. Sherbourne, and R. M. Mazel 1993). In such a context, we analyze the multidimensional structure of SF-12 questionnaire through a two-dimensional model allowing items measuring both latent variables. In more detail, we compare several plausible multidimensional structures, defined through the following matrices, with the first one referred to the physical HQOL and the second one referred to the emotional HQOL:
within-item multidimensional model with two independent latent variables and no shared item; items are allocated according to the sign of weights resulting by the factor analysis mentioned above:
<- c(1:5, 8))
1] 1 2 3 4 5 8
<- c(6:7, 9:12))
(multi1_dim2 1] 6 7 9 10 11 12 [
model with two latent variables sharing items that do not explicitly affect a specific dimension
<- c(1:5, 8:12))
1] 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12
<- c(6:12, 1))
1] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 [
multidimensional structure similar to the previous one, but with three items (9, 10, and 11) assigned only to the emotional HQOL
<- c(1:5, 8, 12))
1] 1 2 3 4 5 8 12
<- c(6:12, 1))
1] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 [
multidimensional structure similar to that defined through multi21
and multi22
, but one more item (number 8), concerning the presence
of pain, is assigned only to physical HQOL, since pain is usually
intended in terms of physical health (i.e., bodily pain)
<- c(1:5, 8, 12))
1] 1 2 3 4 5 8 12
<- c(6:7, 9:12, 1))
1] 6 7 9 10 11 12 1 [
The allocation of every item according to one of the above proposed structures is suggested by the more or less explicit reference of the item text to physical or emotional component of HQOL (or to both of them).
Considering the possible multidimensional structures above defined, we focus on models with global logit link function and free discriminating item parameters; also the effect of age on the mass probabilities is investigated.
# Item responses and covariates
<- SF12_nomiss[ , 1:12]
S <- SF12_nomiss[ , 13] X
For each type of multidimensional structure, we select the optimal
number of latent classes on the basis of BIC index according to the
procedure described in Section “Likelihood inference”. Also the check of
local maxima solutions follows the same lines described therein. For
these aims we use function search.model_within
, as follows:
### Model selection
<- 6
maxk1 <- 6
<- 10^-3
tol1 <- 10^-6
# Multidimensional structure of Type 1
<- search.model_within(S, kv1 = 1:maxk1, kv2 = 1:maxk2, X = X, link = "global",
out1 disc = TRUE, multi1 = multi1_dim1, multi2 = multi1_dim2,
fort = TRUE, tol1 = tol1, tol2 = tol2, nrep = 1)
# Multidimensional structure of Type 2
<- search.model_within(S, kv1 = 1:maxk1, kv2 = 1:maxk2, X = X, link = "global",
out2 disc = TRUE, multi1 = multi2_dim1, multi2 = multi2_dim2,
fort = TRUE, tol1 = tol1, tol2 = tol2, nrep = 1)
# Multidimensional structure of Type 3
<- search.model_within(S, kv1 = 1:maxk1, kv2 = 1:maxk2, X = X, link = "global",
out3 disc = TRUE, multi1 = multi3_dim1, multi2 = multi3_dim2,
fort = TRUE, tol1 = tol1, tol2 = tol2, nrep = 1)
# Multidimensional structure of Type 4
<- search.model_within(S, kv1 = 1:maxk1, kv2 = 1:maxk2, X = X, link = "global",
out4 disc = TRUE, multi1 = multi4_dim1, multi2 = multi4_dim2,
fort = TRUE, tol1 = tol1, tol2 = tol2, nrep = 1)
We advise that the entire estimation process may take a very long
computational time; then, we suggest to reduce the tolerance level of
the algorithm (we adopted \(10^{-3}\) instead of the default value
\(10^{-6}\) for argument tol1
and \(10^{-6}\) instead of the default value
\(10^{-10}\) for argument tol2
) and the number of repetitions with
random initializations (we specified nrep = 1
