The mapmisc package provides functions for visualising geospatial data, including fetching background map layers, producing colour scales and legends, and adding scale bars and orientation arrows to plots. Background maps are returned in the coordinate reference system of the dataset supplied, and inset maps and direction arrows reflect the map projection being plotted. This is a “light weight” package having an emphasis on simplicity and ease of use.
R has extensive facilities for managing, manipulating, and visualising spatial data, with the sp (Pebesma and Bivand 2005) and raster (Hijmans 2015b) packages providing a set of object classes and core functions which numerous other packages have built on. It is fairly straightforward to import spatial data of a variety of types and from a range of sources including: images for map backgrounds; high-resolution pixel grids of surface elevation; and polygons of administrative region boundaries. Large volumes of such data are available for download from sites such as,, and, and map images are freely available from and other online maps. The first issue often encountered after downloading and importing spatial data is reconciling different coordinate reference systems (CRS’s, or map projections). Most repositories of spatial data provide longitude-latitude coordinates, although single-country data sources often use a country-specific map projection (i.e. the UK’s Ordinance Survey National Grid) and online maps mostly use the Web Mercator projection. The suitability of a particular map projection will depend on the geographic region being considered and the specific problem at hand.
The mapmisc package (Brown 2016) provides tools for working with projected data which cover the following four areas:
producing maps with projected data, including scale bars, background images, and inset maps;
defining and using equal-area map projections for displaying the entire globe;
creating optimal region-specific map projections where distances are preserved; and
mapping with colour scales for continuous and categorical data.
This paper will cover each of these points in turn, working through examples and briefly describing the operations by the functions in the mapmisc package. An emphasis is given to tidy, intuitive, and reproducible code accessible for students and non-specialists.
The two most important packages required for using spatial data in R are
the sp and raster packages, which provide tools and classes for
vector data (spatial data on a continuous domain) and raster data
(defined on a pixelated grid) respectively. Installing mapmisc with
or by using a menu item on a GUI will
install sp and raster if they are not already present. A third
important spatial package is
rgdal (Bivand et al. 2016), which
provides methods for re-projecting coordinates and importing spatial
data in various file formats. The Geographic Data Abstraction Language
(GDAL) underlies rgdal, aligning with R’s UNIX-like philosophy of
combining separate and specialised pieces of software. On most
UNIX-based systems, the GDAL and proj4 software must be installed
separately prior to installing rgdal. All versions of Windows and most
versions of MacOS have binary versions of rgdal which include the GDAL
and proj4 binaries, and rgdal can be installed in the same manner as
any other R package.
Additional packages used by mapmisc are: RColorBrewer (Neuwirth 2014), classInt (Bivand 2015), rgeos (Bivand and Rundel 2016), and geosphere (Hijmans 2015a). These four packages and rgdal are not always installed automatically with mapmisc, as they are marked as “suggested” packages with mapmisc being usable with a reduced level of functionality without them. Three further packages necessary for reproducing the examples in this paper are dismo (Hijmans et al. 2016), maptools (Bivand and Lewin-Koh 2016), and R.utils (Bengtsson 2016).
Loading the packages with
also makes sp and raster available. The remaining packages do not need to be loaded explicitly and will be called by mapmisc as needed.
The getData
function provided by raster is able to download a number
of useful and interesting spatial datasets. The coastline and borders of
Finland can be fetched with
finland <- raster::getData("GADM", country = "FIN", level = 0)
The object finland
is a “SpatialPolygonsDataFrame”, and Bivand et al. (2013) contains
a wealth of information on working with objects of this type. The
plot(finland, axes = TRUE)
produces the plot in Figure 1a.
The choice of Finland as an example is due to its being far from the equator, and a useful contrast on the other side of the world is New Zealand. The coastline of New Zealand, obtained with
nz <- raster::getData("GADM", country = "NZL", level = 0)
includes a number of small outlying islands. The spatial extent of the
## class : Extent
## xmin : -179
## xmax : 179
## ymin : -52.6
## ymax : -29.2
spans the entire globe in the
plot(nz, xlim = c(167, 178), axes = TRUE)
and the map in Figure 1b.
The outlying islands can be removed from the nz
object using the
function in the raster package, which in turn calls rgeos.
Using the locator
function and a few iterations of trial and error
leads to the discovery that a region spanning 160 to 180 degrees
longitude and extent
object and passing it
to crop
nzClip <- raster::crop(nz, extent(160, 180, -47, -30))
The finland
and nzClip
objects will be used in the mapping examples
which follow.
This section covers mapping projected data and defining customised map
projections. Adding background images, scale bars, and inset maps to
plots with the
, openmap
, scaleBar
, and insetMap
functions is demonstrated in the production of
Figure 2. Map projections suitable for displaying the
entire globe are constructed with the moll
function, and along with
the wrapPolys
function Figure 5 is made. Map
projections where Euclidean distances from omerc
function and used to produce
Figure 7.
The spatial coordinates in Figures 1a and
1b are angles of longitudes and latitudes; coordinates
which would be equivalent to the two angles of the spherical coordinate
system CRS
function from the sp package.
## CRS arguments:
## +init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84
## +towgs84=0,0,0
The syntax of +argument=value
for specifying a CRS comes from the
PROJ.4 Cartographic Projections
Library, with +proj=longlat
indicating coordinates are angles and ellps=WGS84
specifying that the
Earth is an ellipsoid with values of the major axis length, minor axis
length, and flattening corresponding to the WGS84 specification.
The difficulty angular coordinates pose for interpreting maps or using
spatial statistics is that Euclidean distance spDists
function in sp. Euclidean distance will
be roughly proportional to Great Circle distance for two points near the
equator and reasonably close to one another. In Finland and New Zealand,
however, Euclidean distance will over-emphasise the east-west direction
since one degree of longitude is a much shorter distance (in kilometres)
than one degree of latitude. It is for this reason that Greenland
appears larger than India on many maps even though the opposite is true.
Most R packages which perform spatial analyses rely on Euclidean
distance, including this author’s
(Brown 2015), even though Great Circle distance would be straightforward
to implement. Fitting a spatial model with geostatsp to data in
long-lat coordinates from Finland might uncover directional effects with
strong correlation in the east-west direction, which could well be an
artefact arising from the over-estimation of east-west distances. The
importance of transforming spherical coordinates to a coordinate system
where the Euclidean distance is a reasonable approximation to the Great
Circle distance should not be under-estimated.
Most countries have an “official” CRS which produces accurate Euclidean
distances for specific areas of the globe, one of which is the Finland
Uniform Coordinate System
having EPSG code 2393. This projection is obtained in R by CRS
## CRS arguments:
## +init=epsg:2393 +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=27 +k=1 +x_0=3500000 +y_0=0
## +ellps=intl +towgs84=-96.062,-82.428,-121.753,4.801,0.345,-1.376,1.496
## +units=m +no_defs
This is a Transverse Mercator projection (+proj=tmerc
) with +lon_0=27
indicates that the cylinder touches the Earth along
the spTransform
from sp and rgdal with
finlandMerc <- spTransform(finland, CRS("+init=epsg:2393"))
Figure 1c is the result of plotting this object with
plot(finlandMerc, axes = TRUE)
. Notice the projected map has a wider
base and narrower top than the long-lat map in
Figure 1a. The coordinates in
Figure 1c refer to an origin where the +x_0=
argument above
indicating that 3,500km are added to the
Cylindrical map projections can be constructed from any cylinder
containing the Earth, and there is no mathematical requirement to use
one of the standard transverse Mercator projections with an EPSG number.
