ALTopt: An R Package for Optimal Experimental Design of Accelerated Life Testing

The R package ALTopt has been developed with the aim of creating and evaluating optimal experimental designs of censored accelerated life tests (ALTs). This package takes the generalized linear model approach to ALT planning, because this approach can easily handle censoring plans and derive information matrices for evaluating designs. Three types of optimality criteria are considered: D-optimality for model parameter estimation, U-optimality for reliability prediction at a single use condition, and I-optimality for reliability prediction over a region of use conditions. The Weibull distribution is assumed for failure time data and more than one stress factor can be specified in the package. Several graphical evaluation tools are also provided for the comparison of different ALT test plans.

Kangwon Seo , Rong Pan

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For attribution, please cite this work as

Seo & Pan, "ALTopt: An R Package for Optimal Experimental Design of Accelerated Life Testing", The R Journal, 2015

BibTeX citation

  author = {Seo, Kangwon and Pan, Rong},
  title = {ALTopt: An R Package for Optimal Experimental Design of Accelerated Life Testing},
  journal = {The R Journal},
  year = {2015},
  note = {},
  doi = {10.32614/RJ-2015-029},
  volume = {7},
  issue = {2},
  issn = {2073-4859},
  pages = {177-188}