instead of the default
value nrep = 2
). Outputs out1
, out2
, out3
, and out4
contained in the file Example1.RData
, available in the supplementary
online material at
In order to select the optimal model, values of BIC index are displayed in the following 36-by-4 matrix, having one row for each model and one column for each multidimensional structure:
# BIC indices
<- cbind(out1$bicv, out2$bicv, out3$bicv, out4$bicv)
BIC colnames(BIC) <- c("Type 1", "Type 2", "Type 3", "Type 4")
<- rep(1:6, times = 1, each = 6)
k1 <- rep(1:6, times = 6)
k2 <- cbind(k1, k2, BIC)
1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
k1 k2 Type 1,] 1 1 16041.95 16041.95 16041.95 16041.95
[2,] 1 2 14952.57 14758.90 14758.90 14857.40
[3,] 1 3 14637.43 14397.05 14397.05 14523.30
[4,] 1 4 14457.90 14186.90 14186.90 14323.75
[5,] 1 5 14457.16 14182.29 14182.29 14322.70
[6,] 1 6 14456.62 14181.76 14181.76 14323.05
[7,] 2 1 15245.74 14755.76 15106.47 15106.47
[8,] 2 2 14180.93 14010.29 14071.65 14097.89
[9,] 2 3 13865.85 13721.04 13750.05 13784.53
[10,] 2 4 13686.27 13543.49 13554.24 13595.26
[11,] 2 5 13685.48 13543.77 13553.30 13599.42
[12,] 2 6 13684.91 13559.40 13563.59 13604.91
[13,] 3 1 14945.39 14292.43 14748.77 14748.77
[14,] 3 2 13880.61 13674.91 13783.16 13791.13
[15,] 3 3 13565.50 13435.72 13482.17 13495.04
[16,] 3 4 13385.96 13291.34 13303.73 13319.80
[17,] 3 5 13385.83 13294.18 13306.15 13324.50
[18,] 3 6 13392.96 13308.42 13318.83 13334.18
[19,] 4 1 14897.97 14183.55 14678.01 14678.01
[20,] 4 2 13837.48 13606.69 13728.08 13732.33
[21,] 4 3 13522.40 13369.83 13441.26 13451.80
[22,] 4 4 13342.82 13245.49 13262.09 13271.06
[23,] 4 5 13342.45 13251.35 13269.85 13277.34
[24,] 4 6 13341.56 13265.77 13271.07 13293.80
[25,] 5 1 14858.93 14122.61 14610.54 14610.54
[26,] 5 2 13851.00 13549.28 13744.75 13674.28
[27,] 5 3 13538.57 13353.08 13383.57 13387.67
[28,] 5 4 13356.25 13196.32 13215.00 13219.66
[29,] 5 5 13298.70 13207.16 13216.58 13226.12
[30,] 5 6 13298.20 13212.85 13237.74 13242.02
[31,] 6 1 14932.45 14110.19 14613.70 14613.70
[32,] 6 2 13805.78 13557.76 13683.30 13683.43
[33,] 6 3 13495.08 13339.91 13393.67 13410.61
[34,] 6 4 13311.17 13205.40 13231.35 13230.88
[35,] 6 5 13312.05 13214.68 13237.86 13240.88
[36,] 6 6 13310.90 13222.19 13241.50 13243.07 [
On the basis of the above matrix we observe that the minimum value of
the BIC index, that is, 13196.32, is displayed in column 2, denoting the
multidimensional structure of type 2, and row 28, which refers to models
with \(k_1=5\) and \(k_2=4\) latent classes. The output of the selected
model is contained in the object out2$out.single[[28]]
# Minimum BIC
min(BIC[ , 3:6])
1] 13196.32
# Detect model with the minimum BIC
arrayInd(which.min(BIC[ , -c(1:2)]), .dim = dim(BIC))
1] [,2]
[,1,] 28 2
# Number of support points for the best model
1] 5
out21] 4
# Selected model
= out2$out.single[[28]] outsel
We also observe that the same number of support points is selected for the other multidimensional structures with shared items (i.e., structures of types 3 and 4).
# Minimum BIC and selected model for multidimensional structures of types 1, 3, 4
min(BIC[, "Type 1"])
1] 13298.2
which.min(BIC[ ,"Type 1"])
1] 30
min(BIC[, "Type 3"])
1] 13215
which.min(BIC[ ,"Type 3"])
1] 28
min(BIC[, "Type 4"])
1] 13219.66
which.min(BIC[ ,"Type 4"])
1] 28 [
After selecting the number of latent classes and the type of within-item
multidimensional structure, we estimate again the selected model out
with option out_se = T
for the computation of standard errors. To
reduce the computational time, we use function est_multi_poly_within
with option start = "external"
and specified as input for options
, ga1c
, ga2c
, De1
, and De2
the corresponding output from
the selected model.