For example, a given user might consider the point
function. A custom projection with
nzCrs <- omerc(c(170, -45), angle = 40)
## CRS arguments:
## +proj=omerc +lat_0=-45 +lonc=170 +alpha=40 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +gamma=0
## +ellps=WGS84 +units=m
The difference between the above and the projection for Finland is the
in place of tmerc
, with the additional argument +alpha=40
specifying an angle. The New Zealand coastline can be projected to this
CRS with spTransform
nzRot <- spTransform(nzClip, nzCrs)
Figure 1d results from executing
plot(nzRot, axes = TRUE)
, and New Zealand has been rotated
When choosing a map projection for a dataset, a simple web search of a
phrase such as “map projection finland epsg” will often give clear
advice as to what the most commonly used national CRS is. A number of
tools in rgdal can be used to obtain a projection in a more systematic
manner. Below the make_EPSG
function creates a table of all EPSG coded
CRS’s which rgdal supports, and a grep
command used to show all
those projections with “Finland” in its description. The resulting list
of projections below confirms that 2393 is a sensible choice.
allEpsg <- rgdal::make_EPSG()
allEpsg[grep("Finland", allEpsg$note), 1:2]
## code note
## 859 2391 # KKJ / Finland zone 1
## 860 2392 # KKJ / Finland zone 2
## 861 2393 # KKJ / Finland Uniform Coordinate System
## 862 2394 # KKJ / Finland zone 4
## 1853 3386 # KKJ / Finland zone 0
## 1854 3387 # KKJ / Finland zone 5
## 4929 3901 # KKJ / Finland Uniform Coordinate System + N60 height
A second method for obtaining a CRS is to make a rough guess at a
projection string and use showEPSG
to attempt to find a corresponding
EPSG code. Were one to use a Universal Transverse Mercator (or UTM)
projection for a map of Finland, a web search for “UTM zone map” shows
that Finland lies in UTM zone 35. A proj4 specification of a UTM zone 35
projection will contain +proj=utm
and +zone=35
, and showEPSG
states that the EPSG code 32635 corresponds to an appropriate CRS.
rgdal::showEPSG("+proj=utm +zone=35")
## [1] "32635"
## CRS arguments:
## +init=epsg:32635 +proj=utm +zone=35 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
## +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
The definitive resource for information on national map projections is
contained in the monthly bulletins of The Imaging and Geospatial
Information Society. The GridsDatums
data set
in rgdal gives the year and month for each country’s entry at
The entry for
appears in the October 2006 issue.
data("GridsDatums", package = "rgdal")
GridsDatums[grep("Finland", GridsDatums$country), ]
## country month year ISO
## 100 Republic of Finland (October) 2006 FIN
The mapmisc functions openmap
, scaleBar
, and insetMap
can be used together to improve on the basic maps in Figure
1, and they are used here to add background images, a
scale bar, and an inset map to Figure 2.
Background map images are obtained from the openmap
function, which
downloads image files from
or a number of other sources. The images used in
Figure 2 were obtained with
nzBg <- openmap(nzRot, path = "mapquest-sat")
finlandBg <- openmap(finlandMerc, path = "landscape")
The first argument of openmap
is used to set both the spatial extent
of the map to be retrieved and the CRS the map will be projected to. Any
spatial object x
for which extent(x)
and projection(x)
are defined
can be provided to openmap
. The path =
argument specifies the source
of the map, and sample maps from the various sources are shown in
Figure 11 in the Appendix. The objects produced by
are raster objects, converted from image files downloaded from
web map servers. The Finland map is an object of class “RasterLayer”.
## class : RasterLayer
## dimensions : 768, 376, 288768 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution : 2747, 2252 (x, y)
## extent : 2889952, 3922969, 6183827, 7913059 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +init=epsg:2393 +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=27 +k=1 +x_0=3500000 +...
## data source : in memory
## names : landscape
## values : 1, 1022 (min, max)
Notice that the CRS is the same as for the finlandMerc
object. The New
Zealand map is a “RasterStack” with red, green and blue layers.
## class : RasterStack
## dimensions : 512, 289, 147968, 3 (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
## resolution : 5237, 5190 (x, y)
## extent : -1e+06, 510285, -977333, 1680003 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=omerc +lat_0=-45 +lonc=170 +alpha=40 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +gam...
## names : mapquest.satRed, mapquest.satGreen, mapquest.satBlue
## min values : 0, 0, 0
## max values : 248, 250, 247
The Finland map can be viewed with plot(finlandBg)
, whereas the
three-layered New Zealand map needs the plotRGB
function for plotting
its red, green and blue values as colours.
Figure 2a is produced with the four function calls below., 0.8)
plot(finlandBg, add = TRUE)
plot(finlandMerc, add = TRUE)
scaleBar(finlandMerc, "bottomright")
insetMap(finlandMerc, "right", width = 0.3, cropInset = extent(0, 180, -50, 70))
The functions run are the following:
initialises a new plot area suitable for showing
. The second argument set to 0.8
specifies that the
left 80% of the plot will contain the map and the right 20% will be
reserved for legends or inset maps.
plot(finlandBg, add = TRUE)
adds the background map to the
existing plot.
plot(finlandMerc, add = TRUE)
adds the border of Finland from the
produces the 200km scale and north arrow at the bottom
right. The finlandMerc
object is required to inform scaleBar
that the Finland Uniform Coordinate System is used, and
scaleBar(CRS("+init=epsg:2393"), "bottomright")
would have
achieved the same effect.
produces the small map to the right, showing in red on
the inset map the area covered by the plot. As with scaleBar
uses finlandMerc
to obtain the CRS of the map coordinates. The
argument specifies the width of the inset map as a fraction
of the plotting region. The cropInset
argument produces an inset
map where New Zealand (at
The New Zealand map in Figure 2b is produced with similar code., 0.8)
plotRGB(nzBg, add = TRUE)
rgdal::llgridlines(nzRot, col = "yellow")
plot(nzRot, add = TRUE, border = "red")
scaleBar(nzRot, "left")
insetMap(nzRot, "right", width = 0.3, cropInset = extent(0, 180, -50, 70))
The use of plotRGB
in place of plot
is used for the background map,
and the scale bar has been placed at the centre-left. The llgridlines
function from rgdal added latitude and meridian lines in yellow.
The images in Figure 2 have dimensions of 4 by 5
inches, saved as png
files with 72 pixels per inch. Executing the code
above in an interactive R session will likely produce maps with a
slightly different appearance unless the graphics window has these same
dimensions. This document is produced with
knitr (Xie 2015), and the
figure dimensions are set with the fig.height =
and fig.width =
options to code chunks.
The map images in finlandBg
and nzBg
were retrieved from and
MapQuest respectively, and although they are
free to use and reproduce they must be attributed. The
function produces an attribution for an object
produced by openmap
or a string valid as a path =
argument for
. An attribution for nzBg
(or "mapquest-sat"
), as in the
caption for Figure 2, is produced with
openmapAttribution(nzBg, short = TRUE)
## mapquest.sat
## "Tiles courtesy of MapQuest("
The Acknowledgements section of this paper has used this function
without the short = TRUE
## landscape
## "copyright contributors. Data by
# available under the Open Database License (,
# cartography by"
The additional argument type = "latex"
is used in the source code for
this paper, and type = "markdown"
is also available.
There are a number of potential pitfalls involved when using background
map images with projected data, and this section will describe some
additional options to openmap
which can help in this
Two undesirable features of Figure 2a are the white
triangular section in the top left of the map, and the low resolution
and lack of legibility of the names of towns and cities. How this arose
can be understood by contrasting the map image retrieved from in Figure
3a with the Finland Uniform Coordinate System
map in Figure 3b. The map in Figure
3a uses coordinates in the Spherical Mercator
projection, where a vertically-oriented cylinder is wrapped around a
spherical Earth at the equator,
The map images provided by and elsewhere are
available at different zoom levels or resolutions. A map at zoom level 0
is a 256 by 256 pixel image covering the entire world. Zoom level 1
covers the world in 4 “map tiles” of 256 by 256 pixels, and zoom level
with the zoom =
argument, or indirectly with
the maxTiles =
argument. With the default value of maxTiles = 9
will find the highest zoom level where the number of map tiles
required to cover the spatial object supplied is at most 9. The
map has a zoom level of 5 and 6 tiles, giving a 376 by 768
pixel image. This information is contained in an attribute of
## $tiles
## [1] 6
## $zoom
## [1] 5
## $path
## landscape
## ""
## [1] 768 376 1
When openmap
projects the downloaded map tiles to the Finland CRS
(using projectRaster
from the raster package), a number of pixels
from the original map are lost or put out of position and the text can
become mangled.
A partial solution for improving projected images is best illustrated
with the rotated CRS used for New Zealand. Figure 4a
shows a map of Auckland, New Zealand, in the Spherical Mercator
projection provided by,
and the rotated Oblique Mercator projection used earlier is used for the
map in Figure 4b. The map images are obtained by
creating a “SpatialPoints” object for the location of Auckland in
long-lat coordinates and projecting it to the CRS of the nzRot
from Figure 2b.
aucklandLL <- SpatialPoints(data.frame(x = 174.764204, y = -36.853744),
proj4string = crsLL)
auckland <- spTransform(aucklandLL, projection(nzRot))
is an object in mapmisc specifying the WGS84 projection,
identical to CRS("+init=epsg:4326)
. The map in
Figure 4b is retrieved below.
aucklandBg <- openmap(auckland, buffer = 3000, maxTiles = 4)
The buffer =
argument specifies an additional area around auckland
which the map should cover (in this case 3km), and specifying
maxTiles = 4
will select the highest zoom level which is able to cover
the map region with four or fewer tiles. A map at the same zoom level in
the Spherical Mercator projection, for Figure 4a, is
obtained next.
aucklandBgMerc <- openmap(auckland, zoom = attributes(aucklandBg)$tiles$zoom,
path = attributes(aucklandBg)$tiles$path, crs = crsMerc)
The crsMerc
object gives the Spherical Mercator projection.
## CRS arguments:
## +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0
## +k=1.0 +units=m +no_defs
Figure 4c shows only the area within 3km of the
object, produced by adding the buffer = 3000
argument to
., buffer = 3000)
plot(aucklandBg, add = TRUE)
scaleBar(auckland, "topleft")
One problem with Figure 4b has been resolved, since
the displayed area is entirely contained within the map image. The text
in Figure 4c is visibly distorted, and the
distortion is reduced by increasing the resolution of the image prior to
re-projection. The fact = 4
argument to the call to openmap
increases the resolution of the raster by a factor of 4, creating 16
times the number of pixels, yielding the map in Figure
aucklandFine <- openmap(auckland, buffer = 3000,
zoom = attributes(aucklandBg)$tiles$zoom, fact = 4), buffer = 3000)
plot(aucklandFine, add = TRUE)
scaleBar(auckland, "topleft")
Re-projecting rasters is computationally intensive, and openmap
require considerable running time when the zoom level or fact
are large.
This section covers producing maps of the entire globe using the
functions moll
, wrapPoly
, and gridlinesWrap
. A number of different
Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS’s) are used to display maps of the
world, and Munroe (2011) is a useful introduction to some of the most popular of
these. Figure 5a shows the world in a Mollweide
projection (Wikipedia 2015b), an equal-area CRS with the property that the
sizes of polygons on the map are roughly proportional to their true
surface areas. Figures 5b, 5e and
5f use Mollweide projections with different origins and
angles of orientation, projections which are obtainable with mapmisc.
Polygons corresponding to the borders of the countries of the world are
contained in the wrld_simpl
object from the maptools package, and
this object will be used to produce the images in
Figure 5. The object is loaded with
data("wrld_simpl", package = "maptools")
## class : SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
## features : 246
## extent : -180, 180, -90, 83.6 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0
## variables : 11
## names : FIPS, ISO2, ISO3, UN, NAME, AREA, POP2005, REGION, ...
## min values : , AD, ABW, 10, Aaland Islands, 0, 0.00e+00, 0, ...
## max values : ZI, ZW, ZWE, 96, Zimbabwe, 99545, 9.94e+04, 9, ...
and a selection of R’s named colours is assigned to the countries as follows.
colVec <- grep("gray|white|snow|ivory|turquoise|blue|[1-3]", colours(distinct = TRUE),
invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
wrld_simpl$col <- rep_len(colVec, length(wrld_simpl))
The moll
function creates “CRS” objects for Mollweide projections,
which can be used with spTransform
to compute a Mollweide projection
of wrld_simpl
mollCrs <- moll()
worldMoll <- spTransform(wrld_simpl, mollCrs)
This “CRS” object is specified with a string similar to those seen
earlier, with +proj=moll
being the defining feature.
## CRS arguments:
## +proj=moll +lon_wrap=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84
## +units=m +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0
The moll
function adds two additional attributes to the “CRS” object
produced, one of which is the “ellipse” object containing the spatial
extent of the Earth in this projection.
## [1] "projargs" "class" "crop" "ellipse"
function uses the “ellipse” attribute to define the
plotting region and add the light blue background in
Figure 5a., col = "lightblue")
plot(worldMoll, add = TRUE, col = worldMoll$col,
border = col2html("black", opacity = 0.2))
gridlinesWrap(worldMoll, lty = 2, col = "red")
The standard Mollweide projection is symmetric about the moll
function, which adds Hawaii’s longitude to the +lon_wrap
and +lon_0
components of the CRS.
(mollHawaii <- moll(geocode("hawaii")))
## CRS arguments:
## +proj=moll +lon_wrap=-155.5827818 +lon_0=-155.5827818 +x_0=0 +y_0=0
## +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0
A difficulty with this Hawaiian Mollweide projection is that the
meridian line along which the world is split runs through many of the
polygons in wrld_simpl
. The spTransform
function used with this
projection produces the polygons in Figure 5c, with
horizontal lines connecting the two halves of polygons which have been
split. The wrapPoly
function in mapmisc addresses this problem by
splitting the affected polygons prior to their projection, using the
“crop” attribute of the “CRS” object produced by moll
worldHawaii <- wrapPoly(wrld_simpl, mollHawaii)
The red vertical line in Figure 5d is produced from
, and the function gDifference
rgeos is called by wrapPoly
to remove the portion of each polygon
intersecting with this line.