# Re-estimate model to compute standard errors
<- est_multi_poly_within(S = S, k1 = outsel$k1, k2 = outsel$k2, X = X,
out start = "external",
multi1 = multi2_dim1, multi2 = multi2_dim2,
Phi = outsel$Phi, ga1t = outsel$ga1t, ga2t = outsel$ga2t,
De1 = outsel$De1, De2 = outsel$De2,
link = "global", disc = TRUE, fort = TRUE, output = TRUE,
out_se = TRUE, disp = TRUE)
Details of the output of the estimated model may be displayed through
the usual methods summary
, coef
, and confint
### Display output of the estimated model
# summary(out)
# coef(out)
# confint(out)
# Estimates of support points and average mass probabilities for physical HQOL
<- rbind(out$Th1, t(out$piv1))
lv1 rownames(lv1) <- c("Physical HQOL", "Average prob.")
round(lv1, 3)
1 2 3 4 5
0.823 1.684 2.854 0.093 -2.024
Physical HQOL 0.199 0.387 0.310 0.083 0.021
Average prob.
# Estimates of support points and average mass probabilities for emotional HQOL
<- rbind(out$Th2, t(out$piv2))
lv2 rownames(lv2) <- c("Emotional HQOL", "Average prob.")
round(lv2, 3)
1 2 3 4
0.471 11.526 7.585 4.151
Emotional HQOL 0.149 0.141 0.390 0.321 Average prob.
According to the estimated model, patients are clustered in 5 latent
classes denoting different levels of physical HQOL (output out$Th1
and in 4 latent classes denoting different levels of emotional HQOL
(output out$Th2
). To simplify the interpretation of the latent
classes, it is useful to re-order and standardize the estimated support
points. For this aim, function est_multi_poly_within
provides the
values of support points, which are standardized according to equations
(14)-(15) and re-ordered according to
increasing values of the first dimension of the corresponding latent
variable (outputs out$Th1s
and out$Th2s
with related weights
and out$piv2s
, respectively).
# Standardized support points of physical HQOL
<- rbind(out$Th1s, t(out$piv1s))
lv1s rownames(lv1s) <- c("Stand. Physical HQOL", "Average prob.")
round(lv1s, 3)
5 4 1 2 3
-3.561 -1.517 -0.812 0.019 1.149
Stand. Physical HQOL 0.021 0.083 0.199 0.387 0.310
Average prob.
# Standardized support points of emotional HQOL
<- rbind(out$Th2s, t(out$piv2s))
lv2s rownames(lv2s) <- c("Stand. Emotional HQOL", "Average prob.")
round(lv2s, 3)
1 4 3 2
-1.667 -0.553 0.486 1.679
Stand. Emotional HQOL 0.149 0.321 0.390 0.141 Average prob.
We observe that classes 5, 4, and 1 of physical HQOL and classes 1 and 4 of emotional HQOL collect patients with negative levels of the related latent trait, whereas patients with levels of HQOL above the mean belong to the remaining classes (i.e., classes 2 and 3 for physical HQOL and classes 3 and 2 for emotional HQOL). We also observe that the distribution of physical HQOL is strongly skewed to negative values, whereas that of emotional HQOL is symmetric (Figure 2).
As concerns item parameters, the discriminating indices and the corresponding standard errors and confidence intervals are displayed as follows:
# Item discriminating parameters and related standard errors
<- cbind(out$ga1c, out$sega1c)
gamma1 colnames(gamma1) <- c("gamma1", "st.err.")
round(gamma1, 3)
gamma1 st.err.1,] 1.000 0.000
[2,] 1.988 0.329
[3,] 1.193 0.199
[4,] 3.519 0.570
[5,] 3.394 0.582
[6,] NA NA
[7,] NA NA
[8,] 1.579 0.255
[9,] -0.006 0.117
[10,] 0.732 0.151
[11,] 0.145 0.125
[12,] 1.002 0.184
<-cbind(out$ga2c, out$sega2c)
gamma2 colnames(gamma2) <- c("gamma2", "st.err.")
round(gamma2, 3)
gamma2 st.err.1,] 0.212 0.042
[2,] NA NA
[3,] NA NA
[4,] NA NA
[5,] NA NA
[6,] 1.000 0.000
[7,] 0.809 0.076
[8,] 0.128 0.037
[9,] 0.599 0.079
[10,] 0.429 0.059
[11,] 0.793 0.093
[12,] 0.606 0.074
# Confidence intervals at 95% of item discriminating parameters (columns 1-4)
[...] Output omitted
for the item parameters:
Confidence interval
gamma1_1 gamma1_2 gamma2_1 gamma2_2 beta1_1 beta1_2 beta2_1 beta2_2 beta3_1 beta3_2 beta4_1 beta4_21 1.0000 1.0000 0.1293 0.2939 0.0000 0.0000 2.2927 3.0763 5.4703 6.6560 7.0976 8.9132
2 1.3425 2.6326 NA NA -0.2428 1.8308 3.6945 6.1378 NA NA NA NA
3 0.8036 1.5825 NA NA -1.4885 -0.0974 1.1539 2.5872 NA NA NA NA
4 2.4010 4.6368 NA NA -1.3097 2.1941 1.2833 4.9066 5.2791 9.4358 8.5939 13.4278
5 2.2542 4.5348 NA NA -0.8427 2.5507 1.9437 5.5126 5.3510 9.4330 8.2434 12.8277
6 NA NA 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.4866 3.9477 5.4657 7.6420 8.4771 11.2498
7 NA NA 0.6612 0.9574 -0.4397 0.7189 1.7730 3.0777 4.1602 5.8143 7.1608 9.3353
8 1.0790 2.0796 0.0556 0.2010 -2.8325 -0.8067 0.3711 2.0693 3.0574 4.9355 4.5989 6.6225
9 -0.2348 0.2235 0.4451 0.7529 -1.9089 -0.6523 1.0767 2.2309 3.5534 5.0154 6.9565 9.1180
10 0.4366 1.0274 0.3135 0.5451 -0.7823 0.3940 1.9615 3.1901 4.6207 6.1860 7.3341 9.3617
11 -0.0999 0.3905 0.6100 0.9762 -1.1600 0.1005 1.6032 2.9576 4.8700 6.7528 7.4612 9.8398
12 0.6411 1.3637 0.4611 0.7503 -1.5644 0.0124 1.4481 2.8845 4.6337 6.4619 6.9167 9.0782
[...] Output omitted
In the previous output, the first two tables show the estimates of item
discriminating parameters \(\hat{\gamma}_{1j}\) and \(\hat{\gamma}_{2j}\),
respectively, and the related standard errors, whereas the last table
shows the corresponding inferior and superior limits of the confidence
intervals at 95% level. Entries denoted by NA
refer to those items
that do not load on the corresponding latent variable.
We observe that discriminating parameters are generally highly significant, with two notable exceptions: discriminating indices for items 9 and 11 referred to physical HQOL (i.e., parameters \(\gamma_{19}\) and \(\gamma_{1,11}\)). This result suggests that these two items do not contribute in a significant way to the measurement of physical HQOL.
The standardized estimates of parameters \(\hat{\gamma}^*_{1j}\) and \(\hat{\gamma}^*_{2j}\) are provided by
# Standardized discriminating parameters
<- rbind(out$ga1cs, out$ga2cs)
gammas rownames(gammas) <- c("Physical HQOL", "Emotional HQOL")
round(gammas, 3)
1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
[,1.036 2.059 1.236 3.645 3.516 NA NA 1.636 -0.006 0.758 0.151 1.038
Physical HQOL 0.699 NA NA NA NA 3.304 2.674 0.424 1.979 1.419 2.621 2.001 Emotional HQOL
Note that the judgment about general health (item 1) is affected by both components of HQOL, but the physical dimension has a more relevant role (\(\hat{\gamma}^*_{11}=1.036\) vs \(\hat{\gamma}^*_{21}=0.699\)). On the contrary, the self-evaluation of the consequences of physical or emotional health on social activities (item 12) is mainly affected by the emotional component of HQOL (\(\hat{\gamma}^*_{1,12}=1.038\) vs \(\hat{\gamma}^*_{2,12}=2.001\)).