A Mollweide projection need not have a north-south orientation, and an
Oblique Mollweide projection can be constructed by rotating the globe’s
long-lat coordinates to produce different origins and orientations.
Figure 5e positions Jerusalem at the centre of the
Earth (standard practice for cartographers during the middle ages), and
at Jerusalem the “up” direction is
(mollOblique <- moll(geocode("jerusalem"), angle = 35))
## CRS arguments:
## +proj=ob_tran +o_proj=moll +o_lon_p=-42.7134520141079
## +o_lat_p=44.2305998589378 +lon_0=-17.7121046024056
## +lon_wrap=-17.7121046024056 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
## +towgs84=0,0,0
This string specifies two projections are to be applied. First,
rotates the long-lat coordinates to move the north pole
to the coordinate (+o_proj=moll
applies a Mollweide projection to these rotated coordinates using
Figure 5e is produced by first re-projecting the world
map with wrapPoly
worldOblique <- wrapPoly(wrld_simpl, mollOblique)
Adding red longitude and latitude grid lines with this projection cannot
be done with the llgridlines
function from rgdal, as the same
horizontal striping seen in Figure 5c will result. The
function from mapmisc breaks the grid lines in the
same manner as wrapPoly
, and adds the red graticule lines as follows., col = "lightblue")
plot(worldOblique, add = TRUE, col = worldOblique$col,
border = col2html("black", 0.2))
gridlinesWrap(worldOblique, lty = 2, col = "red")
Figure 5f uses an Oblique Mollweide centred in the
Pacific ocean with a
crsN <- moll(c(-140, 40), angle = 85)
Unlike the red line of the Hawaiian projection in Figure 5d, the green and blue curves showing where the globe is wrapped for the two Oblique Mollweide projections lie in the ocean for the most part.
Truth | Spherical Mercator | Greenwich | Hawaii | Jerusalem | Pacific | |
Canada | 9.98 | 49.72 | 9.74 | 9.79 | 9.61 | 9.66 |
Congo | 2.35 | 2.36 | 2.34 | 1.95 | 2.34 | 2.34 |
ratio | 4.26 | 21.08 | 4.17 | 5.03 | 4.11 | 4.13 |
Table 1 computes the surface areas of Canada and the Congo
by using the gArea
function from rgeos on different transformations
of the wrld_simpl
polygons. The first column shows the true surface
areas (according to Wikipedia) and the third row shows the ratio of
Canada’s surface area to the Congo’s. The Spherical Mercator projection
vastly over-represents the size of Canada and the four Oblique Mollweide
projections are consistent in underestimating the area by a small
amount. The Congo is poorly served by the Hawaiian projection, which is
unsurprising as this projection splits the Congo through the middle.
This section describes the use of the omerc
function for defining
Oblique Mercator projections. Two methods of optimising map projections
are implemented, with the angle of rotation chosen to produce the most
compact bounding box possible or to preserve distances between a
collection of points.
Compact representations minimising the number of void cells (i.e. those falling in the ocean) offer computational advantages when used with statistical models or software requiring data on a grid, such as the Markov random field based methods used in Brown (2015). Figure 6 shows New Zealand rotated in order to produce a compact plotting area, with bounding box having the greatest possible proportion of its area made up of land mass. This projection also minimises the number of vertical inches which Figure 6 takes up on the page, which is the reason a clockwise rotation is used in place of the anti-clockwise rotation from Figure 2b.
The omerc
function calculates these ad-hoc projections based on the
object to be re-projected and a vector of rotation angles. The first
argument below is the nzClip
object containing the cropped boundary of
New Zealand, and the origin of the Oblique Mercator projection will be
its centroid. A sequence of Oblique Mercator projections using Great
Circles angled between 10 and 50 degrees from the north will be
formulated, and the bounding box of New Zealand in each projection will
be computed. The projection returned by omerc
uses the angle giving
the smallest such box, with the argument +alpha=
showing an
(nzRotOptCrs <- omerc(nzClip, seq(10, 50, by = 0.5), post = "wide"))
## CRS arguments:
## +proj=omerc +lat_0=-40.565 +lonc=172.502 +alpha=18.5 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0
## +gamma=90 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m
A positive angle rotates the coordinate axes clockwise, which gives the
resulting map the appearance of being rotated anti-clockwise. An Oblique
Mercator’s Great Circle becomes the post = "wide"
in omerc
specifies that a short
and wide bounding box is required, and this is accomplished by rotating
the planar +gamma=90
New Zealand is re-projected and a new background map in this projection is produced below.
nzRotOpt <- spTransform(nzClip, nzRotOptCrs)
nzBgRot <- openmap(nzRotOpt, path = "cartodb", buffer = 20000, fact = 2)
Figure 6 is produced with the following., 0.8)
plot(nzBgRot, add = TRUE)
plot(nzRotOpt, add = TRUE, border = "red")
plot(extent(nzRotOpt), add = TRUE, col = "blue")
scaleBar(nzRotOpt, "bottomright", bty = "n")
insetMap(nzRotOpt, "topright", cropInset = extent(0, 180, -50, 70), width = 0.2)
Here we seek the parameters of an Oblique Mercator projection that would
preserve at best the Euclidean distances among a set of points on the
surface of the Earth. This is particularly useful for large countries
away from the equator and we will use Canada as an example.
Figure 7 shows Canada in six different CRS’s, the
first of which is an Oblique Mercator optimised to preserve distances
between 12 provincial and territorial capital cities. Unlike the New
Zealand projection, however, the
Oblique Mercator projections are defined by an origin and an angle of
rotation, only the latter is optimised by the omerc
function while the
origin is set by the user. Here we will set the origin somewhat
arbitrarily as the town of Flin Flon, Manitoba, as an alternative to the
centroid-based origin used earlier. Residents of Toronto, this author
included, affectionately refer to their city as “The Centre of the
The locations of the cities required to compute this projection (Flin
Flon and the provincial capitals) can be retrieved from
Google using the dismo package. A wrapper for
the geocode
function in mapmisc converts the data retrieved by
dismo to a “SpatialPointsDataFrame” object.
provincialCapitals <- mapmisc::geocode(c("Vancouver, BC", "Edmonton, AB", "Regina",
"Winnipeg", "Toronto, ON", "Quebec city", "Fredericton", "Charlottetown",
"Halifax, NS", "St Johns, NL", "Iqaluit", "Whitehorse", "Yellowknife"),
verbose = TRUE)
flinflon <- mapmisc::geocode("Flin Flon")p
The names of the provincial capitals and the location of Flin Flon are below.
## [1] "Vancouver" "Edmonton" "Regina" "Winnipeg"
## [5] "Toronto" "Quebec City" "Fredericton" "Charlottetown"
## [9] "Halifax" "St John's" "Iqaluit" "Whitehorse"
## [13] "Yellowknife"
## longitude latitude
## 1 -102 54.8
The arguments given in the call to omerc
below consist of: x
as the origin of the projection; angle
giving a sequence of
rotation angles to be considered; post = "north"
specifying that the
planar coordinates should be inverse-rotated to preserve the north
direction; and preserve
supplying the locations of the provincial
capitals other than Iqaluit (the northerly capital of Nunavut) for
calculating the distances which the projections will seek to preserve.