We also highlight relevant differences among items in terms of difficulty, as results by the related standardized item parameters:
# Standardized difficulty parameters
round(out$Becs, 3)
cutoff1 2 3 4
item 1 -2.929 -0.245 3.134 5.076
2 -2.514 1.608 NA NA
3 -2.778 -0.115 NA NA
4 -5.414 -2.761 1.501 5.155
5 -4.795 -1.921 1.743 4.887
6 -5.979 -2.762 0.575 3.884
7 -4.700 -2.414 0.148 3.409
8 -5.215 -2.175 0.601 2.215
9 -4.853 -1.918 0.712 4.465
10 -3.979 -1.209 1.618 4.563
11 -5.514 -2.704 0.827 3.667
12 -6.066 -3.124 0.258 2.707
In particular, positive responses to items related only (items 4 and 5) or mainly (item 1) to physical HQOL require a level of the latent trait in average higher than items related only (items 6 and 7) or mainly (items 9, 11, and 12) to emotional HQOL. In other words, the emotional component of HQOL interferes less than physical component of HQOL on work, daily activities, and social life.
In the estimated model we assume an effect of patient’s age on the HQOL, according to the multinomial logit parametrization, as in equation (3). Estimates of regression coefficients \(\mathbf \delta_{1h_1}\) and \(\mathbf \delta_{2h_2}\), with \(h_1=2,3,4,5\) and \(h_2=2,3,4\), and related standard errors, are provided by:
# Effect of covariate age on physical HQOL
<- cbind(out$De1, out$seDe1)
De1 colnames(De1) <- c("delta12", "delta13", "delta14", "delta15", "se(delta12)",
"se(delta13)", "se(delta14)", "se(delta15)")
round(De1, 3)
se(delta12) se(delta13) se(delta14) se(delta15)
delta12 delta13 delta14 delta15 2.960 3.021 -0.997 -4.773 1.035 0.937 1.862 2.453
intercept -0.038 -0.043 0.002 0.039 0.017 0.015 0.026 0.035
# Effect of covariate age on emotional HQOL
<- cbind(out$De2, out$seDe2)
De2 colnames(De2) <- c("delta22", "delta23", "delta24", "se(delta22)", "se(delta23)",
round(De2, 3)
se(delta22) se(delta23) se(delta24)
delta22 delta23 delta24 0.743 2.581 1.905 0.951 0.791 0.850
intercept -0.013 -0.027 -0.019 0.015 0.013 0.014
# Confidence intervals at 95% of regression coeffic. for physical and emotional HQOL
[...] Output omitted
for the regression coefficients for the 1st latent variable:
Confidence interval
logit2_1 2_2 3_1 3_2 4_1 4_2 5_1 5_2
0.9301 4.9890 1.1833 4.8581 -4.6451 2.6520 -9.5808 0.0355
intercept -0.0709 -0.0055 -0.0717 -0.0146 -0.0489 0.0528 -0.0295 0.1075
for the regression coefficients for the 2nd latent variable:
Confidence interval
logit2_1 2_2 3_1 3_2 4_1 4_2
-1.1204 2.606 1.0306 4.1313 0.2383 3.5707
intercept -0.0434 0.017 -0.0521 -0.0021 -0.0458 0.0081 X1
We observe a negative, although not particularly significant, effect of
age on the probability to belong to a specific latent class with respect
to the worst one (i.e., class 1), for both components of HQOL. A more
parsimonious and more easily interpretable solution is provided by
specifying a global logit parametrization through option glob = TRUE
of the function est_multi_poly_within
, as follows:
# Model with global logit parametrization for covariates
<- est_multi_poly_within(S = S, k1 = 5, k2 = 4, X = X,
outgl multi1 = multi2_dim1, multi2 = multi2_dim2, link = "global",
disc = TRUE, fort = TRUE, tol = 10^-8, disp = TRUE, output = TRUE,
out_se = TRUE, glob = TRUE)
# Effect of covariate age on physical HQOL
<- cbind(outgl$De1, outgl$seDe1)
De1glob colnames(De1glob) <- c("coef", "se")
round(De1glob, 3)
coef se5.093 0.544
cutoff1 2.827 0.467
cutoff2 1.050 0.443
cutoff3 -0.777 0.477
cutoff4 -0.028 0.007
# Effect of covariate age on emotional HQOL
<- cbind(outgl$De2, outgl$seDe2)
De2glob colnames(De2glob) <- c("coef", "se")
round(De2glob, 3)
coef se2.306 0.463
cutoff1 0.664 0.453
cutoff2 -1.312 0.461
cutoff3 -0.010 0.007 X1
# Confidence intervals at 95% of regression coeffic. for physical and emotional HQOL
[...] Output omitted
for the regression coefficients for the 1st latent variable:
Confidence interval
_1 _24.0265 6.1586
cutoff1 1.9112 3.7427
cutoff2 0.1816 1.9187
cutoff3 -1.7110 0.1575
cutoff4 -0.0422 -0.0132
for the regression coefficients for the 2nd latent variable:
Confidence interval
_1 _21.3987 3.2124
cutoff1 -0.2229 1.5509
cutoff2 -2.2153 -0.4088
cutoff3 -0.0240 0.0049 X1
In such a case just one regression coefficient for each latent variable is estimated instead of \(k_1-1\) or \(k_2-1\), denoting a negative effect of patient’s age on the logit to belong to a specific class or higher with respect to a lower class.
An interesting example of a real problem that can be solved through the discrete two-tier models is encountered when a questionnaire is used on multiple waves to measure the same latent variable at each time occasion. In such a situation, following (Cai 2010) we distinguish a “specific” dimension \(U_{id_1}\) for each item within the questionnaire to capture the dependence between an individual’s responses to the same item \(d_1\) (\(d_1 = 1, \ldots, D_1\), \(D_1 = r\)) at the different occasions, and we introduce one “primary” dimension \(V_{id_2}\) for each wave \(d_2\) (\(d_2 = 1, \ldots, D_2\)), representing the latent variable of interest at a given occasion. Through a suitable choice of identifiability and equality constraints on the item parameters, it is possible to estimate the support points of \(\mathbf V_{i}\) and, then, obtain a class-specific time trajectory of the latent variable measured by the questionnaire. The resulting multidimensional structure is illustrated in Figure 3 for the case \(D_2 = 2\).
To illustrate specification and estimation of the discrete two-tier model for longitudinal data we refer to a simulated data set about 10 different types of crime committed by a cohort of 10,000 hypothetical subjects on 6 waves; each crime corresponds to a binary item, which assumes value 1 if the crime was committed and 0 otherwise. The latent variable of interest denotes the propensity to commit a crime at each time occasion. The data set is available from the R package LMest (Bartolucci and S. Pandolfi 2016).
### Load and prepare data
id sex time y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9 y101,] 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[2,] 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[3,] 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[4,] 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[5,] 1 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[6,] 1 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[7,] 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[8,] 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[9,] 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[10,] 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[11,] 2 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[12,] 2 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [
In order to simplify the illustration of the application, we keep the first two waves and five types of crime, as follows:
# Keep items: y1,y3,y5,y7,y10; keep occasions: 1, 2
<- data_criminal_sim[(data_criminal_sim[,3]==1 | data_criminal_sim[,3]==2),
criminal_red c(1:3,4,6,8,10,13)]
Moreover, in order to estimate the model at issue through the R package MLCIRTwithin, we need to reshape the data from “long” to “wide” format; we also aggregate records corresponding to the same patterns. Note that, after reshaping the data set, the total amount of items is 10, that is, 5 items observed at time 1 (\(j = 1, \ldots, 5\)) and the same 5 items observed again at time 2 (\(j = 6, \ldots, 10\)).
# Data reshape in wide format
<- data.frame(criminal_red)
criminal_red <- reshape(criminal_red, v.names = c("y1", "y3", "y5", "y7", "y10"),
crim_wide timevar = "time", idvar = "id", direction = "wide")
.1 y3.1 y5.1 y7.1 y10.1 y1.2 y3.2 y5.2 y7.2 y10.2
id sex y11 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1] 10000 12
# Aggregate records with the same pattern
<- as.matrix(crim_wide)
crim_wide <- aggr_data(crim_wide[, -1])
# Item responses, covariates, and vector of weights
<- crim_wide2$data_dis[,-1]
S <- crim_wide2$data_dis[,1]; X <- X - 1
X <- crim_wide2$freq yv
The multidimensional structure is defined through the specification of
matrices multi1
and multi2
, with multi1
referring to specific
dimensions capturing the dependence between responses to the same item
at the two different waves, whereas multi2
refers to the propensity to
commit a crime at time 1 and at time 2. Then,
\(\mathbf U_i = (U_{i1}, \ldots, U_{i5})^{\prime}\) and
\(\mathbf V_i = (V_{i1}, V_{i2})^{\prime}\); we also assume
\(k_1 = k_2 = 2\) .