(cproj <- omerc(x = flinflon, angle = seq(-85, 85, by = 0.25), post = "north",
preserve = provincialCapitals[provincialCapitals$name != "Iqaluit", ]))
## CRS arguments:
## +proj=omerc +lat_0=54.766 +lonc=-101.876 +alpha=-83.5 +k=0.998 +x_0=0
## +y_0=0 +gamma=-83.498 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m
The projection above uses an origin (specified by lat
and longc
) at
the coordinates of Flin Flon and a cylinder tangent to the Earth along a
Great Circle angled alpha
). The
k = 0.998
component of the CRS scales the coordinates down by a small
amount (0.2%). Although pairs of points along the Great Circle will have
Euclidean distances and Great Circle distances being equal, the
provincial capitals are some distance from this Great Circle and without
scaling their Euclidean distances would overestimate true distances by
0.2%. The gamma = -83.5
component appears as a consequence of having
used the post = "north"
option, rotating the coordinates on the
cylinder so that a vertical line passing through the origin contains
points which are directly north or south of each other.
Two cities on Figure 7 for whom coordinates have
not yet been retrieved are Kitimat, British Columbia, and the hamlet of
Grise Fiord, Canada’s most northerly civilian settlement
moreCities <- mapmisc::geocode(c("Grise Fiord", "Kitimat"))
cities <- bind(provincialCapitals, moreCities, flinflon)
Also shown is the Great Circle which forms the
gcircle <- SpatialPoints(geosphere::greatCircleBearing(flinflon@coords, -83.75),
proj4string = CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
Mollweide |
Five projections in addition to the Oblique Mercator are shown in Figure
7: a Lambert Conformal Conic projection used by
the Atlas of Canada (EPSG code 3347); a Two-Point Equidistant projection
based on the cities of Edmonton and Toronto (obtained from tpeqd
); a
Mollweide projection centred on Flin Flon; the Spherical Mercator used
by and other internet sites; and longitude-latitude or
angular coordinates. A list is created containing these four projections
using mapmisc’s tpeqd
function in part.
crsList <- list("Oblique Merc" = cproj, "Lambert" = CRS("+init=epsg:3347"),
"2pt Equidist" = tpeqd(cities[cities$name %in% c("Edmonton", "Toronto"), ]),
"Mollweide" = moll(flinflon, angle = 0), "Spherical Merc" = mapmisc::crsMerc,
"Long-Lat" = mapmisc::crsLL)
The cities and Great Circle are transformed to each of the projections
with mapply
citiesT <- mapply(spTransform, CRSobj = crsList, MoreArgs = list(x = cities))
Code for retrieving background maps and for producing Figure 7 appears in the Appendix.
Notable features in Figure 7 are the Spherical
Mercator’s overemphasis of the high Arctic regions, the downward slope
of the Lambert projection, the upward slope of the Two-Point Equidistant
map, and the “skinny” appearance of the Mollweide. The Oblique
Mercator’s Great Circle, passing through Flin Flon, Halifax and Kitimat
at a nearly horizontal
Oblique Merc | Lambert | 2pt Equidist | Mollweide | Spherical Merc | |
south | |||||
mean | |||||
sd | |||||
north | |||||
mean | |||||
sd |
Table 2 compares Euclidean distance to true (or Great
Circle) distance for each of the map projections, with the percentage by
which the former overestimates the latter for each pair of cities
summarised. The first two rows give the mean and standard deviation for
the percentage of overestimation of distances between the southern
locations (which exclude Grise Fiord, Iqaluit, Whitehorse, and
Yellowknife). The Oblique Mercator’s underestimation by 0.05% betters
the other projections, and the Mollweide’s 6.7% underestimation is
excusable given the projection’s aim of preserving areas rather than
distances. The Lambert’s 0.23% underestimation appears respectable
though the comparatively large standard deviation of 1.03% indicates
several city pairs with Euclidean distances deviating several percent
from their true separations. Distances involving at least one of the
four northern locations are less accurate for all projections (the
Mollweide notwithstanding), and the Oblique Mercator’s 1.7%
overestimation betrays the fact that these northern points were not part
of omerc
’s optimisation criteria. The Two-Point Equidistant projection
is notable in its consistency and accuracy, and the Lambert projection
does not appear to be a CRS which statisticians should consider using
for points in Canada when accuracy of Euclidean distances is the primary
A separate set of facilities in mapmisc, complementing but disjoint
from the tools related to map projections, assists with the use of
colour scales and legends for maps in R. The RColorBrewer package
gives R users access to the popular ColorBrewer collection of palettes,
all of which are displayed in Table 4 in the
Appendix. These colours can be used with the functions in the classInt
package to create colour scales, and the venerable legend
function is
extremely versatile in its ability to create map legends. The steps
involved in defining and using colour scales have been streamlined and
consolidated into the colourScale
, legendBreaks
and legendTable
functions in mapmisc. The process of creating suitable bins, assigning
colours to data points based on these bins, specifying transparency when
overlaying colours on background maps, and displaying the intervals and
colours in a legend has been simplified as much as possible in
mapmisc, although at least five separate lines of R code are required
to produce a single map.
Consider, as a motivating example, the task of visualising the spatial variation in fertility rates in Europe using data available from the statistical office of the European Union (EUROSTAT). EUROSTAT divides the territory of the European Union and several adjoining nations into statistical units organised in a hierarchical system named “nomenclature des unités territoriales statistiques” and given the memorable acronym of NUTS.Social and demographic data on the statistical units are available at, and their boundaries can be obtained from Figure 8 shows the fertility rate in 2010 for 456 units of level 2 in NUTS.
Code in the Appendix for downloading and merging the boundary files and
fertility rates produces a “SpatialPolygonsDataFrame” object
.Each polygon in the object is a territorial unit, and fertility
rates for each unit are provided for the years 2001 to 2012 inclusive.
## class : SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
## features : 456
## extent : -24.5, 44.8, 34.6, 71.2 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +no_defs
## variables : 29
## names : NUTS_ID, STAT_LEVL_, SHAPE_Leng, SHAPE_Area, age.geo.time, X2013, ...
## min values : AT, 0, 0.134, 1.00e+00, TOTAL,AT, 0.96 , ...
## max values : UKN0, 2, 9.946, 9.96e-01, TOTAL,UKN0, 3.75 , ...
The polygons are transformed to the European Terrestrial Reference System (EPSG code 3034) below.
euroF <- spTransform(euroF, CRS("+init=epsg:3034"))
Colours in Figure 8 relate to the X2010
variable in
(fertility in 2010), with the colours themselves taken from the
“Spectral” palette of RColorBrewer. Below the colourScale
creates eight bins (breaks = 8
) for values of euroF$X2010
, reversing
the colours so that blues correspond to low values and reds are large
values (rev = TRUE
ecol <- colourScale(euroF$X2010, col = "Spectral", breaks = 8, rev = TRUE,
style = "jenks", dec = 1, opacity = 0.5)
The style
argument controls how the breaks are computed, and the
option corresponds to the “natural breaks” algorithm from
(Jenks and Caspall 1971) (see also Pebesma and Bivand 2005 3.5.2) implemented in the
function of the classInt package. A number of
clustering algorithms for defining break points are provided by
, and the options for the style =
argument described
in the help files for classIntervals
are all available using the
identically named argument in colourScale
. The break points are
rounded to one decimal place as a consequence of the dec = 1
and the opacity = 0.5
option gives the plotted colours 50%
The result of a call to colourScale
is a list containing the break
points for bins (breaks
), colours associated with the bins (col
and a vector of length 456 (plot
) with one colour per region.