### Define the multidimensional structure
<- matrix(0, nrow=5, ncol=2)
multi1 <- matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=5)
multi2 1,] <- c(6, 1)
multi1[2,] <- c(2, 7)
multi1[3,] <- c(3, 8)
multi1[4,] <- c(4, 9)
multi1[5,] <- c(5, 10)
multi1[1,] <- c(1:5)
multi2[2,] <- c(7, 6, 8:10)
multi11] [,2]
[,1,] 6 1
[2,] 2 7
[3,] 3 8
[4,] 4 9
[5,] 5 10
multi21] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[,1,] 1 2 3 4 5
[2,] 7 6 8 9 10
# Number of latent classes
<- 2
k1 <- 2 k2
The next step of the model specification consists in fixing some support points to identify the model and adding equality constraints on difficulties and discriminating indices to properly account for the longitudinal data structure, similarly to (Cai 2010). In more detail, we fix the support points of the latent variable \(\mathbf U_i\), that is, \(\mathbf u = (-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)^{\prime}\), and on the first dimension of the latent variable \(\mathbf V_i\), whereas the support points on the second dimension of \(\mathbf V_i\) are freely estimated, that is, \(\mathbf v = (-1, v_{12}, 1, v_{22})^{\prime}\): in such a way, we estimate how the propensity to commit a crime changes over the time. Moreover, we constrain difficulty and discriminating parameters of each item at time 1 to be equal to the parameters of the same item at time 2, that is, \(\beta_j = \beta_{5+j}, \gamma_{1j} = \gamma_{1, 5+j}, \gamma_{2j} = \gamma_{2, 5+j}\), with \(j = 1, \ldots, 5\).
### Specification of model constraints
# Fix support points on latent variable U
# Fix support points on the first dimension of latent variable V
# Free support points on the second dimension of latent variable V
<- matrix(0, nrow(multi1)*k1, 0))
<- c(rep(-1, times = nrow(multi1)), rep(1, times = nrow(multi1))))
(zth1 1] -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1
<- diag(nrow(multi2)*k2)[ , -c(1,3)])
(Zth2 1] [,2]
[,1,] 0 0
[2,] 1 0
[3,] 0 0
[4,] 0 1
<- c(-1, 0, 1, 0))
(zth2 1] -1 0 1 0
# Equality constraints on difficulties and discriminating indices to account
# for the longitudinal data structure
<- matrix(1, nrow(multi2), 1) %x% diag(nrow(multi1)))
(Zbe 1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[,1,] 1 0 0 0 0
[2,] 0 1 0 0 0
[3,] 0 0 1 0 0
[4,] 0 0 0 1 0
[5,] 0 0 0 0 1
[6,] 1 0 0 0 0
[7,] 0 1 0 0 0
[8,] 0 0 1 0 0
[9,] 0 0 0 1 0
[10,] 0 0 0 0 1
[<- Zbe
Zga2 <- Zbe Zga1
The final step consists in estimating the model according to the
structure specified above. The main difference with respect to the model
presented in the previous section (Example 1) is that now all items are
shared by both the latent variables \(\mathbf U_i\) and \(\mathbf V_i\) and
suitable constraints on the model parameters are introduced through
arguments Zth1
, zth1
, Zth2
, zth2
, Zbe
, Zga1
, and Zga2
according to equations (7)-(11).
<- est_multi_poly_within(S = S, yv = yv, k1 = k1, k2 = k2, X = X, link = "global",
out disc = TRUE, multi1 = multi1, multi2 = multi2, disp = TRUE,
output = TRUE, out_se = TRUE, Zth1 = Zth1, zth1 = zth1, Zth2 = Zth2,
zth2 = zth2, Zbe = Zbe, Zga1 = Zga1, Zga2 = Zga2)
Estimates of support points and item parameters may be displayed through
the usual methods summary
, coef
, and confint
### Display output
# summary(out)
# coef(out)
# confint(out)
# Support points and average weights of latent variable V
class1 2
dimension 1 -1.0000000 1.000000
2 -0.6925198 1.679367
[,1,] 0.91757919
[2,] 0.08242081
# Conditional response probabilities for latent variable V
# Note that the latent classes are numbered following an increasing order,
# starting from latent variable U
round(out$Phi[,, 3:4], 3)
= 3
, , class
item1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
category 0 0.994 0.982 0.944 0.986 0.998 0.991 0.974 0.919 0.981 0.997
1 0.006 0.018 0.056 0.014 0.002 0.009 0.026 0.081 0.019 0.003
= 4
, , class
item1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
category 0 0.897 0.799 0.551 0.874 0.882 0.758 0.618 0.335 0.758 0.628
1 0.103 0.201 0.449 0.126 0.118 0.242 0.382 0.665 0.242 0.372
We observe that 91.8% of the individuals belong to class 1, which is characterized by the smallest propensity to commit a crime, whereas the remaining 8.24% of individuals are allocated in class 2. Both classes present a tendency to increase the propensity to commit a crime from time 1 to time 2. Indeed, the estimated support points of the propensity to commit a crime at time 2 (i.e., estimates of \(v_{12}\) and \(v_{22}\)) are higher than the corresponding values at time 1, for both the latent classes (\(-0.693\) vs \(-1\) for class 1 and \(1.679\) vs \(1\) for class 2). Moreover, the conditional probabilities of observing a given crime is higher for items observed at time 2, that is, items 6 to 10, with respect to the same items observed at time 1, that is, items 1 to 5, mainly in the case of latent class 2. For instance, for an individual belonging to class 2 the conditional probability of observing a crime of type 1 equals 10.3% at time 1 and it increases to 24.2% at time 2.
Finally, we outline that the constraints specified through matrices
, Zga1
, and Zga2
result in the following estimates, which are
equal for every pair of items referring to the same type of crime
(i.e., items 1-6, 2-7, 3-8, 4-9, 5-10):
# Estimates of item parameters
<- cbind(out$Bec[1:5], out$Bec[6:10])
beta colnames(beta) <- c("time 1", "time 2")
<- cbind(out$ga1c[1:5], out$ga1c[6:10])
gamma1 colnames(gamma1) <- c("time 1", "time 2")
<- cbind(out$ga2c[1:5], out$ga2c[6:10])
gamma2 colnames(gamma2) <- c("time 1", "time 2")
beta1 time 2
time 1,] 4.994018 4.994018
[2,] 4.891019 4.891019
[3,] 2.700745 2.700745
[4,] 5.991825 5.991825
[5,] 5.544927 5.544927
gamma11 time 2
time 1,] 1.318531 1.318531
[2,] 2.195804 2.195804
[3,] 1.184268 1.184268
[4,] 2.883623 2.883623
[5,] 1.353772 1.353772
gamma21 time 2
time 1,] 1.510292 1.510292
[2,] 1.317424 1.317424
[3,] 1.311341 1.311341
[4,] 1.169848 1.169848
[5,] 2.183823 2.183823 [
In this paper we illustrate the R package MLCIRTwithin, whose main
function est_multi_poly_within
implements an Expectation Maximization
based approach to estimate the parameters of two-tier latent class item
response theory (IRT) models. This class of models, which extends in a
flexible way the class of basic IRT models, is based on two independent
vectors of latent variables. Moreover, two main assumptions hold: (i)
items are allowed to measure one or two latent variables (within-item
multidimensionality) and (ii) latent variables are assumed to have a
discrete distribution with a finite number of support points, which
identify homogeneous latent classes of individuals, and related mass
probabilities that may depend on individual covariates.
We illustrate the R package through two examples based on data about the measurement of health-related quality of life in cancer patients (Example 1) and about the measurement of the propensity to commit a crime in two time occasions (Example 2). The first example investigates the multidimensional structure of the questionnaire and is focused on the interpretation of the estimated model parameters. The second example illustrates how to treat longitudinal item responses through the specification of suitable constraints on support points and item parameters.
Both authors acknowledge the financial support from the grant FIRB (“Futuro in ricerca”) 2012 on “Mixture and latent variable models for causal inference and analysis of socio-economic data”, which is funded by the Italian Government (RBFR12SHVV). Authors are also grateful to Dr. G. Miccinesi of the Istituto per lo Studio e la Prevenzione Oncologica (Florence, IT) for making available the data used in Example 1.
MLCIRTwithin, MultiLCIRT, CDM, mirt, flirt, covLCA, lavaan, OpenMx, LMest
Econometrics, MissingData, MixedModels, OfficialStatistics, Psychometrics
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Bacci & Bartolucci, "Two-Tier Latent Class IRT Models in R", The R Journal, 2016
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2016-038, author = {Bacci, Silvia and Bartolucci, Francesco}, title = {Two-Tier Latent Class IRT Models in R}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2016}, note = {}, volume = {8}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {139-166} }