## [1] "col" "breaks" "colOpacity" "plot"
## [1] 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.9 3.8
## [1] "#3288BD" "#66C2A5" "#ABDDA4" "#E6F598" "#FEE08B" "#FDAE61" "#F46D43"
## [8] "#D53E4F"
## [1] 456
The breaks
and col
elements are used for displaying a legend,
whereas the plot
element can be passed as a col =
argument when
running plot
on a “SpatialPoints” or “SpatialPolygons” object.
Following the retrieval of the background map with
euroMap <- openmap(euroF, path = "osm-no-labels")
Figure 8, minus the country names, can be produced as follows.
plot(euroMap, add = TRUE)
plot(euroF, col = ecol$plot, add = TRUE, border = "lightgrey")
legendBreaks("topright", ecol, title = "fertility", bg = "white")
scaleBar(euroF, "bottom", bty = "n")
Notice the col = ecol$plot
argument specifying the colours with which
each region is filled, and that the borders of each region were given by
border = "lightgrey"
. The legend on the right is added with
, which passes most of its arguments to the standard
function from the graphics package. The role of
is to ensure the 9 numeric break points are printed near
the boundaries between the coloured squares (as opposed to aligned with
their centres).
The country names in Figure 8 are taken from the
object used earlier, although all countries smaller than
Albania have been removed in order to keep the map from becoming too
crowded. Below a portion of the globe in the northern hemisphere is
cropped from wrld_simpl
and subsequently re-projected to the European
data("wrld_simpl", package = "maptools")
worldCrop <- raster::crop(wrld_simpl, extent(-20, 100, 0, 90))
worldE <- spTransform(worldCrop, projection(euroF))
The areas of the countries are computed from the map worldMoll
in the
Mollweide projection, merged into the worldE
object, and all countries
at least as large as Albania are retained.
worldE$area <- rgeos::gArea(worldMoll, byid = TRUE)[as.character(worldE$ISO3)]
worldE <- worldE[worldE$area >= worldE@data[worldE$NAME == "Albania", "area"], ]
The names are added to the plot with the text
text(worldE, labels = worldE$NAME, cex = 0.8)
Using the style = "jenks"
argument for colourScale
triggers a
clustering algorithm in function classIntervals
which can be time
consuming for large datasets. The "quantile"
and "equal"
options for
the style
argument use quantiles and equally spaced break points
respectively, with the latter able to have breaks equally spaced on a
transformed scale (i.e. log or square root). Some examples appear below.
colourScale(euroF$X2010, breaks = 8, style = "quantile", dec = 1)$breaks
## [1] 1.0 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.0 3.8
colourScale(euroF$X2010, breaks = 8, style = "equal")$breaks
## [1] 1.04 1.43 1.82 2.21 2.60 2.99 3.38 3.77
colourScale(euroF$X2010, breaks = 8, style = "equal", transform = "log")$breaks
## [1] 1.04 1.25 1.50 1.81 2.17 2.61 3.14 3.77
colourScale(euroF$X2010, breaks = 8, style = "equal", dec = 0)$breaks
## [1] 1 2 3 4
The final set of break points has a dec = 0
argument, and although 8
breaks have been requested only 4 unique breaks remain after rounding to
the nearest integer.
Figure 9 shows two elevation maps of New Zealand
produced with the assistance of the colourScale
and legendBreaks
functions. The raster package provides versions of the plot
for use with rasters, and using colourScale
with rasters is slightly
different from its use in the previous section.
The elevation data is obtained using the raster package’s getData
nzAltFull <- raster::getData("alt", country = "NZL", keepzip = TRUE)
The nzAlt
object is a list of two elements, with elevation in two
disjoint areas which comprise New Zealand. The first element includes
the main island, its CRS is incomplete (at the time of writing) and
should be re-specified.
nzAlt <- nzAltFull[[1]]
projection(nzAlt) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
This raster includes a number of outlying islands, and its size becomes
more manageable after the main island is extracted using the previously
computed nzClip
## [1] 2244 1572 1
nzAlt <- raster::crop(nzAlt, extent(nzClip))
## [1] 1544 1458 1
This smaller raster is now re-projected to the rotated Oblique Mercator
projection used earlier, with the filename =
argument allowing for
the resulting data to be stored as a file in R’s working directory
rather than in memory.
nzAltRot <- projectRaster(nzAlt, crs = projection(nzRot), filename = "nzAltRot.grd")
## [1] 2424 3069 1
Re-projecting the raster has made it larger, as the rectangular bounding
box of nzAlt
becomes a diamond when rotated and nzAltRot
has a
bounding box large enough to contain this diamond. The crop
is used to pare this raster down to the same extent as the nzRot
(nzAltCrop <- raster::crop(nzAltRot, extent(nzRot)))
## class : RasterLayer
## dimensions : 1895, 1369, 2594255 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution : 554, 727 (x, y)
## extent : -624719, 133707, -291892, 1085773 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=omerc +lat_0=-45 +lonc=170 +alpha=40 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +gam...
## data source : in memory
## names : NZL1_msk_alt
## values : -11.1, 2960 (min, max)
Raster images are typically large, with nzAltCrop
having over 2
million cells, and computing break points using all of the data points
would be time consuming. The raster package provide easy access to the
maximum and minimum values (style = "equal"
below) quick to compute. All
other styles of breaks are computed using a sample of 20,000 cells taken
using raster’s sampleRegular
nzAltCol <- colourScale(nzAltCrop, breaks = 7, col = terrain.colors, style = "equal",
dec = -2)
Here the col =
argument was given the terrain.colors
function, and
any function accepting a single integer argument and returning a vector
with the specified number of colours would suffice. Below a second
colour scale is computed using the "OrRd"
colour palette and a
supplied vector of breaks.
nzAltTrans <- colourScale(nzAltCrop, breaks = c(-20, 100, 500, 1200, 2000, 3100),
col = "OrRd", style = "fixed", opacity = c(0.2, 1))
Here the opacity
argument has been given a vector of length 2, giving
the opacity of the first colour and last colour respectively with
intervening colours having opacities which are linear interpolations of
these values.
Figure 9a is produced with code below.
par(bg = "lightblue1")
par(bg = "white")
plot(nzAltCrop, col = nzAltCol$col, breaks = nzAltCol$breaks, legend = FALSE,
add = TRUE)
plot(nzRot, add = TRUE, border = col2html("red", 0.4))
legendBreaks("bottomleft", nzAltCol, title = "metres", bg = "white")
scaleBar(nzRot, "left")
No background map is present, though the background has been set to a
sea-like colour. The line of code beginning with plot(nzAltRot, ...
adds the elevation data to the map. The col
and breaks
elements of
the colour scale nzAltCol
are passed as identically named arguments of
the plot
method from the raster package. The legend = FALSE
argument prevents plot
from adding its own legend, which would not fit
well with this map as it always appears on the right.
The code for Figure 9b is below.
plotRGB(nzBg, add = TRUE)
plot(nzAltCrop, col = nzAltTrans$colOpacity, breaks = nzAltTrans$breaks,
legend = FALSE, add = TRUE)
legendBreaks("bottomleft", nzAltTrans, title = "metres")
scaleBar(nzRot, "left")
Here the colOpacity
element of the colour scale, which has 2-digit
opacity levels appended to each specified colour, is passed as col =
argument to allow the satellite photo beneath to be viewed.
and the “OrRd”
colours from
Figure 10 maps land categories in Africa, and
has been used to assign colours to 10 of the 20 land
categories present. The way the raster package treats categorical data
(a factor
in R parlance) requires a slightly different use of
from the previous section, and legends suitable for
categorical data can be produced by legendBreaks
and the related
function legendTable
The land cover data originate from the European Space
Agency, and are redistributed by The file is provided in .tif
format, compressed as a (.gz
) file. The code below downloads, unzips,
and loads the data into R.
landUrl <- ""
gzfile <- "glcesa1a.tif.gz"
tiffile <- "glcesa1a.tif"
download.file(landUrl, gzfile)
R.utils::gunzip(gzfile, overwrite = file.exists(tiffile), remove = FALSE)
land <- raster(tiffile)
This land
raster object spans the entire globe, and a portion of
central Africa containing both Liberia and Tanzania is extracted with
the help of the wrld_simpl
object used earlier.
worldSub <- wrld_simpl[grep("Liberia|Tanzania", wrld_simpl$NAME), ]
worldSub <- spTransform(worldSub, projection(land))
landSub <- raster::crop(land, extend(extent(worldSub), 5))
The extend
function has added an additional 5 units (in this case
degrees latitude and longitude) to the region to be extracted.
A text file containing a list of land categories and their numeric identifiers is posted at, it is retrieved and loaded below.
landTable <- read.table("landLevels.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
This table can be used with colourScale
to produce map colours and a
legend, although the table must first be modified as colourScale
expects it to include a numeric ID
column and a column called label
of descriptions. The land categories are assigned integer values in the
## [1] 11 14 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190
## [20] 200 210
which correspond to the trailing digits of the DESCRIPTION
column of
the table.
landTable[1:2, ]
## 1 15790250 No data (burnt areas, clouds,) CL11 10.1 11.1
## 2 6619135 Rainfed croplands CL14 11.1 14.1
The codes are converted into the numeric ID
variable and the NAME
column tidied up with a complex gsub
statement and saved as label
landTable$ID <- as.numeric(gsub("^CL", "", landTable$DESCRIPTION))
landTable$label <-
gsub("Closed to open| - [[:print:]]+|\\(([[:digit:]]|[[:punct:]]|m)+\\)", "",
landTable$label <- trimws(landTable$label)
landTable[c(1:3, 20:23), c("ID", "label")]
## ID label
## 1 11 No data (burnt areas, clouds,)
## 2 14 Rainfed croplands
## 3 20 Mosaic cropland / vegetation (grassland/shrubland/forest)
## 20 200 Bare areas
## 21 210 Water bodies
## 22 220 Permanent snow and ice
## 23 230 No data (burnt areas, clouds,)
The labels
argument is used to provide information on categories and
labels to colourScale
, and it requires a data.frame
with columns
named ID
and label
giving category identifiers and descriptions
landLevels <- colourScale(landSub, breaks = 10, style = "unique", col = "Set3",
exclude = c(11, 210, 220, 230), labels = landTable)
Here 10 colours have been requested from the "Set3"
palette, with
style = "unique"
specifying that the data are categorical rather than
continuous. The 10 most common land types will be assigned colours,
although the exclude =
argument specifies that several categories
(i.e. 11 no data, 210 water bodies, 200 bare areas) will not be
colour-coded regardless of how prevalent they are.
## [1] "col" "breaks" "colOpacity" "colourtable" "colortable"
## [6] "levels" "legend"
The colourtable
and levels
elements above were not present when
was used in the previous section, and these elements will
be produced whenever a labels =
argument has been provided. The
element is a data frame with one row per land category and
columns with labels and colours, and is compatible with the raster
package’s facilities for categorical variables. A categorical raster has
a list of data frames, one for each raster layer, accessible by
executing levels(landSub)
. The land categories are the first and only
layer of the landSub
raster and the table produced by colourScale
added to the first element of the levels list below.
levels(landSub)[[1]] <- landLevels$levels
The colourtable
object in landLevels
is a vector of colours
associated with each numeric category, with NA
’s for those categories
for which no colour has been assigned (ID 201, Water Bodies for
example). It will be used by raster’s plotting functions if it has
been added to the legend@colortable
slot of a raster as follows.
landSub@legend@colortable <- landLevels$colourtable
The American spelling “color” is used by the majority of R packages,
despite the Guidelines for Rd
files stating: “For
consistency, aim to use British (rather than American) spelling.” This
author, being Canadian, requires “color” and “colour” to be
interchangeable and provides landLevels$colortable
(and a colorScale
function) to this effect.
Figure 10 includes the "stamen-toner"
web map as a
foreground (rather than background) layer with country borders and
names. The tonerToTrans
function converts the white pixels in the
map to transparent (and greys to semi-transparent),
allowing the map to be added after and on top of the land category
landMap <- openmap(landSub, path = "stamen-toner")
landMapTrans <- tonerToTrans(landMap)
Figure 10 is produced as follows.
plot(landSub, add = TRUE)
plot(landMapTrans, add = TRUE)
legendBreaks("bottomleft", landSub, ncol = 2, width = 25, lines = 3,
text.col = "yellow", cex = 0.8, pt.cex = 3, inset = 0, bty = "n")
The landSub
raster, having had landLevels$colourtable
attached to it, is the only object required by the
and legendBreaks
functions. The legendBreaks
function passes
the ncol
, cex
and inset
arguments to the legend
arguments specifying two columns, slightly smaller than normal text, and
a position flush to the bottom left respectively. The width = 25
argument inserts line breaks in the legend labels after 25 characters,
and the lines = 3
argument causes only the first three lines to be
An alternative to including the legend on the plot is to create an
“in-line” legend as in the caption to Figure 10. The
function assists in this task, with the code
legendTable(landSub, collapse = "; ", type = "latex")
used in this instance. Table 3 is created with the following.
Hmisc::latex(legendTable(landSub, type = "latex"), file = "", rowname = NULL,
where = "htb", caption.loc = "bottom", colheads = FALSE,
caption = "Land categories in Figure \\ref{fig:plotLand}")
■■■■ | Rainfed croplands |
■■■■ | Mosaic cropland / vegetation (grassland/shrubland/forest) |
■■■■ | Mosaic vegetation (grassland/shrubland/forest) / cropland |
■■■■ | Broadleaved evergreen or semi-deciduous forest |
■■■■ | Closed broadleaved deciduous forest |
■■■■ | Open broadleaved deciduous forest/woodland |
■■■■ | Mosaic forest or shrubland / grassland |
■■■■ | (Broadleaved or needleleaved, evergreen or deciduous) shrubland |
■■■■ | Herbaceous vegetation (grassland, savannas or lichens/mosses) |
■■■■ | Broadleaved forest regularly flooded (semi-permanently or temporarily) |
This paper and the mapmisc package aim to contribute to and advance the suite of tools available to the growing community of R users performing advanced statistical analyses of spatial data. The first objective of mapmisc is removing barriers to using a map projection which is appropriate for the problem at hand, even when a non-standard projection optimised for a particular study region is most appropriate. A second objective is the provision of tools which simplify the creation and use of colour scales and legends. The way in which mapmisc seeks to accomplish these goals is by automating many of the tasks involved, with obtaining and re-projecting map tiles or creating colour scales with transparency being two examples. New functionality provided by mapmisc to R users includes the creation of optimised map projections and the creation of inset maps and scale bars for data in a rotated projection.
The scope of mapmisc has been kept deliberately narrow. Maps are
static rather than interactive, base graphics are used, all spatial data
types used are from sp or raster, and functions have been kept
simple with few arguments. In contrast to spplot
from package sp and
ggplot2 (Wickham 2009),
maps made with mapmisc are produced with a sequence of independent
function calls with each function performing a very specific task. This
approach was originally intended to benefit students and
non-specialists, and the package grew out of code originally provided to
students in an undergraduate course. Many of the tools in mapmisc can,
however, be used with ggplot2,
leaflet (Cheng and Xie 2016) or
other advanced graphical packages. No new object classes have been
created by mapmisc, any package compatible with raster can use
background maps from openmap
and a “CRS” object provided by omerc
can be used with any package that calls rgdal for
transformations. Colours and break points from colourScale
can be used
with spplot
, and legendBreaks
can be used in any graphics
environment where the legend
function operates.
Additional motivations for the framework mapmisc employs are
reproducibility and consistency when producing multiple maps. Colour
scales and background maps are defined before a map is produced, and
plot areas are laid out before any graphics are added. While sometimes
clumsy for interactive use, mapmisc code fits tidily within Sweave
or knitr documents and script files. Reproducibility of research
results is an area where R excels, and mapmisc can help to simplify
the creation of high quality maps in reproducible code scripts. For
refining and manually polishing maps and plots, R will never replace
Geographical Information Systems or graphics editing software. For most
other tasks faced by a Spatial Statistician, however, the occasions when
an environment other than R is required are becoming fewer in number
over time.
The author holds a Discovery Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada.
© OpenStreetMap contributors. Data by OpenStreetMap available under the Open Database License, cartography is licensed as CC BY-SA.
Tiles courtesy of MapQuest, portions courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech and U.S. Depart. of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency.
Cartography by The Canada Base Map – Transportation (CBMT) web mapping services of the Earth Sciences Sector (ESS) at Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) licensed as the Open Government Licence – Canada.
Map tiles by Stamen Design under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap available under the CC BY-SA.
Map tiles by CartoDB under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap available under the Open Database License.
The Appendix is © OpenStreetMap contributors. Data by OpenStreetMap available under the Open Database License, cartography is licensed as CC BY-SA. with the exceptions below.
: Tiles courtesy of MapQuest. Data by OpenStreetMap available under the Open Database License.
: Tiles courtesy of MapQuest, portions courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech and U.S. Depart. of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency.
: Tiles courtesy of MapQuest. Data by OpenStreetMap available under the Open Database License.
: © Toursprung GmbH Data by OpenStreetMap available under the Open Database License.
: © OpenStreetMap contributors. Data by OpenStreetMap available under the Open Database License, cartography by Humanitarian OSM team is licensed as CC BY-SA.
: Map tiles by CartoDB under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap available under the Open Database License.
: Map tiles by CartoDB under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap available under the Open Database License.
: Map tiles by Stamen Design under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap available under the Open Database License.
: Map tiles by Stamen Design under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap available under the CC BY-SA.
URL’s for web sites where data are obtained:
nutsUrl <- ""
nutsFile <- basename(nutsUrl)
Download and read in boundary file:
if (!file.exists(nutsFile)) {
download.file(nutsUrl, nutsFile, method = "curl")
nutsShp <- grep("RG_60M_2010.shp$", unzip(nutsFile, list = TRUE)$Name, value = TRUE)
euroNuts <- shapefile(nutsShp)
The fertility data are retrieved as a gzipped tab-separated text file, which the R.utils package is able to decompress. The code below will download a copy of this file from the author’s web server if the EUROSTAT download fails.
fertUrl <- file.path("",
fertFileGz <- "demo_r_frate2.tsv.gz"
fertFile <- gsub(".gz$", "", fertFileGz)
if (!file.exists(fertFileGz)) {
download.file(fertUrl, fertFileGz, method = "curl")
R.utils::gunzip(fertFileGz, overwrite = file.exists(fertFile), remove = FALSE)
euroDat <- read.table(fertFile, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = "\t",
na.strings = ": ")
euroDat <- euroDat[grep("^TOTAL", euroDat[, 1]), ]
euroDat$timegeo <- gsub("^TOTAL,", "", euroDat[, 1])
Merge the fertility and polygon data. Warning messages that not all rows of the fertility table can be matched to polygons can be ignored.
euroF <- sp::merge(euroNuts, euroDat, all.x = FALSE, by.x = "NUTS_ID",
by.y = "timegeo")
Exclude some of the outlying parts of the EU:
euroF <- raster::crop(euroF, extent(-25, 180, 33, 90))
Transform the Great Circle:
gcircleT <- mapply(spTransform, CRSobj = crsList, MoreArgs = list(x = gcircle))
Obtain background maps:
mapT <- mapply(openmap, crs = crsList, MoreArgs = list(path = "nrcan", x = cities,
buffer = 3))
Create maps:
for (D in names(crsList)) {[[D]], buffer = c(200 * 1000, 1)[1 + isLonLat(citiesT[[D]])])
plotRGB(mapT[[D]], add = TRUE)
rgdal::llgridlines(citiesT[[D]], col = "orange")
points(gcircleT[[D]], cex = 0.1, col = "blue")
points(citiesT[[D]], col = "red", pch = "+", cex = 1.5)
text(citiesT[[D]], labels = citiesT[[D]]$name, col = "red", pos = cities$pos,
offset = 0.6, cex = 1.2)
scaleBar(citiesT[[D]], "topleft", seg.len = 4, pt.cex = 0)
col | max | palette |
BrBG | 11 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
PiYG | 11 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
PRGn | 11 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
PuOr | 11 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
RdBu | 11 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
RdGy | 11 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
RdYlBu | 11 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
RdYlGn | 11 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Spectral | 11 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Accent | 8 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Dark2 | 8 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Paired | 12 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Pastel1 | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Pastel2 | 8 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Set1 | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Set2 | 8 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Set3 | 12 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Blues | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
BuGn | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
BuPu | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
GnBu | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Greens | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Greys | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Oranges | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
OrRd | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
PuBu | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
PuBuGn | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
PuRd | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Purples | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
RdPu | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
Reds | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
YlGn | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
YlGnBu | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
YlOrBr | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
YlOrRd | 9 | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
sp, raster, mapmisc, rgdal, RColorBrewer, classInt, rgeos, geosphere, dismo, maptools, R.utils, geostatsp, knitr, ggplot2, leaflet
Phylogenetics, ReproducibleResearch, Spatial, SpatioTemporal, TeachingStatistics
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Brown, "Maps, Coordinate Reference Systems and Visualising Geographic Data with mapmisc", The R Journal, 2016
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2016-005, author = {Brown, Patrick}, title = {Maps, Coordinate Reference Systems and Visualising Geographic Data with mapmisc}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2016}, note = {}, volume = {8}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {64-91} }